HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-03-59 1_27 MINUTES OP A REGULAR MB.BTItÐ OP 'DIE DIStRICT InARD CBN'lRAL cetn'RA COSTA SANITARY DIS'DtICT B!LD SBP'l'BMBER 3, 1959 " ¡ The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a RelularSession at its rerular place of meetinl loca~ed at 1250 SpriDlbrook Road, Walaut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on September 3, 1919, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. ' .The aeetinl was called to order by PresideDt Pisher. ~ I . ROLL CALL PRBSB4T : Members: Mitchell" ,Roe_r, Salfi...ere and Pisher ABSENT : Member: Spiell I I . APPROV AI. 0 P MIN111'BS The Minutes of the meetin, of -pst 20, 1959, were appmved as presented. III. APPROVALOP BILLS ~ It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Salfingere, that the bills as audited by the Auditinl Co..ittee and as subaitted by the District Mana,er-Bncineer be approved, reference beine specifically made to Se.er COn- struction Vouchers Numbers 427 to 440, inclusive, and Runninc Expense Vouchers Numbers 3961 to 4101, inclusive. Carried by the followiDl vote: . AYES: Members: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere and Pisher NOES: Meabers: None . ABSBIT: Nem1Mr: Spiel1 " ¡ IV. HBARDIGS None. OPENING OP BIDS PCIt mJNK SEWERS J. 11-15 AND S President Pisher called for the opening of bids for Trunk Sewers J, B-15 and S, 1IIbich were as follows: Contractor Proposal Total 1. Granite Construction Compan, 2. John H. NcCosker, Inc. 3. Glanville PlumbiDl Co. 4. M.G.M. Construction Co. 5. Dorfman Construction Co. 6 . McGuire and Beste r 7. ViDnell Company 8. Stockton Co.struction Co. 9. Willi a... Burrows 10. Valle,Bncineers, Inc. $298,438.36 316,452.00 320,568.00 347,556.45 348,230.00 351,351.00 372,972.50 398,819.94 414,322.80 450,999.80 l1l""'I\ . JUJSOWTICfi NO. 1183. AWARD OF cnaRACT TO GRANITB cœSTItUCTION COMPANY Fœ TRUNK SBWBRS J. B-15 AND S , /. It was moved by Member SalfiDlere, seconded by Member Roser, that Resolution No. 1183 1M adopted. Carried by the fol10winl vote: AYBS: Members: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfinlere and fisher NOBS: Mellbers: None ABSENT: Member: Spiel 1 V. OLD BUSINESS DISTRICTANNBXATIœ 4. . ~. Horstkotte, District Manaler- Bneineer, subaitted a list of properties togethe£ with maps showinl the parcels of land to be included in District 09 03 59 1.28 Annexation 4. It was moved by Member Mi tcheU, seconded by Meaber Roemer, that the list of properties to be included .in DJstrict Annexation 4 be approved, the ti.e be set for the Hearing as to protests, and the required legal Notice of bHearing be given. Carried by the followinc vote: AYES: Me.bers: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere and Pisher NOES: Members: None . ABSENT: Me.ben' Spiegl atDINANCB TO RBœLATE 'I'HB ACQJ)I1LATIœf,. COu.æTION. AND DISPOSAL OF: GARBAGE The proposed Ord,inance for the regulation of garbage accullUlation, collection, and disposal, presented at the previous .eeting, was discussed at length with certain suggested changes. ........... After the several suggested changes, Mr. Horstkotte, Distric~ Manager- Engineer, stated that although other chanBeslbould be considered he reco..ended action if the Board wished to have a Barbage Ordinance. : . He stated that changes iD the political status of certain areas and action by the County Board of Supervisors would tate control of garbage from the District if the Board delayed its action. Members Mitchell and Roemer stated that the Ordinance could be adopted with further changes .ade by a.ending the Ordinance. Member Salfingere stated that he did not like a skeleton Ordinance and the rush to adopt it. Mr. C. Terence Ring, attorney representing the several garbage collectors in the area, stated that they preferred to have the District pass an Ordinance to regulate garbage collection rather than a larger body: not familia~ with local conditions. ' ORDINANCB 34. lUDJLATING THB A<X:UMULATICfi, COLLBCTIæ, AND DISPOSAL OP GARBAGE '---" Member Roemer stated that he felt it might be urgent that the District adopt an Ordinance for the regulation of garbage and aoved that Ordinance 34 be adopted subject to the suggested chantes, seconded by Member Mitchell. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Meahers: Mitchell, Roeaer and Piaher NOBS: Meaber: Salf ingere ABSENT: Member: Spiegl AGRBBNENT WIm 'DIE crn OP CONCŒD ~ SEWER.. SERVICE The proposed agreeaent with the City of Concord previously given to Me.bers of the District Board was explained by Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Bngineer ,who presented reasons why it was his reco_endation that charges be .ade on a flow basis. . After discussion, Mr. Horsttotte stated that he would have the Counsel for the District and the City review the proposed acreeaent which .xa ld then be presented to both", the City and the District for final consideration., BOAT Fat INSPErICJrf OP OOTPALL SEWER Mr. Horstkotte, District Manage r-Bnc ineer , reported that, upon checkiDJ with the State Water Pollution Control Board, lI.e was infor.ed they were not interested in a: joint acree.ent for water saaplinc at the saM time. Mr. Horsttotte stated that he lIOuld chect further 08 the ,roble. of obtaining the services of . boat for sampling the water at the Outfall Sewer outlet area. ~ WATBRSJŒD 27 PROORAM Mr. Horsttotte, District Mu.ager-Bßcineer, presented a schedule for the revenue and expenditures of tile Sewer Construction Ponda over the years ahead and requested authorization to spend $8,000.00 for the preparation of plans and specifications for Watershed 27, stating that the City of Walnut 09 ,03 5'9 ,., . ; ~ , J ,.... !I -----/. 129 Creek proposal WQuld assure recovery,of faDds expended, over a ten-year period. It was aoved by Meaber Salfincere, seconded by, Member Mitchell, that '$8 ,000.00 be authorized froll Sewr Construction General Funds for plans and specificatiòD8 for Watershed 27. Carried by the foilowinc vote: AYES: Members: Mitchell, Roeaer, SalfiDgere aDd Pisher NOES: Meabets: None ABSBft': Me.ber: SpieC1 !.!!!J... PAYMJtn' OP $1.000.00 TO ÐUNCANsœ-H.AJuun.~. OOTPAU. SBWER sqmWLB I CŒ1'RAC'1' . After pan ~planation aDd recommendation froll Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Encineer, it .as 8Oved by Me.ber Salfinpre, seconded by Meaber Mi tchell, that. the balance of .$1,000.00 due to Duncanson-Harrelson for the OUtfall Sewr Schedule I writ be paid to thea.. Carried by the followinl vote: AYES: . Meabers: Mitchell., Roeaer, Salfiqere 8IId Fisher NOES: . M_bers: None ABSENT: Meaher: Spie,l. VI . 'NJIf .SINESS ACCEPTANCE OP EASJlMBNT PR<J4 G~E H. TllJItSTœ It ... aoved by Me.ber Roeaer, seconded by Meaher Mitchell, that the ease.ent fro. Georle H. Thurston be accepted and its recordinl ordered. Carried by thefollowiDl vote: AYBS: Me.bers: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfinlere and Pisher NOES: Me.bers: Hone ABS1INT: Me.her: Spiell RBSOWTIaf NO. 1182. ESTABLISHING SALARY POR LOIS STBW.ART It was IIOved by Meaher Roner, seconded by Naber SalfiDgere, that Itesolution No. 1182 be adopted. Carried by the followinc wte: AYES: MeaHrs: Mitchell, RoeBer, Salfinlere and Pisher NOBS: Me.Hr.: None ABSENT:, Me.ber: Spfe,l PLOOD cœftOL AGItBEMENT Continued to September 17, 1959. AlJTBQlUZB ~AU.TI~ PLANS AND SPB::IPICATIœlS J1OIt 'I'IDœS(Jf ROAD, LAPAYET'l'E. PAltAtt.RJ SJßØDt After an explanation fro. Mr. Borstkotte, District Manacer-Bacineer, it was IIOved byM.ller Salfinlere, seconded by Meliber Roemer, that $600.00 be authorized froB Sewer Construction General Pands for the preparation of plaDS aDd specifications for a parallel sewer on Thoapaon Road, Lafayette. Carried by the followinc.wte: AYES: Me.bers: Mitchell, RoeBer, Salfinlere and Fisher NOES: Meabers: None ABSENT: Me.ber I Spie, 1 VI I . REPORTS DISTRICT NANMDR-BfGDfJillt STAma OP watI: œVARIœs DIS'1'RIC'r jœS Mr. Horstkotte, District Manaler-Bacineer, reported the prolress on the .District jobs uDder construction. CXØNSEL FOR THB DISTRICT None. 09 03 ,59 130 VIII . ADJOORNMENT At 10:35 o'clock P.M., the aeetin¡ wa. adjourned by President Fisher to Septeaber 17,1959. . /.¡ Pre ent 0 be :Dis ct Board 0 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa Count" State of California CXlJNTERSIGNBD: ~.. -~ ecr tar}' - 0 - lIia~ric~ Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Coata County, State of California 100...--" , ~ 09 03 59