HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-05-59 67 MINUTBS OF A RDJLAR KBBTING OF '1'HB DIS'l"IUCl' BOARD CENTIW. camlA COSTA UNITARY DISTRICT BELD MARCB 5,1959 r \ The District Board of Central Contra Costa Saaitar, District conveaed in a Regular Ses.ioB at its reøular place of aeeting located at 1250 Spriag- brook Road, WalDut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on March 5,1959, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. i I The Meting was called to order by President Fisher. I . ROIl. CALL PRBSBNT: Meabers: Mitchell, koeaer, Salfingere, Spiegl aDd Fisher ABSBNT : Meabers : None II . APPROVAL OF MINtJTBS The Minutea of the meeting of February 19, 1959, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OP BILLS , . It waa aoftd by Meabar Mitchell, seconded by Meaber Roeaer, that the bills as a.dited by the Auditing eo..ittee Bad as aubaitted ~ ~he District Nanager-Bagineer. be approved, reference being specifically aade to Sewer Construction Vouchers Nuabe.s 312 to 327, inclusive, ad Running Expense Vouchers Nuabers 3007 to 3153, inclusive. Carried by the following vote: ~ ADS: MeaHrs: Mitchell, Roeaer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Fisher NOBS: Meabars: None ~BNTI . Members: None \ I I V . I JIJWUNGS None. V. OLD IIJSINBSS . REPORT JIR(I¡( JItCMN AND CALIMBLL RB œTPALL LINE . - Meœber Mitchell expres.ed his concern over the soil '.conditions ånd wether a stable footing had been obtained. . . Mr. Borsttotte, District Manager-Engineer, explained. Meaaber Spiegl questioned wether Duncanson-Harrelson should be allowed e~tra pa.,.ent due to existing conditions wich they had not anticipated aDd which re8Ulted in additional expense. After disQUssing the infor.ation given to the contractor as to the conditio.. to anticipate for coastwuctioa on Schedule I, the question of responsibility for the cost of the extra wort..s discussed. r--. Mr. Borsttotte, District Manage r-Bnginee r, and Mr. Bobn, Counsel for the District, were instructed to report at the next aeeting on who 18 the responsible party for the cost of the extra wort on Schedule I because the inforaation relative to the condition of the area where the work was to be done was Dot as anticipated. . <XIœ.BCTICIf œaGB AND SBWBR USE œARGB !Qt COMMBRCIAL USERS The District Board discussed the effect a high connection charge has on the initial capital and expense required to establish certain types of businessea. . . Mr. TYSOD and Mrs. Root, repr.s~tinl cola-operated launderettes, re- quested that the District Board establish some form of mnthl, payment. to .. relieve the burden of a higb initial cost for their type of business. 03 05 59 . ----------- 68 After considerable discussion of the many problems, it was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Mitchell, that be it resolved that the District Board-now having under consideration the adoption of a use charge . for comMercial users wbose connection charge is $300.00 or greater be allowed connection.on payaent of 10C¡ of the connection fee but DO less than $300.00; the balance deferred until the .District Board has made final determination of an Ordinance, but in no event longer than three IIIOnths, it being the intention of the Board to allow such connections under the new Ordinance if such be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT : Members: Mitchell, Roe.er, Salfingere, Spiegl and Fisher Members: None Members: None .~ Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, was instructed tosubait to the District Board, for consideration, an Ordinance providing for a use charge for comaercial users. . Several problellS regarding the proposed new ordinance discussed wi th- . out final determination were: 1. Should the ordinance apply to .!!! .!!! co_ercial users after a certain date. 2. Should the ordinance apply to .!!! co_ercial users regardless of connection date. 3. If alternate No.2 is selected, should ordinance allow those commercial users wbo have paid a connection fee a credit for a certain period of time to coapensate. APPROVAL OP LB'lTBR TO WALNUT CIlBBK PROPBRTY afNBRS' ASSOCIATIœ RB REBATE LINES AFPECTED BY PAltDNG AREAS Members of the District Board approved the letter subllitted by Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, in anstler to the Walnut Creek: Property Owners' Association re rebate lines affected by:parking ateas. RESOUJTIŒ NO. 1155. CIRl'IFYING 1'HB EMPLOYBBS' BI.B::TIŒ RESULTS RE SOCIAL SlDJRITY. AND CWNTY RETIItBMBNT PLAN ~ It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Resolution No. ll55 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOBS: ABSENT : Members: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Fisher Members: None Me.bers: None AŒlU!MBNT WI11I UTAII (XJqSTRUCTIŒ CX»IPANY RB PINANCING K>RAGA PUMP STATION AND PltBSSURE LINE Mr. Borstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported that the agreement wbich has been prepared .eets generally with the tacit applOval of the Utah Construction Company but that certain details remain to be discussed. SERIES "C" BœDS Mr. Borstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, recommended the sale of Series "C" bonds in the amount of $2,500,000.00. It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Salfingere, that the District proceed with the sale of $2,500,000.00 of Series "en Bonds. Carried by the following vote: ~ AYES: Members: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Fisher NOES: MelRbers: None ABSENT: M_bers: None VI. NEW BUSINESS RESOWTION NO. 1156. AUTIDIZING 1'HB PRItSIDENT AND SEœETARY TO EXBœTE THE LICENSE AGIlBBMENT WITH 'l'HE SOOTHBRNPACIPIC CX»IPANY FOR.A CROSSING NEAR HJM1E A VJ3NU E , ALAMO It was moved by Meaber Salfingere, seconded by Member Roemer, that 03 OiJ ~.) 'J 69 Resolution No. 1156 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Meabers: Mitchell, Roser, Sal fingere , Spiegl and Pisher . NOBS: Me.be~: None ABSENT: NeBbers: None . ... ANNEXATION TERMS FOR ANNEXtNG THE SNOW PROPERTY (If ORINDA HIGHWAY, OIUNDA. .49 ACRE ~ I \ J . It was lIoved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Roemer, that terms for annexing the .49 acre Snow property on Orinda Highway, 0 rind a , be $277.00 per acre plus cost of processing. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Mitchell, RoeBer, Salfingere, Spiell and Pisher NOBS: Members: None ABSB1T: Membe rs : None (J1IT CLAIM DJmD TO M1'. DIABLO UNIPIEp salOOL DISTRICT œE TO THE OIANGE IN . . LOCATICIi 01' EAS:BNBNT FOR 'l1Œ SCHOOL <If VIKING DRIV.E.PLBASANT HILt It was IROved by Member Ni tchell, seconded by Member Roeller, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Quit Claim Deed to the Nt. Diablo Unified School District for the prêviously granted easement to serve the school on Vikiag Drive, Pleasant Hill, because of a change in the location of the sewer. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere,Spiegl and Fisher NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None VI I . REPOkTS DISTRICT MANAGER-ENGINEER AU'DIORIZATI<If FOR cawENTION EXPENSES ~ \ ) Mr. Boratkotte, District Manager-Engineer, requested authorization in the amount of $320.00 plus registration to cover the cost of four employees attending the California Sewage. Industrial Was~es Association convention in Southern California and use of the District :Chev~olet for the trip. The employees wbowill attend are Mr. Hinkson, Mr. .Ulvi. Mr. ;Mott aDd Mr~ Niles. . . It was moved by Member Spiell, seconded by Mem"r R~.er, thai; $320.00 plus registration be authorized to cover the cost of four e.ployees attending the California Sewage. Industrial Wastes ~sociation convention in Southern California and the use of the District's Chevrolet sedan be permitted for the trip. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSB1T : Members: Mitchell. Roe.er, Salfingere, Spiegl and Pisher Members: None Members: None AUTBœIZATI<lfTO RBCœDITION TBREE 10-INCH PUMPS. Mr. BoratJ¡¡otte. Distrb:t Manager-Engineer, requested authorization to spend $l,2oo.00 to recondition three lo-inch pumps used at the Treatment Plant and to be used at the Moraga and Orinda Pumping Stations. ~ It was lIoved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Salfingere, that $1,200.00 be authorized from Sewer Construction Bond Funds to recondition three la-inch pumps used at the Treatment Plant and now to be used at the Moraga and Orinda Pumping Stations. Carried by thefolløwing vote: AYES: Members: Mitchell, Roemer, Salf1nlere, Spiegl and Pisher NOES: M_bars: None ABSENT: Me.bers: None AVTHœIZA.TI CII Pat EXTRAS ON '1'RBATMlI\lT PLANT J3NLARGBMENT CONTRACT Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Bngineer, requested authorization to pay Willia... Burrows Contractors. Inc. $1,924.24 to cover extra. for work on the Treatment Plant BnlarlBment contract. 03 05 59 70 It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Roemer,that $1,924.24 be authorized from Sewer Construction Bond Funds to cover extra work performed by Williams & Burrows Contractors, Inc. on the Treatment Plant Enlargement contract. Carried by the following vot"e: AYES: . Members: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Fisher NOES: Membe rs a None ABSENT: Members: None DAMAGE TO TRBATMBNT PLANT PUMP Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, presented pictures of a broken impeller from one of the new pumps at the Treatment Plant caused by a large object getting through the system. He stated :the pump was in a workable condition and could wait until after the rainy season for ~e- pairs. He further stated that the contractor for the work and the :Sanitary District would divide the cost of the repairs. '-- .-' CaJNSEL FOR 'DŒ DISTRIC1' HOLD IWtMLBSS CLAUSE IN AGREEMBNT WIl1I COfTRA COSTA cœNTY PLOOD Can'ROL DISTRICT, LINB A Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, presented a contract and read a hold harmless clause in a proposed agreement be~een the Contra Costa County Flood Control District and the Sanitary District relative to a creek crossing on Line A. . Mr. Horstkotte stated that the crossing was at the bot~om of the creek and would ultimately be changed when the creek channel was relocated. Member Mitchell expressed his concern because. the present channel could not be deepened. After discussion, it was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Salfingere, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the agreement with the Contra Costa County Flood Control District for the creek crossing on Line A including the save harmless provisions. Carried by the following vote: ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Members: Members: Members: Roemer, Salfingere and Fisher Mitchell and Spiegl None VI II. AD~œRNMœT At lO:45 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Fisher to March 19,1959. CWNTERSIGNED: __f~~ . ~y 0 : the District Board of Central Contra COsta Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California '-'" .03 . 05 59