HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-16-50 88 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITJL~Y DISTRICT HELD ON MAY 16. 1950. The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, convened in adjourned session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order and the following roll was called: PRESEIIT: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland and Wadsworth Member Cornwall READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and were approved as entered. SEWER CONNECTION FEE FOR RICHARD G. JAMES It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson, that sewer connection fee be set in the amount of $100, for Richard G.. James to connect his property consisting of approximately 1/4 acre, Portion of Lot 8, Block 8, Walnut Heights, to the District's sewer system. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland and Wadsworth Membe rs - None Member Cornwall OPEIING BIDS FOR LOCAL IMPROV~lENT DISTRICT I? Bids from ~Be fel19~:1Rg contractors were. read, tabulated and referred to Engineer. , ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 11 SEWER CODE Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 11, revising the Sewer Code: .. ORDINANCE NO. 11 An ordinance providing for the regulation of the construction and operation of sewers, sewering, sewer excavations and repaving in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist- rict, Contra Costa County, California, does ordain as follows: ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this ordinance the terms used herein are defined as follows: SECTION 1.01: District. DISTRICT is the Central Contra Costa Sanitary SECTION 1.02: District. DISTRICT BOARD is the governing body of said - 05 "16. 50 89 SECTION 1.0): SECTION 1.04: DISTRICT SECRETARY is the Secretary of said Board. COUNTY is the County of Contra Costa. SECTION 1.05: CITY is any incorporated municipality lying partly or entirely within the District. SECTION 1.06: or association. PERSON is any person, firm, company, corporation SECTION 1.07: STREET is any public highway, road, street, avenue, alley, wa~ easement or right of way. SECTIO~ 1. 08: TRUNK SEWER is the sewer in the ,street constructed to accommodate more than one main sewer. SECTION 1. 09: MAIN SEviER is the sewer in the street constructed to accommodate more than one side sewer. SECTION 1.10: SIDE SEWER is that part of the sewer beginning at the junction thereof with the house plumbing system being a point two feet from the foundation wall of tþe building served and terminating in the main sewer. SECTION 1.11: within a street. LATERAL SEWER is that portion of the side sewer SECTION 1.12: sewer. HOUSE SEWER is the remaining portion of the side SECTION 1.1): of the District. ,SECTION 1.14: DRAIN is any conduit for the conveyance of storm water or surface or sub-surface ground drainage water carrying no putrescible matter. OUTSIDE SEWER is a private sewer beyond the limits SECTION 1.15: PRIVATE SEWER is one which has an independent sewage disposal not connected with a public sewer and which accom- modates one or more houses. SECTION 1.16: SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM is composed of reservoirs or tanks which receive crude sewage and by septic bacterial action effects decomposition and settlement of settleable solids and diver- sion of the septic liquid for clarification and purification which take place by further bacterial action in p~rcolation ducts extending into natural or prepared porus sub-soil beds. SECTION 1.17: CESSPOOL is a tank, box or sump used for receipt of crude sewage, and which has inadequat,e or no provision for the nitrification, clarification and disposal of the liquid effluent other than the natural absorbing capacity of the ground adjacent thereto or that in service discharges the unstable liquid to the open air. ' SECTION 1.18: PLUMBING SYSTEM includes all plumbing fixtures and traps, or soil, waste, special waste and vent pipes within a building and to a point two (2) feet outside the outside walls thereof. SECTION 1.19: PAVED SURFACE includes any form of pavement used on any street or sidewalk whether such pavement is composed of cement, concr~te~ asphalt, oil, gravel, crushed rock, or any combination of said forms of pavement. , , SECTION 1.20: SEWER CONTRACTOR is any person licensed by the State of California and the District to enter into contracts for and to perform the work of installing sewers. SECTION 1.21: PAVING CONTRACTOR is any person licensed by the State of California ánd the District to enter into contracts for and 05 '16 50 90 to perform the work of paving and repaving of surfaces used for pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic. ARTICLE II. GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 2.01: RULES AND REGULATIONS. These rules and regu- lations respecting sewer construction and the dispo~al of sewage and drainage of buildings and connection to the sewerage system' of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District are hereby adopted, , and ail work in respect thereto shall be performed as herein re- quired and not otherwise. ' SECTION 2.02: PURPOSE. This ordinance is intended to provide certain minimum standards, provisions and requirements for design, methods of construction and use of materials in sanitary sewerage facilities hereafter installed, altered or repaired. This ordin- ance Shall not apply retroactively, and, in the event of altera~ tions or repairs hereafter made, it shall apply to the new mater- ials and methods used. This ordinance, upon its ef,fective date, shall repeal Ordinance No.4 and its amendments of the Central Cont ra Costa Sent tary Di strict. SECTION 2.03: SHORT TITLE. This ordinance shall be known as Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot Sewer Code. . SECTION 2.04: PUBLICATION. This ordinance shall be entered in the Minutes of the District Board, shall be published once in a newspaper published in said District and shall take effec,t May 29, 1950. SECTION 2~ OS: VIOLATION UNLAWFUL. Except as. this ordinance may otherwise permit, it shall be unlawful for any person to oon- nect to, construct, install or provide or maintain ,other means of sewage disposal in said District except by connection to the sewer- age system of said District as herein provided or in a manner provided in this ordinance. SECTION 2.06: PENALTY. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed One Hundred Dolla,rs ($100.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail of Contra Costa County, California, not to exceed one (1) month, or by both tuch fine and imprisonment. SECTION 2.07: SEWER INSPECTOR. There is established hereby the office of Sewer ,Inspector and the deputies thereof who shall be appointed by, and hold office at the pleasure of the District Board and shall receive as compensation for their services; a sum to be fixed by the Board. The duties of the Sewer Inspector shall be: Receiving and passing upon applications, issuing permits for, and the inspection and approval of, work for which a permit is required by this ordinance; maintaining records thereof and gen- erally discharging those duties required by this ordinance. SECTION 2.08: PREVIOUS NOTICE. In.all cases when any inspec- tion is required, not less than twenty-four (24) hours notice shall be filed in the Sanitary District office stating the time when the work will be sufficiently advanced for inspection. SECTION 2.09: CONDEMNED WORK. In case any sewer work has been inspected and any portion thereof condemned, a written notice to that effect shall be given informing the owner of the premises, or the agent of such owner, to make repairs necessary to place the sewer in satisfactory condition. 05 '16 50' Q'1 SECTION 2.10: FEES. The following fee shall be paid to the Secretary of the District for the following: For issuing the permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 For inspecting saddle installation or manhole connection 3.00 For inspecting a lateral sewer installation. ',' . . . 3.00 For inspecting a house sewer installation. . . . . . . ).00 SECTION 2.11: RIGHT OF ENTRY. The Sewer Inspector or Deputy Inspectors shall wear or carry an official badge of office or other evidence establishing his position as such, and upon exhibiting same shall have the right of entry in and upon all premises within said District for the purpose of making examinations, inspections or otherwise performing such duties as may be necessary in the enforce- ment of the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 2.12: RESPONSIBILITY FOR DEFECTS. All persons perform- ing work under this ordinance shall be held strictly responsible for any and all acts of agents or employees in connection with work per- formed under this ordinance. Upon being notified by the Sewer In- spector of any defect arising therefrom of any violation of the pro- visions of this ordinance, the person or persons responsible for said defect shall take immediate steps to correct such defect. SECTION 2.1): PERSONS WHO MAY PERFORM WORK OF SIDE AND LATERAL SE\iER ,INSTALLATION. The excavation for and installation of side,andlateral sewers within ~ny street in the District may be performed only by Sewer Contractors. SECTION 2.14: PERSONS WHO ~~Y PERFORM WORK OF HOUSE SEWER IN- STALLATION. The excavation for and installation of house sewers may be performed by any Sewer Contractor or by the owner of the premises in which the work is being performed. SECTION 2.15: PERSONS WHO MAY PERFORM WORK OF PAVING OR REPAVING INCIDENT TO SIDE SEWER INSTALLATION. The paving or,repaving incident to side sewer installation in any street within the District, in- cluding the placing and consolidation of necessary pavement base and surfacing, may be performed only by paving contractors. . SECTION 2.16: DISTRICT SEw~R CONTRACTOR LICEN6E. Sewer Con- tractors shall be licensed as such by the State of California. In addition thereto' such contractors shall pay the following fee and supply the deposit required. to the District: For license for one year from date of issuance. . . . .$12.00 SECTION 2~17: DISTRICT PAVING CON~RACTOR LICENSE. Paving Con- tractors shall be licensed as such by the State of California. In addition thereto, such contractors shall pay the following fee and supply the deposit required to the District: For license for one year from date of issuance. . . . .$12.00 SECTION 2.18: OTHER POLITICAL CORPORATIONS, REGULATIONS OF. In addi tion to all the requirements of this ordine,nce, all work, in- cluding the excavation and repaving of streets, in connection with the construction or repair of sewers shall conform to the applicable regulations of any other political corporation. SECTION 2.19: Any cash deposit made by any sewer contractor or paving contractor pursuant to this ordinånce shall inure to the benefit of the County of Contra Costa in tbeevent of loss, damage or neglect which results in damage or injury to any public highway, except a State highway. ARTICLE III. SIDE SEWERS SECTION 3.01: SIDE SEWERS. PE~lIT REQUIRED. A side sewer or any part thereof shall not be constructed or a connection made to a 05 '16 50 92 main sewer, or a house sewer constructed ør a connection made to the lateral sewer or any excavation made within the paved surface of any public road within the District until after a permit has been issued therefor by the Sewer Inspector. , SECTION 3.02: PERMIT. Application Contents. In the appli- cation for a permit required by Section 3.01, the owner of the property to be served, or any sewer contractor representing such owner, shall cause to be described on a map on file, in the Dist- rict Office, the work proposed to be done, the location of such connection, the extent of such work, and shall state the name of the paving contractor who is to perform the paving work, and shall state the day upon which said work will be commenced. SECTION 3.03: PERMI~SSUANCE - FEES AND DEPOSITS. The appli- cation for the permit for sewer installation shall be checked by the Sewer Inspeotor for accuracy of details thereon, and from per- sonal knowledge of local site conditions. He shall approve the application as filed or require it to be modified as proper'in- stallation shall re,quire, and thereafter issue the permit. Such permit issued by the Sewer Inspector shall prescribe such terms and conditions therefor as the Sewer Inspector shall find necessary in the public interest. Should the applicant find such terms and conditions too onerous, such applicant may appeal to the District Board, which shall establish the terms and conditions of- such permit. The Sewer Inspeotor is authorized and directed hereby to collect all fees and deposits which by the provisions of this code are payable by the applicant, on or before the delivery of' the permit to the applicant. All money received in fees and guaranty deposits shall be deposited with the County Treasurer in the Running Expense Fund of the District. Money received as guaranty deposits shall be returnable at the order of the District Board upon evidence of satisfactory completion of the' work for which such deposit was a guaranty. SECTION 3.04: PERMIT DEPARTURE. After the approval of the application evidenced by the issuance of the permit, such location and other terms of the permit shall not be departed from without written permission of the Sewer Inspector or his authorized repre- sentative. ,SECTION 3.05: GUARANTY DEPOSIT. In addition to the fees re- quired by the terms of this ordinance for the excavation of any street or the construction or repair of any sewer: It shall be unlawful for any person to make any excavation in or repave any street in the District for the purpose incident to the construction or repair of any sewer or to construct or repair any, sewer in the District unless such person, with the excep~ion of the owner of property constructing or repairing a house sewer therein or a contractor of the District acting as such, shall have deposited with the District a cash bond to guarantee the satis- factory completion of suCh excavation, repaving or sewer repair or construction in accordance with the following schedule. The paving contractor shall deposit $500.00 in cash prior to the issuance of the first permit. The sewer contractor shall deposit $100.00 in cash prior to the issuance of the first permit. Subsequent to the respective total and continued deposits of $500.00,and $100.00, the contractor having such deposits shall not be required to deposit any further cash as a prerequisite to the issuance of any permit. ' In the event a paving contractor, having deposited any bond pursuant hereto, shall desire to terminate work as such within the District, he shall notify the District in writing of such intention 05 '16 50 9,)' and thereafter shall not perform repaving inc~dent to sewer con- struction or repair in the District unless such notice to terminate be withdrawn. One year after receipt of such notice to terminate not withdrawn, the District shall return to such contractor the amount deposited less any amount the District may have expended to correct any defect or omission of said contractor. In the event a sewer contractor, having deposited any bond pursuant hereto shall desire to terminate work as such within the District, he shall notify the District in writing of such intention , and thereafter shall not perform any work of construc tion or repair of sewers within the, District unless such notice to terminate be withdrawn. Ninety days after receipt of such notice to terminate not withdrawn, the District shall return to such contractor the amount deposited less any amount the District may, have expended to correct any defect or omission of said contractor, and the bond I furnished cancelled. In the event that a sewer contractor shall fail to replace faul ty work that becomes evident during the original ,installation or within ninety (90) days thereafter, and after three (3) days following notice from the Sewer Inspector to make such replacement, the work may be corrected on the order of tpe Sewer Inspector and the cost thereof charged against the standing deposit of such con- tractor. In the event of failure of paved surface due to the ex- cavation for the installation of side sewers within one (1) year following the original replacement of the paving" such pavement may be restored upon the order of the Sewer Inspector with the cost of such work charged against the deposit .made by the paving c,ontractor who performed the original repaving of the excavation., SECTION 3.06: TRENCHES. A. Trenches for lateral sewers shall be excavated and backfilled and the pavement restored in the streets in accordanc'e with the laws, ordinances and regulations of" the State of California, County of Contra Costa, or any municipality therein, or any department, authority or agency having juri~diction over such street, and the owner or his agent shall obtain all permits and pay all fees required by such authority. Where pavement may not be properly restored due to adverse weather conditions or other con- ditions incident to the work the upper six inches of the trench cut shall be filled to the level of the adjoining street surface with crusher run base rock and shall be maintained in a safe condition for travel over it until such time as the pavement may be fully restored. Upon the failure of the pavement contractor to maintain unpaved trench cuts in a safe condition for travel, such work as is necessary shall be done by the inspector and the cost thereof deducted from the amou~t of the guaranty deposit. Upon the failure after three (3) days notice to correct any work, other than the maintenance of the surface of trench cut, as ordered by the Inspector, said work may be .corrected by the Inspector, and the cost thereof deducted from the amount of guaranty deposit. B. As disbursements are made from the guaranty deposit required under su~section B of Section 3.05 to repair work npt properly per-' formed, the Secretary may, from time to time, require a depositor to reimburse said fund on deposit to the extent necessary to equal such disbursements so ma4e before further permit's shall be issued such deposi tor. SECTION 3.07: TRENCHES - INSPECTION. All trenches shall be left open and all side sewers and connections to the main or lateral sewers must be left uncovered for inspection until after the inspection bas been made. Upon written approval after such inspection, trenches shall be backfilled without delay and the street restored to its original condition. SECTION ).08: PIPE LAYING. The pipe shall be laid in conformity to the line and grade approved for each installation. Each length of pipe shall have a true and continuous b~aring for its entire length 05 "16 50 94 between bell holes. A bell hole shall be excavated to accommodate the bell of each pipe length or fitting, of a size and depth to facilitate a complete and satisfactory placing and compaction of the joint filler. All adjustments of pipe to line and grade shall be made by scraping away or filling in and compactly tamping earth or sand under the body of the pipe. Wedging or blocking up of the pipe shall not be permitted. The bell hole shall be kept free from water during the laying of the pipe and until the Jointing , material has set sufficiently so that water thereon will cause no damage. Both bell and spigot shall be clean and care shall be taken that nothing but the joint making material enters the joint. The pipe shall be laid upgrade continuously from the connection to the sewer main to the plumbing outlet connection with the bell end forward, unless otherwise permitted, in special cases by the Sewer Inspector. A gasket of braided, untreated oakum (soaked in cement grout before placing) or a hollow rubber ring of approved type and size may be used, to center the spigot in the bell. No larger gasket shall be used than is required to prevent any mortar of the joint from escaping from the bell into the barrel of the pipe.. Mortar as described under "materials" shall then be placed and tamped uniformly and compactly the full remaining depth of the bell to the end thereof, care being taken to preserve the alignment of the pipe. Thereafter, a fillet of mortar with a water content sufficient to allow placement and spreading with a pointer trowel shall be placed and compactly trowelled entirely around the pipe and extending not less than one inch from the outer end of the bell. The completed joint shall be covered at once with moist earth or otherwise protected to prevent drying or other injury. SECTION 3.09: BACKFILL. A. Backfill over lateral sewers and main sewer connections shall be placed and thoroughly compacted under and on each side of the pipe to a depth not less than four (4) inches over the top of the pipe by means of a tamper having a cross sectional area of tamping foot not .to exceed three ,(3) square inches. The remainder of the trench shall be filled to the elevation of the surface of the adjacent ground and where water is availab~for the purpose, the filling may be compacted by flooding, except that where pavement is to be laid over it backfill above the first compacted layer above.the pipe shall be placed in horizontal layers of not to exceed one (1) foot each and compacted with tamper while being placed, and a final surface compaction with rubber-tired truck wheels shall be made. B. Backfill shall be placed and compacted within the same calendar day during which the trench cut is made for a lateral sewer except as required under Section 3.15 herein. Backfill shall be placed and compacted within the same calendar day in which the trench cut is made for a lateral sewer where a saddle has been made to the main sewer when in the judgment of. the Sewer Inspector such placing and compactlonof backfill will not damage such saddle c onneot ion. . . SECTION 3.10: PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE. Where any existing pavement or surfacing in any public road or traveled way open to public use must be out for the purpose of constructing any sewer, such pavement shall 'be restored to the character of improvement existing prior to making such cut. The repaving and maintenance shall include the consolidation of the pavement base, the placing of the wearing surface, and the maintenance of such , surface for a period of one (1) year after its original placing. Maintenance of paving shall include the restoration of any areas to proper grade and surfacing where such areas have settled due to subsidence of trench backfill or failure of pavement base. Pavement base shall consist of crusher run base rock conform- ing to the specifications of th~ S'tate ,of California, Division of Highways, and shall be not less than six (6) inches in thickness in any repaved trench. The pavement bas~ shall be consolidated' in the manner specified in said specifications and shall be thor- oughly keyed to adjoining undisturbed pavement base. 05 '16 50 95 Pavement surfacing shall be~f the character of the adjoining pavement, except that plant-miX7asphaltic paving materials may be placed on "armor coated" streets with the consent of the Sewer In- spector when weather conditions dictate such action. Pavement sur- facing shall be keyed and tacked to existing undisturbed surfacing. Repaving of any trench cut in which the backfill has been con- solid,ated by jetting or puddling shall not be done prior to fifteen (15) days after the backfill has been consolidated. Repaving of any trench cut in which the backfill has been con- solidated by mechanical tamping or power rolling may be done at any time after the backfill has been consolidated. SECTION 3.11: BARRIERS ~ND LIGHTS. The applicant shall maintain such barriers, lights and signs as are necessary to give warning to the public at all times while a lateral ,sewer is under construction and of any dangerous condition to be encountered in consequence thereof. He likewise shall protect ,the publj,c, in the use of walk- ways, against any such condition in connection with the construction of house sewers. SECTION 3.12: LIABILITY. The district and its officers and employees shall not be answerable for any liability for personal injury or loss of ,life or damage to any property consequent to the performance of any of the herein described work or the failure of any person to comply with any proviaion hereof. Applicant shall be solely liable for any defects in the performance of his work or any failure which may develop therein. (al SECTION 3.1):' SEWER MATERIALS. VITRIFIED PIPE. Vitrified pipe and fittings shall conform to the requirements of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Specifications for Clay Sewer Pipe, Designation C 13-40, with the exception that pipe of longer lengths will be permitted and that unglazed pipe and fittings shall be used. Pipe and fittings for side sewer construction shall'have an internal diameter of not less than four (4) inches. (b) SAND. Sand for mortar shall be natural sand composed of hard, durable, uncoated grains of rock free from oil or ,other deleter- ious material. (c) METALLIC WATER PROOFING. Metallic waterproofing for jointing mortar ' shall be "Embecoll as manufactured by Master Builders of Cleveland, Ohio, or equal. , . MORTAR. Mortar for pipe joints shall ~e composed of one part of metallic water-proofing to four parts of Portland cement to eight parts of sand proportioned by weight. (The use of 25 pounds of metallic waterproöfing to one sac~ of cement and 200 pounds of sand will give the required dry constituents for the mortar.) The mortar shall be well mixed, moistened only suffic- iently to hold it together while being placed and not so moist as to flow or be di~laoed during the process of tamping in the joint. (e) ,CEMENT. Cement for mortar shall be Portland Cement that shall conform to ASTM Specifications Designation C 150-42. ( d) ( f) SOIL PIPE. In case it is necessary for the. side sewer to be constructed beneatþ any building or within two (2) feet outside the foundation walls of such structure or in any location where it shall have less than eighteen (18) inches Qf earth cover, or thirty (30) inches of cover in any area subject to vehicular traffic, the sewer shall be constructed of cast iron soil pipe of the quality and laid with the materials and in the manner satisfying the plumbing code of the County of Contra Costa. 0 5 '16 50 96, (g) ALTERNATE SEWER PIPE AND JOINTING MATERIALS. Sewer pipe and jointing materials other than specified herein may ,be used for side sewers at the request of the owner for whom the work is being performed, but only on the approval of the Sewer Inspector for each installation. Bituminized-Fibre sewer pi~e, if used, shall be buried not less than two and one-half (2t) feet below the ground surface, and Cement-Asbestos sewer pipe, if used, shall be buried not less than e~ghteen (18) inches below the ground surface, and all connections shall be made to soil pipe with cast iron fittings and to lateral or main sewers with vitrified clay fittings. SECTION 3.14: ,CONNECTION TO MAIN SEWER. A. Lateral sewers shall be connected to the main sewer at a standard tee or wye branch, where such branch ,is installed in place in.such main sewer within three (3) feet along such sewer from the point thereon at which service is desired. , The stopper in the bell of the tee or wye shall be removed in a manner not to injure the bell, the walls and base of the bell shall be thoroughly cleaned and the ,spigot of pipe or band fitted to the bell for the required direction of the lateral. The packing and completion of the joint conneotionto the main shall not be made and completed until a sufficient length of the lateral has been laid and controlled in position by tamped earth to insure against movement of pipe in the joint during further pipe laying and joint making processes. Thereafter the sewer connection joint sijall be mortar packed and completed as pro- vided in Section 3.08 herein. B. Backfill shall be placed and tamped firm in such a manner that the completed joint will not be disturbed or injured. SECTION 3.15: SADDLE CONNECTION. In case there is no exist- ing tee or wye branch within the distance, noted in Section 3.14, from the desired point of lateral connection a saddle having a skirt fabricated therein which will prevent the entrance of the spigot of the saddle to a depth greater than the thickness of the wall of the pipe tapped shall be installed as follows: An open- ing shall be cut in the barrel of the main sewer pipe and care- fully trimmed to a snug fit of the spigot end of the saddle when centered therein with the invert of the entering lateral at the half depth of the main sewer pipe and pointing down grade on the main sewer. The exterior of the main sewer pipe shall be thor- oughly cleaned for a distance of not less than eight (8) inches along the pipe each way from the outer ëdge of the saddle skirt and for a distance around the barrel not less than three-eighths (3/8) of the outside circumference thereof each way from the center of the saddle location in case the main sewer pipe is 10" I.D. or greater, but entirely around the pipe in case the sewer is smaller than 10" I.D. The saddle then shall be mounted in the required position in mortar sufficient to give a full bearing' of the skirt of the ,saddle. on the pipe and the scarfed êdges of the opening therein. Care should be taken that no fragments of pipe or mortar are allowed to waste into the main sewer. Temporary struts shall then be placed from the bell of the saddle to trench timbering to insure security of position of the saddle. Concrete shall then be placed covering the cleaned area above described and of a depth to entirely enclose the saddle to the lip of the bell. All of the above work shall be done under the supervision and direction and to the satisfaction of the Sewer Inspector. After the completion of the concrete saddle block and not less than twenty-four (24) hours after the placing of the concrete about the saddle, connection of the lateral sewer .thereto.may be made and pipe laying therefrom continued. SECTION 3.16: SEPARATE SEWERS. Except as provided for in . this code, every house and building requiring sewer service shall be separately and independently connected with the sewer, provided, however, that where two or more buildings on the same lot belong to the same owner, separate sewer connections need not be made with the main sewer. No two separate owners of adjacent lots ~ 05 '16 50 91 . fronting on the same street shall be permitted to join in the use of the same side sewer. In case of multiple service connections under a single ownership, the Sewer Insp~ctor is authorized to require that the lateral sewer serving the house sewer or sewers shall be constructed of a size larger than four (4) inches depen- dent upon the expected capacity requirements and available grade. SECTION 3.~?: JOINT HOUSE SEWERS. When adjacent prem~es of more than one ownership require sewerage service and convenience and economy can be obtained thereby, two or more house sewers may be joined to form a single sewer provided: (1) That the portion of such sewer downstream ftom the furthest upstream junction is constructed of a size not less than six (6) inch diameter pipe or larger if determined necessary by ~he District Board; (2) Immed- iately above such junction a cleanout or standard flushing inlet is constructed in the sewer; (3) The completed sewer line, from the flushing inlet downstream to the junction with the main sewer, together with a right of way for the maintenance of said sewer and the right of entry thereto for the purpose of operation and main- tenance, is conveyed to the district. Any such sewer line shall become a part of the sewer system of the District. A properly executed grant shall be a condition prec- edent to the completion of the connection to the main sewer. SECTION 3.18: DEPTH AND GRADE OF SIDE SEWERS. Unless the conformation of the ground prevents it, side sewers shall have a depth at the street line of not less than four (4) feet between the top of the pipe and the ground surface, and shall have a uniform slope toward the main sewer of not less than one-,eighth (1/8) inch vertical to one (1) foot horizontal. The house sewer at the connec- tion ~iththe house plumbing shall be not less tha~ eighteen (18) inches below the surface of the ground, providing the minimum grade of one-eighth (1/8) inch fall per foot will permit. SECTION 3.19: CLEANOUT. There shall be a cleanout left at any right angle turn and house sewer shall terminate in a wye branch connecting with the house plumbing outlet, the straight end being close~ by a cap to be available as a cleanout. In .cases where the cleanout is thirty (30) or more inches deep, cleanout shall be brought up to within eighteen (18) inches of the ground surface. SECTION 3.20: ADDITIONAL BRANCH SEWE?S. When there is no sewer in the street on which a property requiring sewerage facilities fronts or where such required service is at an elevation impossible to be served by gravity flow to the street on which such property jonts and a private sewer is required to be constr~cted for connec- tion toa main sewer in an adjacent street, a right of way therefor shall be obtained by the District, at the expense of the owner served, before a permit for the construction of said sewer will be issued. ' SECTION 3.21: DRAINAGE CONNECTIONS PROHIBITED. No leaders from roofs and no surface drains shall be connected to any sewer. No surface or subsurface drainage or storm water shall be permitted to enter any sewer by any device or method whatever; also no spetic tanks or cesspools or the drains therefrom shall be connected to any sewer, except as noted in Section 3.25. SECTION 3.22: D~PING OF GARBAGE AND SEP'TIC TANK SLUDGE INTO MANHOLES PROHIBITED. No garbage, septic tank cleanings or any other wastes or materials shall be deposited into manholes or sewers except through approved sewer connections. The depositing of any materials into manholes from the street pr ground surface is ~ot permitted. SECTION 3.23: INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMI~S. No person shall dis- charge any industrial waste or any garbage or any solid, semi-solid or liquid substances resulting from any industrial manufacturing or commercial process, or from any garage, service station or automobile wash-rack, into any main or lateral sewer in the District, without first having obtained a permit to do so from the District Board. 05 -16 50 98 SECTION -).24: INDUSTRIAL WASTE REGULATIONS. Permits to dis- charge any of' such substances will be granted in accordance with, and 'in consideration of, the special conditions of each case, and shall be subject to reasonable rules, regulations and requirements, to prevent excessive alkalinity or acidity of the effluent, or excessive discharge of organic or inorganic substances in solution or in suspension, whether liquid, semi-solid or solid. SECTION 3.25: SEPTIC TANKS WHEN PERMITTED. It shall be un- lawful to connect or maintain th~ plumbing of any building or structure within the District to any septic tank or cesspool when such structure ,is located within a distance of two hundred (200) feet of any public sewer and the topography is such as to make it possible to connect therewith. Construction of a septic tank may be permitted in case the structure to be given sewerage service is located more than two hundred (200) feet from a main or lateral sewer or in case within such distance ground topography is such as to make connection thereto impossible. Permits for septic tank construction will be i ssued only after application there'for shall have been filed with the Sewer Inspector, showing by sketch or otherwise the relative location of the structure or structures to be served, the location of the proposed construction, 'the ex- ternal boundaries of the premises of the applicant and the loca- tion ,of the nearest existing sewer, together with a description of the proposed construction. Permits for septic tank construc- tion in accordance with and in consideration of ,the special con- ditions of location, character of soil, and proposed construction features of each case, will be issued by the Sewer Inspeotor when it is found by said Inspector that no health problem will be created thereby. SECTION 3.26: SEPTIC TANK SYSTEl-1. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. The design of any septic tank ,system shall be based on the volume of wastes required to be disposed of, the extent of the site proposed and the capacity of the soil in the available area to absorb the water content of the said wastes without danger of .water logging that or adjacent lands. SECTION 3.27: .sEPTIC TANKS AND CESSPOOLS, CONDEMNATION. A septic tank system or cesspool which in the operation thereof is the source of foul odors, or adjacent to which seepage water therefrom comes to the surface, is hereby declared unsanitary, shall be condemned, and the'use thereof is prohibited. ARTICLE IV. OUTSIDE SEWER SECTION 4.01: PERMITS AND FEES. It shall be unlawful to connect or maintain any outside sewer to any sewer in the District unless a permit therefor is first obtained from the District Board ,and a connection fee, the amount of which fee shall be fixed by the Board, is paid to the District. An annual service charge, the amount of which charge shall be fixed by the Board, shall be paid ,for such service on or before July 1st ~f each year for the ensuing year. Such service charge shall be prorated for the. period from the time of connection to the next July 1st, accord- ing to the number of months to run; in addition, the Distriot Board may establish any t e,rms of service- the Board shall require. SECTION 4.02: SPECIAL OUTSIDE AGRE~4ENT. Where special conditions èxist relating to an. outside sewer, they shall be the subject of a special contract made by the District Board. SECTION 4.03: PERMIT OPTIONAL. The granting of the permis- sion for such outside connection in any event shall be optional with the District Boa~d. SECTION 404: CONNECTION AGREEMENT. In no event shall such permission be granted unless the applicant first shall enter into a contrp,ct in writing, whereby he shall bind himself, his heirs, successors and assigns to abide by all the ordinances, rules and .05 '16 5,0 :.\0 ".I, J regulations regulating the manner in which such sewer shall be used, the manner of connecting the~witb, and the plumbing and drainage in connection therewith, and also shall agree to the provisions of this ordinance relative to the use of said sewer, and agrees to pay for such privilege the annual service charge so fixed. ARTICLE V. DIRECT CONNECTION TO TRUNK SEWER SECTION 5.01: PERMITS AND FEES. Permission may be granted to connect side sewers direct to manholes on the trunk or main sewers when, in the opinion of the District Board, the properties involved are so locB,ted that such service may be made as an indiv- idual connection. A connection fee to be determined by the District Board shall be charged for residential, commercial and/or industrial establishments making such direct connection at an amount to be set for each individual case. The connection fees shall be in addition to the fees establisheq in Section 2.10. SECTION 5.02: 'PEIDlITOPTIONAL. The granting of the permi ssion for such direct connection to manholes on the trunk or main sewers shall be opt ional with the Di strict Board. ,Permis sion shall not be granted unless the applicant therefor first shall agree to any con- ditions precedent to such connection that the District Board shall require. ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 16th day of May, 1950, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland and Wadsworth Members - None Member Cornwall. sl R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board. sf H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board APPROVING ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LOCAL IMPROVD~ENT DISTRICT No.8 Membe,r Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 585: RESOLUTION NO. 585 RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Dia- gram, made by the District Engineer of said Se.ni tary Distriot and presented to said District Board, of the district to be assessed for the costs and expenses of constructing sanitary sewers and appurten- ances in Local Improvement District No.8, and in the public streets, drives, rights of way, easements and reserves therein, ,and in said Sanitary District, as provided in Resolution of Intention No. 453, adopted by said District Board on May 5, 1949, be and the same is hereby approved, and the Secretary of said District Boa~d is hereby directed to certify the fact and date hereof and so notify said District Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, this 16th day of May, 1950, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland and Wadsworth Membe rs - None Member Cornwall sl H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board sl R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board 05 '16 50 100 COMPLAINT RE DEWING LANE The Attorney read a letter from Lee C. Davies regarding road repairs to Dewing Lane, claiming the damage was caused 'by Stolte, Inc. The Engineer stated the work of Stolte, Inc. had been com- pleted, and that the damege to road had not been caused.by that Contractor. The Board instructed the Attorney to answer Mr. Davies, dis- claiming any District responsibility. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR WORK OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 17 The amounts of bids for Local Improvement District No. 17 were as follows: Manuel Smith Kevry Constr. Inc. & Martin Bros P & J Artukovich, Inc. Barrett & Hilp Oakland Sewer Constr. 00. 1116,908,50 127,182.49 128,558.50 130, ~'96.55 144,350.25 The Engineer recommended award to the low bidder,Manuel Smith. Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adOption of Resolution No. 586: RESOLUTION NO. 586 w~EREAS, the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District did in open session, on the 16th day of May, 1950" publicly open, examine and 'declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and improvement described in Resolution of In- tention No. 561 for the construction of sewers and appurtenances in Looal Improvement District No. 17 in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, adopted on the 6th day of April, 1950, which Resolution of Intention is hereby expressly referred to for a description of said work and improvement and for all particulars relative to the proceedings under said Resolution of Intention; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except that herein mentioned, and hereby awards the contract for doing said work and making said improve- ments to the lowest responsible bidder, to-wit: MANUEL 8M ITH at the prices named in the bid of said bidder on file in the office of the Secretary of the District Board. The Clerk of the District Board is hereby directed to publish notice of said award twice in the Orinda Sun, a newspaper pub- .lished and circulated in said Sanitary District, and designated for that purpose by said District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May, 1950, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, and Wadsworth Members - None Member Cornwall sl H. M. Smmtten, Secretary of the Distriot Board, 81 R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Bo8,rd 05' "16 50 101. NOTICE TO CONNECT TO SE~ŒRS - STPANDWOOD AND DIABLO GARDENS SUBDIVISIONS stated The Attorneyithat the terms of the bonds given by the subdividers of Strandwood Estates and Diablo Gardens were such that it was the responsibility of the Permittee to make sewer connection to the District's system. The Board instructed the Attorney to proceed to issue notices to connect Strandwood and Diablo Gardens to the sewers. ADJOURNMENT President Wadsworth adjourned the meeting to May 25, 1950 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. ..' -'- ¿:;;'.,~.". "':". .".,...,.,...>:';"', President of the District æoard vof Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California ~.~,,~.- Secre~ary of he District Bòard of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. 0 5 '16 50