HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 10-18-56 q,.' : ~~.J< MINUTES OF AN AD]OUI'-NED REGULAR MEETING OF 'nIE DISTInCT BOARD CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD OCTOBER 18, 1956 CENTRAL The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned Regular Session at its n~¡:jular place of meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Walnut Crëek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on October 18, 1956, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meetinf, was called to order by President Fisher. 1. I"tOLL CAlL PRESE!>:T: Members: Mitchell, Spiegl, Sa] fing,=r<õ ànd Fisher ABSENT: Memher: Roemer II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the me,=ting of October 4, 1956, wer~ approved as pr,=s cntzd. III. APPROVAL OF BILLS ~()ne. IV. HEAHIKGS LOCAL IMPROVEr-tENT DISTRICT NO. 37, RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 938 President Fisher opened the Hearing and asked for writtej) protests. Pro test of Mr. Condie, 408 Moraga Road, read. After discussion, it was moved by Memb~r Spiegl, seconded by Member ,\I:i.tcheJl, that the protest of Mr. Condie be denied. Carried by the follOiving vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ~;embe r5: Members: Member: Mitchell, SpiegI, Sa1fingere and Fisher None Roemer Protes~ of Mr. Loughlin, 168 Crest View Drive, react. After discussion, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded.by Member Spir.:'gl, that the protest of Mr. Lou¡;hlin be denied. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ¡"íembers: [;¡embers: Member: Mitchell, Spiegl, Salfingere and Fisher None Roemer MI". Horstkotte, District Managèr, was directecl to investigate a P,y'~~:i bI,' r:=:Jocat:i.i:'n (")f t~L' easem'=i1t on Mr. Loughlin's property. Letter froll1 Mr. Shoemake reaCt, prot,?sting thE.' locatiC\l1 of thE:: easement required on his property. After discussion, Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, was (lirected te.) r'l~'::t with Mr. Shoemake to consider relocating easement required. Mr. Hc)rstkott~ agreed to m~eting at 10:00 A.M., Sunday, October 21, 1956. "j~.. [ìjri,~;~:,. '[tJesti.cne,' th,= 1.ocatÜ'rJ .,ç ::1-,:: ',>\:,::",~:,':: (I"' 1'13.S pr')!>~rt;, an.-] ask,:ò(] to ¡Héè':'.t jIj!;. I-Iorstkoth~ on the. prop,:=rty and ê1iSCllSS the pr:)bL~m. A.IS0 fOf IO :00 A.M., Sunday, C'ct.)b:=r 21, 1.°56. Letter from Mr. Carl Appelbaum, attorney for Dr. Ruth~rford, 130 Crest View Drive, read, protesting the location of the easement on his property. r~eferred to Mr. llorstkott::> f01: possibL~ rel()cat:Ï.on. 10 1. (":, '; A'....; ~ >..../ I""" .Ç't¡, '""'" ';.0.. ;i..,) ~, ,;, ( There being no other written prot,=sts, President Fisher asked if anyone wished to be heard. Mr. Fred Brown and Mr. Culver stated that they felt it would be a costly job and every effort should be made to keep the cost down. It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Salfingere, that the H,=aring be closed to any further protests and continued to Novemher 1, 1()56. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Spiegl, Salfingere and Fisher Non~ Roeme r CONTINUED HE.i\RINC?-L-!:.OCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO: 33, RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 982 Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, reported that to eliminate th~ easements on the Long, Loeb and Pio propertie's would mean an adcti tional cut of 6 feet in Hillgrade and to the point ()f connection on the Danville HighvJay, thereby adding considerable expense to the Improvement District. He advised against the chanbe. Mr. Horstkotte also reported that the easement on 'the Loeb property was clear of the barn and that work on the Long property could be done without dal.1age to the trees. It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Salfingere, that all r¿~(llaining protests for the work in Local Improvement District N(\. 33 be over- ruled. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSEI~T : Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Spiegl, Salfingere and Fisher None Ro~me r RESOLUTION NO. 9SC), OVERRULING PROTESTS AND ORDERING WORK, LOCAl IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 33 -.----- It was moved by Member Mi tchell, seconded by Member Spi'~gl, that Hesolu ti"n No. 989 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Mer,lbe rs : Member: Mitchell, Spiegl, Salfingere and Fisher None Roemer Mr. Stokely and Mr. Nordman, property owners in Local Improvailent District No. 33, requested that bids be called for immediately. Aft!r discussion, it was decided to call for bids when the weather is dght for a low bid. V. OLD BUSINESS None. V1. REPORTS DISTRICT !,IA~AGER l~ALDEL\¡ Cl"tOSS ING Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, reported that the pipe \...as (\n the job for the Walden crossing. NEW OprICE BUILDING Mr. Horstkotte reported the new office building was expected to be ready by December 1,1956. 10 1 is .- .,,'1\ bb ~_.. (.) CHANGE OnnERSJ_- T}ŒADŒNT PLANT DIGESTER ADDITIONS CONTRACT Mr. Horstkotte requested authorization for change orders, in accorctance with Brown and Calc1w-=ll letters, for additional work on the Treatm~~nt Plant Digester Additians contract in the sum of $4,601.00. ~..leInb'-~r Mitchell asked 'Nhy th-~ items werz not on the original plans. !'-Ir. Horstkotte e;_plainer:! and r'~com:1).'~ndej approval. It '..-¡as movecl by Ì\!ernber Salfingere, seconded by ;\lel:J.b:=r Spi~gl, that tlv= S\1I'l of $4,601.00 be authoriz'ed fron the Sewêr Construction Expansion Fund to cover the chanGe orders for the adrlitional work on the Treab\ent Plant !>~':;st':'r Additions contract in accordance wit~ the Brown and Caldwell letters. Carried by the fo 1l0\'ling votè: AYi:.S: NOES: A3SENT: Members: Members: Merrlbèr: Mitchell, Spiegl, Salfingere and Fisher Nolle l"tocrne r PAYMENT KiR VACATION TIME Mr. Horstkotte reported that the recent examination for Chief Plant Operator at thé~ Treatment Plant failed to produce a successful candidate. Mr. Matt, Plaut Superintendent, has accumulated his maximum 30 days' vacation till::- ;mc! is now needed at the Plant until the present constructic'J} is compJ,:'t-=d. Mr. Horstkotte r~quested that Mr. Mott be paid for 15 days' vacation time so he will not lose his creòit. It was HlOved by to the circumstances presence, he be paid fc'llowing vote: Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Spi~gl, that, due at the Treatment Plant and the n~cessity for Mr. Matt's for 15 days' vacation time earned. Carri~d by thp AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: lI!e:l'lbers: ~L::mbe r : Mitchell, Spiegl, Salfingere and Fisher None Roemer COUNSEL FOR THE DIST1UCT None. VII. ~EvJ BUSINESS ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS It was moved by ¡'l.lember, Salfingere, seconded by Member Mitchell, that ease- i',12nts from John P. Enslow, Gordon Aul t, John A. Sobey, Theodore Marshall, Hichard McSorlc;', Russell L. Solomon, Fred L. Burnett, Edmund S. Chambers, Ben F. Kopf, Elisabeth Moss Wilson, Henry K. Nourse, Jr., Henry K. Nourse, Lewis A. Penn, Paul K. judson, James M. H. Harkins, Heginald Biggs, Leslie G. G('ary, 1\obert Clark, and V. R. Cook be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYJ~S : NOES: AESEì\¡T: Mel1lhers: Members: !-Ielllbe r: Mitchell, Spiegl, Salfingere and Fisher None Roemer TERMS FOR l\¡\lNEXATIONS It was moved by Me¡;¡ber Spiegl, seconded by Member Mitchell, that terms for th~ annexations under Ordinance 24 of the S\'lanson property, Lot 1, Ricig:ewood Acres, Wayne Tract, Danville, La Gonda Way and EJ. Pintado Road, Ðanvill::> , Diablo Hoad, Danville, Market Plaza of Alamo, Inc., Thomas property, Cortsen, Road, Pleasant Hill, Kerlin property, Danville Highway, Danville, and HiJlv.i~w Gardens, Danville, each be $191.00 per acre plus $300.00 cost for processing. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Spiegl, SaH inger~~ and Fishe r None Roemer 10 1 r:..-:. 1. (j '."" ,111- ~ t) ,.);;J NOTICE OF COMPLETION, 1955 FLOOD DAMAGE RECONSTRUCTION IV Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, stated that the 1955 Flood Damage Reconstruction IV work was completed to his satisfaction and recommended acceptance. It was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Salfingere, that the 1955 Flood Damage Reconstruction IV work be accepted and filing of Notice of Completion ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Membe r : Mitchell, Spiegl, Salfingere and Fisher None Roemer EASEMENT TO UNION OIL COMPANY ON TREATMENT PLANT PROPERTY j\[r. Williams, representinß the Union Oil Company, stated they were in immediate need of the easement requested from the District on the Treatment Plant property and a letter was on file with the District in which the Union Oil Company agr.:=ed to pay the amount determined by an appraisal to be obtained by the District. It was moved by Memb,~r Salfingere, seconded PresicL~nt and Secretary be authorized to execute Union Oil Company subject to the approval of Mr. District. Carried by the following vote: by Member Mitchell, that the a Grant of Easement to the Nejedly, Counsel for the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: : Mitchell, Spiegl, Salfingere and Fisher None Roemer MATTERS FROM TI.lE FLCJl1R PLEASANT HILL CIVIC COUNCIL Mr. Ivan Gilman of the Pleasant Hill Civic Council stated this was his last official visit to the District as a representative of the Council. He expressed his enjoyment in attending the Board Meetings, and introduced Mr. Wendell R. Parker who will represent the Pleasant Hill Civic Council at future District meetings. VIII. ADJCUIlNMENT At 10:00 o'clock P.M., the meeting was ,adjourned by President Fisher to November 1,1956. COUNTERSIGNED: ~ )'.:::7 ~_. " . ,~. .. ~~..;.b~~ .". ....S~= Secretary of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, state of California i1 ¡Ii)] , . ~ ~ 'Q ., (, (. i] ,