HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-03-52 ,"e" ~..; MINUTES OF THE ?cEGULAR l-1EETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HEL~ APRIL 3, 1952 The District Board of Central Cont.ra .Costa Sani t&ry District convened in regular session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on April 3, 1952 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Johnson and the roll was called: PRESENT: ABSENT: Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson None READING OF MINUTES OF P?EVIOUS MEETINGS The Minutes of ¡r8\¡lous msetings of March 6 and March 25 were read and were approvsd as entered. APPOINTNENT OF ENGINEER GERR~ A. HORSTKOTTE Member, Wadsworth, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 728: pæ30LUTION_NO. 72~ It is hereby resolved by the District Board of the Cent~a1 Contra Costa Sanitary District that GERRY A. HORSTKOTTE, J~. be and he hereby is appointed to the position of Engineer of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and as Di3trict Engineer of Local Improvement Dist- ricts 13, 22 ~nd 23. Suc~ appointments to be effective April 10, 1952. The position of Engineer of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, created by the District Board, shall be governed by the said Board and the conditions of office attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. . PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of April, 1952, by the District BoArd of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: None. s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board sl Elliott Johnson, President of the -District Board COMPENSATIOI~ OF ENGINEER It was moved by Membel' Toland, seconded by Member Wadsworth, and unanimously carri ed that the salar.y of $725.00 per month be set for the position of Engineer, as of April 10, 1952. It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Smitten, and unanimously carried that by reason of the fact the new Engineer was commencing work on April 7, 1952, be be paid three days pro-rata of the salary. 04 03 52 24, REPAIRS TO HILLCREST ROAD ---Y1lLLHI1E & BROvlN At the meeting of FebruAry 7, 1952, the Board authorized the District to furnish rock to repair the trench area of Hillcrest Road, the engineer having recommended the repairs, and the rock waS estimated to'cost $50.00. Messrs. Willhite and Brown, by 1et~er of March )0, requested a hearing, stated that $50.00 worth or rock would not restore the road. The District Board informed Messrs. Willhite and Brown that the District had no responsibility toward the road, as the contract had been accepted in May of 1949, at which time there had been no complaint at the hearing. Mr. Nejedly offered to assist the property owners in preparing a complaint against Stolte, Inc. RE CONNECTION FEES - EL RANCHO DIABLO K. L. LINCOLN By letter of March 17, 1952, Mr. K. L. Lincoln demanded that connection fee for El Rancho Diablo be refunded. The Board ordered the letter filed. CREATING POSITION OF SE\VER MAINTENANCE S UPERIWfENDENT Member Smitten, seconded by Member Wadsworth, moved the adop- tion of Resolution No. 729: RESOLUTION NO. (2~ The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist- rict does resolve as follows: That the position of Sewer Maintenance Superintendent be created in the classified Civil Service of the Central Contra Costa. Sanitary District as herein set forth. DEFINITION: Under the direction of the Engineer', to direct and carry out the maintènance of the sewerage system; and to do related work as rèquired. ' TYPICAL DUTIES: Directs and assists district maintenance crews in flushing and rodding sewer system; makes necessary repairs to or replaces sewer lines, manholes and related structures; prepares records of maintenance work performed; meets the public; investigates complaints; has detailed knowledge of the sewer system; has good knowledge of District affairs; acts independently in emergencies. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: License required: Valid motor vehicle operator license issued by the State of California, .Depart~ ment of Motor Vehicles. Education and Experience: Equivalent to completion of twelfth grade and five years experience in the maintenance of sewer systems, utilities, and pumping plants. KNü\IJLEDGE AND ABILITIES:, Thorough knowledge of the construction and functioning of B, sewerage system. Wide knowledge of materials used in the construction and re- paid or sewer systems. Good knowledge of equipment used in sewer c~nstruction and maintenance. . Ability to read and work from blueprints, maps, sketches. Ability to understand and carry out written and oral instruc- tions. Ability Ability Ability to plan, direct and supervise the work of others. to prepare reports and keep records. to get along well with others, and meet the public. 04 03 52 "" ,-' £jj That the applicable salRry range of such position be Scale 9 8.S amended. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of April, 1952, by the District Boerd 'of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson None None sl H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board s/ Elliott Johnson, President of the District Board APPOINTMENT OF JAMES CORRY SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland and unanimously carried that James Corry be appointed to the position of Sewer Maintenance Superintendent pending Civil Service examina- tion. SEWER SERVICE TO LYON PROPERTY L. 1. D. No.5 Letter of March 11, 1952 from Mr. Be~tor Robinson, requested sewer service to the Harvey B. Lyon prope~ty which was assessed in Local Improvement District No.5. The Engineer was instructed to work something out for serving the property in question. CONNECTION FEE - VALLECITO AND MONTECITO SCHOOLS It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland and unanimously carried, that the Boa.rd accept the Engineer's' recommendation, and set connection fee for Va.lleci to School's add- itional two classrooms at $220, and Montecito School's three addit- ional classrooms at $330.00. CR~RGES TO SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, and unanimously carried that the sewer extensions in Arlene Gardens, Estates Drive and Monte Vista be paid for from the Sewer Construction Fund. CIVIL SE¡;VICE EXAlJ!INATIONS The Engineer was instructed to select the board of examiners for Civil Service examinetions for Sewer Maintenance Superintendent, Area Construction Inspector and Chief Plant Operator, and to post notice of such examinations to be held before the end of May, 1952. NELVIN F. KLEMMICK The following communication from the University of California Extension Division was read: liTO WHOl-'l IT NAY CONCERN l<Iarch 18, 1952 \ This is to certify that Melvin F. Klemrnlck, who resides at 1716 Almond Avenue, Walnut Creek, California, is currently enrolled in the following University Extension class course: 'Sewerage and Sewage Treatment X103ABJ commencing February 29, 1952. This course consists of fifteen meetings, and meets Frid8.ys 7: 30 - 9: 30 p. m. sl Gladys Campbell, Principal Admin- istrative Assistant snd Recorder, University Ôx~nsioÖ "3 5 2 '1g M\; PAYMENT OF LOCUST ST. SE~~R BILL D. K. YOUNG The Board approved payment of bill in the amount of $138.00 to D. K. Young for repairs to the Locust Street sewer, then turn the matter over to the Attorney for collection from the City of Walnut Creek. Mr. Nejedly stated that Judge Thompson would act as refer'ee. REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION E.B.M.U.D. PROPERTY NEAR ORINDA It was moved by Member Smitten that the Board approve the annexation of 6.10 acres of East Bay Municipal Utility District propel'ty along the Dam Road to Orinda Villfl.ge. . The re was no second to the motion. The Board held the matter over for further study. SEWAGE WORKS CONVENTION APRIL 23 to 26.1952 Mr. R. D. Mott, Plant Superintendent is to attend the conven- t.ion 0 f the California Sewage Works Association. ELIZABETH AVENUE HAINES JOB At the meeting of July 19, 1952 connection fees were set for parcels 1 to 10 as shown on the map of July 9, 1951, entitleå IIHaine s Job II. By letter of April 3, 1952 Hr. M. Þl. Reem requested connection fees for parcels 4, 5, 6, 8,9 &10 be waived. The Board instructed the Engineer to notify Mr. Reem that it would waive the connection fees provided the owner of parcels 2 and 3 notify the Board in writing that he would, prior to future sewer connection, pay connection fee in the amount of $1350 for each parcel, in lieu of the $600 for each parcel previously set. CONNECTION TERÞIS, LOT 224 SANS CRAINTE UNIT NO.4 ¿ý{ " ~~ It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, } and unanimously carried, that connection fee in the amount of $100 be set for Lot 224, Sans Crainte Unit 4, all cost of construction to be borne by the property owner. CONNEC7ION TERMS PARCEL TWO KINGSDALE COURT. ~. It w~s woved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Wadsworth, ¡:;; and unanimously carried, that connection fee in the amount of $24'1. ; be set for parcel two fronting on Kingsdale Court, all cost of con- struction to be borne by the property owner. . VENTILATORS FOR CONFEF£NCE ROOM It was ir,oved by Member Toland, seconded by }'lernber Wadsworth, that ventilators be installed in the roof of the conference room at a cost not to exceed $77.00. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Members Smitten, Toland and Wadsworth Members Malott and Johnson 0.4 03 52 PAYMENT OF BILLS 2'1' It was moved by Member Wadsworth, secondeà by Member Smitten, that bills as approved by the Engineer and audited by the Committee be 'paid. Carried unanimously. VOUCHER Sewer Constr. 19 C.C.C.S.D. 20 Champion & Lehto 21 L. E. Clinton 22 Gilson Supply 23 W. C. Hdwe. 24 W. C. Studio Running 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715- 5716 5717 5718 57'19 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 5731 5732 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 5743 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754 5755 NAME February payroll Pumping plant Tr8P...tment plant II Pumping plant Print s Expense. Konrad Gobel H. Robir.son E. R. Tomblin Calif. Water Service Coast Co. Gas & E1ec. East Bay Munic. ute Pac. Gas & Elec. Pac. Tel. & Tel. J. R. Armstrong Contra Costa ave. D. L. Smith Elliott Johnson W. l:i. Ms,lott H. H. Smitten H. W. Toland R. E. W's.dsworth (J.eorge Bennett Jp,ck Best A. L. Blythe G. Brokke J. Brosz D. Cady L. Clinton J. Corry J. H. Duba.il C. Hall F. Hannan D. Heibel R. Hinkson C. Hopkins L. Hurley D. Jensen M. Klemifl1ck C. M. McFhee R. D. Nott A. Murphy J. Ne:jedly C. Nelson M. Phillips V. W. Sauer T. Sipes D. L. Smith H. H. Smitten M. Tucker lvI. Ul vi E. Ve.1entine D. Wald L. Wa1ã. G. Warren, Jr. L. Weill F. Wilkins County Treasurer Credit Union Internal Revenue Calif. Physic. Svc. R. Salisbury Deposit refund II Fee refunã. \va ter Gas and service Water Power Telephone License refund Janitor Gardener Director " II II II Salary II II II II II II .. .. .. .. II II II II II .. II II 11 II .. II " II II .. II II II II II .. II II Retirement fund Deposits Ms.rch tax March dues Depo sit refund ((»4 AMOUNT 572.89 5.00 103.00 30.4'7 11. 05 2.00 25.39 12.03 6.00 101.10 24.76 22.54 1,436.35 19.65 100.00 85.00 80.00 31.40 )0.00 31.40 15.21 31.96 332.40 220.75 490.44. 434.89 266.08 181.08 318.20 301. 71 373.60 305.17 234.55 315.57 270.02 308.60 327.08 380.25 284.76 455.71 465.00 244.31 483.28 434.03 247.01 693.14 178.47 231.83 72.00 276.86 247.76 297.94 286.25 329.92 324.47 476.81 320.16 2,165.)3 404.00 1,809.50 145.40 15.44 03 ç':' fJ ,::-~, {..-,.¡ 'C.JI ...... OR J,.-.." VOUCHER 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5'782 5783 5784 5'785 5786 5787 5788 N Al-Œ Grant Constr. Art Ring Ford & Cooke Pe.e. Gas & Elec. Pa.c. Tel & Tel. Valley Sca,venger City of Walnut Creek Alhambra Water Artistic Tree Surgery Bennett Supply Bomacls Braun-Knecht-Heimann L. L. BurroI' Co. A Carlisle & Co. L. E. Clinton Contra Costa Stationers Empire Foundry Farmers Feed & Supply Ginty Supply Rubbard & Stau Inland Typewriter Lafayette Tire Svc. Lescure Co. LucB_s l'Íotors R. C. Machado Paul Nave Orinda ~lotor8 Reichhold Chevrolet Standard Oil Co. Tri-ste.te Supply Corp. W. C. Hdwe. iolJ. C. Studio D. K. Young Fee refund. II " Power Telephones Garbage service Water Supplies Oak tree Supplies Locks Supplies II AlvIOUNT 10.00 3.00 3.00 22.42 126.41 1.00 3.00 3.60 128.47 20.65 11.58 48.4-2 3.23 883.48 5.10 15 . 20 181.15 67.79 64.75 10.45 7.52 59.40 36.92 66.73 2.00 52.14 7.50 IO7.70 182.07 33.84 29 . 06 57.11 138.82 Bonds Maintenance Supplies II II 'II " II Truck servic'e Supplies Truck service Repairs Supplies Truck service " Gasoline Supplies Supplies Prints Locust St. Sewer repair Adjournment . Member Smitten moved the meeting adjourn. President' Johnson adjourned the meeting. Next regular meeting May 1, 1952. COUNTERSIGNED: ~~~-- Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California. President the District Board of Centra Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 04 52 03