HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-10-56 211 MINUI'ES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MBETII-n OF THE DISTRICI' BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANrrAR Y DISTRICT HELD MAY 10,1956 ~ The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on May 10,1956, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Roemer. I. ROLL CALL PRESENl': Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Salfingere and Roemer ABSENl': Member: Spiegl II. APPROVAL OF MINUl'ES It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Fisher, that the Minutes of the meeting of May 3,1956, be approved subject to adding the following sentence to Mr. Youngberg's statement under DRam AND CALIMBLL MASTER PLAN REPORT: "Mr. Youngberg estimated that a publicity program for the bond election would cost approximately $13,000.00." Carried by the following vote: ..--." AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Fisher, Salfingere and Roemer None Spiegl III. APPROVAL OF BILLS None. IV. HBARlI-nS None. Member Spiegl arrived at 8:10 o'clock P.M. BIDS FOR CONSTRæTION OF OFfICE BUILDIl'G President Roemer called for the opening of bids for the new office building, which were as follows: BID A BID B John Buestad Pacific Coast Builders Robert L. Wilson Ralph Larsen & Sons Hancock Construction Co. Romley Construction Co. $139,950.00 none none 154,713.00 none none $132,462.00 136,750.00 139,000.00 141,113.00 143,200.00 143,995.00 ,-----." It was moved by Member Spieg1, seconded by Member Fisher, that all bids for the construction of the office building be rejected. Carried by the following vote: . AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Members: Members: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Sp~ègl, Salfingere and Roemer None None 0.5 10 56 ------- 218 It was explained by Members Spiegl and Fisher that the bid was over the architect's estimate and represented more money than was legally available to the District. v. OLD BUSINESS ANNUAL AUDIT Mr. Eldo Ewert was questioned by Member Sa1f ingere as to the annual audit and the type of checking and sampling done to assure the District of a thorough audit. Mr. Ewert explained the procedures followed and stated that his certificate in the audits was an assurance that they had been made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordipgly included such tests of accounting records, reviews of the internal control, and such other auditing procedures that were considered necessary in the circumstances. ~ Member Spiegl questioned the receipt of over-the-counter funds and their accurate entry into the books. Mr. Ewert stated it was a good question and a more detailed check could be made. It was moved by Member Salfingere, seconded by Member Fisher, that Mr. Ewert would continue to audit the District books. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABS EN'!' : Members: Members: Members: Mitchell, fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer None None BRCMN AND CALIMELL MASTER PLAN REPORT Continued to next meeting. BOND COUNSEL. MR. CHARLES BURGESS. KAISER & CO. L. Mr. Burgess presented a letter outlining what the services of Kaiser & Co. as financial consultants would include at a cost of $3,500.00. After discussion, it was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Fisher, that the District retain Kaiser & Co. as financial consultants in accordance with the terms of their letter of May 10,1956. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and'Roemer None None ANNEXATION TERMS. SAUNDERS PROPERTY. PLEASANl' HILL It was moved by Member Fisher, seconded by Member Salfingere, that terms for annexing the Saunders property be $191.00 per acre and $300.00 cost of processing. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Members: Fisher, Salfingere and Roemer Members: Mi tchell and Spiegl Members: None Member Spiegl explained that his voting "No" was, .among other things, to help in passing the bond issue. He stated he felt that the District was formed not to sewer the drainage area but the property within the boundaries of the District and that the Board owed a duty to the electorate of the Di8trict. There was nothing inimical to their interest in annexations as theoretically annexation fees received should be used to finance outsiders, but funds have been used for present needs. He stated he was in favor of annexing where there is an existing health problem, but was not in favor of annexing vacant property to be subdivided. The District should go before the voters to secure funds needed for deficiencies within the District; the voters will not take time to analyze other problems as the Board Members do. t '---"" 05 10 56 :-.j '.t.Y " -'l :'.' Member Mitchell stated that he was on record as desiring the discontinuan(:e of annexations and also the . .. . . discontinuance of connections to undevèloped properties until drainage and sewer problems are settled, believing that the high rate of expansion should not continue until both problems are settled. The Sanitary District Act of 1923 gives the District authority to consider the problem as a whole and a type of financing to care for both problems should be brought to the attention of the public as there are two problems. ....--., Member Fisher pointed out that annexation funds were used for expansion of Orinda åDd Treatment Plants and that the Brown and Caldwell report pointed out it was easier to pay by taking annexations. Member Salfingere stated he favored annexations becuase of the health problem. President Roemer stated that he felt there was a health problem in the entire watershed area and it was a benefit both to the District and to those annexed. VI. REPORTS DISTRICT MANAGER (': Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, reported on the following: FLOOD DAMAGE FUNDS flood damage funds in the amount of $9,257.00 were approved for payment to the District from Civil Defense Disaster Council. PROORESS REPORTS ON.: i'.""" '......".,~...,."....;J ,'.' ',".:. ' ~. ,-,. Digester installation, New office site pr~paration, Bishop Lane flood damage, ' Moraga Highway flood damage, Field notes on five Local Improvement Districts completed, Six Local Improvement Districts yet to be worked on, Local Improvement District No. 34, start middle of June or 1956, completion in October, and Acorn Court flood damage. first of July, COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICI' BARONIAN PASF.M.ENl' It was moved by Member fisher, seconded by Member Salfingere, that Mr. Nejedly be authorized to settle the Baronian easement in the best interests of the District either as to amount or location. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABS EN'!' : Members: Members¡ Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer None None VII. Nnw BUSINESS PASEMENTS FRœt STATE OF CALIFORNIA ,'--. It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Fisher,that easements over that parcel of land designated as Parcel 12, State Highway Sewer Relocatin II, and those parcels of land designated as Parcels 1 and 2, State Highway Sewer Relocation IV, be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: . AYES: NOES : ABSENr : Members: Members: Members: Mitchel~, Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer None None 05 10 56 ¿,;'j., ~;' ,',..: _O,- '. ANNEXATION TERMS. ARBOR LANE Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, stated there were two existing homes on the property. It was moved by Member Fisher, seconded by Member Spiegl, that terms for annexing the property at Arbor Lane and the Danville Highway be $191.00 per acre plus $300.00 cost of processing. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, ~piegl, Salfingere and Roemer None None ANNEXATION TERMS. WITHERS AVENUE. 56+ ACRE ~ It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Fisher, that renewed terms for annexing the Woods property on Withers Avenue be $191.00 per acre and $300.00 cost of processing. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Member: : Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Salfingere and Roemer Spiegl None ..~.' DISTRICI' MASTER PLAN IN RELATION TO COUNl'Y PLANNI~ Member Salfingere asked about the District's Master Plan Report in relation to the plan of Mr. O'Connell, Consultant for the County of Contra Costa. :..~:. '... .,.:.', .Member Fisher suggested inviting Mr. O'Connell to be present at a Board .~ :'~et1ng. Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, was instructed ,to extend an invitation to Mr. O'Connell to attend a meeting of the Board. ' BUOOHf CCMMI'ITEE Member Mitchell suggested a meeting to review the proposed 1956-57 budget for salaries, overtime, ordinance functions, etc. i "--'" President Roemer appointed Members Mitchell and Spiegl as the Budget Committee for the 1956-57 Budget. VIII. ADJOURNMENr At 10:35 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Roemer to May 24, 1956. P eside of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNrERS IGNED: .._~~ Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California ~ 05 10 --. c: aV