HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-08-59 44 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JANUARY 8, 1959 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on. january 8, 1959, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Fisher. .....-"' I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: . Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere and Fisher ABSENT: Member: Spiegl II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Salfingere, that the Minutes of the meeting of December 4, 1958, be approved subject to deleting the following portion of the last sentence under V. OLD BUSINESS: SECONDARY TRUNKS: "and that a comparable charge to otherusers in Watershed 24 shall be made for secondary trunk sewers." Motion correcting Minutes carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere and Fisher Members: None Member:Spiegl III. APPROVAL OF BILLS It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Salfingere, that the bills as audited by the Auditing Committee and as submitted by the District Manager-Engineer be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 257 to 288, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 2690 to 2849, inclusive. Carried by the following vote: ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere and Fisher None Spiegl IV. HEARINGS None. V. OLD BUSINESS REPORT FROM BROWN AND CALDWELL RE OUTFALL LINE Member Roemer requested that the monthly report be sent to the Board Members at an earlier date. Mr. Guy Anderson of Brown and Caldwell, engineers for the Outfall Line, further explained the progress of the Outfall Line, stating that the work of M.G.M. Construction Co. and Duncanson-Harrelson was progressing in a satis- factory manner. Miller & Co., he stated, have many problems and presently are unable to work due to high tides and wind and they have moved most of their equipment out. He stated that Miller & Co. had requested Duncanson-Harrelson to move some pipe and conflict has arisen between them over the work. Mr. Anderson also reported that Miller & Co. were having financial problems and, after consultation with Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, Brown and Caldwell, engineers for the work, had sent a mild ultimatum to. Miller & Co. Mr. Anderson stated they had. demanded that Miller & Co. present a schedule for the completion of the work which is now behind schedule. ........ 01 08 59 4511 SEWER USE CHARGE Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reviewed the various changes made by the District in the past and presented to the Members of the Board a supplemental report relative to a sewer use charge. Mr. Horstkotte stated he had accepted an invitation to talk before the Pleasant Hill Civic Council relative to the sewer use charge and asked the Board Members whether he should proceed with the talk at this stage of the Board's discussions. Members of the Board approved his making the talk. ,., Discussion of the sewer use charge was continúed to the next meeting so the Board Members could review the most recent memorandum. , ¡ Member Mitchell requested that the annexation fee review report be ready for the next meeting. APPROVAL OF ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DlS'IRICT NO. 24 RESOLUTION NO. 1146, APPROVING ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DIS'IRICT NO. 24 It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Roemer, that Resolution No.ll46 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere and Fisher None Spiegl Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported that rebate lines were used to serve a portion of Local Improvement District No. 24 and stated that the assessments on properties responsible for rebate payments would be reduced by the amount of the rebate. . Members of the Board gave their approval. ~ MASTER PLAN FOR SEWERS \. Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, read the Resolutipn adopted at a previous meeting, directed to the Board of Supervisors relative to the master plan for sewers. Mr. Horstkotte s~ated that the Resolution was being forwarded to the Board of Supervisors and that he and Mr. McMorrow of the Health Depart-. ment would appear before the Board of Supervisors when it was presented. Mr. McMorrow of the Health Department, who was present, again reviewed the costly problem of investigating and processing septic tanks. VI. NEW BUSINESS ~T WITH STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATIVE TO ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR SLIDE REPAIR WORK RESOWTION NO. 1147, AGREEMENT WITH STATE OP CALIFORNIA FOR ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR SLIDE REPAIR WORK AND AUTHORIZING G. A. HORSTKOTl'E, JR. TO EXECUTE THE AGREEM.ENT IN THE NAME OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Salfingere, that Resolution No. 1147 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: ,.., AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere and Fisher None Spiegl ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Mitchell, that easements from.Mt. Diablo Unified School District, Petticoat Lan~, Ltd., Owen M. Gentry, Richard F. Guthrie, O. L. Willis, William G. Bloxham, and Robert J. Van Noord be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Roemer, Salfingere, and Fisher None Spiegl 01 08 5-9 46 . VII. REPORTS DISTRICT MANAGER-ENGINEER STATUS OF VARIOUS JOBS Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported that Local Improvement District No. 24 was completed. He also reported on the progress of the Chårles Hill work and stated that the new facilities at the Treatment Plant were in operation. MORAGA SEWERS Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, stated that he was going to discuss with Stone & Youngberg, financial consultants, the offer of Utah Construction Co. to help finance Moraga sewers at a date earlier than scheduled. ~.. Members of the Board approved. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION FOR COMPRESSOR RENTAL AT TREATMENT PLANT Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, requested an additional author- ization from Sewer Construction Bond Funds in the amount of $2,730.70, which amount represented the final billing from Clemco of $2,830.68 less $99.98 remaining in the original authorization. It was moved by Member Roemer, seconded by Member Salfingere, that $2,730.70 be authorized from Sewer Construction Bond .Funds for rental of Clemco compressor at the Treatment Plant. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Roemer, 'Salfingere and Fisher None Spiegl COUNSEL roR THE DISTRICT None. LETTER TO MR. JOHN A. NEJEDLY ~ President Fisher presented a letter over his signature to be sent to Mr. John A. Nejedly, former Counsel for the District and presently District Attorney for Contra Costa County, which read as follows: January 7, 1959 Mr. John Nejedly 1627 North Broadway Walnut Creek, California Dear John- The Board takes this method of expressing its appreèiation to you for the intelligent and satisfactory manner in which you have served the District since January 2,1950. It recognizes your unique ability in the conduct of the 24 Local Improvement District proceedings that you have successfully proceduralized in that time. Your representation of the District in the host of litigations against the District and your success in these litigations is sincerely appreciated; Your representation before the Legislature for the California Sanitary District Association has resulted in statutory changes which are to the advantage of every District in the State. . ~ We express our regret in your departure from the position of District Counsel, but feel sure that the initiative you have displayed with the District will continue to the advantage of all residents of the County in your new 01 0, 0 59 47. position as District Attorney. Yours very truly, CENTRAL COOTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT sl Raymond W. Fisher, Jr. President of the District Board ~ RWF:ks . J VIII. ADJOURNMENT At 9:40 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Fisher to January 22,1959. cĹ“NTERSIGNED: ~~- Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriåof Contra Costa County, State of California ~ ~ 01 08 59 - ----------------------- ------- -- ---------------------