HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-16-56 183 MJNUTES OP AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF '!HE OJ S1RJCT BOARD CEN11W. OONTRA CDSTA SANITARY OJ S1RJCT HELD FEBRUARY 16, 1956 ..--.. The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned.Regu1ar Session at its regular place of aeeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard. City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on February 16,1956, at 7c30,o'clock P.M. In the .bsence of President Roemer, Member Spieg1 called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL PRESEN T: Members: Mitchell. Fisher, Spiegl and Salfingere ABSENT : Member: Roemer Member Salfingere was unanimously elected President Pro Tea. APPROVAL OF MINUTES .111e Minutes of the meeting of Pebruøry 2, 1956, were approved ~s presented. APPROVAL OF BILLS None. AWARD OP C<»lTRACT PŒ 1955 PLOOD DAMAGE RBX>NS1RUCnON I The following bids were received and opeDed at 2:00 o'clock ~.M. on February 16,1956, in accordance with Notice to Biddersc ---.. . I i I D. K. Young M.G.M. Construction Co. O. A. Poge1berg McGuire and Hester J. H. McCosker . $5,792.70 5,877.05 6,389.50 8,299.50 8.998.00 It wu moved by Member Fisher, seconded by Meøaber Mitchell, that the con tract for 1955 Plood D_age Reconstructioa I be awarded to D. K. YO\IDg, on his low bid of $5,792.70. Carried by the foll~wing wtec AYES: Members: NOPS: .- Members: ABSINT: M_ber: Mitchell, fisher, SpiEil and Salfingere NOlIe Roeaer AWARD OP CŒTRACT ¥OR S'1œM WATER OVERFL(M The following bids were received and opened at 2:00 0 . clock P.M. on February 16.1956, in accordance with Notice to BiddersÎ L. . Y. Construction Co. O. A. Fogelberg R. R. Murdoch Morison Construction Co. J. H. McCosker McGuire and Hester $3,368.00 3,556.00 . 3,696.00 3,904.00 4,147.00 4,963.00 It was moved by Meaber Fisher, seconded by Meaber Spieg1, that the contract for the StOnt Water Overflow be awarded to L. . Y. Construction. Co. on their low bid of $3.368.00. Carried by the following vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: Members: Mitchell, Pisher, Spieg1, and Salfing'ere Members: None Member: Roeaer 02 16 56 18,ì OLD BUSINESS None. REPOR TS DI STRICT MANAGER None. OOUN SBL PCll THE DI sm ICT ACCEPTANCE OP EASBtENT' FIlQ.t H. H. ROBIN:ÐN It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Meaber Fisher, that the easement from H.H. Robin.on for State Highway Relocation II, Parcel 13. be accepted on the terms agreed upon and its recording ordered. Carried by the following votez .""---'" AYESz NOES: ABSENT: Meabersz Mitchell, Fisher. Spiegl lad Salflngere Members: None Meaber: Roeaer ACCEP'mNCE OF PASBtENT PRCM EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILItY DISTRICT It was moved by Meaber Fisher. seconded by Mellber Spiegl ,that the eas.-ent from East Bay Municipal Utility District in Altarinda Estates Unit-2 ,be accepted. Carried by the following votez AYESz Members: Mitchell, Pisher, Spiegl and Salfingere NOES: Meabers: None ABSENT: Member: Roemer NEW BUSINESS RE~Lunœ.Nø.930. AUTHORIZING ENGINEER 'D REPRESENT DIS'lRICT It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded ." Member Pisher, that Resolution No. 930 be adopted. Carried by the following votez L AYES: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl and Salfingere NOES: Meabers: None ABSENT: Member: Rae mer HEAR INGS LOCAL IMPROVJMENT DIS1RICT 1«). 30 ASSESStENT President Pro Tem Salfingere adjourned the meeting 10 reconvene åt the Veterans Hall on Locust Street, Walnut Creek. for the Local Improvement District No. 30 Assessment Hearing. : President Pro Tem Salflngere convened the meetiBI at 8:00 o'clock P.M. and opened the Hearing for protests against the asseS88ents and work for Local Improvement District No. 30. After the names and as.essment nuabers had been read for all the assess- ment protests received in writing, President Pro Tem. Salfiug.ere asked for comments from the floor. After hearing the various protests and comments from the floor, President Pro Tem Salfingere declared .theHearing of protests clos~d ~d continued the Hearing for determination of assessaents on Local Iaprovement District No. 30 to February 27,1956, 8zoo o'clock P.M. ~ President Pro Tem Sal-fingere stated that the pro testa received, which are on file in the District office, ..u~d be reviewed in the field and a final determination made. 02 16 56 J85 President Pro Tea Salfingere adjoumed to IDd reconvened the meeting at the District Office, 1822 Nt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek. IDd the District Board proceeded to set up a procedure for the review of protests in Local Improvement District No. 30. ADJOURNMENT At 10130 o'clóck P.N., the meeting was adjourned by President Pro Tea Sa1fingere to February 27,1956. ""-" ~~AJ W' L.- President Pro Tea of the ist t Board of Central Contra Costa itary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED z ~~~ Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of Califomia . ." 02 16 56