HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-19-56 204 MINUTES OP AN ADJOUlOOlD RBGUIAR MBBTING OP TBJ! DISTRICT BOARD CBNTRAL CONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HBID APRIL 19, 1956 The District Board.f Ceatral Coatra Coata.Saaitary Diatrict coDyeaed ia aa Adjourned Relular Session at its relular:place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Bouleftrd,. City of Walaut:,~Cr.ek. County of Contr. Coata, State of California, OD April 19. 1956, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meetiDl .s called to order by President Roemer. 10 ROLL CALL PRlSEN'l: Meabers: Mitchell, Pisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roeaer ABSENT: Me'" rs : N_e II. APPROVAL 01' iMINU'1'J!S The M~nutes of the aeeting of April 5,1956, were approved subject to deletiDl the last part of the _tioD uDder HAMILTON VALLBY SUBDIVISIOIf SBWBRS which reads: "aDd that the inatal1ation of approxi_tely 500 feet of sewer line at an esti8ated coat of $2,000.00 be authorized". III. APPROVAL Of BILLS None. IV. HBARINGS None. V. OlD BUSINESS ~J IŒW OPPICB SITE AND BUIlD ING Mr. Corlett of Corlett It SpaCkDlaD, Architects, reported that the plana and specifications were ready to call for and Rcei.. bids on May 10, 1956, and start work May 14, 1956. aDd reported the final coat estiaate to be $116.342.00. Meaber Spiell stated tat the District bad entered into a contract on the basis of the prelimiaary' eatiaate of apprexi...tely $10,000.00 lewer. After duc.sing the effect of the hilher coat esti_te OD the colltract witll Corlett. . Spack.... alld their auglestieD tat ite- approxiaating $14.700.00 iDCluded. iD the contract could be eliaiaated to bdlll the cost dowa, it .s _ye4"y Maber Spiegl, seconded by Jlellber Saitilllere, tat the contract" IIOdified to ahow that a payaent of $7,000.00 would be ilia- to Corlett It Spackaan aa final settlement for tbeir work if DO bid ia accepted, aDd, if a bid ia accepted, the fee aball be OD the basis of eilht percent of the fi_l constnction coat under the contract a.rded. Carried by the followiDe vote: AYES: Meabera: NOES: Membera: ABSENT: Me1Iber8: Mitchell, Pisher, Spiell, Saifilllere aDd Roeaer MoBe . None It .s IIOved by Mellber Mitchell. seconded by Meaber Salfingere, tbat the plans aad apecificatioD8 for the new office buildi.. be approyed aDd Call for Bids to be received oa May lO, 1956, be authorized. Carded by the followiag vote: "-. -.; ADS: NOES: ABSJUtT: M_Hra: Mitchell, Pisher. Spiell. Salfiagere and Roemer Mellbera : MoBe MeIØe rs : Neme Meaber Salfiaøere requested that a list of possible sayi..s be ready a t the t i.. of opeDi.. the bids. 04 19 56 205 BROWN AND CALDWELL REPORT Continued to April 26,1956. ADDITIOXAL BOa\RD MBBTIlGS PreaideM Røe_r suggested that the Di8trict Board meet night through May 10, 1956. each Thursday ,--, .!!,QUBSTS POI A1OfBXATION 'l'BRMS IRVIN DBtJTSCHBR. LOT 11, LUIGI DB MARTINI TRACT It _a moved by MeJÜer Piaher, seconded by Meøaber Sa1f ÚIIere, that terma for annexatioa of the Irvin Deutacher property, Lot 11 of the Luigi DeMartiai Tract, be $191.00 per acn p1a $300.00 precea.i., coat, uDder Ordi_Dce 24. Carried by the fo11owilll vote I ADSI Meabera, Mitchell, Fiaher. Sa1fiDIere aDd RøeMr PÐBSI Member I Spieg1 ABSENT: Meabe ra: NoDe HALL AIm LADD PROPBIlTY. GJA YSCIf ROAD It waa aoved by Meaber Fisher that teru for the aDDeutioD of the Hall aad Ladd property on Graysoa Road be $191.00 per acn p1ua $300.00 proceasiag coat. Failed for'lack of a second to the aotion. Maber Mitchell stated he waa opposed to alUlui.. 'ftcant property at the present tiae. LOCAL IMPJtOVBMBNI' DISftICT NO. 30 ASSBSSMBNTS LITI'.Ilt FRCJ( .I!ÐQU N. DIX<If Mr. Dixon'a letter waa read. Mr. Rejed1y, Couue1 for the Di8trict, -a iaatructed: to auwr the letter aDd the ..tter ia to placed on the agenda in Aulust, 1956. LBTl'.Bll PRO( P. B. nAIlS. ATl'OJUœY I'OR DORO'DIY XAEBLBR Mr. ......' letter waa read aad referred to Mr. Nejed1y, Couue1 for the D~trièt.,for reply. VI. RBPORTS DISTRICT MANAGBR OPPICE SITB PREPARATION Mr. Horatkotte, Dlatrict Manager, reported that bids, aa authorized, had beea called for May 3, 1956, for drai..,., lrading aid rockiD8 the aew office site. SANTA ROSA COMVBNTION Mr. Boratkotte requested authorization of $60.00 each - for ad'ftnce :expeuea of five e8p10yeea to attead the California Sewage and Iada.tria1 Wastes CoDYeation at Santa Rosa. It waa 8Oved by MeJlber Plaber, seconded by Member Mitchell, that an ad'ftDce of $60.00 each for Robert D. Mott. B.,e- Bulin, John BeDDett, Albert Murphy, aDd Douglaa WaY be authorized for their three day expeuea at the California Sewage aad Iaduatria1 Wa.tea Aaaociation conTeatioD at Santa Rosa on Apr~l 25, 26:;&8d 27, 1956. Carried:by the fo1lowilll vote I AYES I Nemeral Mitchell, Fisher, Spie,l, SalfiD8ere aDd Roeaer PÐES : . Meabe r8 I None ABSBMT: Mellberal NoDe 04 19 56 206 BROWN AND CALDWBu. SECOND PROGRBSS PA IMBNT POR DIGBSTIm PIAMS AND SPBCIPICATIONS It .a IIOved by Mem1Mr Salfiagere, aecoaded by Me.H~ Spiel 1 , that the aecoad prolreaa pay8at for the Dieeater p¡1t88 and apecificatio_.1D the aaoat of $2,901.00, clae to Sro.. aad Cadlwll, be paid. Carried by the foll.wiag vote: AYES: Me8bera. Mitchell, Pj,àlaer, Spiel 1 , Salfiagere aDd RoeMr lÐES: M_bera : MoRe ABSBNT: . Mellbera: NODe (X)UlfSBL æJt TBB DISTRICT 10.....-", .!!!JOInT von LBGIStATtON æ. BClmISSn Mr. Nejedly, CG1ID8el for the Diatrict, reported tbat the -Jority vote lelialation for Diatrict be8d iaauea, _ati.a.d ~a tile Ir..,. aDd Cal_ll report, .a broulht to the atteatioB of the Diatrict B_rd and reporte~ ia the Minutes of J- 2, 1955. ' VII. ow BUSIMBSS lOCAL IMPROYEMBNT DI$TUCT JIOS. ~4 AND 38 . . Mr. Horattotte reported th~ receipt of the Health Officer's Certificat,a of Neceaaity for toeal IaprøftMat District No. 34, MiaeriacSa, am Local IDproveaeat Dist~ict No. 38, RaDeho Saa Iaaoa Heilhta SubclivisiOJl Vait 2, aDd a petitioa a.wiIIe ì7""'perceat or Bore requeati., aennita Local IaproveDeat Diatrict Mo. 38. It .a 8ved by Maber SIUell. aec..ded by Mellber Pisher, that Mr. Rerattotte, District Nasaler, be authorized to proceed with Leeal I.pr~eaeat Diatricta Moa. 34 and 38. Carried by the followilll vote: AYES: Meaber8: Mitchel,l, fisher, Spiell, SalfiDlere and Roeaer NOES: MellIN ra : No. ABSBNT: MelllMra: NoDe ~ ,!!gUBST m DISCRAIGB PJI)TO DEYElOPIIG EPPUfJDlTIIIITO 1'BB DI~CT S1STJIM It .a .øed by Meaber P~slaer, aecoaded by Maber Spiell, that the . request of the Cofer Medical Buildi.., to discharle photo develop1D¡ eff!...t;¡;?} iato the District 'a aewr a,atea be lraated. Carried by the foll.wi., vote: AYBS: MelÚera: Fiaher, Spiell, Salfi_,ere alld RGeller I«>ES: Mellber: Mitchell ABSENT: MeaNra: None AœBPTANCE OP GRANT DEED PJOI DONAlD L. aøBBM POR NBW QRINDA P1JMPDiG STATION SITB , It ... aoved by Me8ber Mitchell, ..coa4.d by Meaber SalfiDlere, that the deed for the new Oriada puapi., station site fro. Donald L. Rhea be accepted aDd its recorctilll ordered. Carried by the followiac vote: ADS: Members: Mitchell, fisher, Spiel 1 , Salfingere aDd Roemer IIOBS: Meabera: No.. . ABSENT: MeJlbera: MoDe !!9UESTS POR ANNEXATION SA.DR LARD CX8ANY. LOCAL IMPItOVEMBNT I)ISTRICT Ro. 30 ~ It .a aoved by Meaber Spie,l, seconded by -_ber fisher,. that the teras for aDDeximc the Sawyer LaDd Coapaay property OD the Daaville Ri,h.." under Ordinaace 24, be $191.00 aD acre.. Carried by the following vote: ADS: Me.bera: Piahet, Spiel 1 , SalfiDCere aM Roeaer I«>ES: Meaber: Mitchell ABSENT: Meabers f None 04 19 56 .207 RUSSELL RAWQ{ Mr. Horstkotte eZþlained that the Russell Ranch in Upper Happy Valley was divided iate two areas, one of which would have to have pu.ping facilities to get into the District system; the.:other could receive service by gravity. It was moved by Me8ber Fisher, seconded by Member SalfiDgere, that terms for annexiDg that portion of the Russell Ranch that could receive service by gravity be $232.00 per acre pi- $350.00 preces8i., cost. Failed to carry by the followina vete: ...---. AYES: Members: Fisher and Salfingere. N:>BS: Members: Mitchell, Spiell and Roetaer ABSBNT: Members: Mone BAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT RE(;!BST FOR HBAIUNG RB smœR~NG PROPERTY IN TBB ARBA OF BMR DœJ!K ANDSAR PABLO DAM Pre8ident Roemer and Member Spiegl stated that the IlUl.tter should be placed on the agenda for a public meeting Mr. Horsttotte, District MaDler, was iD8tructed to reply to the B.B.M.U.D. letter, stati.. the District Board would welcOlie a aeeting with them on the first Thursday available. CONDEMNATION OF ANDERSON, MADISON. BARONIAN PARCEL, 1955J1LOOD DAMAGE RBOONSTRUCTIORIV Mr. Hontkotte, District Muaaler, explailled that the OWDers .were wil1iDl to graat tile eas..nt requested if they will be allowed to remain under Ordinance 22. as it presently exists, for a period of three years, being excluded from any change in the OrdinaDce. After discussion, it was moved by Neaber Salfiacere, 8ecoaded by Member Spiegl, that cOlldelllll&tion Ðf the Anderson, Madison aDd Baronian ease_at Parcel No.2, 1955 Flood D&8&le ltecoutructieD IV. be authorized in order that the work may proceed and Mr. McPhee and Mr. Mejedly be i..tructed to deteraiDe the value of the eas.-at and report to the Board fér possible settlement. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl. Salfingere and Roemer N:>ES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None LA PERLE BASEMBMT. 1955 PLOœ DAMAGE RBOONSTRUCTION IV Mr. Hontkotte, District NaDler, explaiued the problem and the need for the ease_at. Mr. laPerle stated he di4 not want the ease_at on his property. When questioned as to the value he placed on the ease_nt, he stated $500.00. Member Spiell sulgested an alternate route. It was moved by Meaber Spiegl. seconded by Member Fisher, that. in order that the work may proceed, condeanation of the _laPerle easement be authorized. Carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Mitchell, Fisher. Spiell, Salfilllere and Roemer N:>BS: Members: NoDe ABSENT: Mf!llbers: lIone Mr. Hor8tkotte, District MaDaler, -s iutructed to re-eXUliae alterlULte routes. RBSOLVl'ION NO. 936. COJU>JlMNATION OF PARCBL 4, IA PERU. AND PARCEL 2, ANDDSON. BARONIAN AND MADISON. 19.5.5 PLOOD DAMAGE RBOONSTRUCTION IV It was moved by Member Spieg!, seconded by Member Fisher, that Resolution No. 936. be adopted. Carried by the following vote: ADS: ' M:>ES I . ABSBH'l': Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiell, Salfingere and Roemer Members: None Me-be rs a None . 04 19 56 208 ANNEXATION PROCBBDIlfGS, TOWN OP DARVILLE, LOCAL IMP1\OVEMBN'1' DIS'IIlICTNO. 30 Mr. Nejedly, CoUD8el for the Di.trict, .tated that a petition being. circulated for aaaexation of the To.. of DaRVille to the Di.trict would a180 be a,reque.t for a Local I.,roveaent Di.trict. ANJŒXATlOIf '1"BUS. QUA1U)T RQAI). RBAL BSTA'l1! SBKYICB CO. , It was _ftd by Méaber Saifilllere. .ecoaded by Meaber Pi8her, that teJ:88 for annexiac the Quandt Road property be $232.00 per acre pl88 $300.00 procea.iac co.t. Carried by the following vote: ADS: MeldMtnl Pi8her, SalfÚllere allC! Iloe.r II>BS: Me1Ibèr.: Mitchell and Spiecl ABSBNT: Member. : Noae ~"""" PaoIOSAL U una CDOOJCTIOIfS Meaber Mitchell propoa.d the foll.willl _tionl In recognition of the re.pouibility aDC! authority of this Board uader the Sanitary District Act of ¿923 to co.icler jointly the provi.io. for adeq_te se"'."aDd .to~ draiDale facilities .:vithia District '-aadari.. and juri.dictiøo to protect the health, welfare, and property of the people of tIle Ceatral Coatra Co.ta Saaitary Di8trict all4 viciåity, aDd beea..e of the lack of aad loreseeable iilability of tltis Di8trict &lid the Coatra Coata Cnaty PI'" eoatrol Del Water C888ervation Di.trict to provide aece.sarr facilities for .e..,e &ad stor. drai_ge control, thi8 Board doe. hereby declare that no new coanectioll8 to any Ülprove.nt, (baildi." re.ideace, .tnct.re), Bot ia exi.t... or ia act of coutraction prior t. July I, 1956, .11&11 be _de to sewer facU it i.. ~,Ullder the coatrel &ad juri.diction of this District uatU further dete~i_tiOR of thi8 Board. After disc".!OD, the motion failed for lack of a .ecoad. VIII . AD .)OUIUiMBNT , . At 11125 o'clock P.M., tile aeeti.. .. adjourned ))y/Pre.ideat 1\ee.r to April 26, 1956. \00.000 , ~ Cl~<.. ~ ~ President t. Di8tr ct B.r. 0 Ceatral Co tra Coata Saaital"f Di.trict of Coatra Coata County, State of California OOUNTJ!RSIGNBD 1 ~ Secretary ~. :.. D .tr ct Board .r Central Coatra Costa Sanitary Di.trict of Contra Coata County, State of CaliforDia I0......oI 04 19 56