HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 10-02-52 1 {~ f',,} - t¡ !..: NINTJT:ŒS OF A m~GULAR UEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CEN'I'RAL CONTHI\. COSTA SANI'rARY DTS'l'RICT m:ï:LD OCTOBER 2,__;1952 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District con- vened in regular session, at its regular place of meetin['; located at 1822 Hount Diablo Boulevard, Ci ty of 1¡Ja1nut Creek, County of' Contra Costa, State of California, on October 2, 19S2, at 13:00 o'clock p.m. ROLL CALL The meeting vIaS called to order by President Johnson, and the fo110win~ roll was called: PHES!~NT : ABSE;\:T: Hembers Ha10tt, Sa1fingere, Spie':~l, Roemer and Johnson Hone READnn OF I'-~INUrrE.s OP P~~~VI Qi".:3 I:I:~STnr~ The Hinutes of the meetin?: of September 22, 1952, l!ere :C'ead. It '!tlas moved by 'Eember Hoerner, seconded by r-Iember Spie~d, and unanimously carried, that the approval of the T-linl}tes be passed until the Board has an opportul1i ty to ei ther hear the record or deterrrlÍne among: themselves the correctness of the Ninv,tes brou:rht 1"0 h,r l'Ir. ~ ~ , 1/;a10 tt. LOCATJ H1PRCVEl'f:;::UT DI::;'I'lT("ï' J:ro 27 - "" - , - ~=-~~-'- President Johnson explained to the interested property OHner'S v.rho Here present the reason the '!30ard had req'-"ested their presence at this :rneetin:'~. Hember Hoerner req',lc sted the President poll the residents present as to their desire, or lack of desir'e, of takin~~ the risk of readverti 8- inp; at this time on the chance th,'",t 1m,¡er bids mi'";ht be obtaIned. The residents present were polled on ,the followin~: 1. 2. To accept the 1m-lest bid and 0 ahead Hi th the vork; Readvertise for new bids now to see if a lower ~id can be obtained; Postpone readvertisemont v.nt:i,l next sprin,-, in hope tb,c 't-Jeather hazard Hould be eliw..inated. 3. The choice of the residents was the third proposal. The District Hill readvertise for bids for Local Improv0r-:lent District No. 27 on or about March 16, 1953. The Secretary was instructed to put this ,on the calendar for that date. HEA:nJ:Y,~ ÒN PETn:IOiT ~?OR A'EEX!~TIO}'T CRESTA VIS'rA Prosident Johnson opened the hearin,::,: on the petition for annexa- tion of Cres ta Vis ta s l),bdi vis ion. Hr. Ne,jedly explained the :::ackr/ro','.nd of this annexation to the ne1tl merr.~)ers of the Eo ard. ' The Board directed that 1"'>1'311 t~le O~lll.ers of Lot 2, HIlo did not participate in the cost of this arnexation, request permission to connect to t;:le sewers in,o:ta11ed in Cresta Vista the ~istrict ¡"rill set a connection char::;o. 10 02 '52 "¡;", -> J1. ,-r ,;; RESOLCTIOH NO. 759 :~~E30LUTION AlW OHDER DESCRIBING 'r,UE EXTEHIOR .!3()UNDARIES OF THE TE:ì:U'l'ORY COr1r-TClTLY KNmnT AS II CHEST1\ VISTÞ" PHOPOS:::m TO BE ANN~~ED TO THE CENT~AL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HI'rHOUT 1\1'T ELECTION Hember l:Ialott, seconded by 1'1ember n,oepler, moved the 8,doIJtion of Resolution No. 759, carried by the followin~ vote: .:^I.YTES: Nembers J'.ífalot t, Salfin::,;ere, Spicq;l, ltoemer and; ,Johnson N01ß: J'.Tone 1ì.!3S:;:!;NT: }lone Hcsolution Ho. 759, on file in the office of the Secret~ry, is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. EIDS 'ro L:~~r,SE T;:Œ!\Tf,n;;Y'T T)Li'JT'r PIU_'P::';:¡TY ( 20 AC~n~~) Bids '^Tare recej- ved from Antone I,ifachado and Dr. :cJ. L. v'Iyckoff. It 11'laS moved by l'ilel11ber t10emer, seconded by I"lember SpieC!'l, 2.nd unan:tl11ously carried, that the President and Secretary ;:;e c:uthor:i.zeð to enter into an extension of the existin~ lease with Antone Machado 'for an additional term of one year for the sam,e rente.l but for the 20 acres of land, more or less. CfUIT GI,,^,Ih DEI~~~)S Fan l- ARCELS 56, 57 and 58 LOCAL IT!lPnOVEl-;}~~,~T DI:3'rRIC',L' NO. 23 It 1¡Jas moved by l'!iember Spie ~tl, seconded hy };iember Roemer, and unanimously carried, that the President' and Secretary be authorized to exec.1..1te C;¿ui t Claim Deeds for Parcels 56, 57 and 58 of Local Improver(len-G District Fo. 23. 7E(WEST 1'0 HEm ,f\.. ~\EI.I~':F' op>:n!~ITCl FOt ~~HE T~mArI<:r(~'r PL:'YT The Enzineer explained the need for -3dditional hGlp 9t the treat~ncnt pIfU1t. 1,;1". r:Jalott ste.ted that he 1pTould be very much in, favor of j'IIr. Hors tko-: te, prep9.rilY~ ,~ Ii ttle 3 tory for the Board outlinin~ 11.0"1 he ~ntcnds to use his present men and how this additional man will assist him, that we have a serious problem in not exceedin~ actual inco:!'ile on payroll. l',lr. ~~{oemer stated tha.t he 1:J'Ould like to ImoT~j the situ,<'l.tion a little better before he passed on anythin~ that would require ex~')endi ture of more money. Prefiident Johnson requested that the En?',incer prepm"e the necessary repol"t for' the bonrd. ORDINANCE ~O. 21 Or;:Ep};ALS mmnrt...::JCE Ie; -JA~mLGE o:~mn!!\NCE) r~ember l/:alott, seconded by I'Iember Salfin~<er'e, T::!oved the adopti on of O:['dinance No. 21, carried b:'," the f ollo".Jinr,~ vote: AY~~S : \:;? S'rfI.IrTln'-;.: :i'-1embers l!lalott, Salf'in~~ere, '3pie~'l and :1oemer I"lember ,Johnson F:one Eone NOD:S: AB3B~: T: Ordinance }To.' 21, on fi le in tIle office OI~ the Secretary, is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. 10 0'2 5 ,\ , ¡:¿. ~ ~-. ;~ ~ , '1 '.1- -" .- PATI1B1JT OF BILLS It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Roemer, and unanim- ously carried, that the bills as approved by the Engineer and audited by the Auditin~ CoITm1ittee be paid; reference is being specifically made to bills paid by Se'\.'Ter Construction Vouchers Numbers 68 to 75, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 6411 to 655L~, inclusive. ~ROPOSED ORDDTAJ:'.ïCE ESTABLISHDW. SCHEDULE POR CO:m'F::CTION 'I'Em::S Presiè.ent Johns 011. requested th2.t Nr. Ne jedly and Hr. Horstkotte explain to the Board 1Æ18. t the procedure is now for settinC': connection fees and why it is unsatisfactory. Nr. Ne,j ed1y explained the leGal considerations i nvol ved. cuss ion followed. Dis- Consideration of the proposed ordinance was continued to the October 30,1952, meeting. REQUEST FROM C. DUDLEY DEVELBI3S CONPANY TO l,°IAIVE CONNECTION FEE FOR LAF'AYE'rrrE VALLEY E3TA'rES, UNIT 4 It vIas the consensus of the District Board that pendin~: the settlement of the Nora':"a Agreement thf,Ü }.ir. Peacock would be permitted to put up insp<::,ction fee, have plans approved, etc., and proceed llith construction v<10rk in Lafayette Valley Estates, Uni t 4, but there Hould be no house connections until the matter \,Vas reso lved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Spieg1, and unanimously carried, th at the l,Iinutes be approved Hi th the follo""rins; correction; in the section "Schedule for Connection 'rerms f:md Settin,! of Connection Terms" Book 9 Pap-,e 99, the sentence "No connection fees will be set until this study häs been made and an ordinance adopted" will be chanp-,ed to read "No schedule of conne.ction fees ""Till be set until this study has been made and an ordinance adopted." REÇ¿UE3T FHaIr¡ H. A. GAß:=tIEL FOR NODIFICATIOl'T OF COHlTECTImJ TEH!:'iS POR NINE LO'rS ADJACEr'JT '1'0 LÞ.FAY2"l'E HEi...DmIS '.rhe Enßineer briefed the Soard on the matter of the nine lots con- cerned, and Nr. Gabri el' s reques t tho.. t hE; be allovTed to extend sewers for ~ß6.00 per lot. The Engineer stG.ted that these nine 'lots are not a part of Lafayette Neadows. Hr. Gabriel requested it be a part of the record that this matter has not been dealt Hith fairly, although it h2.s been adj1..l,dicated. Mr. Nejedly_requested that before any further extension to the se~..Jers in Lafayette I.'leado""Js be per:m,itted that they be accepted as public seHers. 111"'. Johnson informed Hr. Gabirel if he put the seirTers in Lafayette Meadows in a condition that the Ensineer will accept he would be permitted to '(0 ahead and follow the same proceclu:"e as Hr. Peacock. AUTHORIZATION 'ra PAY BILL F.ROT-,j LYDIA RAFYETï'O FOR rnEPARATION OF PETITION ~OR GOGO CASE ."., ...' .-.- ---,--..-- -'- ,----- Nr. Nejedly explained the need for hirin7 the services of LJrdia Raffetto to I119.ke t~"Tpewri tten copies of the peti tiOl1 fop tile !}or~o Case, the amount of the bill for her s81'vices bein~ :':174.80. " It was the decision of the Board that this typing Has in lieu of a printinr:>: bill and tì"J.erefore an approprLtte Distri ct charr:-;e; th~,t the District Hould pay the bill. 10 02 5! " .' .-, "" j ¡ ;;) ADJOUHï~HENT President Johnson adjourned the meeting to October 30, 1952, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. /) <T¡- C1 a r~; ~t President 0 the Diatrict Board of Central Co ra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. COUl~ 'IERSIŒED: - /~~~ Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa S8!litAry District of Contra Costa County, state of Ca',ifornia "'i (,e R wi ~I <-'- "~/ 02 rJ,¿