HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-27-50 HO IIIWTIIS OF A!l ADJuuuE.O MElTING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIST~ICT HELD APRIL 27. 1950 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened 1n adjourned session at its regular place of meeting lo- cated at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Oity of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California at the hour of 8:00 o'clôok p.m. . The meeting was called to order by President Wadsworth and the following roll was called: PRESENT: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland. Cornwall and Wads- worth. Members - None. READING OF MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The Minut$8 of the previous Meeting were read and were approved as entered. CONTINUATION OF BEARING ON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DIST. 17 Mr. Rote asked the Board if there was any way the properties east of Moraga Highway which could use the sewer that the people in Local Improvement District 17 would be assessed for, could be charged for connection, to reimburse LID 17. The Engineer informed Mr. Rote that most of that property was owned by the Moraga Company, which Company had already paid a substantial amount for the 1nstallation, and that the District as a whole was contributing $32,000.00. RESOLUTION ORDERING THE WORK LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.17 Member Tóland, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption. of Resolution No. 575: RESOLUTION NO. 575 WHEREAS, the Distr1ct Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, did on the 6th day of April, 1950, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 561 to order the therein descr1bed work and improvements to be done and made 1n Looal Improvement District No. 17 which Resolution of Intention was duly and legally published in the time, form and manner as required by law, as shown by the affidavit of publication of said Resolution of Intention on file in the office of the Sec- retaryof said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District; and WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notices of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, headed "Notioe of Improvement~l, were duly and legally posted in the time, form, manner, locations and number as required by law, as appears from the affidavit of posting said notices, on file 1n the office of the Secretary of said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District; and. WHEREAS, after the adoption thereof, notices of the adoption of said Resolution of Intention were duly mailed to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the improvements des- cribed 1n said Resolution of Intention No. 561, according to the names and addresses.of such owners, as the same appear on the last equalized assessment roll for County taxes prior to the day of such mailing, or as known to the Clerk of the Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, which said notices were duly mailed in the 04 27 50' 61 time, form and manner as required by law; and WHEREAS, the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District having duly received and considered evidence oral and docu- mentary concerning the jurisdictional facts in this proceeding and concerning the necessity for the contemplated work and improvement and. the benefits to be derived therefrom, no protests of any kind hav~ng been r~ceived, and said Distriàt Board having now acquired jur.isdiction :to order the proposed improvement, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Ca1~fornia, that the public interest and convenience require the improvement h~rein referred to, and said District Board hereby orders that the work and improvement, as set forth and described in said Resol~tion of Intention No. 561, passed by the Distriot Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 6th day of April, 1950, and in .the plans and specifications therein referred to, to be don~ and made. . RESOLVED FURTHER, that the boundaries of the assessment district, and. the grades to which said work and improvements are to be con- structed, shall be those set forth and described in said Resolution of Intention No. 561, and in the plans and specifications therein ref~rred to, reference to which 1s hereby made for all further particulars. . RESOLVED FURTHER, that the time hereby fixed for receiving sealed proposals or bids for the do1ng of said work and mak1ng of said im- proyement herein ordered is the 16th day of May, .1950, at the hour of 8:00 0'c10ck p.m., and the Secretary of the District Board is hereby ordered. to give notice inviting such sealed bids in the time, form and. manner provided by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of April, 1950, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board /S/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board ADOPTING SCALE OF PREVAILING WAGE RATES LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 17 . Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of ~eso1ution. No. 576: RESOLUTION NO. 576 WHEREAS, the Distriot Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District did upon the 6th day of April, 1950, adopt plans and spec- ifications for the construction of Sewers and appurtenances thereto in ~ocal Improvement District No. 17, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the District Board of the Cen~ral Contra Costa Sanitary District that said District Board has determined and established the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each type or craft or workmen needed to execute or perform the necessary work or improvement in accordance with the schedule appended hereto and described "Schedule of Per Diem Wage Rates"; and . . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said "Schedu1e of Per Diem Wage Rates" be embodied in the Notice Inviting Sealed Bids and all con- tract documents in connection with said work and inprovement here- 04 27 50 6'2 inabove described. CLASSIFICATION Boiler Maker (Foreman) Boiler Maker & Boiler Maker-Welder Brick Layer Brick Layer (Hod-carrier) Carpenter (Foreman) Carpenter (Journeyman) Carpenter (Millwright) Cement Finisher (Foreman) Cement Finisher Cement Finisher (Maoh1ne Man) Electrical Worker (Foreman) Eleotrical Worker (Journeyman). Engineers-Operating Asphalt Plant Engineer Asphalt Plant Operator Compressor Operator Compressor Mixerman (Over one yard) Derrick or Truck Crane Operator Fireman (Stationary) Heavy Duty Repairman Power Grader Operator Power Shovel Operator (One yard & under) Power Shovel Operator (Over one yard) Oilers and Mechanio'sHelper Roller and Tractor Operator Scoopmobile Operator (Used as Loader) Tractor Type Shovel & Truck Type Loader Traotor (Boom) Operator Trenching Machine Operator Glaziers Iron Workers Rodman (Foreman) Rodman Structural (Foreman) Structural Laborers Asphalt Ironer and Rakers Asphalt Shoveler Blasters & Drillers Combination Jackhammer-Powderman Concrete Laborer Construction Laborer Cribber & Lagger General Laborer Operator-Vibrators, AirtGas,E1ectric Tools Sewer Pipe (Non meta1ioJ layers & Banders & . Caulkers Per Diem '8 Hours $21.44 19.44 24.00 18.80 19.40 17.40 18.40 18.60 11. 60. 18.60 22.48 20.00 18.32 15.92 15.52 17.92 19.52 15.52 18.32 19..52 20.72 21.52 15.52 18.32 18.72 Opr..19.52 19..52. 18.72 16.00 Watchman, Flagman & Guard Painter (1 hour day) . Pile Driver (Foreman) Pile Driver Plumber Sheet Metal Worker Steamfitter and Welder, Industrial Teamsters Dump Truck Under four yrads . 4 yards and under 6 yards 6 yards and under 8 yards 8 yards and over Transit Mix 3 yards and under 4 yards .and 5 yards Flat rack or Pickup truck .. Carrying less than 10,.500 1bs. Carrying over 10,500 lbs. Tank or water trucks, 400 gallons or less Over 400 gallons .04 . 27 50. 20.00 18.00 22.00 20.00 14.40 : 12.40 I 14.40 14.40 12.40 12.40 14.40 12.40 13.40 16.00 12.40 15.05 21.00 18.60 20.00 18.00 20.00 13.12. 14.08 14.80 17.84 13.76 14. 48 13.36 14.32 13.12 14.08 Hourly Rate $2.68 2.43 3.00 2.35 2.435 2.175 2.30 2.)25 2.20 2.325 2.81 2.50 2.29 1.99 1.94 2.24 2.44 1.94 2.29 2.44 2.59 2.69 1.94 2.29 2.34 2.44 2.44- 2.34 2.00 2.50 2.25 .2.75 2.50 1.80 1.55 1.80 1.80 1.55 1.55 1.80 1.55 1.675 2.00 1.55 2.15 2.62* 2.32* 2.50 2.25 2.50 1.64 1.76 1.85 2.23 1.72 1.81 1.67 1.79 1.64 1.76 6~3 Overtime and Saturday work shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate except as noted below for Cement Finishers and Truck Drivers and work on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate. The foregoing schedule of pre- vailing rates of wages, and rates for overtime, Sunday and Legal Holidays, is based, unless otherwise specified, upon a working day of 8 hours. Overtime and Saturday rates for Truck Drivers shall be at one and one-half (1*> times the normal hour1r rate. The first two hours overtime, after a norma1'8 hour day, for Cement Finishers shall be at one and one-half (li> times the normal rate and further overtime shall be at double the normal rate. Saturday work for Cement Finishers shall be at one and one-half (l~) times the normal rate for the first 8 hours worked and at double the normal rate for all further time worked on Saturdays. Notice is also hereby given bidders that it shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the.contract is awarded, and upon all subcontractors under him, to pay not less than said general prevail- ing rates of per diem wages, as above listed, to all laborers, work- men and mechanics employed in the execution of the contract. . Anything to the contrary in the above wage scale notwithstanding, the Contractor and all subcontractors under him shall pay all their laborers, workmen, mechanics and employees on said work a salary or wage at least equal to the prevailing salary or wage for the same quality of service rendered to private persons, firms or corporations under similar employment, within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary' District. The pgr diem wage rate is the hourly rate hereinabove mentioned estab11shed multiplied by the number of hours hereinabove mentioned as constituting the working day for the particular craft or type of workman. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of April, 1950, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None /s/ R.E. Wadsworth, President . of the District Board /s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board ESTABLISHING FORM OF NOTICE TO BIDDER LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 17 Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 577: ~ RESOLUTION NO. 577 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that the form of the notice inviting sealed . bids for the improvement of Local Improvement District No. 17 shall be in the form entitled nNotlce inviting sealed bids, Local Improve- ment No. 17." which notice is by reference made a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27 day pf April, 1950, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Toland, Smitten, Cornwall, Wadsworth Members - None Members - None. /s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President 04 27 50 64 PAYMENT OF FINAL INCIDENTALS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall, and unanimously carried, that $15,074.09 received from John L. Mason, said sum representing the incidental expenses incurred and not previously reimbursed to the Sanitary District, and the estimated balance of incidental expenses to be further incurred, at the date of delivery of the warrant and assessment on Local Improvement District No. 15, which sum was paid to said John L. Mason upon delivery of said warrant and assessment, be disbursed as approved by the District Manager after receipt of bills duly rendered as follows: $352.96 for legal services for Local Improvement District No. 15 to be paid pursuant to contract therefor as follows: W. H. Brailsford, Jr. R. W. Harrison $176.48 176.48 $14,721.13 the balance of said sum for incidental expenses to be dep~sited to the credit of the Running Expense Fund of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to reimburse said fund for monies heretofore advanced for incidental expenses incurred by the Sanitary District for Local Improvement District No. 15 and for which the Sanitary District has not previously received payment, and to pay further costs for incidental expenses for Local Improvement District No. 15 as bills for such expenses are received and authorized for payment by the District Board after approval by the District Manager and audit by the Board. The President and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed .to execute the necessary warrants to pay the charges above mentioned. REIMBURSEMENT OF SPECIAL EXPENSE FUND It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, and unanimously carried, that the Board authorize the President and Secretary to draw a warrant in the amount of $30,341.67 against the Running Expense Fund to be deposited in the Special Expense Fund to reimburse the latter for the $30,000.00 which was secured on ~I'=h .1, 1950 on which 5% per annum interest is being paid. "'4 '7<hl.,.Y.tl" -f' FUTURE POLICY ON LEGAL DOCUMENTS The Board issued instructions, that before any documents were submitted to the Board for approval and/or signature, they be first referred to the Attorney for his stamped approval. ADJOURNMENT PresidentWidsworth adjourned the meeting to Ray 4, 1950 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. /~~~ Seéretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, California 4~:_c-'..".._""";;",-,,õ, ...',;1 ,,1" ~<:;. " President of the Distr ct Board of Central Contra Costa'Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, California .04 , 27 50