HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-21-52 81 HINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED HEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITA...TI DIS1I'RICT HELD AUGUST 21, 19~2 I iI& l The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in adjourned session at its regular place of meeting located ~t 1822 ~fount Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa" State of California, on August 21, 1952, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. ': The meeting W~S called to order by President Johnson and the roll Ì'J'S,s call e¿t: ~ ", PRESENT: ABSENT: Members Perry, Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson None READING OF J.1IHUTES OF PREVIOUS HEETING The 1.Iinutes of the previous meeting 1.;e1"e re<?~c1 EU1Õ. Here f'"pproved 1,'itl1 the follo'tvinc corrections: ~'ine1'e the l'!Ords 1I&.djournecl meetinG" Etppee.rs the words II regllle.Y' meeting" to be substituted. therefor, Book 9, Pe.ge 83. ~lhere the Hore.s IIregv.lar meetingll B.~?:pep.rs the Hords "adjourned r11",,~.L.;n,.,.1I to bo su'OS.L.i tu""'oð .L.'1°'('o~0"'" Boo'. 9 P<:1()'O 86 V:-;U_-f.) ~, 1.1- .Uv. vlv_'"J. J., l'\" Ç'bv . RESOLUTION NO. 753 RESOLUTION AND ORDER CALLING FOR AN ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITAPY DISTRICT Hember ':lac1s1'lOrth, seconded by Hember Perry, moved the [,;,cloption of ~esolution No. 753. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Hembers Per1"y, l'Ialott, Toland, Wadsvwrtb D.nd Johnson HOES: None ABSEI'JT: None Resolution No. 753, on file in the office of the Secretary, is h~reby referred to and by reference made a pa~t hereof. ORDINANCE NO. 17 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SYSTEM OF CIVIL SERVIOE AND ES~ABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR THE OPERATION THEREOF I,Iember Toland, secondeð. by 1,'lember ¡'¡8.ð.S'tvorth, r.1oved the adoption of Ordin~nce No. 17, as modified. Carried by the following vote: AES: Ner.1bers Perry, I:l&.lott, Tole.nel, vJao.?:;'\'.'oy,th 2.nd Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: Hone Ordinance No. 17, on file in the office of the Secretary, is hey'eay refey'y'ed ~o and by reference me.de a pe.rt hereof. RESOLUTION NO. 754 CLASSIFICATION PLAN AND SALARY SCHEDULE Hember Tolanð., secondeð. by Member l,:;adsHorth, moved the '?,doption of Resolution No. 754. Carried by the following vote: AYES: I-fembers Perry, He.lott, Toland, t'JÐ,Ò.Sl'¡Oroth 8,11d. Johnson ijOES: None ABSENT: None Resolution No. 754, on file in the office of the Secretary, is hereby referred to and by reference made a p~rt hereof. 08 21 S2 ';:)8 0 HEARING ON RESOLUTION OF' INTENTION NO. 751 LOOAL I1æROVD1ENT DISTRICT NO. 27 President Jdhnson opened the hearing on Rèsolution of Intention No. 751 foj," the Hork and im:provement in LooB,l Inr(Jrovement Dist:::ict No. 27. There were no written protests received. There were no p~'otests fror:1 the floor. President Johnson contirlUed the me.tter until the next r'e€;1.Üar meeting, September 4, 1952, f},t 8:00 olcloo1';: p.m. '~~ "', ,', \ffiEELER ANNEXATION HEA...qING ON PETI'j7ION FOR Aì-!NEXATION \', T11e pu,b11c hsn.r'ing on the \'Íneeler Annexation ,';:::',S opened, by Pj,"esident Johnson. Conu:1ents from the audience were requested. None "",ere received. Tile Secret~ry Rdvlsed that no written protests had been received. Mr. I-Ialott I'eque st 9<'1 t11e en€:tneer I s opinion 1;.111 c1'1 \',,['.,8 Given by Nr. Horstlwtte. The matter of i~creasing flow in the District system ~as discussed Rnd Mr. Johnson and Mr. Malott protested the further burdening of the District system until adequate provision for additional flo~ could be prou; a"oa~ rr1ho ;1o""~'in"" TT!)R contin"loQ~ ....0 cooD+-o""l"O°-r LI. lO,7") ""ootinr.' v_-~-. J. ~'~vC..J. b ,I¡~".., \,.~ U U~.:.\JvU ~- , -/;)'--, l..v~ ò. '..., ',~; :-;( '..; l,iember Hadsì'Jorth, se conded by Hembel'" Tole.net, movec1 the ter';;'!s and ooilQitions propossd for the Rnnex~tion be approved ané the Rn.nexation be r;re.nted. The follO1,!:tng vote Ì'!l::,s té'<~:en: ' AYES: Hemòsrs Toland Ð.nd \VadSl'loT'th NOES: Members Perry, Malott and Jobnson ABSENT: l',Tone FAIR OAK3 SCHOOL, (SHER}.iAI'~ ACRES) HOUNJ:1 DIABLO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AG~El,lENJ.i FOR SEllER SERVICE Secretary Smitten read the following letter, ~d~ressed to Mr. John Nejedly, dRted Au~ust 14, 1952: liNt. Die.blo UnifieëL School Distl"'ict h8,s refel"re<l to me YOLlr letter of August 11, concel"ning the 2.gy'eement foy' sevler service s Ð,t Fe.iT' 08.1:8 School site. "While, e.s a gensrp',l me.t'l;er, consistency is desÜ"p',ble, ,:1e think it even mOT'e desirable that the e.creement between the t't'!o c.ist:cicts be é',S com- plete and accrurate as possible, so that there can be no dispute between the pfIties at a future date. >- -- ,.'-' "I consiècer the ~~)encilsd chG.n¡;es I JTIé'..ð.e in the pro:cosecl pf',reement to be clar'ifice.tions of ì'¡hat 'trI['.S a[::j,"eed u~)on in substE\,nce bet't'leen the t'trJ'O districts. I do not propose to ~ive the approval of the District A t"corney I s off ice to the" 8.L'Y'eement 1,,]1 trlOut; - the ChE'd1[~'e8. .,. '- ~ t:. ~ 1I~'lill you E',c:cvise me 't',l1e..t is to oe done next. Very t:r.~ly yours, FRANCIS W. COLLINS District Attorney By Charles L. Hennings Deputy II The Boc.rd instructeð. the ,Attorney to ì'Jrite P. let"ce'r to the Dist- rict Attorney and the School District requesting their definition of "uni ts of dÐ,ily attendance. II 08 (j\. -~ t:,? ' ,;: ~ ,..,.,f qc 0,- ORDINANCE NO. i8 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING NAHED ORDINANCES AND PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF CONSTRUCTIGrI OF SElllERS AED OPERATIONS INCIDENT THERETO Hember Halo'Gt requested the,t the follm'Jing ste.tement be a part of the Hinutes of the 88ni tary District, "That the Engineel" can verbe.lly state the requirements in each case for backfilling of trenches and JjOì'ler tE\lIlI)inc p..nëL may re(~uire resurfftcing immeclie,tel.y after inste.llation These requirements for backfilling to be just BS binding as if stated in the specific2tions." Hember 1.Ip,lo'!;t, se conded by Hember Tol[~nc1., moved the ado~)t ion of Ordinance No. 18. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ¡,Jernbers Perry, H8.10tJG, 'l'ole,nd, i~Tadsì'lOr'th and J ol1nson NOES: Hone ABSEj>:T: None Ordinance No. 18, on file in the office of the Secretary, is hereby referred to and by reference made a part hereof. CHAHG.E IN PRICE AND Tl.TE OF PIPE ORIHDA PARALLEL PRESSURE LINE The Engineer read 2. letter from A..rnerlcRn Pipe and Construc'tion Compé'.ny, clateõ, Aur.;ust 13, 1952, on file in the District Office. It 1',P.S moved by Bember l'Jadsì'.lorth, seconded by liember Perry, that the Bo2-rcJ 2.CC8Dt tIle En;,::ineer.1 s recommendation the,t t;heDistrict BoÐ.rd ~ '.., C1.p:)rove the chpnge in price f'.ncl type of ~')ipe for, the Orinda P!'1.,re.llel Pressure Line. Unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 19 AE ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR EXCLUSIVE COI'iTRACiES OR FRANCHISES FOR '2HE COLLECTION 0 F GARBAGE 1'JITHIN THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Hembsr Toland, secoDcled by IJlember Ì'lac1Sì-1!orth, moved the é'"èto:9tion of Ordinance No. 19, as modified. Cerried by the following vote: AYES: Her:¡bel"S TolÐ.n6., ~JR.às1'!Orth e.nd. Johnson :roES: Uember8 Perry and Malott ABSENT: Pone OrdinÐ.nce No. 19, on file in the office of the Becret~ry, is hereby referred to &nd by reference made a pert hereof. oJ F~'Ð.nl;: Selfingere, Davicl DolGin, Lorné'.. Phillips [;,n6. John Phillips f'Lc1re ¡::secl tl1e Bo[tr'd 2,nà. prote sted the passa,ge of the foregoing orr!..ine.nce. ORDINANCE PROHIBITIHG PURCHASE OF dA'I"EF..IALS OR SUP2LIES FRO!,: ANY DIRECTOR OF ThIS DIST~ICT liel1\'oer j\fp..lott movsé' the D,doption of' e..n oY'cLine.nce anti tleC:1 "Orclin:.:>..ncc Prohibiting Purchase of Uateria10 or Supplies from any Director of this District. II President Johnson sté'..ted th~t he would not ~ccept a motion on tne groun6.s th.?,t the p:¡:'oposeÚ orcUnéd1ce ~..iT,S coIü:;;letel::/ out of order e,n(, tllE;,t tLis-, r:u:t-l~er \';r: G cove:""9c.l by S'te.":;e 1m'l. 08 21 52 90 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by President Johnson. The next reGular 'meeting to be held September 4, 1952, at 8: 00 0 I cloc].;: p.m. PresideD f the District Board of Central ntra Costa SRnitary District, Contra Coata Coun'.;], State ,of Calj.forni2. CO UW2ERB ICHJED : &. ,./' , Þ'. ,,),,",'~..,;"'.,.,;~/~)';'- <'1':" :/."~-,,,~,_,""";',I<'-r_.. ¿þ'" y J ,r" ~~ ,'. , ,~ecretnry of thé District BoarQ of Centl~e~ Cont:c'é'c Costa Sanitar~l Dist:c'ict, Contra Costa County, state of California. 08 ,21 52