HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 06-01-50
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The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
convened in regular session at its regular place of meeting located
at ~822 Mt. .Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of
Contra Costa, State of California, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m.
The meeting was called to order and the following roll was calJed:
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Member Johnson
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and were approved
as entered.
By letter of May 29,1950, Harold W. Smith requested that the
District notify the A1am~da County East Bay Title Company that the
District had no plans for use of recorded easements in side and
back lines of Lots 189 to 204 inclusive of PleRsant View Homes
Unit 3.
It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall,
th~t the Manager be instructed to notify the Alameda County ERst
Bay Title Insurance Company thAt the Sanitary District has no inten-
tion of using the eesements described in Mr. Smith's letter of May
29,1950. Carried.by the following vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
~1embers- None
Member Johnson
Bids from the following contractors were opened, read and
referred to the Engineer for tabulation:
P. & J. Artukovich
Oakland Sewer Construction Co.
Kevry Construction Co. & Martin Bros.
Barrett and Hilp.
It was moved by Memb~r Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, that
the Board authorize extra water seal in Moraga Pump Station II, at
a cost of $60.00 as quoted in P. & J. Artukovich letter of May 29,
1950. Carried by the following vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
Member Johnson
06 '01
It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Smitten, that
the Board authorize the Engineer to drill for water at both Moraga.
pump stations, the cost not to exceed $1400 for each well,/ Carried
by the following vote: complete, including equipment.
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
l~ember Johnson
It was moved by Member Cornwall, seconded by Member Toland,
that the President and Secretary be authorized to transfer
$80,000.00 from Running Expense Fund to the Sewer Construction
Fund. Carried by the following vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - Non.e
Member Johnson
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 589:
BE IT RESOLVED by the DiBtrict Board of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District that the cald District Boa~d proposes to
cause to be constructed in and for Local Improvement District No.
18 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California, the following improvemsts, construction of
sewers and appurtenances, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the District Boa~d of the Central.
Contra Costa Sanitary District, that John L. Mason, Engineer of
the District be and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and
specifications for said proposed work, together with careful est-
imates of the costs and exp~nses of such work, and .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proceedings for such work shall
be taken in accordance "lith the provisions of the II Improvement Act
of 1911" under Resolution of Intention to be hereaft~r adopted, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said John L. Mason be and. he is
hereby directed to prepare a map showing the. boundaries and the
district to be assessed for the said proposed work and improvement.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of June, 1950, by the following
vote: .
AYES: 1-1embers Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
NOES: Members - None
ABSENT: Member Johnson
s/ H. M. Smitten, Secreta.ry
of the District Board
s/ R. E.. Wadsworth, President
of the District Board
II The Dis t.rict Board
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Walnut Creek, California
J 1.1
May 24, 1950
"Submitted herewith is a detailed estimate of the cost of work in
accorda~ce with Plans and Specific~tions for the area designated as
Local Improvement District No. 18 which you directed me to prepare
in your Resolution No. 589, dated June 1, 1950, said proposed work
having been ordered by you pursuant to a report and recommendation
of the Health Officer of Contra Costa County.
6" VC Pipe Sewer
8" VC Pipe Sewer
48" ID Mp~nho1es, Type "A"
48" ID ì'Lanhol~s Type "B"
60" ID rllanho1es, Type liB"
Flushing Inlets
4-sack Concrete for encasing
6" x 6" VC Wye Branches
~ 3.00
13,150 1f
. 666 If
15 ea
1 ea
1 ea
26 ea
3 cy
2 ea
Const~uction Cost
Incidental Exp~nses:
LID sha.re in cost of existing Sewer
Survey and Inspection
Rights of Way and Easements
Advertising, legal, preparation of
assessment and other incidental costs
Total Estimated Cost
. 400.00
46, l.¡-59. 20
20 &49 . 6~
yours very truly
s/ John L. Mason, District Engin.eer"
Member Toland, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 590:
Local Improvement District No. 18
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra
Sanitary District that the necessity, as a health measure, for sewers
in that area and for those prooeedings described in the letter of Dr.
H. L. Blum, Health Officer of Contra Costa County, addressed to this
Board and dated the 18th day of May, 1950, is by this Board similarly
found to exist. Said letter is hereby referred to and ffiade a part
hereof, and ordered spread upon the Minutes of this Body.
IT IS FURTHER ~ESOLVED that such sewers the installation thereof
and assessment proceedings therefor are found and declared to be
necessary as a health measure.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of June, 1950, by the following
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
Member Johnson
s/ H. M. Smitten, ~ecretary
of the District Board
s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President
of the District Board
liThe District Board
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
~valnut Creek, California
May 18, 1950
A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area herein~
after described in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in
the County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to be un-
sanitary, unhealthful, and in my opinion, dangerous to the health
of the people living therein. Said area 1s bounded and described
as follows; that certain area referred to as "Boundary Description
of Local Improvement Úistrict 18" which description is attached
hereto and by reference made a part hereof.
As Health Off1cer of the County of Contra Costa, I recommend as a
~ecessary health measure that your Honorable Board institute pro-
Geedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer
~ystem for said area to abate the unsanitary cODditions therein.
sf H. L. Blum, M.D. by W. A. Ketterer,
M.D. Acting Health Officer. II
Member Sm1tten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 591:
RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District that John L. Mason be and he is hereby appointed
Engineer of Work for the proposed doing of all necessary enginèer-
ing work and exercising all of the functions provided for the
office of Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets in the
IIImprovement Act of 1911" in connection :with the improvement work
known, and to be known, as the improvement of Local Improvement
District No. 18 by the construction of sewers and appurtenances
there in, and .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said John L. Mason shall act as
Engineer of Work and ßuperintendent of Streets and iR hereby em-
ployed and appoi~ted to furnish all surveys, original drawings,
maps and blue prints, including any and all such maps necessary
and incident to the rights of way contemplated in the improvement
wol'k herein involved; all plans and specifica.tions, all inspection
work, preparation of assessment rolls, assessment diagram and.
warrant and any and all other services which shall be required
from the Engineer of work under the provisions of the "Improvement
Act of 1911"; and .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, th~t the Central Co~tra Costa Sanitary
District has engaged a full time engineering staff including the
services of the said John L. Mason and it is resolved that there
shall be charged to the Local Improvement District No. IS the cost
of the services to the District of Mr. John L. Mason and the
engineering staff of the District, together with materials supplied
by the District to the Local Improvement District and the admin-
istrative costs of supplying such engineering services, labor and
material. Together with the services of John A. Nejedly who is
herewith directed to prepare all proceedings in connection with
said Local Improvement D¡strict the expen$e of which similarly
shall be charged to the Local Improvement astrict. As all of s~ch
costs shall be determined by the District Board to be devoted to
such Local Improvement District.
RESOLVED further that such costs shall be included as inc idental
expenses and be charged to the Local Improvement District as the
charges of engineering and legal services authorized by law.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day ~f June, 1950, by the following
AYES: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
NOES: Members. - None
ABSENT: Member Johnson
s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President
of the District Board
s/ H. M. Smitten, Seciretary
of the District Board.
Me~ber Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 592:
BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that
the plans and specifications submitted by John L. Mason, Engineer of
Work for Local Improvement District No. 18 in the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District, be and they are hereby adopted as the plans
and specifications for the doing of said work and improvement. The
estimatE". of said engineer for said work being gi ven to this Board as
$67,308.84. .
PASSED AND ADOPTED tì-:i s 1st day of June, 1950, by the following
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
J.1embers - Non e
I-1ember Johnson
s/ R. E. Wadswcr th, President
of the District Board
sl H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board
Member Toland, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 593:
IT IS HER~BY RESOLVED by the District Boa~d of the Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California,
that the Assessment D1Rtrlct Map submitted by the Engineer, which
ln~icates by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in
the District proposed to be assessed for constructing a sanitary sewer
system for the areas within the following described boundaries, to-wit:
Beginning at the lntersection of the southern line of Diablo Street
as said street is designated on that map entitled IITown of Pacheco" as
said map is filed in Map Book E,. at page 95, in the office of the
Recorder of Contra Costa County, California, with the eastern bound-
ary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as said boundary
now exists; thence northerly along said eastern boundary to its
intersection with the southern line of that parcel of land described
in the deed to Edmister of record in Volume 1514 of Official Records,
at pag~ 549, in said office of the Recorde~ thence westerly along
said southern boundary and the weste~n extension thereof to the
northern extension of the western boundary of Dell Street; thence
southerly along said northern ext~nRlon and western boundary to the
northeastern corner of that parcel of land described in the deed to
Serr'a of rec'ord in Volume 1212 of Official Recorð.s, at page 150;
thence westerly along the northern line of said parcel to the east-
ern line of that parcel ~f land deRcribed as Parcel Two in the Deed
to So¡mi of record in Volu~e 197 of' Official Records, at page 207;
thence ~ortherly along.said eastern line to the eastern extension
of the northern lines. of Lot 60 and Lot 20 of Block 7 of said Town
of Pacheco; thence westerly along said eastern extension and north-
ern..1ines of said Lot 60 and Lot 20 of said Block 7 to the north-
western 'corner of said Lot 20; thence northwesterly in a direct
line across the State Highway, commonly known as State Highway No.
21, to the northeastern corner of that parcel of land described in
the deed to Nausin of record in Volume 1257 of Official Recorde, at
page 359; thence westerly and southerly along the .northern and
western lines of said parcel to the most western corner of said
parcel; said corner being an angle point in the eastern line of
that parcel of land described in the deed to Contra Costa County
of record in Volume 454 of. Official Records, at page 420, in said
office of the Recorder; thence southerly and westerly along the
eastern and southern lines of said p~rcel to the eastern boundary
of Park Lane; thence northerly along said eastern boundary to its
intersection with the eastern extension of the southern line of
that parcel of land described in the deed to McDonald of record in
Volume 532 of Official Records, at page 100; thence westerly along
said.extension ànd continuing westerly along the southern line to
the southwestern corner of said parcel; thence southerly along the
western boundary of that parcel of land described in the deed to
Cisko of record in Volume 471 of Official Records, at page 184, to
the northern line of High Street; thence westerly and southerly
along the northern and western boundary 9f High Street to its
intersection with the southern line of that parcel of land described
in the deed to Brown of Record in Volume 751 of Official Records,
at pages 427 and 428; thence westerly a.long said southern boundary
to its intersection with the eastern boundary line of the Contra
Costa Canal, said boundary line being also the western boundary of
the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Boundary as said boundary
now exists; thence southerly, westerly, southerly and easterly
along the western, northern, western and southern boundary.of said
District Boundary to the southwestern corner of that parcel of land
described in the deed to Peterman of record in Volume 1255 of
Official Records, at page 200; thence northerly and easterly along
the western and northern lines of said parcel and said north:! rn
line extended easterly to the western boundary line of the Contra
Costa Canal; thence northerly along said western boundary line to
its intersection with the western extension 'of the northern line
of that parcel of land described in the deed to Slaughter of record
in Volume 882 of Official Records, at page 398; thence easterly
along said western extension and northern boundary to its inter-
section with the western boundary of that parcel of land described
in the deed to Johnson Knauft of record in Volume 1334 of Official
Records, at page 387: thence northerly along said western boundary
to its intersection with the southern line of School Street; thence.
easterly along said southern line of School Street to the north-
western corner of Lot 1, Block 22 as shown on said map of the To~m
of Pacheco; thence southerly along the western line of Lots 1, 2,
3 and 4 of said Block 22 to the southwestern corner of said Lot 4;
thence easterly along the southern line of said Lot 4 and its exten-
sion easterly to the eastern boundary of aforementioned State High-
. way; thence northerly along said boundary to the southern boundary
.of aforementioned Diablo Street: thence easterly along said southern
boundary to the point of beginning, be and the same hereby are
adopted as the map and description delineating the boundaries of
said Local Improvement District.
.2 ] 7
Said improvement to be the construction of a sanitary sewer
system as recommended by the County Health Officer.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the ~istrict Board of the Central Contra
'Cos~a Sanitary Distridt, County of Contra Costa, State of California,
this 1st day of June, 1950, by the following vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
Member Johnson
sf R. E. Wads~.rorth, President
of the District Board
s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 594:
RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District that it is the intention of the said District Board to order
the following work to be done and improvements to be made in above
Local Improvement District in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist-
rict, County of Contra Cost~., State of California, to-wit:
Construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances.
Suqh above mentioned work being mare particularly and specifically
set forth and described in the pla.ns, profiles and specifications for
said work heretofore adopted by the District Board of the Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District by its Resolution No. 592, which plans,
profiles and specifications are hereby referred to for all particulars
in connection therewith and by reference made a part hereof.
The public streets, rights-of-way, easements and reserves in
which said work i8 to be done are shawn and delineated in detail and
specifically loc~ted on the plans hereinabae referred to, and refer-
ence is hereby specifically made to said plans, and notice is hereby
given to all parties that specific locations thereof are contained in
said plans;
Such locations being:
In the following streets, alleys and easements in said Sanitary
District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown
on Sheet 2 of said plans and specifications:
HIGH STREET from FI 14, to be located therein 325 feet westerly
from the intersection of "D" Street and High Street, to the existing
MH located in High Street at its intersection with Park Lane and
Burress Street.
MCNill{ENT STREET from the existing MH located at its intersection
with Dell Street to FI 6, to be loc~ted in Monument Street 25 feet
easterly from its intersection with Warehouse Alley.
DIABLO STREET from MH 9, to be located therein at its intersection
wi th Dell Street, to FI I, to be 10c8.ted in Diablo Street 80 feet
east~rly from the intersection of the eastern line o1said State High-
way No. 21 and said Diablo Street.
CENTER STREET from FI 8, to be located therein 100 feet westerly
from its intersection with "A" Street, to the existing NH located in
06 '01
Center Street at its intersection with "A" Street.
WALNUT STPEET from its intersection with Canal Alley to FI 4,
to be locE'.ted in We.lnut Street 85 feet easterly from its inter-
section with the eastern line of said StRte Highway No. 21.
16 FOOT ALLEY, said Alley intersecting said State'Highway No.
21 a distance of 175 feet southerly from the center line of Monu-
mentStreet and running parallel to said i"Ionument Street; from
the intersection of said Alley and Canal Alley to FI 3, to be
located in said 16 foot Alley 90 feet easterly from its intersec-
tion with the eastern line of said State Highway No. 21.
16 FOOT ALLEY, saià Alley intersecting said State Highway No.
21 a distance of 440 feet southerly from the center line of Monu-
ment Street and running parallel to said Monument Street; from the
intersection of said Alley and Canal Alley to FI 5, to be located
in said 16 foot Alley 90 feet easterly from its intersection with
the eastern line of said State Highway No. 21. .
D STREET from MH 17 to be located at its intersection with
School Street, to FI 17 to be located in D Street 165 feet southerly
from its intersection with High Street.
C STREET from MH.16, to be located at its intersection with
School Street, to FI 16 to be located in C Street 65 feet southerly
from its intersection with Center Street. Also in C~ Street from
MH 15, to be located at itsintersectlon with High Street, to FI 13
to be located in C Street 60 feet northerly from its intersection
with Center Street. .
B STREET from its intersection with School Street to FI 15 to
be located in B Street 155 feet southerly from its intersection
with Center Street. Also in B Street from KH 14, to be located at
its intersection with High Street, to FI 12 to be in B Street 30
feet southerly from its intersection with Center Street.
A STREET from the existing MH located therein at its intersec-
tion with Center Street, to FI 26, to be located in "A" Street 130
feet southerly from its intersection with High Street.
PARK LANE from its intersection with High Street to FIll, to .
be located in Park Lane 370 feet northerly from said intersection
of High Street and Park Lane. .
STATE HI GlfiiAY NO. 21, also. known as Main Street, from MH 12 to
be located at its intersection with High Street to FI 9 ~o be lo-
cated in said State Highway No. 21 a ~istance of 185 feet southerly
from its intersection with School Strèet and Diablo street.
CANAL ALLEY from MH 10, to be located at its intersection with
Monument Street, to MH 11, to be located in Canal Alley 160 feet
northerly from its intersection with Diablo Street.
DELL STREET from the existing MH, located at its intersection
with Monument Street, to FI 2, to be located in Canal Alley 200 feet
northerly from its intersection with Diablo .,Street.
16 FOOT ALLEY, said Alley intersecting said Ste.te Highway No.
21 a distance of 175 feet northerly from Monument Street and running
parallel to Monument Street; in said Alley from FI 7 to be located
therein 110 fe~t easterly from the intersection of said Alley with
the eastern line of said State Highway No. 21, southerly to the
south line of said Alley.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 62 (Percel 8) of Block 7 of "Original Survey
1858", as designated on the map e.ntitled "Map of Pacheco Contra
Coste. County, CaliforniA., 1869, II which Map was filed in the office
06. '01
.~ ~ 9
... .: .
of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California,
in Volume E of Maps, at pa.ge 95, described as follows: A strip of
land 10 feet wide being the entire western 10 feet of said Lot 62.
EASEMENT, IN LOT 61 (Parcel 1) of Block 7 of said "Original
Survey 1858" on said Map of Pacheco described as follows: A strip
of land 10 feet wide being the entire western 10 feet of said Lot 61.
ALSO,in the following streets, alleys, rights of way and ease-
ments in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in
relation thereto are shown on Sheet 3 of said plans and specifications:
HIGH STREET from FI 22, to be located therein 520 feet westerly
from its intersection with "DII Street as said liD II Street is shown on.
Sheet 2 of said plans and specifications, to the existing MH located
in High Street 380 feet southerly from said FI 22 at a 900 turn in
High Street. Also in High Street from the existing MH located therein
at its intersection with an Unnamed Road. Said intersection being
located 950 feet northerly and easterly, measured along the center
line of High Street, from the point where the Contra Costa Canal
crosses High Street; to FI 25, to be located in High Street 60 feet
northerly from its intersection with the southern boundary of said
Sanitary District as it existed the 23rd day of May, 1950. Also, in
High Street from MH 19, to be located therein at its eastern inter-
section with Christen Street, to FI 18, to be located in High Street
260 feet westerly from said eastern intersection of Christen Street
and High Street.
CHRISTEN STREET from MH 19, to be located therein at its eastern
intersection with High Street, to a point located 2* feet westerly
from the northeastern corner of the parcel of land described in the
deed recorded Maroh 13,1950, Serial No. 11785, in Volume 1521, page
351, of said Official Records.
C AVENUE from FI 20, to be located therein 135 feet northerly
from its intersection with the southern boundary of said Sanitary
District, to FI 19, to be located in "C" Avenue 35 feet southerly.
.from its northern extremity.
50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY for its entire length, excepting the northern
25 feet; the northern extremity of said right of way being located at
the western extremity of School Street. Said right of way extends
southerly approximately 505 feet.
UNNAMEb ROAD hereinbefore mentioned, from the existing MH, to be
located at.its intersection with High Street, to FI 24, to be located
in said Unnamed Road 175 feet easterly from its intersection with the.
eastern line of the Contra Costa Canal, being also the western boundary
of said Sanitary District, as said boundary exists this 23rd day of
May, 1950.
20 FOOT ALLEY for its entire length, the western extremity of said
Alley intersecting the above Unnamed Road at a point approximately 200
feet northerly from said intersection of said Unnamed Road and High
Street. Said Alley extends approximately 125 feet.
EASEMENT (Paroel 2) in that real property in Rancho Las Juntas as
described in the deed recorded January 17, 1950, Serial No. 2265, in
Volume 1491, page 573, of said Official Records, said easement con-
sisting of two sub-parcels described as follows:
SUB-PARCEL A: A strip of land 10 feet wide being the entire
eastern 10 feet of said property.
SUB-PARCEL B: A strip of land 5 feet wide being the entire south-
ern 5 feet, of said property.
EASEMENT (Parcel 12) in that real property in Rancho Las Juntas as
described in the deed recorded Maroh 13,1950, Serial No. 11785, in
Volume 1521, page 351, of said Official Records, being a strip of land
06 '01
5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Begin-
ning on the south line of Christen Street, distant thereon 2.85 feet
westerly fro~ the eastern line of said property; thence, from said
point of beginning, south 280 451 west, 88.38 feet; thence south 830
49' 50" west, 236.66 feet to a point on the eastern line of "CU
Avenue. .
EAS~1ENT (Paroel 4).in that real property in Ranoho Las Juntas
as described in the deed recorded April 2,1946, Serial No. 10518,
in Volume 905, page 153, ,of said Official Reoords, being a strip of
land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the eastern line of said property, distant
. thereon 162.50 feet from the northeastern corner thereof; thence,
from said point of beginning, in a direct line south 890 311 west,
185.33 feet to a point on the western 1ine of said property.
EASEMENT (Paroel 5) in that real property in Ranoho Las Juntas
as described in the deed recorded September 20, 1946, Serial No.
35199, in Volume 94~, page 261, of said Official Records, being a
strip of land 5 feet wide the southern line of which is parallel
with and 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the nort~-
ern.line and which northern line is described as follows: . Beginning
at a point, on the northern line of said property at the western line
of the parcel of land described in the deed recorded April 2,1946,
Serial No. 10518, in Volume 905, page 153, of said Official Records;
thence-, from said point of beginning, westerly along said northern
line a distance of 440.00 feet.
EASEMENT (Parcel 13) in that real. property in Ranoho Las Juntas
as described in the deed recorded Deoember 20,1944, in Volume 811,
page 251, of said Official Reoords, being a .strip of land 5 feet
wide the center line of which is described as. follows: Beginning
on the eastern line of said property distant southerly along said
eastern line 162.50 feet from the northeastern corner of said prop-
erty; thence, from said point of beginning, westerly in'a direct
line to a point on the western line of said property, distant south-
erly along said western line 162.50 feet from the northwestern corner
of said property. . .
SECOND: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances,
in accordance with said plans and specifications outside of said.
Assessment District and in the following easement in said Sanitary
District as. it and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown
on Sheet 2 of said plans and specifications:
EASEMENT (Parcel 14) in that real property in Rancho Las Juntas
as described in the deed recorded March 11,1938 in Volume 454 of
said Official Records, page 420, being a strip of land 5 feet wide
the western line of which is 5 feet westerly, measured at right
angles, from the eastern line and which eastern line is described as
follows: Beginning at the southeastern corner of said real property;
th~nce, from said point of beginning, north 130 441 west, 71.85 feet;
thence north 310 181 west, 34.02 feet to FI 10.
The office of, th$ Reoorder referred to hereinabove is the. office
of the Recorder' of the County of Contra Costa, State of California,
and Official Records and. file numbers hereinabove referred to are
Official Records and. file numbers of said Reoorder. The letters
M.H. and P.I. herein used refer to and mean Manhole and Flushing
Inlet, respectively.
In the foregoing descriptions, the width of all easemen~descr-
ibed by reference to a center line is measured at right angles.
In the foregoing descriptions, wherever right of way, easement,
street, or other public way is described. wherein work is to be done,
it is the intention that said work shall also be extended so as to
connect the same with existing sewers or sewer work to be constructed
nearest to said right of way, easement, street, or other public way,
and at the point in said proposed work where a namhole, flushing in-
let, or other construction is shown on said Plans therefor, unless
otherwise shown thereon.
.~ f) <I
.' '.' ~
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such sanitary sewers and appurtenances
be constructed in said streets, easements, reserves, avenues, roads,
lanes, courts, places and/or public ways hereinabove described, of the
dimensions, materials, and in the particular locations set forth and
shown on the plans and specifications and detailed drawings hereinabove
and hereafter referred to; together wi t.h the construction of ~ll appur-
tenances thereto, including necessary fittings, trenchings, grading
and regrading, excavation and fill, removal of obstructions, connections
to existing services, back filling, reconstruction of existing ground
surface as required to conditions existing prior to commencement of
construction, all in the manner, of the materials and to the dimensions
and to the grades, and in the particular locations as the same are more
fully shown on the plans and specifications and detailed drawings here-
inabove and hereafter referred to;
That the structures and work and improvements herein described
shall be constructed to the grades, sub-grades and elevations severally
shown upon the plans and profiles and detailed drawings thereof in the
re spect'i ve locations thereof, to which plans and profiles reference is
hereby expressly made for a des~ription of the grades to which all of
the work and improvements under this Resolution of Intention shall be
done, which said grades are hereby adopted and established as the
official grades therefor for all purposes in connection with prooeed-
ings pursuant to this Resolution of Intention; notice is hereby further
given that said grades are or may be, in part, new and different from
those heretofore established or exist:ng, or may be, and in some cases
are, different from existing ground levels;
All of said work and improvements shall be done to the lines and
grades as shown on the plans and profiles and in accordance with the
plans and specifications heretofore referred to for the doing of said
work and improvement, and which are now on file in the office of the
Secretary of the Distriot Board.
Excepting from all of the herein described work all of said work
that has already been done to the lines and grades shown on said plans
and profiles, and in accordance with said plans and specifications.
The attention of all persons is directed to the fact that all of
said classes of work above described may not be constructed upon Rll
of the streets and/or public ways above described in their entirety,
but only upon the particular locations as shown on the plans and spec-
ifioations, to which the attention of all persons is directed for a
description of the work, location of the several classes of work, a
description of the classes of work to be done upon each of the several
public streets or rights-of-way named, a description of the streets
and rights-of-way, and for all other information contained in the'said
plans and specifications pertinent to the doing and completion of the
work and improvements herein proposed; and
WHEREAS, said contemplated work and improvements, in the opinion
of this District Board, is of more than local or ordinary public benefit,
said District Board hereby makes the expenses and costs of said work
and improvements chargeable upon a district, which said distridt said
District Board hereby declares the distrièt benefited by the work and
improvements herein described; and which is to be assessed to pay the
cost and expenses thereof; said district shall include that territory
in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California, which is shown on that certain plat or map on
file in the office of the Secretary of the Distriot Board, and which is
set forth as the "Map Showing Proposed Assessment District Boundary for
the Improvement of Local Improvement District No. 18 in Resolution Ho.
593 of the Distriot Board", and which said map or plat indicates, by a
boundary line, the extent of the territory included in the proposed
district and covers all details as to the extent of the area to be
assessed; said map or plat is, by this reference iroorporated herein
and made a part hereof;
Excepting from the area shown and delineated on said map or plat,
hereinabove referred to, the area of all public streets, avenues, lanes,
roads, drives, courts, places, public parks, and all easements and
rights-of-way therein contained belonging to the public.
06. .'01
There is shown on the plans herein referred to in dotted lines
a private sewer line belonging to the County of Contra Costa. The
District Board proposes to acquire such line as part of the sewer
system of Local Improvement District 18 and proposes to pay to said
County the sum of Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred forty nine Dollars
and sixty four cents ($13,249.64) for such line, which amount is to
,be inc¡uded as an expense to Local Improvement District 18 and
assessed upon the properties therein as found to be benefited.
That the proceedings for said work and improvement shall be had
and taken under and in accordance with Division 7 of the Streets and
Highways Code of the State of California (IIImprovement Act of 191111).
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the' Health Officer of said County of
Contra Costa has recommended in writing to said Board that said pro-
ceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health measure,
and said Board heretofore ordered said recommendation spread upon
the Minutes of said Board and by Resolution adopted by the affirma-
tive vote of four-fifths of the membe::.s .of said Board found and
determined that such necessity exists.
That serial.bonds shall be issued pursuant to Part 5 of Division
7 of said Streets and Highways Code (Improvement Act of.l9ll) to
represent the unpaid assessments of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) or
over for the cost of. said work, said bonds to bear interest at the
rate of Six Per Cent (6%) per annum, to extend for a period of nine
(9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next
October 15th following their date, and to be payable in annual in-
stallments the last installment thereof to mature nine (9) years
from the second day of January next succeeding the next 15th day of
October following their date, ,said bonds and the interest thereon to
be payable as provided in said Code. .
That Thursday the 22nd day of June, 1950, at the hour of 8:00
o'clock p.m., of said day, and at the meeting place of said Board,
1822 Nt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, in the Uounty of
Contra Costa, State of California, be and the same are hereby fixed
as the time and place, when and where any and all persons having
any objection to the proposed work and improvement, the grades there-
of, or to the extent of the district to be assessed, or all thereof,
may appear before said Board and show cause why said proposed work
should not be carried out in accordance with this Resolution.of In-
tention, and may present written protest, not later than the hour
hereinabove set for hearing, against the doing of said work, the
grades thereof, or to the extent of the territory to be assessed to
pay the cost and expenses thereof.
That the Engineer of said District shall cause to be conspicuously
posted along the line of said work and improvement, in the manner and
form required by law, notices of the passage of this Resolution.
That the Secretary of said Board shall certify to the passage of
this Re~olution and shall cause the same to be published twice, as
required by law, in the Courier-Journal, a newSpaper published and
circulated within saiã District and hereby designated for that pur-
pose by said Board. The first publication of said notice shall be
not less than ten (10) days prior to the date herein fixed for hear-
ing on this Resolution of Intention.
.Said District Board does hereby direct its Secretary to mail
notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention postage pre-
,paid to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for
the work herein described, whose names and addresses appear on the
last equalized assessment roll for taxes of the County of Contra
Costa or as known to the Clerk, the contents of said notices and
preparation and mailing to be as required by law,and to be completed
at least fifteen (15) days prior to such hearing.
,...- r¡.
.' i(j '-
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this
1st day of June, 1950, by the following called vote:
Members Smitten, Tola.nd, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
Member Johnson
s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board
sf R. E. Wadsworth, President
of the District Bo~rd
It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Cornwall, that
the Board authorize payment in th~ amount of $50.00 for easement in
Parcel 12 of Local Improvement District No. 18. Carried by the
following vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
Member Johnson.
Bids from the Lafayette Sun, Orinda Sun, Walnut Kernel and the
Courier Journal were opened and read. All bids were at the price
of $1.50 per square first issue, and .50~ per square for second or
other publications.
It was moved by Member Cornwall, seconded by Member Toland, that
the District follow the present procedure and spread the advertising
among all newspapers in the Distriot. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
NOES: Members - None
ABSENT: Member Johnson
Mr. Herman Silverman of the Sun Publishing Company stated that
the price of publishing legals had remained at $l~SO since 1946, even
though the cost of operation had gone up from 40 to 50%.
The Board instructed the Clerk to give a report on the prices that
had been charged in the past.
It was moved by Member Cornwall, seconded by Member Smitten, that
the Manager be authorized to have the Orinda Pumping Stations land-
scaped, at a total cost not to exceed $300.00. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
Member Johnson
It was moved by Member Cornwall., seconded. by Member Smitten, that
the Manager be instructed to proceed to take action against the owner
of Lot 1, Starks Treot Unit'3 under Sections 1191A and ll9lB of the
Code of Civil Procedure, to order connection to the sewer. Carried by
the following vote:
AYES: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
NOES: Members - None
ABSENT: Member Johnson 0 6 - 0 1
The Engineer reported the bids for Local Improvement District
No.9 to be as follows:
P. & J. Artukovich, Inc.
Oakland Sewer Construction Co.
Kevry Construction Co. & Martin
Bros. Inc. a joint venture
Barrett & Hilp
The Engineer recommended award of contract to Kevry Construction
Inc. and Martin Bros. Inc. a Joint Venture.
Member Cornwall, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 595:
WHEREAS, the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District did in open session, on the 1st day of June, 1950, publicly
open, examin and declare all sealed proposals. or bids for doing the
work and improvement described in Resolution of Intention No. 569
for the construction~ sewers and appurtenances in Local Improvement
District No.9 in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, adopted
on the 18th day of April, 1950, which Resolution of Intention is
hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and im-
provement and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under
said Resolution of Intention;
of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District hereby rejects all of
said proposals or bids except that herein mentioned, and hereby awards
the contract for doing said work and making said improvements to the
lowest responsible bidd~r, to-wit:
at the prices named in the bid of said bidder on file in the office
of the Secretary of the District Board.
The Clerk of the District
notice of said award twice in
1ished and circulated in said
that purpose by said District
itary District.
PASSED AND ADOPTED thiS 1st day of June, 1950, by the following
Board is hereby directed to publish
the Courier Journal; a newspaper pub-
Sanitary District, and designated for
Board of the Central Contra Costa San-
AYES: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
NOES: Members - None
ABSENT: i-iember Johnson.
s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the. District Board
s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President
of the District Board
By letter of June 1, 1950, Mr. Martin Murphy requested permission
to construct sewer to tie in to sewers of Local Improvement District
It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded bf Member Toland, that
the Board set connection fee in the amount of $150.00 to connect Mr.
Ma.rtin Murphy's existing residence to sewers of Local Improvement
District 4, he to pay the cost of extending Line G-8 in Oak Road,
and all other costs of construction. Carried by the following vote:
Members Smitten, Toland,.Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
Member Johnson
President Wadsworth adjourned the meeting to June 8, 1950 at
8:00 o'clock p.m.
/?~t:"""",~,::-~",~ """-/';::.<'-
President of the Distri~t Board
of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District, Contra Costa County,
State of California.
Secre a y of the District Board
of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District, Contra Costa County,
State of California