HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-12-51
HELD APRIL 12, 1951
The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District con-
venedin adjourned session at its regular place of meeting located at
1822 Mount Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of
Contra Costa, State of California, on April 12, 1951, at the hour of
8:00 o'clock p.m.
The meeting was called to order by President Johnson, and the roll
was called:
Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson
l>lembers - None
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and were approved
as entered.
Bids for the construction of Local Improvement District No. 22
were received from the following:
Charles Burch
Radich & Fergusson, Inc.
McGuire & Hester
The bids were opened, read and referred to the Engineer for tabulation.
The District Board authorized Mr. Robert Mott to attend the Calif-
ornia Sewage Works Convention in Fresno on April 26, 27 and 28, with
expenses paid.
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of
Resolution No. 684:
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District that the necessity, as a health measure, for
sewers in that area and for those proceedings described in the letter
of Dr. H.L. Blum, Health Officer of Contra Costa County, addressed
to this Board and dated 14th day of March, 1951, is by this Board
similarly founõ. to exist. Said letter is hereby referred to and made
a part hereof, and ordered spread upon the Minutes of this Body. .
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that such sewers the installation thereof
and assessment proceedings therefor are found and declared to be
necessary as a health measure.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1951, by the following
sf H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board
Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson
None sf Elliott Johnson, President
of the District Board
"The District Board
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Walnut Creek, California
March 14,1951
"A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area herein-
after described in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in
the County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to be unsan-
itary, unhealthful, and in my opinion, dangerous to the health of
the people living therein. Said area is bounded and described as
follows: That certain area referred to as "Boundary Description
of Local Improvement District No. 23" which description is attached
hereto and by reference made a part hereof.
"As Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa, I recommend as a
necessary health measure that your honorable Board institute pro--
ceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer
system for said area to abate the unsanitary conditions therein.
Ve!y truly yours
s/H. L. BLUM, M.D."
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 685:
BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District that the said District Board proposes to
cause to be constructed in and for Local Improvement District No.
23 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California, the following improvements, construction of
sewers and appurtenances, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District, that Victor W. Sauer, Engineer of
the District be and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and
specifications for said proposed work, together with careful est-
imates of the costs and expenses of such work, and
BE IT FURTHER ~ESOLVED that the proceedings for such work shall
be taken in accordance with the provisions of the "Improvement Act
of 1911" under Resolution of Intention to be hereafter adopted, and
BE IT FlffiTHER RESOLVED that the said Victor W. Sauer be end he
is hereby directed to prepare a map showing the boundaries and the
district to be assessed for the said proposed work and improve-
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1951, by the
following vote:
Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson
Members - None
Members - None
s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board
s/ Elliott Johnson, President
of the District Board
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of
Resolution No. 686:
BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that
the plans and specifications submitted by Victor W. Sauer, Engineer
of Work for Local Improvement District No. 23 in the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District, be and they are hereby adopted as the plans
and specifications for the doing of said work and improvement. The
estimate of SB.id engineer for said work being given to this Board
as $158,362.00.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1951, by the following
vot e:
Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson
Membe rs - None
Members - None
sl H. Jll. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board
sl Elliott Johnson, President
of the District Board
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland; moved the adoption of
Resolution No. 687:
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California,
tha.t the Assessment District Map submitted by the Engineer, which
indicates by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in
the District proposed to be assessed for constructing a sanitary
sewer system for the areas within the following described boundaries,
All deeds and maps hereinafter referred to in the following des-
cription are recorded in the office of the Recorder of Contra Costa
C~unty, California.
Beginning at the most eastern corner of Lot 84 as said lot is
designated on the map entitled IIUnit No.8, Haciendas Del Orindall
which map waS filed in Map Book 21, on pages 563 to 565, inclusive;
thence northwesterly along the northeastern line of said Lot 84 and
its extension northwesterly to the most northern corner of Lot 82 of
said Unit No.8; thence southwesterly along the northwestern line of
said Lot 82 to the eastern boundary of El Gavilan; thence southerly
and westerly along the eastern and southern boundary of said El
Gavilan to its intersection with the southern extension of a line
drawn parallel to and 11 feet easterly, measured at right angles
from the eastern line of Lot 69 of said Unit No.8; thence northerly
along said extension and parallel line to the northern boundary of
said Unit No.8, Haciendas Del Orinda; thence westerly along said
boundary and continuing westerly along the northern boundary of Unit
No.5, Haciendas Del Orinda, to the most northern corner of Lot 561 as
said lot is designated on the map entitled IIUnit No.5, Haciendas Del
Orinda, " which map was filed in Map Book 19, at pages 489 to 491,
inclusive; thence southerly and southeasterly along the western and
southwestern lines of said Lot 561 to the western boundary of La
Punta; thence southerly along said western boundary and continuing
southerly along the western boundary of La Campana to the northern
boundary of El Campanero; thence westerly along said northern
boundary to its intersection with the northern extension of the
western line of Lot 553 of said Unit No.5; thence southerly along
said extension and western boundary to the north line of Lot 552
of said Unit No.5; thence westerly and southerly alOng the north-
ern and western lines of said Lot 552 and continuing southerly
along the western lines of Lots 551, 550 and 549 of said Unit No.
5, to the southwestern corner of said Lot 549; thence easterly
along the southern line of said Lot 549 to the western boundary of
La Campana; thence southerly along said western boundary and its
extension southerly to the eastern boundary of Via Hermosa; thence
southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern boundary of
said Via He~losa to the southeastern line of Lot 306 as said lot
is designated on the m8_p entitled UUnit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, II
which map was filed in Map Book 19, at pages 460 to 464, inclusive;
thence southwesterly and northwesterly along the southeastern and
southwestern lines of said Lot 306 to the eastern boundary of
Camino Sobrante; thence along the eastern, southern and eastern
boundary of Camino Sobrante in a general southerly, westerly and
southerly direction to the eastern extension of the southern line
of Lot 376 as said lot is designated on the ma.p entitled IIUnit No.
3, Haciendas Del Orinda,1I which map is filed in Map Book 19;, at
pages 473 and 474; thence westerly along said extension and south-
ern line to the western boundary of Camino Sobrante; thence south-
erly and easterly along the western and southern boundary of Camino
Sobrante to its intersection with the southern extension of the
western line of Lot 248 of said Unit No. 2; thence northerly along
said extension and western line to the northwestern corner thereof;
thence southwesterly and northwesterly along the southeastern and
southwestern lines of Lot 250 of said Unit No.2, to the southeast-
ern boundary of Dos Posos; thence northeasterly along said boundary
to its intersection with the northeastern line of Lot 246, of said
Unit No.2; thence southeasterly along~e northeastern line of said
Lot 246 to the most western corner of Lot 244 of said Unit No.2;
thence northeasterly along the northwestern line of said Lot 244
and continuing along the northwestern and northern lines of Lot 243
of said Unit No.2, to .the western boundary of La Espiral; thence
northerly along said boundary to its intersection with the western
extension of the southern line of Lot 208 of said Unit No.2;
thence easterly along said extension and southern line of said Lot
208 to the southeastern corner thereof; thence northerly along the
eastern line of said Lot 208 to the northeastern corner thereof;
thence easterly along the northern lines of Lots 206, 205, 202, 201,
199, 198 and 197 of said Unit No.2, to the most northern corner of
said Lot 197; thence southerly along the eastern line of said Lot
197 to the center line of Los Cascadas; thence southwesterly along
said center line to its intersection with the center line of Las
Aromas; thence easterly along the center line of Las Aromas to its
interAection with the southeastern boundary of said Unit No.2;
thence northeasterly along said boundary, and continuing northeast-
erly along the southeastern boundaries of said Units No.5, No.6
and No.8, He_ciendas Del Orinda to the point of beginning, be and
the same hereby are adopted as the map and description delineating
the boundaries of said Local Improvement District.
Said improvement to be the construction of a sanitary sewer
system as recommended by the County Health Officer.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Calif-
ornia, this 12th day of April, 1951, by the following vote:
Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson
Members - None
Members - None
sl H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board
sl Elliott Johnson, President
of the District Board
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of
Resolution No. 688:
RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani-
tary District that Victor W. Sauer be and he is hereby appointed
Engineer of Work for the proposed doing of all necessary engineering
work and exercising all of the functions provided for the office of
Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets in the IIImprovement
Act of 1911" in connection with the improvement work known, and to be
known, as the improvement of Local Improvement District No. 23 by the
construction of sewers and appurtenances therein, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Victor W. Sauer shall act as
,Engine er of Work and Superint endent of Streets and is hereby employed
and appointed to furnish all surveys, original drawings, maps and blue
prints, including any and all such maps necessary and incident to the
rights of way contemplated in the improvement work herein involved;
áll plans and specifications, all inspection work, preparation of
assessment rolls, assessment diagram and warrant and any and all other
services which shall be required from the Engineer of work under the
provisions of the II Improvement Act of 191111; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, th8t the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District has engaged a full time engineering staff including the
services of the said Victor W. Sauer and it is resolved that there
shall be charged to the Local Improvement District No. 23 the cost of
the services to the District of Mr. Victor W. Sauer ~nd the engineer-
ing st~ff of the District, together with materials supplied by the
District to the Local Improvement District and the administrative
costs of supplying such engineering services, labor and material.
Together with the services of John A. Nejedly who is herewith directed
to prepare all proceedings in connection with said Local Improvement
District the expense of which similarly shall be charged to the Local
Improvement District. As all of such costs shall be determined by the
District Board to be devoted to such Local Improvement District.
RESOLVED further that such costs shall be included as incidental
expenses and be charged to the Local Improvement District as the
charges of engineering 8,nd legal services authorized by law.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1951, by the following
Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson
Members - None
Members - None
s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board
s/ Elliott Johnson, President
of the District BoRrd
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 689:
.-------------.-------- ,-----..------.
RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa San-
itary District that it is the intention of the said District Board
to order the following work to be done and improvements to be made
in above Local Improvement District and in the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Calif-
ornia, to-wit:
Construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances.
Such above mentioned work being more particularly and specific-
ally set forth and described in the plans, profiles and specifica-
tions for said work heretofore adopted by the District Board of the
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by its Resolution No. 686,
which plans, profiles and specifications are hereby referred to for
all particulars in connection therewith and by reference made a part
The public streets, rights-of-way, easements and reserves in
which said work is to be done are shown and delineated in detail
and specifically located on the plans hereinabove referred to, and
reference is hereby specifically made to said plans, and notice is
hereby given to all parties that specific locations thereof are
contained in said plans;
Such locations being:
In the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary
District and in said Local Improvement District as they and the pro-
posed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet I of said Plans
and Specifications:
CAMINO SOBRANTE, from MH 5, to be 10c8_ted therein a.t its inter-
section with the southeastern extension of the line between Lots
264 and 265 as said lots are designated on that certain map entitled
IIUnit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda, Contra Costa County, California,"
filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa,
State of California, on October 15, 1924, in Volume 19 of_Maps, at
pages 460 to 464, inclusive, to FI 1 to be located in Camino Sob-
rante 40 feet westerly from its intersection with the northeastern
extension of the southeastern line of Lot 379 as said lot is desig-
nated on that certain map entitled IIUnit No.3, Haciendas del
Orinda, Contra Costa County, California," filed February 16,1925,
in Volume 19 of Maps, at pages 473 and 474, in the office of said
Also in Camino Sobrante, from its intersection with the south-
eastern extension of the line between Lots 248 and 251, to FI 2, to
be located in Camino Sobrante 20 feet westerly from its intersec-
tion with the southern extension of the line between Lots 259 and
260 of said Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda.
DOS poses from its eastern extremity at its intersection with
La Vuelta, to FI 4, to be located in Dos posos 20 feet southwest-
erly from its intersection with the southeastern extension of the
line between Lots 295 and 296 of said Unit No.2, Haciendas del
Also in Dos Posos from MH 10 to be located therein 5 feet
southwesterly from its intersection with the southern extension
of the line between Lots 299 and 302, to FI 3, to be located in
Dos Posos 20 feet easterly from its intersection with the southern
extension of the line between Lots 298 and 299 of said Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda.
Also in Dos Posos, a MH 6 to be located on the center line of
Dos Posos at its intersection with the southwestern extension of
the line between Lots 304 and 305 of said Unit No.2, Haciendas
ð_el Orinda.
TEN FOOT PATH, adjacent to Lot 294 on the southwest, as said lot
and path are designated on said map of Unit No.2, Haciendas del
Orinda, a LH 5 to be located therein at the most southern corner of
said Lot 294.
SIX FOOT PATH, connecting Camino Sobrante and Dos P080S, for its
entire length.
EASD1ENT, IN LOT 272 (Parcel 45) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a pqint
on the northern line of a parcel of land described in the deed to
George L. Rosecrans, et ux, recorded January 28, 1946, under Recorder's
Seriai No. 2916, in Volume 868 of OffiSial Records, at page 242, of
said County, said point bears south 82 4J' east, 2.5 feet from the
most northern corner of said Ro secrans pe.rcel (868 OR 242); thence
from said point of beginning south 120 48' 50" west, 128.49 feet to
a point on a curve in the center line of Camino Sobrante.
EASEl-tENT, IN LOT 272 (Parcel 46) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendàs del Orinda., being a strip of land 5 fest in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
southern line of a parcel of land described in the deed to E. W.lv1cGah,
et ux, recorded April 13, 1948, under Recorder's Serial No. 14499, in
V06ume 1191 of Official Records, at page 89, said point bears south
82 41' 25" west, 21.22 feet and north '82 Ll-3' west, 49.17 feet from
the most southern corner of said McGah parcel (1191 OR 69); thence
from said point of beginning north 150 34' 10" east, 10.0 feet into
said McGah parcel (1191 OR 69).
EASEMENT, IN LOT 264 (Parcel 3) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a P8int on the
northern line of said Lot 264, said point bears north 74 21' 12" west,
26.03 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 264, said corner
being in the center line of the 10 foot path as shown on SSid sub-
division map; thence from said point of beginning south 14 48' 30"
west, 85.JO feet; therice south 160 47' JO" west, 94.12 feet; thence
sou th 340' Ql' 30" we st, 42.66 feet to a point on a curve in the cente r
line of Camino Sobrante.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 262 (Parcel 2) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda., being a strip of la.nd 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the southern line of said Lot 262, said point bears north 740 21'
12" west, 26.03 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 262,
said corner being in the center line of the 10 foot path as shown
on said subdivision map; thence from said point of beginning north
20 57' east, 108.15 feet to a point on the northern line of said
Lot 262.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 2ó3 (Parcell) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the southern line of said Lot 26J, said point bears north 760 Jl'
10" west, 57.90 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 263,
said corner being in the center liné of the 10 foot path as shown on
said subdivision map; thence from said point of beginning north 20
57' east, 28.42 feet; thence north 480 37' 30" east, 138.55 feet to
a point on the center line of Dos Posos also being the most southern
co~ner of Lot 305 as shown on said subdivision map.
EASEMENT, IN LOT J02 (Parcel 44) of the afòresaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 15 feet in width, the
western line of which is parallel with and 15 feet westerly, measured
at right angles, from the eastern line, said eastern line being des-
cribed as follows: Beginning at the southeastern corner of said Lot
J02 said corner being on the center line of Dos posos; thence from
said southeastern corner north 110 51' east, 142.59 feet along the
eastern line of said Lot J02.
EAS~1ENT, IN LOT 294 (Parcel 43) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the
western line of which is parallel with and 5 feet westerly, meas-
ured at right angles, from the eastern line, said eastel"'n line
being the entire eastern line of said Lot 294.
EASEl-lENT, IN LOT 287 (Percel 42) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Bèginning at the
most ea.stern corner of said Lot 287; thence south 300 29' west,
123.69 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 287.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 251 (Parcel 79) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land.5 feet in width the
southeastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southeast-
erly, measured at right angles, from the northwestern line, said
northwestern line being the entire northwestern line of said Lot
2.51. .
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, IN LOT 245 of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Hpciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
point onothe southwestern line of said Lot 245, said point bears
north 36 29' 50" west, 36.00 feet from the most southern corser
of said Lot 24.5; thence from said point of beginning north 3~ 32'
46" east, 2~5 feet into said Lot 245. .
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, IN LOT 288 of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
point on the northern line of said Lot 288, said point bears north
760 17' 10" west, 48.12 feet from the northeastern corner of said
Lot 288; thence from said point of beginning south 300 291 west,
2.5 feet into said Lot 288.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is the common line
of Lots 267 and 268, of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas del
Orinda, for the southeastern 120 feet of said common line.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which i s the common line
of Lots 302 and 299 of the aforesaid Unit No. 2, HRcienda~ del
Orinda, for the northern 44 feet of said common line.
FIVE FOOT EAS~lENT, the center line of which is the common line
of Lots 300 and 301, of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas del
Orlnda, for the southern 10 feet of said common line.
FIVE FOOT EASÐ~ENT, the center line of which is the entire
common line of Lots 292 and 295, of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Hac-
iendas del Orinda.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is the entire
common line of Lots 286 and 289, of the aforesaid Unit No. 2, Hac-
iendas del Orinda.
EASEMENT, in the easterly 2.5 feet of Lot 293, of the aforesaid
Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda, for 2.5 feet northerly from the
most southern corner.
EAS&~ENT, in the northern 2.5 feet of Lot 252, of the aforesaid
Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda, for 2.5 feet westerly from the
most northern corner.
ALSO, the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances,
in accordance with said plans and specifications outside of said
Local Improvement District and in the following streets, easements
and reserves in said Sanitary Di&trict as they and the proposed work
in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 1 of said plans and specif-
CAMINO SOBRANTE, a MH 1 to be located therein on the existing
sewer 64 feet easterly from the existing MH, located in Camino
Sobrante at its intersection with El Ribero.
EASEMENT, IN ORINDA COUNTRY CLUB (Parcel 89), commonly known as
Lakp Cascade, lying northwesterly of the aforesaid Unit No.1, Hac-
iendaß del Orinda and southeasterly of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 15 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on a curve in the center line of Camino Sobrante, said point being
distant westerly along the arc of sa.id curve with the radius of 17.5
feet, 10.65 feet from the most eastern corner of Lot 269 of said
Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda; thence from said point gf begin-
ning south 470 471 35" east, 191.9Z feet. thence south 50 391 20"
east, 160.00 feet; thence south 54 191 47" east, 182.66 feet to a
point on a curve in the center line of Camino Sobrante as said road
is shown on the map of said Unit No.1, Haciendas del Orinda.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 249 (Parcel 88) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a po into
on the southeastern line of said Lot 249, said point bears south 51
37' 45" west, 5.00 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 249;
thence from said point of beginning north 330 321 46" east, 5.36.feet
to a point on the ~ortheastern line of said Lot 249.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 246 (Parcel 87) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the southwestern line of said Lot 246, said.point bears north 3.50
051 08" west, 1.67 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 246;
thence f¡"om said point of beginning north 330 321 46" east, 110.54
feet to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 246.
ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said
Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they and
the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 2 of said
plans and specifications:
LA ESPIRAL, from its intersection with the western extension of
the line between Lots 207 and 208 of said Unit No.2, Haciendas del
Orinda, to MH 30, to be located in La Espiral 55 feet northwesterly
from its intersection with the southwestern extension of the line
between Lots 480 and 481 as said lots are designated on that certain
map entitled "Unit No.5, Haciendas del Orinde" Contra Costa County,
California," filed August 4, 1925, in Volæne 19 - of Maps, at pages
489 to 491, inclusive, in the office of said Recorder.
LA VUELTA for its entire length.
LAS CASCADAS from its intersection with the southern extension
of the line between Lots 193 and 197 of said Unit No.2, Haciendas
delOrinda, to the northeastern extremity of said Las Cascadas.
~WENTY FOOT PATH, adjacent to Lot 233 on the west, as said lot
and path are desi~nated on said map of Unit No.2, Haciendas del
Orinda, for its entire length excepting the northern 75 feet.
TEN FOOT PATH at the eastern extremity of Las Cascadas from MH
32, to be located therein, 75 feet northeasterly from the most
southern corner of Lot 497 of said Unit No.5, Haciendas del Orinda,
southerly along said 10 foot path for 375 feet, measured along the
center line of said path, from said MH 32. -
TEN FOOT PATH, adjacent to Lot 225 on the southwest, as said lot
and path are designated on said map of Unit No.2, Haciendas del
Orinda, from MH 24 to be located therein at the most eastern corner
of Lot 226 of said subdivision, northwesterly along said 10 foot path
for 65 feet from said MH 24.
TEN FOOT PATH, adjacent to Lot 471 on the narthwest, as said
lot and path are designated on said map of Unit No.2, Haciendas
del Orinda, a LH12, to be located on the center line of said 10
foot path, 70.28 feet northerly from the most western corner of
said Lot 471.
EASEHENT, IN LOT 189 (Parcel 77) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
point in the center line of Las Cascadas, said point being the
center of the cul-de-sac at the most eastern extremity of said Las
Cascadas; thence from said point of beginning north 180 38.1 14"
east, 88.65 feet to a point in the center line of a 10 foot. path
as shown on said subdivision map. . The side lines' of said 5 foòt
strip to be lengthened or shortened to extend entirely across
said Lot 189.
EASD4ENT, IN LOT 210 (Parcel 80) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orlnda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the northeastern line of said Lot 210, said point bears north
270 48' 50" west, 78.56 feet from the most eastern cgrner of said
Lot 210; thence from said point of beginning south 7 .57130" east,
83.5l.feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 210.
EASÐ4ENT, IN LOT 209 (Parcel 81) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 fe~t in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the northeastern line of said Lot 209, said point bears south
440 091.50" east, 37.72 feet from the most northern corner of said
Lot 209: thence from said point of beginning north 790 28' 30" west,
75.77 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 209.
EAS~¡ENT, IN LOT 211 (Parcel 82) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the southwestern line of said Lot 211, said point bears north
440 09' 50" west, 4.10 feet from the mo st southern corner of said
Lot 211; thence from said point of beginning south 790 28130"
east, 4.35 feet to a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 211.
- EASÐ~ENT, IN LOT 204 (Parcel 83) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the northwestern line of said Lot 204, said point bears north
330 301 36" east, 2.57 feet from the southwestern corner of said
Lot 204; thence from said point of beginning south 780 17' 30" east,
171.77 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 204.
EASEl-lENT, IN LOT 203 (Parcel 84) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of.which is described as follows: Beginning at a Boint
on the west~rn line of said Lot 203, said point bears north 11 05'
54" east, 34.84 feet from the southwestern cgrner of said Lot 203;
thence from said point of beginning south 78 171 30" east, 81.02
feet; thence north 8)0 48' 30" east, 15.42 feet to a point on the
eastern line of said Lot 203.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 200 (Parcel 85) of the aforesaid Unit.No. 2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the western line of said Lot 200, said point bears north 90 12'
58" east, 29..55 feet from the southwestern carner of said Lot 200;
thence from said point of beginning north 83 48' 3011 ee.st, 103. ð6
fe~t; thence north 560 23' 30" east, 72.42 feet; thence north 28
35' east, 0.67 fe~t to a point on the northeastern line of said
Lot 200.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 196 (Parcel 86) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a Boint
on the western line of said Lot 196, said point bears north 13 211
42" west, 57.08 feet from the most southern 8orner of said Lot 196;
thence from said point of beginning north 28 35' east, 116.23 feet;
thence north 500 55' 10" east, 63.77 feet to a point on the, north-
eastern line of said Lot 196.
EASEMENT, IN. LOT 227 (Parcel 76) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the
point of the intersection of the center line of La Espiral with the
center line of the 10 foot path lying between Lots 225 and 227 as
shown on said subdivision map; thence from said poiet of beginning
south 810 11'15" west, 65.77 feet; thence north 57 401 18" west,
47.03 feet to the most northern corner of said Lot 227.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 358 (Parcel 69) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a po into
on the southeastern line of said Lot 358, said point bears south 43
30' 4011 west, 91.23 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 358;
thence from said point of beginning north 80 04' 20" west, 69.37 feet;
thence north 170 17' Bast, 75.91 feet to the common corner of Lots
472 and 473 of the aforesaid Unit No.5, Haciendas del Grinda., and
Lot 358 of said Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda.
EÅSll1ENT, IN LOT 472 (Parcel 70) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
HaciendaS del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the most
southern corner of said Lot 472; thence north 340 40' west, 26.44 feet;
thence north 560 49' west, 65.45 feet; thence north 810 33' 30" west,
19.91 feet to a point on the western line of said Lot 472.
EAS~4ENT, IN LOT 471 (Parcel 71) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at aopoint
on the eastern line of said Lot 471, said point bears north 6 33'
east, 40.29 feet from the most southeòn corner of said Lot 471; thence
froa said point of beginning north 81 33' 30" west, 27.65 feet;
thence north 710 13' 30" west, 49.42 feet; thence north 420 50' west,
34.22 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 471.
FIVE FOOT EASD~ENT, the center line of which is the common line
of Lots 192 and 190, and the common line of Lots 192 and 191, of the
aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda, for the southern 155 feet
of said common line.
FIVE FOOT EASDIENT, the center line of which is the common line
of Lots 194 and 195, of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda,
for southwestern 10 feet of said common line.
FIVE FOOT EAS~IENT, the center line of which is the common line
of Lots 209 and 210, of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda,
for the weste~n 216 feet of said common line.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is described as
follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of Lot 211 of
aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda, said point being southerly
65 feet along said western line from the most western corner of said
Lot 211; thence from said point of _beginning northerly, 65 feet along
said western line; thence easterly, 155 feet along the northern line of
saiò Lot 211.'
FIVE FOOT EAS~:ENT, the center line of which is the common line
of Lots 226 and 227, of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas del Orinda,
for the northeastern 70 feet of said common line.
F,IVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is the common
line of Lots 358 and 359, of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas
delOrinda, for the southwestern 75 feet of said common line.
FIVE FOOT EASEMEr~, th~ center line of which is the entire
common line of Lots 358 and 473, of the aforesaid Unit No.2 and
Unit No.5, respectively, of Haciendas del Orinda.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is the common
line of Lots 359 and 474, of the aforesaid Unit No.2 and Unit No.
5, respectively, of Haciendas del Orinda, for the northwestern 2.5
feet of said common line.
ALSO, the construètion of sanitary sewers and appurtenances,
in accordance with said plans and specifications outside of said
Local Improvement District and in the following streets, easements
and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed.
work in relation tþereto are shown on Sheet 2 of sB.id plans and
LA ESPIRAL, from its intersection with the western extension
of the line between Lots 207 and 208 of aforesaid Unit No.2, Hac-
iendas del Orinda, for 230 feet southerly along the center line of
La Espiral to an existing MH.
LAS CASCADAS, from its intersection with the southern extension
of the line between Lots 193 and 197, of said Unit No.2, Haciendas
delOrinda, for 115 feet southwesterly to an existing Fl.
ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said
Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they
and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 3 of
saidpla.ns and specifications:
LA CAMPANA, from MH 22, to be 10eB.ted 165 feet southerly, meas-
ured along the center line of said La. Campana from its intersection
with the eastern extension of the line between Lots 548 and 549 as
said lots are designated on that certain map entitled tlUnit No.4,
Haciendas del Orinda, Contra Costa County, California,tI filed June
1,1925, in Volume 19 of Maps, at pages 479 and 480, in the office
of said Recorder, to MH 61, to be located in La Campana at its
intersection with La Punta. .
Also in La Campana, from FI 13, to be located therein 20 feet
westerly from its intersection with the southwestern extension of
the line between Lots 564 and 565, to FI 14, to be located 20 feet
easterly from its intersection with the southern extension of the
line between Lots 567 and 568 of aforesaid Unit No.5, Haciendas
Also in La Ca.mpana, fl-.om FI 15, to be located therein 15 feet
westerly from its intersection with the southern extension of the
line between Lots 569 and 570 of said Unit N°.5, Haciendas del
Orinda, to its southeastern extremity at its intersection with La
Espiral.. ' ,
LA PUNTA, for its entire length excepting the northwestern 20
LA ESP~RAL, from FI 16, to be located therein ,20 feet soutþerly
from its intersection with the eastern extension of the line between
Lots 546 and 547 of said Unit No.5, Haciendas del Orinda, to MH
66, to be located in La Espiral at its intersection with La Campana.
TEN FOOT PATH, connecting La Campana and La Espiral, for its
entire length excepting the western 125 feet.
TEN FOOT PATH, connecting La Espiral and Los Dedas, from MH 68,
to be located therein at the southwestern corner of Lot 458 of said
Unit ~o. 5, Haciendas del Orinda, to MH 67, to be located in the 10
foot path 120 fe~t northerly from said MH 68.
EASE1>1ENT, IN LOT 223 (Parcel 8) of the aforese.id Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center li:ne 0 f which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the northwestern line ,of said Lot 223, said point bears south 350
55' 10 II west, 24.40 feet from the .northwestern corner of Daid Lot
223; thence from said point of beginning south 30 511 east, 72.77
feet;. thence south 30 091 west, 125.35 feet to a point on a curve in
the center line of La Espiral.
EASÐ1ENT, IN LOT 224 (Parcel 7) of the aforesaid Unit No.2,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 fe5.t in width 'the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the northern line of said Lo~ 224, said point bears north 700 011
ì\-est, 17.07 feet from the most eastern. o::>rner of said Lot 224; thence
from said point of beginning south 30 51' east, 25.65 feet to a point
on th~ southeast~rn line of said Lot 224.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 453 (Parcel 6) of the aforesaid Unit No.5, Hac-
iendas del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels:
Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 fest in width the center line of
which is described as follows: Beginning, at a point on the western
line of said Lot 453, said point bears north 90 40' east, 91.73 feet
from the most western corner of said Lot 453; thence from said point
of beginning south 190 57' east, 39.35 feet to a point hereinafter
referred to as MH 62; thence north 710 10' east, 101.50 feet; thence
north 570 46' east, 0.32 feet to a point on the eastern line of said
Lot 453. '
Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 fe~t in width the center line of
which is described as follows: Beginning at MH 62 mentioned in Sub-
Parcel A above; thence south 300 09' west, 36.90 feet; thence south
30 511 east, 25.98 feet to a point on the southern-line of said Lot
EASE1vlENT, IN LOT 451 (Pa_reel 5) of the aforesaid Unit No. .5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at aopoint on the
eastern line of said Lot 451, said point bears north 9 401 east,
91.73 feet from the most southern corBer of said,Lot 451; thence
from said point of beginning north 19 571 west, 22.47 feet to a
point on the northern line of said Lot 451.' ,
EAS~~ENT, IN LOT 452 (Parcel 4) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the northern line of said Lot 452, said point being 114.29 feet
westerly, measured along said northern line, from the most eastern 0
corner of saiá Lot 452; thence from said point of beginning south 31
05' ea~tb 55.05 feet; thence south 180 14' east, 101.93 feet; thence
south 19 57' east, 27.08 feet to a point on the southern line of
said Lot 452.
EAsm~ENT, 'IN LOT 454 (Parcel 9) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Hac ie ndas del Orinda, being a strip of land .5 f'~e.t in width the.
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the 'western line of said Lot 454, said_point bears north 40 27'
west, 101.91 feet from the southwe~tern corner of said Lot 454; thence
from said point of beginning north 570 46' east, 52.4-8 feet; thence
north 530 161 east, 77.47 feet to a point on the eastern line of said
Lot 454.
EASEil1ENT, IN LOT 455 (Pe.rcel 10) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
centel~ line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a 80int
on the western line of said Lot 455, said point bears north 15 44'
west, 184.08 feet from the most southõrn corner of said Lot 455; thence
from said point of beginning north 53 161 east, 112.08 feet to a
point on the eastern line of said Lot 455.
EASDIENT, IN LOT 456 (Parcel 11) of the aforesaid Unit -No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
point ,on the western line of said Lot 456, said point bears north
170 25' west, 167.10 ¡ set from the most southern cornõro of said
Lot 456; thence from said point of beginning north 53 16' east,
26.15 feet; thence north 780 19' east, 76.30 feet to a point on
the eastern line of said Lot 456.
EASD~ENT, IN LOT 457 (Parcel 12) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip o.f land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
poðnt on the western line of said Lot 457, said point bears north
14 44' west, 143.48 feet from the southwestern corner of said Lot
457; thence from said point of beginning north 780 19' east, 24.03
feet; thence south 780 II' east, 86.14 feet to a point on the
eastern line of said Lot 457.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 458 (Parcel 13) of the afol'ðsaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center. line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the western line of said Lot 458, said point bears north 40 58'
west, 120.00 feet from the southwestern corner of said Lot 458;
thence from said point of beginning south 780 east, 34.67 feet;
thence south 690 east, 56.0 feet; thence north 800 east, 16.50 feet
to a point. on the eastern line of said Lot 458.
EASD~ENTi IN LOT 459 (Parcel 14) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haeiendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the weste~n line of said Lot 459, said point bears north. 10 42'
1011 west, 86.95 feet from the southwestern cgrner of said Lot 459;
thence from said point of beginning north 80 east, 62.15 feet to a
point on the eastern line of the parcel of land described in the
deed to M. Pierce Milton, recorded March 22, 1948, under Recorder's
Serial No. 11393, in Volume 1185 of Official Records, at page 28,
in the office of said Recorder. .
EASEMENT, IN LOTS 459 and 460 (~arcel15) of the aforesaid Unit
No.5, Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width
the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
point on~the western line of the parcel of land described in the
deed to Benjamin W. West, et ux, recorded July 12, 1946, under
Recorder's S~rial No. 23980, in Volume 922 of Official Records, ato
page 489, in the office of said Recorder, said point bears north 2
21' 43" east, 93.02 feet from the southwestern corner of said Wes~
parcel. (922 OR 489); thence from said point of beginning north 80 .
east, 56.23 feet to a point on the eastern line of said West parcel
(922 OR 489).
EASEMENT, IN LOT 460 (Parcel 16) of the aforesaid Unit No. 5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the.
center line of.which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the western line of the parcel of land described in the deed to
B. W. West, et ux, recorded May 24,1944, under Recorder's Serial
~~fi~~~~;'S;~dV~;~~d~~~ ~~i~f~;~~~lb~:~~r~~~t~t2g~513~~~ ~~s~~e
98.04 feet from the southwestern corner of said West parcel (606 OR
300); thence frgm said point of beginning north 800 east, 62.12 feet;
thence south 85 east, 47.68 feet to a point on the eastern line
of said West parcel (606 OR 300).
EAS~~ENT, IN LOTS 460 and 461 (Parcel 17) of the aforesaid Unit
No.5, Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width
the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
point .on the western line of the parcel of land described in the
deed to William T. Trounce, et ux, recorded March 13, 1947, under
Recorder's Serial No. 10160, in Volume 1071 of Official Records,
at page 201, in the office of said Recorder, said point bears north
30 50' 55" east, 108.37 feet from the southwestern corner of said
Trounce garcel (1071 OR 201); thence from s~id point of beginning
south 85 east, 87.32 feet; thence north 65 east, 29.21 feet to a
point on the eastern line of said Trounce parcel (1071 OR 201).
EAS&~ENT, IN LOTS 461 and 462 (Parcel 18) of the aforesaid Unit
No.5, Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width
the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
point on the western line of the parcel of land described in the
deed to Marchant & Lawrie, Inc., recorded December 15, 1948, under
Recorderls Serial No. 46544, in Volume 1329 of Official Records, að
page 90, in the office of said Recorder, said point bears north 11
54' 55" east, 50.97 feet from the southwestern corner of said Mar-
chant and Lawrie, Incõ parcel (1329 OR 90); thence from said point
of beginning north 65 east, 25.79 feet; thence south 790 52' east,
93.23 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Marchant & Lawrie,
Inc. parcel (1329 OR 90).
EASEMENT, IN LOT 462 (Parcel 19) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the western line of the parcel of land described' in the deed to
William J. Allen, et ux, recorded September 24, 1945, under Recorder's
Serial No. 22945, in Volume 822 of Official Records, að page 282, in
the office of said Recorder, said point bears north 16 301 10" east,
75.65 feet from the southwestern corner of said Allen parcel (822 OR
282); thence from said point of beginning south 790 52' east, 10.00
feet into said Allen parcel (822 OR 282).
EASEMENT, IN LOT 466 (Parcel 78) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haoiendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the western
line of which is parallel with and 5 feet westerly, measured at right
angles, from'the eastern line, said eastern line being described as
follows:o Beginning at the northeastern corner, of said Lot 466; thence
south 17 14' west, 116.00 feet along the eastern line of said Lot 466.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 536 (Parcel 72) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
northern line of said Lot 536, said point bears south 740 211 east,
11.85 feet from the most northerg corner of said Lot 536; thence from
saðd point of beginning south 12 40' east, 49.09 feet; thence south
16 15' east, 30.00 feet; thence south 240 081 easti 65.62 feet; thence
south 60 02' 40 II east, 50.80 feet to a point on the center line of La
EASEMENT, IN LOT 537 (Parcel 73) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a P8int on the
southern line of said Lot 537, said point bears south 74 21' east,
11.85 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 537; thence from
from said point of beginning north 120 40' west, 19.18 feet to a
point on the northwestern line of said Lot 537.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 538 (Parcel 74) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
HaciendaS del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the southeastern line of said Lot 538, said point bears north 240
55' east, 17.10 feet from the southeastern corner of said Lot 538;
thence from said point of beginning north 120 40' west! 77.30 feet;
thence north 230 19' west, 66.50 feet; thence north 18° west, 17.99
feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 538.
EASEl4ENT, IN LOT 539 (Parcel 75) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a Boint on the
eastern line of said Lot 539, said point bears north 17 15' ,east,
50.95 feet from the most southers corner of said Lot 539; thence from
said point of beginning north 23 west, 10.0 feet into said Lot 539.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 532 (Parcel 21) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 10 feet in width the
eastern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet easterly,
measured at right angles, from the western line, said western
line being the entire western line of said Lot 532, excepting the
northern 20 feet thereof.
EASEMENT, IN LOT .535 (Parcel 22) of the aforesaid Unit No. .5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 10 feet in width the
western line of which is parallel with and 10 feet westerly, meas-
ured at right angles, from the eastern line, said eastern line
being described as follows: Beginning at the most northern corner
of said Lot 535; thence south 110 east, 20.0 feet.
EASD1ENT, IN LOT 534 (Parcel 20) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 10 feet in width the
western line of which is parallel with and 10 feet westerly, meas-
ured at right angles, from the eastern line, said eastern line
being the entire eastern line of said Lot 534.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is described as
follows: Beginning at the most western corner of Lot 468, thence
along the entire northern lines of Lots 468,467 and 466; thence 15
feet along the northern line of Lot 464, of said Unit No.5, Hac-
iendas del Orinda.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is described as
follows: Beginning at a goint on the southern line of Lot 453,
said point bears south 70 01' east, 12.82 feet from the most
western 8orner of said Lot 453; thence from said point of beginning
north 70 011 west, 13 feet along the southern lines of Lots 453 and
451; of the aforesaid Unit No.5, Haciendas del Orinda.
ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said
Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they
and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 4 of
said plans and specifications:
LA ESPIRAL, from MH 66, to
tion with El Gavilan, to FI 9,
westerly from its intersection
line between Lots 488 and 489,
iendas del Orinda.
be located therein at its intersec-
to be located in La Espira_l 30 feet
with the northern extension of the
of the aforesaid Unit No. 5, Ha~
Also in La Espiral from FIll, to be located therein 130 feet
westerly from its intersection with Las Palomas, to MH 48, to be
located in La Espiral at its intersection with Las Vegas.
Also in La Espiral from MH 30, to be located therein 55 feet
northwesterly from its intersection with the southwestern extension
of the line between Lots 480 and 481, of said Unit No.5, Haciendas
del Orinda, to MH 48, to be located in La Espiral at its intersec-
tion with Las Vegas.
EL GAVILAN, from its western extremity, at its intersection with
La Espiral, to FI 10, to be located in El Gavilan 10.feet easterly
from its intersection with the northwestern extension of the line
between Lots 35 and 38 S.s said lots are designated on thf1_t certain
map entitled IIUni t No.9, Haciendas del Orinda, Contra Costs. County,
Ca.lifomia, II filed November 29, 1936, in Volume 22 of Maps, at
pages 678 and 679, in the office of said Recorder.
LAS PALOMAS, from its southwest~rn extremity at its intersec-
tion with La Espiral, to MH 57 to be 10cB.ted in Las Palomas 2.5
feet easterly from its intersection with the southern extension of
the line between Lots 23 and 26, of said Unit No.9, Haciendas del
LAS VEGAS, from MH 48, to be located therein at its intersection
with La Espiral, to FI 7, to be located in Las Vegas 15 feet north-
easterly from its intersection with the southern extension of the
eastern line of Lot 591, as said lot is designated on the.t certain
map entitled "Unit No.6, Haciendas del Orinda, Contra Costa. County,
California,1I filed January 5, 1926, in Volume 19 of Maps, at pages
497 to 499, inclusive, in the office of said Recorder.
Also in Las Vegas, from MH 40, to be located therein at its in-
tersection with Via Floreado, to FI 6, to be located in Las Vegas 15
feet westerly from its intersection with the southern extension of
the western line of Lot 80, as said lot is designated on that certain
map entitled IIUnit No.8, Haciendas del Orinda, Contra Costa. County,
California, II filed October 18, 1927, in Volume 21 of Maps, at pages
563 to 565, inclusive, in the office of said Recorder.
Also in Las Vegas, from MH 48 to be located therein at its inter-
section with La Espirel, to the western extremity of El Verano.
EL VERANO, for its entire length.
VIA FLOREADO, from its northeastern extremity at its intersection
with Las Vegas, to MH 38, to be located in Via Floreado 5 feet south-
westerly from its intersection with the northwestern extension of the -
line between Lots 518 and 519, of said Unit No.5, Haciendas del
EL PULGAR, from MH 46, to be located therein at its intersection
with the western extension of the line between Lots 483 and 484, to
FI 8, to be located in El Pulgar, 15 feet northwesterly from its in-
tersection with the southern extension of the line between Lots 486 and
487, of said Unit No.5, Haciendas del Orinda.
TWELVE FOOT PATH, a-t the northeastern extremity of El Verano, for
its entire length.
TEN FOOT PATH, connecting La Espiral and El Pulgar, for its entire
TEN FOOT PATH, along the southeastern line of Lots 497 and 498,
from MH 32, to be located therein 50 feet southerly from its inter-
section with the line between Lots 497 and 498, of said Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, northerly along said 10 foot path for 120 feet.
SIX FOOT PATH, along the northeastern line of Lot 595, of said
Unit No.6, Haciendas del Orinda, fôr the southeastern 5 feet.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 498 (Parcel 48) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which -is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
eastern line of said Lot 498, said point bears north 70 24' 4011 west,
33.69 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 498; thence from
said point of beginning north 160 30' 20" east, 58.77 feet to a point
on the northeastern line of said Lot 498.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 499 (Parcel 49) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
southwestern line of said Lot 499, said point bears north 570 23' west,
8.85 feet from the most southernocorner of said Lot 499; thence from
said poiat of beginning north 16 30' 2011 east, 22.10 feet; thence
north 34 27' 40" west, 36.09 feet; thence north 00 14' 2011 east,
43.77 feet; thence north 360 30' 50" east, 34.09 feet to a point on
the northeastern line of said Lot 499.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 500 (Parcel 50) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del OrindB, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a pointoon the
southwestern line of said Lot 500, said point bears north 51 17' west,
63.71 feet from the most southerg corner of said Lot 500; thence from
said poiat of beginning north 36 30' 5011 east, 85.41 feet; thence
north 29 21' 2011 east, 25.63 feet to a point on the northeastern line
of said Lot 500.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 501 (Parcel 59) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in widt~he
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the southwestern line of said Lot 501, said point bears north
510 37' west, 70.25 feet from the most southern carner of said Lot
501; thence from said point of beginnin~ north 29 21' 20" east,
76.20 feet; thence north 180 47' 50" east, 43.35 feet to a point
on the northeastern line of said Lot 501.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 502 (Parcel 58) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the southwestern line of said Lot 502, said point beers north
590 17' west, 39.74 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot
502; thence from said point of beginning north 180 47' 50" east,
46.92 feet; thence north 720 47' 20" east, 28.78 feet to a point on
the eastern line of said Lot 502.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 506 (Parcel 57) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a Boint
on the western line of said Lot 506, said point bears south 12 39'
10" east, 74.09 feet from the most eastern corner of Lot 502 of
said subdivision; thence from said point of beginning north 720 47'
2011 east, 52.02 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 506.
EASEl-rENT, IN LOT 503 (Parcel 56) of the aforesaid Unit Nó. 5,
Hs.cienda,s del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a goint
on the western iine of said Lot ~03, said point bears north 66 51'
30" west, 27.59 feet and north 3 42' 30" east, 72.79 feet from the
most southern corner of said Lot 503; thence from said point of
beginning north 720 47' 20" east, 81.22 feet; thence north 190 30'
50" east, 33.75 feet to a point on the northeastern line of said
Lot 503.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 516 (Parcel 53) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels:
Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line
of which is described as follows: Beginning at a poinð on the
western line of said Lot 5166 said point bears south 7 24' 40"
east, 6.00 feet and south 29 03' 20" east, 42.01 feet from the
northwestern corner of said Lot 516; thence from said point of
beginning south 850 41' eElst, 44.47 feet to a point hereinafter
referred to as MH 35; thence north 200 03' east, 44.11 feet to a
point on the northern line of said Lot 516.
Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line
of which is described as follows: ~eginning at MH 35 mentioned in
Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 38 16' east, 71.41 feet to a
point on the western line of the parcel of land described in Parcel
One of the deed to Robert M. Moorehead, et ux, recorded August 21,
1946, under Recorder's Serial No. 30210, in Volume 925 of Official
Records, at page 276, in tte office of said Recorder.
EASENENT, IN LOTS 516 and 517 (Parcel 52) of the aforesaid Unit
No.5, Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width
the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
point on the western line of the parcel of land described in Parcel
One of the deed to Robert M. Moorehead, et ux, recorded August 21~
1946, under Recorder's Serial No. 30210, in Volume 925 of Official
Records, at page 276, in the office of said Recorder, said point
being 97.02 feet southerly along said western line from the most
northern corner of said Moorehead parcel (925 OR 276); thence from
said point of beginning south 380 16' east, 6.71 feet; thence south
290 48' east, 52.38 feet to a point on the southeastern line of said
Moorehead parcel (926 OR 276).
EASEMENT, IN LOT 517 (Parcel 51) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the northwestern line of the parcel of land described in the deed
to Fred C. Von Guenthner, et ux, recorded January 6,1948, under
Recorder's Serial No. 421, in Volume 1163 of Official Records, at
page 414, in the office of said Recorder, said point bears south 580
33' west, 157.17 feet from the most northern corner of said Von
Guenthneõ parcel (1163 OR 414); thence from said point of beginning
south 29 481 east, 10.00 feet into said Von Guenthner parcel (1163
OR 414).
EASEMENT, IN LOT 515 (Parcel 54) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a paint
on the southern line of said Lot 515, said point bears south 86 45'
east,80.77 feet from the southwesternocorner of said Lot 515; thence
from saià point of beginning north 20 03' eastð 11.80 feet; thence
north 37 43' east, 84.19 feet; thence north 23 06' east, 58.48 feet
to a point on the northern line of said Lot 515.
EASEHENT, IN LOT 514 (Parcel 55) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels:
Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line
of which is described as follows: Beginning at a paint on the south-
ern line of said Lot 514, said point bears south 74 581 east, 114.93
feet from the most western Borner of said Lot 514; thence from said
point of beginning north 41 east, 136.47 feet to a point on the
northeastern line of said Lot 514.
Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the northern line
of which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, measured at right
angles, from the southern line, said southern line being described as
follows: Beginning at the most southern corner of said Lot 514;
thence north 740 58' west, 161.05 feet along the southern line of said
Lot 514.
EAS~~ENT, IN LOT 513 (Parcel 60) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the southwestern line of said Lot 513, said point bears south 670
15' east, 110.81 feet from the most western Borner of said Lot 513;
thence fÔom said point of beginning north 41 east, 51.66 feet; thence
north 47 55' east, 88.70 feet to a point on the northeastern line of
said Lot 513.
EASÐIENT, IN LOT 512 (Parcel 61) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
southwestern line of said Lot 512, said point bears south 500 20. east,
49.99 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 512; thence from
saÓd point of beginning north 470 55' east, 60.67 feet; thence north
78 031 east, 60.33 feet; thence north 440 35' east, 17.40 feet to a
point on the northeastern line of said Lot 512.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 511 (Parcel 62) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
southwestern li~e of said Lot 511, said point bears south 450 east,
57.60 feet from the most westernocorner of said Lot 511; thence from
said point of beginning north 44 35' east, 110.68 feet to a point on
the northeastern line of said Lot 511.
EAS~1ENT, IN LOT 510 (Parcel 63) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
southwestern line of said Lot 510, said point bears south 450 20'
east, 21.0 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 510; thence
from said point of beginning north 440 35' east, 94.06 feet to a point
on the northeastern line of said Lot 510.
EAS~lENT, IN LOTS 507 and 508 (Parcel 64) of the aforesaid Unit
No.5, Haciendas del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels:
Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line
of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
southwestern line of said Lot 508, said point bears north 500 42'
40" west, 48.34 feet from the most southern 8orner of said Lot 508;
thence from said point of beginning north 44 35' east, at 10.46
feet a point hereinafter refer5ed to as point "A", a total distance
of 34.80 feet; thence north 37 30' west, 22.59 feet; thence north
640 39' west, 49.20 feet to a point on the western line of the
parcel of land described in the deed to James Alexander Brown, et
ux, recorded March 6, 1947, under Recorder's Serial No. 9212, in
Volume 1004 of Official Records, at page 183, in the office of said
Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line
of which is described as follows: Beginning at point "All, mentioned
in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 660 15' east, 47.15 feet to a
point on the southeastern line of said Lot 508.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 507 (Parcel 65) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the western line of the parcel of land described in the deed to
James Alexander Brown, et ux, recorded March 6, 1947, under Record-
er's Serial No. 9212, in Volume 1004 of Official Records, at gage
183, in the office of said Recorder, said point bears north 7 20'
west, 40.71 feet northerly along said western line from the most
western corner of Lot 508 06 said subdivision; thence from said
point of beginning north 64 39' west, 10.00 feet into said Lot 507.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 475 (Parcel 66) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orind~ being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point in the
center line of La Espiral on the southeastern line of said Lot 475,
said point being westerly 37.68 feet along said southeastern line
from the most eastern corner of said Lot 475; thence from said
point of beginning north 2ð 57' east, 98.09 feet to a point on the
northern line of said Lot 475.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 476 (Parcel 67) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the southern line of said Lot 476, said point bears north 870
36' 25" west, 20.09 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot
476; thence from said point of beginning north 20 57' east, 60.21
feet to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 476.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 479 (Parcel 68) of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
eastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet easterly, meas-
ured at right angles, from the western line, said western line
being described as follows: Beginning at a point 08 the southwest-
ern line of said Lot 479, said point bears north 25 43' west,
34.45 feet from the most southern corser of said Lot 479; thence
from said point of beginning north 25 43' west6 60.00 feet; thence
north 190 55' east, 85.00 feet; thence north 27 54' east, 10.00
feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 479.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 36 (Parcel 24) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the
northeastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northeast-
erly, measured at right angles, from the southwestern line, said
southwestern line being the entire southwestern line of sB_id Lot 36.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 38 (Parcel 23) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
HaciendB.s del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a
poònt on the southeastern line of said Lot 38, said point bears north
46 55' 05" east, 60.72 feet from the most southern corner of said
Lot 38; thence from said point of beginning north 460 53' 301lW9st,
10.0 feet into said Lot 38.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 23 (Pprcel 35) of the aforesaid Unit No. 9,-
Haciendas del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels:
Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the northeastern
line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northeasterly, measured at
right angles, from the southwestern line, said southwestern line
being the entire southwestern line of said Lot 23.
Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 10 feet in width, the southeastern
line of which is parallel with and 10 feet southeasterly, measured at
right angles, from the northwestern line, said northwestern line
being the entire northwestern line of said Lot 23.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 22 (Parcel 36) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orlnda, being a strip of land 10 feet 'in width the
southeastern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet southeasterly,
measured at right angles, from the northwestern line, said north-
western line being described as follows: Beginning at the most
western corner of said Lot 22; thence north 620 48' 3011 east, 10.0
feet along the northwestern line of said Lot 22.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 10 (Parcel 25) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 8 feet in width, the
southwestern line of which is parallel with and 8 feet southwesterly,
measured a.t right angles, from the northeastern line, sa-id north-
eastern line being the entire northeastern line of said Lot 10.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 13 (Parcel 26) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 15 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is parallel with and 15 feet northwesterly,
measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said south-
eastern line being described as follows: BegiBning at the most
easter n corner of said Lot 13; thence south 63 541 west, 10.0 feet
along the southeastern line of said Lot 13.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 14 (Parcel 27) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 15 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is parallel with and 15 feet northwesterly,
measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeast-
ern line being the entire southeastern line of said Lot 14.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 15 (Parcel 28) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Ha.ciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 15 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is parallel with and 15 feet northwesterly,
measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southes.st-
ern line being the entire southeastern line of said Lot 15.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 16 (Parcel 29) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 15 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is pars.llel with and 15 feet northwesterly,
measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeast-
ern line being the entire southeastern line of said Lot 16.
EASEM~NT, IN LOT.17 (Parcel 30) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 10 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet northwesterly,
measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeast-
ern line being the entire southeastern line of said Lot 17.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 18 (Parcel 31) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 10 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet northwesterly,
measured at right angles, from the southea.stern line, said southeast-
ern line being the entire southeastern line of said Lot 18.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 19 (Parcel 32) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 10 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet northwest-
erly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said
southeastern line being the entire southeastern line of- said Lot
EASEMENT, IN LOT 20 (Parcel 33) of the aforesaid Unit N°.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels:
Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 10 feet in width, the north-
western line of which is parallel with and 10 feet northwesterly,
measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said south-
eastern line being described as follows: Beginaing at the most
southern corner of said Lot 20; thence north 55 42' east, 10.0
feet along the southeastern line of said Lot 20.
Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the southwest-
ern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southwesterly, meas-
ured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said northes.stern
line being described as follows: Beginning at the most eastern
corner of said Lot 20; thence north 190 41' 20" west, 10.0 feet
along the northeastern line of said Lot 20.
EASDIENT, IN LOT 3 (PArcel 34 ) of the aforesaid Unit No.9,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the
southwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southwest-
erly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said
northeastern line being the entire northeastern line of said Lot 3.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 626 (Parcel 37) of the aforesaid
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in
within. said Lot 626 and being immediately adjacent to
southwestern line and the entire northwestern line of
except the eastern 35 feet of said northwestern line.
Unit No.6,
width, lying
the entire
said Lot 626
EASEMENT, IN LOT 624 (Parcel 38) of the aforesaid Unit No.6,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is p8_rallel with and 5 feet northwest-
erly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said
southeastern line being the entire soutpeastern line of said Lot
EASEMENT,IN LOT 623 (Parcel 39) of the aforesaid Unit No.6,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northwest-
erly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said
southeastern line being the entire southeastern line of said Lot
EASE~ENT, IN LOT 620 (Parcel 40) of the aforesaid Unit No.6,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northwest-
erly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said
southeastern line being the entire southeastern line-of said Lot
EASEMENT, IN LOT 619 (Parcel 41) of the aforesaid Unit No.6,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the
northwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northwest-
erly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said
southeastern line being described as follows: Beginnðng at the
most southern corner of said Lot 619; thence north 47 37' 10"-
east, 10.0 feet along the southeastern line of said Lot 619.
EASEl/LENT, IN LOT 86 (Parcel 47) of the aforesaid Unit No.8,
Hp.ciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 10.0 feet in width,
the southwestern line of which is parallel with and 10.0 feet
southwesterly, measured at right angl~s, from the northeastern line,
said northeastern line being the entire northeastern line of said
Lot 86.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, IN LOT 509 of the aforesaid Unit No.5,
Haciendas del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the
center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the northwestern line of said Lot 509, said pomnt bears north 340
28' east, 23.13 feet from the most western carner of said Lot 509;
thence from said point of beginning south 66 15' east, 2.5 feet
into said Lot 509.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is the common line
of Lots 504 and 505 of the aforesaid Unit No.5, Haciendas del O~inda,
for the southwestern 10 feet of said common line.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is the common line
of Lots 614 and 615 of the aforesaid Unit No.6, Haciendas del Orinda,
for the southern 10 feet of said common line.
FIVE rOOT EASID~ENT, the center line of which is the entire common
line of Lots 85 and 86 of the aforesaid Unit No.8, Haciendas-del
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is the western line
of Lot 595 of the aforesaid Unit No.6, Haciendas del Orinà.a, for the
southern 115 feet of said western line.
FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, the center line of which is the common line
of Lots 628 and 629 of the aforesaid Unit No.6, Haciendas del Orinda,
for the eastern 6 feet of said common line.
EASEMENT, in the southeastern 2.5 feet of Lot 627, of the afore-
said Unit No.6, Haciendas del Orinda, for 35 feet southwesterly,
from the most eastern corner.
The office of the Recorder referred to hereinabove is the office
of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California,
and Official Records and file numbers hereinabove referred to are
Official Records and file numbers of said Recorder. The letters MH,
FI and LH herein used refer to'and mean Manhole, Flushing Inlet and
L~,--mphole, respectively.
In the foregoing descriptions, the width of all easements des-
cribed by reference to a center line is measured at right angles.
In the foregoing descriptions, wherever right-of-way, easement,
str~et, or other public way is described wherein work is to be done,
it is the intention that said work shall also be extended so as to
connect the same with existing sewers or sewer work to be construdted
neare st to said right-of-way, easement, street, or other publi.c way,
and at the point in said proposed work where a manhole, flushing
inlet, or other construction is shown on said plans therefor, unless
otherwise shown thereon.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such sanitary sewers and appurtenances
be constructed in said streets, easements, reserves, avenues, roads,
lanes, courts, places and/o~ pu,blic ways hereine.bove described, of
the dimensions, materials, and in the particular locations set forth
and shown on the .plans and specifications and detailed drawings here-
inabove and hereafter referred to; together with the construction of
all appurtenances thereto, including necessary fittings, trenchings,
grading and regrading, excavation and fill, removal of obstructioI"-s,
connections to existing services, back filling, reconstruction of
existing ground surface as required to conditions existing prior to
commencement of construction, all in the manner, of the materials
and to the dimensions and to the grades, and in the particular
locations as the same are more fully shown on the plans and specifica-
tions and detailed drawings hereinabove and hereafter referred to;
That the structures and "Tork Ð,nd improvements herein described
shall be constructed to the gra-des, sub-grades and elevations severally
shown upon the plans and profiles and detailed drawings thereof in
the respective locations thereof, to which plans and profiles ref-
erence is hereby expressly made for a description of the grades to
which all of the work and improvements under this Resolution of
Intention shall be done, which said grades are hereby adopted and
established as the official grades therefor for all purposes in
connection with proceedings pursuant to this Resolution of Inten-
tion; notice is hereby further given that said grades are or may
be, in part, new and different from those heretofore established
or existing, or may be, and in some cases are, different from ex-
isting ground levels;
All of said work and improvements shall be done to the lines
and grades as shown on the plans and profiles and in accordance
with the plans and specifications heretofore referred to for the
doing of said work and improvement, and which are now on file in
the office of the Secretary of the District Board.
Excepting from all' of the herein described work all of said
work that has already been done to the lines and grades shown on
said plans and profiles, and in accordance with said plans and
The attention of all persons is directed to the fact that all
of said classes of work above described may not be constructed
upon all of the stre~ts and/or public ways above described in
their entirety, but only upon the particular locations as shown on
the plans and specifications, to which the attention of all per-
sons is directed for a description of the work, location of the
several classes of work, a description of the classes of work to
be done upon each of the several public streets or rights-of-way
named, a description of the streets and rights-of-way, and for all
other information contained in the said plans and specifications
pertinent to the doing and completion of the work and improvements
herein proposed; and
WHEREAS, said contemplated work and improvements, in the opin-
ion of this District Board, is of more than local or ordinary
public benefit, said District Board hereby makes the expenses and
costs of said work and improvements chargeable upon a district,
which said district said District Board hereby declares the dist-
rict benefited by the work and improvements herein described; and
which is to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof; said
district shall include that territory in the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California,
which i s shown on that certai n plat or map on file in the office
of the Secretary of the District Board, and which is set forth as
the IIMap Showing Proposed Assessment District Boundary for the
Improvement of Local Improvement District No.2) in Resolution No.
687 of the District Board, II and which said map or plat indicates,
by a boundary line, the extent of the territory included in the
proposed district and covers all details as to the extent of the
area to be assessed; said map or plat is, by this reference in-
corporated herein and made a part hereof;
Excepting from the area shown and delineated on said map or
plat, hereinabove referred to, the area of all public streets,
avenues, lanes, roads, drives, courts, places, public parks, and
R,ll easements and rights-of-way therein contained belonging to the
That the proceedings for said work and improvement shall be had
and taken under and in accordance with Division 7 of the Streets
and HighwB,Ys Code of the State of California, (" Improvement Act of
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Health Officer of said County
of Contra Costa has recommended in writing to said Board that said
proceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health
measure, and said Board h~retofore ordered said recommendation
spread upon the Minutes of said Board and by Resolution adopted by
the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the members of said Board
found and determined that such necessity exists.
That serial bonds shall be issued pursuant to Part 5 of Division
7 of said Streets and Highways Code (Improvement Act of 1911) to
represent the unpaid assessments of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) or
over for the cost of said wQrk, said bonds to bear interest at the
rate of Six Per Cent (6%) per annum, to extend for a period of nine
(9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next
October 15th following their date, and to be payable in annual in-
stallments the last installment thereof to mature nine (9) years
from the second day of January next succeeding the next 15th day of
October following their date, said bonds and the interest thereon to
be payable as provided in said Code.
ThAt Thursday the )rd day of May, 1951, at the hour of 8:00
o'clock p.m., of said day, and at the meeting place of said Board,
1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, in the County of
Contra Costa, State of California., be and the same are hereby fixed
as the time and place, when and where any and all persons having any
objection to the proposed work and improvement, the grades thereof,
or to the extent of the district to be assessed, or all thereof, may
appear before said Board and show cause why said proposed work should
not be carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention,
and may present written protest, not later than the hour hereinabove
set for hearing, against the doing of said work, the grades thereof,
or to the extent of the territory to be assessed to pay the cost and
expenses thereof.
That the Engineer of said District shall cause to be conspicuously
posted along the line of said work and improvement, in the manner and
form required by law, notices of the passage of this Resolution.
The.t the Secret.!?ry of said Board shall certify to the passage of
this Resolution and shall cause the same to be published twice, as
required by law, in the Courier-Journal, a newspaper published and
circulated wit~said ~istrict and hereby designated for that purpose
by said Board. The first publication of said notice shall be not
less than ten (10) days prior to the date herein fixed for hearing
on this Resolution of Intention.
Said District Board does hereby direct its Secretary to mail
notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention postage pre-
paid to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for
the work herein described, whose names and addresses appear on the
lRst equalized assessment roll for taxes of the County of Contra
Costa or as known to the Clerk, the contents of said notices and
preparation and mailing to be as required by law, and to be completed
at least fifteen (15) days prior to such hearing.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this
12th day of April, 1951, by the following called vote:
AY~S: Members Malott, Smitten, Toland, Waòsworth and Johnson
NOES: Members - None
ABSENT: Members - None
s/ Elliott Johnson, President
of the District Board
s/ H. M. Smitten, Secr7tary
of the District Board
--------.--.--- ---------------.
It we.s moved by M~mb~r Wadsworth, seconded by Member Malott
and unanimously carried that the Board approve the License allow-
ing Hanna Teiche to construct and maintain a sewer line across
District property in Orinda.
The Bo~rd considered informal bids from Tom Morodomi in the
amount of $166.00 and H. van Siegman in the amount of $100.00 per
month for maintaining the grounds at four pumping stations and
the office building. Th~ Board instructed th~ M?nager to contact
other possibl~ bidders, and withheld a d~cision until a future
LID 16
By letter of April 10, 1951, Mr. Donald N. MacVean protested
the condition of Orchard Lane. The Board instructed the Attorney
hs.ve C:everdon Company I s bond fort ei ted.
It was moved by M~mber Wadsworth, seconded by Member Malott,
and unanimously carried that the Board authorize the recommended
rate of $1.41 per hour for temporary laborers.
By undated letter, Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Reynolds requested a
sewer connection for Lot 23 of Fairway Acres, without' charge or
as ses sment, in r~turn for grant of easement acros s 'said property.
Mr. Reynolds spoke in his 6wn behalf, and agreed to annexation of
the property.
It was moved by Member Smitten, and seconded by Member Wads-
worth, that the easement in Lot 23 of Fairway Acres be accepted
by the Sanitary District on the condition that the Sanitary Dist-
rict allow the use of the sewer for the proper~throUgh which the
easem~nt runs, without cost except the normal ~~~{ell charges
of the District applicable át the time of co!'nectio'n, and that
prior to such connection such property be annexed to and be a part
of the Central Contra Costa Sani tary District. Carried by the
following vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson
Member M~Üott
Members - None
The Engineer stated that the bids for construction of Local
Improvement District No. 22 were tabulated as follows:
Charles Burch
Radich & Fergusson, Inc.
McGuire & Hester
B_nd recommended award to Chprles Burch as the lowest responsible
Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 690:
WHEREAS, the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District did in open session, on the 12th day of April, 1951, public-
lyopen, examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing
the work and improvement described in Resolution of Intention No. 679
for the construction of sewers and appurtenances in Local Improvement
District No. 22 in the Central Contra Costa SanUary District, adopted
on the 1st day of March, 1951, which Resolution of Intention is hereby
expressly referred to for a description of se.id work and improvement
and for ell particulprs relative to the proceedings under said Resolu-
tion of Intention;
Nm'ï, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the District Board of
the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District hereby rejects all of said
proposals or bids except that herein mentioned, and hereby awards the
contrect for doing said work and making sc9.id improvements to the low-
est responsible bidder, to-wit:
at the prices named in the bid of said bidder on file in the office
of the Secretary of the District Board.
The Clerk of the District Boarà is hereby
notice of said award twice in the Orinda Sun,
a_nd circula-ted in said 5anits_ry District, and
purpose by said District Board of the Central
directed to publish
a newspaper published
designated for that
Contra Costa Sani ta.ry
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of April, 1951, by the following
called vote:
Members M~lott, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson
Members - None
MemberÐ - None
sl Elliott Johnson, President
of the District Board
sl H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board
President Johnson adjourned the meeting to Mey 3, 1951 at 8:00
o'clock p.m.
Secretary of the District Board
of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California.
President of the istrict Board
of Central Contr Costa Sanitary
District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California