HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-24-50 ? <~ :-; MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD AUGUST 24,1950 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in adjourned session at its regular plpce of meeting 10- cP.ted at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on August 24, 1950, at the hour of 8:00' olc1ock p.m. The meet ing was called to order by President \vadsworth, and the following roll was called: PRESENT: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Cornw~ll and Wadsworth Members .- None READING OF MINUTES OF P~EVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and were approved , as entered. RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO AMEND RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 561 AS TO THE HE!ŒIN DESCRIBED. PARTICULARS FIXING THE TDIE AND PLACE OF HEARING OK THE PROPOSAL TO AMEND SAID RESULUTIONAND DIRECT- ING THE CLEID~ TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 640: RESOLUTION NO. 640 WHEREAS, Resolution of Intention No. 561 for the construction of sewers and appurtenances in Local Improvement District No. 17 of the Central Contra Costa Ss.ni tåry Di strict did provide for the con- struction of said sewers and specifications in acco~dance with said Resolution and the plans and specifications therein referred to, and ~vHEÏŒAS, certs.in changes he.ve been proposed in said Resolution and plans and specifications, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the District BoArd of,the Central Contra Costa Sani ta.ry District that it be ;'þroposed to emend 'said Res- olution of Intention and the said plans and specification thereof as follo~!s: 1. That the present wording, herein set forth, of said Resolution of Intention to-wit: RIGHTS OF WAY in northeastern 3 feet of Lot 83; in no~theastern 3 feet of Lot 116 for 36' feet north erly from the. southeast corner of said Lot 116; in southwestern 3 feet of Lot 84; in eastern 3 feet of Lots 102 to 115; inclusive; in western 3 feet of Lots 84 to 97, in- clusive; in eastern 3 feet of Lot 101 for 61 feet northerly from the most southerly corner of said Lot 191; in northwestern 3 feet of Lot 98 for 90 feet northeasterly from the western corner of said Lot 98 in western 3 feet of Lot 99; in southeastern 3 feet of said Lot 99 for 10 feet northeasterly from the southern corner of said Lot 99 and in western 3 feet of Lot 100 for 10 feet northerly from the southwestern corner of said Lot 100 as said lots are designated on said map of Moraga del Rey, Unit No.1, said rights of way being reserved in Declaration of Restrictions for said Moraga del Rey, Unit No.1, recorded May 28, 1946 (File No. 17755). be stricken and the following substituted therefor: RIGHTS OF WAY in northeastern 3 feet of Lot 83; in northeastern 3 feet of Lot 116 for 36 feet northwesterly from the northeastern corner of s8.id Lot 116; in south\o,estern 3 feet of Lot 84; in eastern 08 -24 50 246 3 feet of Lots 105 to 115, inclusive; in eastern 3 feet of Lot 101 for 61 feet northerly from the southeastern corner of said Lot 101; in eastern 3 feet of Lot 102; in eastern 3 feet of Lot 103 for 3 feet southerly from the northeastern corner of said Lot 103; in eastern 3 feet of Lot 104 for 15 feet northerly from the southeastern corner of sa.id Lot 104; in western 3 feet of Lots 84 to 95, inclusive; in western J feet of Lot 96 for 45 feet north- erly from the southwestern corner of said Lot 96; in northern 3 feet of Lot 97; in northwestern 3 feet of Lot 98 for 90 feet north- easterly from the southwestern corner of said Lot 98; in western 3 feet of Lot 99; and in western 3 feet of Lot 100 for 10 feet north- erly from the southwestern corner of said Lot 100 as said lots are designated on said map of Moraga del Rey, Unit No.1, ss.id rights of way being reserved in Declaration of Restrictions for said Morafa del Rey, Unit No.1, recorded May 28,1946. (File No. 17755) 2. That the easements in portion of Lot 2, Parcels 16 and 17 and Lot 3 Parcel 18 as described in said Resolution of Intention be deleted and the following substituted therefor: . EASEMENT, IN PORTION OF LOT 2 (Parcel 16) as shown on said map of Moraga del Rey, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on the northern line of said Lot 2, distant thereon, north 650 5215011 east, 210.97 feet from the most western corner thereof; thence south 220 201 00" east, 49.52 feet; thence south 20 211 00" east, 31.96 feet to the southern line of that parcel of land described in the deed recorded in Volume 1179 of Official Records, at page . 15. . EASÐ~ENTJ IN PORTION OF LOT 2 (Parcel 17) as shown on said map of Moraga del Rey, Unit No.1, consisting of two sub-parcels: SUB-PARCEL A: A strip of land 5 feet wide the southern line of which is parallel with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northern line thereof and which northern line is described as follows: Beginning'on the western line of said Lot 2 at the most southern corner of that parcel of land described in the deed recorded in Volume 1179 of Official Records, at page 15; thence along the southern line of the last mentioned parcel, north 690 381 45" east, 194.69 feet to the point herein designated as Station "All. . SUB-PARCEL B: A strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the point hereinbefore designated as Station "A" in Sub-Parcel A; thence south 20 211 0011 east, 2.24 feet; thence south 200 33130" east, 72.40 feet to a . point on the southern line of said Lot 2 distant thereon north 690 461 35" east, 76.71 feet from the most western corner of Lot 3 of the aforesaid Moraga del Rey, Unit No.1. . EASD~ENT, IN LOT 3 (Parcel 18) as shown on said map of Moraga del Rey, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of said Lot 3, distant thereon north 690 46135" east, 76.71 feet from the most western corner thereof,. thence south 200 33130" east, 20.24 feet; thence south 290 031301 east, 48.92 feet; thence south 360 221 east, 49.00 feet; thence south 50° 151 0011 east, 29.33 feet to a point on the southern line of, said Lot 3 distant thereon north 810 361 35" east, 135.44 feet from the most southern corner thereof. .3. That the easement in portion of Rancho Laguna de los Palos Co10rados, Parcel 30, as described in said Resolution of Intention be deleted and the following substituted therefor: EASEMENT, IN PORTION OF RANCHO LAGUNA DE LOS PALOS COLORADOS (Parcel 30A) as shown on said map of Rancho Laguna de los Palos Colorados, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south~ eastern boundary of El Camino Moraga distant thereon southwesterly 08 "24 50 ')4' r<: .!JJ f 300.10 feet from the most western corner of Lot 82 as said Lot 82 and El Camino Moraga are shown on said map of Moraga del Rey, Unit No.1; thence from said point of beginning and leaving said south- eastern line of El Camino Moraga south 470 2)' east, 201.83 feet; thence southeasterly and tangent to said last mentioned course along the arc of a circle t~ the right, with a radius of 425 feet, a dis- tance of 117.45 feet, to a point from which the center of a circle having a radius of 425 feet bears north 580 27' east; thence south- easterly along the circumference of said last mentioned circle 187.91 feet; thence tangent to said last mentioned circle south 560 53' east, 483.32 feet; thence north 450 221 east, to a point on the southwestern line of Moraga Highway, 'as said Highway no~¡ exis ts. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 21st day of Sept~ :.:, 1950, 'at '8: 00 o'clock p.m., is hereby fixed as the day B,nd hour and the meeting place of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, as the place when and where any and all persons having any objections to the aforesaid proposal to amend said Resolution of Intention may appear before said District Board and sho\v cause why said proposed amendment should not be adopted. ' FURTHER RESOLVED, that this District Board hereby directs the Clerk to give notice of the time and place of the aforesaid hearing by publishing the same once in the Orinda Sun; said publication shall be made at least ten (10) days prior to the date herein fixed for the hearing on the proposal to amend said Resolution of Intention. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day 'of August, 1950, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, ,Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Hembers - None s. R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board s/, H. M. SIni tten, Secreta,ry of the 'District Board AUTHORIZING PAYMENT FOR PARCEL 2 L.I.D. No. 19 - BAITINGER , It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member ,Smitten, and unanimously ca,rrled, the t the Board authorize payment in the amount of $65.00' to 'Carl Bai tenger', et ux, for Parcel 2 of Local Improvemen t District No. 19. EMPLOYEE SENIORITY LIST It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson, and unanimously carried that estl3,blishment of seniority for employees be tabled for further study. . CONVEYANCE OF PARCEL 66 L. 1. D. NO.4 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution' No. 641: RESOLUTION NO. 641 \ŸHEREAS, John Mattioda and Caroline Mattioda, his wife, as joint tenants, granted a Deed of Dedication for Sewer Easement over portions of Lots 46 and 47 as designated on the map entitled "Subdivision No. 1, Larkey Ranch, Walnut Creek, California," which is identified as Parcel 66 of Local Improvement District No.4, and \fHEREAS, subsequently the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District changed the location of the sewer line and has no need for said ease- ment, 08 -24 50 "2. 4Q <...Y NOvl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the aforesaid easement be conveyed to the Grantors. PAS8ED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of August, 1950, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT:, Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Cornwall 'and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board REQUEST FOR CONNECTION FEE - GARRIBOTTI It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Smitten,- and unanimously carried that Mr. Garribottl's request for connection fee to connection the sewer serving Planter's Dock be continued for two weeks. REQUEST FOR 'CONNECTION- \'1M. J. MURPHY It was moved by Member Cornwall, seconded by Member Toland, that the Board allow Mr. WID. J. Murphy to connect sewer from Lot C-10 in Lafayette Meadows Tract to the main trunk sewer, for a fee of $275.00 including inspection fee. AYES: Members Johnson, Toland, Cornwall and Waasworth. NOES: Member Smitten REQUEST FOR CONNECTION - I. R. KRAEME~ It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, and unanimously ce.rrled,' that the Boe.rd allow Mr. I. R. Kraemer to connect sewer from Lot 1, Larkey Ranch for one house, to se\'ler of Local Improvement District No.4 for a fee of $304.00.' ' REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION - D. ì-l. CROUCH It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson, B.nd unanimously carried, that the Board would consider annexation of the easterly one acre of the Crouch property on Pleasant Hill Road, on the basis of payment of $250.00 plus costs~ REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION - LEO W. BROWNE It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, and unanimously carried, that the Board would consider annexation of the .67 acre parcel adjoining Strandwood Estates and fronting on Plee,sant Hill Road, on the basis of payment of $250.00 plus costs. REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION - StJE~N ACRES UNIT :t. It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Tols,nd, and unanimously carried, that the Board would consider annexation of Sherman Acres Unit 1, on the basis of payment of $250.00 per acre, plus costs. REQUEST FOR CONNECT ION - PIKE AND HILL It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Cornwall, and unanimously carried, that the Board authorize Pike and Hill to extend Line F-2 of Local Improvement District No.9 350 feet more or less, to serve two 1/2 acre lots facing Walnut Blvd., with no connection charge to these two lots lying between Walnut Blvd. and Shady Glen Road. ' 08 '24 50, ADJOURNMENT :? 4 :',; President Wadsworth adjourned the meeting to September 7, 1950 at 8:00 olclock p.m. ~~- Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California. ,..~.,;;;'-:;i,l' , _./~ . ~ ,'. .é..~-J:/~ Presiden of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of CalifOrnia 08 "24 50 :'.} ~ {) ,.',1 ".,' 'L~