HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-04-58 1_6 MINUTES OF A REOOLAR MBBrING OF THE DIS'l'RIC'l' BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DIS'l'RIC'l' HBLD SBFl'BMBBR 4, 1958 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District cODyened in a ReJUlar Session at its regular place of meetiag located at 1250 :Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on September 4,. 1958, at 8100 o'clock P.M. In the absence of President Pisher, the meeting was called tto order by Member Mitchell. L... Meaber Mitchell was unanimously elected President Pro Tem. I . ROLL CALL ABSENT s Members 1 Roemer, Salfiagere and Mitchell Pisher and Spiegl II. APPROVAL OP MINUTES PRESENTs Memberss The Minutes of the meeting of August 18,1958, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF BIUS , . It was moved b, Member Roemer, seconded by Meaber Salfingere, that the bills as audited by the Auditing Coamittee and as subaitted by tbe District Manaler- Engineer be approyed, reference being specifically _de to Sewr Construction Vouchers Numbers 169 to 184, inclusive, and Running Bxpense Vouchers Nuabers 2078 to 2268, inclusive~ Carried by the following votes AYES 1 Meabersl Roeaer, Salfingere aDd Mitchell NOES 1 Members 1 None ABSENTs Members 1 Fisher -and Spiegl ~ I V . HBARINGS RESOLUTIœ NO. 1131. PROPOSING TO AMEND llBSOLUTIæ OF nn'ENTIæNO. 1123. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DIS'DUCT NO. 24 President' Pro Tell Mitchell opened the Heariag on Resolution No. 1131, Local Illtproveaent District No. 24, and asked for an, protests. RBSOLUTICIf ~. OVEUULING PROTESTS (If RESOLUTION NO. 1131. AND AMBNDING RESOLUTION 013 INTENTION NO. 1123. LOCAL IMPROV1DœRT D~CT NO. 24 There being no protests, it was lIOyed by Member Salfingere~ seconded by Member Roemer, that Resolution No. 1135 be adopted. Carried by the following votes Anss Members I Roeaer, SalfiDcere and Mitchell NOES I Mellbersl None ABSENTs Meabers: Pisher and Spiegl V. OLD IlUSINESS None. VI. NEW BUSINESS ~ C<»tBINATION PLAN OF COONTY RETIRBMBNT AND SOCIAL SECURITY Mr. Ben Russell, Preáident of the Contra Costa County .plo,ees' Association, at the request of the District BDplo,ees' Association, explained:briefl, the COII- bining of the County Retire_nt Plan along with Social Secor! ty. He explained it was yoluntary as to the present .aployees and if adopted woulØ be mandatory for all future employees. 09 04 58 1711 Be explained that it would be necessary that the District e.,loyees have several elections to determine which of the plans the individual e8Ployees are interested in, JlBSOL1JTIaf NO. 1136 .8TBCltIZDIG TIŒ DCBSSARY EUlCTIœS 01' THE DIS'l'IUCT . !!!.LOYEIS D:Bf.BRMINJ!.~ ULATIYB TO.TD com nClf 01' TBB CœNTY ltBTIltBMJIMT PLAIt WITH. SOCIAL SBCDItt ~ After discussion and thedeter.ination that the Board could aake DO decisions untihthe wishes of the employees are known, it was lIOTed by Member Roeaer, secoDded by Member Salfingere, that Resolution No. 1136 be adopted. Carried by the following vote, : ; AYES: Members, .'Roeaer,Salfingere and Mitchell NOBS: Meabers: None ABSENT: Members. Fisher &ad Spiegl . ALTMDJNr ÐlUYE-cRBSTA ROAD SLIDE AREA. ORINDA . Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Bagineer, stated that he had met with the property oWDera ill the AltallOuat Drive-er..ta Road area the evening followiag the last Board aeetiDl. He presented a petition froa 12 property owners acreeiDl to assuae their share of the cost of the work as set ferth by the District Board at its aeetiag on August 18, 1958, with the stipulation that they be peraitted to aake their payaent over a two-year period in installments with interest at 6~ on the unpaid bal&Dee. '!'hey stated" there are 14 propè.rty owners of land abllttiag the area. The owners of two,va~ant parcels were not signers of the petition. Mr. Horstkotte read an agreement proposed by Mr. Nejedly, Counsel for the Diatrict, which provided for pa,.ent of their respective shares being 1/14 of 50s , of the colt of the work or 1/14 of $8,000.00, tl1e, lesser allOunt, with the provision that payaent of each property owner be aide prior, to coanecting to the sewer. ~ After coaaiderab:Jie discussion and due to the eael"gency nature of the work, it was lIO'Yed by ..ember Roeaer, seconded by Meaber Sàlfingere, that the District proceed with the wort.froa Sewer Const~ction General PUDds in accordance with . the plans of Porter, Urquhart, McCreary It O-Brien on a cost plus buia,that each property owner pay 1/14 of 50s of the cost of the work or 1/1:4 of $8,000.00, the lesser aaount, prior to conaecting to the sewer to be installed or maDDer of payment agreed to by the District Board. Carried by the following vote. AYES: M_Hrs. Ro.er, Salfinlere and Mitchell NOES: Members, None ABSTAINING. Meaber, Spiegl ABSENT, Me8ber, Fi8her I I Member Spiegl arrived 81: 9.~4 o'clock P.M. during the above discus.ion. INVES'DIBNT OF QW1It CXl'S'l'IWC'rICIf. PUNDS It was IIOved by Meaber Roeaer, seconded by Meabel" Spiegl, thåt the District Manager-Engineer be authorized to invest in U. S. Gvve~ent obligations from time to tiae aad for such periods of tiae he feels District funds will not be needed for the payaent of District co.tracts and obligations. Carried by the following vote: .~ AYES. Meabers: Roeaer, Sa1fingere, Spiegl and Mitchell NOBS: Members, None ABSENT, Meaber a Pisher ACCEPTøCB 01' EASEMJIf1'S It was IIOved by Member Spiegl, 'seconded by Meaber Roeaer, that easeaents from Darrell M. Crouch, Frans A. Davia, Carl R. Moore, Jr., Neal C. Thuman, N. M. Ball SODS aad JeaDl1e McNear Pope be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote a :: AYESs Meabers. Roeaer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Mitchell NOES. Mabers. None ABSENT, Member, Fisher 09 04 58 1.8 RBSOWTION NO. 1137. ESTABLISHING ELEGIBLE LIST AND APPOINTING LOIS STEWART. CLERK TYPIST It was moved by Me.ber Roeaaer, seconded by Me.ber Salfingere, that Resolution, No. 1137 be adppted. Carried by the following 'VOtes AYES: Memberss Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Mitchell NOES s Meabe rs , None ABSENTs M_ber s Fisher INSTALLATION OF SJMBRS AND au ILDING IN DOtll( SLIDE AREAS Member Salfingere stated that the installation of sewers and building in known slide areas should be checked into and, if possible, re~tricted. After discussion of this problem by meabers of the Board, Mr. Borstkotte, District Manager-Bllgineer, was directed to write a letter to the Board of Super- visors requestiag that aD effort be .ade to find a solution to the building in known slide areas with the resulting loss to property owners and political subdivisions. ...........' VII. RBPœTS DI S1RI CT MANAGER-IINGINEBR OUTFAlL LINE Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Bngineer, stated that the Outfall Line scheduled earlier than planned had resulted in certain Deeded aodifications at the Treataent Plant which were Dot included in the contract for TreataeDt Plant enlargeaeDt, aDd requested $11,099.00 froa Bond funds to be added to the Willia.. and BurroW8 Treat- aent Plant contract. It was aoved by Me.ber Roeaer, ,seconded by Meaber SalfiD¡ere, that $11,099,00 be authorized froa Sewer Construction Bond Funds for additional work on the Willia.. and BurroW8 contract for expansion of the Treataent Plant. Carried by the following votes AYES: Meabers, Roeaer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Mitchell NOESs Meaberss None ABSENT: Me.ber: Pisher ~ VACATICIf TIME PAID IN LImOp TAKING VACATICIf Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-BngiDeer, reported that due to illness in the family of Arland Andrews, he has asked to be paid far his vacation ta lieu of taking it. It was aoved by Meaber Roeaer, seconded by Me.ber Salfingere,' that ArlaDd Andrews be paid in lieu of ,taki~ his vacatioD.: Carried by the following vote, AYES, Members: RoelRer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Mitchell NOES, Me.hers s None ABSENT, Meaber: Pisher BROWN AND CALDWEIJ. ENGAGBD TO MAKE CHIIIICR SURVEY OP BAY Mr. Borstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, suggested that the Distri.ct engage Brown and Caldwell to make a survey of the Bay prior to the time the District starts discharging into it from the Outfall Line. He stated that three sets of tests should be .ade; now, in January or February and in April or May, at a cost of $3,500.00 to deaonstrate the degree of coDtaainatioD. It was IRoved by Meaber Spiegl, seconded by Meaber Roeaer, that Brown aDd Caldwell be engaged to Bake three series of tests of the Bay in the vicinity of the Outfall discharge at a cost of $3,500.00. Funds authorized from Running Expense. Carried by the following vote: '-- AYESs Me.hers, Roemer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Mitchell NOES: Meabe rs: NoDe ABSENT: Meabera Fisher 09 04 58 1911 AUTIDUZATION TO mILD A IMBRICATION SLAB AND WASH IWX , . ~r. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, req~ested authorization for $3 ~OOO'.OO froa Sewer Construction General Funds to build a lubrication 81ab and wash rack. It was 8Oved by Meaber Spiegl, seconded bY' Meaber Roeaer, that $3,000.00 be authorized froa Se..r Construction General Funds to build a lubrication slab and wash rack. Carried by the fo1lowiag vote: ~ AYBSi Meabera: Roeller, Sa1fiagere, Spiell and Mitchell NOES : Me.bers t None ABSENT: MelÛert lIisher AGRBJDŒNT Pat SE\fJIt:'SERVICE TO 11Œ ANIMAL CœTItOL CBNTBR AT '1'HB 'l'RBATMBNT PLANT , Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Bngineer, presented an agree.eat with the County for sewer service to the Animal Control Center at the Treataent Plant. Member Spiegl stated that the agreellent should be for a period of five years. It was .oved by Me.ber Roe.er, 8econded by Meaber Salfingere, that the agree- _at with the County for sewer service to the Aniaal Control Cater be approved subject to limitins the tiae to five years. Carried by the following votes AYES: Meabers: Roeaer, Salfingere, Spiegl and Mitchell NOES: Mellbers: None ABSENT: Mellber~ Fisher RBSOLUTIONNO~13S. AIJ'l'IDtIZI~ THB ~SIDmq:' AND SECRBTARY TO mœœTB THE AGREEMBNT~'1'H THECOONTY OF CCIfJ.'RA COSTA TO PROVIDE SEWER SERVICE TO '1tU! CONTRA COSTA COONTY ANIMAL. CONTROL CBN'1'JIR ~ It was 80ved by Me.ber Roeller, secollded by Mellber Salfingere, that Resolution No. 1138 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Mellber8: Roeller, .Salfincere, Spiegl and Mitchell NOES: Mellbers: None ABSBNT: Mnber: P¡8her PURœASB Oil A SURPLUS. 'l'RAC"1'œ Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-Engineer, reported the purchase of a surplus tractor for $500.00. BOARD 011 SUPERVI8œS IlBSOLDTI(If BOard of Supervisors resolution appointing RaJ80nd W. Pisher, Jr., and Richard J. Mitchell to the office of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District uBtil Septellber, 1962, was read. APPUCATIOJfS FOR cœNSEL pœ '1'BE DISTRICT Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager-l!Dgineer, presented letters received fro. attorneys interested in the position of District Counsel at a reduced retainer. ~ The Board suggested that interviews for District Counsel be started at the Septeaber 18, 1955, lIeeting. ' President Pro Tea Mitchell requested that Meaber Roeaer and Mellber Spiegl prepare a list of questioB8 to be asked the attorney applicants for District Coua8el. cœNlEL POR '1'HB DISTRICT . None. 09 04 58 20 VIII . AD J aJRN MBNT At 10s15 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Pro Tem Mitchell to Septe_ber 18,1958. c:x.JJNTBRSI œED: ~ Secretary 0 the District Bo¡;;-;f Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California Presiden 0 Tea 0 the District Board of Centr Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Cost- County, State of California 'I.-.... ~ ~ 0.9 04 58