HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 12-22-49
The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
convened in adjourned session at .i ts regular place of meeting
located at 1822 Nt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek,
County of Contra Costa, State of California, at the hour of 8:00
.o'clock p.m., on December 22, 1949.
The meeting was called to order by President Wadsworth and the
following roll was called:
Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
The Minutes of. the previous meeting were read and were approved
as entered.
The following letter waS received and read:
"District Boarct
Central Contra Costa Santo Dist.
1822 Mt. Diablo Blvd.
Walnut Creek, Calif.
December 22, 1949
"We wish to annex certain properties to your Sanitary District.
These are as follows.
liThe former Hook property lying between Hookston Road and Monument
Road and between Southern Pacific Railroad and the present District
Boundary at the state Highway No.4 CC 75 B!
liThe portion of the former Roche property lying westerly and north-
erly of the present District boundary and contiguous thereto and
bounded on the northwest by Grayson Creek plus the adjoining parcel
formerly owned by Dresser.
IIWe request that you set the conditions under which you will accept
these annexations. We are prepared to pay all escaped taxes and
costs of effecting the annexations.
Very truly yours
/s/ E. J. McGah."
It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson that
the request for annexation be laid on the table indefinitely.
Carried unanimously.
The American Trust Company by letter of December 21, enclosed
a photostatic copy of Assignment of the sumsdue Downer Corp. and
Onion Paving Company under contract for Local Improvement District
No.3, and requested acknowledgemet of receipt of Assignment.
The President of the Board acknowledged receipt of Assignment.
It was moved by Member Smitten, secDnded by Member Johnson that
the Petition for annexation election of the Alamo-Danville-Diablo
area be disapproved: Motion was denied by the following vote:
Members Johnson and Smitten
Members Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None.
It was moved by Member Cornwall, seconded by Member Toland that
the petition for annexation election of the Alamo-Danville-Diablo
area be accepted. Carried by the following vote:
Members Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members Johnson and Smitten
Members - None
Mr. J. Thaddeus Cline thanked the Board for their patience,
courtesy and consideration in the matter.
Member Toland, seconded by Member Cornwall moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 528:
. WHEREAS, a Petition, signed by Twenty-Five per cent (25%) of the
freeholders residing in the hereinafter described territory proposed
to be annexed to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, as shown
by the last equalized assessment roll of Contra Costa County, was
presented to this Board on the 15th day of December, 1949, at the
hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the regular place of meeting
of said Board at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard in the City of Walnut Creek,
County of Contra Costa, State of California, asking that said territory
be annexed to said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by election
under the provisions of Part I of Division VI of the Health and Safety
. Code of the State of California, and an Affidavit of Publication of
said Petition, and of a Notice stating the time when said Petition
would be presented to this Board, was filed at said time and place; and
WHEREAS, said Petition' designated specifically the 'boundaries of
the territory proposed to be annexed and its assessed valuation, as
shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra
Costa, and states that said territory is in the same county as said
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, is contiguous thereto, and is
not within the limits of any other Sanitary District; and
WHEREAS, said Petition is verified by the Affidavit of one (1) of
the petitioners whose name is signed to said Petition; and
4 ~"
WHEREAS, said Petition was also accompanied by a surety bond
security for the payment by the petitioners of the reasonable
costs of the election on annexation in the event that at such
election less than a majority of the votes cast are in favor of
annexation; and
WHEREAS" at the time and pla,ce fixed in said Notice for said
hearing, this District Board proceeded to hear said Petition and
all persons interested therein who appeared; and
, WHEREAS, at said hearing of December 15,1949, both. oral and
written protests were presented to the District Board by certain
owners and resident freeholders residing within the territory
proposed to be annexed, as described in the Petition presented to
this Board; and,
. ,
WHEREAS, at said hearing said Board gave consideration to the
report made by its District Manager showing his investigation of
the area proposed to be annexed and said hearing waS continued to
this date; and
WHEREAS, said Petition and Affidavit show, and after a full
hearing, examination, and investigation, this Board has found and
does hereby find and declare:
That said Petition is duly 'verified by the Affidavit of one (1)
of the petitioners whose name is signed thereto; that said Petition
was duly published for at least two (2) weeks preceding the hearing
thereon by this District Board, together with a Notice stating
that said Petition would be presented to this Board on Thursday,
December 15, 1949, B.t the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. ,of said date,
at the meeting room of said Board, located as hereinbefore des-
, cribed, and that at said time and place all persons interested
therein might appear and be heard, November 28,1949 and December
5,1949, in the Walnut Creek Courier-Journal, a newspaper of
general circulation published in the District; that the Affidavit
of such publication has been presented to and is on file with this
Board; and that said Petition and said Notice so published are in
the form required by said Health and Safety Code of the State of
California; that there are Five Hundredtb~en(513) persons whose
names are signed to said Petition and who are freeholders residing
in the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the last
equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa; that said
Five Hundred Thirteen (513) petitioners constitute Twenty-Five per
cent (25%) of the freeholders residing in the territory proposed
to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of
the County of Contra Costa; that all of the facts set forth in
said Petition are true, and that all acts and conditions and things
required by law.to be done precedent to the hearing of said Petition
by this Board havé been done and have been performed in regular and
in due form and in strict compliance with the provisions of law
authorizing the presentation of said Petition;
(1) That upon the final hearing of said Petition and after a
full hearing, investigation and examination, this Board does hereby
find and determine that all of the territory described in said
Petition and in the judgment of this Board would be benefited by
annexation to said Sanitary District.
(2) That this Board does hereby approve said Petition as
(3) That the exterior boundaries of the territory proposed to
be annexed to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and spec-
ifically described in said Petition are hereby described as follows:
All that certain real property located in the County of Contra
Costa, State of California, described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the 'southern line of the
Walnut Creek School District and the west boundary line of Rancho
,San Ramon, which point is also the southwest corner of Gould's Add-'
ition to Walnut Creek filed July 26, 1911, and of record in Book 5
of Maps, at page 117, Contra Costa County Official ReCords, and
running thence southeasterly along said boundary line of Rancho San
Ramon to its intersection with the extension westerly of the north
boundary of the 0.60 acre t~act of land granted to E. B. Larson in
the deed of record in Recorder's File No. 16653-47; thence easterly
and southerly along said extension and along the north and east
bounda,ries and the extension southerly of the east boundary of said
parcel to the intersection thereof with the center line of a road
known as North Avenue (Las Trampas Road); thence northeasterly along
said center line to its intersect,ion with the northwesterly ext,ension
of the westerly boundary of the 6.79 acre ~ract of land deeded to G.
L. Ashby, et ux, of record in Volume 441 of Official Records, page
61; thence southeasterly along said extension and boundary and its
extension southerly to the intersection thereof with the northerly
boundary of the 0.507 acre tract of land deeded to J. S. Fairchild,
et ux, of record in Volume 548 Official Records, page 372; thence
westerly along said boundary and its extension westerly to the east-
erly line of the 10.90 acre tract of land deeded to M. Henry of
record ,in Recorder' s File No. 6629-47; thence southerly' along said
easterly boundary to the intersection thereof with the northerly
boundary of the Hemme Subdivision (Ford Tract) as said subdivision
is designated on map of record in Map Book C, page 66; thence west-
erly along the northerly boundary of said subdivision to the north-
west corner of Lot 6 of said subdivision; thence southeasterly along
the western boundary of said'Lot 6 to the intersection thereof with
the center line of a road known as Hemme ,Avenue; thence northeasterly
along said center line to the intersection thereof with the northwest-
erly extension of the westerly boundary of Los Alamos Estates, Unit
No.1, as said subdivision is designated on map of record in Map Book
34, pages 35 and 36; thence southeasterly along said extension and
boundary and its extension southeasterly to its intersection with the
line between Lots 11 and 18 of the aforementioned Hemme Subdivision;
'thence southwesterly along said line to the corner common to Lots 9,
10, 19 and 20 of said Hemme Subdivision; thence southeasterly along
the line between Lots 19 and 20 and its. extension southerly to the
intersection thereof with the center line of a road known as Camille
Avenue (Grosjean Avenue); thence northeasterly along said center line
to its intersection with the northwesterly corner of the 18.26 acre
tract of land deeded to M. K. Hart, of record in Volume 462 of Deeds,
page 128; thence southerly, westerly and southerly along the western
boundary of said 18.26 acre tract to its southwest corner, said corner
being in the center line of a creek and also being a point on the
western boundary of the 51.69 acre tract of land deeded to Frank
Rutherford, of record in Volume 346 of Deeds, page 46; thence south-
erly along the west, boundary of said 51.69 acre tract to the southwest
corner therèof;, thence westerly along the direct extension westerly
of the south line of said 51.69 acre tract to the center line of a
24 feet in width private road; thence southerly along said center
line to the southwe~t corner of the 18.377 acre parcel deeded to
Amalia T. Harper in Volume 531 of Official Records, at page 282;
thence easterly along the south line of said Harper parcel to the
center line of a 24 feet in width private road as described in Volume
528 of Official Records, at page 354; ,thence southerly along said
center line to the south line of the parcel of land ,deeded to G. A.
Willis of record in Volume 793, of Official Records, at page 481;.
thence northeasterly along'said south line and along the direct ex-
tension nortÞeasterly thereof to the westerly boundary of the 18.817
acre tract of land deeded to C. E. Bardwell et al, of 'record in
Record File No. 29008-46; thence southeasterly along said boundary to
southeast,ern corner of said 18.817 acre tract; thence leaving said
boundary in a southerly direction across a 40 foot county road, which
road bounds the last mentioned 18.817 acre tract of land on the south-
ee,st, to the intersection of the easterly boundary of the 42.444 acre
tract of land deeded to R. D. Kerley et ux, of record in Volume 748,
, Official Records, page 84; and the south boundary of said county
road; thence southeasterly and southwesterly along the eastern
and southern boundaries of said 42.444 acre tract and the exten-
sion westerly of said southern boundary to the northwest corner
of the 39.28 acre tract of land deeded to C. A. Love of record in
Volume 533, Official Records, pàge 295; thence southeasterly along
the western boundary of said tract and its extension southeasterly
to the most southerly corner of the 9.686 acre tract of land deeded
to I. E. Love, et ux, of record in Volume 664, Official Records,
page 63; thence northeasterly along the southerly boundary of said
9.686 acre parcel to its intersection with the northwesterly corner
of Lot 88 as said lot is delineated on the map of Ds,nville Estates,
which map was filed October 17, 1946 in Volume 31 of Maps, page 22,
23, and 24; thence southeasterly, southwesterly, southerly and
easterly along the western and southern boundaries of said Danville
Estates to its intersection with the west boundary of the State,
Highway to San Ramon; thence in a easterly direction across said
Highway to the southwesterly corner of Lot 77 as said lot is delin-
eated on the map of Danville Gardens which map was filed on October
23, 1846 in Volume 31 of Maps, page 26, 27 and 28; thence easterly
along the southerly boundary of ss,id. Danvi11e Gardens to the inter-
section thereof with the southwest corner of LOt 26 as said lot is
delineated on the map of Rancho San Ramon Heights, Unit No.1, which
map was filed April 5,1946 in Map Book 28, pages 46 and 48; thence
easterly and northerly along the southern and eastern boundaries
and the extension northerly of the eastern boundary of said .Rancho
San Ramon Heights No.1 to the intersection thereof with the center
line of the County road to Sycamore; thence sQutheasterly along
said center line to its intersection with the southerly extension
of the eastern boundary of Lot 136 as said lotis.delineated on
that certain map entitled Las Lomitas Subdivision Unit No.2, which
map was filed on November 9, 1948 in Map Book 36, pages 17 and 18;
thence northerly, westerly, northerly and westerly along the exter-
ior boundary line of said Las Lomitas Subd1vis1on Unit No.2 to
the intersection thereof with the easterly line of Lot 36 as said
lot is delineated on that certain map entitled Vista Grande which
map was filed June 29, 1946 in Map Book 30, pages 5 and 6; thence
northerly along said boundary to the intersection thereof with the
so~theast corner of the 26.255 acre tract of land deeded to E. M.
Christofferson, of record in Recorder's File No. 4810-49; thence
northeasterly and westerly along the easterly and northerly bound-
aries ofosaid land to a point in its north boundary which bears
north 89 47' 40" west 580 feet more or less from the northeast
corner thereof; thence leaving said boundary in a northerly direc-
tion 815 feet more or less to the southeast corner .of the 1.71
acre tract of land deeded to K. S. and H. R. Apger, of record in
Volume 1158, Official Records, page 361; thence northerly along
the easterly boundary of said 1.71 acre tract to the intersection
thereof with the southerly boundary of the 195.0 acre trs,ct of
land deeded to A. M. Short of record in Volume 384, Official Rec-
ords, page 328; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly
and westerly boundaries of said 195.0 acre tract to the intersec-
tion thereof with the southerly boundary of a road known as Green
Valley Road; thence northeasterly along said boundary to 1ts inter-
section with the most northerly corner of the tract of land deeded
to Community Land and Development Company of record in Recorder's
File No. 46657-48; thence southerly and easterly along the westerly
,and southerly boundary of said tract to the southwest corner of the
6.51 acre tract of land deeded to J. J. and A. C. Progress, of
record in Recorder's File No. 3676-49; thence easterly and northerly
along the southerly and easterly boundaries of said 6.51 acre tract
and the extension northerly of the easterly boundary to the inter-
section thereof with the northerly boundary of a road known as El '
Camino Tassajara; thence northwesterly along said northerly boundary
to its intersection with the center line of a road known as Calle
Cresp+;'thence northerly along said center line to its intersection
with the center line of a road known as Calle Los Collados; thence
northerly along said center line and its extension northerly and
westerly to its intersection with the north~jesterly boundary of the
1.50 acre tract of land deeded to E. S. and A. H. Onken, of record
in Recorder's File No. 39462-46; thence southwesterly along said
boundary, to its intersection with the center lire of a road known as
Alameda Diablo; thence southerly along said center line to its inter-
section with the northerly boundary of the 0.5 acre tract of land
deeded to R. H. Gibson, of record in Volume 1195 of Official Records,
page 249; thence westerly along said boundary to the northwest corner
of said 0.50 acre tract; thence southerly along the westerly boundary
of said 0.50 acre tract and its extension southerly to the northwest
corner of the 1.56 acre tract of land deeded to F. K. and G. A. Jack-
son, of record in Volume 888, Official Records, page 111; thence
southerly along the westerly boundary of said 1.56 acre tract to the
intersection thereof with the north line of a road known as Vista
Grande; thence westerly along said north line to the east lin~ of the
parcel of land deeded to Duncan S. Neilson of record in Volume 1316
of Official Records, page 97; thence northerly and westerly along
the easterly and northerly lines of said Neilson parcel to the north-
west corner thereof, said point being on a west line of the parcel of
land deeded to Jean J. Silva of record in Volume 772 of Official
Records, page 312; thence northerly and westerly alöng the exterior
boundary line of said Silva parcel to the intersection thereof of 0
the two courses "north 260 41' 30" west, 326.09 feet" and "south 45
53145" west, 1313.66 feet"; said angle point being located in the
southwest one-quarter of Section 15, Township One South, Range one
west, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian; thence leaving said southerly
boundary in a direct line due north to the intersection. thereof with
the northern boundary of said southwést one-quarter of said section,
township and range; thence westerly along the north boundary of 'the
southwest one-quarter of Section 15 of said Township and Range and
its extension westerly to its intersection with the center line of
a road known as Stone Valley Road; thence southerly along the center
line of said road to its intersection with the south boundary of
Sectiop 16 of the aforementioned Township and Range; thence westerly
along said south boundary of said Section 16 to its southwest corner;
thence southerly and westerly ålong the easterly and southerly
boundaries of the northeast one-quarter of Section 20 of the afore-
mentioned Township and Range and the extension westerly of said
southerly boundary to its intersection with the center line of San
Ramon Creek; thence in a northerly direction along said center line
to its intersection with the existing boundary of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District as per order of the Board of Supervisors of
, the County of Contra Cos,ta, dated June 15, 1946 declaring Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District duly formed and established; thence
southwesterly along said existing boundary to the point of beginning
of this description. All of the herein before references to deeds are
t~ Official Records of Contra Costa County, California.
(4) That said surety bond in the sum of ONE HUNDRED AND NoLlooths
DOLLARS ($100.00) be and the same is hereby approved and ordered
filed by the Secretary of said Board.
(5) That a resolution and order calling an election in the said
hereinbefore described territory proposed to be annexed for the
purpose of determining whether or not the said hereinbefore described
territory shall be annexed to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist-
rict be hereinafter adopted by this Board.
PASSED AND ADOPTED bY the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on
the 22nd day of December, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members Johnson and Smitten
Members - None
/8/ H. M., Smitten, Secretary
/s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President
Member Toland, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 529:
WHEREAS, a Petition signed by Twenty-Five per cent (25%) of
the freeholders residing in the territory hereinafter described
and proposed to be annexed to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the
County of Contra Costa, was presented to this Board on the 15th
day of December, 1949, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. of said
day at the regular meeting place of said Board at 1822 Mt. Diablo
Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California, asking that said territory
be annexed to said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, under
the provisions of Part I of Division VI of the Health and safety
Code of the State of California; and
WHEREAS, at the final hearing of said Petition duly and reg-
ularly held on December 22, 1949, the District Board of Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District found and determined that all of
the territory hereinafter described would, in the judgment of
,said Board, be benefited by annexation to said Sanitary District,
and approved said Petition, and made its order describing the
exterior boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the District Board of
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby order that an
election be held in accordance with the provisions of the Health
and Safety Code of the State of California, at the places herein-
after designated in the territory proposed to be annexed thereto
which is hereinafter described, on'the 7th day of February, 1950,
from the hour.of 7:00 o'clock a.~. to the hour of 7:00 o'clock
p.m. of said day, during which period of time the polls will be
continuously open, at which time and place there will be sub-
mittedto the qualified voters residing in the territory herein-
after described and proposed to be annexed to said Sanitary Dist-
rict, the question whether or not the said territory shall be
annexed to said Central Contra Costa Sanitary District.
Said territory is more particularly described as follows: All
that certain real property located in the County of Contra Costa,
State ofCa.J.ifornia, ,described as follows:
...--..------..----.. ,-,-,--,
Beginning at: the point of intersection of. the southern line of the Walnut Creek
School District and the west boundary line of Rancho San Ramon, which" point is also
the southwest corner of Gould's Addition to Walnut Creek filed July 26,1911, and of
record in Book 5 of Maps, at page li 7, Contra Costa County Offic ial Records, and'
running thence southeasterly along said boundary line of Rancho San Ramon to its
intersection with the 'extension westerly of the north boundary of the 0.60 acre
trac,t of land granted toE. B.La.rson in the deed of record in Recorder's File No.
16653-47; thence easterly and southerly along said extension and along the ,north
, and east boundaries and the extension southerly of the east boundary of said parcel
to the intersection thereof with the center line of a road known as North Avenue
(Las Trampas Road); thence northeasterly along said center line to its intersection
with the northwesterly extension of the ~esterly boundary of the 6.79 acre tract'-
of land deeded to G. .L. Ashby, et ux, of recordln Volume 441 of Official Records,
page 61; thence southeasterly along said extension and boundary and its extension
southerly to the intersection thereof with the northerly boundary of the 0.507 acre
tract of land deeded to J. S. Fairchild, et ux, of'record,in Volume 548 Pfficial
Records, page 372; thence westerly along said boundary and its .extension westerly
to the easterly line of the 10.90 acre tract of land'deeded to M. Henry of record
in Recorder's File No. 6629-47; thence southerly along said easterly boundary to
the intersection thereof ,with the northerly boundary of the Hemmå Subdivision
(Ford Tract) as said subdivision is designate~ on map of record in Map Book C, pag~
66; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of said subdivision to the north-'
west corner of Lot 6 of said subdivision; thence southeasterly along the western'
boundary of said Lot 6 to the intersection thereof with the center line of a road
known as Hemme Avenue; thence northeasterly along said center line to the inter-
, ;
-' !
section thereof with the northwesterly extension of the westerly boundary of Los
Alamos Estates, Unit No.1, as said subdivision is designated on map of record in
Map Book 34, pages 35 and 36; thence southeBtSterly along said extension and boundary
and its extens.ion southeasterly to its intersection with the line between Lots 11
and 18 of the aforementioned Hemme Subdivision; thence southwesterly along said.,line
to the corner common to Lots 9,10,19 and ,20 of s~d Hemme Subdivision; thence
southeasterly along the line between Lots 19 and?O and its extension southerly to
the intersection thereof with the center line of a,road known as Camille Avenue
(Grosjean Avenue); thence northeasterly along said" center line to its intersection
with the northwesterly corner of the 18.26 acre tract of land deeded to M. K. Hart,
of record in Volume 462 of Deeds, page '128; thence southerly, westerly and southerly
along the w~stern boundary of said 18.26 acre tract to its southwest corner,. said
corner being in the center line of a creek and also being a point on the western
boundary of the 51.69 acre tract of land deeded to Frank Rutherford, of record in
Volume 346 of Deeds, page 46; thence southerly along the west boundary of said 51.69
acre tract to the ,southøst corner therof; thence westerly alo;ng the direct.
eXtension westerly of the south l~ of said 51.69 acre' tract to the cent.er '
line ofa 24 teet 1%1 width privatè r~J thenc~ southerlyalDng said center
line to the southwest corner of the 18 ~377 acre parcel deeded t.o Amalia T ~
Harper in Volume 531 of Official Records, at page 282J thence easterly along ,
the south line of 'said Harper parcel to the center line .ofa 24 feet in width
private road as described in Volume 528 of Official Records, at ,page 354; thence
southerly along said center line to the south line of the parcel of land deeded
to G. A. Willis of record in Volume 793 of Official Records, at page 481; thence
northeasterly along said south line and along thed1rect extension northeasterly
thereof to the westerly boundary of the 18.817 acre tract of.land deeded to C. E.
Bardwell et al, ,of record in RecorCi File No. 29008,..46; thence southeasterly along
said boundary to southeastern corner of said 18.817 acre tract; thence leaving
said boundary in a southerly direction across a4o foot county road, which road
bounds the last mentioned 18.817 acre tract of land on the southeast, to the
interse,ctionóf the easterly bounda.ry of the 42.444 acre tract of lQ.Dd deeded to
R. D~ Kerley et Wt, of. record in Volume 748, Official Records, ~a.ge 84; a.ud the"
south boundary of said county road; :thence 'southeasterly and southwesterly along ,
the eastern andsouthem boundaries of said 42.444 acre 'tract and the extensi()n
westerly of said southern boundary to the northwest corner of 'the 39~28 acre
tract of land deeded to C. A. Love of record in ,Vol-ume 533, Official Records,
page 295; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of said tract and its
extension southeasterly to the most southerly cornerot the 9.686 acre tract of
land deeded to I. E. Love, et ux, of record in Volume 664" Ç>fficial Records,
page 63; thence northeasterly &lengthe southerly boundary of s~d 9.686 acre
parcel to its intersection With the northwesterly corner'of Lot 88 as said lot
is delineated on the map of Danville Estates, which map was filed October 17,
1946 in Volume 31 of Maps, page 22,23, and 24; thence southeasterly, southwest-
erly, southerly and easterly along the western and southern boundaries of said
Danville Estates to its intersection with the west boundary of the State Highway
to San Ramon; thence in a easterly direction across said Highway to the,south-
westerly corner of Lot 77 as said lot is delineated on the map of Danville
Gardens which map was filed on October 23, 1946 in Volume 31 of Maps, page 26, . .
27 and 28; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of said Danville Gardens
to the intersection thereof With the southwest corner of Lot 26 as said lot 1s
delineated on the map of Rancho San Ramon Heights, Unit No.1, which map was
filed April 5,1946 in Map Book 28, pages 46 to 48; thence easterly and northerly
along the southern and eastern boundaries and the extension northerly of the
eastern boundary of said Rancho San Ramon Heights No.1 to the intersection
thereof with the center line of the County road to Sycamore; thence southeasterly
along said center line to its intersection with the southerly extension of the .
eastern boundary of Lot 136 as said lot is delineated' on that certain map en-'
titled Las Lomitas Subdivision Unit No.2, which map was filed on November 9, ,
1948 in Map Book 36, pages 17 a.ud 18; thence northerly, westerly, northerly and
~esterly along the exterior boundary line of said Las Lomitas Subdivision Unit
No.2 to the intersection thereof with the easterly line of Lot 36 as said lot
is delineated on that certain map entitled Vista Grande which map was filed
June 29,1946 in Map Book 30, pages 5 and 6; thence northerly along said boundary
to the intersection thereof with the southeast corner of the 26.255 acre tract
of land deeded to E. M. Christofferson, of record in Recorder's File, No. 4810-49;
thence northeasterly and westerly along the easterly andnortherly.boundarles '
of said land to a point in its north boundary which bears north 89° 47' 4011. west'
580 feet more or less fram the northeast corner thereof; thence 'leaving said
boundary in a northerly direction 815 feet more or less to the southeast corner
of the 1.71 acre tract of land deeded to K. S. and H. R. Apger, of record.
in Volume 1158, Official Records, page 361; thence northerly along the easterly,'
boundary of said 1.71 acre tract to the intersection thereof with the southeriy
boUþdary of the 195.0 acre tract of. land deeded to A. M. Short of record in
Vol~384, Official Records, page 328; thence westerly and northerly along
the southerly 'and westerly boundaries of said 195.0 acre tract to the inter-
section thereof with the southerly boundary of a road known as Green Valley
.",,--~-_...,,-,.,_.. .,.....-." ""'.'..-"'."
Road; thence northeasterly along åaid boundary to its intersection with the
most northerly corner of the tract of land deeded.to Community Land and
Development Company of record in Recorder's File No. 46657-48; thence southerly
and easterly along the westerly and southerly boundary of said tract to the
southwest corner of the 6.51 acre tract of land deeded to J. J. and A. C.
Progress, of record in Recorder's File No. 3676-49; thence easterly and
northerly along the southerly and easterly boundaries of said 6.51 acre tract
and the extension northerly of the easterly boundary to the intersection there-
of wi th the northerly boundary of a road known as El Camino Tassajara; thence
northwesterly along said northerly boundary to its intersection with the center
line of a road known as Calle Crespi; thence northerly along said center line to
its intersection with the center line of a road known as Calle Los Collados;
thence northerly along said center line and its extension northerly and westerly
to its intersection with the northwesterly boundary of the 1.50 acre tract of
land deeded to E. S. and A. H. Onken, of record in Recorder's File No. 39462-46;
,thence southwesterly along said boundary, to its intersection with the center
line of a road known as Alameda Diablo; ,thence southerly along said center line
to its intersection With the northerly boundary of the 0.5 acre tract of land
deeded to R. H. Gibson, of record in Volume 1195 of Official Records, page 249;
thence westerly along said boundary to the northwest corner of said 0.50 acre
tract; thence southerly along 'the westerly boundary of said 0.50 acre tract
and its extension southerly to the northwest corner of the 1.56 acre tract of
land deeded to F. K. and G. A. Jackson, of record in Volume 888, Official Records,
page Ill; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of said 1.56 acre tract
to the intersection thereof with the north line of a road known as Vista Grande;
thence westerly along said north line to the east line of the parcel of land
deeded to Duncan S. Neilson of record in Volume 1316 of Official Records, page
97; thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly lines of '
said Neilson parcel to the northwest corner thereof, said point being on a
west line of the parcel of land deeded to Jean J. Silva of record in Volume 772
of, Official Records, page 312; thence northerly and westerly along the exterior
boundary line of said Silva parcel to the intersection thereof of the two courses
."north 260 41' 30." west, 326.09 feet" and ."south 450 53' 45" west, 1313.66 feet";
said ~e point being located in the southwest one-quarter of Section 15,
Township One South, Range one west, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian; thence. leaving
said southerly boundary in a direct line due north to the intersection thereof.
with the northern boundary of said southwest one-quarter of ,said 'sect~on,
township and. range; thence westerly along the north boundary of the southwest
one-quarter of Section 15 of said Township and Range and its extension westerly
to its intersection with the center line of a road knoWn as Stone Valley Road;
thence southerly along the center line of said road to its intersection with the
south boundary of Section 16 of the aforementioned Township and Range; thence
westerly along said south boundary of said Section 16 to its southwest corner;
thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of
the northeast one-quarter of Section 20 of the aforementioned Township and
Range and the extension westerly of said southerly boundary to its intersection
with the ,center line of San Ramon Creek; thence in a northerly direction along
said center line to its intersection with the existing boundary of Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District as per order of the Board of Supervisors of the
County of Contra Costa, dated June 15,1946 declaring Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District duly formed and established; thence southwesterly along said
existing boundary to the point of beginning of this, description. All of the
herein before references to deeds are to Official Records of Contra Costa County,
,(1) That if a maJority of the votes cast at such an election
in said territory proposed to be annexed to said Sanitary District
which is hereinabove described, are in favor of the annexation of
said territory, the District Board of said Sanitary Distririt will
thereafter take the necessary steps to complete the annexation of
said territory to said Sanitary District;
(2) That every qualified voter residing in the hereinabove des-
cribed territory proposed to be annexed to said District for the
length of time to enable him to vote at a general election, shall be
entitled to vote at said election;
(J) That for the purpose of said election, the territory herein-
above described shall consist of two (2) consolidated precincts, and
the following are descriptions of said precincts, the names of the
persons designated to conduct said election, and the polling places
of said election:
Consolidated Precinct No.1 composed of portions of each of the
following county precincts known as Alamo No.1, Alamo No.2
and Alamo No.3.
Ethel L. Dolan
Hannah M. Kessler
Signa A. Anderson
Polling Place:
Alamo Community Center, Danville Highway and
Stone Valley Road, Alamo, California
Consolidated Precinct No.2 composed of portions of each of
the following county precincts known as Danville No.1, Danville
No.2 and Danville No.3.
Inspector: Louise L. Lawrence
Judge: Addie P. Glass
Judge: Helen P. Dolge
Polling Place: Danville Fire House, Main street, Danville,
(4) That said election be conducted as nearly as practical in
accordance with the general laws of the State of California.
(5) That Notice of said annexation election be given by posting
a copy of this order calling said election for four (4) successive
weeks prior to said election in the following public places: '
Said Notice of election shall be posted at the following
three (3) public places within said Sanitary District:
On the front window of the office of this Sanitary District,
located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek,
On the telephone pole in front of and immediately adjoin-
ing the United States Post Office, located on East street
in Walnut Creek, CaliforniA;
On the telephone pole adjoining and immediately west of
the United States Post Office on the main highway in
Lafayette, California.
Said Notice shall be posted at the following three (3) public
places within said territory proposed to be annexed to said
Sanitary District:
On the bulletin board immediately adjoining the Fire
Station and facing on the Danville-Walnut Creek Highway
in Danville, California;
On the outside of the building commonly referred to as
the office of the Justiðe of the Peace, Walter Smith,
located on the Walnut Creek-Dublin Highway in Danville,
On the telephone pole adjacent to and in front of the
United States Post Office at Alamo, California.
(6) That this order calling said election be published once
a week for four (4) successive weeks prior to said election in
the following newspaper, to-wit: Walnut Creek Courier-Journal,
a newspaper of general circulation, published in said Sanitary
District. .
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra
Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Calif-
ornia, on the 22nd day of December, 1949, by the following called
Memb~rs Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members Johnson and Smitten
Members - None
/s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board of
Central Contra Co,sta
Sanitary District.
/s/ R. E. W~dsworth, President of
the District Board of Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District
Member Toland, seconded by Member Cor~wall, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 530:
WH~REAS, this Board has heretofore adopted a resolution order-
ing that an election be held for the purpose of determining whether
or not certain territory contiguous to the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District and described in said order shall be annexed to
said Di strict;
'(1) ThRt the Secretary of this Board mail or deliver to each
election officer appointed to serve at said election a Nptice that
he has been appointed to serve as election officer;
(2) That the Secretary of this Board make all arrangements for
securing the polling places selected by this Boar~ for s~ià election,
to procure all necessary supplies for use at said election and to
cause to be printed the ballots to be used thereat.
That the ballot to be used at said public election in the ter-
ri tory proposed to be annexed shall be in substa,ntially the follow-
ing form:
Tuesday, February 7, 1950
INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote for the annexation, stamp a
cross (X) in the voting square after the words "For annexation to
the Sanitary District". To vote against the anneKation, stamp a
cross (X) in the voting square after the words "Against annexation
to the, Sanitary District". All marks, except the cross (X), are,
forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and
make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this
ballot,'return it to the Inspector of Election and obtain another.
On absent voter ballots mark cross (X) with pen or pencil.
............................ ......
/1 '2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And that to vote in favor of the proposition submitted at said elec-
tion and for the annexation, each voter shall stamp a cross (X) in
the voting square after the words, "For annexation to the Sanitary
District". To vote against the proposition submitted at said election
and against the annexation, each voter shall stamp a cross (X) in the
voting square after the words,"Against annexation ,to the Sanitary
District". A cross (X) after the words, "For annexation to the Sani-
tary District "" shall be counted as a vote in favor .of the proposed
annexation and a cross (X) after the words, "Against annexation to
the Sanitary D~strict", shall be counted as a vote against the pro-
posed annexation.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, this
22nd day of December, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Johnson, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members Smitten
Nembers - None
/e/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary
of the District Board of
Central Contra Costa San-
itary District.
/s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President ~f
the District Board of Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District
Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall, moved the adoption
of Resolution No. 531:
WHEREAS the District Engineer of Central Contra Costa, Sanitary
District of Contra Costa County, State of California, filed with
the Secretary of said District on November 10,1949, an Assessment,
together with a Diagram and Engineer's Certificate attached thereto,
to represent the costs and expenses of constructing sanitary sewers
and appurtenances pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 439, adopted
by the District Board of said Sanitary District on April 7,1949, and
in that portion of said District described therein as Local Improve-
ment District No. 12, to which Resolution of Intention reference is
hereby made for a description of said work and improvement and the
district to be assessed for the costs and expenses thereof, and for
all other purposes; and
, . ,
WHEREAS said Secretary gave due notice, as required by law, of
the filing of said Assessment, and that Thursday, the 8th day of
December, 1949, at 8:00 o'clock, p.m., on said day, and the meeting
place of said District Board at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the
City of Walnut Creek, in'sAid County, had been duly fixed as the time
and place for the hearing on said Assessment; and
WHEREAS said District Board. held such hearing at the time and
place so fixed therefor, and then and there, and at a continuance
of said hearing regularly held, received evidence, oral and documen-
tary upon said work done, and upon said Assessment, and Diagram and
Engineer's Certificate attached thereto, and also then and there
considered all appeals theretofore filed pursuant to law with said
Board by persons interested'in said work and said Assessment; and
WHEREAS said District Board has examined said Diagram and
Assessment and finds that said Diagram is correct, and that said
Assessment should be corrected in the following particulars:
That Assessments Nos. 12-8-28 and 12-8-29 should each be
changed from $461.00 to $239.30, and each of the other assessments
should be changed from the original amount stated therefor by
adding thereto a proportionate amount of the sum by which said
Assessments Nos. 12-8-28 and 12-8-29 are so reduced, except that
Assessment No. 12-8-38 should be changed from $461.00 to $694.50,
Assessment No. 12-8-46 should be changed from $691.50 to $463.00,
and Assessment No. 12-5-4 should be $1700 as originally stated
therefor, all of said Assessments to be as stated in a corrected
list thereof prepered by the District Engineer in accordance with
the foregoing pursuant to direction by said District Board and
filed with the Secretary of said District and now approved by said
District Board and filed with the Secretary of said District and
now approved by said District Board; and that in other respects
said Assessment filed by said District Engineer should be ratified
and confirmed;
rict Board that all acts and determinations of said District
Engineer relative to sai.d work done pursuant to said Resolution of
Intention be and the same are her~by approved, ratified and con-
firmed, and said Diagram and Assessment as so corrected and approved
by said District Board be and the same are hereby approved, ratif-
ied and confirmed.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of. Central Contra
Costa Sanitary Distriœt of Contra Costa County, State of California,
this 22nd day of December, 1949, by the following called vote:
Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members, - None
Members - None
/ s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of '
the District Board of' Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District
/s/ H. M. Smitten, Secretary of
the District Board of Central
Contra Costa Sanitary District.
It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall,
and unanimously carried that the Board accept payment of $75.00
from Associated Electrical and Mechanical Company in11eu of com-
pleting water connection at the pump house of Local Improvement
District No. 10.
Mr. Kennedy presented bills for final payments on Section V
Main Trunk, LIDs. 3, 4,7, 8, 10, 12,14, 15 and 16.
It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Toland, and
Unanimousl~ carried, that bills from Mr. KennedY in the aggregate
amount of $36,562.22 be paid. ,
Mr. Kennedy told the Board that he proposed to turn over the
records to the Secretary of the District for all of the W)rk done
including the jobs to be completed, at the termination of the next
weekend, and that he left the District with the kindliest feelings.
The Board expressed their appreciation to Mr. Kennedy.
It was moved by Member Toland that the Board authorize the
County Auditor to charge the amount of $48,940.97 to the Special
Expense Fund and credit this amount to the Running Expense Fund of
the District; this amount represents the A,dvances made by the District
to Local Improvement District No.3 to and including November 30,
1949 for which the District will be reimbursed upon the payment of
the final amount of incidental expenses for this local district; and
further that the additional charges for incidental expenses advanced
for Local Improvement District No.3 be charged to the Special Expense
The motion lacked a second.
It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Cornwall that
the ma!ter be laid on the table indefinitely. Carried by the follow-
ing vote:
Members Johnson, Smitten, Cornwall and Wadsworth
Members - None
Members - None.
Member Toland passed the vote.
. It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member ,Cornwall,
that bills as approved by the Manager and audited by the Auditing
Committee be paid: Ayes: Members Toland, Cornwall and Wadsworth.
Absent: Members Johnson and Smitten.
2253 Underground Constr. Co. Deposit refund $ 45.00
2254 Johnson & Larson Fee refund 3.00
2255 "I. K. Grove Deposit refund 15.00
2256 Conduit Canst. Co. " 15.00
2257 Marchant & Lawrie II 15.00
2258 w. D. talilson " 15.00
2259 Fred Rued II 15.00
22'60 J. F. Cowling II 15.00
2261 J.ohn S. Urmson , II 15.00
2262 J. I. Gallagher " 130.13
2263 Butterfield Bros. II 60.00
2264 o. E. Southwick II 114.96
The payment of bills to Mr. Clyde C. Kennedy were made by vouchers
2265 to ,'?,r1,..ø" /'""'.,. Co '80.
2276 inclusive.
President Wadsworth adjourned the meeting to January 5, 1950
at 8:00 o'clock p.m.
Secretar of the~Board
of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District of Contra Costa County,
State of California.
d- ,¡:t.......- ,,~
Presiaent of the District Board
of Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District of Contra Costa. County,
State of California.