HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-18-50 28 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE DISTRIOT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ~D AP~950 . .. The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in adjourned session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Nt. Diablo Boulevard in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California at ~he hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Presi.dent Wadsworth and the following roll was called: . . PRESENT: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Oonrwall and Wadsworth Member Johnson READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved s.s entered. OONTINUATION OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS LOOAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRIOT NO.7 Member Oornwa11, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adop- tion of Resolution No. 563: RESOLUTION NO. 563 CONFIRMING PROOEEDINGS AND ASSESSMENT LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.7 WHEREAS the Distriot Engineer of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, tiled with the Secretary of said Distriot, on Maroh 24,1950, an Assessment, together with a Diagram and Engineer's Certificate attached thereto, to represent the costs and expenses of constructing sanitary sewers and appurtenances pursuant to Resolution of Inten- tion No. 478, adopted by the District Board of said Sanitary Distriot on July 7,1949, and in that portion of said Distriot described therein as Looa1 Improvement Distriot No.1, to which Resolution of Intention reference is hereby made for a description of said work and improvement and the district to be assessed for the costs and expenses thereof, and for all other purposes; and WHEREAS said Secretary gave due notice, as required by law, of the filing of said Assessment, and that Thursday, the 13th day of April, 1950, at 8:00 o'clock p.m., on said day, and the meeting place of said District Board at 1822 Nt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, in said County, had been dJll,y fixed as the time and place for the hearing on said Assessment; and WHEREAS said District Board held such hearing at the time and place so fixed therefor, and then and there, and at a con- .tinuance of said hearing regularly bad, received evidence, oral and documentary upon said work done, and upon said Assessment, and Diagram and Engineer's Certificate att.ached thereto, and also. then and there considered all appeals theretofore filed pursuant to law with said Board by persons interested in said work and said Assessment; . WHEREAS said District Board has examined said Diagram and Assessment and is satisfied with the correctness thereof, except as hereinafter ordered, and that no correction or modification thereof should be made, except as so ordered; 04 IS. 50 , 2H NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESqLVED AND ORDERED by said District Board that all acts and determinations of said Distriot Engineer relative 'to said work done pursuant to said Resolution of Intention be and the same are hereby approved, ratified, and confirmed, and said District Board does hereby approve, ratify, and confirm said Diagram and Assessment, except as hereinafter provided. The following assessment shall be as hereinafter corrected and stated. 7-6-1 ORIGINAL AMOUNT . $362.00 CORRECTED AMOUNT $181.00 ASSESSMENT NUMBER The following changes shall be made in the Diagram and the assessments: (1) The Assessment Diagram in relation to Assessment Lot No. 7-13-2 shall be changed to include only the easterly 162.98 feet of Assessment Lot No. 7-13-2 and,Assessment No. 7-13-2 shall be reduced to $362.00. (2) To the Assessment Diagram shall be added a new Assessment Lot No. 1-13-8, which shall include only the northerly 123.6 feet of the westerly 176.22 teet of Assessment Lot No. 7-1)-2 and the Assessment on said Lot No. 7-13-8 shall be $362.00. , ' (3) To the Assessment Diagram shall be added a new Assessment Lot No. 7-1)-9, which shall include only the southerly 123.59 feet of the westerly 116.22 feet of Assessment Lot No. 1-13-2 and the Assessment on said Lot No. 7-13-9 shall be 1362.00. . Said District Engineer is hereby directed to correct and modify said Diagram and Assessment accordingly. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said D1agram and Assess- ment as so changed and corrected are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot of Contra Costa County, State of California, tbis 18th day of April, 1950, by the following called vote: AYES: , NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Member Johnson /s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary' of the District Board. /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the D1striot Board. OPENING HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 The Engineer explained tbe method of procedure for a local improvemat district, method of assessment and payment. v The Secretary read the names of protestants who had appealed in writing, as follows: . Messrs. L. R. Goodrich for Robert Bruen, Acalanes Union High School by Neil M. Parsons; L. B. Moody; A. P. ,Krance; Lincoln Beck; Edward H. Conner; W. W. Norton; C. Llnott1; Ralph E. Reichert; Kenneth M. Leese; Elmo V. Heard; E. R. Hoffman; Mrs. Annie S. Davies; Mrs. Freda Brown; and A. G. Sandford., From the floor, Mr. Varier, representativè of the Straw Hat Theatre, Inc., stated he had received no notice of hearing. He requested the amount of assessment against their property. ..../ 04 IS' 50 30 Mr. Varie1 waS informed that the proposed assessment ~gainst Lots 46 and 85 were in the amounts of 3306.00 and $1020.00 respectively. Mr. Cornish reque.ted time to prepare opinion in writing showing that Acalanes High School should have their assessment considerably raised. Mrs. Ellis of tbe Springhill Road improvement Association re- quested that the contractor repair that road, and Mrs. Shierryasked that Martino Road also be repaired. President Wadsworth adJourned the hearing to April 25,1950 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.9 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption of Resolution No~ 564: .RESOLUTION NO. 564 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that the necessity, as a health measure, for sewers in that area and for those proceedings.des- oribed in the letter of Dr. H. L. Blum, Health Officer of Contra Costa County, addressed to this Board and dated the 11th day of April, 1950, is by this Board similarly found to exist. Said letter is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, and ordered spread.upon the Minutes of this Body. IT IS FURTHER.RESOLVED tbat such sewers the installation thereof and assessment proceedings therefor are found and de- clared to be necessary as a health measure. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1950, by the follOWing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Members - Johnson /s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board. /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board. "The District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, California Gent lemen: April 11, 1950 "A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area herein- after described in the Central Contra Qosta Sanitary Distriot in the County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to 'be un- sanitary, unhealthful, and in my opinion, da~erous to the health of the people living therein. Said area is bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at the most southerly corner of Parcel DBA as designated on the map entitled "Sans Orainte, Unit No. 1," fil~d in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, in Map Book 27, at page 23; thence'from said point of beginning northeasterly along eastern bounãary of said Unit No.1 to its intersection with the south boundary of a'OountyRoad some- times known as Rudgear Road; ,thence easterly and southerly along southern and western boundaries of said Rudgear Road to its inter- section with the west line of Lot 205 as said lot is designated on 04 18 50 :{ l the map entitled "Sans Crainte, Unit No.3," filed in the office of said Recorder in Map Book 27, at pages 47 to 48; thence southerly,' easterly, and northerly along western, southern and eastern bound- aries of said Sans Crainte, Unit No.3 and its e~tension northerly to the intersection with the north boundary of Rudgear Road; thence westerly alongsald boundary to its intersect1on w1th the eastern line of the 20 foot right of way provided for in deed to H. L.,5chnoor, recorded in Volume 284 of Deeds, on page 64; thence northerly ~long said boundary to its intersection with the westerly extension of the soùtheast boundary of Rancho Homes as said subdivision is designated on the map entitled IRancho Homes,18 filed in the office of ,said Recorder in Map Book 38, at pages 24 and 25; thence easterly along said extension and southeast boundary to its intersection with the west line of the right of way provided for in deed of record in Volume 288 of Deeds, at page 496; thence southerly along said line to the western extension of the south line of Idylwood Aores, Unit No.3 as designated on map filed in Map Book 33, at page 2; ~hence easterly along said extension and south boundary of said Unit No.3 and continuing easterly, northerly, westerly and northerly along southern, eastern, northern and eastern boundaries and the northern extension of the eastern boundary of Idylwood Aores, 'Unit No.1, as said subdivision is filed, in, Map Book 29, at pages 12 and 13, to its intersection with the southern line of that parcel of land described in deed to George Steedman, et ux, of record in Volume 932 of Official Records, page 214; thence easterly, southerly and easterly along southern boundary of said parcel to the southwest corner of that paroel of land described in deed to William Pollook, et ux, of record in Volume 1307 of Official Records, at page 300; thence easterly and northerly along southern and eastern boundaries of said parcel to the southwest corner of that parcel of land described in deed to Rolf Trentini of record in Volume 1305 of Official Records, at page 517; thence easterly and northerly along southern and eastern boundaries of said parcel' and its extension northerly to the intersection with 'the northern boundary of Walnut Boulevard; thence westerly along said boundary to the east line of Lot 1, Block 3 as designated on map entitled "Map No.2 of Walnut Heights, Contra Costa County, California," of 'record in Map Book 10, at page 245, in the office of said Recorder; thence.northerll s+ong said east line to the northern boundary of said Walnut Heights; thence northwesterly along said northern boundary to the most northerly corner of Lot 4, Block 3 of said Walnut Heights; thence southwesterly along northwest line of Lot 4 and continuing westerly along northern boundary of Lot H of said Walnut Heights to its intersection with tbe north boundary of Walnut Boulevard; thence northwesterly along said boundary to tœ northern extension of the eastern boundary of Oak Knoll Loop; thence southerly along said extension to its intersection with the south boundary of'said Walnut Boul~vard; thenoe southeasterly along said south boundary across the northeastern extremity of Walker Avenue to the northwest corner of Lot 2 as designated on the map entitled "Bueno Suerte," of record in Map Book 27, at page 22; thenoe south- erlyand southeasterly along western and southwestern lines of said Lot 2 and its extension southeasterly to the most northerly corner of Lot 1 as designated on the map entitled uLuna Vista,. of record in Map Book 28, at page 40J thence southwesterly and southeasterly along northwestern and southwestern boundaries of said Lot 1 and continuing southeasterly and northeasterly along southwe~tern and southeastern lines of Lot, 2 of said Luna Vista to the most southerly corner of Lot 5 of the ,aforementioned Beuno Suerte; thence northeast- erly along southeastern line of said Lot 5 and its extension north- easterly to the southern boundary of Walnut Boulevard; ,thence south- easterlY along said boundary to its intersection with the west line of Lot 5, Block 5, of the aforementioned Walnut Heights Map No.2; thenoe southerly and northeasterly along western and southeastern lines of said Lot 5 to its intersection with the southern boun~ry of Walnut Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said southern bound- ary to the northwest line of Lot 1 as designated on the map entitled "Alton Oaks,. filed in Map Book 30, at page 2; thence southwesterly along northwestern line of said Lot 1 andaontinuing southwesterly and southeasterly along northwestern and southwestern lines of said Alton Oaks to its ifttersection with the northern boundary' of Mountain 04 18 50) :i2 View Highway; thenoe westerJ..y along said boundary to the northwest extenaion Qf the northeast line of that parcel of land described as Parcel One in the deed to MoPherson, recorded in Volume 603 of Official Records, at page 13; ,thence southeasterly and southwest- erly along said extension ànd northeast and southeast boundaries of said Parcel One to the eastern boundary of Sans Oralnte, Unit No.2, ,being an angle point in said eastern boundary, said Unit No.2 being filed in Map Book 27, at pages 36 and 37; thence westerly along northern boundary of said Sans Crainte, Unit No. 2 to the southeast corner of Lot 124 as designated on the map entitled "Walnut Knolls,. filed in Map Book 28, at pages 5 and 6; thence northerly and westerly along eastern and northern lines of said Lot 124 and continuing westerly along northern line of Lots 123 and 122 to the northwest corner of last named lot; thence southerly along west line Of said Lot 122 to the most east- erly corner of that parcel of land described in the deed of record to E. Tays in Volume 882 of Official Records, at page 169; thence in a generally westerly direction along southern line of'said Parcel to ita intersection with the eastern boundary of the' Southern Pacific RAilroad; thence southerly along said boundary to the eastern extension of the northern boundary of Lot 8 of the aforementioned Sans Orainte, Unit No.1; thence westerly along said eastern extension on northern boundaries of Lot 8 and Lot 1 of sald Sans Crainte, Unit No.1 and the western extension of said boundary of said Lot 1 to the west boundary of the old county road to Alamo; thence southerly along said boundary to its intersection with the 'east boundary of the State Highway to Alamo; thence south- erlymong said boùndary to the 'point of beginning. liAs Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa, I reconunend as , a necessary health measure that your Honorable Board institute proceedings at the earliest practicable date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system for said area to abate the unsanitary conditions therein. . HEALTH OFFICER OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY /s/ H. L. BLUM, M.D. ß APPROVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT'MAP LOOAL IMPROVEMENT DISrRICT NO.9 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Co~nwa1l, 'moved the adop- tionof Resolution No. 565: RESOLUTION NO. 6 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Distriot Board of the Central Contra Oosta'Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, tbat the Assessment District Map submitted by the Engineer, which indicates by a boundary line the ex~ent of the territory ino1uded in the District proposed to be assessed for constructing a sanitary sewer system for the areas within the following described boundaries, to-wit: ' Beginning at the most southerly corner of Parcel "BII as designated on the map entitled "Sans Cralnte, Unit No. 1," filed in the office of the recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of Oalifornia,ln Map Book 27, at page 23; thence from said point of beginning northeasterly along eastern boundary of said Unit No.1 to its intersection with the south boundary of a County Road sometimes known as Rudgear Road; thence easterly and south- èrly along southern and western boundaries of.said Rudgear Road to its intersection with the west line of Lot20S as said lot is designated on the map entitled "Sans Crainte, Unit No.3," filed' in the office of said Reoorder in Map Book 27, at pages 41 to 48; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly along weàtern, southern 04 18 50 :~ .i and eastern boundaries of said Sans Crainte, Unit No.3 and its extension northerly to the intersection with the north boundary of R~dgear Road; thence westerly along said. boundary to its inter- section with the eastern line of the 20 foot right of way provided for in deed to H. L. Schnoor, recorded in Volume 284 of Deeds, on page 64; thence northerly along said boundary to its intersection with the westerly extension of the southeast boundary of Rancho Homes as said subdivision is designated on the map entitled "Rancho Homes," filed in the office of said Recorder in Map Book 38, at pages 24 and 25; thence. easterly along said extension and southeast boundary to its intersection with the west line of the right of way provided for in deed of record in Volume 288 of Deeds, at page 496; thence southerly along said line to the western extension of the south line of Idylwood Acres, Unit No.3 as designated on map filed in Map Book 33, at page 2; thence easterly along said extension and south boundary of said Unit No.3 and continuing easterly, northerly, westerly and northerly along southern, eastern, northern and eastern boundaries and the northern extension of the eastern boundary of Idylwood Acres, Unit No.1, as said subdivision is filed in Map Book 29, at pages 12 and 13, to its intersection with the southern line of that parcel of land described in deed to George Steedman, et ux, of record in Volume 932 of Official Records, at page 2l4;, thence easterly, southerly and easterly along southern boundary of said parcel to the southwest corner of that parcel of land described in deed to William Pollock, et ux, of record in Volume 1307 of Official Records, page 300; thence easterly and northerly along southern and eastern boundaries of said parcel to the southwest corner of that parcel of land described in deed to Rolf Trentini of record in Volume 1)05 of Official RecordS, at, page 511; thenoe easterly and northerlY along southern and eastern boundaries of said parcel and its extension northerly to the intersection with the northern bound- ary of Walnut Boulevard; thence westerly along said boundary to the east line of Lot 1, Block) as designated on map entitled "Map No.2 of Walnut Heights, Contra Costa County, California," of record in Map Book 10, at page 245, in the office of said Recorder; thence northerly along said east line to the northern boundary of said Walnut Heights; thence northwesterly along said northern boundary to the most northerly corner of Lot 4, Block 3 of said Walnut Heights; thence southwesterly along northwest line of, Lot 4 and continuing , westerly along northern boundary of Lot H of said Walnut Heights to its intersection with the north boundary of Walnut Boulevard: thence northwesterly along said boundary, to the northern extension of the eastern boundar7 of Oak Knoll Loop; thence southerly along said ex- . tension to its intersection with the south boundar7 of said, Walnut Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said south boundary across the northeastern extremity of Walker Avenue to the northwest corner of Lot 2 as designated on the map entitled .Bueno Suerte," of record in Map Book 27, at page 22; thence southerly and southeasterly along western and southwestern lines of said Lot 2 and its extension southeasterly to the most northerly corner of Lot 1 as designated on the map entitled .Luna Vista," of record in Map Book 28, at page 40: thence southwesterly and southeasterly along northwestern and southwestern boundaries of said Lot 1 and continuing southeasterly and northeasterly along southwestern and southeastern lines of Lot 2 of said Luna Vista to the most southerly corner of Lot 5 of the aforementioned Beuno Suerto; thence northeasterly along southeastern line of said Lot 5 and its extension northeasterly to the southern boundary of Walnut Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said bound- are to its intersection with the west line of Lòt 5, Block 5, of the aforementioned Walnut Heights Map No.2; thence southerly and north- easterly along western and southeastern lines of said Lot 5 to its intersection with the southern boundary of Walnut Boulevard; thence southeasterly along said southern boundary to the northwest line of Lot 1 as designated on the map entitled "Alton Oaks,. filed. in Map Book )0, at page 2; thence southwesterly along northw~stern line of said Lot 1 and continuing southwesterly and southeasterly along northwestern and southwestern lines of said Alton Oaks to its inter- section with the northern boundary of Mountain View Highway; thence 04 18 50 34 westerly along said boundary to the northwest extension of the northeast line of that parcel of land ãescribed as Parcel One in the deed to MoPherson, recorded in Volume 603 of Official Reoords, at page 13; thence SBtheasterly and southwesterly along said extension and northeast and southeast boundar1es. of said Parcel One to the eastern boundary of Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, being an angle point in said eastern boundary, said Unit No.2 being filed in Map Book 21, at pages 36 and 37; thence westerly along northern boundary of said Sans Orainte, Unit No.2 to the southeast corner of Lot 124 as designated on the map entitled DWalnut Knolls,' filed 1n Map Book 28, at pages S and 6; thence northerly and westerly along eastern and northern lines of said Lot 124 and continuing westerly along northern line of Lots 123 and 122 to, the northwest corner of la~t named lot; thence southerly along west line of said Lot 122 to the most easterly corner of that parcel of land described in the deed of reoord to E. Tays in Volume 882 of Official Records, at page 169; thence in a generally westerly direction along southern line of said parcel to its inter- section with the eastern boundary of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence southerly along said boundary to the eastern extension of ' the northern boundary of Lot B of the aforementioned Sans Orainte, Unit No.1; thence westerly along said eastern extension on north- ern boundaries of Lot 8 and Lot ~ of said Sans Orainte, Unit No.1 and the'western extension of said boundary of said Lot 1 to the west boundary of the old county road to Alamo; thence southerly along said boundar7 to its interseotion w1th the east boundary of the State Higbway to Alamo; thence southerly along said boundary to the point ofi ,beginning. be adopted as delineating the boundaries of Local Improvement District No.9. Said improvement to be the construction of a sanitary sewer system as recommended by the County Health O,fficer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Distriot Board of the Central Oont,ra ' Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Oalif- ornia, this 18th day of April, 1950, by the following vote: AYEs: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Member Johnson /s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the Distriot Board. /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board. RESOLUTION APPOINTING ENGINEER DIREOTING PREPARATION OF PROCEEDINGS AND FIXING OOMPENSATION AND OHARGES LOOAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.9 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 566: ' RESOLUTION NO. 566 RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that John L. Mason ,be and he 1s hereby appointed Engineer of Work for the proposed doing of all necessary engineer- ing work and exercising all of the functions provided for the office of Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets in the "Improvement Act of 1911" in connection wltb the improvement work known, and to be known, as the improvement of Looal Improvement District No.9 by the construction of sewers and appurtenances therein, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said John L. Mason sball act as Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets and is hereby employed and appointed to furnish all surveys, original drawings, 04 18 50' :35 maps and blue prints, including any and all such maps necessary and incident to the rights of way contemplated in the improvement work herein involved; all plans and specifications, all inspection work, preparation of assessment rolls, assessment diagram and warrant and any and all other services which shall be required from the Engineer of Work under the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 19111; and . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Central Contra Costa San'itary District has engaged a full time engineering staff including the services of the said John L. Mason and it is resolved that there shall be charged to the Looal Improvement District No.9 the cost of the services to the District of Mr. John L. Mason and the engin- eering staff of the District, together with materials supplied by the District to the Local Improvement District and the administrative costs of supplying such engineering services, labor and material. Together with the services of John A. NeJedly who is herewith direct- ed to prepare all proceedings in connection with said Local Improve- ment District the expense of which similarly shall be charged to the Local Improvement District. As all of such costs shall be determined by the District Board to be devoted to such Local Improvement District. RESOLVED further that such costs shall be included as incidental expenses and be charged to the Looal Improvement District as the charges of engineering and legal services authorized by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1950, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Member Johnson , /s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary , of the Distric t Board. /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board. Me~ber Smitten, Rep. No. 567:, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption of RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGNATING ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.9 ,BE IT RESOLVED by the DistriOt Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot that the said District Board proposes to cause to be, conspicuously in and for Local Improvement District 9 Central Ooatra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, the following improvements, construction of sewers and appurtenances, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that John L. Mason, Engineer of the District be and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and spec- ifications for, said proposed work, together with careful estimates of the costs and expenses of such work,' and . BE' IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proceedings for such work shall be t~en in accordance with the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911" under Resolution of Intention to be hereafter adopted, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the said John L. Mason be and he is hereby directed to prepare a map showing the boundaries and the district to be assessed for the said proposed work and improvement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1950, by the following 04 18 50 36 vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth 1>1embers - None Member Johnson /s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board. /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board. ENGINEER~S ESTIMATE OF COST LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.9 "The District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot Walnut Creek, California Gentlemen: "Submitted herewith is a detailed estimate of the cost of work in acoordance with Plans and Specifications for the area designated as Local Improvement District No.9 whioh you directed me to pre- pare in your Resolution No. 561, dated April 18, 1950, said pro- posed work having been ordered by you pursuant to a report and reoommendation of the Health Offioer of Contra Costa County. ~ QuantU¿ 1 37~400 lf 2 2,100 lf :3 4,400 If 4 1,894 lf 5 1,750 If 6 l861f 7 22 If 8 18 If 9 l81f 10 62 1f 11 20 lf 12 20 If 13 58 ea 14 58 ea , 15 1 ea 16 17 18 19 Descr1ption 1ln!! Total 104,720.00 6,930.00 11,160.00 8,523.00 8,925.00 831.00 ;132.00 . 90.00 108.00 744.00 160.00 600.00 2,030.00 13,920.00 200.00 2 ea Guard Fence Fans 100.00 200.00 10 oy 4 Sack Concrete 50.00 500.00 4 oy 6 Sack Reinforced Concrete 100.00 400.00 9 6" x 61, Wye Branohes 3.00 27.00 Construction Cost . 166,206.00 6" VC Pipe Sewer 2.80 8" VO Pipe Sewer 3.30 10" VO Pipe Sewer 3.90 121 VC Pipe Sewer 4.50 15", VO,Pipe Sewer 5.10 61 Cast Iron.Pipe Sewer 4.50 61 ID Steel Cyl. Pipe Sewer 6.00 8n Cast Iron Pipe Sewer 5.00 101 Cast Iron Pipe Sewer 6.00 15" ID Steel Cyl. Pipe Sewer 12.00 151 Reinforoed Oonc. n u 8.00 30. OMP Conductor, 10 gauge 30.00 Flushing Inlets 35.00 481 ID Manholes, Type A 240.00 Welded Steel Pipe Trestle 200.00 Bent ~nginee~ing , Survey and Inspection Rights of way and easements Advertising"legal, prepara- tion of Assessment and other incidental costs Total estimated Cost 5,000.00 13,500.00 3,500.00 4.500~00 26.500.00 192,706.00 Very truly yours /s/ JOHN L. MASON, DISTRICT ENGINEER." RESOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.9 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 568: .04 18 50 r)"1 ,j .' RESOLU~NO. 568 BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distrio~, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that the plans and specifications submitted by John L. Mason, Engineer of Work for Looa1 Improvement Dletrict No.9 in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, be and they are hereby adopted as the plans and specifications for the doing of said work and improvement. The estimate of said engineer for said work being given to this Board as $192.106.00. , EASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1950, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Member Johnson Isl H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board Is/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board. RESOLWTION OF INTENTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.. Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 569: RESOLUTION NO. 569 RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, state of California as follows: SECTION 1: That the publiC interest and convenience require and it is the intention of said Board to order the following work to be done and improvements made; to-wit: . . . FIRST: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances in accordance with plans and specifioations heretofore adopt~d and and approved therefor in the following streets, rights of way, ease- ments and reserves in said Sanit ary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on said plans and specifications which are hereby referred to for all particulars in connection there- with. In the following streets, easements. and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are show. on Sheet 1 of said plans and specifications: RUDGEAR ROAD from the existing MH located therein 125 feet north- easterly from its intersection with the easterly line of the State Highway from Walnut Creek to Alamo to FI.3 to be looated in Rudgear Road 100 feet southwesterly from its intersection with Bishop Lane. BISHOP LANE from its northern extremity to FI 5 to be located therein 400 feet southerly from said northern extremity. FIVE FOOT RESERVE in the western 5 feet of Lot 18 as said lot is designated on the map entitled "Sans Crainte, Unit No.1, Contra Costa County, California," which map was filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, on April 19, 1944 in. Volume 27 of Maps, page 23, from the existing MH, located approximately 15 feet southerly from the most northern corner of said Lot 18, to the northeastern line of said Lot 18, said reserve being reserved in Declaration of Restriotions for said Sans Cralnte, Unit No.1, recorded April 19, 1944, File No. 8179. FIVE FOOT RESERVE in the western 5 feet of Lot 19 as said lot is designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.1, from the south- western corner of said Lot 19 for 10 feet northerly, in said reserve, 04 '18 50 38 to FI 4, also, in said rese~e,. from the northwestern corner of said Lot 19, 271 feet southe.rly, said reserve being reserved in said Declaration of Restrictions for said Sans Crainte, Unit ,No. 1. EASEMENT, IN LOT 8 (Parcel 4) as designated on said map of Sans Oranite, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the southern line of which is 5 feet southerly, measured at right angles, from the northern line and which northern line is des- oribed as follows: Be§inning at the northwestern corner. of said Lot 8; thence north 79 44' east along the northern line of said Lot 8, 30 feet. . EASEMENT, IN LOT 1 (Parcel 5) as designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.1, consisting of two sub-parcels: ' SUB-PARCEL A: A strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the line divid1ng Lots 1 and, 2, as shown on said map, which is distant thereon south 190 44' west, 17 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 1; thence north 80 36' 10M west, 71.53 feet through MH 1 and to a point on the northern line of said Lot 1, distant thereon south 190 44' west, 17 feet from the northeast oorner thereof. SUB-PARCEL B; A strip of land 5 feet wide the southeastern line of which is 5 feet southeasterly, measured at right angles, from the nathwestern line and which northwestern line is described as follows: Beäinning at the northeastern corner of said Lot 1; thence south 79 44' west, 17 feet to the center line of Sub- parcel A, above. , EASEMENT, IN LOT 2 (Parcel 6) as designated on. said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the line divid1ng Lots 1 and 2 as shown on said map, which is distant thereon south 190 44' west, 17 feet from the southeastern corner of said Lot 1; thenoe south 80 36' 10" east., 49.03 feet; south 40 54' west, 29.94 feet to a point on the line dividing said Lot 2 and Lot J of said Sans Cra1nte, Unit No.1. EASEMENT, IN LOT 3 (Parcel 7) as designated on said map of Sans Orainte, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of whiob is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the line dividing Lots 2 and 3 as shown on said map, which is distant thereon south 790 44' west, 14.4& feet from. the northeastern corner of said Lot 3; tbenoe soutb 4 54' west, 83.78. feet to a point on the line dividing said Lot 3 and Lot 4 of said Sans Cra1nte, Unit No.1. . EASEMENT, IN LOT 4 (Parcel 8) as designated on saidm~ of Sans Crainte, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of whicb is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the line dividing Lots 3 and 4 as shown on said map, , . which is distant thereon south 790 44' west, 4.05 feet from the northeastern corner of said Lot 4; thence south 190 54' west, 91.25 feet to a point on the line dividing said Lot 4 and Lot 5 of said Sans Orainte, Unit No~ 1. EASEMENT, IN LOT 5 (Parcel 9) as designated on said map of Sans Cra1nte, Un1t No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point, on the line dividing, Lots 4 and 5, as shown on said map, which is distant thereon south 790 44' west, 18.12 feet from the northeastern corner of said LO. t 5; thence south 190 54' west, 3.08 feet; thence south 310 2~' west, 39 feet and soutb 280 ~l' west, 52.95 feet .to a point on the line dividing said Lot 5 and Lot 6 of said Sans Crainte, Unit No.1. .04 . 18 50 39 EASEMENT, IN LOT 6 (Parcel 10) as designated on said map of Sans Orainte, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is.desoribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the line dividing Lots 5 and 6, as shown on said map, which is distant thereon south 790 44' west, 43.29 feet from the northeastern corner of said Lot 6; thence south 280 41' west, 86.25 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 6. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN RAMON (Parcel 28) consisting of two sub-parcels: SUB-PARCEL A: A strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on the eastern line of the 0.55 aore parcel of land described in the deed recorded June 10, 1891 in Volume 60 of Deeds, page 109, distant thereon north 40 151 3011 west, 8.90 feet from its intersection with the southern line of the tract described as Parcel One in the deed recgrded July 18, 1919 in Volume 343 of Deeds, page 223; thence north 18 431 east, 128.14 feet to the northeasterly line of Parcel One in the last mentioned deed being the oenter line of San Ramon Creek. SUB-PARCEL B: A strip of land 5 feet wide the eastern line of which is 5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from the western line and whioh western line is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the eastern line of the 0.55 acre parcel of land described in the deed recorded June 10,1891, in Volume 60 of Deeds, page 109, with the southern line of parcel of land described as Parcel One in the deed rscorded July 18,1919 in Volume 343 of Deeds, page 223; thence north 4 15' 30" west, along the eastern line of said 0.55 acre parcel 8.90 feet. ' EASEMENT, IN RANCHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 29) being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Begin- ning at a point in the center line of Walnut Oreek,whioh is distant thereon south 330 30' west, 28.61 feet from the most western corner of the parcel of land described as Parcel One in the deed reoorded January è4, 1946 in Volume 872 of Official Records, page 61; thence north 78 ~31 east, 117.23 feet; thence south 860 391 east, 453.36 feet to a point on the western line of Vanderslice Avenue as shown on the map entitled "Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, Contra Costa County, Ca11fornia,. which map was filed September 21,1944 in Map Book 27, pages 36 and 37, in the office of said Recorder. EASEMENT, IN LOT 19 (Parcel 31) as designated on.said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.1, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the northeastern line of which is 5 feet northeasterly, measured at right angles, from the southwestern line and which southwestern line is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northern extremity of Bishop Lane and the northeastern line of that parcel of land ~escribed in the deed recorded March 21,1950 in Volume 1525 of Official ~eco~ds, page 236; thence north 210 231 west, 38.0 feet along sa6d northeastern line; thence leaving said northeastern line, north 48 22' west, 99.21 feet to a point on the eastern line of the Southern Pacific Company Right of Way. FIVE FOOT RESERVE in the eastern 5 feet of Lot 12 as said lot is designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.1, from the existing MH located in said reserve 30 feet northerly from the southeastern corner of said Lot 12; southerly, in said reserve, 30 feet to the southern line of said Lot 12; also in the eastern 5 feet of Lot 13 as shown on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.1, from the northeast- ern corner of said Lot 13 southerly, in said reserve, 10 feet to FI 2 to be'looated therein, said reserve being reserved in said Deolara- tion of Restrictions for said Sans Crainte, Unit No.1. ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed york in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 2 of said plans and specifications: MILTON AVENUE for its entire length. 04 18 50 40 HERMINE COURT for its entire length. JEANETTE COURT for its entire length. HERMINE AVENUE for its entire length, excepting that portion between FI 10 and FI 21 thereof. ELIZABETH COURT for its entire length. HERRON AVENUE for its entire length, excepting the northerly 100 feet thereof. CELESTE AVENUE for its entire length, excepting the northerly 40 feet thereof. . ALMA AVENUE for its entire length, ,excepting the - northerly 60 feet thereof. VANDERSLICE AVENUE from MH 7 to be located therein at its intersection with Kilton Avenue to its northern extremity. . - FIVE FOOT RESERVE in southern 5 feet of Lot 122 as designated ontbe map entitled "Walnut Knolls," whiob map was filed in the office of said Recorder on September 21,1945 1n Book 28 of Maps, pages 5 and 6; for,50 feet westerly, in said reserve, from the southeastern oornerof said Lot 122; also in said reserve along the entire south line of Lot 123 as shown on said map of Walnut Knolls; also 1n said reserve in Lot 124 as shown on said map of Walnut Knolls for 10 feet easterly from the southwestern corner of said Lot 124, said reserve being reserved in Declaration of Restrictions for said Walnut Knolls, recorded September 28, 1945, File No. 23438. ' EASEMENT, ,IN LOT 115 (Parcel 11) as des'ignated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, being the entire eastern 5 feet of said Lot 115. EASEMENT, IN LOT 110 (Paroel12) as designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the west line of which is 5 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the east line and which east line is described as follows: Beginning at the northeastern corner of said Lot 110; thence south 20 451 JO" west along the eastern line of said lot, 137.48 feet. EASEMENT, ,IN RANOHO SAN MIGUEL (Parcel 13) being a strip of land 5 feet wide the east line of which is 5 feet easterly, meas- ured at right. angles, from the west line and which west line is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of Vanderslice Avenue as shown on said map of Sans Craint4¡!, Unit No.2, .which is distant thereon north '820 22' west, 51.74 feet from the northwestern corner of Lot -68 as designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No'. 2; thence north .40 29' 15 n west along the northerly prolongation ,of the western line of said Vander- slice AvenUe, 157.07 feet to the southern line of Lot 122 as shown on said map of Walnut Knolls;. EASEMENT, IN LOT 73 (Parcel 14) as designated on said map of Sans Orainte, Unit No.2, being the entire western 5 feet of said Lot 73. ()f}1.~,l ... '1n." . , , /' EASEMENT, IN LOT 73 (Paroe1 14) as designated on said map of fSans Crainte, Unit No.2, being the entire western 5 feet of said ~ot 73. . ' . EASEMENT, IN LOT 67 (ParcellS) as designated on said map of Sans Orainte, Unit No.2, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the mthern line of said Lot 67, which is distant there- on north 500 23' 30n west, 40.14 feet and north 660 361 SO" west, 13.53 feet from the most southern corner of said lot; thence 04 . 18 50 41 north 20 451 30" east, 9.53 feet and, north 200 45' 30" east, 79.81 feet to a point on the southern line of Hermine Court. . EAS~1ENT, IN LOT 107 {Parcel 16) as designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of said Lot 107, whioh is distant thereon south 810 14' 30" east, 25 feet from the northwestern corner of said Lot 107; thence south 350 44' 30n east, 119.66 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 107 which is distant thereon south 40 54' 32" west, 38.62 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 101. EASEMENT, IN LOT 96 (Parcel 17) as designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, being the entire western 5 feet of said Lot 96. EASEMENT, IN LOT 104 {Parcel 18) as designated on said map of Sans Orainte, Unit No.2, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of said Lot 104, which is distant thereon north 00 32' east, 131.36 feet from the southwestern corner of said Lot 104; thence south 150 53' east, 82.04 feet and north 880 151 east, 48.36 feet to a point on the line dividing Lots 104.and 103. EASEMENT, IN. LOT 103 (Paroel 19) as designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, consisting of two sub-parcels: SUB-PARCEL.A: A strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of whioh is described as follows: Beg~nning at a point on the western line of said Lot 103 which is distant thereon south 00 32' west, '24.09 fest from the northwestern corner of said Lot 103; thence north 88 15' east, 51.64 feet and south 720 east, 70.5~ feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 103. SUB-PARCEL B: A strip of land 5 feet wide the eastern line of which is 5 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from the western line and which western line is described as follows: Beginning at the northwestern corner of said Lot 103; thence south 00 32' west, 24.09 feet to the center line of Sub-parcel A, above. . EASEMENT, IN LOT 102 (Paroel 20) as designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows:, Beginning at a point on the western line of said Lot 102 whie. is distant thereon south 00 32' west, 28.77 feet from the most northern oorngr of said Lot 102; tbence south 120 east, 29.46 feet and south 83 18' east, 12.30 feet to a point on the ~astern line of said Lot 102. EASEMENT, IN LOT 63 (Parcel 32) as designated on sai~ map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 63, at the southeast corner of Lot 66 of said Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, thence soutb 550 28' west, 49.55 feet to the southwest line of said Lot 63. BIGHT FOOT EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE in the southeastern corner of Lot 73 and the northwestern corner of Lot 14 of said Sans Crainte, Unit No.2, across said eight foot easement from. its intersection with the eastern extremity of Elizabeth Court in a d-irect line to a point on the southwest line of Lot 63 of said Sans Orainte, Unit No. 2, said eight foot easement being designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.2. ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on, Sheet 3 of said Plans and specifications: YOUNG'S COURT for its entire length, excepting the easterly 25 feet thereof. 04 18' 50 42 , ALIOE AVENUE from KH 24, to be located at its intersection with Rudgear Road, to FI31 to be located in Alice Avenue 135 feet northwesterly from its southeastern extremity. STEWART AVENUE from MH 20, to be locat~d at its intersection with Rudgear Road, to MH 22 to be located in Stewart Avenue at its interseotion with the line between Lots 162 and 163 extended northeasterly, as. said lots are designated on the map entitled "Sans Crainte, Unit No.3, Contra Costa County, Oa11fornia,1 . which map was riled in the office of said Reoorder on April 11, 1945 in VolUme 21 of Maps~ page 47. RUDGEAR ROAD from its intersection with San Miguel Drive to FI 32 to be looated in Rudgear Road 215 feet easterly from its intersection with Alioe Avenue. SAN MIGUEL DRIVE from the above mentioned interseotion with Rudgear Road to MIl 15 to be located in 'San Miguel Drive at its intersection with Margaret Drive. YOUNG'S VALLEY ROAD from MH 18 to be located at the inter- section of Rudgear Road and Young's Valley Road, to FI 23 to be located therein 310 feet southerly from said intersection vltb Rudgear Road. ~SEMENT, IN LOT 162 (Paroe1 1) as designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.3, oonsisting of two sub-paroe1s: SUB-PAROEL A: A strip of land 5 feet wide, measured at right angles, the southeastern line of whioh is parallel with and 5 feet southeasterly fram the northwestern line thereof and which northwestern line is described as fO.llows:Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Lot 162, thence south 42°,36' 401 west, 32 feet to FI 27 which ,is located at a point herein designated as Station "AU. . SUB-PARCEL B: A strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which 1s des~ribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the north- western line or said Lot 162 at Station "AI as herein above des- ignated; th~nce south 10 43' east, 138.16 feet to a point on the southern line of said Lot 162. EASEMENT, IN LOT 161 (Parcel 2) as shown on said map of Sans Orainte, Unit No.3, being a strip or land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northern line of said Lot 161, which is distant thereon south 850 011301 west, 81.30 feet from ,the most northern corner of , said Lot 161;. thence, south 10 431 east, 6.24 feet; thence south 400 13' east, 98.75 feet to a point on tbe eastern line of said Lot 161. EASEMENT, IN LOT 201 (Paroel 3) as designated on said map of Sans Orainte, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the o,enter line of which is describe,d as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of said Lot 207, whioh is distant there- on south 100 30120" west, 187.28.fe~t from the most. northern corner of said Lot 201; thence south 400 131 east, 68.25 feetb thenoe south 510 131 east, 91 feet to MH 22&; thence north 48 041141 east, 62.70 feet to a point on the northeastern line of ~aid Lot 201. EASEMENT, IN LOT 202 (Parcel 26) as designated on said map of Sans Orainte, Unit No.3, being a strip of land S feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the wesðem line of said Lot 202,.. which is distant thereon south 24 191 west, 2.50 feet from the most northern corner of s~id Lot 202; thence south 580 51 218 east, 105.93 feet to a point on the eastern line of said Lot 202. .04 . 18 50 43 . EASEMENT, IN LOT 203 (Parcel 21) as designated on said map of Sans Crainte, Unit No.3, being a strip of land S feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of said ~ot 203, which is distant ~hereon south 240 19' west, 22 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 203; th~nce south 680 41' east, 100.14 ~eet to FI 26 located at a point on the eastern line of said Lot 203. FIVE FOOT RESERVE in the northern 5 feet of Lots 200 and 201 of said Sans Crainte, Unit No.3, said reserve being reserved in Declaration of Restriotions for said Sans Orainte, Unit N°.3, recorded April 2~ 1945 in Volume 814 of Official Reoords, page 314, File No. 9444. FIVE FOOT RESERVE in the southw~stern 5 feet of Lot 182 of said Sans Crainte, Unit No.3; also, in the southwestern 5 feet of Lot 181 of said Sans Crainte, Unit No.3 from the'southeast corner for 5 feet northwesterly, said reserve being reserved in said Declara- tion of Restrictions for said Sans Crainte, Unit No.3. ALSO, in the following streets, right of way and easements in' said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation jhereto are shown on Sheet 4 of said plans and specifications: SYLVAN .ROAD for its entire length. PALMER ROAD from MH 32, to be looated at its intersection with Mountain View Highway, to MH Z5 to be looated in Palmer Road at its intersection with Sylvan Road. . . MOUNTAIN VIEW HIGHWAY from FI 37, to be located therein 185 feet northeasterly from its intersection with San Miguel Drive, to FI 38 to be 100ated in Mountain View Highway 150 feet north.asterly from its intersection with Palmer Road. SAN MIGUEL DRIVE from FI 22 to be located therein 200 feet southerly from its intersection with ,Mountain View Highway to'K8 15 to be located in San Miguel Drive at its intersection with Margaret Dri Va. TWENTY FOOT RIGHT OF WAY for its entire length, said right of way intersecting Rudgear Road and being.looated 200 feet easterly from Carol Avenue. TEN FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT. as designated on th~ map entitled "Rancho Homes, Contra Costa County, Califo~ia," which map waS filed in the office of said Recorder on November 2,1949 in Volume 38 of Maps, page 24, from the most southern corner of Lot 1 of said Rancho Homes to the northern extremity of above mentioned twenty. foot right of way. TEN FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT in Lot 1 as designated on said map of Rancho Homes in the entire sout_ern 10 feet of said Lot 1. . . ALSO, in the following streets, easements and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 5 of said plans and specifications: .. . LAUREL DRIVE for its entire length, excepting the southerly 25 feet thereof. ROSEWOOD DRIVE for its entire length., excepting that portion between FI 44 and FI 45 thereof. ROSEWOOD COURT for its entire length, excepting the easterly 25 feet thereof. . . HOLLY HILL COURT for its entire length, excepting th~ northwest- erly 25 feet the reof . 04 18 50 44 WILLOW OOURT for its entire length, excepting the northerly 25 feet thereof. WILLOW DRIVE from MH 21, to be located at its intersection with HollY Hill Drive, to MH 28 to be located in Willow Drive 220 feet f~m said intersection with Holly Hill Drive. . HOLLY HILL DRIVE from MH 26, to be located at its intersection with Palmer Road, to FI 33 to be located in Holly Hill Drive 250 feet easterlY from its intersection with Willow Court; also fr~ MH45, to be located in Holly Hill Drive at its intersection with Holly Hill Court, to FI 48 to be located in Holly Hill Drive 15 feet westerly from the northeasternextremit1'of Holly Hill Drive. LINDELL DRIVE from MH 30, to be looated at its intersection with Palmer Road, to FI 36 to be looated in Lindell.Drive 110 feet northerly from its intersection witb Holly Hill Drive.. MOUNTAIN.VIEW HIGHWAY from MH 35, to be located at its inter- section with Laurel Drive, to MH 37 to be located in Mountain View Drive at its intersection with Rosewood Drive. HAWTHORNE DRIVE from MH 31 to be located at its interseotion with Palmer Road, to MH 42 to be located in Hawthorne Drive 80 feet easterly from its intersection with Sunset Drive. EASEMENT, IN U>T lSl (Paroel 21) as designated on the map en- titled "Idylwood Acres, Unit No.3, OontraCosta County, Oalif- ornia,. whioh map was filed in the.office of said Recorder on Maroh 12, 1941 in Volume 33 of Maps, pages 1 and 2, consisting of two sub-parcel s: SUB-PAROEL A: A strip of land 5 feet wide the center line .of whiob is described as follows: Beginning on t8e western line of said Lot 151, which is distant thereon south 1 14' lS. west, 29.36 feat from the northwestern corner of said Lot 151; tbenoe south 85 49' 45 II east, 112.09 f.eet to a point on the line di vid- ing Lots 151 and 152. . .' . SUB-PAROEL B: A strip of land S feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on th8 west- ern line of said Lot 151, which is distant thereon north 1 14' 151 east, 55.91 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 151, being an' angle point in said western line; thence south 230 42' 33' east, 165.43 feet to FI 50 located at a point on the western line of said Lot 151. EASEMENT, IN LOT 152 (Parcel 22) as designated on.said map of Idylwood Aores, Unit N°.3, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the center line of which is described as follows: ..Beginning at a point on the western line of said Lot 152, which is distant there- on south 210 45' east, 35 feet from the most northern corner of said Lot 152; thence north 140 58' east, 24.49 feet to a point on the northeastern line of said LotlS2. FIVE FOOT RE~ERVE in the eastern 5 feet of Lot 151 and the southwestern S feet of Lot 152 as said lots are designated on said map of Idylwood Acres,Unit No.3, said reserve being re- served in the Deolarationof Restriotions for said Idylwood Acres, "unit N°.3, recorded March 14, '1941, File No. 10294. RIVE FOOT RESERVE in the western 5 feet of Lot 47 as said lot is designated on map entitled IIdy1wood Acres, Unit No.1, Contra Costa County, Oa1ifornia,. which map was filed in the office of said Recorder on Kay 6,1946 in Volume 29 of Maps, page 12, said reserve being reserved in the Deolaration of Restrio- tions for said Idylwood Aores, Unit No.1, recorded May 13,1946, FUe No. 15900. 04 18 50 46 FIYE FOOT RESERVE in the western 5 feet of Lot 151 as said lot is designated on said map of Idylwood Acres, Unit No.3, for 80 feet southerly, in said reserve, from a point located 27 feet southerly from the northwest corner of said Lot 151, said reserve being reserved in said Declarat~on of Restrictions for said Idylwood Acres, Unit No.3. FIVE FOOT RESERVE in the southeastern 5 feet of Lots 163 through 168, inclusive, as said lots are designated on said map of Idylwood Acres, Unit No.3, .aid reserves being reserved in said Declaration of Restriotions for Idylwood Acres, Unit No.3. ALSO, in the following streets, easement and reserves in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 6 of said plans and specifications: HAWTHORNE COURT for its entire length, excepting the southern 25 feet there of. SUNSET DRIVE from MH 41, to be located therein at its interseotion with Hawthorne Drive, to FI 47 to be located in Sunset Drive 240 feet southerly from its intersection with Mountain View Highway. HAWTHORNE DRIVE from MH 41, to be located therein at its inter- seotion with Sunset Drive, to FI 56 to be located in Hawthorne Drive 20 feet easterly from its intersection with the line between Lots 24 and 25 extended southerly as said lots are designated on said map of Idylwood Acres,Unit No.1. EASEMENT, IN LOT 155 (Parcel 23) as designated on said map of Idy1wood Acres, Unit No.3, being a strip of land 5 feet wide tbe center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of said Lot 155, which is distant thereon south 220 32' 451 east, 22.88 feet from the most western corner of said Lot 155; thence south 590 09140" east, 86.l6.feet; thence south 140 351401 east, 13 feet and south 320 351401 east, 13. feet to FI 54 located at a point on the east line of said Lot 155. FIVE FOOT RESERVE in the eastern 5 feet of Lot 45.as designated on said map of Idylwood Aores, Unit No.1, said reserve being reserved.in said Declaration of Restrictions for said Idylwood Aores, Unit No.1. FIVE FOO! RESERVE in the eastern 5 feet of Lot 154 as designated on said ~p of Idylwood Acres, Unit No.3, for 20 feet southerly from the northeastern corner of said Lot 154, said reserve being reserved in said, Declaration of Restrictions for said Idylwood Acres, Unit No.3. . . ALSO, in the following streets and easement in said Sanitary District as they and tbe proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet ,1 of said plans and specifications: BALES DRIVE for its entire length. MOUNTAIN VIEW HIGHWAY from MH 36 to be located therein at its intersection with Bales Drive to the intersection of Mountain View Highway and the soutbwestern line of Walnut Bou1evard. WALNUT BOULEVARD FROM its above mentioned intersection with Mountain View Highway to FI 41 to be located in Walnut Boulevard 10 feet easterly from the intersection of Walnut Boulevard and the southeastern line of Mountain View Highway extended northeasterly. EASEMENT, IN LOT 4 (Paroel 24) as designated on the map entitled -Alton Oaks, Contra Costa County, California,' filed June 20, 1946, in Map Book 30, pages 1 and 2, "in the office of said Recorder, being a strip of land 5 feet wide the southwestern line of which is 5 feet southwesterly, measured at right angles, from the northeast line and 04 18 50 46 which northeast line is described as followsz Beginning at the most easterly corner .of said Lot 4; thence along said northeast line 155 feet to FI 4J. ALSO, in the following streets in said Sanit ary Distriot as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 8 of said plans and specifications: HOB HILL ROAD for its entire length, excepting that portion between FI 58 and.FI .59 thereof. WALNUT BOULEVARD from MH 52 to be located therein at its western intersection witb Nob Hill Road to FI 51 to be located in Walnut Bou1èvard 440 feet measured along its center line south- easterly from its eastern .intersection with Nob Hill Road. ALSO, in the following streets, easement and reserve in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed wom in relation there- to are shown on Sheet 9 of said plans and specifioations: WALNUT BOULEVARD from its intersection with the easterly line of Oak Knoll Loop extended northerly to MH 52 to be located in Walnut Boulevard at its intersection with Nob Hill Road. SHADY GLEN ROAD from MH 51, to be located at its intersection with Walnut Boulevard, to FI 60 to be located in Shla.dy Glen Road 425 fe,t measured along its center line southeasterly from said interseotion with Walnut Boulevard. . EASEMENT, III LOT 4 (Paroe1 25) as designated on the map en- titled "Bueno Suerte, Contra Costa County, Oa1ifornia,. whiob map was filed in the office of said Reoorder on April 19, 1944, in Volume 27 of Maps, page 22, being the entire northwestern 5 feet of said Lot 4. . . FIVE FOOT RESERVE in the northeastern 5 feet of Lot 1 as designated on ~he map entitled IILun. Vista, Contra Costa County, California,'filed in the office of said Reoorder on March 22, 1946 in Map Book 28, page.40, said reserve being provided for in deed recorded in Volume 184 of Official Reoords, page 1, and in Declaration recorded in Volume 643 Official Reoords, page 296; also in said reserve in said Luna Vista in the northeastern 5 feet of Lot 2 for 10 teet southeasterly from the northwestern corner of said Lot 2. . J. ~¡' SECOND: The oonstruãtion of sanitary sewers and appurten- ances, in accordanoe with said plans and specifications out~~ of said. Assessment Diet ~ot a.n.d in th.e following easemen~ln said Sanitary District as it. d the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheets 1/6'r aid plans and . specifications: CROSSING UNDER SOUTHERN PAOIFIC RAILROAD, the center line of which is desoribed as follows: Beginning on the eastern line of the 0.55 acre parcel of land described in the deed reoørded June 18, 1891 in Volume 60 of Deeds, page 109, distant thereon north 4 15' JO' west, 8.90 feet from its intersection with the south- ern line of the tract described as Parcel One in the deed reoord- ed July 18,1919 in Volume 343 of Deeds, page 223; thence from said point of beginning, south 180 4J' west, 100.16 feet to the western line of the Soutbern Pacific Railroad right of way. ALSO, in the following street in said Sanitary District as it and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 9 of .said plans and specifications: . WALNUT BOULEVARD from the exist ing MH 100ated. therein at its intersection with Oak Knoll Loop to the intersection of Walnut Boulevard with the eastern line of Oak Knoll Loop extended northe r1y. 04 18 50 47 The expense of said work and improvement hereinabove described in Section 1, Second, hereof, and on Sheets 1 and 9 shall also be chargeable upon said assessment district hereinafter established. .THIRD: The office of the Recorder referred to hereinabove is the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Oosta,.State of California, and Official Records and file numbers.hereinabove referred to are Official Records and file numbers of said Recorder. The letters ¥H and FI herein used refer to and mean Manhole and Flushing Inlet, respectively. In the foregoing desoriptiøns, the width of all easements des- cribed by reference to a center line is measured at right angles. In the foregoing descriptions, wherever right of way, easement, street, or other public way is described wherein work is to be done, it is the intention that said work shall also be extended so as to connect the same with existi ng sewers or proposed sewer work to be constructed nearest to said right of way, easement, street, or other public way, and at the point in said existing. or proposed work where a manhole, flushing inlet, or other oonstruotion is shown on said Plans therefor, unless otherwise shown thereon. FOURTH: Said work shall include the refilling, compact mg, and resurfacing of the trench in which said sewer and appurtenanoes are construèted. . . SECTION 2. All said improvement and work shall be done of the sizes, dimensions, and materials and:in the posit~ons and locations an~ to the grades as shown upon, and all in accordance with, the Plans and Specifications therefor heretofore adopted by said District Board and now on file with the S~cretary of said Board, which said Plans and Specifications are hereby referred to and made a part hereof by reference. That the improvements herein described shall be oonstructed to the grades and elevations as shown on said plans and specifications which grades and elevations are hereby adopted and established as the official grades therefor, and all such work shall be done to the lines and grades as shown on such plans and specifications. SECTION 3. That in the opinion of said Board, said work is of more than looal or ordinary public benefit, and said Board hereby orders that the cost and expenses of said work 'and improvement shall be chargeable and charged upon a district, which district is hereby deQlared to be the district benefited by said work and improvement . and which is to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof. The exterior.boundaries of said assessment district and the extent of the territory included herein are shown upon the map of said district and described in description of said territory approved and adopted by said Board on the 18th day of April, 1950, and now on file in the office of the Secretary of said Board, to Which map reference is hereby made for a particular description ot:said boundaries and the extept of said territory included therein to be so assessed; saving and excepting therefrom the area of all public streets,and other public ways included therein. SECTION 4. That the proceedings for said work and improvement shall be had and taken under and in accordance wit- Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California ("Improve- ment Act of 1911"). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Health Officer of said County of Contra Costa has recommended in writing to said Board that said proceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health meas- ure, and said Board heretofore ordered said recommendation spread upon the Minutes of said Board and by Resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the members of said Board found and determined that such neoessity exists. 04 18 50 48 SECTION 5. That serial bonds shall be issued pursuant to Part 5 of Division 7 of said Streets and Highways Code (Improve- . ment Act of 1911) to represent the unpaid assessments of . Twenty-Five Dollars (#25.00) or over for the cost of said work, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of Six per cent (6%) per . annum, to extend for a per1od of nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next October 15th following their date, and to be payable in annual installments, the last installment thereof to mature nine (9) years from the second day of Janue.ry next succeeding the next fifteenth day of October following their date, said bonds and the interest thereon to be payable as provided in said Code. SECTION 6. That Thursday, the 11th day of May, 1950, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., of said day, and at the meeting place of said Board, 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard,Oity otiWalnut.Oreek, in the County of Contra Costa, State of OÄliforn1a, be and the same are hereby fixed as the time and place, when and where any and all persons having any objection to the 'proposed work and improvement, the grades thereof, or to the extent of the district to be assessed, or all thereof, may appear.betore said Board and show cause why said proposed work should. not ,be carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention, and may present written protest, not later than the hour hereinabove set for hearing, against the doing of said work, the grades thereof, or to the ext~nt of the territory to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof. SECTION' 7. That the Engineer of said Distriot shall cause. to be conspicuously posted alo~g the line of said work and im- provement, in the manner and form reqü1red bylaw, notices of the passage of this Resolution. SEOTION 8. That the Secretary of said Board shall cert1fy to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause the same to be published tw10e, as required bylaw, in the Walnut Kernel, a newspaper published and circulated within said Distriot and hereby designated for that purpose by said Board. . SEOTION 9. Said Distriot Board does hereby direct its Seo- retary to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the work herein described, whose names and addresses appeared on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa or as known to the Secretary, the contents of said notices and preparation and mailing to be as required by law. ~ASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Oalif- ornia this 18th day of April, 1950, by the following called vote: AYES:. NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Member Johnson Isl R. E. Wadsworth,Pres1dent of the District Board. Isl H. M. Smitten, Secretary of the District Board SUBORDINATION AGREEMENTS The Board Members agreed to the request by the Manager that the Distriot should no longer attempt to procure subordination agreements relative to securing deeds for sewer easements, that the District obtain a deed from the owners of record only. - 04 18 50' 49 INSTALLATION OF SOUNDPROOFING IN LOBBY It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall, that the Board authorize the Manager to have sound-proofing in- stalled in the offioe lobby at a cost not to exceed $300.00. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Member Johnson APPROVING ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 14 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption of Resolution No. 570: RESOLUTION NO. 570 . RESOLVED by the Distriot Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Diagram, made by the Distriot Engineer of said Sanitary District and presented to said Distriot Board, of the district to be assessed for the oosts and expenses of constructing sanitary sewers and appurtenances in Local Improvement District No. 14, and in .the public streets, drives, rights of way, easements and reserves therein, in said Sanitary District, as provided in Resolution of Intention No. 470, adopted by said District Board on June 23, 1949, be and the same is hereby approved, and the Secretary of said District Board is hereby directed to certify the fact and date hereof and so notify said District Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Calif- ornia, this 18th day of April, 1950, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Member Johnson /s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary of .the District Board. hS/ R. .E. Wadsworth, Pre sident of the District Board. REIMBURSEMENT OF PETTY CASH FUND Member Toland, seconded by Member Smitten, moved that the Petty Cash Fund be reimbursed in the amount of $44.31. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth Members - None Member Johnson. ADJOURNMENT President Wadsworth adjourned the meeting to Thursday, April 20,1950 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. /~~/7~~.- ,1'";7' ;,,~ ~ Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. -~~-,;~ President of the Distri Board of Oentra1 Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. 04 18 50