HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-01-51 83, MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~lEETING OF, THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON MARCH 1,1951 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District con- vened in regular session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, state of California, on March 1, 1951, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting waS called to order by President Johnson, and the roll was called: PRESENT: ABSENT: Members Malott, Wadsworth and Johnson Members Smitten and Toland READ!NG OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and were approved as entered. MEMBER TOLAND ARHIVED. ,/,lr'/",p/~/~en/ ",øjJ ø:"/e,...,. 4/. ~a",4è'" MILITAnY LEAVE -PORJOH-N- b.--MA~ Member Toland, seconded by Member Wadsworth, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 673: RESOLUTION NO. 673 WHEREAS, petition has been received from John L. Mason, District Engineer and District Manager for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, requesting B, leave of absence from said positions, and WHEREAS, said petition is made and granted upon the condition that the said John L. Mason be recalled to active duty in the United States Navy, and WHEREAS, Victor W. Sauer is presently employed by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as Assistant District Engineer and Sewer In- . spector, a civil service position, at a salary of six hundred and forty-five dollars ($645.00) per month, such being the first salary range of said position, and WHEREAS, it is provided in the requirements of said position that the incumbent thereof discharge the duties of District Engineer in the absence of the incumbent of such latter position, it being intended that such responsibility be of only a temporary nature, and WHEREAS, the Ibsence of John L. Mason being indefinite, it is not the intention of the District Board to require the indefinite discharge of the duties of District Engineer by the Assistant District Engineer as such, and WHEREAS, the duties of Assistant District Engineer similarly do not include the discharge of the duties of District Manager during the absence of such Manager, and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the District Board to require the discharge of the duties of District Engineer and District Manager by the Assistant District Engineer until the return to those positions of John L. Mason. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 03 01 51 84 That John L. Mason be granted an indefinite military leave from the positions of District Manager and District Engineer, which posi- tions are, by this Resolution, declared continued, the incumbent thereof to be on such leave. That the positions of Acting District Engineer and Acting Dist- rict Manager be created, the duties of which shall be those of the District Engineer and District Manager. That Victor W. Sauer be appointed to both such positions. That the positions be terminated upon the return of John L. Mason. That Victor W. Sauer be paid the sum of one hundred and five dollars ($105.00) per month, which salary shall be in addition to the salary of said Victor W. Sauer as Assistant District Engineer and Sewer Inspector and shall be the salary for the positions, Act- ing District Manager and Acting District Engineer. That the Acting District Engineer undertake, specifically, the proceedings for all Local Improvement Districts, and act as the Engineer thereof until the return of John L. Mason. That while absent on military leave John L. Mason shall not receive any payment as salary. Passed and adopted by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 1st day of March, 1951, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson Members - None Member Smitten s/ Elliott Johnson, President of the District Board s/ Morna Phillips, Assistant Secretary of the District Board AGREEMENT WITH ORINDA SCHOOL DISTRICT It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Malott, that the Board authorize the President and Secretary to execute agreement with the Orinda Union School for sewer service to the proposed site on Washington Lane. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson Members - None Member Smitten. AGREE~ŒNT WITH ORINDA COUNTRY CLUB The Attorney called to the Board's attention the fact that the easements from the Orinda Country Club being non-exclusive was in derogation of the policy which he had established with the concur- rence of the Board to secure exclusive easements only. This variation from policy had only been adopted because of the necessity of acquiring the easement immediately and because the Orinda Country Club would not grant it on any other basis. President Johnson said he was in accord for this particular situation. Member Toland also concurred. It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, tha,t the BoB_rd authorize the President and SecretB_ry to execute 03 01 51 86 the agreement with the Orinda Country Club pertaining to easements ~ranted by the Club, with payment to the Grantors in the amount of $100.00. CRrrted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson Members - None Member Smitten. CONNECTION TERMS FOR E.B.M.U.D. PROPERTIES AT ORINDA CROSSROADS It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, that the Board advise the East Bay Municipal Utility District that their properties leased by Bradley's Market, the Crossroads Restau- rant and the Standard Oil Sts.tion at the Orinda Crossroads would have an annual charge of $700.00 for a period of not more than five years, for sewer service. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES.: ABSENT: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth. Member Johnson Member Smitten PAYMENT FOR PARCEL 87 L.I.D. No. 22 It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, that the Board authorize payment in the amount of $1700.00 to Mr. J. M. Long, for easement known as Parcel 87 of Local Improvement District No. 22. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: Member Smitten COMMENCING PROCEEDINGS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 22 , Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 674: RESOLUTION NO. 674 . LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 22 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that the necessity, asa health measure, for sewers in that area and for those proceedings described in the letter of Dr. H. L. Blum, Health Officer of Contra Costa County, addressed to this Board and dated 21st day of February, 1951, is by this Board similarly found to exist. Said letter is hereby referred to and made i a part hereof, and ordered spread upon the Minutes of this Body. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that such sewers the installation thereof and assessment proceedings therefor are found and declared to be ,necessary as a health measure. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 1951, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson None J.lember Smitten sf Morna Phillips, Assistant Secretary of the District Board sf Elliott Johnson, President of the District Board 03 01 51 .-.--------- -------.---.------------ 86 HEALTH OFFICER'S LETTER liThe District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, California February 2l 1951 Gen~lemen: ~ "A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area herein- after described in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in the County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to be unsan- itary, unhealthful, and in my opinion, dangerous to the health of the people living therein. Said area is bounded and described as follows: That vertain area referred to as 'Boundary Description of Local Improvement District No. 221 which description is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. "As Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa, I recommend as a necessary health measure that your honorable Board institute pro- ceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system for said area to abate the unsanitary conditions therein. Very truly yours HEALTH OFFICER OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY s/ H. L. BLU1-1, M. D. " Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 675: RESOLUTION NO. 675 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGNATING ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 22 BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that the said District Board proposes to cause to be constructed in and for Local Improvement District No. 22 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, the following improvements, construction of sewers and appurtenances, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that Victor W. Sauer, Engineer of the District be and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for said proposed work, together with careful est- imates of the costs and expenses of such work, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proceedings for such work shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of the II Improvement Act of 1911" under Resolution of Intention to be hereafter adopted, and BE mT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said Victor W. Sauer be and he is hereby directed to prepare a map showing the boundaries and the district to be assessed for the said proposed work and improvement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 1951, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: Member Smitten s/ Morna Phillips, Assistant Secretary of the District Board s/ Elliott Johnson, President of the District Board 03 01 51 87 Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 676: RESOLUTION NO. 676 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 22 BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that the plans and specifications submitted by Victor W. Sauer, Engineer of Work for Local Improvement District No. 22 in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, be and they are hereby adopted as the plans and specifications for the doing of said work and improvement. The estimate of said Engineer for said work being given to this Board as $288,380.00. PASSED AND.ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 1951, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson Members - None Member Smitten sf Morna Phillips, Assistant Secretary of the District Board sf Elliott Johnson, President of the District Board Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 677: , RESOLUTION NO. 677 APPROVING ASSES~1ENT DISTRICT MAP LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 22 ~T IS HERZBY RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Assessment District Map submitted by the Engineer, which ind1cates by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the District proposed to be assessed for constructing a sanitary sewer system for the areas within the following described boundaries, to-wit: All deeds and maps hereinafter referred to in the following desorip- tions are recorded in the office of the Recorder of Contra Costa County, California. Beginning at the southeastern corner of Lot 386 as said lot is designated on the map entitled IIUnit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, " which map was filed in Ma.p Book 19 on page 473; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of that parcel of land denoted on said map (Unit No.3) as "Roman Catholic Church," and its extension south- westerly to the western boundary of Miner Road; thence northerly along said western boundary to its intersection with the southern boundary of Camino Don Miguel; thence westerly and southerly along said boundary to its intersection with the southeastern boundary as said boundary is designated on the map entitled "Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda," which map was filed in Map Book 19 on page 507; thence southerly along said southeastern boundary and its extension southerly to the most southern corner of that parcel of land described in Parcel Two of the deed to Carolyn O. Ballachey, et vir, recorded January 12, 1937, in Volume 425 of Official Records at page 165; thence westerly along the southern boundary of said parcel to the southwestern corner of Lot 633 of said Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda; thence northerly along the west line of said Lot 633 to the southern boundary of Camino Don Miguel; thence northwesterly along said boundary to its inter- section with the southwestern extension of the southeastern boundary of Lot 682 of said Unit No.7; thence northeasterly along said exten- sion and southeastern boundary to the most eastern corner of said Lot 03 01 51 88 682; thence in a general northerly direction along the northeast- ern boundarues of Lots 682, 684, 684, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691 and 692 of said Unit No.7 to the intersection thereof with the southwestern extension of the southeastern boundary of Lot 670 of said Unit No.7; thence northeasterly along said extension and southeastern boundary of said Lot 670 and continuing north- easterly along the northeastern extension of the southeastern boundary of said Lot 670 to the intersection thereof with the northern boundary of Camino Don Miguel; thence westerly along said northeastern boundary of Camino Don Miguel to its inter- section with the southeastern boundary of Los Altos; thence north- easterly along said southeastern boundary of Los Altos to its intersection with the northeastern boundary of said Unit No.7 of Haciendas Del Orinda; thence southeasterly along said boundary and its extension southeasterly to the eastern boundary of Miner Road; thence southerly along said boundary to the southern bound- ary of the Orinda Country Club, the course of said boundary is designated on the map of the afgrementioned Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda as bearing "south 76 51' 50" west"; thence easterly, northeasterly, southe.asterly and northeasterly along the southern, southeastern, southwestern and southeastern boundary of said Orinda Country Club to the western boundary of Camino Sobrante; thence northwesterly along said boundary and its extension north- westerly to the western boundary of Miner Road; thence northerly along said boundary to its intersection with the eastern extension of the southern boundary of "Sleepy Hollow Unit No. 311 as desig- nated on said named map, which map was filed in Map Book 29 at pages 44, 45 and 46, inclusive; thence westerly along said exten- sion and southern boundary and continuing in a general clockwise direction along the extreme outer boundaries of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, Sleepy Hollow Unit No.1 (Map Book 28, pages 13 to 16, inclusive) and Sleepy Hollow Unit No.2 (Rap Book 28, pages 19 to 21, inclusive) to the southeastern corner of Lot 8 as said Lot 8 is designated on the map entitled IISleepy Hollow Estates, Contra Costa County, California," which map was filed in Map Book )4 on page 19; thence southwesterly along the southeastern line of said Lot 8 to the most northern corner of that parcel of land described in Parcel One of the deed to George U. Wood, et ux, recorded November 26, 1948, in Volume 1321 of Official R~cords at page 415; thence southerly and westerly along the eastern and southern boundary of last mentioned parcel (1321 OR 415) to the eastern boundary of a 40 foot in width road described as Parcel Two in said deed (1321 OR 415); thence southerly and westerly along said eastern and southern boundary to its intersection with the northeast line of that parcel of land described in the deed to Janie Harris Jones, recorded June 23,1945, in Volume 791 of Official Records, at page 366; thence southeasterly and south- westerly along the northeast and southeast lines of said parcel (791 OR 366) to the northeastern line of that parcel of land described in the deed to Richard W. Breuner, et ux, recorded June 14,1934, in Volume 356 of Official Records at page 465; thence southeasterly along said northeastern line to the northern bound- ary of Miner Road; thence westerly along said boundary to the southwestern boundary of last named parcel (356 OR 475); thence northwesterly along said boundary to the southern boundary of the aforementioned 40 foot road (Paroel 2 - 1321 OR 415); thence west- erly along said boundary to the southwestern boundary of that parcel of land described in the deed to Alton R. Stack, et ux, recorded February 1, 1946, in Volume 882 of Official Records at page 165; thence southeasterly along said southwestern boundary to the northwestern boundary of that parcel of land described in Parcel One of the deed to Embree F. Hockenbeamer, et ux, recorded December 7, 1945, in Volume 859 of Official Records àt page 296; thence northeasterly, southeasterly and southwesterly along the northwestern, northeastern and southeastern boundaries of said ParoelOne (859 OR 296) to the northeastern boundary of IIUnit No. 4, Haoiendas Del Orinda," as said unit is designated on the map filed in Map Book 19 on page 479; thence southeasterly along said boundary to the most northern corner of Lot 561 as said lot is designated on the map entitled "Unit No.5, Haoiendas Del Orinda, " 03 01 51' 89 whi~h map was filed in Map Book 19 at pages 489 to 491, inclusive; thence southerly and southeasterly along the western and southwest- ern lines of said Lot 561 to the western boundary of La Punta; thence southerly along said boundary to the northern boundary of El Campanaro; thence westerly along said northern boundary to its intersection with the northern extension of the western line of Lot 553 of said Unit No.5; thence southerly along said extension and western boundary to the north line of Lot 552 of said Unit No.5; thence westerly and southerly along the northern and western lines of said Lot 552 and continuing southerly along the wAstern lines of Lots 551,550 and 549 of said Unit No.5 to the southwestern corner of said Lot 549; thence easterly along the southern line of said Lot 549 to the western boundary of La Campana; thence southerly along said western boundary and its extension southerly to the east- ern boundary of Via Hermosa; thence southerly and westerly along eastern and southern boundary of said Via Hermosa to the southeast- ern line of Lot 306 as said lot is designated on the map entitled "Uni t No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, 'I which map was filed in Map Book 19 at pages 460 to 464, inclusive; thence southwesterly and north- westerly along the southeastern .and southwestern lines of said Lot 306 to the eastern boundary of Camino Sobrante; thence southerly, westerly and southerly along the eastern, southern and eastern boundaries of said Camino Sobrante to the eastern extensi.on of the . southern line of Lot 376 as said lot is designated on the afore- mentioned "Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda"; thence westerly along said extension and sQuthern line to the western boundary of Camino Sobrante; thence southerly and easterly along western and southern boundary of Camino Sobrante to the aforementioned southeastern boundary of said Unit No.3; thence southwesterly along said south- eastern boundary to the point of beginning, being the territory described in "Map Showing Proposed Assessment District Boundery for the Improvement of Local Improvement District No. 22," which map is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, be and the same hereby are adopted as the map and description delineat- ing the boundaries of said Local Improvement District. Said improvement to be the construction of a sanitary sewer system as recommended by the County Health Officer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, this 1st day of March, 1951, by the following vote: AYES: NO ES: ABSENT: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson Members - None Member Smitten s/ Elliott Johnson, President of the District Board s/ Morna Phillips, Assistant Secretary of the District Board Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 678: RESOLUTION NO. 678 RESOLUTION APPOINTING ENGINEER DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PROCEEDINGS AND FIXING COMPENSATION AND CHARGES LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 22 RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa San- itary Distriot that Victor W. Sauer be and he is hereby appointed Engineer of Work for the proposed doing of all necessary engineering work and exercising all of the functions provided for the office of Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets in the "Improvement Act of 1911" in connection with the improvement work known, and to 03 01 51 90 be known, as the improvement of Local Improvement District No. 22 by the construction of sewers and appurtenances therein, and BE IT FU~THER RESOLVED that said Victor W. Sauer shall act as Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets and is hereby em- ployed and appointed to furnish all surveys, original drawings, maps and blueprints, including any and all such maps necessary and incident to the rights of way contemplated in the improvement work herein involved; all plans and specifications, all inspec- tion work, preparation of assessment rolls, assessment diagram and warrant and any and all other services which shall be required from the Engineer of Work under the provisions of the IIImprove- ment Act of 1911"; aDd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has engaged a full time engineering staff including the services of the said Victor W. Sauer and it is resolved that there shall be charged to the Local Improvement District No. 22 the cost of the services to the District of Mr. Victor W. Sauer and the engineering staff of the Distriot, together with materials supplied by the District to the Local Improvement Distriot and the admin- istrative costs of supplying such engineering services, labor and material. Together with the services of John A. Nejedly who is herewith directed to prepare all proceedings in connection with said Local Improvement District the expense of which similarly shall be charged to the Local Improvement District. As all of such costs shall be determined by the District Board to be devoted to such Local Improvement District. RESOLVED further th~t such costs shall be included as incid- ental expenses and be charged to the Local Improvement District as. the charges of engineering and legal services authorized by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 1951, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Malott, Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson Members - None Member Smitten s/ Elliott Johnson, President of the District Board s/ Morna Phillips, Assistant Secretary of the District Board Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 679: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 679 IN THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES IN LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 22 RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa San- itary District that it is the intention of the said District Board to order the following work to be done and improvements to be made in above Local Improvement District in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, to-wit: Construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances. Such above mentioned work being more particularly and specific- ally set forth and described in the plans, profiles and specifioa- tions for said work heretofore adopted by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by its Resolution No. 676, which plans, profiles and specifications are hereby referred to for all particulars in connection therewith and by reference made a part hereof. 03 01 5f 91 The public streets, rights-of-way, easements and reserves in which said work is to be done are shown and delineated in detail and specifically located on the plans hereinabove referred to, and reference is hereby specifioal1y madè to said plans, and notice is hereby given to all parties that specific locations ther90f are con- tained in said plans; Such locations being: In the following streets, es_sements and reserves in said Sa.ni tary District and in said Local Improvement District as they and the pro- posed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 1 of said plans and specifications: MINER ROAD, from the existing manhole therein lOcated 260 feet southerly from its intersection with the westerly extension of the southern line of Lot 386 as said lot is designated on that certain map entitled "Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, Contra Costa County, California," filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, on February 16, 1925, in Volume 19 of Maps, at pages 473 and 474, to Engineer'6 station 14+ 10 lo- cated in Miner Road 1410 feet northerly from said existing manhole. CAMINO LENADA, from its western extremity, to FI 1 to be located therein 15 feet northerly from its intersection with the ,western ex- tension of the northern line of Lot 382 of said Unit N°.3, Haciendas Del Orinda. Also in Camino Lenada from FI 2, to be located therein, measured along the center line, 115 feet southerly from its intersection with the western extension of the northern line of Lot 377 of said Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, .to FI 3, to be located therein, 20 feet southwesterly from the northeastern extremity of Camino Lenada. UNNAMED ROAD, southwesterly of La Senda, for its entire length. LA SENDA, from MH 8 to be located therein at its intersection with aforesaid Unnamed Road, southeasterly to the southeastern term- inus of La Senda. Also in La Benda, from MH 9 to be located 100 feet from afore- said MH 8, easterly to its intersection with the western line of La Noria. LA NORIA, from FI 4 to be located therein at its intersection with La Benda to the southeastern terminus of La Benda. . Also in La Noria, from MH 10 to be located therein at its inter- section with La Senda, to MH 11 to be located therein at its inter- section with the northern extension of the line between Lots 357 and 348 of Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, hereinafter referred to. Also in La Noria, from aforesaid MH 10 westerly to the south- eastern terminus of La Senda. EASEMENT, IN LOT 389 (Parcel 16) of the aforesaid Unit N°.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 10 feet in width, the south line of which is parallel with and 10 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the north line and which north line of said strip is described as follows: Beginning at the most westernocorner of said Lot 389; thence from said point of beginning south 73 24' east, 105.86 feet along the north line of said Lot 389. EASEMENT, IN LOT 390 (Parcel 17) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a poin8 on the southwestern line of said Lot 390 said point being north 73 24' west, 57.67 feet, along said southwestern line, from the south- eastern corner of said Lot 390; thence from said point of beginning north 850 24' east, 39.22 feet; thence north 620 53 'east, 14.90 feet to a point on the curve in the eastern line of said Lot 390. 03 01 5Jl 92 EASEMENT, IN LOT 391 (Parcel 18) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the curve in the western line of said Lot 391, the center of said curve, having a radius of 75 feet, bears south 730 29' 08" we8t from said point; thence from said point of beginning north 62 53' east, 33.10 feet. EASEMENT (Pa-rcel 139), in that parcel of land denoted as liE. 1. DE LAVEAGAtI on aforesaid map of Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of six sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of a parcel of la,nd as described in the deed to William H. Foster, et UX, recorded January ),1949, under Record- er's Serial No.5, in Volume 1336 of offigial Records, at page 26, of said County, said point bears north 39 43' 30" east, 10.67 feet along said southeastern line from the most southern corner of said Foster Earcel (1336 OR 26); thence from said point of begin- ning south 3 15' west, 77.50 feet; thence south 340 131 west, at 79.56 feet a point hereinafter referred to as point IIA", a total distance of 122.87 feet; thence south 170 55' west, 43.2d feet; thence south 10 58' 30" east, 62.88 feet; thence south 7 36' 3011 west, 56.23 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point liB"; thence south 560 51' 3D" west, at 105.98 feet a point hereinafter referred to as point "C", a total distance of 286.96 feet; thence south 340 48' 3011 west, 51.01 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point "D"; thence south 150 30' 30" west, 96.22 feet; thence south 160 54' 30" west, 131.93 feet to a point hereinafter re- ferred to as point "E"; thence south 390 171 30" west, 102.41 feet to MH 3, to be located in Miner Road. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at p.oint "A", mention- ed in Sub-Parcel A above; thence north 870 55-' 40" east, 29.22 feet to a point on the western line of Lot 363 of said Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda. Sub-Parcel C: A strip of land 5 feet in w~dth the oenter'line of which is described as follows: Beginning at point liB", men- tioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 630 25' 30" east, 38.64 feet to a point on the northern line of Lot 366 of said Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda. Sub-Parcel D: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at point "C", men- tioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 520 40' 3011 east, 22.60 feet to a point on the northern line of Lot 365 of said Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda. Sub-Parcel E: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at point liD", men- tioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 740 29' 30" east, 11.88 feet to a point on the northwestern line of Lot 364, of said Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda. Sub-Parcel F: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at point "E", men- tioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 640 18' 30" east, 34.38 feet to a point on a curve in the center line of Camino Lenada. EASEMENT (Sub-Parcel B of Parcel 152), in that parcel of land described in the deed to William H. Foster, et ux, recorded Janu- ary 3,1949, under Recorder's Serial No.5, in Volume 1336 of Official Records, at page 26, in the office of said Reoorder, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the centèr line of which is des- cribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern Aine of said Foster parcel (1336 OR 26), said point bears north 39 43' 30" east, 10.67 feet from the most southern corner of said Foster . .. . 03 01 Sf 98 parcel (1336 OR 26); thence from said point of beginning north 30 15' east, 10.00 feet into said Foster parcel (1336 OR 26). EASEMENT, IN LOT 366 (Parcel 24) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of that certain parcel of land as described in deed to Cleveland A, Caswell, et ux, recorded May 3,1946, under Recorder's Serial No. 14449, in Volume 890 of Official Records, at page 487, of said County, said point being south 620 36150" west, 9.57 feet along said northern line from the most northern corner of said Caswell ge.rcel (890 OR 497); thence from said point of begin- ning south 63 25' 30" east, 16.11 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Caswell parcel. EASEMENT, IN LOT 366 (Parcel 25) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of that real property as described in Parcel One of the deed to Ba.rbara C. Eastma.n, et aI, recorded June 7, 1950, under Recorderls Serial No. 27024, in Volwne 1569 of °6'ficlal Records, at page 495, of said County,said point being south 26 59' )011 east, 13.03 feet, along said western line from the most western corner of said Eastman garcel (1569 OR 495); thence from said poinð of begin- ning south 80 33' 30" east, 97.00 feet; thence south 84 051 east, 3.87 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Eastman parcel. EASEMENT, IN LOTS )66, 367 and 368 (Parcel 26) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of iand 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of that certain parcel of land as described in deed to Charles H. Manning, Jr., et ux, recorded March 28, 1949, under Recorder's Serial No. 10569, in Volume 1367 of Offic- ial Records, at page 67, of said County, said point being south 270 13' 20" east, 73.]0 feet, along said western line from the most western corner of said Manning parcel (1367 OR 67); thence from said point of beginning south 840 051 east, 71.67 feet; thence south 410 35130" east, 90 feet more or less to a point on the center line of the Unnamed Road southwesterly of La Benda. EASEMENT, IN LOT 354 (Parcel 4) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width lying within that parcel of land as described in deed to Alfred P. Otto, recorded June 14,1929, under Reoorder's Serial No. 7952, in Volume 163, at page 453, of said County, said 5 foot strip being immediately adjacent to the northwestern and northeastern-lines of said Otto parcel (163 OR 453) said lines are described as follows: Beginning at the north- western corner of said otto parcel (163 OR 453), said point being also on the center line of La Noria Road as shown on said subdivision map; thence from said point of beginning rxm1h 740 26105" east, 171.84 feet; thence south 410 311 10" east, 44.52 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point "A-I". Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at point "A-I", mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence from said point IIA-llI south 190 36' east, 32.52 feet to a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 354. EASID4ENT, IN LOT 350 (Parcel 5) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning .at a goint on the southern line of said Lot 350 said point being north 87 32' east, 23.23 feet, along said southern line from the southwestern corner of said Lot 350; thence from said point of beginning north 270 55130" west, 41.32 feet; thence north 100 51' west, 71.62 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 350. 03 01 51 9. EASEMENT, IN LOT 363 (Parcel 11) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 363, said point being south 370 51' 40" west, 19.49 feet from the northwestern corner of said Lot 363; thence from said point of beginning north 870 55' 40" east, 84.80 feet; thence south 850 08' 20" east, 62.69 feet; thence north 840 55140" east, 25.28 feet to a point on the east- ern line of said Lot 363. EASEMENT, IN LOT 362 (Parcel 12) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, beil~ a strip of land 5 feet in width, the center line of which is described.as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of said Lot.362, said point being south 140 08' 25" west, 40.30 feet from the most northern cgrner of said Lot ,3624' thence from said point of beginn1ng north 84 551 40 II east, 2 .87 feet; thence north 480 241' lO" east, 9.53 feet to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 362. EAS~4ENT, IN LOT 393 (Parcel 13) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Begtnning at a point on the southwestern line of Lot 393, said point being south 350 50 I 40" east, 37.68 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 393; , thence from said point of beginning north 480 241 10" east, 50.31 feet; thence north 870 50110" east, at 37.85 feet a point here- inafter referred to as point "A-2M, a total distance of 61.63 feet; thence north 700 44110" east, 36.77 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 393. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at point "A-2", men- tioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence north 100 22' 40" east, 10.67 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 393. EASD1ENT (Parcel 30), in that parcel of land described in the deed to Frederick Federighi, et ux, recorded March 21,1945, under Recorder's Serial No. 6645, in Volume 815 of Official Records, at page 446, in the office of said Recorder, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Federighi parcel (815 OR 446), said point bears south 810 321 20" west, 55.82 feet from an angle point in said southern line, also being the lot corner between Lot 393 and Lot 394, as designated on said map of Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda; thence from said point of begin- ning north 100 22' 40" east, 10.00 feet into said Federighi parcel. EASEMENT, IN LOT 394 (Parcel 14) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line óf which is described as follows: Beginning at,a poònt on the western line .of said Lot 394, said point being south 13 221 20" east, 5.84 feet from the northwestern corner of said Lot 394; thence from said point of beginning north 700 44110" east, 32.96 feet; thence north 630 061 10" east, 85.04 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 394. ' EASEMENT, IN LOT 395 (Parcel 15) of the aforesaid Unit No.3, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a pgint on the western line of said Lot 395, said point being south 5 101 east, 15.84 feet from the northwestern corner of said Lot 395; thence from said point of beginning north 800 51' 10" east, 88.71 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 395. FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, along the entire common line of Lots 357 and 348, the center line of which is the entire common line of said lots as shown on map of Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orlnda. . . 03 01 51' 96 ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary Distriot and in said Local Improvement District.as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 2 of said plans and specifications: C~1INO SOBRANTE, from FI 15. to be located therein 15 feet south- erly, measured along the center line, from its intersection with the no~thwestern extension of the line between Lots J06 and J07 as said lots are designated on that certain map entitled "Unit No.2, Hac- iendas Del Orind.a, Contra Costa County, California, II filed October 15, 1924, in Volume 19 of Maps, at pages 460 to 464, inclusive, in the office of said Recorder, to MH 47 to be located in Camino Sobrante, 160 feet northerly, measured along the center line, from its inter- section with the northwestern extension of the line between Lots 328 and 329 of said Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda. LA ESPIRAL, from its western extremity at its intersection with Camino Sobrante to FI 16 to be located in La Espiral, 20 feet north- easterly, measured along the center line, from its intersection with the northwestern extension of the line between Lots 319 and 320 of said Unit No.2, Haoiendas Del Orinda. EL SERENO, for its entire length except the southern 225 feet and the northern J5 feet thereof. VIA HERMOSA, from MH 55 to be located therein 2.5 feet westerly, measured along the center line, from its intersection with the-south- eastern extension of the line between Lots 309 and 310 of said Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, to MH 56 to be located therein 2.5 feet easterly, measured along the center line, from its intersection with the northeastern extension of the line between Lots 323 and 321 of said Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda. EASEMENT. IN LOT J29 (Parcel 32) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del O~lnda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on a curve in the center line of Camino Sobrante, said point bears southeasterly along said curve, radius 179.0 feet, 22.55 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 329; thence from said goint of beginning n6rth 880 161 east, 159.57 feet; thence north 75 5213011 east, 16.61 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 329. EASEMENT, IN LOT 3JO (Parcel JJ) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a goint on the western line of said Lot 3JO, said point being south 16 Jl' 30" east, 19.24 feet from the northwestern corner of said Lot 330, said corner being on the center line of a 10 foot path; thence from said point of beginning north 750 521 30" east, 88.64 feet; thence north JOo 12' 3011 east, 32.51 feet; thence north 610 571 30" east, 41.75 feet to a point on a curve in the western line of El Sereno. EASEMENT, IN LOT J09A (Parcel 67) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 7.5 feet in width, the western line of which is parallel with and 7.5 feet westerly, meas- ured at right angles, from the eastern line, said eastern line of said strip being the entire eastern line of said Lot 309A. EASEMENT, IN LOT 309 (Parcel 68) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 7.5 feet,ln width, the western line of which is parallel with and 7.5 feet westerly, meas- ured at right angles, from the eastern line, said eastern line of said strip being the entire eastern line of said Lot J09. EAS~1ENT, IN PORTION OF LOTS 311, 3l2A and 314 (Parcel 73) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of three sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- ,If't\ 3 : , ,..~ ~... 0 1--,,- 5 1 96 western line of said Lot 311, said point bears north 230 37' 15" west, 57.35 feet from the southwestern corner of said Lot 311; thence from said point of beginning south 430 45' east, 12.89 feet; thence south 280 45' east, 46.69 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 311, said point bears north 740 38' 35" east, 8.70 feet from said southwèstern corner of said Lot 311. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 312A, said point bears south 360 31' 05" east, 15.42 feet from 'he northwestern corner of said Lot 312A; thence from said point of beginning north 780 161 east, 3.28 feet; thence north 620 231 east, 51.63 feet to a point on the southeastern line of that certain parcel of land as described in the deed to Jamee W. Dieterich, recorded September 1, 1944 under Recorder's Serial No. 31682, in Volume 1432 of Official Records, at page 109. Sub-Parcel C: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the north- western line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said south- eastern line being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Dieterich parcel (1432 OR 10~) as mentioned in Sub-Parcel B above, said point bears north 37 441 east, 56.09 feet from the most southern corner of said Dieterich parcel; thence from said point of beginning north 370 441 east, 72.81 feet; thence north 250 068 30" east, 10.0 feet along said southeastern line of said Dieterich parcel. EASEMENT, IN LOT 312 (Parcel 74) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a poónt on the northern line of said Lot 312, said point bears north 74 38' 35" east, 8.70 feet from the northwester'n corner of said Lot 312; thence from said goint of beginning south 280 45' east, 7.78 feet; thence north 78 16' east, 105.14 feet to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 312. EASEMENT, IN LOT 334 (Parcel 75) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on the northeastern line of said Lot 334, said point bears south 390 57' 40" east, 71.49 feet from the northeastern corner of said Lot 334; thence from said point of beginning south 270 511 westb 8.96 feet; thence south 880 03' west, 48.37 feet; thence south 89 1.513011 west, 89.42 feet to a point on a curve on the center line of El Sereno Road, said point being 40.06 feet along said curve, with a radius of 115 feet, from the northwestern corner of said Lot 334, said northwestern corner being on the center line of said El Sereno Road. EASEl-tENT, IN LOT 33.5 (Parcel 76) of the aforesaid Unit No.. 2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on the southwestern line of said Lot 335, said point bears south 390 578 40" east, 71.49 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 33.5; thence from said point of beginning north 270 51' east, 144.93 feet; thence north 130 311 east, 17.92 feet to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 335, said point bears south 570 49' 5511 east, 79.83 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 335. EASEMENT, IN LOT 325 (Parcel 150) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 10 feet in width along the entire northwestern line of said Lot 325. EASEMENT, IN LOT 333 {Parcel 151) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land .5 feet in width along the entire western line of said Lot 33). 03 01 51 Dr EASD4ENT, in the western 2.5 fe?t of Lot 331 of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, from the northwestern corner 2.5 feet southerly. EASEMENT, in the western 2.5 feet of Lot 321 for its entire length, of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda. EASEMENT, in the western 2.5 feet of Lot 322 of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, from the most northern corner 2.5 feet southerly. . EASEMENT, in the eastern 2.5 feet of Lot 310 of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, for 75 feet southerly from the southern line of La Espiral. FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, along the common line of Lots 328 and 329 of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, the center line of said easement being the said common line. FIVE FOOT EAS~lENT, in Lot 336 of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 336, said point bears south 570 49' 55" east, 79.83 feet from the southwestern corner of said Lot 336. ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto- are shown on Sheet 3 of said plans and specifications: MINER ROAD, from Engineer's station 14+ 10; thence along the center line to its intersection with the eastern extension of the northern line of Lot 642 of Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, here- inafter referred to. EL SUENO, for its entire length except the southeastern 125 feet thereof. VIDA ÐESCANSADA, for its entire length except the southwestern 275 feet and the northeastern 20 feet thereof. EASEMENT, IN LOT 344 (Parcel 102) of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the southern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northern line, said northern line being the entire northern line of said Lot 34., Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- eastern line of said Lot 344, said point bears north 770 50' 0611 east, 25.05 feet from the most southern cornsr of said Lot 344; thence from said point of beginning north 28 25140" west, 22.58 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 344. EAS~lENT (Sub-Parcel A of Parcel 152), in that parcel of land as described in the deed to William H. Foster, et ux, recorded Janu- ary 3,1949, under Recorder's Serial No.5, in Volume 1336 of Offic- ial Records, at page 26, in the office of said Recorder, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of said Foster parcel (1336 OR 26), said point bears south 770 50' 06" west, 198.21 feet from the most northern corner of said Foster parcel (1336 OR 26); thence from said point of beginning south 280 251 40" east, 43.55 feet; thence south 4)0 30' 40" east, 58.14 feet to a point on the southeastern line of said Foster parcel (1336 OR 26). EASD4ENT (Parcel 138), in Rancho El Sobrante lying southeasterly of that p?rcel of land as described in the deed to William H. Foster, et ux, recorded January 3,1949, under Recorder's Serial No.5, in Volume 1336 of Official Records, at page 26; and lying northwesterly 03 01 51 98 of that parcel of land as described in the deed to Victor Jules Bergeron, recorded June 8,1948, under Recorder's Serial No. 21251 in Volume 1214 of Offièial Records, at page 66, in the office of said Recorder, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point. on the northwestern line. of said Bergeron parcel (1214 OR 66), said point bAal'S south 230 52' 50" west, 4.25 feet from the most northern corner of said Bergeron paõcel (1214 OR 66); thence from said poinð of beginning north 51 09' west, 11.15 feet; thence south 71 37' 50" west, 89.16 feet; thence north 440 18' 1011 west, 101.55 feet; thence north 410 07' 40" west, 96.87 feet; thence north 870 49' 40" wes.t, 75.13 feet; thence north 4)0 30' ~Oll west, 8.03 feet to a point on the southeastern line of said Foster parcel (1336 OR 26). EASEMENT (Parcel 104), in that parcel of land described in the deed to George H. Hauerken, at \lX, r.ecorded August 20, 1945, under Recorder's Serial No. 19738, in Volume 821 of Official Records, at page 141, in the office of said Recorder, being a strip- of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is des- cribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Hauerken parcel (821 OR 141), said point bears south 670 33' 20" east, 45.99 feet along said line from the most northern corner of that parcel of land described in the deed to Victor Jules Bergeron, recorded in the office of the Recorder of said County, on June 8, 1948, under Recorder's Serial No. 21251, in Volume 1214 of Official Records, at page 66; thence from said point of begin- ning north 130 31' east, 10.00 feet. EASEMENT (Parcel 105), in that parcel of land described in the deed to Victor Jules Bergeron, recorded June 8,1948, under Recorder's Serial No. 21251, in Volume 1214 of Official Records, at page 66, in the office of said Recorder, consisting of two sub- parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows, excluding that portion lying within Vida Descansada: Beginning at the most eastern corner of said Bergeron parcel (1214 OR 66) being on the center line of a 40 foot road known as Vida Descansada; thence from said point of beginning north 800 31' 30" west, 125.25 feet; thence south 840 301 west, 60.66 feet; thence north 340 07' west, 61.23 feet; thence north 510 091 west, at 16.26 feet a point hereinafter referred to as point "A", a total distance of 67.38 feet to a point on the western line of said Bergeron parcel (1214 OR 66). Sub-ParcAl B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning st point "A", men- tioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence north 13 31' east, 18.92 feet to a point on the northern line of said Bergeron parcel (1214 OR 66). EASEMENT, IN LOT E (Parcel 106) as said lot is designated on the map entitled "Official Map of Portion of Bien Venida, Contra Costa County, Calif.," which map was filed March 6, 1928, in Volume 1 of Official Maps, R.t page 22, in the office of said Rec- order, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the southern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northern line, said northern line being described as follows: Beginning at a poðnt on the northern line of said Lot E, said point bears south 88 221 west, 37.88 feet from the northeastern corner of said Lot E; thence from said point of beginning south 880 22' west, 96.38 feet along said northern line of said Lot E. 03 01 51 liB Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- ern line of said Lot E, said point Qears south 880 22' west, 37.88 feet from the northeastern Borner of said Lot E; thence from said point of beginning south 31 35' east, 66.37 feet, to a point on the eastern line of said Lot E. EASEMENT, IN LOT D (Parcel 107) of aforesaid Official Map of Portion of Bien Venida, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the eastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from the western line, said western line being described as follows: Beginning at the southwestern corner of said Lot p; thence north 30 05' 1511 east, 101.59 feet along said western line of said Lot D. EASEMENT, IN LOT C (Parcel 108) of aforesaid Official Map of Portion of Bien Venida, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the eastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet easterly, meas- ured at rightangles, from the western line, said western line being described as follows: Beginning at the northwestern corner of said Lot 0; thence south 30 0511511 west, 10.0 feet along said western line of said Lot C. ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they and the proposed work in l"elation thereto are shown on Sheet 4 of said plans and specifications: CAMINO DON MIGUEL, from its eastern extremity at its intersection with Miner Road, to FI 9 to be located therein 15 feet southerly from its intersection with the eastern extension of the line between Lots 680 and 681 as said lots are designated on that certain map entitled IIUnit N°.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, Contra Costa County, California,1I filed June 25, 1926 in Volume 19 of Maps, at page 507, in the office of said Recorder. Also in Camino Don Miguel, from MH 30 to be located therein opposite Lot 638 of said Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, to FI 8, to be located therein 70 feet westerly measured along the center line, from its intersection with the northern extension of the.line between Lots 671 and. 672 of said Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda. LOS ARBOLES, for its entire length. TWELVE FOOT PATH, between Lot 642 and Lots 642A and 644 of said Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, for its entire length. EASEMENT, IN LOTS 639, 640 and 641 (Parcel 2) of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east- ern line of said Lot 639 said point being distant along said line south 210 16' 25" west, 50.46 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 639¡ thence from said point of beginning north 390 42' 3011 west, 62.12 feet; thence north 220 22' 1311 west, 35.16 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 639. Sub-Parcel B: Beginning at a point on the eastern line of that portion of said Lots 640 and 641 as described in the deed to perc S. Brown, recorded October 30, 1950, under Recorder's Serial No. 55710 in Volume 1659 of Official Records, at page 299, of said County, said point being distant along said line south 250 15' west, 6.52 feet from the most eastern corner of said Brown parcel (1659 OR 299); thence from said point of beginning north 450 40 1 30 II west, 12.89 feet; thence north 670 141 west, 47.78 feet; thence north 610 06' ~]est, 17.04 feet to a point on the northern line of said Brown parcel (1659 OR 299). 03 01 51 tOO EASEl/tENT, IN LOT 641 (Parcel 3) of the aforesaid Unit N°.7, Haciendas Del Orlnda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 641, said point being distant along said line north 650 west, 78.75 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 641; thence from said point of begin- ning north 450 40' 30" west, 10.52 feet to a point on the eastern line of that portion of Lot 641 as described in the deed to Perc S. Brown, recorded October 30,1950, under Reoorder's Serial No. 55710 in Volume 1659 of Official Records, at page 299, of said County. EASEMENT, IN LOT 661 (Parcel 6) of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of the 12 foot Path which l1es between Lots 661 and 653 and the western line of Los Arboles Road as shown on said subdivision map; thence from said point of beginning north 550 16' 47" west, 44.84 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 661. EASEMENT, IN LOTS 659 and 660 (Parcel 7) of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 660, said point being distant along said lot line south 460 48' west, ~.10 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 660, said corner being also on the center line of a 10 foot Path as shown on said subdivision map; thence from said point of beginning north 550 16' 47" west, 38.11 feet¡ thence north 280 38' 47" west, 89.70 feet; thence north 670 19' ~4" west, 73.76 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 659. EAS~1ENT, IN LOT 654 (Parcel 8) of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 6 feet in width, the northeastern line of which is parallel with and 6 feet northeast- erly, measured at right angles, from the southwestern line, said southwestern line being described as follows: Beginnðng at the most southern corner of said Lot 654; thence north 61 561 west, 85.00 feet along said southwestern line of said Lot 654. EASEMENT, IN LOTS 654 and 655 (Parcel 9) of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the northwest line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeastern line being described as follows: Beginning at the most eastern corner of that parcel of land as described in the deed to Joseph P. Murphy, et ux, recorded October 16, 1946, under Recorder's Serial No. 39467 in Volume 953, at pa§e 350, of said County; thence from said point of beg+nning south 39 32' west, 48.30 feet along said southeastern line. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point en the southwestern line of said Lot 655, said point being distant along said line north 560 251 west, 16.94 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 655; thence from said point of beginning north 570 40' east, 54.15 feet to a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 655. EASEMENT, IN LOT 669 (Parcel 27) of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of aaid Lot 669, said point being dis- tant along said line south 19 37' west, 15.80 feet from the most northerly corner of said Lot 669; thence from said point of begin- ning south 880 43' east, 58.99 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 669. 03 01 51 JOt EASEMENT, IN LOT 668 (Parcel 28) of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5-feet in width the center line of which is described as fellows: Beginning at a point on the eastern line of said Lot 668, said point being distant along said line south 190 371 west, 15.80 feet from the northeasterly corner of said Lot 668; thence from said point of beginning north 660 281 west, 91.09 feet to a point on the western line of said Lot 668. EASÐŒNT, IN LOT 667 (Pa.rcel 29) of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 8 feet in width, the south line of which is parallel with and 8 feet southerly, measured at right angles,-from the north line and which north line of said strip is described as follows: Beginning at the most eastern corner of said Lot 667; thence north 730 12' west, 10.00 feet along said northern lin~ of said Lot 667. EASEMENT, in the entire eastern 2.5 feet of Lots 636, 635 and 634 of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda. .EAS~~ENT, in the northern 10 feet of the eastern 2.5 feet of Lot 633 of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda. FIVE FOOT EASÐ4ENT, along the common line of Lots 662 and 664, and the common line of Lots 662 and 663, the center line of which easement is said common lines, for 100 feet along said common lines from the southern line of Los Arboles, as said lots are shown on the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda. FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, along the common line of Lots 660 and 661, the center line of which easement is said common line, for 100 feet along said line from the southern line of the 10 foot Path, as said lots and path are shown on the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda. FIVE FOOT EA5~¡ENT, the center line of which is the common line of Lots 665 and 669 of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, for 50 feet westerly from the western line of Camino Don Miguel. FIVE FOOT EAS~lENT, in Lot 656 of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 656, said point bears north 560 25' west, 16.94 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 656; thence from said point of beginning south 570 40' west, 2.5 feet into said Lot 656. FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, in Lot 645 of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Hac- iendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 645, said point bears north 570 26' east, 177.97 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 645; thence from said point of beginning north 390 35' west, 2.5 feet into said Lot 645. ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 5 of said plans and specifications: CAMINO SOBRANTE, from its western extremity at its intersection with Miner Road, to MH 47 to be located in Camino Sobrante 100 feet southerly from its intersection with the western extension of the line between Lots 397 and 399 as said lots are designated on that certain map entitled "Unit No.4, Haciendas Del Orinda, Contra Costa County I California," filed June 1, 1925 in Volume 19 of Maps, at pages 479 and 480, in the office of said Recorder. MINER ROAD, from MH 40 to. be located therein at its intersection with Camino Sobrante, to FIll, to be located in Miner. Road 110 feet northerly from its intersection with the western extension of the line between Lots 422 and 423 of the aforesaid Unit No.4, Hac- iendas Del. Orinda. 03 01 51 402 DIAS DO RADOS, for its entire length excepting its northeast- ern 90 feet thereof. LA CINTILLA, for its entire length excepting its southwest- ern 15 feet thereof. EL CAMPANERO, from MH 44 to be located at its intersection with the southeastern extension of the line between Lots 555 and 556 of the hereinafter referred to map of Unit No.5, Haciendas Del ' Orinda, to FI 14 to be located in El Campanero 15 feet south- erly from its intersection with the southwestern extension of the line between Lots 557 and 558 as said lots are designated on that certain map entitled "Unit No.5, Haciendas Del Orinda, Contra Costa County, California," filed August 4,1925, in Volume 19 of Maps, at pages 489.t0491, inclusive, in the office of said Rec- order. TEN FOOT PATH, connecting El Campanero and La Cintilla for its entire length. EASEMENT, IN LOT 414 (Parcel19) of the aforesaid Unit No.4, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the most northern corner of said Lot 414; thence south 610 40' west, 153.00 feet to a point on the center line of Camino Sobrante. EASD1ENT, IN LOT 422 (Parcel 20) of the aforesaid Unit No.4, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of three sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 422, said point bears south 300 west, 25.32 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 422; thence from said point of beginning south 730 46' west, 91.87 feet to a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 422, said point to be hereinafter referred to as point "A". Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 10 feet in width, the northeast- ern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet northeasterly, meaS- ured at right angles, from the southwestern line, and said south- western line of said strip being described as follows: Beginning at point "A" mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence north 650 59' west, 70.00 feet along the southwestern line of said Lot 422 to a point hereinafter referred to as point "B". Sub~Parcel C: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the northeast- ern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northeasterly, meaS- ured at right angles, from the southwestern line, and said south - western,line of said strip is described as follows: Beginaing at point "Bit mentioned in Sub-Parcel B above; thence north 65 59' west, 116.50 feet along the southwestern line of said Lot 422 to the most western corner of said Lot 422. EASÐ4ENT, IN LOT 425 (Parcel 21) of the aforesaid Unit No.4, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 425, said point being south 300 west, 25.32 feet, along said northwestern line from the most northern corner of said Lot 425; thence from said point of beginning north 820 191 east, 47.07 feet to a point on the north- eastern line of said Lot 425. EASEMENT, IN LOT 424 (Parcel 22) of the aforesaid Unit No.4, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 424, said point being south 650 181 east, 37.41 feet, along said southwestern line from the most western corner of said Lot 424; thence from said point of beginning north 820 191 east, 13.94 feet; thence north 56° 03' east, 107.22 feet to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 424. .03 01 51' 103 EASÐ4ENT (Parcel 23), in that parcel of land described in the deed to Embree F. Hockenbeamer, et ux, recorded December 7, 1945, under Recorder's Serial No. 31302 in Volume 859 of Official Rec- ords, at page 296, in the office of said Recorder, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwestern line of parcel one of (859 OR 296); thence from said point of beginning north 560 03' east, 10.00 feet into said parcel one. EASEMENT, IN LOT 406 (Pa.rcel 148) of the aforesaid Unit No.4, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 10 feet in width, the southeastern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet southeast- erly, measured at right angles, from the northwestern line, said northwestern line being the entire northwestern line of said Lot 406. EAS~lENT, IN LOT 559 (Parcel 31) of the aforesaid Unit No.5, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a pointo on the southeastern line of said Lot 559, said point being north 78 161 east, 210.55 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 559; thence from said point of beginning north 80 58' 20" west, 88.30 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 559. EASEMENT, IN LOT 307 (Portion of Sub-Parcel A of Parcel 100), of the hereinafter referred to Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 307; said point bears north 670 561 30" west, 57.37 feet; thence from said point of beginning north 110 42' east, 19.86 feet into said Lot 307. FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, along the common line of Lots 422 and 425, of the aforesaid Unit No.4, Haciendas Del Orinda, and the common lines of Lots 421 and 426, the center line of which easement is said common lines, for 70 feet northerly and 10 feet southerly along said common lines from the northern line of said Lot 426. FIVE FOOT EASD~ENT, along the common line of Lots 556 and 557, and the common line of Lots 556 and 556A~ of the aforesaid Unit No. 5, Haciendas Del Orlnda, the center line of which easement is the common lines referred to above, for their entire length. FIVE FOOT EAS~IENT, along the common line of Lots 428 and 429, of the aforesaid Unit No.4, Haciendas Del Orinda, the center line of which easement is the common line referred to above,. for 7 feet a~ong said common line from the westerly line of said Lot 428. FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, IN LOT 405 of the aforesaid Unit No.4, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip o.f land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 405, said point bears south 270 44' east, 17.50 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 405; thence from said point of beginning south 690 10' west, 2.5 feet into said Lot 405. FIVE FOOT EASE;l.lEHT, IN LOT 560 of the aforesaid Unit No.5, Haciendas Del Orinda, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 560, said point bears north 830 18' 5011 east, 206.24 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 560; thence from said point of beginning north 80 58' 2011 west, 2.5 feet into said Lot 560. ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto Are shown on Sheet 6 of said plans and specifications: LOMBARDY LANE, from MH 61, to be located therein 270 feet north- ea.sterly, measured along the center line, from its intersection with 03 01 51 t04, the southeast~rn extension of the northeastern subdivision line of hereinefter referred to Fairway Acres, to FI 17 to be located in Lombardy Lane 15 feet northeasterly- from its intersection with the southeastern extension of the line between Lots 196 and 195 as said lots are designated on that certain map entitled IISleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, Contra Costa County, California," filed June 20,1946 in Volume 29 of Maps, at pages 44 to 46,' in- clusive, in the office of said Recorder. . Also in Lombardy Lane, from MH 70, to be located therein at its intersection with Irving Lane, to FI 18 to be located in Lom- bardy Lane 15 feet westerly from its intersection with the south- eastern extension of the line between Lots 51 and 52 as said. lots are designated on that certain map entitled "Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, Contra Costa County, California," filed December 22, 1945 in Volume 28 of Maps, at pages 13 to 16, inclusive, in the office of said Recorder. VAN RIPPER LANE, from MH 74, to be located therein 22 feet northerly from- the eastern extension of the line between Lots 14 and 15 as said Lots are designated on that certain map entitled "Sleepy Hollow Estates, Contra Costa County, California," filed December 24, 1947 in Volume 34 of Maps, at pages 18 and 19, in the office of said Recorder, to Engineer's station 80+ 24, to be located in Van Ripper Lane at its intersection with the northern extension of the eastern line of Lot 8 of said subdivision. AN UNNAMED ROAD, as described in Parcel Two of the deed to Samuel W. Sco.tt, et ux, recorded October 8, 1947, under Recorder 1 s Serial No. 40394, in Volume 1135 of Official Records" at page 448, in the office of said Recorder, from MH 72, to be located therein 165 feet westerly from the eastern terminus of said Unnamed Road, to FI 19, to be located therein 238 feet, measured along the center line, westerly from said MH 72. EASEMENT ,(Parcel 101), in that parcel of land described in the deed to Alvin L. Cockrell, et ux, recorded February 15,1949, unde~ Recorderls Serial No. 5474, in Volume 1351 of Official Rec- ords, at page 511, in the office of said Recorder, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of said Cockrell parcel (1351 OR 511), said point bears north 150 31155" west, 73.05 feet from the southwest~rn corner of said Cockrell paðcel (1351 OR 511); thence from said point of beginning north 45 12' east, 126.97 feet; thence north 780 3713011 east, 138.13 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Cockrell parcel (1351 OR 511). EASEMENT, IN LOT 307 (Sub-Parcel B of Parcel 100) of the afore- said Sleepy Hollow, Unit N°.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the eastern line of said Lot 307, said point bears north 150 31' 5511 west, 73.05 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 307; thence from said point of beginning south 450 121 west, 41.70 feet into said Lot 307. - EASEMENT (Parcel 87), in that parcel of land described in the deed to Joseph M. Long, et aI, recorded March 12, 1948, under Rec- order's Serial No. 10153, in Volume 1182 of Official Records, at page 99, in the office of said Recorder, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeastern line of said Long parcel (1182 OR 99); said point bears north 510 47' 45" west, 41.87 feet along said northeastern line from the most southern corner of Lot 18 of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow Estates; thence from said point of beginning south 380 west, 154.93 feet; thence south 540 08' east, 73.22 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right with the radius of 103.93 feet, tangent to the last courseð a dis- tance of 76.37 feet; thence tangent to said curve south 12 021 east, 16.00 feet; thence south 540 59' west, 41.40 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left with the radius of 170.28 03 01 51 105 feet, tangent to the last course, a distance of 89.11 feet; thence tangent to said curve, south 250 west, 111.99 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right with the radius of 223.02 feet, tangent to the last course, a distance of 50.60 feet to the point of compound curve, the centers of said curves bear north 520 west from said point; thence continuing along said compound curve with a r~dius of 281.53 feet, a distance of 132.67 feet; thence tangent to said curve, south 650 west, 148.41 feet; thence south 330 west, 46.15 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left with the radius of 66.34 feet tangent to the last course, a distance of 54.42 feet; thence tangent to said curve south 140 east, 37.30 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 129.33 feet, tangent to the last course, a distance of 77.31 feet; thence .tangent to said curve south 200 15' west, 32.55 feet to a point on the western line of said Long parcel (1182 OR 99). EASEMENT, IN LOT 19 (Parcel 66), of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow Estates, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- eastern line of said Lot 19, said point bears south 80 53' 4511 east, 161.17 feet from the northeastern corner of said Lot 19; thence from sa.id point of beginning north 390 44' west, 92.70 feet; thence north 80 35' west, 81.00 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 19, said point bears south 80 25' west, 47.10 feet from the northeastern corner of said Lot 19. EAS~1ENT, IN LOT 18 (Parcel 65), of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Estates, consisting of two sub-parcels: . Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at. a point on the south- eastern line of said Lot 18, said point bears north 300 05' 2511 east, 23.56 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 18; thence from said point of beginning north 550 27' 50" west, 39.24 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point IIAII; thence north 390 441 west, 57.00 feet to a point on the western line of said Lot 18, said point bears south 80 53' 45" east, 161.17 feet from the northwestern corner of said Lot 18. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at point IIAII, mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 38° west, 20.66 feet to a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 18. EASEMENT, IN LOT 13 (Parcel 64) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow Estates, consisting of three sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- western line of said Lot 13, said point bears north 30° 05' 2511 east, 23.56 feet along said northwestern line from the most southern corner of Lot 18 of said subdivision; thence from said point of beginning south 440 east, 85.51 feet; thence north 790 301 east, 82 18 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as MH 71; thence north 576 20' 30" east, 113.55 feet to a point on the southeastern line of Lot 14 of said subdivision. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginping at MH 71, mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence, south 670 east, 19.65 feet to a point on the western line of Lot 12 of said subdivision. Sub-Parcel C: A strip of land 5 feet. in width the southeastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, from the northwestern line, said northwestern line being the entire southeastern line of Lot 14 of said subdivision. EASD4EtIT, IN LOT 12 (Parcel 63) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow Estates, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- western line of said Lot 12, said point bears north 150 23' 15" east, 03 01 51 . .-----------.-----------.---- 106 73.28 feet from the southwestern corner of said Lot 12; thence from said point of beginning south 670 east 70.00 feet; thence south 870 east, 46.00 feet; thence south 726 east, 71.57 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 12. EASEMENT, IN LOT 11 (Parcel 62) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow Estates, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at ,a point on the south- . ern line of said Lot 11, said point bears north 690 II' 15" east, 46.42 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 11; thence from said point of beginning north 230 491 west, 72.00 feet; thence north 720 west, 2.43 feet to a point on the western line of said Lot 11. EASE~ŒNT (Parcel 61), in that parcel of land described in the deed to Samuel W. Scott, et ux, recorded October 8,1947, under - Recorder's Serial No. 40394, in Volume 1135 of Official Records, at page 448, in the office of said Recorder, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 7.5 feet in width, the western line of which is parallel with and 7.5 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the eastern line and which eastern line of said strip is described as follows: Beginning at the southwestern corner of a parcel of land as described in the deed from Samuel W. Scott, et ux, to George U. Wood, et ux, recorded November 26,1948, under Recorder's Serial No. 44021, in Volume 1321 of Official Records, at page 415, ðr said County; thence from said point of beginning north 160 561 west, 84.00 feet, along the western line of said Wood parcel (1321 OR 415), to a point hereafter referred to as point "A-I". Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center, line of which -is described as follows: Beginning at point "A-I", mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence from said point "A-I" south 730 04' west, 5.00 feet to the true point of beginning of said 5 foot strip; thence from said true point of beginning north 240 west, 29.52 feet to a point on the northern line of said Scott parcel (1135 OR 448). EASEMENT, IN LOT 4 (Parcel 54) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow Estates, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a pgint on the west- ern line of said Lot 4, said point being north 5 08' west, 29.37 feet from the southwestern corner of said Lot 4; thence from said point of beginning north 860 1911011 east, 117.53 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 4. EASEMENT, IN LOT 1 (Parcel 149) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow Estates, being a strip of land 10 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the. western line of said Lot 1, said point bears north 170 59' 3511 west, 100.00 feet from the most southern corser of said Lot 1; thence from said point of beginning north 24 071 east, 10.0 feet into said Lot 1. FIVE FOOT EASEMENT, along the entire southern line of Lots 3 and 2, as said lots and easements are designated on aforesaid map of Sleepy Hollow Estates. ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 7 of said plans and specifications. TARRY LANE, from its eastern extremity at its intersection with Lombardy Lane, to FI 20 to be located in Tarry Lane 15 feet. northeasterly from its intersection with the northwestern exten- sion of the lines between Lots 205 and 206 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1. . . 03 01 51' 107 SLEEPY HOLLOW LANE, from its eastern extremity at its inter- section with Tarry Lane, thence westerly and southerly to FI 22 to be located in Sleepy Hollow Lane 20 feet southeasterlY from its intersection with the northeastern extension of the line between Lots 288 and 290 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3. Also in Sleepy Hollow Lane, from MH 75 to be located therein at its intersection with the southern extension qf the eastern line of Lot 241 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, to FI 21 to be located in Sleepy Hollow Lane 25 feet northwesterly from its intersection with the no,rtheastern extension of the line bet,':een Lots 291 and 292 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3. WASHINGTON LANE, from its eastern extremity at its intersection with Sleepy Hollow Lane, to MH 90 to be located therein at its intersection with the northern extension of the line between Lots 267 and 268 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3. NORMANDY LANE, from its northern extremity at its intersection with Sleepy Hollow Lane, to FI 23 to be located therein 90 feet southeasterly from its intersection with the southwestern extension of the line be~ween Lots 284 and 285 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3. EASEMENT, IN LOT 307 (Portion of Sub-Parcel A of Parcel 100) of the afores~id Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described a~ follows: Beginning B,t a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 307, said point bears north 670 561 30" west, 57.37 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 307; thence north 110 42' east, 19.86 feet to MH 59; thence from said point of beginning north 41° 16' west, 160.00 feet; thence north 10 26' west, 78.16 feet to a point on the western line of said Lot 307. EASEMENT, IN LOT 306 (Paroel 99) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the western line of which is parallel with and 5 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the eastern line, said eastern line of said strip 1s described as follow.: Beginning at the northeastern corner of said Lot 306; thence south 110 57' 05" west, 80.00 feet along said eastern line of said Lot 306. EASEMENT, IN LOT 241 (Parcel 113) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- western line of said Lot 241, said point bears south 490 26130" west, 22.01 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 241; thence from said point of beginning south 39° 30' east, ,10.55 feet; thence south 50 east, 86.30 feet to a point which bears south, 108 feet and south 810 42' 03" west, 2.5 feet from said most northern corner of said Lot 241. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the western line of which is parallel with and 5 feet westerly measured at right angles from the eastern line and being a portion of the eastern line of said Lot 241, such portion being described as follows: Reginning at the most southern corner of said Lot 241; thence nort~ 8 17157" west, 90.11 feet along said eastern line. EAS~lENT, IN LOT 242 (Paroel 114) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the cent,er line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- eastern line of said Lot 242, said point bears south 490 26' 30 It west, 22.01 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 242; thence from said point of beginning north 390 30' west, 109.20 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 242. EASEMENT, IN LOT 243 (Parcel 115) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of lanè 5 feet in width the center line of 03 01 5 ~ìl """'" \08 which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- eastern line of said Lot 243, said point bears south 420 08' 55" west, 17.47 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 243; thence from said point of beginning north 310 03' west, 64.92 feet to a point on ,the northwestern line of said Lot 243. EAS~~ENT, IN LOT 240 (Parcel 117) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 240, ,said point bears south 690 west, 5.49 feet from an angle point in said southern line which is also the most northern corner of Lot 243 as shown on said subdivision map; thence from said point of beginning north 310 03' west, 64.53 feet; thence north 320 48' west, 206.30 feet to a point herein- after referred to as MH 80; thence north 270 0)1 west, 68.0 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 240. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at MH 80 mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 620 54' west, 65.45 feet to a point on the western line of said Lot 240. EASEMENT, IN LOT 238 (Parcel 124) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 238, said point bears north 730 561 3011 east, 35.,04 feet from the most western coÔner of said Lot 238; thence from said point of beginning north 27 031 west, 20.00 feet; thence north 350 04' west, 19.84 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 238. EASEMENT, IN LOT 237 (Parcel 123) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 237, said point bears south 160 45' 15" west, 199.45 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 237; thence from said point of beginning north 350 04' west, 126.05 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 237. EASEMENT, IN LOT 236 (Parcel 122) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit N°.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point onothe southeastern line of said Lot 236, said point bears south 16 1913011 west, 120.22 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 236; thence from said point of beginning north 350 04' west, 21.11 feet; thence north 710 041 west, 82.01 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 236. EASEMENT, IN LOT 235 (Parcel 121) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 235, said point bears south ISo 26155" west, 102.75 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 235; thence from said point of beginning north 710 04' west, 86.99 feet; thence south 790 561 west, 15.53 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 235. EASEMENT, IN LOT 234 (Parcel 120) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width' the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 234, said point bears south 150 54' 45" west, 105.11 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 234; thence from said point of beginning south 790 561 west, 82.47 feet; thence south 870 55' west, 34.53 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 234. o~ 01 51 109 EASÐ1ENT, IN LOT 233 (Parcel 119) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point onothe south- eastern line of said Lot 233, said point bears south 18 31' 4011 west, 153.29 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 233; thence from said point of beginning south 870 55' west, 35.47 feet; thence north 640 301, west, 94.98 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 233. EASEMENT, IN LOT 232 (Parcel 118) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point onothe south- eastern line of said Lot 232, said point bears south 28 14' 2511 east, 167.00 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 232; thence from said point of beginning north 640 30' wes~, 10.00 feet. EASEMENT, IN LOT 245 (Parcel 116) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit NO.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- western line of said Lot 245, said point bears south 440 17' 25" west, 94.95 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 245; thence from said point of beginning south 210 east, 3.0 feet; thence north 620 541 east, 58.55 feet to a point -on the eastern line of said Lot 245. , , EASEMENT,. IN LOT 246 (Parcel 125) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point onothe south- eastern line of said Lot 246, said point bears north 44 171 2511 east, 140.00 feet from the most southern corger of said Lot 246; thence from said point of beginning north 21 west, 84.10 feet; thence north 430 591 west, 76.00 feet;< thence north 760 53' west, 2.66 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 246. EASEMENT, IN LOT 247 (Parcel 126) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- eastern line of 81d Lot 214-7, said point bearsnor.th 380 03' 40" east, 182.74 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 247; thence from said point of beginning north 760 531 west, 137.92 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 247. EASEMENT, IN LOT 248 (Parcel 127) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a PQin~ on the southeast- ern line of said Lot 248, said point bears noI\th 31 251 4011 east, 133.06 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 248; thence from said point of beginning north 760 53' west, 115.42 feet; thence north 620 531 west, 41.65 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 248. EAS~lENT, IN LOT 249 (Parcel 128) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No. J, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- eastern line of said Lot 249, said point bears north 300 421 lOll east, 90.43 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 249; thence from said point of beginning north 620 53' west, 66.35 feet; thence north 550 531 west, 71.32 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 249. ' EASEMENT, IN LOT 250 (Parcel 129) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is; described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- eastern line 01' said Lot 250, said point bears north 290, 021 3011 east, 85.92 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 250; thence from said point of beginning north 550 531 west, 48.68 feet; thence north 660 55' west, 80.00 feet; thence north 38° 571 west, 18.50 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 250. 03 01 51 \10 EASEMENT, IN LOT 251 (Parcel 130) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 251, said point bears north 320 161 lO" east, 81.06 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 251; thence from said point of beginning north 380 571 west, 66.50 feet; thence north 52° 53~ west, 47.80 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 251. EASEMENT, IN LOT 252 (Parcel 131) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 252, said point bears north 270 48' 25" east, 111.78 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 252; thence from said point of beginning north 520 53' west, 109.58 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 252. EASEMENT, IN LOT 253 (Parcel 132) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point onothe southeastern line of said Lot 253, said point bears north 28 37145" east, 126.26 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 253; thence from said point of beginning north 52° 53' west, 86.02 feet; thence north 450 05' 30" west, 17.80 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 253. EASD~ENT, IN LOT 254 (Parcel 133) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 254; said point bears south 270 471 3511 west, 47.53 feet from the most northern corser of ,saià Lot 254; thence from said point of beginning north 44 05' 30' west, 35.95 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 254. EASEMENT, IN LOT 255 (Parcel 134) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the southwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet south~ westerly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said northeastern .line of said strip being the entire northeast- ern line of said Lot 25~. EASEMENT, IN LOT 256 (Parcel 135) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the southwestern line øf which is parallel with and 5 feet southwest- erly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said northeastern line of said strip being the entire northeastern line of said Lot 256. EASEMENT, IN LOT 257 (Parcel 136) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the southwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet so,uthwest- erly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said northeastern line of said strip being the entire northeastern line of said Lot 257. EASEMENT, IN LOT 258 (Parcel 137) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the southwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southwest- erly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said northeastern line being described as follows: Beginning at the most eastern corner of said Lot 258; thence north 490 22115" west, 25.0 feet; thence north 590 52' 05" west, 10.0 feet along said northeastern line of said Lot 258. ,EASEMENT, IN LOT 292 (Parcel 79) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the southeastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southeast- erly measured at right angles from the northwestern line, said northwestern line of said strip being the entire northwestern line of said Lot 292. 03 . r 01 51' 111 EASEMENT, IN LOT 285 (Parcel 80) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- eastern line of said Lot 285, said point bears south 510 01' 25" east, 2.5 feet along said northeastern line from the most wpstern corner of Lot 292 of said subdivision; thence from said point of beginning south 330 59' 15" west, 10.0 feet into said Lot 285. EASEMENT, IN LOT 293 (Parcel 81) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the northwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeastern line of said strip being the entire southeastern line of said Lot 293. EASEMENT, IN LOT 284 (Parcel 82) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 10 feet in width, the southwestern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet southwesterly, measured at right angles from the northeastern line, said northeastern line being described as follows: ~eglnning at the most eastern corner of said Lot 284; thence north 51 01' 25" west, 10.0 feet along said northeastern line of said Lot 284. EA3EMENT, IN LOT 283 (Parcel 83) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the southwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 fert southwesterly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said northeastern line of said strip being the entire northeastern line of said Lot 283. EASEl4ENT, IN LOT 282 (Parcel 84) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit N°.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the southwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southwesterly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said northeastern line of said strip being the entire northeastern line of said Lot 282. EASEMENT, IN LOT 281 (Parcel 85) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the southwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southwesterly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said northeastern line of said strip being the entire northeastern line of said Lot 281. EASEMENT, IN LOT 280 (Parcel 86) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the southwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southwesterly, measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said northeastern line being described as follows: Beginning at the most northern corner of said Lot 280; thence south 560 401 10" east, 10.0 feet along said northeastern line of said Lot 280. EASEMENT, IN LOT 272 (Parcel 77) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the northern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the southern line, said southern line of said strip being the entire southern line of said Lot 272. EAS~1ENT, IN LOT 278 (Parcel 78) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the point of inter- section of the lot lines of Lots 272, 273 and 278, as shown on said subdivision map, thence from said point of beginning north 180 191 15" west, 2.5 feet along the northeastern line of said Lot 278, to the true point of beginning of åaid 5 foot strip; thence from said true point of beginning south 76° 371151 west, 10.0 feet into said Lot 278. EASEMENT, IN LOT 200 (Parcel 95) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the western line of which is parallel with and 5 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the eastern line, said eastern line of said strip being the entire eastern line of said Lot 200. 03 01 51 t12 EASEMENT, IN LOT 201 (Parcel 94) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit N°.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the western line of which is parallel with and 5 feet westerly, meas- ured at right angles, from the eastern line, said eastern line of said strip being the entire eastern line 0 f said Lot 201. . EASEHENT, IN LOT 202 (Parcel 93) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the north- western line of which is parallel with ~nd 5 feet northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, sa~d south- eastern line of said strip being the entire southeastern line of said Lot 202. EASEMENT, IN LOT 203 (Parcel 92) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the northwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet north- westerly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeastern line of said strip being the entire southeast- ern line of said BtFi~ èeiRg tho eRtire sa~thoaoterR liRe af said Lot 203. EASEMENT, IN LOT 204 (parcèl 91) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the northwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet north- westerly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeastern line of said strip being the entire southeast- ern line of said Lot 204. EASEMENT, IN LOT 205 (Parcel 90) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 fe~t in width, the northwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northwest- erly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeastern line of said strip being the entire southeastern line of said Lot 205. EASEMENT, IN LOT 206 (Parcel 89) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit N°.3, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the northwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet north- westerly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeastern line of said strip being the entire southeast- ern line of said Lot 206. EASEMENT, IN LOT 50 (Parcel 88) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the northwestern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet north- westerly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line, said southeastern line being described as follows: Begigning at the most southern corner of said Lot 50; thence north 53 39' 25" east, 10.0 feet along said southeastern line of said Lot 50. ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 8 of said plans and specifications: VAN TASSEL LANE, from its southern extremity at its inter- section with Lombardy Lane, to FI 24 to be located in Van Tassel Lane 15 feet northerly from its intersection with the eastern extension of the line between Lots 11 and 12 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1. Also in Van Tassel Lane, from FI 29 to be located therein 20 feet southerly from its intersection with the western extension of the line between Lots 72 and 73 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No. I, to FI 30 to be located in Van Tassel Lane at its intersection with Brom Lane. Also in Yan Tassel Lane, from FI 32 to be located therein 15 feet easterly from its intersection with the southern extension of the western line of Lot 68 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, to its intersection with the northern extremity of Tarry Lane. 03 01 51 1 J 3 TARRY LANE, from its aforesaid northern extremity to FI 33 to be located in Tarry Lane 20 feet southwesterly from its intersec- tion with the southeastern extension of the line between Lots 58 and 59 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No. l~ Also in Tarry Lane, from FI 26 to be located therein 80 feet northerly from its intersection with the western extension of the line between Lots 45 and 46 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, to FI25 to be located in Tarry Lane 20 feet southerly from its in- tersection with the eastern extension of the line between Lots 54 and 55 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1. MEADOW LANE, from MH 103 to be located therein 35 feet from its southern extremity to FI 31 to be located in Meadow Lane 15 feet northerly from its intersection with the eastern extension of the line between Lots 43 and 44 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1. CRANE COURT, a FI to be located on the center line of Crane Court 11.5 feet easterly from the intersection of said center line with the southern extension of the line between Lots 19 and 20 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1. KATRINA COURT, from its western extremity to FI 27 to be lo- cated 15 feet easterly from its intersection with the southern ext~nsion of the line between Lots 10 and 11 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1. . VAN RIPPER LANE, from its western extremity at its intersection with Van Tassel Lane, to Engineer's station 1+ 90 to be located at its intersection with the northerly extension of the eastern line of Lot 77 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1. EASEMENT, IN LOT 2 (Parcel 59) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, consisting of three sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east- ern line of said Lot 2, said point being southerly along the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 715 feet, 115.04 feet, and south 60 48152" east, 78.05 feet, from the northeasternocorner of said ~ot 2; thence from said point of beginning north 72 49' west, 33.49 feet; thence north 490 251 west, 192.60 feet to a point here- inafter referre,d to as MH 95; thence north 410 10' west,. 89.14 feet; the~ce north 120 461 west, 37.64 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 2. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beg1nnin~ at MH 95, mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 590 061551 west, 57.71 feet to a point on the western line of said Lot 2. Sub-Parcel C: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the southeastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, from the northwestern line, said northwestern line of said strip being described as follows: Beginning at the most north- ern corner of said Lot 2; thence south 620 58' 20" west, 29.60 feet along said northwestern line of said Lot 2. EASEMENT, IN LOT 3 (Parcel 55) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of said Lot 3, said point bears south 850 111 08" east, 93.30 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 3; thence from saðd point of beginning south 280 581 wesg, 64.58 feet; thence south 0 021 east, 85.10 feet; thence south 62 581 20" west, 71.06 feet to a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 3. EASEMENT, IN LOT 4 (Parcel 56) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a s.trip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of said Lot 4, said point bears south 810 08' 08" east, 124.13 feet along said northern line from the northwestern corner of said 03 01 51 t14 Lot 4; thence from said point of beginning south 70 31' west, 149.0 feet; thence south 280 581 west, 2.42 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 4. EASEMENT, IN LOT 5 (Parcel 109) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 5, said point bears south 810 08' 08" east, 124.13 feet from the southwestern corner of sàid Lot 5; thence from said point of beginning north 140 34' east, 53.00 feet; thence north 50 26' west, 56.00 feet; thence north 250 26' west, 113.00 feet; thence north 2 34' east, 6.06 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 5. . EASEMENT, IN LOT 8 (ParoelllO) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, consisting of two sub-parcels: . Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a poinð on the southern line of said Lot 8, said ,point bears south 70 04' 15" west, 126.87 feet from the southeastern oorHer of said Lot 8; thence from saià point of beginning north 2 34' east, 76.94 feet; thence north 21 26' west, 113.00 feet; thence north 50ó 34' west, 39.02 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 8. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the southeast- ern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southeasterly, meas- ured at right angles, from the northwestern line, said northwest- ern line of said strip being described as follows: Begõnning at the most northern corner of said Lot 8; thence south 61 33' 55" west, 165.00 feet along said northwestern line of said Lot 8. EASD4ENT, IN LOT 9 (Parcel Ill) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeaatern ~ine of said Lot 9, said point bears south 610 33' 55" west, 159.11 feet from the southeastern corner of said Lot 9; thence from said point of beginning north 220 46' west, 78'64 feet; thence north 50 l4' east, 88.00 feet; thence north 14 46' west,. 18.00 feet; thence north 21 30 I west, at 3.95 feet ~ point hereinafter referred to as point "A", a total distance of 37.36 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 9. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at point "A", mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence from said point north 650 56' east, 43.93 feet to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 9. EAS~~ENT, IN LOT 10 (Parcel 112) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point. on the southwestern line of said Lot 10, said point bears south 580 02' 20" eas~ 33.83 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 10; thence from said point of beginning north 650 56' east, 25.34 feet into said Lot 10. EASEMENT, IN LOT 16 (Parcel 98) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow!, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning- at a point on the southern line of said Lot 16, said point bears south 780 41' 2511 we:st, 24.12 feet from an angle point in said southern line, said angle point also being the most western corner of Lot 10 as shown on saià subdivision map; thence from said point of beginning north 21 30' west, 85.34 feet; thence north 390 46' west, 92.96 feet; thence north 37° 46' west, 29.68 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 16. 03 01 51 lIS EAS~IENT, IN LOT 17 (Parcel 97) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet ~n width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning B.t a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 17, said point bears south 250 471 40" west, 136.16 feet from the most eastern corner' of said Lot 17; thence from saià point of beginning north 370 461 westb 65.42 feet; thence north 24 46' west, 73.00 feet; thence north 19 32' east, 61.50 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 17. EASÐ4ENT, IN LOT 18 (Parcel 96) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 18, said point bears north 810 12' 20" west, 64.00 feet, and north 86 33' 2011 west, 24.00 feet from the southeastern corneO of said Lot 18; thence from said pointoof beginning north 15 02' east, 124.50 feet; thence north 43 02' east, 52.27 feet to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 18. EASEMENT, IN LOT 19 (Parcel 72) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on ðhe northeaste~n line of said Lot 19, said point bears south 46 331 20" east, 55.14 feet, from the most northern gorner of said Lot 19; thence from said point of beginning, south 32 22' west, 44.18 feet; thence south 100 02' west, 69.00 feet; thence south 43° 02' west, 13.59 feet to a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 19. EAS~lENT, IN LOT 22 (Parcel 71) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the eastern line of said Lot 22, said point bears north 230 west, 232.16 feet, along said eastern line from the southeastern corner of said Lot 22; thence from said point of beginning south 430 341 west, 31.07 feet; thence south 80 22' west, 123.00 feet; thence south 180 2~' west,.ól.OO feet; thence south 320 22' west, at 24.00 feet a point hereinafter referred to as MH 100, a total distance of 34.82 feet to a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 22. . Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at MHlOO, mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 460331 20" east, 60.43 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 22. EAS~IENT, IN LOT 21 (Parcel 70) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width lying 2.5 feet on each side of the center line, and said center line being parallel with and 11.5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from- the western line of said Lot 21. EASEMENT, IN LOT 20 (Parcel 69) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width lying 2.5 feet on each side of the center line, and said center line being parallel with and 11.5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from the western line of said Lot 20. EASEMENT, IN LOT 48 (Parcel 60) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 48, said point bears south 560 25' east, 58.85 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 48; thence from said point of beginning north 190 46' east, 83.04 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 48 hereinafter referred to as point ItA-IIi. 03 01 51 116 Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 10 feet in width the southern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northern line, said northern line being described as follows: Beginnin§ at point IIA-l", mentkned in Sub- Parcel A above; thence north 59 06' 55" east, 145.46 feet along the northern line of said Lot 48 to the most northern corner of said Lot 48. EASÐ4ENT, IN LOT 46 (Parcel 58) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of said Lot 46, said point bears south 860 541 45" west, 28.33 feet from the northeastern corner of said Lot 46; thence from said point of beginning south 39° 46' east, 48.80 feet; thence south 120 46' east, 37.36 feet to a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 46. EASD~ENT, IN LOT 45 (Parcel 57) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 45, said point bears north 800 32' 15" west, 30.41 feet, and north 570 31145" west, 27.27 feet from the northeastern corner of said Lot 45; thence from said point of beginning south 210 14' west, 35.23 feet; thence south 110 45' east, 50.00 feet; thence south 390 46' east, 51.20 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 45. EASEMENT, IN LOT 37 (Parcel 51) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the south- western line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southwesterly, . measured at right angles, from the northeastern line, said north- eastern l~ne being described as follows: Beginning at the most northern corner of said Lot 37; thence south 700 25' east, 159.51 feet; thence south 640,32' 50" east, 10.0 feet a.long said north- eastern line of said Lot 37. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 37, said point bears south 700 25' east, 158.28 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 37; thence from said goint of beginning south 40 22' east, 143.49 feet; thence south 21 14' west, 56.77 feet to a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 37. EASEMENT, IN LOT 38 (Parcel 52) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, being a strip of lanà 5 feet in width, the south- ern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, f~om the northern line, said northern line being the entire northern line of said Lot 38. EAS~lENT, IN LOT 39 (Parcel 53) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the south- ern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northern line, said northern line being described as follows: Beginning at the northeastern corner of said Lot 39; thence south 810 29' 20" west, 10.0 feet along said northern line of said Lot 39. EASEMENT, IN LOT 36 (Parcel 50) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 36, said point bears north 640 32' 50" west, 86.01 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 36; thence from said point of beginning north 23° 381 east, 68.02 feet; thence north 260 231 west, 74.00 feet; thence north 70 23' west, 1.76 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 36. 03 01 51 117 EASEMENT, IN LOT 35 (Parcel 49) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: -Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 35, Said point bears north 780 511 east, 161.68 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 35; thence from said point of beginning north 70 23' west, 65.24 feet; thence north 590 58' 1011 west, 85.82 feet to a point on the north- western line of said Lot 35. EASEMENT, IN LOT 34 (Parcel 48) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- eastern line of said Lot 34, said point bears north 680 52' east, 143.80 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 34; thence from said point of beginning north 590 58' 10" west, 25.68 feet; thence north 240 33' west, 112.4) feet to a point on the northeast- ern line of said Lot 34. EASE¥ÆNT, IN LOT 33 (Parcel 47) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No. l,being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center'line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- western line of said Lot 33, said point bears south 600 31' 35" west, 65.39 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 33; thence from said point of beginning south 50 34' east, 72.73 feet; thence south 120 27' west, 85.00 feet; thence south 240 33' east, 2.57 feet to a point on the southwestern line of said Lot 33. . EASD4ENT, IN LOT 32 (Parcel 46) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- eastern line of said Lot 32, said point bears north 590 391 east, 174.14 feet and north 600 31' 35" east, 30.13 feet. from the most southern corner of said Lot 32; thence from said point of beginning north 50 34' west, 8.27 feet; thence north 250 341 west, 89.0 feet; thence north 450 35' west, 53.00 feet; thence north 400 361 west, 11.13 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 32. EASEMENT, IN LOT 31 (Parcel 45) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 31, said point bears south 440 16' west, 49.16 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 31; thence from said point of beginning north 400 36' west, 27.39 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 31. EAS~ŒNT, IN LOT 30 (Parcel 44) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip-of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 30, said point bears south 730 18105" west, 32.43 feet from the sòutheastern corner of said Lot 30; thence from said point of beginning north 400 361 westb 35.48 feet; thence north 120 36' west, 59.00 feet; thence north 28 061 west, 15.30 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 30. EASEMENT, IN LOT 29 (Parcel 43) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 29, said point bears north 87° 06150" west, 93.35 feet from the southeastern corner of said Lot 29; thence from said point of beginning north 280 061 west, 31.70 feet; thence north 70 241 east, .67.00 feet; thence north 120 36' west, feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 29. EASD{ENT, IN LOT 28 (Parcel 42) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- western line of said Lot 28, said point bears north 720 541 25" west, 88.67 feet from the most southerBcorner of said Lot 28; thence from said point of beginning north 12 361 west, 22.60 feet; thence north 330 36' west, 98.00 feet; thence north 260 36' west, 25.59 feet to a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 28. 03 01 51 t18 EASEMENT, IN LOT 27 (Parcel 41) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of said Lot 27, said point bears south 770 55' 5011 west, 93.54 feet from the southeastern corner of said Lot 27; thence from said point of beginning north 260 36' west, 24.41 feet; thence north 360 36' west, 66.00 feet; thence north 410 36' west, 34.96 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 27. EASEMENT, IN LOT 26 (Parcel 38) of the aforesaid. Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of. which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southern line of said Lot 26, said point bears south 860 42' west, 27.74 feet; from the southeastern. corner of said Lot 26; thence from said point of beginning north 410 361 west, 27.05 0 feet to a point hereafter referred to as MH 106; thence north 59 361 west, 27.00 feet; thence north 770 36' west, 40.00 feet; thence north 240 061 west, J2.00 feet; thence north 370 06' west, 31.00 feet; thence north 61 06' west, 46.00 feet; thence north 870 051 west, 21.90 feet, to a point on a curve with a. radius of 275 feet. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center .line of which is described as follows: Beginnin§ at MH 106, mentioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence north 34 45' east, 45.00 feet to a point on the northeastern line of said Lot 26. EASD4ENT, IN LOT 25 (Parcel 39) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No. I, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the. southwestern line of said Lot 25, said.point bears north 87° 39' 4511 west, 49.04 feet; thence north 690 43' 05" west, 24.80 feet from the most southern cornÕr of said Lot 25; thence from said point of beginning north 34 451 east, 42.45 feet; thence north 710 331 28~ east, 73.18 feet; thence south 800 east, 27.00 feet to a point pn the southeastern line of said Lot 25. EASÐ~ENT, IN LOT 24 (Parcel 40) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width.the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 24, said point bears north 360 25' 4011 east, 77.47 feet; thence north 500 25' 3011 east, 2.53 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 24; thence from said point of beginning south 800 east, 10.00 feet into.said Lot 24. EASEMENT, IN LOT 79 (Parcel 34) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hol- low, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the nortb- ern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the southern line, said southern line of said strip being the entire southern line of said Lot 79. FIVE FOOT RESERVE, along the western line of Lot 130, for 35, feet northerly from the southwestern corner of said Lot 130, also along the entire western line of Lot 129, and along the western line of Lot 128 for 5 feet southerly from the northwestern corner of said Lot 128, as said lots and reserves are designated on that certain map enti tIed "Sleepy Hollow, Unit .No. 2, Contra Costa County, California,1I filed January 11,1946 in Volume 28 of Maps, at pages 19 to 21, inclusive, in the office of said Recorder. ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District and in said Local Improvement District as they an~ the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 9 of said plans and specifications: 03 01 51 J .I i. VAN RIPPER LANE, from Engineer's station 80+ 24 to be located in Van Ripper Lane at its intersection with the northern extension of the eastsl'l1 line of Lot 8 of sald Sleepy Hollow Estates to FI 34 to be located in Van Ripper Lane, 20 feet northwesterly from its intersection with the southwestern extension of the line between Lots 137 and 138 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. Also in Van Ripper Lane, from Engineer's station 1+ 90 to be located in Van Ripper Lane at its intersection with the northern extension of the western line of Lot 134 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2, to FI 35 to be located in Van Ripper La.ne 15 feet south- easterly from its intersection with the southwestern extension of the line between Lots 135 and 136 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. LOMBARDY LANE, from MH 70 to be located therein at its inter- section with Irving Lane, to FI 38 to be located in Lombardy Lane 15 feet easterly from its intersection with the southern extension of the line between Lots 173 and 174 Ðf said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. Also in Lombardy Lane, from MH 110 to be located at its inter- section with Van Ripper Lane, to MH 112 to be located 40 feet north- easterly from its intersection with the northwestern extension of the line between Lots 107 and 108 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. IRVING LANE,. from its southern extremity at its intersection with Lombardy Lane, to FI 37 to be located in Irving Lane 20 feet northerly from its intersection with the western extension of the line between Lots 163 and 164 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. Also in Irving Lane fro m FI 39 to be located therein 35 feet southwesterly from the southeasterly extension of the line between Lots 190 and 191 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2, to FI 40 to be located in Irving Lane 25 feet northeasterly from its intersection with the southeasterly extension of the line between Lots 116 and 117 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. IRVING COURT, from its southern extremity at its intersection with Irving Lane for its entire length. ST. JAMES COURT, from its northern extremity at its intersection with Van Ripper Lane, to FI 36 to be 10cRted in St. James Court 15 feet southwesterly from its intersection with:the northwestern ex- tension of the line between Lots 123 and 124 of said Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. EASEMENT, IN LOT 122 (Parcel 36) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the northeastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the southwestern line, said southwestern line being described as follows: Beginning at the most western corner of said Lot 122, thence south 490 55150" east, 45.0 feet along said southwestern line of said Lot 122. EASEMENT, IN LOT 123 (Parcel 35) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the northeastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the southwestern line said southwestern line being described as follows: Beginning at the most southern.corner of said Lot 123; thence north 490 55' 50" west, 10.0 feet along said southwestern line of said Lot 123. EASEMENT, IN LOT 194 (Parcel 37) of the aforesaid Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2, being a strip of land 5 feet in width, the northeastern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the southwestern line, said southwestern line of said strip being the entire southwestern line of said Lot 194. FIVE FOOT RESERVE, along the southeastern line of Lot 163 for 10 feet westerly from the most eastern corner of said Lot 163, also along the southeastern line of Lots 162,161, 160, 159, 158, 157, 156,154 and along the southern line of Lot 153 for 2.5 feet east- erly from the western corner of said Lot 153, as said lots and re- serves are designated on the aforesaid map of Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. 03 01 51 ------------------ -----.---. .. - t20 FIVE FOOT RESERVE, along the northeastern line of Lots 162 and 166 for the entire len~th of said lots as said lots and re~ serves are designated on the aforesaid map of Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. . FIVE FOOT RESERVE, along the southwestern line of Lot 154 for its entire length, and along the southwestern line of Lot 155 for 10 feet northwesterly from the most southern corner of said Lot 155, as said lots and reserves are designated on the aforesaid map of Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. FIVE FOOT RESERVE, along the southwestern line of Lot 116 for the entire length of said Lot 116, also a.long the southern line of Lot 118 for 5 feet easterly from the most southern corner of said Lot 118, also along the southern line of Lots 119, 120, 121 and the eastern 85 feet of the southern line of Lot 122 as said lots and reserves are designated on the aforesaid map of Sleepy Hollow, Unit No. 2- FIVE FOOT RESERVE, along the eastern line of Lot 124 for 5 feet northerly from the most southern corner of said Lot 124, also along the eastern line of Lots 125 and 126, and along the eastern line of Lot 127 for 5 feet southerly from the northeast- ern corner of said Lot 127, as said lots and reserves are desig- nated on said map of Sleepy Hollow, Unit No.2. ALSO, the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, ,in accordance with sa.id plans and specifications out side of said Local Improvement District and in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 3 of said plans and specifications: MINER ROAD, from its intersection with the eastern extension of the northern line of Lot 642 of said Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda to Engineer's station 35+ 00 to be locAted in Miner Road 410 feet from said eastern extension. EASEMENT, IN ORINDA COUNTRY CLUB (Parcel 103) in Rancho El Sobrante lying easterly of what is commonly known as Miner Road and northwesterly of the aforesaid Unit No.2, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of three sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwestern line of aforesaid Lot 344 of Unit No.2, Hac- iendas Del Orlnda, said point bears north 280 38' 50" east, 28.65 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 344. thence from said point of beginning north 280 2514011 west, 2.~2 feet¡ thence north 30 56150" east, 44.48 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as MH 18; ,thence north 700 07' 10" west, 178.25 feet; thence south 830 521 So" west, 139.5 feet more or less to a point on the center line of Miner Road. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 10 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at MH 18, men- tioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence north 360 33116" east, 115.89 feet to a point, in Orinda Country Club, said point being, north 280 38' 50" east, 185.36 feet along the northwestern line of said Lot 344, B.nd north 61 21' lO" west, 5.00 feet into said Orinda Country Club property, from the most western corner of said Lot 344. Sub-Parcel C: A strip of land 10 feet in width the north- western line of which is parallel with and 10 feet northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the southeastern line and which southeastern line of said strip is described as follows: Begin- ning at a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 344, said point bears north 280 38' 50" east, 185.37 feet along said north- western line from the most southern corner of said Lot 344; thence 03 01 51 lit from said point of beginning north 280 38' 5011 east, 90.09 feet; thence north 350 441 lOll east, 172.74 feet; thence north 140 26' 40" east, 133.07 feet. ALSO, the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, in accordance with said plans and specifications outside of said Local Improvement District and in the following streets, easements and reserves in s~id Sanitary District as they and, the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 4 of said plans and specifications: EAS~lENT, (Parcell) in that portion of Orinda Country Club in Rancho El Sobrante lying westerly of Miner Road and easterly of the aforesaid Unit No.7, Haciendas Del Orinda, consisting of two sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A stl"ip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the eastern line of Lot 639 of said Unit No.7, Haciendas DelOrinda, saiQ point bears north 210 16' 25" east, 2ó.62 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 639; thence from said point of begin- ning south 180 01' 35" east, 165.49 feet; thence south 160 081 35" east, 34.38 feet; thence south 260 181 35" east, 248 feet more or less to a point on the center line of said Miner Road. Sub-Parcel B: A strip of land 10 feet in width, the eastern line of which is parallel with and 10 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from the western line ana which western line of said strip is described as follows: Beginning at a point. on the eastern line of Lot 639 of s81ò Unit No. 7,. Haciendas Del Orinda, said point bears north 21 161 2511 east, 71.62 feet from the most south- ern corner of said Lot 639; thence from said point of.beginning south 21° 16' 25" west., 71.62 feet from the most southern corner of said Lot 639; thence from said point of beginning south 210 16' 25" west, 283.62 feet along said western line of the 'aforesaid Unit No. 7, Haciendas Del Orinda. ALSO, the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, in accordance with said plans and specifications outside of said Local Improvement District and in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 5 of said plans and specifica- tions: . MINER ROAD, from Engineer's station 35 + 00 to be loca-ted in Miner Road 210 feet southerly measured along the center line from MH 32, to MH 32 to be located in Miner Road at its intersection with Oak Arbor Road. ALSO, the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, in accordance with said plans and specifications outside of said Sani- tary District and outside of said Local Improvement District and in Contra Costa County, and in the following streets, easements and reserves as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 5 of said plans and specifications: OAK ARBOR ROAD from its eastern extremity at its intersection wi th Min":r Road, to MH 33 to be located in Oa,k Arbor Road 130 feet northwesterly, measured along its center line, from said eastern extremity. EAS~IENT, IN LOT 18 (Parcel147), as said lot is designated on that certain map entitled IIFairway Acres, Contra Costa County, Calif- ornia," filed September 18, 1928 in Volume 21 of Maps, at pages 576 to 578, inclusive, in the office of said Recorder, being a strip of la.nd 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of said Lot 18, said point bears south 810 20' 50" east, 80.55 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 18; thence from said goint of beginning south 180 09' )0" west, 75.82 feet; thence south 5 27130" west, 158.82 feet to a point on a curve in the center line of Oak Arbor Road. 03 01 c;:- t.ll 122 EASEMENT, IN.LOT 19 (Parcel 146), of the aforesaid Fairway Acres, being a strip of land. 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follO\oJs: Beginning. at a point on the southern line of said Lot 19, said point bears south 810 20' 5011 east, 80.55 feet along said southern line from the most northern corner of Lot 18 of said subdivision; thence from said point of beginning north 180 09' 3011 east, 45.48 feet; thence north 360 47' 3011 west, 137.85 feet; thence north 00 251 east, 71.37 feet to a point on the northern line of said Lot 19. EASEMENT, IN LOT 20 (Parcel 145) of the aforesaid Fairway Acres, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- ern line of said Lot 20, said point bears, south 840 40' east, 116.37 fest and south 680 4611511 east, 52.91 feet from the south- western corner of sald Lot 20; thence from sald polnt of beglnnlng north 00 251 east, 25.53 feet; thence north 450 02' )0" east, 49.40 feet to a point on the northern line of a parcel of land as described in the deed to Clarence J. Hegerle, et ux, recorded November 4,1949, under Recorder's Serial No. 40367, in Volume 1458 of Official Records, at page 161, of said County. EASEMENT, IN LOTS 20 and 21 (Parcel 144) of the aforesaid Fairway Acres, consisting of three sub-parcels: Sub-Parcel A: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of a parcel of land as described in the deed to Clarence J. Hegerle, et ux, recorded November 4, 1949, under Recorder's Serial No. 40367, in Volume 1458 of Official Records, at page 161, of said County, said point bears south 760 101 5511 east, 195.27 feet along said northern line, from the northwestern corner of said Hegerle parcel (1458 OR 161); thence from said point of beginning north 450 02' 30" east, 18'66 feet; thence north 20 39' west, 105.65 feet; thence north 4 15' east, at 5.32 feet a point hereafter referred to as MH 36, a total distance of 68.13 feet to a point on the southern line of Lot 21 of said sub- division. Sub-Pa,rcel B: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at MH 36, men- tioned in Sub-Parcel A above; thence south 880 east, 143.39 feet; thence north 500 17' east, 80.02 feet to a point hereafter re- ferred to as point liB-III, said point being on the northern line of a parcel of land as described in the deed to Raley D. Wiles, et ux, recorded January 7,1946, under Recorder's Serial No. 446, in Volume 859 of Official Records, at page 496, of said County. Sub-Parcel C: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the southern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northern line, and said northern line of said 5 foot strip is described as follows: Beginning at point liB-I", mentioned in Sub-Parcel B above; thence from said point, north 870 43' 45" east, 54.80 feet along said northern line of said Wiles parcel (859 OR 496) to a point on the western line of Miner Road. EASEl-íENT, IN LOT 21 (Parcel 143) of the aforesaid Fairway Acres, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south- ern line of said Lot 21, said point bears south 760 10' 55" east, 165.00 feet from the southwestern COrner of said Lot 21; thence from said point of beginning north 40 151 east, 1.20 feet; thence north 220 341 30" east, 87.92 feet to a point on the western line of a parcel of land as described in the deed to Henning E. J'ohnson, et ux, recorded May 9,1947, under Recorder's Serial No. 18506 in Volume 1110 of Official Records, at page 54, of said County. 03 01 51 123 EASEMENT, IN LOT 21 (Parcel 142) of the aforesaid Fairway Acres, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a goint on the northern line of said Lot 21, said point bears south 63 59' 35" east, 150.20 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 21; thence from said point of beginning south 370 28' 30" \-lest, 43.65 feet; thence south 160 59' 30" west, 68.62 feet; thence south 220 34' 30" west, 16.78 feet to a point on the eastern line of a parcel of lanò described in the deed to Julia Allen, recoraed June 23, 1947, under Recorder's Serial No. 24618 in Volume 1096 of Official Records, at page 271, of said County. EASEl-1ENT,. IN LOT 22 (Parcel 141) of the aforesaid Fairway Acres, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning ata golnt on the northern line of said Lot 22, said point bears south 65 41' 05" west, 268.62 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 22; thence from sai~ point of beginning south 370 28' 30" west, 220.90 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 22. EAS~1ENTJ IN LOT 23 (Parcel 140) of the aforesaid Fairway Acres, being a strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a go~~t on the northern line of said Lot 23, said point bears south 67 ~~I east, 232.37 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 23; thence from said point of beginning south 110 59' 30" west, 118.47 feet; thence south 150 09' 30" west, 91.96 feet; thence south 370 28130" west, 2.87 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 23. The office of the Recorder referred to hereinabove is the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and Official Records and file numbe~s hereinabove referred to are Official Records and file numbers of said Recorder. The letters MH and FI herein used r'afer to and n1ean Manhole and Flushing Inlet, respectively. In the foregoing descriptions, the width of all easements des- cribed by reference to a center line is measured at right angles. In the foregoing descriptions, wherever right-of-way, easement, street, or other public way is described wherein work is to be done, it is the intention that said work shall also be extended So as to connect the same with existing sewers or sewer work to be constructed nearest to said right-of-way" easement, street, or oth5P public way, and at the point in eaid proposed work where a manhole, flushing in- let, or other construction is shown on said Plans therefor, unless other~."ise shown thereon. . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such sanitary sewers and appurten- ances be constructed in said streets, easements, reserves, avenues, roads,lanes, courts, places and/or public ways hereinabove described, of the dimensions, materials, and in the particular locations set forth and shown on the plans and specifications and detailed drawings hereinabove and hereafter referred to; together with the construction of all appurtenances thereto, incluting necessary fittings, trench- ings, grading and regrading, excavation and fill, removal of obstruc- tions, connections to existing services, back filling, reconstruction of existing ground surface as required to conditions existing prior to com~encement of construction, all in the manner, of the materials and to the dimensions and to the grades, and in the particular locations as the same are more fully shown on the plans and specific- ations and detailed drawings hereinabove and hereafter referred to; That the structures and work and improvements herein described shall be constructeà to the grades, sub-grades and elevations severally shown upon the plans and profiles and detailed drawings thereof in the respective locations thereof, to which plans and profiles reference is herAby expressly made for a description of the grades to which all of the work and improvements under this Resolution of Intention shall be done, which said grades are hereby 03 OL~- 124 adopted and established as the official grades therefor for all purposes in connection with proceedings pursuant to this Reso- lution of Intention; notice is hereby further given that said grades are or may be, in part, new and different from those heretofore established or existing, or may be, and in some cases are, different from existing ground levels; All of said work and improvements shall be done to the lines and grades as shown on the plans and profiles and in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore referred to for the doing of said work and improvement, and which are now on file in the office of the Secretary of the District Board. Excepting from all of the herein described work all of said work that has already been done to the lines and grades shown on said plans and profiles, and in accordance with said plans and specifications; The attention of all persons ia directed to the fact that all of said classes of work above described may not be constructed upon all of the streets and/or public ways above described in their entirety, but only upon the particular locations as shown on the plans and specifications, to which the attention of all persons is directed for a description of the work, location of the several classes of work, a description of the classes of work to be done upon each of the several public streets or rights-of- way named, a description of the streets and rights-of-way, and for all other information contained in the said plans and spec- ifications pertinent to the doing and completion of the work and improvements herein proposed; and WHEREAS, said contemplated work and im9rovements, in the opinion of this District Board, is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, said District Board hereby makes the expenses and costs of said work and improvements chargeable, upon a dist- rict, which said district said District Board hereby declares the district benefited by the work and improvements herein described; and which is to be assessed to pay the cost and ex- penses thereof; said district shall include ,that territory in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, which is shown on that certain plat or map on file in the office of the Secretary of the District Board, and which is set forth as the IIMap Showing Proposed Assessment District Boundary for the Improvement of Local Im- provement District No. 22 in Resolution No. 677 of the District Board, II and which said map or plat indicates, by a boundary line, the extent of the territory included in,the proposed district and covers all details as to the extent of the area to be assessed; said map or plat is, by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof; Excepting from the area shown and delineated on said map or plat, hereinabove referred to~ the area of all public streets, avenues, lanes, roads, drives, courts, places, public parks, and all easements and rights-of-way therein contained belonging to the public. There shall be paid out of the Treasury of said Sanitary Dist- rict and from the Sewer Construction Fund therein, the sum of $19,500.00 toward the cost and expense of any and all of said work and improvement. - 0 That the proceedings for said work and improvement shall be had and taken under and in accordance with Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (IIImprove- ment Act of 1911"). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Health Officer of said County of Contra Costa has recommended in writing to said Board that 03 01 51 121 said proceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health measure, and said Board heretofore ordered said recommendation spread upon the Minutes of said Board and by Resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the members of said Board found and determined that such necessity exists. That serial bonds shall be issued pursuant to Part 5 of Div- ision 7 of said Streets and Highways Code (Improvement Act of 1911) to represent the unpaid assessments of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) or over for the cost of said work, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6%> per annum, to extend for a period of nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next October 15th following their date, and to be payable in annual installments the last installment thereof to mature nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next 15th day of October following their date said bonds and the interest thereon to be payable as provided in said Code. That Thursday the 22nd day of lvlarch, 1951, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., of said day, and ~t the meeting place of said Board, 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, in the County of Contra CoStAl State of California, be and the same are hereby fixed as the time and place, when and where any and all persons having any objection to the proposed work and improvement, the grades thereof, or to the extent of the district to be assessed, or all thereof, may appear before said Board and show cause why said proposed work should not be carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention, and may present written protest, not later than the hour hereinabove set for hearing, against the doing of said work, the grades thereof, or to the extent of the territory to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof. . That the Engineer of said District shall cause to be conspicu- ously posted along the line of said work and improvement, in the manner and form required by law, notices of the passage of this Resolution. . That the Secretary of said Board shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause the same to be published twice, as required by law, in the Orinda Sun, a newspaper published and circulated within said District and hereby designated for that purpose by said Board. The first publication of said notice shall be not less than ten (10) days prior to the date herein fixed fol" hearing on this Resolution of Intention. Said District Board does hereby direct its Secretary to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention postage prepaid to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the work herein described, whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll for taxes of the County of Contra Costa or as known to the Clerk, the contents of said notices and preparation and mailing to be as required by law, and to be com- pleted at least fifteen (15) days prior to such hearing. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Cústa County, State of California, this 1st day of March, 1951 by the following called vote: AY~S: Members Malott Toland, Wadsworth and Johnson Members - None Member Smitten NOES: ABSENT: sf Elliott Johnson, President of the District Board s/ 14orna Phillip s, Assl stant Secretary of the District Board 03 01 51 t26 MILITARY LEAVE FOR JOHN L. MASON President Johnson, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 680: RESOLUTION NO. 680 villEREAS John L. Mason, District Engineer and District Manager of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, has been called to B_cti ve duty in the United States Na.vy in the service of our country, and ìfflEREAS the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District recognizes the merit of the services of Mr. Mason to the District, wishes to express that recognition publicly and, with regret, grant an indefinite military leave from saià position, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That John L. Mason be and he hereby is granted an indefinite military leave from his position as District Manager and District Engir.eer of tt.e Central Contl"a Costa Sanitary District. That the District Board hereby expresses its appreciation of the value of his services to the District Board, the Central Contrs- Costa Sanitary District ana its inhabitants, wishes Mr. Mason the full measure of success to which he is ably qualified in his ser- vice to our country, and That it is the hope of the District Board that the services of John L. Mason to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District be resumed as söon as the requirements of our defense effort permit. Passed and adopted by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 1st day of March, 1951, by the following vote: AYES: Members Malott, Smitten (by absentee vote) Toland, Wads- worth and Johnson NOES: Members - None ABSENT: Member Smitten sl Elliott Johnson, President of the District Board sl Morna Phillips, Assistant Secretary of the DiÐtrict Board PAY}lENT FOR POWELL EASEMENT FOR GREGORY GARDENS UNITS 3 and 6 It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Toland, that the Board authorize warrant in the amount of $400.00 for Counsel to offer to Willie.m L. Powell for easement for' Gregorj~ Gardens Units 3 and 6. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Me,lott, Toland, Wadswol"th and Johnson Members - None Memb£r Smitten PAYMENT OF BILLS It was moved by Member Wadsworth, seconded by Member Malott that bills as approved by the Manager and audited by the Auditing Commi ttee be paid. Ce.rried by the following vote: AYF.' S: NOES: ABSENT: Members Malott, TolAnd, Wadsworth and Johnson Members - None l-1embc--r Smitten. 03 01 51 VOUCHER 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 .4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 ùJ44 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 43.59 4360 4361 4162 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 437.5 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 N.AI.1E Treasurer G. P . S. Fed. Reserve Bank Art Ring CCCSD A. vlebstedt Pl. Hill Baptist Ch. County Clerk II Oliver Hamlin John Grant Coast Counties Valley Scavenger P T & T P B.C. Ga cl & El e c . Calif. Water 8vc. Martin Bros. Postmaster Elliott Johnson W. M. Malott H. M. Smitten H. W. Tols-nd R. E. Wadsworth L. A. Benguerel George Bennett Jack Best Al Blythe V. Brandes G. Brokke G. Brosz J. Brosz D. Cady L. Clinton J. Corry S. Corry L. Dearborn C . Hall F. Hannan D. Heibel R. Hinkson C. Hopkins L. Hurley D. Jensen L. Joseph M. Klemmick M. Langley J. L. 1v1ason C. McPhee R. D. Mott A. Murphy J. Nejedly C. Nelson K. Peck M. Phillip~ V. Sauer T. Sipes L. Smith M. Tucker M. Ulvi E. Valentine D. Wald L. Wald G. Warren L. Weill F. Wilkins Armstrongs Union Svc. L. R. Butcher Co. Courier JournBl C. C. S'tationers C.C.C Title Co. ShaAta Co. Sh9rlff Retirement Feb. dues Jan. Withholding Fee refund Transfer to Sewer Fund Deposit refund Fee r'efund Murphy easement Coleman easement Deposit refund II Gas Garbage Telephone Electricity Water Fee refund Envelopes Director II II & Sec. II \I Janitor Salary " II \I II \I II II II II II II II " II II II II II " II " .. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Truck servicing Supplies Printing Supplies 'ritle reports Gager summons 03 127 AMOUNT 2,442.42 143.55 1,803.90 10.00 32.18 15.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.71 1.00 130.63 1,15.5.62 17.50 6.00 30.00 15.70 15.00 100.70 15.21 15.98 47..50 359.93 588.30 469.43 196.28 400.60 224.20 272.78 178.03 278.10 343.21 185.88 286.18 499.63 236.99 316.76 277.68 572.09 393.81 386.52 246.40 353.14 273.45 712.18 492.08 455.77 243.90 590.95 .504.27 309.33 286..59 530.04 184.38 467.17 270.69 264.83 289.87 277. 25 258.26 499.66 556.68 369.58 70.50 56.10 24.32 16.52 359.00 3.00 01 51 28 VOUCHER 4392 4393 4394 4395 43j6 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 NAME C.C. Co. Sheriff Central Equip. Co. Cleverdon Co. Concord Graphic Arts Cle.rk's Hdwe. A. Carlisle Diablo Printing Dictating Equip.Co. G. Dinsmore East Bay Blue Print Herb IS Hdwe. Chas. Hughes 00. N. J. Lucas J. Lucas Laf. Rental Mickey's Svc. Martinez Blue Print Martin Bros. M~rchant Calc. Co. H. C. Machado Parkel Lumber Pacific Pipe Co. Pacific Pipe Co. Standard Oil Co. Walnut Creek Studio ADJOUHNMENT Richards summons Supplies Maintenance Printing Supplies Bonds Printing Repairs , -AMOUNT 6.00 4.53 7.50 78.14 5.18 15.60 163.80 7.00 10.00 11.17 11.15 1.24 238. La 18.54 1.5.52 27.71 3.29 426.03 38.50 16.04 3.31 234.68 129.37 202.44 118.67 Fee Supplies Supplies \I II It II Truck servicing Prints Maintenance Rental Eq'...ï.1pment Supplies Pump equipment Equipment Gasoline Prints President Johnson adjourned the meeting to March 22, 1951 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. £. / ~'~ ,,'~', "'/-F>- "', " .,~# ~""~,,,~,- ,/-, "'þ --',":"';:""-" , ,,;,.,.-,-,-,,-- Seéretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot of Contra Costa County, State of California. P (;1 ;:~ , --' . . --J..O.-~""" rl '0- l~ I /' I/!' :>-.\., President olJhe District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. 03 01 51