HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-04-52 OJ V.1. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD SEPTENBER 4,1952 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in regular session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mount Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on September 4,1952, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Toland and the, roll was called: PRESENT: ABSENT: Members Perry, Wadsworth and Tolw~d Menrners Malott and Johnson READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS }mETING The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and were approved with the following correction: Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Perry, moved that the section on the hearing on the annexation of the "Wheeler Propertyl! which stated that the hearing was I! closed" be amended to read II continued to Sept,embe: 4, 1952, meeting.1! Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Perry, Wadsworth and Toland NOES: None ABSENT: Members Malott and' Johnson RESOLUTION NO. 755 RESOLUTION ORDERING WORK, DETERMINING PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES, AND DIRECTING NOTICE TO BIDDERS IN LOCAL ,IMPROVE}illNT DISTRICT NO. 27 Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Perry, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 755. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Nembers Perry, Wadsworth and Toland NOES: None ABSENT: Members Malott 'and Johnson Resolution No. 755, on file in the office of the Secretary is, hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. W. A. GABRIEL LAFAYETTE ~Å’ADOWS SUBDIVISION It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Perry, that the Board accept the Engineer's recommendation that upon completion of Lafayette Meadows subdivision according to the specifications set forth by the Engineer that the present lines be accepted as public sewers and any' additional connections to these sewers be according to existing ordinances. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Menrners Perry, Wadsworth and Toland NOES: None ABSENT: Members Malott and Johnson 09 04 52 92, PAYrIJENT OF BILLS It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Perry, that bills as approved by the Engineer and audited by the Auditing Committee be paid; reference being specifically made to bills paid by Sewer Con- struction Vouchers Nos. 59 to 67, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers 6287 to 6410, inclusive, on file in the District office. Carried by the following vote: . AYES: Members Perry, Wadsworth and Toland , NOES: None ABSENT: Members Malott and Johnson CITIZENS COM}1ITTEE - DANVILLE Secretary Smitten read the following letter frODl the Citizens Committee of Danvil1e Area, dated August ~9, 1952: "A Citizens Committee formed for the purpose of studying the sewage disposal problemß in the Danville area desires to obtain information relative to the inclusion of this area into the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, especially with reference to the following: "1) Will your District consider the inclusion of approximately 1000 acres of land in and around Danvi1le, exciuding Alamo. "2) ~fuat will be the cost of an election, and who will stand the expense. "3) \ihat will be the cost of laying sewer mains and laterals and how can such construction be financed. "4) What will be the yearly tax rate to property owners in the area after annexation. "The Committee is interested in finding out what conditions \vill have -to be met for inclusion and what the total costs will be. If you can supply this information it will be very helpful and much appreciated. Very truly yours, SAMUEL L. ABBOTT. JR. Chairman" - It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by IvIember Perry, that the Engineer and Attorney be instructed to cooperate and render any possible assistance to this committee in regard to this matter and that any expense for this service is to be borne by this committee. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Perry, Wadsworth and Toland 'NOES: None ABSENT: Members Malott and Johnson WHEELER ANNEXATION It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Perry, that the hearing on the annexation of the "Wheeler Property" be continued until September 10, 1952, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Carried by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Þ-lembers Perry, lvadsworth and Toland NOES: None ' ABSENT: Members Malott and Johnson ,09 ~ ~ '0, ¡¡ L",~ ~.., -- ,~:2 fA ~:( , 1 . J DISTRICT ELECTION Mr. Frank Hazard addressed the Board and requested that some thought be given to setting up more polling places at future District Elections in order that the Pleasant Hill and Pacheco area residents may have polling places nearer their homes. AD JOURNNENT Vice President Toland adjourned the meeting to September 10, 1952, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. , ,J../ I //j\ /. I' .. J..JJ.' -~lj. ~~" ~~C-President of the District Board or Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State or California. COUNTERSIGNED: , ,. , '" ""'," ~, ,~'~..:t...4'. -' ~'9'IIA.'. /"/,,"'~2'-.: - Secretary of the Dist~ict Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of Calirornia. 09 04 52