HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-06-59 1.16 MINUTES OP A RBGUIAR MBBTING : OP 'DIE DISTRICT BOARD CBN1RAL CON'I'RA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD AUQJST 6, 1959 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of aeetinglocated at 1250 Spring- brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of Califomia, on August 6, 19'9, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. . In the absence of President Pisher, the .eeting was called to order by Me.her Roe..r. '"--" I . ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Meabers : Mi tchell , Sal £iDlere and Roeaer ABSENT : Me.Hr.: Pisher and Spiecl Melllber RoGer was unani.ously elected President Pro Tea. II. APPROVAL OP MINUTES 'lbe Minutes of the .eeting of July 16, 19'9, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OP BILLS It was .oyed by Me.ber Mitchell, seconded by Me.her Salfqere, tbat the bill. a. audited by the Auditing Coaaittee and as subaitted by the District Man8ler-BngiDeer, be approved, reference beiag specifically _de to Sewer Coaatruction Youclaers Nu.ber. 404 to 426, incl.aiye, ad ltunnq BKpense Vouchers Nuabeia 3199 to 3960, incl..ift. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Me.bers: Mitchell, Salfingere and Roeaer JIÐBS: Meaber. : None ABSENT: Mabers: Piaher and Spiell "-----"" I y. IUWtINGS None. v. OLD lIJSINBSS PROPOSED AMBNJIUINT TO CltDINANCE 25 Continued to August 20, 1959. lU3S0WTION NO. 1119. APPOINTING JOSH'" G.BBNTJIt.. U~UTY MÀN It was 8Oyed by Me.ber Salfingere, secoDdèd by Me.her Mitchell, that Resolution No. 1119 be adopted. Carried by the followinl vote: AYBS: Mellbers: Mitchell, SalfiDlere aDd Roeaer NOES: M_bera: None ABSBNT: Me.bers: Piaher and Spiegl PROPOSED CONNETION OIARGE ORDINANCE Continued to Au¡ust 20, 1959. ~ VI. NEW BUSINJISS CCltRBSPamBNCB PRO( NA'l'HAN GRAY RB ASSBSSNBNT IN OAK: SPRINGS SUBDIVISION Letter fro. Mr. Gray, relative to allowinl credit for assess..nts paid in Local I.proye.eat District No. 14 to apply to lots being built upon out- side of Local I.proyeaeat Diatrict No. 14, was read. 08 o~ 59 1.1-7 It ..s 8O....d by Meaber Salfingere, seconded by Me.ber Mitchell, that the reque.t of Nathan G. Gray to sIlo. credit on a..e.sa.t. paid in Local Iapto.eaeat Di.trict No. 14 to apply again.t lot. beinl built upon out.ide of Local Iapro.e_t District No. 14 be deaied. . Carried by tbe followinl w~: . . AYES: Melabers: Mitchell, Sa1fiDgere and Roeaer . NOES: Meaber8: None ABSENT: Meabers: Piûer and Spiell ,., oœRBSPœDBNCB PROM MR. RO8BItT A. UJfÐ8JIItG U vn OP 8AC1tAN1NTO NOR'I'JIBRM MILWAY RIGID.' OP WAY NOW 08tBÐ BY 'lBB DISTRIcr ~ j Letter froa Mr. Saadberg wa. read. Be .tated that .oae of tile o...ers , alOl1l the 8aor...to Northem aailway right of way were iateresteel in tbe purchase of portio.s of tbe ri,ht of way whicb tbe District would coDsider excess property. They would like to ha.e aD alree...t for the pre.eat u.~ and upkeep of the propert,.. Be further .tated that the property o..ers la the area were oppo.ed to the use of the dlht of way for; a roadway o~ trail 'ride. Mr. IIorstkotte, District M8O.,er-Ba,ineer, ... iastracted to answer Mr. Saadberg'. letter. ,LIN. A.PAltCBL5. AtaBIMJIff Mr. Borsttotte reported that Parcel ;S of LiDe A ..s owaed '" the Co8Dty (Buchan.. Pield property). ~e area is planted in alfalfa UDder lease to Mr. 118agiai uti! .o.e.er, 1962. The Couaty recei.es 201 of tile Bet profit as natal. Mr. Manllai subllitted cost fiJUres :to ,the Di.trict *ich esti- a.ted the Bet profit at $1,104.29 aanually on the 5.29 acres ~e District would destroy. Thi8... at the rate of $208.75 per acre per year. ~ Upoa üectla. with Mr. Scott, M..,.r of Buc~an Pield, he reported that the Coaaty "as paid $2,077.55 ,..rapre..U... 101 of the total .et of . $lO,387.73aaraed in 1958, a total of 470 to.. being ha"e.~ad on 45 acra.. 'Dais was at the rate of $230.83 per acre per year. ' " j . . . . Mr. Boratkotte .tated it, would be cheaper for tile ~strict to p~y for , the net profit OB the crop 10.. to the ..d of tile lease period, N~eaber. 1962 (a total of $3,254.59) rather than 10 to the expense of restorinl the groUDdto tile pr~per Irade"re.toriag the.ir~il~tiOD .yste., aad reseeding for n.. crops for tile re.iainJ period of the lease. It ... ao.ecI '" Meaber Mitchell, seconded by Meaber Salfin¡ere, that up to $3,754.59 be 8thorised for crop da.... OD the Buç~an. Piald pnperty WIder l.ase to Mr. Maaslai until No.e.ber, 1962. Carried by the followÎJI.g .ote: . . AYES: Me"r.: Mitelaell, SalfiDIere aad ao.er NOBS: Mea"'rs: lIoae AlSJlMTI Meabers: Piaber and Spieg!, IT CLAIM DID 1'0 UTAII CCIIS11t1JC'11C1l CO. ....., , Mr. Borstkotte, District. Manager-Bagiae,r, Itated that Parcels 14, 15 and 16 of ,Local Iapro.e...t Diatrict No. 26 were beiDI qaitclaiaed and . new ease.eat o18taiaed la coaj_étion witla tJae De. puapi..station at Morala. It ... 8O....d by Mellber Mitchell, secoaded by Meaber Sàlfiagere, that the President ad Secretary be authorized to cpait clai. 'arcel. 14, .5 and '16 of Local Iapro.eMat District No. 26 to Utah CoD8h'uc~ioa Co. Ca,:ried by the fo11owiag .ote. . AYES. Meabers. Mitclle11 , 881fiapre and Ro88er NOBS: ""Hrs: lIone :ABSBNTt M_IHtrs. Piaher and Spie.l ' !!IJBST pœ RBPI!!!...2r CXJfNBJ'l'Iœ ~,PAID . IUSSBLL CJI'!!!!! , . Letter fro. Mr. Belgar B.' Stewart, attomey for Mr. ......11 Cbaffla, requestiDl refuad of coaaectio. fee paid ia the aaDuat of $141.75 because of a aisuDderstandin. regarding his couection to, the sewer, va. presented. 08 06 59 1.1.8 After an explanation fro. Mr. Horstkotte and upon his reco..endation, it was .oved by Me.her Mitchell, seconded by Me.her Salfingere, that tile request of Mr. Chaffin for a refund of conaection fee paid be denied. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Meahers: Mitchell. Salfingere and Roeaer NOES: Meabers : Noae ABSENT: MeÌIIHra: Pisher and Spiegl AUTlDtIZATIaf JIOR CIVIL sana :mwqNATION pœ PLANT OPJDtATat AND PIta«>- TIafAL :mwIINATIQN pœ SBttOR S:BW.BR INSPJJCT(Jt, It was 8OVed by Me.ber Mitchell. seconded by Meaber Salfingere, that a written and oral civil service exalliaation be held for the' position of Plant Operator ad an oral aad pro.otional civil service exaaination be laeldfor the position of Senior Sewer Inapector. Carried by tlte followiag vote: . ........ AYES: Meabera: Mitchell, Salfingere and Roner NOES: Meabersl None ABSENT: Mabers: Piaber aad Spiegl RJQ1EST Pat CONDBMNATIaf OP MAC CAULEY ~EMJIa. UPPER HAPPY VALLin' Continued to Augu~t20, 1959. AOOEPTANCE OP BASEMENT SOl HAROLD B. GLIDDQf Mr. Boa, Co1lDSel for the District. explained there were certain con- dition. in the easeaeat which he would like to have re80ved, although they were acceptable. It waa aoved by Me.her Mitchell. seconded by Meaber Salfingere, that the eaaeaeat froa Harold B. Gliddon be accepted subject to the approval of Mr. BObn, Counael for the Diatrict, ad ita recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Mellbera: Mitchell. Salfingere ud !toner NOES: Me.hers : None ABSENT: Me8bers: Piaher and Spiegl ~ AœBP1'ANCE OP BASBMINTS JIIOI B. B. M. IAPA'fm'TB CO., PHILIP 1:. cœÐIT I AND MARLO DBVELOPKSNT COMPANY It waa 8OVed by Me.bar Salfiagere, secoRded by Me.her Mitchell. that easeaents fro. B. B. M. Lafayette Co., Philip 1:. Condit. and Marlo Develop- MDt Co. be accepted ad tlaeir recording ordered. Carried by' the following voh: : AYES: Mabers: Mitchell, Sallingere and Roser: NOES: Me.bera: None ABSENT: Meabers: Piaber and Spiegl AUTHORIZATION IUt. PURCllÁSB OF SCALB POR CBLOIUNB TANU AT TltBATMBNT PLANT After an explanation fro. Mr. Horstkotte, Diatrict Manager-Engineer, it wa. .oved by Member Mitchell. seconded by'Me.her Salfingere, that $219.59 be authorized froll Sewer Construction General Pands for the purchase of a chlorine tank scale. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Me.bers: Mitchell, Salfingere and Roeaer NOES: Meøthers: None ABSENT: Members: Piaher and Spiegl ~ REPORT OP AUDIT OP DISTRICT CONTRIBUTIONS TO 'DIE RftIRBMBiT SYSTEM Letter fro. the County Auditor's office, reporting that the audit of the employees' retire_at deductions and District contribetions fro. April 1, 19:49, to May 31, 195', found no discrepancies ia the a.oUBt rellitted by the District to the Retire.eat System for the period inspected, was presented. 08 o~ 59 11.9 DIsaJSSIœ tq'DI MR. PRANK: ANGELO. cxmrrr 1UW.'1'11 DEPAIt'DŒNT. RB CXIfN:BCTI<»f POLICY aD OItDDfANCB at IŒAL'I'R HAZARD . 0 . ) 'Mr. Prank Ance1o of the CoUDty Health Departaent reported to the Di8trict Board that seyeral boaes on Prout Street in DaDville have faulty septic tank. and were drainiDe into the creek. Be stated that a full: report would be pre- sented later on this particular incident aDd astedthe Di8trict's cooperation in this specific case and the leneral problem of lettinl faulty septic tank a ys teas . couected tG the s... I' . ' Mr. BGrsttotte, District M8Ilaser-Bagi..er, ad Meabers of tlaeBøard stated tliat tile, were willinl to cooperate to tile fullest extent but tliat the County .ald have to act first relative, toenablÍDgordinanc:es. ,., W.BMmrr AØJUœMENTWITB BAIT BAY ÞlDfICIPAL UTILITY D,S'l'RIC1' .ItBJJDtBa BY LIPPOW DBVBLOJIMJIMT CX>MPAlfY,- : Mr.Dohn, Counsel for tile District, stated tll.at the easelleDt alreealent from the Bast Bay MUDicipal Utility District for a third party Bight re- quire a supple...ta1 agreeast from the third party. It was moved by Meaber Mitchell, seconded by Meaber Salfinsere. that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute theeaseaent agreement from the Bast Bay MUBicipal Utility Dtstrict subject to the aPPlOval of Mr. BOAm, Coun8el for tlteDistrict. Carried by the fo1lowiDg vote: . AYES: Members: Mitchell, SalfiDgere and Roelle.r , NOES : Me"'rs : None ABSBNT: Meabers. Pi_er ael Spie,l ~. MiN.BU.TIœ TJIUIS Pœt PaOPIIRTY ON BI<BWAY 21. ALAJI). OWN. HUL GIWIT It wa. lIOYed by Me.ber Mitchell, aeconded by Me.berSalfiDgere, that ter.. for 88I1exi... tll.e Phil Grant property on Highway 21 at Alaao be $191.00 per 8cre plus cost of processial. Carried by the following vote: " J ,i'DIS: Members: Mitcllell, Salfinsere aDd Roemer lOBS: "'lIbers: None . AB5a1T: "'mbel's, Piaher IIftd 5piell AlJ'l1DUZATI<II PCå BDaJnœ OP AlSIGNMJIft TO 'DOl. DIS'l'RICT OP CXIft'RACT OP M.G.M. cœ-šiiiëñõø CO.. ~$(If .TOPBU Mm SMTA PH irILWAY POR MAINTBNAJICB CROSSING œr QJTPALL LDŒ -- '. .",. ~,." Mr. Bolan, eoauel for the District, stated that he had not rniewed the contract M.G.M. Constraction Co. had with the railroad. It -: aoved by Me.ber Mitchell, seconded by Meaber Salfingere, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the as.ignaent to the 0 District of tJae contract M.G.M. Construction Co. has ..tth tile ~tchi~n. Topeta 1& Santa Pe Railway for road crossiDe subject ,to the appftJval of Mr. Bolm, Counsel for the District. Carded by the following wte: AYES: Mellber8: Mitcl1ell, SalfiDsere and Roeaer . NOBS: MellHl'SI None ABSENT: Me.bers. Pialler aDd Spiell RBSOLUTIœ MO. 1180. AromNG PLANS AND SPBCIPICATIœS P(Il, LINE J AND .MT1'IØIZIIIG CALL POIt BIDS 0 ,., It was 8OYed by Meaber Mitchell, seconded by Mellber SalfiDg-ere, that Resolution No. 1180 be adopted. Carded by the followinl vote: ADS: M_bers. Mitchell, SalfiD,ere and Roeaer NOBS. Members: None A8SBIIT: ""'1'8' Pi8her and Spiell parouss PA!M1W1' TO M. MILLBR & CX»IPANY Mr. Honttotte, District Muacer-Bn,ineer, reported that a pro,ress paJ'llut h~ been requested by M. Miller & Company iD the a8Oant of $75,232.35, but that Notices to Withhold Which had been filed exceeded that . aBlOunt. 0,8 06 59 :1~ It was aoved by Meaber Mitchell, secoDded by MeMber SalfiDlere, that the District Board acknowledges receipt of a request for progress pa,..ent due to M. Miller. Co. Carried by the followiDl vote: AYES: Meabers: Mitchell, Salfinlere and Roeaer NOBS: Meabers: None ABSENT: Meabers: Piaher and Spiegl ACX:BPTANCB OP EASaœNT PR<JC Cœ.ntA COSTA CXIJNTT.. TOWN 0' ORIND. It was aoved by MeMber Sallinlere. seconded by aI_ber Mitchell, tbat the easeaent fro. the Count, of Contra Costa in the town of Orinda area be accepted and its recordinl ordered. Carried by the following vote: '------' AYES: Meabers: Mitchell, Sallinlere aDd Iloe.r NOBS: Meabers: None ABSENT: Meabers: Piaher and Spiell VI I . ItBPCm'S DISTRICt MANAGER-INGlNBJIt '., DAMAGE TO DOLPHIN AND LIGHT at œTPALL SEWER Mr. Boratkotte. District Mana,er-In¡in.eer, reported that the dolphin, and light on the Outfall Sewer had been d...ged and replaceMent would coat approxiaate1, $5,000.00. MeMber Mitchell questioned whether it should be replaced. After discussion, ~e aatter was contiDued to Au¡ust 20.1959, for furtlaer report. RJQJBST POa IUJIœASJI OP BOAT AND NO'1'Ca Mr. Borstkotte requested aut_ori.ation to purc"'se a boat and Motor at a cost of approxiaatel, $1,500.00 for i.spec'tion of tile Outfall Sewer. , . ~ President Pro Tea Roeaer sulgested investigating tbe rental of a boat when needed. Continued to ABauat 20.1959. COONSEL R>R '1'IŒ DI S'l'RICT None. VI I I . ADjœ8NMJl{T At 9:23 o'clock P.M.. the, aeetiag..s adj~u~~ by President Pro Tea Roe.er to Aulust 20.1959. I . ~~ c£:.' "."':; 1 Pro T8!I1 .. ~ Presideat/of the District Board of Ceatral Contra Costa S..itar, District of Contra Costa CouRt" State of California COONTBRSIGNBD: ~ 08 06 59