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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-12-52 11 ~~ MINUTE~; OF A SPJ.,.,C IAL KE.E1'IW~ mil THE I)I~~TRICT BOARD CElT'I'RAL C OWI'RJ\ CO~;1'A SANI'IA~Y DIE;'lTUCT :tŒLD NOVEI',fßJi.:R 12, 19S2 The District Board of' Central contra. C;osta ,Sanitary District convened in special session at its regular place of' meeting located at 1822 Nount .uiabl0 Boulevard, \,;i ty of ',¡alnut Creek, Count:"! of' Contra Costa, ~tate of California- on N6vember 12, 19~2, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meetin:!: was called to order by Presj.c:ent Johnson. ROLL CALL PR}'~,S2~]':'I' : Members Roemer, Salfin~'ere, ;:-.,piegl and. Johnson None ABSE?T: READING OF MINUTBS OF PR~VIOUS T.fb}~T IN r} The reading of the IvIinutes of' the November 6, 1952, 'das belc. over to the December L~, 19::;2, meeting. SCEEDT3LE F'OR cOrrit'¿CTIOI"Î. TERViS A period of' discussion was held in which the various points of the proposed ordinance were considered by the doard. After t~e discussion the matter Has referred to l"lr. Nejed1y for the preparation of a neH draft of the proposed ordinance Hhich includes the cbe.nges suf:gested by by the Board. CONN~CTICN TERMS UNICm OIL Cm.TF:ì.~1Y PRCiPERTY It '\.vas moved by i'lember Spiegl, seconded by /le:11'oer Roemer, and unanimously carried, that be established as the connection charge for the Union Oil Company property fronting ~L, feet on the east side of state Ei~';rn.¡ay 21, Concord, near Gregory Gardens. ADJOUR NTT::NT President Jolmson adjourned the meeting to .uecember ~, 1952, at 3:00 o'clock p.m. Preslden o. V1S ,r:I.C 6oara 0- , Cenh'a1 C;ontr 'osta Sani tary :::'istriet of Contra Costa county, state of ' California. c; CTJT\f~CBF';:; I?- ITED : ~~; Secretary 0 the j)lS rl ct board Of Central Co!ltra Costa Sanitary vis trict or Contra Costa Co~nty, state of California 11 12 52