HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-20-59 1~1 MINUTES OP AN ADJOORNED RJDJLAR MBETING OP 'DIE DIS'J.'RICl' BOARD C1!NTItAL camtA COSTA SAlUTARY DISTRIC1' HELD AUGUST 20, 1959 ~ The ,District Board of Ceatral Contra Costa Sanitary District conyened in an Adjourned Replar Session at ita relular place of l18etinllocated at 1250 Spdnlbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of CaHfomia, on Aucust 20, 1959, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. þo ì J The ~etinl was called to order by President Fisher. I. ROLL CALL PRESElfT : .MeaHrs: Mitchell, Rouer, Sa1finlere and Pisher ABSBNT I MelÜer: Spiel1 II . APPROVAL OP MINUTES The Minutes of the aeetin. of AUluat 6, 1959, were ~ppmved as presented. III. APPROVAL OP BILLS None. I V . JlBAR [NGS None. ~ V. OLD æSINBSS ItJQ1EST. JQt .AlJDIElfCE RE ASSBSSNENTS IN OAK SIRDfGSSUBDIVISIa'l. lifA'1B.Alf G. GRAY '. I Continued to Septeaber 17,1959. . PROPOSED AMBNØŒNT TO ORDINANCE 25 Continu.ed to Septellber 17, 1959. Mellber Speill arrived at 8:15 o'clock P.M. AMENDED C<mfBC'l'ION CIIARGB ŒDINANCB Nr. Borstkotte, District Mnaler-lIDlia.eer,- nd Mr. BohR, Counsel for the District, reviewed the proposed chaDleS in the connection Charle Ordinance. After discussion, it was sullested that paralraph 15 be aoved to para~ Iraph 45 and the other para¡raph nulIHrs adjusted accordinlly. : ORDINANCE 33. AN œDINANCE Eft~G RAT~ AND CHARGES Jœ Q:IOO!CTI<If ro THB SI!WJItAGB SYST.BM OP 11m cmmw. can'RA COSTA :SAN~TARY DI$'11tICl'. PRO- VIDING JIItOCBœRBS AND PENALTIES Pœ ITS INP<:It.CJ!MBN1: AND aBPBALING œDINANCE 32 AND ALL <JtDINANCBS AND PARTS OP œDINANCBS IN CXlfPLICT IUUWI'rB ~ It was aoved by Mellber Roeiaer, seconded by Meaber Mitchell, that Ordinance 33 be adopted subject to .ovine para¡raph 15 to ,aralraph 45 and adjusting the other paralraph nu.bers accordiD,ly. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Me.bers:. Mitchell, Roeller, Salfinlere, Spie, 1 and Pisher NOBS : MelIN rs : None ABS11NT. Meabers. None CDtfD.BNNATIOf 0. MAC CAULEY EASJDœNT. UPPJlRBAPPY VALLEY Mr. Horstkotte, District Manaler-Bßlineer; explained that for lood en¡ineerin, it was necessary that the ease.eat required by Dr. Lifschu1tz be located on the south property line of the MacCauley property. Letter fro. t~. Lifschultz was read, aDd Mr. Keefe, representinc Dr. Lifschultz, explained the nelotiations and offers .ade to Mr. and Mrs. MacC.uley in an effort to obtain the easeaeat on their property. 08 20 5~ 1.22 Mr. MacCau1ey stated that he was concerned with the grading and ex- cavating to he done because of the location bein¡ known as a slide area. Mr. MacCau1ey. upon asking the cau.estion, was info riled that the line was expected to be installed under Ordinance 25 ~ich would require that any connection froll his property pay a proportionate share of the cost of in- stalling the sewer and that he would be responsible for any da.age to the sewer caused by excavating or Irading his property. Mellher Mitchell stated that as the location was in a slide area the sewer would beco.e a District proble. and the District should consider requirin, a leolosist's report at the expense of'the property owner needing the ease.ent. ~..... Mr. Horstkotte stated that, ~en plans for the work are presented to the District for review, they would be broucht to the attention of the Board. After discussion. it was aoved by Mellher Spiell.: seconded by Meaher Mitchell, that conde8Dation of the MacCau1ey ease.ent off of Happy Valley Road be authorized and that Dr. Lifschul tz, needinl tlR easeaent, deposit $1,000.00 on account for the expenses to be incurred by the District. Carried by the fol10wina vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Me.hers: Mitchell, Roeaer, Salfingere, Spies 1 and Fisher Meabers: None Me.hers: None Mr. Bob, Counsel for the District, stated that the condeamation now becomes a District problell to follow throulh and is out of the hands of those 'Aho !lade the ori,inal request for condeanation.. DAMAGB TO DOLPHIN AND UGR'l' œ OOTPALL SBWBR Mr. Horstkotte, District Manaler-BDcineer, reported that upon checking with the Coast Guard he was infor.ed that only occasionally do the, find the guilty party wbo causes such daaage as that ~ich occurred to the dolphin and li¡ht; in this case they did not find the luilty party. Mr. Horstkotte proposed that the dolphin and light be a single pile of precast, prestressed concrete. ~ When President Pislaer asked why bave a dolphin at all. Mr. Horstkotte stated that the Coast GUard required a aarkin, device for underwater structures. I Mr. Horstkotte reco_ended that the dolphin and lilht not he insured due to the blah cost. It was IIOved by Me.her Roeaer, seconded by Meaber Mitchell, that ,an ellergency exists and that the dolphin and light be installed i..ediately usinl a sinlle precast, prestressed, concrete pile at a cost not tó exceed $5,000.00 payable from Sewer Construction General Punds. Carried by the followinl vote: AYES: Me.hers: Mitchell, Roelller, Salfinlere. Spiegl and Fisher NOBS: Mahers: None ABSENT: Meahers: None PURœASB OP BOAT AND MOTOR PŒ INSPæTIœ OP WTPALL S.BWB1t Mr. Horstkotte, District Manaler-ÐngÏDeer, stated that a boat would be needed once a 8Onth the first year. bi-.onth1y the second year, and every six lIonths after the second year. The cost of rentin¡ a boat would be $25.00 to $30.00 per day. ' ~ Member Roemer stated that the type of boat SUllested for purdhase would have to be registered with the Coast Guard and the District would have in- surance problems. He sullested that the District contract with so.eøne to take District personnel out when necessary. Member Mitchell SUllested that a joint survey he Bade with the State Water Pollution Control Board. President Pisher stated that he favored Me.her Mitchell's suisestion. 08 20 59 1.23 Mr. Horstkotte said he would check on the succestions and report at the Septe.b~r 3, 1.959, aeetul. .AUTBatIZATICIf Pœ RBSIDBNT ENGINBBItING AT ORINDA œosSROADS AND MOkAGA PUMPINGSTATI<JfS Letter fro. Bro.- and Caldwell, .ettinl forth the allOunt of $25,000.00 for re.ident eDliaeerin¡ for the Oriada Cros.road. and Moraca PampiDg ~tation8, was present.ed. ~ It wa. IIOved by Meabar Roeaer, seconded by Me_ber Spie,l, that Mr. Horsttotte, District Manaler-Bßliaeer, be authorized to acknowledle the ter.. of $25,000.00, pa,able froB Sewer Construction load PuDd8, for resident encineeriD¡ for the Orind. Crossroads and Norala PaapiDg Stations by sipin, a copy of the letter fro. Brown and Caldwell dated AulUst 10, 1959, an~ . returaiD¡ it to thea as requested. Carried by tke followinl vote: " ¡ AYBS: MeaHrs: Mitchell, Itoeaer, Salfineere, Spiell and Pisher NOBS: Meabers: None ABSENT: Meabers: None VI . NBW BJSINBSS RJQJEST Pat AllNDATI<Jf 011 auNDA CRBST JWlŒ. OWNER J. w. BRafN It ..s 8Oved by Mellber Roeaer, seconded by Meaber Mitchell, that ter.. for annexine Orinda Crest Manor be $277.00 per acre plus cost of proce.siDg. Carried by the followiD¡ .vote: AYES: MeaHrs: Mitchell, Roeller, SalfiDlere, Spiell and Pisher NOBS: Mabers: None ABSENT: Meaber8:: None AœBPTANCB Oil USBNBNTS. Fk<JI UTAH cœSTRIICTIcIf , MININGØQ. AND MARU> DBVIL- 0PMBn' COMPANY ~ . ' , , It was Boyed '" Meabar Splell, seconded by Meabar Mitchell, that ea.e- Bents frOB Utah Conatnction . Miniq Co. and Marlo Ðeyelopaent Co. H accepted and their recordiDg ordered. Carried by the followinl vote: . .- J AYES: MeaHrs: Mitchell, Roaer, Salfin¡ere, Spiell and lIisher NOBS: M_Hrs: NoDe ABSENT: Meabers: None YSOWTICIC NO. 1181. APPODfTINGCAItL~ B. ~ PBlMANIINT INTBRMIT1'~ ASSISTAIIT OPaATatAT '1'IØ '1'RBA'1'N1IfT PLANT . , . . . It ..s 8O'9'èd by Meaber Roeaer, seconded by Maber Mitchell, that Resolution No. 1181 be adopted. Carried þy the followin¡ vote: AYES: M_bers: Mitckell, Roeaer, SalfinJere, Spiell .and lIiaher NOBS: . MeaHra: NODe ~BNT: Me.Hrs: None CALL pœ CIVIL SIItVICB BXANINATI<JfJlOR CLBRIt TYPIST ~ It ..1 mved by Meaber Roaer, a.coDded by Meaber Salfinlere, that a Civil Service exaaination for the position of Clert Typist be held. Carried by the following yote: AYES: Mellber.: Mitchell, Roser, Salf iDlere, Spie,l and lIisher NOBS:: MeaHr.: None ABSBNT: Mellbers: NODe CXlUtBSP<IIDJfiCB Jll:0M MR. R. A.. MAGUIU as IftCHASB 011 EXCBSS LAND OVER '1'111 iiihs Oil ~~ U,! Oil TBB O~~ IWLWA~ RIGHr 011 WAY PURaIASBI> BY '11IB DIS'11tICT PltOM TIIB OLIVIIIRA t S Mr. Ho~sttotte ..s Instructed to 8Dlwer this and similar re4¡uesta In the sa.e 8aaaer he answered the previous aillilar request. SBrl'LBMBNT OP 'l'BOMPSCIf CLAIM Mr. Horsttotte, District Mana,er-BnJiDeer, ad Mr. Bou, Counsel for the District, explained that the Thompson claia was a typical sewer stoppace cas.. 08 20 59 1.24 Mr. Bohn stated that the iDsurance carrier was willing to settle ,the claiaa for $850.00. the District to pay one-half of ,the clâi., $425.00. After discussinl the probleu involved. Meaber Spiegl stated that he was concerned about settling the case at this tiaae because of its effect on future District policy. Mr. Bobn said the Batter wasbroulht before the Board for a policy de- termination. He also said there was SOM aedtin tryinl the case. The District Board a¡reed that the case should pzoceed to trial. lUQJEST pœ ANNEXATIœf Ot.JUYmfILB ~L SITE. Ot1INBt cœ'l'RA COSTA COONTY .......... Mr. Horstkotte. District Manaler-Bngineer, explained the present contract for the Juvenile Hall sewers and stated that the line installed by tile County for the juvenile Hall had Ireater capacity than needed as a private line. Member Spiegl stated that if the amaual service curle was discontinued annexation fees would beco.e due and payable. Mr. Horstkotte read a letter froB the County relardinl the Juvenile Hall line and property. Mr. Horatkotte reco..ended that the Juvenile Hall property be annexed and that the annual service cherIe be continued. It was ItOved by Me.her Salfinlere, seconded by Me.ber Mitchell, that an alreeaent he prepared to amaex the Juvenile Hall property in accordance with the letter received froB the County, dated Aulust 18, lQ59, aDd providinl that if the service cherie is discontinued by the County, the annex.tion fees would be due and payable. Carried by the followiDJ vote:: aYES: Mea.rs: Mitchell, Roe.er, Salfingere, Spie,l and Piaher NOES: Nellhers: None ABSENT: Me.hers: None SLATER AVENUE BXTBNSIœf. BBVERLY GLEN, WAT!RSHED 24 œAaGE '---' After an explanation and recomaendation froll Mr. Horstkotte, District Manaler-Bn¡iDeer, it was 8Oved by Meaher Rofter, seconded by Meaher 'SalfiDlere, that the Watershed 24 charle for Beverly Glen shall be $250.00 per acre... Carried by the followiDJ vote: .' AYES : NOES: ABSENT: Meahers: Meabers: Nabers: Mitchell, Roeaer, Salfin¡ere, Spiell and fisher None None VI I . REPORTS, DISTRICT NANAGER-JIIG1NEJIt AIR GAP INSTALIATIœ AT TUA'1'Ml!NT PlANT Mr. Horstkotte, District Nanaler-BaJineer, reported that the air lap . contract installation cost $6,863.78 out of an authorization of $8,000.00 for the work. It was aoved by Meaher Mitchell, seconded by Meaher: Itoeller. that the balance of the "Air Gap Water Syatea at the Treat.eat Plant" authorization, after deduction for encineerinl and District expense, be: transferred: back to the Sewer Construction General Pund. Carried by the followinl vote:: "-" AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Neabers: Mitchell, Roeaer. Salfinaere, Spiell and Pisher Meabers: None M_bers: None PBDERAL RINDS UND. LAW NO. 606 Mr. Horstkotte reported that the District..s so far down the priority list for Federal funds under La. No. 606 that there was no chance of the District'. receivlnl fund a fro. this source. .---' 08 20 59 1.25 $TAmS OP wœK œ THE ORINÐA atOSSROADS AND aatAGA PUMPING STATIŒS AND LINB A . Mr. Horstkotte reported that work on the OriDda Crossro.ads 8I1d Moraga Pumpinl Stations and Line A was proar~ssin~ satisfactorily. STA'lVS op.WòB œ OOTfALL SBWBR.saœmLB II . ,., Mr. Horstkotte reported that a _eeting between Brown aDd Caldwell, M. Miller. Co., and the District had been held and Miller was aking progress on the ,Outfall Sewer, Sdbedu1e II, job. , I OXIDATIœ PæÐS LBASE The Board was notified that the extension of tiae on the Hooper 1.aae was due to expire at the end 'of August. The District Board agreed that the lease should be continued on a _onthly baa is as 10n¡ as needed. AGlt1UIOJfr . WI'DI CITY OP CONC<JU) POI. SBWBR SBRVI'CB Mr. Horatkotte presented an alreeBent relative to providiDgthe City of Concord with 8ewer service for consideration at the September 3, 1959, _eeU..,. PROPOUD GARBAG.B PltANCHISE ORDINANCE . Mr. Horstkotte presented to the District Board.a proposed OrdinDce for aarbagefr8l1chise. He stated that it would be placed on the Sept..ber 3,1959, agenda if Members of the Board wished to consider it at that tiae. Contiaued to Septe.ber 3,1959. ~ CORItBSPOmBNCB PltOM '1'ØB an Of WALNUT CR.BBI: RB S.BWBRING 1GNACIO VALLEY Mr. Horstkotte presented a letter froB the City of Walllut. Creek re severing Y¡nacio Valley using District fundawith a guarantee froB the City of Walnut Creek of recovery by the District over a ten-year period. Member Ipiegl stated that an agreeaeat with the City would have to be presented first. Me_ber Mitchell stated that a financial report as to the District's ability to provide the funds shoäld be presented. Mr. Horstkotte stated that the District staff would pursue the .atter further. MCltAGA BASJlNBNT Mr. Bor8tkotte reported that he had aet with Utah Construction Co. Dd Bast Bay MaBicipal Utility District regarding the MOraga ea8eaent problem and that it appeared Jt would co.. out 8atisfactorily. . CXlJNSB¡. PCIt '11IB DIS'lRICT VACATIœ f"""'\ Mr. Boha, Counael for the Di8trict, reported that he would be on vacation ed would _iS8 the September 3, 1959, meetinl but that he would have a repre- sentative at the aeeting. i , JUSTIfICATION POR SJ!WBR cœSTItJCl'IŒ AUTHORIZATIœS . Member Mitchell requested that Departaent H.ad8 provide justification for authorization of Sewer Construction funds in a siap1e fora explaining why the request was being .ade and .hat alternates were con8idered; a formal work order request to be presented to the Board. . 08 20 59 1.26 VIII. ADJaJRNMENT At 11:10 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjou~ed by President Pisher to September 3, 1959. CœNTERSIGNBD: ~..-' ~~£?6Ii Central Contra Costa Saaitar, District of Contra Costa County, State of California. , , ~ ~ 08 20 59