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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-19-56 176 MINUTES Of AN ADJOORNED REGULAR MEEl'ING Of nœ DISTRICT lDARD CønML (X)NTRA COSTA SANITARY DIS'l1lICT HELD JANUARY 19, 1956 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Saøitary District convened in an Adjournetl Replar Session at its relular place of aeeting løcated at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on J8I1uary 19, 1956, at 8100 o'clock P.M. The aeetiDg was called to order br President Roemer. ""---' I. ROIL CALL PRESENT: Meabers:Pisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and I.o_er ABSENT: Member 1 Mitchell n. APPlOVAL QP MINtJDS The Minutes of the aeetinl of JlDuary 5, 1956, _re approved as presentetl. nI. APPROVAL œ BIILS It was moved by M_ber fisher, seconded by Neaber Spie,l, that the bills as audited by the Auditing Co_ittee and as submitted '" the District be approved, reference being specifically to Sewer Construction Vouchers Nuabers 654 to 661, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 11,063 t. 11,084, inclusive. Carried by the wte: AYES: Members: Pisher. Spiegl, Salf inlere ad R.aer NOES: Mabers: None AB~T: Member: Ni tchell IV. HEARINGS ~ None. V. (l.D BUSYNESS NEW OFF ICE SITE. LOT 45. DEL HAMBIlE 1'ERRACE It was moved by M_ber Spiegl, secondetl by MeaberPisher, that the deetl to Lot 45, Del HlJIbre Terrace Subdivision be accepted from Tirzah Huable and record- irw erdered and that $12,000.00 bal_ce of the purchase price together with $112.00 for title policy cost be deposi tee! with the Contra Costa County TUle Insurance CoapanYJ amounts authorized to be paid from Sewer CenstructionGeneral Fund. Carrietl by the following vote~ AYES: Members: P isher, Spiegl, Salfingere and NOES: Meabersl None ABS~T: Maben Mitchell VI. REPORTS D ISmrCT MANAGER INPlOYMENT OF 1WO DRAPTSMEN Mr. Horsttotte, District Manager, requested author! ty to hire two drafts- men on a temporary basis, pending examination, at $350.00 per _nth. "'-"" Member Spiegl asked if the ..rk they would do would be for local i.prove- mat districts or other work where fuóds would be recCJ,veree! to cover the salaries. Mr. Horstkotte stated that it wu for this work they were needed. 01 19 56 177 It was moved by Member Fisher, seconded by Member Sallingere, that the District Manager be authorized to employ two draftsmen on a temporary basis, pending exaination, each at a salary of $350.00 per month. Carried by the following TOtel AYES, Members: Fisher, Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer NPES: . Members: None ABSENT: . Member s Mi tch~ll HIDDEN VALIJiY AREA BYPASS - --, Mr. Horstkotte explained that he had wri tten a letter to the Regional Water Pollution Control Board asking permission to discharge storm water to the creek in the Hidden Valley area and requested permission from the District Board to proceed with plans, specifications aDd the calling for bids pendinl . a reply to biB letter.. . President Roemer questioned proceeding without prior approval of the Regional Water POllution Control leard. Mr. Nejedly, Counsel for the District, stated that, if the problem was .. critical as Mr. Horstkotte stated, he felt the District would be justifiec1 in proceedin.g with the work immediately without calliag for bids. After discussion, it was aoved by' Member Sallingere, seconded by Meaber Pisher, that the District Manager be authorized to proceed with plans, specifi- cations and the calling for bid. IRd that $4,500.00 be authorized from Sewer Construction General funds for the work. Carried by the following vote, AYES I Members: Pisher, Spiegl, Salfingere ..d Roemer NOES s Members: NODe ABSENTs Meaber: Ni tchell LETTER PJOM LAfAYETŒ DlPROVJNENT ASsa::IATIœ Mr. Horstkotte read a letter fro. the Lafayette Improvement Association reques ting that the Dis trict anageaen t prepare an itemized esti- te of the remaining costs required to put the SlI1itary District in good repair' and with such info~ation prepare and distribute a do~ent' showing how a bond issue, if approved, would affect the tax bill. Mr. Horstkotte was instructed to reply. PLANS AND SPEC IP IrA Tlœs FŒ DIGESTERS Mr. Horstkotte stated that plans and specifications being prepared by Brown and Caldwell for new digesters would be ready for' the first Board ..tiag in February; the funds available are frea the added assessed valuation tatèn.-f.or Sewer Construction funds. -', Meaber Mitchell arrived at 8:40 o'clock P.M. ARCHITB:T 1'OR NJif OfFICE BUnDING Mr. Horstkotte reported that he had advertised in the various trade journals for "chi tecta to submit work for consideration in selecting an architect for the new office building md stated the submissions would be ready for the next Board .eeting. OVERFLOWS IN ORINDA Mr. Horskotte read letters frOli Bast Bay Municipal Utility District ..d the Orinda Country Club relative to overflows in Grinda and his replies to the letters. NEW PUMPS INORINDA Mr. Horskotte reported that, upon operation of the new pumps in Orinda, certain detãils were found to be lacking which needed correction &ad the additional wrk wuld be reflected in the final bill fro. W. K. Kendall. contractor for the work. 01 19 56 171i COUNSEL PaR THE DIS1RICT EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT RIGIfl' OP WAY. SUTB.HrGHWAY SEW:IIt , RJLOCATION IV " Mr. Nejedly reported he could not come to an. agreeaent with Eut Bay Municipal Utility District for risht of way required for State Hishway Sewer Relocation IV and that it uy have to be condnmect. VI I. NEW æSINESS MT. DIABLO ESU'Œ PARK ASSES9ŒNTS Por clarification, Mr. Horstkotte. District Kanller, stated that inaaauch as Nt. Diablo Estate Park had i.ta own system which would connect to the Local Improvement District No. 30 line they were beiD¡ assessed one and one-half 1IIIi ta. ~ 'lbe 80 ard Meabers agreed. QUI T CLAIM 10 VEIOfA M. Z DNa It was moved by N_ber Spiesl, seconded by Meaber SalUDsere., that the President IDd Secretary be authorized to execute the Quit Clm Deed to Verona M. Z~r. Carried by the following vote. AYES. Meabers. Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, SaHinsere and Roeaer NOES: Members. NOlle ABSENT: Meabers: None RIQJEST R>R ANNEXATION. 147 RAJØ(A ROAD. DANVIILE Referred to.Mr. Horstkotte for discussioD with Mrs. Harvey, o_er. ACCEPI'ANCE OF PA$B(BfTS PRO4 PIlBDC. DIŒHAM AND JOIfiT.SCHlODa It was moved br Me.ber Salfingere, seconded br Member Fiaher, that ease.enta fr- Pred C. ~irkh&ll and john T. Schroder be accepted..d their recordins ordered. Carried by the following Totel ~ AYES: NOES: ABSBfT: Meabers. Mitchell, Fisher,' Spiegl, Salfingere and Roemer Meabers. None Membersa None mI. AD JOURNJœNT At 9a20 o'c:~ock P.M., the Meting was adjourned by President Roeaer" to February 2, 19'6. ~6Z.~- ~- . eaid f the District Board of Centr atra Costa Sanitary District of Con tra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED a ~~ c:~. "'- Secretary of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California ~..... 01 19 56