HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 06-28-56 236 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGUI..A..~ M:&.~Il\U OF THE DISTRICT BOARD ŒNTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JUNE 23,1956 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on June 28,1956, at 8:00 0'c10ck P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Roemer. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spieg1, Salfingere and Roemer AilSENT: Members: None 1.!. . APPROVAL OF MINUTEp The Minutes of the Heeting of June 7, 1956, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF BILLS None. IV. HEARINGS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION, LOCAL n.œROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3_4 President Roemer opened the Hearing on the Resolution of Intention, Local Improvement District No. 34, and asked for written protests. IIlr. Lester Hurd's letter, protesting inclusion in the assessment district, was read. ",-", After discussion, it was moved by Member Sa1fingere, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Mr. Hurd's protest be denied and the line serving his property be cut back so that no direct service would be provided to minimize his assessment. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member s: Mitchell, Fisher, Spieg1, Sa1fingere and Roemer None None Protest of Mr. Alden MacComber was presented and Mr. MacComber explained his request for a change in the easement required on his property. After discussion, it was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member ,Mitchell, that the easement on Mr. MacComber's property be changed to conform with his request. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Sa1fingere and Roemer None None l\obert C. and Dorothy M. Spott's protest against inclusion in the assessment district was presented. It waš moved by Member Spieg1, seconded by Member Fisher, that the protest of Robert C. and Dorothy M. Spott be denied. Carried by the following vote: "'--"" AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Member s: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer None None Protest of Dr. A. D. Lan~e was withdrawn by a phone call to the Secretary prior to the meeting. 06 0'7 56 C)~". L'~") !J Letter from Dr. Bruce M. Anderson, President, Miner.ipda Property Owner~ Association, requesting District contribution because of oversize line to serve others, read. After discussion and estimated cost of $2,500.00 for the larger line-by Mr. Horstkotte, Engineer for the Improvement District, it was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Salfingere, that the District make a contribution to Local Improvement District No. 34 of $2,500.00 for the larger line required to serve upstream properties not in Local Improvement District No. 34, which cost is to be recovered when these properties connect. This contribution being limited by the particular facts here involved and not to indicate as a matter of policy that contributions to other Local Improvement Districts may be anticipated. Carried by the fo11m~ing vote: ~~ "" AYES: NOES: ADSß"JT : r,lember s: Member: r.Iembers: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl and Salfingere Roemer None There being no further written protests, President Roemer asked for any oral protests. There being none, President Roemer declared the Hearing closed. ~urION NO. .951, OVERRJILING PRaTESTS AND ORDERING WORK, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT_~NO. 34 It was moved by Henmer Spiegl, seconded by Member Fisher, that Resolution No. 951 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AY'ßS: NOES: ABSENT: 1956-57 BUDGET Members: Members: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer None None y':'_~LD BUSINESS RESOLtrf.ION NO. 955, ESTABLISHI~ TAX RAT? f.O-ß.. Yfifill 1956-57 It was moved by Member Fisher, seconded by Member Spiegl, that Resolution No. 955 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENl' : Members: Member s: Member s: Mitchell, Fisher, Spieg1, Salfingere and Roemer None None RESOLtQ'.,ION NO. 956, SßLARY SŒEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1956 It was moved by Member fisher, seconded by Member Spiegl, that Resolution No. 956 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spieg1, Sa1fingere and Roemer None None REQUEST OF DR. DEGNAN TO SB'JER INfO JUVENILE HALL A~ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 LINES After report from Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, and discussion, it was moved by Member Fisher, seconded by Member Sa1fingere, that Dr. Degnan be allowed 200 connections to the Juvenile Hall line subject to approval and agree- ment with the County of Contra Costa, o~~er of the line. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: DISTRICT ~,IANAGÆ~ Mitchell, Fisher, Spieg1, Sa1fingere and Roemer None None .Y.!.L- REPo...flTS BISHOP LANE AND í1!ALDEN ROAD SYFHONS --_.~ . . . .. -'. Mr. Horstkotte, Distr ic t Manager, reported that the Bishop Lane syphon was being completed and that the Walden Road syphon plans and easements are prepared. 06 07 56 238 COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT ASSES_SMENT PROCEDURES Mr. Nejedly, Counsel for the District, reported that he had been asked to continue teaching assessment procedures at the University of California and had been appointed to the Committee for Municipal Legislation by the State of California, and it is Mr. Nejedly's intention to revise the proceedings which would result in a savings and quicker work. This met with the approval of the Board. VII. NB'l BUS INESS NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR BOARD MEMBERS .......... Continued to next meeting. PETITION OF PROPERTY GrJNERS IN RELIEZ VALLEY AREA FŒ ENGlNEERIl'{; STUDY Mr. George H. Koster explained the property owners' problem and asked if they could do the work by a private contract. J>.Ir. I-Iorstkotte, District I.Ianager, stated they could, and explained the procedure. Referred to Mr. Horstkotte for further discussion with property owners. PETITION OF PROPERTY ONNERS IN SANS CRAINTE UNIT #3 FOR SEvERS Continued pending receipt of Health Officer's certificate. RESOLUTIONS FOR LOCAL IMPROVÐ1ENf DISTRICT NO. 38 Continued until Board of Supervisors' consent is received due to wprk outside of District. RESOLUTION NO. 957, ,AJ>POINl'MENT OF JAMES CAGLE AND WILLIAM BURRUSS. LABŒERS L It was moved by Member Fisher, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Resolution No. 957 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSEN!' : Member s: Members: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer None None ELECTRIC MOTOR. L~ER ORINDA PUMPING STATION Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, requested authority to call for bids to install an electric motor in the Lower Orinda Pumping Station at an estimated cost of $10,000.00 for the motor and accessories; installation to be done by District forces. He stated this is in line with the ultimate improvement for the station. ' It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Spiegl, that the District Manager be authorized to call for bids for electric motor and accessories in the Lower Orinda Pumping Station. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members; Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer Members: :None Members: None REQUEST OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Foo. STATEMENT RE THEIR CREDIT FR(}1 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 ~ Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, was directed to send a statement 9£,'- the County's account relative to funds due from Local Improvement District No. 18. PAYMENT FOR SOUTHERN PACIFIC CGiPANY INSPECTION. 1955 FLOOD DAMAGE RECONSTRUCTION I It was moved by'-Member Salfingere, Seconded by Member Spiegl, that payment to the Southern Pacific Co. in the sum of $31.27 be authorized frcmSewer 06 07 56 ')39 Construction General Fund for inspection charge incurred during the 1955 Flood Damage Reconstruction I work. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENl': Members: J.~el11ber s: Members: Mitchell, Pisher, Spieg1, Salfingere and Roemer None None !.CCEPTANCE OP E,I'.SEMENTS - ~ ~~ -----,- It was moved by Member Fisher, seconded by Member Spiegl, that easements from J. W. H~ncock, Alvar P. Kahnberg, Jesse Roney, Robert E. Noack, Sr., and Kenneth A. Wise be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: ~--",. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Hembers: Members: l-Iembers: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer None None , PRESBYl'ER!A!iQ;IURæ RERUESt~ FOR RELIEF FRa.1 INSPECI'ION CHARGES Mr. Price, representing the Presbyterian Church in Lafayette (Lyon property, Hidden Valley) requested relief from inspection charges. After discussion, it was moved by Hember Sa1fingere, seconded by Member Fisher, that the request for relief from 'inspection charges for the Presbyterian Church in Lafayette be denied. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member s : Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer None NotE ~~}Æ2E!~MS .Q..¥R~OPER!.X._.1?lMt-° VIES ROAD-L~~- Ii~ It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Fisher, that terms for annexing the Geary property on Diablo View Road, Pleasant Hill, be $191.00 per acre and ,$300.00 cost for processing. Carried by the following vote: ,-" AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Members: Members: Members: Fisher, Salfingere and Roemer Hi tche11 and Spiegl None INQUIR! OF- tqt. ('Æ~.1lß BLAS!II\1G l!LßB!L9£_!:ffi\1--Þ.Æß9'yEMENl' pISTRICT NO. 32 Letter from Mr. Quinlan re blasting in the area of Local Improvement District No. 32 was referred to Mr. Nejed1y, Counsel for the District, for reply. J.,°HNSON ...-~S,EM~. RELIEZ STA]ION ROAD After discussion, it waS moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Salfingere, that because certain trees, shrubs and plants are to be removed due to the location of the easement, a payment of $500.00 be made to Hr. and fIrs. Johnson for their granting the easement. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ADS.ENI' : Members: Members: ~Iembers: Mitchell, Fisher, Spieg1, Salf ingere and Roemer None None ß?QUEST FOR ~~TION TERMS, TRAcr 2326, SWlJ1LOCK VILLAGE. PLnASAf-¡T HIlL Continued pending receipt of additional information MR. HaVARD WINFIELD RE APPLICATION OF ORDINANCE 25 , -- & L ~~ --'...~, ~ ~ l-']r. Howard l'Jinfie1d requested assistance from the Board in connection with suit filed against him by Mr. DeTarr relative to sewers in Sherwood Heights, Pleasant Hill. After hearing Mr. l'Jinfie1d, the Board informed him they could take no action. 06 07 56 240 ANNEXATION TERMS, o.',FLYNG PROP~Y. DANVILLE It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Fisher, that terms for annexing the O'F1yng property in Danville be $191.00 per acre and $300.00 cost for processing. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Members: Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer Mitchell None .Y.!l!..~. :\PJ.o.URNMENT At 10: 40 o'clock P.M., the r:eeting was adjourned by President Roemer to July 5,1956. " -" Pres dent the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERS IGNED: ~ ~~u--~ Secretary of the Distr1ct Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California I ~ ~- 06 07 56