HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-11-49 77 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SAN- ITARY DISTRICT HELD AUGUST 11. 1949 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in regular adjourned session at its regular plape of meeting at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the Óity of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The ;neeting was called to order by President Wadsworth, and the following roll was called: PRESENT: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland and Wadsworth I,lember Weill. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING I The Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary and were approved as entered. HEARING PROTESTS ON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 A protest on behalf of Charles and Louise McNutt, dated July 29, 1949 from Francis T. Cornish, Attorney, was read by the Sec- retary. The Manager's answer of August 3 pointed out that Mr. Cornish .was misinformed regarding a sewer line in the road. Mr. Cornish requested that the sewer easement be moved 95 feet to the east of its present location, which would be more useful. to Mr. McNutt who intended to build two more houses. Mr. Johnson asked if Mr. McNutt would grant the easement if it were moved 95 feet to the east, and was informed by Mr. Cornish that Mr. McNutt would not grant an easement under any circumstances. Member Johnson moved that the McNutt objection be overruled. Motion was seconded by Member Smitten, and carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None. Member Weill passed the vote on the grounds that he had arrived too late to hear the entire discussion. Member Weill arrived at 8:45 p.m. A petition dated August 9, 1949 from Elmo G. Gulley et al,in which they requested postp~ent of construction until April 1,1950 was read. The Engineer informed Mr. Gulley that a good contr~ctor could complete the work in approximately a month and a half, and Mr. Gulley said if the Engineer in control were instructed to allow only the amount of trench opened that could readily be closed in case of rain he thought the p~titioners would be satisfied. " 08 11 49 78 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 493 RESOLUTION ORDERING WORK, DETERMINING PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES, AND DIRECTING NOTICE TO BIDDERS IN LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 WHEREAS the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, passed and adopted, on July 14, 1949, its Resolution of Intention No. 487, to do the work and improvement therein described; and WHEREAS all written protests filed in rela.t ion to said proceed- ings were duly. considered by said District Board; RESOLVED by said District Board that said protests be and the same are hereby overruled, and RESOLVED that the public interest and convenience require,' and said District Board hereby orders, that said work and improvement be done as set forth in said Resolution of Intention, and according to Plans and Specifications heretofore adopted therefor, reference to which Resolution of Intention and Plans and Specifications is hereby made for a description of said work and improvement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done; RESOLVED that said District Board hereby determines the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and rates for overtime and legal holidays, in the locality in .which said work is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract therefor, to be as stated in the Notice to Bidders herein- after set forth to be posted and published; and RESOLVED that the Secretary of said District Board shall post conspicuously for five (5) days, on or near the main entrance door to the regular meeting place of said Board at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California, a Notice to Bidders,. in the form hereinafter stated, inviting sealed proposals or biàs for' doing said work and referring to said Plans and Specifications on file; and shall publish said Notic~ twice in the Courier-Journal, a newspaper published B.nd circulated in 0 entral Contra Costa S~ni- tary District and hereby designated for that purpose. All such proposals or bids shall be submitted, received, and publicly opened, examined and declared, and shall be accompanied by a certified check or bond, all as stated in said Notice to Bidders, which Notice shall be as follows: NOTIOE TO BIDDERS Pursuant to law and Resolution No. 493 of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, passed and adopted August 11,1949, Ordering Work, Determining Prevailing Rates of Wages, and Directing this Notice, said District Board invites sealed proposals or bids for the following work to be done, to-wit: The construction of sani- tary sewers and appurtenances for the area, to theextent, with' the materials and in the manner' set forth in Resolution of Intention No. 487 passed and adopted by said District Board July 14, 1949, and in accordance with Plans and specifications adopted therefor, to which Resolution of Intention, Plans and Specifications, snd Resolution Ordering Work reference is hereby made for a descrip- tion of said work and improvement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done. The Plans and Specifications for the proposed work may be seen and examined at the office of Central Con1;ra Costa Sanitary Dist- rict, 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California, or at the Engineering Office of Clyde C. Kennedy, Room 504, 604 Mission 08 11 49 79 Street, San FrBncisco, California, or may be secured at the Engin- eering Office of Clyde C. Kennedy by making a payment of Ten and No/lOothsDol1ars (110.00).' There will be no refund on returned Plans or Specifications. Pursuant to law, the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has determined the general prevailing rate of per diem wages. and rates for overtime and legal holidays, in the locality in which this work is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract. The prevailing rates sp determined are as follows: CLASS OF WORK PER DIEt-1 8 HOURS 15.40 17. 80 19.00 17.00 18.00 20.20 21.00 15.00 17.40 12.20 17. 20 15.00 17.40 Asphalt Plant Operators Asphalt Plant Engineers Carpenters (Foreman II (Journeyman) II (Millwright) ~hovel & Dragline Operators (under 1 yd) (over 1 yd) Compressor Operators II (more than one) Oper'ators Concrete Laborers Cement Finishers Concrete Mixerman (up to 1 yd) Concrete Mixerman (over 1 yd) Operators, Vibrators, Jackhammer & other Air, Gas & Electric Tools Asphalt Shovelers Asphalt 'Ironers & Rakerß Fireman (Stationary) Crane & Derrick Operators Laborers, General Mechanics, Helpers & Oilers Bulldozer Operators Motor Grader Operators Roller Operators Tractor Operators ';I;'ractor & Truck Type Loader, Operator ~ewer Pipe Layers and Banders Trenching Machine Operators. Truck Driver (Dump Trucks under 4 yds) II (Dump, over 4 and under 6 yds) It (Dump, over 6 and under 8 yds) II (Dump, over 8 yds) . II (Pickup or flatrack carrying less II (Flatrack carrying over 10,500 #) Electrician Iron Worker, Reinforcing Steel, Rodmen II Rodmen, Foreman (3 men or under) Foreman (4 men or over) Structural Iron Workers Plumbers Sheet Metal Workers Watchman, Flagmen & Guards Drillers and Blaster~ Cribbers & Lagging Combination Jackhammer Powderman Bricklayers Bricklayers, Hodcarriers Painters Plasterers II Hodcarriers 13.20 12.20 14.20 15.00 19.00 12. 20 15.00 17.80 19.00 .17.80 17.80 19.00 15.80 18 . 20 12.65 13.65 14.40 . 17.40 than 10,500#}12.90 13.90 20.00 17 . 20 18.20 19.20 19.20 20.00 18.00 12.20 14.20 14.20 14.20 22.50 14.00 7 HOURS 15.05 6 HOURS 15.00 13.50 08 HOURLY RATE 1.925 2.. 225 2.375 2.125 2.25 2.525 2.625 1.875 2.175 1.525 2.15 1.875 2.175 1.65 1.525 1.775 1.875 2.375 1.525 1.875 2.225 2.375 2.225 2.225 2.375 1.975 2. 275 1.58125 1.70625 1.80 2.175 1.6125 1.7375 2.50 2.15 2.275 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.25 1.525 1.775 1.775 1.775 2.8125 1.75 2.15 2.50 2.25 11 49 80 Overt ime B.nd Saturday work shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate except as noted below for Cement Finishers and Truck Drivers, and work on Sundays and. Holidays shall be paid for at double the norm~Ü hourly rate. The foregoing schedule of prevailing rates of wages, and rates for overtime, Sunday and Legal Holidays, is based, unless other- wise specified, upon a workingday of eight (8) hour,s. Overtime B.nd Saturday rates for Trucl~ Drivers shall be at one and one-half (li) times the normal hourly rate. The first two hours overtime, after a normal eight (8) hour day, for Cement Finishers shall be at one and one-half (li) times the norm~Ü rate and further overtime shall be at double the normal rate. Saturday work for Cement Finishers shall beat one and one-half (Ii) times the normal rate for the first eight (8) hours worked and at. double the normal rate for all further time worked on Saturdays. NOTICE IS. ALSO HEREBY GIVEN BIDDERS that it shall be mandatory upon the cont,ractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon all subcontractors under him, to pay not less than said general pre- vailing rates of per diem wages, as above listed, to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed in the execution of the contract. Before submitting proposals, the bidder shall be licensed in accordance '1ith the provisions of C.japter 9, Division III, of the Business and Professions Code, Chapter 37 of the Statutes of 1939, as amended, of the State of California, which provides for the registration and licensing of contractors. Each bidder must submit with his proposal a statement of his financial responsibility, technical ability and experience. on the form to be furnished prospective bidders, and a statement as to whether theödder is an individual, a partnership, a joint venture, or a. corporation. Each bidder shall submit with his bid, on the .form provided. the name and address of each subcontractor. including the prin- . cipal suppliers of materials, and the portion of the work which each subcontractor will ~o. If the contractor fails to name the subcontra.ctors in his proposal, he shall be deemed to have agreed to perform such portion of the work himself and shall not be per- mttted to subcontract said portion of work without previous written permission of the Sanitary District Board. . ALL PROPOSALS or BIDS must be delivered to the undersigned Secretary of said District Board at its office at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creelt, CaliforniA, on the 1st de.y of September, 1949, up to the hour of 8:00 olclock p.m., on which day at tþe hour, of 8:15 olclock p.m., in said office of said District Board said. proposals or bids shall be publicly opened, examined and declared, and. each proposal or bid must be accompanied by a check certified without qualification by a responsible bank, paYa..ble to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for an am:)unt not less than Ten Per Cent (10%) of the aggregate of the proposal or by a bond. fòr said amount and so payable signed by the Bidder and two Sureties; all as prescribed by law. BY ORDER OF THE DISTRICT BOARD, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT. Dated: August 11, 1949 /s/ Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, Califordia. 08 11 49 81 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Bani tary District of Contra Oo.sta County, Sta.te of California, this 11th day of August, 1949, by the fQllowing called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Members - None Memb&rs - None /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. COUNTERSIGNED: Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary HEARING PROTESTS AGAINST ASSESSMENT FOR LOCAL . IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.5 Letters of protest against assessment in Local Improvement District No.5 were read and discussed: Harvey B. & Eleanor R. Lyon W. H. Warren Angelo Reverdito John G. Pahl Assessment 5-4-1' 5-6-9-8-7 5-6-25 5-3-6 A letter of enquiry from L. S. Sanders was read and answered. A letter from C. N. Anderson, complaining about damages caused by the contractor was referred to the Engineer for lnvestigation. Mr. Lloyd H. Burk, attorney for Mr. Pahl requested a reduction in assessment to give Mr. Pahl the same assessment as the other properties. Member Johnson stated he would be in favor of reducing Mr. Pahlls assessment in the amount of $100 to placing that amount on Mr. Gormanls assessment, which he considered to be low. Mr. Burk objected to that on the grounds that Mr.Pahl and Mr Gorman were neighbors, and that the amount should be spread over all assessments. The Board notified Mr. Burk they would not take action until the matter had been taken under submission. Member Johnson moved that the Board overru~ the objection by Angelo Reverdi to. Notion W8.S seconded by Member Smitten and carried unanimously. Mr. Bestor Robinson, attorney for Mr. Lyons requested assessment on the basis of $60 per building lot and was advised that the Board would give the matter more study. It was moved by Member Weill, seconded by Memb~r Toland and unanimously carried that the Boa~d continue the consideration of the Assessment of Local Improvement District N°.5 to August 25, 1949. AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE NO.4. SEWER CODE .' It was moved by Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten and unanimously carried that Section 2.13 of Ordinance No.4 be amended as incorporated in Ordinance No. 10. . It W8.S moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland that Section 3.06 of Ordinance No.4 be amended as incorporated in Ord- inance No. 10. Carried by the following vote: AYE;S: Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth. ABSENT: Member Johnson 08 11 49 82 It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill that Section 3.07 of'Ordinance No.4 be amended as incorporated in Ordinance No. 10. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, TolR.nd, Weill and Wa.dsworth Member Johnson It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland that Section 3.11 be amended as incorporated in Ordinance No. 10. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members Smitten, Toland, \'ie ill and Wadsworth Member Johnson. Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill, moved the adoption of Regulation and Ordinance No. 10: REGULATION AND ORDINANCE NO. 10 A GENERAL REGULATION AND ORDINANCE AMENDING REGULATION AND ORDINANCE NO.4 PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF THE CONSTRUC- TION AND OPERATION OF SIDE SEWERS, DRAINAGE AND SEvŒRING IN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, PFOVIDING FOR THE ~{PLOYMENT OF A SEWER INSPECTOR, PRmVIDING FOR SEw~R CONNEC- TION PE~lITS, FIXING FEES THEREFOR, AND PROVIDING' A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS THEEEOF. The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, state of California, does hereby regulate B.nd ordain as follows: SEOTION I Section 2.13 of General Regulation and' Ordinance No.4 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2.13: County of Contra Costa. Ordinänce No. 502. The County Surveyor of the County of Contra Costa acting in behalf of said County has jurisdiction over excavations in portions of public roads, other than State Highways, in said County. Under the provisions of Contra Costa County Ordin- ance No. 502 said County Surveyor must issue a permit for such excavation prior to the performance of any such excava- tion wi thin the same. Application for such a. permit may be made through the Sanitary District at its office at the same time application is made for the permit required und.er this Sanitary Code and tpefee payment required by said County Ordina.nce No. 502 may be made to the County Treasurer through said Sanitary District. The amount of fee specified in said County Ordinance is FIFTY CENTS ($.50) per square foot of trench to be opened in the paved area as predetermined by the County Surveyor, but in no event shal¡ such payment for said permit be less than FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00). For said pay- ment the County will place the wearing surface over the compacted back fill. with crusher run base rock in place, and maintain said wearing surface. SECT ION II. Section 3.06 of GenerB.l RegulB.tion and Ordinance No.4 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3.06: Guaranty Deposit. A guaranty deposit shall be made with the Secretary of the District for each permit for excavation within a public road or other traveled way or path' and/or for a. side sewer connection to cover the cost of restoring the place where said excavation is to be made to a condition suitable for repaving or to its original condition and to maintain the same in a safe condition for vehicular and/or pedestrian travel until full restoration may be accomplished and as a guarantee of fa1thful perfor- mance of the provisions herein. 08 11 49 f 83 Such deposits shall be in accordance with the following schedule; either: (1) $750.00 as a standing deposit for any person or firm installing or contracting for the installa- tion of side sewer connections when such person or firm obts.i r'S 50 or more permit s within .a per- iod of 90 days; or $500.00 as a standing deposit for any person or firm installing or contracting for the installa- tion of side sewer connections when such person or firm obtains not ¡ess than 20 nor more than "50 permits within a period of 90 days; or (2) (3) $15.00 for each permit issued up to and includ- ing 20 permits obtained by anyone person or firm installing or con~racting for the installation of side sewer connections. Such deposit shall be made before any permit will be issued. The whole of any deposit shall be returned upon the satis- factory completion and acceptance of the work for which. the deposit was made, less such amounts as the District may have spent to maintain the street cut surface in a safe condition for travel until final repaving may be done. SECT ION III. Section 3.07 of General Regulation and Ordinance No.4 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3.07: Trenches. A. Trenches for lateral sewers shall be excavated and backfilled, backfill compacted and the pavement base replaced .in the stree~s in accordance with the laws, ordin- ances and regulations of the State of California, County of Contra Costa, or any municipality therein, or any department, authority or agency having jurisdiction over such street, and the owner or ~is agent shall obtain all permits and pay all fees required by such authority. Where pavement may not òe properly restored due to adverse weather conditions or other conditions incident to the work the upper six inches of the trench cut shall be filled to the level of the adjoining street surface with crusher run base rock and shall be maintained in a safe .condition for travel over it until such time as the pavement may be fully re.stored. Upon the failure of the owner or his agent to maintain unpaved trench cuts in a safe condition for travel, such work as is necessary shall be done by the inspector and the cost thereof deducted from the amount of the guaranty deposit up to, but not exceeding, $15.00 for such maintenance work: .incident to anyone permit. Upon the fs.ilure wi thin three (3) days to correct any work, other than the maintenance of the surface of trench cut, as ordered by the Inspector, said work shall be corrected by the Inspector, and the cost thereof deducted from the amount of guaranty deposit and thereafter the balance of the deposit shall be returned to the applicant. B. As disþursements are made from the guaranty deposit required under Section 3.06 to repair work not property performed, the Secretary may, from time to time, require a depositor to reimburse said fund on deposit to the extent nec.essary to equal such disbursements so made before further permits shall be issued such depositor. SECTION IV. Section 3.11 of General Regulation and Ordinance No.4 is hereby amended to read as follows: 08 11 49 84 Section 3.11: Pavement. Where any existing pavement or surfacing in any public road, other than State Highways, must be cut for the purpose of constructing any lateral sewer, such pavement cut will be finally surfaced by the County of Contra. Costa or the municipali ty, if wi thin a city, in conformance with the applicable county or city ordinance. For work in public roads, other than those in the City of Walnut Creek, the backfill shall be con- solidated as reQuired in Section 3.10 herein and the top of the cut shall be filled with crusher run base rock to a minimum depth of six inches or to the depth of the adjacent pavement and base if said pavement and base has a depth greater than six inches. Where surfacing of any sidewalk, path or other public way, other than streets and roads open to vehicular travel, is cut for the purpose of constructing any lateral sewer such surfacing shall be restored to the character of improvement existing prior to the beginning of applicantls work. SECTION V. This Ordinance shall be entered in the Minutes of the District Board, shall be published once in the Walnut Kernel, a newspaper published in said District, and shall take effect upon the expira- tion of the week of such publication. ADOPTED by the District Boerd of Centr~Ü Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 11th day of August, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: Members Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth. NOES: Members - None ABSENT: 'Member Johnson Countersigned: Isl R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, of Contra Costa County, State of Californ ia. Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary APPROVING ~¡ENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LOOAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRIOT NO.1 The following resolution was adopted on Motion by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland: RESOLUTION NO. 494 RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, that the amended Diagram, made by the District Engineer of said Sani- tary District and presented to said Board, of the District to be assessed for the costs and expenses of constructing sanitary sewers and appurtenances in Loc9.1 Improvement .District No.1, and -in the public streets, drives, rights of way, easements and reserves therein, in said Sanitary District, as provided in Resolution of Intention No. 366, adopted by said District Board on September 23, 1948, be and the same is hereby approved, and the Secretary of said District Board is hereby directed to certify the fact and date hereof and so notify said District Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Cc;>sta Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Calif- ornia, this 11th day of August, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: .Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth l'lembers - None Members - None Isl Neill C. Cornwall . Secretary Isl R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board 08 11 49 85 ASSIGNMENT - CHAS T. BROWN CO. TO BANK OF ~IERICA CONTRACT FOR ORINDA PID1PING PLANTS The Board instructed the Secretary to acknowledge receipt of Assignment from Chas. T. Brown Company to Bank of America of all moni~s due under the contract for construction of the Orinda Pump- ing Plants. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF' TINE - DOWNER CORP. The Board instructed the Secretary to reply to Downer Corp. request of August 10 for extension of time of 90 days. and to request that principals of that Corporation appear at the meeting of August 25, 1949. SEWER CONNECTION FEE FOR HAPPY VALLEY GLEN UNIT 2 TO L.I.D. NO.3 SEWERS Member Johnson, seconded by Mejnber Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: ItC4/ /U~"'Þ? I"'/ø. ~?!>-- WHEREAS. Ordinance No.3, as amended. provides that where a proposed sewage collecting system is to be served through a sewage collection system installed through Local Improvement District pro- ceedings and the area to be thus served lies entirely outside the boundaries of such Improvement District, a service charge shall be paid for the use of such Improvement District sewers. the amount thereof in each case to be fixed by the District Board, and WHEREAS the sewage collecting system in the subdivision known as HAPPY VALLEY GLEN UNIT NO.2 will use the sewage collection system installed in Local Improvement District No.3, and is .located outside the bounde,ries of such Improvement District. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and no/lOOths Dollars ($1,750.00) is the amount fixed by this Board to be paid by the HAPPY VALLEY GLEN COMPANY, a partnership, owning and operating Happy Valley Glen Unit No.2, for the use by said Subdivision of the collecting sewer in- stalled in Local Improvement District N°.3. The payment of this amount by the Happy Valley Glen Company shall be the final ch~rge for sewer service to Happy Valley Glen Unit No.2, more particularly described as all that real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and described as fo~lows: All that tract of land as designated on the map entitled, "Happy Válley Glen, Unit No.2, Contra Costa. County, Calif- ornia," which map was recorded February 15, 1949, in Volume 37 of Maps, at page 1, Official Records of the County Recorder. Contra Costa County, California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the action of this Board, heretofore fixing a charge of Sixty and no/lOOths Dollars ($60.00) per lot for such sewer service to Happy Valley Glen Unit No.2 for the use of Local Improvement District N°.3 sewers be and the same is hereby rescinded. . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County. State of California, this 11th day of August, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Membe~s Johnson. Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None /s/ Neill C. Cornwall Secretary /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President 9f the Di~rict. Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 08 11 4~ 86 CONDEMNATION OF EASEMENTS OVER REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 14 Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 496 WHEREAS the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District has heretofore approved plans and specifications prepared by its District Engineer for the construction, under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911, of a collecting lateral sanitary sewer system in the area more particularly described in Resolution of Intention No. 470, (Local Improvement District No. 14), adopted by this Board June 23, 1949, and proposes to award a cont ract for the construction of said sanitary. sewer in accordance with said plAns and specifications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and this Board does hereby find and determine that the public inter€st, convenience and necessity reQuire the Rcquisition, construction and completion by this Dist- rict of said collecting lateral sanitary sewer system, as set forth in said plans and specifications and that easements over the parcels of real property hereinafter described are necessary for the constructing, laying and maintaining of sewer pipes ther~in in said sanitary sewer system, in accordance with said plans and spec- ifications. Said easements are more particularly described as follows: PerpetuAl and temporary easements to be used by said Sanitary District for the purpose of constructing, laying, maintaining and operating sewer pipes therein and thereupon, together with appur- tenances and appliances and with the right of ingress thereto and egress therefrom over the following described parcels of real property, located in the County of Contra Costa, State of Calif- ornia, described as follows: PARCEL 22: Portion of Lot '71, as designated on the map entitled IIMorage. Manor, Contra Costa Oounty, Oalifornia", which map was filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, on January 28, 1941 in Volume 24 of Maps, at page 795, described as follows: . A strip of land 15 feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on the north line of said Lot 71, distant thereon south 890 341 40" east, 27.17 feet from the most westerly corner thereof; thence from said point of beginning south 350 25' west, 17.98 feet to the northeast line of Orchard Road. The northerly terminus of said strip is the north line of said Lot 71 and the southerly terminus thereof is the northeast line of said Orchard Road. PARCEL 28: Portion of Lots 46 and 47, as designated on the map entitled liRe-subdivision of Encinas De Nora.ga, 'Oaks of l<lora.ga.I, Contra Coste County, California.lt, which map was filed in the office . of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, on April 22, 1930 in Volume 21 of.Maps, at page 591, described as follows: A strip of land 5 feet in width the center line of which is de-' scribed as follows: Beginning on the south line of the strip of land firstly described in the deed from Droadmoor Improvement Co. to Edgar C. Ingram, dated October 10, 1935 and recorded October 25, 1935 in Volume 390 of Official Records, page 62, distant there- on north 710 301 lO" east, 61.61 feet from the west line of said Lot 47; thence from said goint of beginning north 200 42140" west, 3.82 feet; thence north 9 341 2-11 east, 77 feet; thence north 70 08140" west, 82. feet; thence north 250 211 west,52.48 feet to the north line of said Lot 46, distant thereon north 660 021 east, 31.28 feet from the west line thereof. The northerly terminus of said strip is the north line of said Lot 46 and the southerly terminus thereof is the south line of said Ingram parcel (390 OR 62). 08 11 49 87 PARCEL 75: Sub-Parcel One: Portion of Lot 128, as designated on the ma.p entitled "Moraga Estates, Contra Costa Oounty, Ce.liforniatl, which map was filed in the office .of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, on November 2, 1936 in Volume 22 of Maps, at pa.ge 627, described as follows: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the center line of which 1s de- scribed as follows: Beginning on the north line of said Lot 128, distant thereon north 730 591 2511 east, 209.68 feet from the east line of Moraga Highway; thence from said point of be~inning south 140 4911011 east, 74.88 feet; thence south 70 55' 101 east, 81.68 feet to the south line of said Lot 128, distant thereon north 720 47' 2511 east,. 198.77 feet from the east line of Moraga Highway. The northerly and southerly termini of said strip are the north and south lines, respectively, of said Lot 128. Sub-Pa.rcel Two: Portion of Lot 128, as designated on the ma,p entitled I!Moraga Estates, Contra Costa County, California ", which map WÐ.S filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, on November 2, 1936 in Volume 22 of Maps, at page 627, described as follows: A strip of land 5 feet in width. the north line of which is parallel with and 5 feet northerly~ measured at right angles, from the south line thereof and which south line is described as follows: Beginning on the south line of said Lot 128, at the center line of the strip of land described in Sup-Parcel One a.bove; thence from said point of beginning south 720 47' 25" west, along said south line 72.97 feet. PARCEL 102: Portion of Lot 30, as designated on the map entitled "Moraga Park, Contra Costa County, California II , which.map was filed in the office of the Rocorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, on June 7, 1941 in Volume 25 of Maps, at page 816, described as follows: A strip of land 5 feet in width, the north line of which is parallel with B.nd 5 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the south line thereof and which south line is the entire south line of said Lot 30. The westerly terminus of said strip is the west line of said Lot 30 and the easterly terminus thereof is the west line of Orchard Road. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that. the Attorney for said District be and he is hereby ~uthorized and directed to commence and maintain actions and proceedings of eminent domain in the Superior Court of the Sta.te of 'California, in and for the County of Contra Costa, for the purpose of condemning and acquiring said easements over, upon and through said hereinabove described parcels of real property for the uses and purposes aforesaid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, and said Board does hereby find and determine, that the reasonable value of the above-described easements proposed to be taken are as follows: Parcel 22, Fifteen and noilOOths Dollars $15.00); Parcel 28, One Hundred Thirty-five and No/lOOths Dollars $135.00); Parcel 75, Ninety and No/lOOths Dollars ($90.00); Parcel 102, Ten and No/lOOths Dollars ($10.00); and the President and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to execute warrants, one for each of such amounts, payable to the County Clerk of the County of Contra Costa, to be deposited as security to the owners for-the value of each easement herein proposed to be condemned. PASSED AND' ADOPTED by the District Board. of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 11th day of August, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES:. NO E8 : ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None /s/ Neill C. Cornwall Secretary Isl R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board 08"11 49 88 CONVEYANCE OF SEvŒR EASEMENT TO C. L. AIMAN Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, meved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 497 WHEREAS, C. L. AIMAN and HELEN H. AIMAN, his wife, granted a Deed of Dedication for Sewer Easement over a portion of Lot 1 in Block IIKII, as designated en the mf!p entitled IIMap of Unit No.2, Linda Vista Subdivision, Contra Costa County, California, II iden- tified as Parcel 4 of Local Improvement District No.. 4, and vlHEIìEAS, subsequently the Central Contra Cesta Sanitary Dist- rict changed the location of the sewer line, and has no need for' the easement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the aforesaid easement be conveyed to the Grantors. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day .of August, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None Countersigned: /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of ,Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Neill C. Cornwa.ll, Secretary CONWEYANCE OF PORTION OF SEWER EASEMENT TO CLAYTON E. JOHNSON Member Jehnson, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 498 WHEREAS, CLAYTON E. JOHNSON and BETTY E. JOHNSON, his wife, granted a Deed of Dedication for Sewer Easement over a portion of Lot 23, as designated on the map entitled "Centra Costa Land Co. Subdivision No.2 of the Larkey Ranch, II identified EtS Pe.rcel 91 of Local Improvement District Ro. 4, and WHEREAS, subsequently CLAYTON E. JOHNSON B.nd BET':'Y E. JOHNSON, hie wife, requested return of the six inch strip, NOW, THEEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the afores8.id six inch strip be conveyed to the Grantors. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th de.y of August, 1949, by the fellowing called vote: AYES: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth NOES: Members - None ABSENT: Members - None Countersigned: /S/ R. E. Wadsworth, President .of the f District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary 08 11 49' 89. CONVEYANCE OF SEWER EAS~lENT TO VICTOR F. AND FF:.ANCES BA tJ1vlHEFNER . Memb~r Johnson, seconded b~ Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLU~ION NO. 499 WHEREAS, VICTOR. F. BAill1HEFNER and FRANOES BAUMHEFNER, his wife, granted a Deed of Dedication for Sewer Easement over portions of Lot 46, as designated on ..the map entitled "Moraga Est.ates, Contra Costa County, California," identified as Parcel 13 of Local Improve- ment District 14, and WHEREAS, subsequently the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District changed the location of the sewer line, and has no need for the easement, NOW, THE:3.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the aforesaid easement be conveyed to the Grantors. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of August, 1949, by the follow- ing called vot e: AYES: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, We ill B.nd Wadsworth . NOES: . Members - None ABSENT: Members None Countersigned: Isl R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District N~ill C. Cornwall, Secretary PURCHASE OF PICKUP TRUCK - CHEVROLET Quotations for purchase of a pickup truck were received from the f 0110\'11 ing: Miller-Blackwood DODGE $1348.27 including sales tax Reichbold Chev. Co. CHEVRðLET $1,292.00 plus sales tax The Manager recommended purchase of one Chevrolet 1/2 ton pickup truck. It was moved by Member Toland, seconded by Member Weill that the Board authorize the purchase of one Chevrolet 1/2 ton pickup truck at the quoted price of $1,292.00 plus sales tax. Carried unanimously. AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF $60.00 FOR PARCEL 4 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 16 It was maed by Member Weill, seconded by ~ember Smitten, and unanimously carried, that the Board authorize payment of $60.00 for Sewer Easement known as Parcel 4, LID 16, to Grace M. Putnam. AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF $100.00 FOR PARCEL 5 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 16 It was moved by Memb9r Weill, seconded by Member Smitten, and unanimously carried. that the Board authori ze payment of $100.00 for Sewer Easement known as Parcel 5 of LID 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Crt tchner. 08 11 49 90 RE.QUEST FOR PAY1v'ÆNT FFOM BROAmiOOR HIPROVE!vŒNT COMPANY FOR EASEVÆNTS IN LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 14 --' The Board ins tructed the M;mager to contact the Broadmoor Impl"ovement Company and mal:e a count er offer of $1250 for the Ea5ements requested of that Company for Local Improvernen"ü District No. 14 sewers. ADJOURNl~ENT President Wadsworth adjourned the meeting to AUfust 25, 1949 at 8:00 olclock p.m. 4-- R ØJ .-'\ President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa. 5anitary Di st- rict of Contra Costa County, State of California /V'~ t. t~ Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. 08 11 49