HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 07-14-49 39 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY'DISTRICT. HELD JULY 14. 1949 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District con- adjourned ' vened in/regular session at its regula,r place of meeting locate'd at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Wadsworth, and the following roll was called: PRESENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth ABSENT: Members - None READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary, and were approved as entered. OPENING BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 16 Bids from the following bidders' ~ere opened and read: Associated Electrical & Mechanical Company. Underground Construction Company Downer Corporat4-eft ~ E. ' Cleverdon Company, Inc. The bids were referred to the Engineer for tabulation and recom- mendation. CONTINUATION OF HEARING ON LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 11 ASSESSMENTS The Secretary read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dorsey, in which they protested Assessment No. 11-3-36 being raised. The Sec- retary waS instructed to file the letter. Member Smitten, seconded by Memb?r Toland, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 481 CONFIRMING PROCEEDINGS AND ASSESSMENT LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 11 WHEREAS the Di strict Engineer of Central Contra Costa, Sani tary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, filed with the Secretary of said District, on May 26, 1949, an Assessment, to- gether with a Diagram and Engineer's Certificate attached thereto, to represent the costs ånd expenses of constructing sanitary sewers and appurtenances pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 371, adopted by the District Board of said Sanitary District on September 23, 1948, and in that portion of said District described therein as Local Im- provement District No. 11, to which Resolution of Intention reference is hereby made for a description of said work and improvement and the district to be assessed for the costs and expenses thereof, and for all other purposes; and WHEFEAS said Secretary gave due notií~e, as required by la.w, of the filing of said Assessment, and that Thursday, the 23rd day of 07.14 49 40 June, 1949, at 8:00 o'clock, p.m., on said day, and the meeting place of said District Board at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, in the City of Waln~t Creek, in said County, had been duly fixed as the time and place for the hearing on said Assessment; and WHEREAS said District Board held such hear~ng at the time and pIece so fixed therefor, and then and there, and at two continu- .qnces of said hearing regularly had, received evidence, oral and documentary upon said work done, and upon said Assessment, 8,nd Diegram and Engineer's Certificate attached thereto, and also then and there considered all appeals theretofore filed pursuant to law with said Board by persons interested in said work and said Assessment; ~VHEREAS said District Board has examined said Diagram and Assess- ment and is satisfied with the correctness thereof,except as here- inafter ordered, and that no correction or modification thereof should be made, except as so ordered; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AND DETEffi~INED by said District Board that all acts and determinations of said District Engineer relative to said work done pursuant to said Resolution of Intention be and the same are hereby approved, ratified, and con-' firmed, and said District Board does hereby approve, ratify, and confirm said Diagram and Assessment, except as hereinafter provided: Assessment Number Original Amount Corrected Amount 11-2-24 11-3-17 11-3-21 11-3-22 11-3-23 11-3-24 11-3-25 11-3-26 11-3-27 11-3-28 11-3-29 11-3-30 11-3-.31 11-3-32 11-3-33 11-3-34 11-3-35 11-3-36 11-3-37 $403.00 425.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 $303.00 290.00 5l.00 51.00 51. 00 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 51. 00 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 5l.00 51.00 235.00 51.00 And said District Engineer is hereby directed to correct and modify said Diagram and Assessment accordingly. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETEro4INED that said Diagram and Assessment as so corrected are hereby approved, ratified, and con- firmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED.by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 14th day of July, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None /s/ Neill C. Cornwall Secretary /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 07 14 49 41 HEARING OF PROTESTS AGAINST WORK OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 14 The Secretary read letters of prote'st from Lawrence A. Harper, owner of Lots 86, 221 and 216 of Moraga Estates, and from Homer L. Bower easement parcel No. 62. ' The protests were considered and the Engineer agreed to make a further study of the properties. Verbal protests were heard from Messrs. Ingram, Glynn, Adelson and Keresey, and the Board instructed the Engineer to i~vestigate further. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR WORK OF LOCAL nWROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 16 Bids f-or,the'construction of Local Improvement District No. 16 were as follows: Associated Electrical & Mechanical Co. Underground Construction Company Downer,C9~epatien P.£ Cleverdon Company, Inc. $35,455.43 40,975.00 36,296.30 35,l47.90 The Engineer recommended award of contract to Cleverdon Company, Inc., as the lowest responsible bidder. Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 482 RESOLVED that the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of 'California, having in open session on the 14th day of July, 1949, publicly opened, examined, and declared all sealed proposals or bids offered for doing the work here- inafter mentioned: HEREBY rejects all of said BIDS except that hereinafter mentioned, and hereby AWARDS the Contract to the lowest, .regular responsible BIDDER, to-wit: To CLEVERDON COMPANY, INC., at the prices specified in its proposal for doing said work now on file. The work herein referred to is the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances for that area, and to the extent, with the materials, and in the manner set forth in Resolution of Intention No. 465, adopted by said District Board on the 2nd day of June, 1949, reference to which said Resolution of Intention is hereby made for a description of said work and improvement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done. The. Secretary of said District Board 1s hereby directed to publish notice of this AWARD twice in the CotllT1erJoumal, a newspaper published and circulated in said Sanitary District as required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 14th day of July, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill & Wadsworth Members - None Members - None .s. Neill C. Cornwall Secretary .s. R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 07 14 49 42 RESOLUTION ORDERING WORK, DETEffi~INING PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES, AND DIRECTING NOTICE TO BIDDERS IN LOCAL IMPROVD~ENT DIST- RICT NO. 14 Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 483 WHEREAS the District Board of Central Contra Costa.Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, passed and adopted, on June 23, 1949, its Resolution of Intention No. 470, to do the work and improvement therein described; and l"lllEF.EAS all written protests filed in relation to said proceed- ings were duly considered by said District Board; RESOLVED by said District Board that said protests be and the same are hereby overruled, and RESOLVED that the public interest and convenience require, and said District Board hereby orders, that said work and improvement be done as set forth in said Resolution of Intention, and according to plans and Specifications heretofore adopted therefor, reference to which Resolution of Intention and Plans and Specifications is hereby made for a description of said work and improvement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done; RESOLVED that said District Board hereby determines the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and rates for overtime and legal holidays, in the locality in which said work is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract therefor, to be as stated in the Notice to Bidders here- inafter set forth to, be posted :and published; and RESOLVED that the Secretary of said District Board shall post conspicuously for five (5) days, on or near the main entrance door to the regular meeting pla~e of said Board at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California, a Notice to Bidders, in the form hereinafter stated, inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing said work and referring to said Plans and Specificatio~s on file; and shall publish said Notice twice in the Courier-Journal, a news- paper published and circulated in Cen~ral Contra Costa Sanitary District and hereby designated for that purpose. All such proposals or bids shall be submitted, received, and publicly opened, examined and declared, and shall be accompanied by a certified check or bond, all as stated in .said Notice to Bidders, which Notice shall be as follows: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Pursuant to law and Resolution No. 483 o'f the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, passed and adopted July 14,1949, Ordering Work, De- termining Prevailing Rates of Wages, and Directing this Notice; said District Board invites sealed proposals or bids for the following work to be done, to-wit: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances for the area, to the extent, with the materials and in the manner set forth'in Resolution of Intention No. 470 passed and adopted by said District Board June 23, 1949, and in accordance with Plans and Specifications adopted therefor, to which Resolution. of Intention, Plans and Specifications, and Resolution Ordering Work reference is hereby made fora description of said work and , improvement and the terms and conditions under which the same is to be done. ' ' - 07 14 49 43 The Plans and Specifications for the proposed work may be seen and examined at the office of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California, or at the Eng- ineering Office of Clyde C. Kenne.dy, Room 504, 604 Mission Street, San Francisco, California, or may be secured at the Engineering Office of Clyde C. Kennedy by making a payment of Twenty and No/looths Dollars ($20.00). There will be no refund on returned Plans or Spec- ifications. ' Pursuant to law, the District Board of central Contra Costa Sani- tary District has determined the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and rates tor overtime and legal holidays, in the locality in which this work is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract. The prevailing rates so determined are as follows: CLASS OF WORK Asphalt Plant Operators Asphalt Plant Engineers Carpenters (Foreman) II (Journeyman) II (Millwright) Shovel & Dragline Operators (under 1 yä) II (ov,er 1 yd) Compressor Operators II (more than one) Operators Concrete, Laborers Cement Finishers Concrete Mixerman (up to 1 yd) II (over 1 yd') Operaotrs, Vibrators, Jackhammer & other and Electric Tools Asphalt Shovelers Asphalt Ironers & Rakers Fireman (Stationary) Crane & Derrick Operators Laborers, General Meohanics, Helpers & Oilers ,Bulldozer Operators Motor Grader Operators Roller Operators Traotor Operators Tractor & Truck Type Loader, Operators Sewer Pipe Layers & Banders Trenching Machine Operators Truck Driver (Dump Trucks under 4 yds) II (Dump, over 4 & under 6 yds) II (Dump, ov.er 6 & under 8 yds) II (Dump, over 8 yds) II (pickup or flatrack carrying less than II (Flatrack carrying over 10,500 lbs) Electrician Iron Worker, Reinforcing Steel, Rodmen II II, Rodmen Foreman (3 men or under) Foreman (4 men or over) Structural Iron Workers Plumbers, Sheet Metal Workers Watchman, Flagman & Guard Drillers and Blasters Cribbers & Lagging Combination, Jackhammer-powderman Bricklayers ' Bricklayers, Hod-carri,ers Painters Plasterers Plasterers, Hod-carriers PER DIEM HOURLY 8 HOURS RATE $ 15.40 1. 925 17.80 2.225 19.00 2.375 17.00 2.125 18.00 2.25 20.20 2.525 21.00 2.625 15.00 1.875 17.40 2.175 12.20 1.525 17.20 2.15 15.00 1.875 17.40 2.175, Air, Gas 13.20 1.65 12.20 1. 525 14.20 1.775 15.00 1.875 19.00 2.375 12.20 1. 5 25 15.00 1.875 17.80 2.225 19.00 2.375 17.80 2.225 17.80 2.225 19.00 2.375 15.80 1.975 18.20 2.275 12.65 1.58125 13.65 1.70625 14.40 1.80 17.40 2.175 10,500 lbs) 12.90 1.6125 13.90 1.7375 20.00 2.50 17.20 2.15 18.20 2.275 19.20 2.40 19.20 2.40 20.00 2.50 18.00 2.25 12.20 1.525 l4.20 1.775 l4.20 l.775 14.20 1.775 22'.50 2.8125 14.00 1.75 7 HOURS 15.05 2.15 6 HOURS 15.00 2.50 13.50 2.25 07 14 49 44 Overtime and Saturday work shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate except as noted below for Cement Finishers and Truck Drivers, and work on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid for at double the normal hourly rate. The foregoing schedule of prevailing rates of wages, and rates, for overtime, Sunday and Legal Holidays, is based, unless otherwise specified, upon a working day of eight (8) hours. Overtime and Saturday rates for Truck Drivers shall be at one and one-half (It) times the normal hourly rate. , The first two hours overtime, after a normal eight (8) hour day, for Cement Finishers shall be at one and one-half (It) times the normal rate and further overtime shall be at double the normal rate. Saturday work for Cement Finishers shall be at one and one-half (Ii) times the normal rate for the first eight (8) hours worked and at double the normal rate for all further tim~ worked on Satur- days. ,NOTICE ,IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN BIDDERS that it shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon all sub.contrac,tors under him, to pay not less than said general prevail~ ing rates ,of per diem wages, as above listed, to all laborers, work- men, and mechanics employed in the execution of the contract. Before ,submitting proposals, the bidder shall be licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9, Division III, of the Buainess and Professions Code, Chapter 37 of the ,Statutes of 1939, as amended, of the State of California, which provides for the registration and licensing of contractors. ~ach bi4der must submit with his proposal a statement of his financial responsibility, technical ability and experience on the fo~ to be, furnished prospective bidders, and a statement as to whe,ther the bidder is an individual, a partnership, a joint venture, or ,a corpo,rat ion. ~ach bidder shall submit with his bid, on the form provided, the na~e and a~dress of each subcontractor, including the principal suppliers ,of materials, and the portion of the work which each sub- con~ractor will do. If the contractor fails to name the subcon- tr~ctors in his proposal, he shall be deemed to have agreed to per- fo~ such portion of the work himself and shall not be permitted to subcontract said portion of work ",i thout previous written permission of ,the San~tary District Board. , , ALL PRO~OSALS or BIDS must be delivered to the undersigned ~ec- ret.ary of ,said District Board at its office at 1822 Mt. Diablo Bo~levard, Walnut Creek, California, on the 4th day of August, 1949, up ,to the hour of 8: 00 0' clock p.m., on which day at the hour of 8: 15 0' clo,ck p.m., in said office of said District Board said PRO- POSALS or BIDS shall be publicly opened, examined and declared, and each proposal or bid must be accompanied by a check certified witpout q~alification by a responsible bank, payable to Central Con,tra Cos,taSani tary District for an amount not less than TEN PER CEN,T (10%) of the aggregate of the proposal or by a bond for said amo~nt and so payable signed by the Bidder and two Sureties, all as pre,scribed by law. ~y ORDE~ OF THE DISTRICT, BOARD, CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITAhY DISTRICT. DATED: Ju,ly l4, 1949. NEILL C. CORNWALL, Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District, Contra Costa County, California. 07 - 14 49 45 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the DISTRICT BOARD of CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 14th day of July, 1949, by the following called vote:' AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Membe rs ~ None Members - None /s/ Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary. /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. SEWER CONNECTION CHARGE - HAPPy VALLEY GLEN UNIT 2 (LID 3) The owners of Happy Valley Glen Unit 2 had been advised by the Manager that under the terms of Ordinance 8, that subdivision would pay a connection fee for the connection of subdivision sewers to sewers under Local Improvement District No..3. The Manager recom- mended to the Board that the connection fee be set at $60.00 per lot, a total of $3,000. Mr. F. Hallmark, attorney for the Happy Valley Glen Company objected to any connection fee on the grounds that they had paid a fee when the District issued a permit for connection. The matter was continued to the meeting of August 4, 1949, to allow for further study. ESTABLISHING LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 The following letter had been filed with the District Board under date of July 14, 1949: '"District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, California Gentlemen: . A recent investigation of conditions existing in the area herein- after described in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in the County of Contra Costa, disclosed such conditions to be unsanitary, unhealthful, and, in my opinion, dangerous to the health of the people living therein. Said area is bounded and described as follows, Official Records and Map Books hereinafter referred to being Official Records and Map Books in office of the Recorder of Contra Costa County, California: "Beginning at intersection of west line of parcei of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1119 Official Records, page 365, in office of Recorder of Contra Costa County, 'California, with north line of right of way of Sacramento Norther Railway; thence easterly along said north line to west line of County Road, sometimes called Reliez ßtation Road; thence northerly along said west line to south line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume l297 Official Records, page 199; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along southern, western and northern lines of said parcel to west line of said Reliez Station Road; the western and northern lines of last described parcel being northerly line of Colorados Rancho as desig- nated on map of 5ectionization of part of Rancho Laguna de los Palos Colorados, Contra Costa County, California, recorded in Map Book IS, page 308; thence continuing in general easterly direction along last named line to southeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 179 Official Records, page 103; thence northerly and westerly along east and north lines of last named parcel to south- east corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 07 14 49 46 1151 Official Records, page 27; thence northerly along east line of said parcel and its extension northerly to south line of said Reliez Station Road; thence easterly and northerly along south and east boundary of said Reliez Station Road to south line of county road from Walnut Creek to Oakland; thence easterly and northerly along said county road line to its intersection with south line of State, Highway from Walnut Creek to Oakland; thence westerly along said south line to its intersection with west line extended southerly of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1215 Offic- ial Records, page 98; thence northerly along said extension and western line of last mentioned parcel to northwest corner thereof; thence northerly in direct line to southeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1191 Official Records; page 247; thence northerly along east line of said parcel and continuing northerly along eastern lines of parcels described in deeds recorded in Volume 822 Official Records, page 100 and Volume 821 Official Records, page 223, to northeast corner of said last mentioned parcel; thence westerly along north boundary of last mentioned parcel and its extension westerly to southeast corner of Reliez Valley Estates, Unit No. l, a subdivision recorded in Map Book 25, page 824; thence northerly and westerly along eastern and northern lines of said subdivision to most eastern corner of Lot 9 of said subdivision, said corner being on westerly line of East Bay Municipal Utility District laO-foot right of way; thence north- erly along said western line to its intersectìon with northeastern boundary of Rancho la Bocha de la Canada de Pinole as designated on map recorded in Volume 3 of Patents, pages 230 and 231, in office of said Recorder; said Rancho line being approximate meanderings of Reliez Creek; thence in general northerly direction along said north- eastern boundary to most northern corner of parcel of land described as Parcel Two in deed recorded in Volume 1216 Official Records, page 503; tþence southwesterly along northwest line of said parcel and its extension southwesterly to center line of county road som~- times called Spring Hill Road; thence northwesterly along said center line to most northern corner of parcel of land described as Parcel Two in deed recorded in Volume 551 Official Records, page 232; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along northwestern and southwestern lines of said parcel to northwestern line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1169 Official Records, pa~e 585; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along northwestern and southwestern lines of said parcel and its extension southeasterly to most north- erly corner of parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed rec- orded in Volume 573 Official Records, page 370; thence southwesterly B,nd southeasterly along northwestern B,nd southwestern lines of said parcel to most easterly corner of percel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 958 Official Records, page 46; thence southwest- erly along southeast line of said parcel to most northern corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1315 Official Records, page 227; thence southeasterly along northeast line of said parcel to most easterly corner thereof; thence northeasterly along northeasterly extension of southeastern line of said parcel to most easterly corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 734 Official Records, page 483; thence southeasterly in direct line to intersection with southeasterly line extended south- westerly of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 784 Official Records, page 249; thence northeasterly along said exten- sion 200 feet to southwest corner of said parcel located on eastern boundary of Pleasant Hill Road; thence southerly along said, eastern boundary and its extension southerly to southern boundary of said State Highway; thence westerly along said southern boundary to its intersection with western boundary extended northerly of parcel of land described in deed recorded, in Volume 404 Official Records, page 96; thence southerly along said extension and western line of said parcel to north line of Walnut Creek Heights, a subdivision recorded in Map Book 11, page 260; thence easterly along said north line to southwest corner of parcel of land described in deed rec- orded in Volume 487 Official Records, page 68; thence northerly 'along west line of said parcel ,and its extension northerly to north- west corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume' 474 Official Records, page 282; thence easterly along northern line 07 14 49 47 of said parcel to west line of said Reliez Station Road; thence southerly and westerly along western and northern lines of said Reliez Station Road to southeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 531 Official Records, page 455; thence northerly along east line of said' parcel to southern line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 401 Official Records, page 411; thence easterly, northerly and westerly along southern, eastern and northern lines of said last mentioned parcel and con- tinuing along westerly extension of said northern line to east line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 846 Official Records, page 475; thence northerly, westerly and southerly along eastern, north,ern and western lines of said parcel and continuing southerly along extension of said western line to north line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1240 Official Records, page 267; thence easterly, southerly and westerly along northern, eastern and southern lines to southwest corner of said parcel located on north line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 512 Official Records, page 399; thence westerly along said north line to northeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1187 Official Records, page 370; thence southerly along eastern line of said parcel to northwest corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1314 Official Records, page 234; thence easterly a,long northern line of said parcel and its extension easterly to northeast corner of parcel of land ,described as Parcel One in deed recorded in Volume 1204 Official Records, page 1¡2; thence southerly along east line of said parcel to northern line of parcel of land described as Parcel Two in deed recorded in Volume 436 Official Records, page 241; thence easterly along said north line to northeast corner of parcel of land described as Parcel One in said last mentioned deed; thence so~therly and west- erly along eastern and southern lines of last mentioned Parcel One and continuing along westerly extension of said southern line to northwest corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1119 Official Records, page 365; thence s'outherly along west- ern line of said last mentioned parcel to point of beginning. liAs Health Officer of the County of Contra Costa, I recommend as a necessary health measure that your Honorable Board institute pro- ceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system for said area to abate the unsanitary conditions therein. "HEALTH OFFICER OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY HBy W. A. POWELL, M. D. II Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 484 FINDING OF NECESSITY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND DIRECTING DISTRICT ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIF- ICATIONS - LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. l5 WHEREAS the County Health Officer has filed with this District Board a report stating that the conditions in the hereinafter de- scribed area in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, in the County of Contra ,Costa, are unsanitary, unhealthful and dangerous to the health of the people living therein, and recommending as necessary as a health measure that the District Board institute proceedings at an early date for the construction of a sanitary sewer system to abate such unsanitary conditions, said area being bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at intersection of west line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1119 Official Records, page 365, in office of Recorder of Contra Costa County, Ca,liforni a, with north line of right of way of Sacramento Northern Railway; thence easterly along said north line to west line of County Road, sometimes called Reliez 07 14 49 48 Station Road; thence northerly along said west line to south line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1297 Offic- ial Records, page 199; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along southern, western and northern lines of said parcel to west line of said Reliez Station Road; the western and northern lines of last described parcel being northerly line of Colo~ados Rancho as designated on map of 5ectionization of part of Rancho Laguna de los Palos Colorados, Contra Costa County, California, recorded in Map Book 15, page .308; thence continuing in gene~al easterly direction along last named line to southeast corner of parcel of land describèd in deed recorded in Volume 179 Official Records, page 10.3; thence northerly and westerly along east and north lines of last named parcel to southeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1151 Official Records, page 27; thence northerly along east line of said parcel and its extension northerly to south line of said Reliez Station Road; thence easterly and north- erly along south and east boundary of said Reliez Station Road to south line of county road from Walnut Creek to Oakland; thence easterly and northerly along said county road line to its intersec- tion with south line of State Highway from Walnut Creek to Oakland; thence westerly along said south line to its intersection with west line extended southerly of parcel of land described in deed record- ed in Volume 1215 Official Records, page 98; thence northerly along said extension and western line of last mentioned parcel to north- west corner thereof; thence northerly in direct line to southeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1191 Official Records, page 247; thence northerly along east line of said parcel and continuing northerly along eastern lines of parcels de- scribed in deeds recorded in Volume 822 Official Records, page 100 and Volume 821 Official Records, page 223; to northeast corner of said last mentioned parcel; thence westerly along north boundary of last mentioned parcel and its extension westerly to southeast corner of Reliez Valley Estates, Unit No.1, a subdivision recorded in Map Book 25, page 824; thence northerly and westerly along eastern and northern lines of said subdivision to most eastern corner of Lot 9 of said subdivision, said corner being on westerly line of East Bay Municipal Utility Distridt 100-foot right of way; thence north- erly along said western line to its intersection with northeastern boundary of Rancho la Bocha de la Canada de Pinole as designated on map recorded in Volume 3 of Patents, pages 230 and 231, in office of said Recorder; said Rancho line being approximate meander- ings of Reliez Creek; thence in general northerly direction along said northeastern boundary to most northern corner of parcel of land described as PB,rcel Two in deed,recorded in Volume 1216 Offic- ial Records, page 503; thence southwesterly along northwest line of said parcel and its extension southwesterly to center line of county road sometimes called Spring Hill Road; thence northwesterly along said center line to most northern corner of parcel of land described as Parcel Two in deed recorded in Volume 55l Official Records, page 232, thence southwesterly and southeasterly along northwestern and, southwestern lines of said parcel to northwestern line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1169 Official Records, page 585; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along northwestern and southwestern line of said parcel and its extension southeasterly to most northerly corner of parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed recorded in Volume 573 Official Records, page 370; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along northwestern and southwestern lines of said parcel to most easterly corner of parcel of land de- scribed in deed recorded in Volume 958 Official Records, page 46; thence southwesterly along southeast line of said parcel to most northern corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volu,e 1315 Official Records, page 227; thence southeasterly along north~ast line of said parcel to most easterly corner thereof; thence northeasterly along northeasterly extension of southeastern line of said parcel to most easterly corner of parcel of land de- scribed in deed recorded in Volume 734 Official Records; page 48); thence southeasterly in direct line to intersection with southeast- erly line extended southwesterly of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 784 Official Records, page 249; thence 07 14 49 49 northeasterly along sB,id extension 200 feet to southwest corner of said parcel located on eastern ,boundary of Pleasant Hill Road; thence southerly along said eastern boul1dary and its extension southerly to southern boundary of said State Highway; thence westerly along said southern boundary to its intersection with western boundary extended northerly of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 404 Official Records, page 96; thence southerly along said extension and western line of said parcel to north line of Walnut Creek Heights, a subdivision recorded in Map Book .11, page 260; thence easterly along said north line to southwest corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 487 Official Reoords, page 68; thence northerly along west line of said parcel and its extension northerly to northwest corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 474 Official Records, page 282; thence easterly along northern line of said parcel to west line of said Reliez Station Road; thence 'southerly and westerly along western and northern lines of said Re- .liez Station Road to southeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 531 Official Records, page 455; thence north- erly along east line of said parcel to southern line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 401 Official Records, page 411; thence easterly, northerly and westerly along southern, eastern and northern lines of said last mentioned parcel and continuing along westerly extension of said northern line to east line of pe,roel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 846 Official Records, page 475; thence northerly, westerly and southerly along eastern, northern and western lines of said parcel and continuing southerly along ex- tension of said western line to north line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1240 Official Records, page 267; thence easterly, southerly and westerly along northern, 'eastern and southern lines to southwest corner of said parcel located on north line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 512 Official Records" page 399; thence westerly along said north line to northeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1187 Official Records, page 370; thence southerly along eastern line of said parcel to northwest corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1314 Official Records, page 234; thence easterly along northern line of said parcel and its extension easterly to northeast corner of parcel of land described as Parcel One 1n deed recorded in Volume l204 Official Records; page 112; thence southerly along east line of said parcel to northern line of parcel of land described as Parcel Two in deed recorded in Volume 436 Official Rec- ords, page 241; thence easterly along said north line to northeast corner of parcel of knd described as Parcel One in said last men- tioned deed; thence southerly and westerly along eastern and southern lines of last mentioned Parcel One and continuing along westerly ex- tension of said southern line to northwest corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1119 Official Records,' page 365; thence southerly along western line of said last mentioned parcel to point of beginning. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, that it is hereby found that the construction of a sanitary sewer system for the above described area as necessary as a health measure does exist, and hereby orders that proceedings be instituted and appropriate resolutions be prepared for adoption by this Board for the construction of such sewers, as recommended by the Health Officer, said proceedings to be as provided in Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the "Improvement Act of 1911," with bonds to be issued to represent unpaid assessments as provided therein; said area for which such sewers are to be construct- ed to be known as Local Improv~ment District No. 15. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report and recommendation of the Health Officer is hereby ordered spread upon the M~nutesof this meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Engineer is hereby dir- ected to prepare and submit .to this Board maps, diagrams, plans and specifications, together with a careful estimate of the cost and expense of constructing a sanitary sewer system for said Local Im- provement District No. 15. 07 14 49 50 PASSED AND ADOP'I'ED by the District Board of Centrs,l Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Calif- ornia, thi s 14th day of July, 194,9, by the following called vote: , AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None /s/ Neill C. Cornwall, Secretary Isl R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. APPROVING PLANS, GRADES, AND SPECIFICATIONS 'FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 485 RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Plans and Specifications submitted by the District Engineer pro- vidingfor constructing a sanitary sewer system for Local Improve- ment District No. 15, the area within the following described boundaries, viz: ' The area within the boundaries set forth in Resolution No. 484 of said District Board passed and adopted the 14th day of July, 1949, finding necessity for construction of such sanitary sewers in said Centrs,l Contra Costa Sanitary District, be and the same are hereby approved and adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RE50L\~D that the grades as shown on said Plans be and the same are hereby adopted as the official grades. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 14th day of July, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None Isl Neill C. Cornwall Secretary Is/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District APPROVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT MAP LOCAL D1PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 486 RESOLVED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, State of California, that the Assess- ment District Map submitted by the Engineer, which indicat,es by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the District proposed to be assessed for constructing a sanitary sewer system for Local Improvement District No. 15, the area within the follow- ing described boundaries, viz: The area within the boundaries set forth in Resolution No. 484 of said District Board passed and adopted the 14th day of July, 1949, finding necessity for construction of such sanitary sewers in said 07 14 49 51 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, thiS 14th day of July, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, ,Weill and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None s/s/ Neill C. Cornwall Secretary /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 487 RESOLvED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the public interest and convenience require, and it is the intention of said Board to, order the following work to be done and improvements made, to-wit: FIRST: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, in accordance with Plans and Specifications heretofore adopted and approved therefor, in the following streets, rights of way and ease- ' ments in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 1 of said Plans and Specifica- tions: BURRING LANE for its entire length. RIGHT OF WAY, extending southerly from Vernon Avenue, for its entire length. RIGHT OF WAY, extending southerly from O~~land Avenue, for its, entire length. RIGHT OF WAY, extending westerly from Stow Lane, for its entire length. STOW LANE from its intersection with Reliez Station Road to F.I. 28 to be located in Stow Lane 470 feet northerly from said inter- . section. RELIEZ STATION ROAD from existing main trunk M.H., located in Relie'z Station Road 40 feet northerly of northern line of Buhring Lane, to F.I. 26 to be located in Reliez Station Road at its inter- section with Carl Avenue. VERNON AVENUE from its intersection with Carl Avenue to M.H. 45 to be located in Vernon Avenue 235 feet westerly of said intersection. CARL AVENUE from its intersection'with Vernon Avenue to F.I. 31 to be located in Carl Avenue 190 feet northerly of said intersection. JUDY LANE between M.H. 41, to be located at its intersection with Reliez Station Road, and F.I. 25 to be located in said Judy Lane 250 feet westerly of said intersection. 07 14 49 52 EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 27), being strip of land 5 feet wide, east line of which is 5 feet east- erly from west line thereof, said west line being described as follows: , Beginning on west line of parcel of land described in deed rec- orded in Book 179 Official Records, page 10), distant thereon south 00 09' eastJ 184.39 feet from northwest corner of said parcel; thence south 00 091 east to north line of easement described in De~d of Dedication for Sewer Easement, recorded in Book ll37 of Official Records, pag~ 416. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 26), being south 5 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1355 of Official Records, page 455. ' EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 34), being north 10 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 824 of Official Records, page 412. ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way and easements in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in'relation thereto are shown on Sheet 3 of said Plans and Sp~cifications: COUNTY ROAD between F. I. 4, .to be located there in 580 feet west- erly from west line of Reliez Station Road, and F.I. 3 to be located in said County Road 300 feet southwesterly from south lineof State Highway. NORTON DRIVE and SANDFORD ROAD for their entire lengths. CIRCLE CREEK ROAD from its southern extremity to point in said Circle Creek Road 150 feet southerly from south line of State High- way. RIGHT OF WAY' intersecting State Highway 480 feet easterly from Pleasant Hill Road, between F.I. 9 to be located in said Right of Way 460 feet northerly from north line of State Highway to point in said Right of Way 190 feet northerly from said north line of State Highway. ' RIGHT OF WAY intersecting last mentioned Right of Way, for its entire length. UNNAMED ROAD intersecting County Road, for its entire length. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO CANADA DE HAMBRE, SOUTHERN P ART (Parcel 30), being west 5 feet and northwest 10 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1198 of Official Records, page 49. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO CANADA DE HAMBRE, SOUTHERN PART (Parcel 29), being south 5 feet of parc~l of land described as Parcel One in deed recorded in Volume 1.331 of Official Records, page 13. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 35), being south 5 ,feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 887 of Official Records, pag~ 438. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA ,DEL PINOLE (Parcel .3.3), being north 5 feet of parcel of land described as Parcels One and TwQ in deed recorded in Volume 509 of Official Records, page 276. ¡ EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE, (Parcel 8), be~ng west 8 feet of north 90 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 683 of Official Records, page 116. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA ,DEL PINOLE (Parcel 9)J being wes~ 8 feet of parcel of land ~escribed in deed recorded in Volume 422 of Official Recqrds, page 240. EASD~ENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 10), being west 10 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 503 of Official Records, page 167. 07 14 49 53 EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE {Parcelll}, being west 5 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volum~ 1l52 of Official Records, page 163. , ALSO, in the following ,streets, rights of way, and easements in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 4 of said Plans and Specifications: ORTEGA STREET and NOGALES STREET for their entire lengths. PLEASANT HILL CIRCLE from its easterly intersection with Acalanes Avenue to F.I. 18 to be located in Pleasant Hill Circle 100 feet north of its westerly intersection with Acalanes Avenue. , , PALOMANES AVENUE hetwee,n F.1. 16, to be located therein 250, feet easterly from eastern line of Perales Street, and F.I. 15 to be located 100 feet easterly from eastern line of Nogales Street. PERALES STREET from F.I. 14, to be located therein 150 feet south of south line of Acalanes Avenue, to southern extremity of Perales Street. ACALANES AVENUE between F.I. 17, to be located therein 340 feet easterly from eastern line of Pleasant Hill Road, and M.H. 21 to be , located in Acalanes Avenue at its intersection with Nogales Street. UNNAMED ROAD between F.I. 19, to be located therein 300 feet easterly from eastern line of Pleasant Hill .Road, and M.H. 25 to be located in said Unnamed Road 590 feet easterly from eastern line of Pleasant Hill Road. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE {Parcel II}, being north 5 feet of parcel 9f land described in deed recorded in Volume 1152 of Official Records, page 163. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE {Parcel 31}, being north 5 feet of we~t 93 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded'in Volume 786 of Official Records, page 233. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 32), being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of parcel of land described in deed re- corded in Volume 421 of Official Records, page 3ß3 distant thereon north 890 35' east, 107.50 feet from southeast corner of Lot 56 as shown on map of "Reliez Valley Estates, Unit No. 2", Contra Costa County, ,California, recorded in Office of Recorder in Map Book 25, pages 825 and 826; thence north 30 46' 30" west, to point distant north 890 35' east, 2.5 feet from northeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1198 of Official Records, page 381. EASEMENT, IN LOT 55 (Parcel 12), as shown on said map of Re1iez Valley Estates, Unit No.2, being east 5 feet of said lot. EASEMENT, IN ,LOT 9 (Parcel 13), as designated on map of "Reliez Valley Estates, Unit No. 111, Contra Costa, County, California, re- corded 1n Office of Recorder in Map Book 25, pages 823 and 824, being western 5 feet of said lot. ' EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE {Parcel 14}, being east 5 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 874 of Official Records, page 484. . . ALSO, ,in the following streets, rights of way and easements in said Sanitary District as they .and the proposed work in relation thereto ,are shown on Sheet 5 of said Plans and Specifications: 07 14 49 54' UNNAMED ROAD between M.H. 31, to be located therein 300 feet easterly from east ,line of Pleasant Hill Road, s,nd M. H. 30 to be located in said Unnamed Road 100 feet easterly from said M.H. 31. EASEMENT, ÌN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 15), consisting of two sub-parcels: SUB-PARCEL A: Being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on southeastern line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 535 of Offic- ial Records, page 288, distant thereon north 620 27' east, 618.52 feet from most southern corner of said parcel; thence north 210 25' west, l4l4.39 feet to point on northern line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 814 of Official Records, page 205, distant thereon north 640 35' east, 6l5.69 feet from most western corner of said parcel. - SUB-PARCEL B: Being north 5 feet of west 613.19 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Vo¡ume 814 of Official Rec- ords, page 205. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 16), being northeast 5 feet of parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed ,recorded in Volume l178 of Official Records, page 542. 'EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 17), being northeast 5 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded May 31, 1949, File No. 18999. EAS&~NT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 18), being northeast 5 feet of southeast 10 feet of parcel of land de- scribed in deed recorded in Volume 1329 of Official Records, page 2~. ' EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 19), b,eing northeast 5 feet of parcel of land descroned in deed recorded in Volume 1119 of Official Records, page 205. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 20), being'northeast 5 feet of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 983 of Official Records, page 92. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 21), being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on southeast line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 615 of Official Records, page 247, dis- tant thereon north 630 09' 50" east, 303.0.3 feet from most southern corner of said parcel; thence north 250 12' 50" west, 119.03 feet , to point on northern line of said parcel distant thereon north 610 24' lOti east, 299.57 feet from most western corner thereof. ' EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 22), being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on southeast line of parcel of land described in deed ,recorded in Volume 599 of Official Records, page 220, dis- tant thereon north 610 24' 10" east, 299.57 feet from most southern corner thereof; thence north 250 12' 50" west, 75.97 feet to poinñ on northern line of said parcel, distant t,hereon north 610 33' 40 I east, 296.80 feet from most western corner of said parcel. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 23), being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on southeast line,of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1094 of Official Records, page 291, dis- tant thereon north 610 33' 40" east, 296.80 feet from most southern corner of said parcel; thence north 250 12' 50" west, '86.27 feet to point on north line of said parcel, distant thereon north 61028' east, ,293.80 feet from most western corner of said parcel. 07 14 49 55 EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 24), being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows:, Beginning on northwest line of pEl.rcel ,of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1072 of Official Records, page 32, dis- , tant ,thereon north 610 28' east, 298.55 feet from most western corner of said parcel; thence south 260 11' east, 10 feet and ,south 150 55' 50 II east, 85.,ó2 feet to south line of said parcel. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parce125), con- sisting of two sub-parcels: SUB-PARCEL A: Being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: ' Beginning on southeast line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1124 of Official Records, page 370, distant thereon north 610 28' east, 298.55 feet from most southern corner thereof; thence north 260 II' west, 111.,69 feet to northern line of said percel. SUB-PARCEL B: Being northwest 5 feet of southwest 282.13 feet of parcel of land described in Volume l124 of Official Records,' page 370. ALSO, in the following streets, rights of way and easements in said Sanitary District as they and the proposed work in relation thereto are shown on Sheet 6 of said Plans and Specifications: PLEASANT HILL ROAD between M.H. 33, to be located therein 250 ,feet south of south line of Spring Hill Road, and M.H. 34 to be located at inte~section of Pleasant Hill Road and Spring Hill Road. SPRING HILL ROAD betwe,en said M.H. 34, to be located at said in- tersection, and M.H. 37 to be located in Spring Hill Road 2200 feet northwest of said intersection. MARTINO ROAD between M.H. 35, to be located at its intersection with Spring Hill Road, and F.I. 21 to be located in Martino Road 750, feet :west of its inters~ction with ,Spring Hill Road. UNNAMED ROAD extending westerly and northwesterly ' from Spring Hill Road, between M.H. 36, to be located at its intersection with Spring Hill Road, and F.I. 22 to be located in said Unnamed Road 750 feet westerly and northwesterly from said intersection. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 28), being south 5 feet of parcel of land described as Parcel Two in deed recorded in Volume 551 of Offtcial Records, page 232. The expense of said work and improvement hereinabove described in Section 1, First, hereof, and on Sheets l~ 3, 4, 5 and 6, shall be chargeable upon an assessment district hereinafter established. SECOND: The construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, in accordance with said Plans and Specifications, outside of said assessment district and in the following easements in said Sanitary district as they and the proposed work in relati.on thereto are shown ,on Sheet 2 of said Plans and Specif.ications: ' EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcell)., heing east 5 feet of north 444.65 feet of parcel of land described as Parcel One in deed recorded in Volume 482 of Official Records, page 343. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BO,CA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 2), con- sisting of two sub-parcels: SUB-PARCEL A: Strip of land 5 ~eet wide, center line of which is described as follows: . Beginning on north line of parcel of land described in deed re- corded in Volume 1121 of Official Records, page 1, distant thereon north 840 47' east,212.79 feet from northwest corner of said parcel; thence south 50 13' 15" east, 472.50 feet to south line of said par- cel, distant thereon south 890 27' east,294.65 feet from southwest corner thereof. 07 14 49 56 SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 5 feet wide, south line of which is 5 feet southerly measured at right angles from north line and which north line is described as follows: Beginning on north line of parcel of ¡and described in deed recorded in Volume 1121 of Official Records, page 1, di~tant thereon north 840 47' east, 212.79 feet from northwest corner of said parcel; thence north 840 47' ,east along said north line, 214 feet~ EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 3), being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 1163 of Official Records, page 570, 'distant ther~on north 840 47' east, 424.27 feet from southwest corner of said percel; thence north 50 07' west, 267.23 feet to point on north ¡ine Qf said parcel, distant theræn north 840 47' east, 470.10 feet from northwest corner thereof. , EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 4), consisting of two sub-parcels: SUB-PARCEL A: Strip of ~nd 5 feet wide, center line of whiCb is described as follows: Beginning on north line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume l163 of Official Records, page 568, distant thereon north 840 47' east, 470.10 feet from northwest corner thereof; thence north 50 07' west, 352.39 feet and north 00 07' west, 212.60 feet ,to, point on north line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 405 of Official Records, , page 482, d1st'ant thereon south 890 57' west, 105.74 feet from southeast corner of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 487 of Official Record,s" page 196. , ' SUB-PARCEL B: Strip of land 10 teet wide, south line of which is 10 feet southerly measured at right angles from north line and which north line is described as foll.o,ws,: Beginning on north line of parcel of land described in deed, recorded in Vol~e 405 of Official Records, page 482, distant thereon south 89 571 west, 105.74 feet from southeast corner of parcel of land described in deed re'corded in Volume 487 of Official Records, page 196; thence south 890 571 we st, along s.id north line 6,0 ,feet. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 5)~ being strip of land 5 feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: Beginning on south line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 487 of Official Records, page 196, ~is- tant thereon ,north 890 57' eastbl15.22 feet from southwest corner of said parcel; thence north 18 081 west, 320.48 feet to point on north line of said parcel, distant thereon east, 110.73 feet from northwest corner 'thereof. EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 6), being strip of land 5 ,feet wide, center line of which is described as follows: B,eginning on north line of parcel of land described in deed recorded in Volume 586 of Official Records, page 209, distant thereon east, 611.05 feet from northwest corner of said parcel; thence south 170 271 east, 248.60 feet, and south 220 22' west, 78.66 feet to point on south line of said parcel, distant thereon east, '558.72 feet from southwest corner of said parcel. , EASEMENT, IN RANCHO BOCA DE LA CANADA DEL PINOLE (Parcel 7), being strip of land'5 feet wide, center line of which is described a,s follows: Beginning on north line of parcel of land described in deed recorded Mardh 11,1949, File No. 8687, being in center of a county road distant thereon south 870 east, 539.52 feet from northwest corner of said parcel; thence south 270 14' east, 124.30 feet; thence south 140 371 east, .305.68 feet40. thence south 400 55' east, 173 feet, and south 170 271 east, 116. feet to point on south line of said parcel, distant thereon east 611.05 feet from southwest corner of said parcel. 07 14 49 57 The expense of said work and improvement hereinabove described in Section 1, Second, her!::of, and on Sheet 2,shall also be charge- able upon said assessment district hereinafter established. THIRD: The office of the Recorder referred to hereinabove is the' office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and Official Records and file numbers hereinabove re- ferred to are OfficiaJ. Redords 8,nd file numbers of said Recorder. The letters M.H. and F.I. herein used refer to and mean Manhole and Flushing Inlet, respectively. In the foregoing descriptions, the width of all easements described by reference to a center line is measured at right angles. In the foregoing descriptions, wherever right of way, easement, street, ,or other public way is described wherein work is to be done, it is the intention that said work shall also be extended so as to connect the same with existing sewers or sewer work to be constructed nearest to said right of way, easement, street, or other public way, and at the point in said proposed work where a manhole, flushing in- let, or other construction is shown on said Plans therefor, unless otherwise shown thereon. FOURTH: Said work shall include the refilling, compacting, and resurfacing of the trench in which said sewer and appurtenances are cons tructed. ' SECTION 2. All said improvement and work shall be done of the sizes, dimensions, and materials and in the positions and locations as shown upon, and'all in accordance with, the Plans ,and Specifica- tions therefor heretofore adopted by said District Board ánd now on file with the Secretary ,0 f said Board, whic h said Plans and Specif- ications are hereby referred to and made a part hereof by reference. , , SECTION 3. That in the opinion of, said Board, said work is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said Board hereby orders that the cost and expenses of said work and improvement shall be chargeable and charged upon a district, which district is hereby declared to be the district benefited by said work and improvement and which is to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof. The exterior boundaries of said assessment district and the ex- tent of the territory included therein are shown upon the map of said district approved and adopted by said Board on the l4th day of July, 1949, and now on file in the office of the Secretary of said Board, to which map reference is hereby made for a particular de- scription ofsaid boundaries and the extent of said territory 'included the~e1n to be so assessed; saving and excepting therefrom the area of all public streets and other public ways included therein. There shall be paid out of the treasury of said Sanitary District and from the Sewer Construction Fund therein, the sum of $11,500.00 toward the cost and expense of any and all of said work and improve- ment. , SECTION 4. That the proceedings for said work and improvement shall be had and taken under and in accordance with Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. ("Im- provement Act of 1911"). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Health Officer of ' said County of Contra Costa has recommended in writing to said Board that said pro- ceedings for said work be instituted as a necessary health measure, and said Board heretofore ordered said recommendation spread upon the Minutes of said Board and by Resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the'members of said Board found and determined that such necessity exists. SECTION 5. That serial bonds shall be issued pursuant to Part 5 of Division 7 of said Streets and Highways Code {Improvement Act of 07 14 49 58 1911) to represent the unpaid assessments of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) or over for the cost of said work, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of SIX PER CENT (6,%) per annum, to extend for a period of nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next October 15th following their date, and to be payable in annual installments, the last installment thereof to mature nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next 15th day of October following their date, said bonds and the interest thereon to be payable as provided in said Code. SECTION 6. That Thursday, thellth day of August, 1949, at the hour of.8:00 olclock p.m., of said day, and the meeting place of said Board, 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, be and the same are hereby fixed as the time and place, when and where any and all persons having any objection to the proposed work and improvement or to the extent of the district to be assessed, or both, may appear before said Board and show cause why said proposed work should not be carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. SECTION 7. That the Engineer of said District shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said work and improvement, in the manner and form required by law, notices of the passage of this Resolution. SECTION 8. That the Secretary of said Board shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause the same to be pub- lished twice; as required by, law, in the Courier-Journal, a news- paper published and circulated within said District and hereby designated for that purpose by said Board. SECTION 9. Said District Board does hereby direct its Secretary to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed for the work herein described, whose names and addresses appeared on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Contra Costa or as known to the Secretary, the contents of said notices to be as re- quired by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 14th day of July, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toknd, Weill and Wadsworth. Members - None Members - None Isl Neill C. Cornwall Secretary Isl R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF COST ,LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 15 liThe District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Walnut Creek, California Gentlemen: IISubmitted herewith is a detailed estimate of the cost of work in accordance with Plans and Specifications for the area designated as Local Improvement District No. 15 which you directed me to pre- pare in your Resolution No., J.¡-84, dated July 14, 1949, said proposed work having been ordered by you pursuant to a report ,and recommend- ation of the Health Officer of Contra Costa County. 07 14 49 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 QUANTITY 14,12,0 If 2,200 If 2,800 If 7,320 If 38 If 150 If l40 If 31 ea 44 ea 2 ea 215 ea 4 ea 16 ea 10 ea 28 ea 2 cy 3 ea 20 ea DESCRIPTION 611 V C pipe sewer 8" V C pipe sewer lOll V C pipe sewer 1211 V C pipe sewer 611 concrete lined steel pipe 12" II II & coated II II 12 ga. 2l" corug. iron pipe Flushing Inlets 48" Standard Manholes 48" " ", Type B 6" x 4" V C Wye 6" x 6" V C Wye 8" x 411,V C Wye 10" x 4" V C Wye 12" x 4" V C Wye Reinforced conc. for pedestal support & connection support Connection to existing manhole Resetting survey monuments Construction Cost Engineering Surveying & Inspection Rights of way and easements Advertising, Legal preparation Assessment & other incidental Total estimated Cost UNIT PRICE 3.00 3.25 4.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 35.00 50.00 275.00 275.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 100.00 50.00 10.00 of costs Very truly yours CLYDE C. KENNEDY, DISTRICT ENGI~'EER." 59 TOTAL 42,)60. 7)150. 11,200. 36,600. 304. l,800. 4,900. 1)550. l2,100. 550. 860. 16. 80. 80. 280. , 200. 150. 200. 120,380. 8,300. 11,265. .3,557. 6.522. 150,024. ~n~ REGULATION 0 F SEPTICf INSTALLATIONS Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO.9 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE INSTALLATION OF PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AND FIXING THE FEE TO BE CHARGED FOR INSPECTION AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF. , The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, does hereby regulate and ordain as follows: Definitions ARTICLE I Sec. 1 - For the purpose of this ordinance, the tenns used herein are defined as follows: Sec. 2 - District is the ,Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. Sec. 3 - District Board is the District Board of said District. Sec. 4 - District Secretary is the Secretary of said Board. Sec. 5 - Sewer Inspector is the Inspector of said District, his as- sistants or deputies. Sec. 6 - County is the County of Contra Costa. , , 07 14 49 60 Sec. 7 - Person is any person, firm, company, corporation, or assoc- iat ion. Sec. 8 - Uniform Plumbing Code is the code adopted by the Western Plumbing Officials Association at its Eighteenth Annual Cç>nference held in October, 1947, a copy of which is on file in the office of Central Contra Costa ,Sanitary District at 1822 Mt. Dia,blo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California. Sec. 9 - Private Sewage Disposal Systems are systems for receiving and disposing of sewage from individual single family or d~plex residences or other single premises where a public s~wer is not available for use. :Sec.lO - H9use Sewer is that portion of the sewer between the private s~wage disposal system and the connection to the house plumbing system. ' ,Sec.ll - Plumbing System includes all plumbing fixtures and traps or soil waste, special waste, and vent pipes and all sani- t~ry sewage pipes within the property lines of the house premises. ARTICLE II General Provisions Sec. 1 - No private sewage disposal system shall be hereafter con- structed within the boundaries of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District without first obtaining a permit therefor in the manner provided in this Ordinance. Sec. 2 - The following rules and regulations respecting the construc- tion of private sewage disposal systems are hereby adopted, and all work in respect thereto shall be performed as,here- in required and not otherwise: Sec. .3 - Permit. Any person proposing to construct a private sewage disposal system shall submit detailed plans covering the proposed work, which plans shall be reviewed for compliance with this Ordinance and approved by the Sewer Inspector , before construction shall proceed. A permit will be issued by the Sewer Inspector for the construction of the work upon the presentation of such plans after their approval. Sec. 4- Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and, ~pon conviction thereof, shall be punished by , a fine of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail of Contra Costa County not' to exceed one (1) month, or both. Sewer Inspector. Certificate. Inspection. All inspection under this Ordinance shall be performed by the Sewer Inspec- tor, his assistants and deputies. The testing of sewer work and private sewage disposal systems shall be made in the presence of the Sewer Inspector; and if the test proves. satisfactort, he shall issue a certificate to that effect. Sec. 5 - ¡ Sec. '6 - Previous Notice. In all cases twenty-four' (24) hours notice must be given and filed in the office of Sewer In- spector when the work is sufficiently advanced for i~spec- tion. Sec. 7 - Condemned Work. Notice. When any house sewer or private sewage disposal system has been inspected and the work, condemned and no certificate of satisfactory completion given, a written notice to that effect shall be given in- forming the owner of the premises, or the agent of such owner, to repair the work to pla,ce it in a sani tary con- dition. ' Sec. 8 - Fees. ,. .' '. 07 14 49 '61 (a)' The following fees shall be paid to said District for the following: For reviewing plans and inspecting site of proposed private sewage disposal system $3.00 For inspecting a house sewer $1.00 $3.00 $5.00 For issuing permit and approving plans For inspecting private sewage disposal system Sec. 9 - official Right of Entry. The Sewer Inspector shall wear or carry an badge of office or other evidence establishing his position as,such, and upon exhibiting same shall have the right of entry in and upon any and all buildings and premises within said District for the purpose of making inspections, re- inspections, or otherwise performing such duties as may be necessary in the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance. Sec.lO - Responsibility for Defects. All plumbers and/or contractors shall be held strictly responsible for any and all acts of agents or employees done under this Ordinance. Upon being notified by the Sewer Inspector of any defect arising there- from in any work or of any violation of this Ordinance; the person or persons having charge of said work shall immediately correct the same. ARTICLE III House Sewers Sec. 1 - A house sewer and private sewage disposal system shall not be constructed without first obtaining approval of plans and building site and a permit therefor from the Sewer In- spector. Sec. 2 - Application, Contents. In the application for a permit to construct a house sewer and private sewage disposal system, the owner of the property, or his representative, shall de- scribe, a~d she,ll show by detailed plans, the work proposed to be done, the exact location of the work in relation to the building to be served, and the location of the work on the premises, and shall state the day upon which the pro- posed site and work may be inspected. Sec..3 - Permit. Departure. When approved by the issuance of the permit, such location and plans for construction shall not be departed from without written permission of the Sewer Inspector or his authorized representative. Trenches. Inspection. All trenches and other excavations shall be left open, and all house sewers and private sewage disposal systems must be left open for inspection, until in- spected and approved in writing by the Sewer Inspector. Upon written approval after such inspection, trenches shall immediately be backfilled, and the premises restored to their original condition. Sec. 4- Sec. 5 - Private Sewage Disposal Systems shall conform in location, design, and construction to Sections 602, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404 and 1405 of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Sec. 6 - The granting of a permit for a private sewage disposal sys- tem is not a guarantee of the system's satisfRctory operation; and the responsibility for such satisfactory operation shall at all times be upon the owner or operator thereof. Sec. 7 - Sewer Materials. House sewers shall be constructed of No.1 vitrified clay sewer,pipe and fittings having an internal 07 14 49 62 diameter of not less than four (4) inches or material of equal quality or of standard weight cast iron pipe having an int9rnal diameter of not less than four (4) inches. All joints in sewer pipe and fittings shall be made tight against leakage andlor ground water infiltration by the use of caulked Portland cement and other suitable jointing mat- erials. Sec. 8 - Depth and Level of House Sewer. Unless it is 1mpossib~e to do so by reason of the conformation of the ground, house sewers shall have a depth of not less than one and one-half (1*) feet between the top of the pipe and the ground surface, and shall have a u~iform slope toward the private sewage disposal system of not less than one-eighth (1/8) inch vertical to one (1) foot horizontal. The house sewer at the connection to the house drain shall never be less than eighteen (18) -inches below the surface of the ground, providing the minimum of one-eighth (1/8) inch fall per foot will permit. Sec. 9 - Cleanout. Every house,sewer shall end in a wye branch' connecting to the house drain, the straight run end being closed by a cap to be available as a cleanout. Sec.lO - Inspection. The fact of completion and readiness for in- spection shall also be reported to the Sewer Inspector. In no case shall the work be covered at any point, within or without the property lines, until the same has been in- spected and accepted. Sec.ll - Storm Water Prohibited. No leaders from roofs and no sur- face drains for rain water shall be connected to any house sewer. No surface or sub-surface drainage, rain water, storm water, or seepage shall be permitted to enter any house sewer by any device or method whatsoever. ARTICLE IV Sec. 1 - This Ordinance shall be entered in thé Minutes of the Dist- rict Board, shall be published once in the Walnut Kernel, a newspaper published in said District, and shall take' ef,fect upon the expiration 0 f the week of such publication. ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 14th day of July, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth., Members -' None Members - None Isl Neill C. Cornwall iecretary leV R. E. Wadsworth, President of the DistriQt Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. ACCEPTING SECTION V MAIN TRUNK SANITARY SEWER Member Smitten, seconded by Member Toland, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 488 WHEREAS, Clyde C. Kennedy, District Engineer of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, has certified to this'Board that Martin Bros. has fully executed and completed its contract, dated May 20, 1948, for the construction of Section V of ,the Main Trunk Sanitary Sewer, located between Lafayette and St. Mary's College in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Said contract was completed on - 07 14 . .. 49~ 63 ,or about July l4, 1949. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Section V of the Main Trunk Sanitary Sewer be and the same is hereby accepted, and the President and Secretary be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of Central Contra Costa,Sanitary District a Notice of Completion as provided by law and cause the same to be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, 8,nd said Recorder is hereby authorized to record the same. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, state of California, th~ 14th day of July, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Weill and Wadsworth Members - None Members - None /s/ Neill C. Cornwall Secretary /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ACCEPTING SECTION V I l-iAIN TRUNK SANITARY SEWER Member Johnson, seconded by Member Smitten, moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 489 WHEREAS, Clyde C. Kennedy, District Engineer of Central Contra Co~a Sanitary District, has certified to this Board that Stockton Construction Company has fully executed and completed his contract, dated September 28,1949, for the construction of Section VI, of the Main Trunk Sanitary Sewer, located between State Highway south of Walnut Creek~ at Newell Avenue and a point in Rudgear Road west of the intersection of Rudgear Road and the State- Highway in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Section VI of the Main Trunk Sanitary Sewer be and the same is hereby àccepted, and the President and Secretary be and they are hereby authorized and dir- ected to execute on behalf of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District a Notice of Completion as provided by law and cause the same to be recorded in, the Office of the Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California, and said Recorder is hereby authorized to record the same. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California, this 14th day of July, 1949, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members Johnson, Smitten, Weill and Wadsworth Member Toland Members - None /s/ Neill C. Cornwall Secretary /s/ R. E. Wadsworth, President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. 07 14 49 64 CONSENT IN ASSIGNMENT, KISS CRANE COMPANY TO CHAS. T. BROWN OOMPANY It was moved by Member Weill, seconded by Member Smitten, and unanimously carried, that the Board does hereby consent to the. assignment of Albert J. Kiss to C. T. Brown of all his right, title and interest including profits due him, in the contract dated Oct- ober 21,1948 between the Sanitary District and Kiss Crane Company and Chas. T. Brown Company. REQUEST FOR PEID-1ITS FOR HOUSE SEWERS FROM ASSOCIATED PLUMBING CONTRACTORS OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY ' ' The following letter from Associated Plumbing Contractors of Contra Costa County, dated July 14, 1949 was read:, "Gentlemen: "Due to the fact that no permits may now be obtained to tie into the main trunk sewer lines on your system, excepting the general contractor, who installed these lines, the following is asked for your approval: ' That you permit the running of the house sewers, from the house connection to the curb line at this time. "We feel this should be approved, because it in no way jeoperdizes you or the general contractor in the acceptance of the main trunk sewers. Further, if it be approved, would enable the contractors installing house sewers to do'a maximum portion of the work under good weather conditions. Then, at the time of acceptance of the main trunk sewers, the balance of the work will be completed. 'We sincerely hope that you will decide favorable upon this request. III have arranged for Mr. Arthur Seeburger and Mr. O. E. Southwick to appear in connection with this request. Very truly yours Wm. H. Nichols, Exec. Secretaryll The Board requested Mr. Southwick to bring in a copy of the contract they proposed to use, showing that the property owner would be advised that there would be a delay in connection to the street sewer. It waS moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson,and carried unanimously thB,t the Board take the matter under advi sement before making a decision. HEALTH SAFEGUARD FOR ORINDA PImPING STATIONS - BROKEN LINE WATER PUMP The District Engineer advised the Board that where fresh water was supplied to a sewage plant, a health safeguard in the form of a broken line to prevent backwash into fresh water lines is required by the State Board of' Health. It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Weill, that the Board instruct the Engineer to authorize contractor' to proceed with the installation of a pump to for~an air break in the water line at the Orinda Pumping Stations as required by ,the Health Department. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Memb~rs Smitten, Toland, vleill and Wadsworth Members - None Member Johnson 07 .."" ,~ . 14 49 65 ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Member Smitten, seconded by Member Johnson and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn to August 4, 1949 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. At"-- ;~....., , . .......' "-"~-""""'--""""'" ".-,./ \ President ct'tbe District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanit'ary District of Contra Costa County, State of California Countersigned: /Y~ ßR.t~ Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. 07 14 4 "', ~