HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-24-55 65 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETI1Ð OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD FEBRUARY 24, 1955 ,- ': The District Board of Central Contra Co8ta Sanitary District oonvened In 'an Adjourned Regular S.s810n at it. regular plaee ot meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City of Wàlnut. Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of Call~ornia, on FebruarT 24, 1955, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. ' . The meeting was called -to order by President Roemer. : I. ROLLCALL PRESEIft: ABSENT: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Salfingere and Roemer Member: Spies1 II. APPROVAL OF MIIm'l'PZ The Minute. of the meeting of February 3, 1955, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF BILLS None. IV. ImARIlOS None. ~-l v. OLD'BUSTIESS Member Spiegl arrived at 8:30 o'clock P.M. ANNEXATION REQUEST. ÐURHAM-KOTT AND SQUIRES At the request o~ Member .isher, Mr. Horstkotte, Distriot Manager, reviewed and explained normal connection chuge. and specific ca.es of annexation In the Danvill. area. . After discussion, it was moved by Member Fisher, seconded b7 Member Spiegl, that the Durham-Mott and Squire. p;r.opert7 be accept- ed for annexation on the following terma: 1. Waive annexation charges. 2. Pay normal connection charges in excess of $85,000.00 and pay all no~al pe~it-fee8 of the Sanitary District. ~-{5 3. In lleu of ~aiTing annexation charges and $85,000.00 in connection fees, pay estimated cost.di~ferential between an 18-inch line and a 27-inch line tram point of connection to the District sewer system to Diablo Street in Danvil1e; said differential being e.timated in the amount ot $225,000.00. - 4. Provide, at their own expense, in tract sewers and a line from the main trunk to the boundarJ' of the above named propert,'. Carried by the following vote: AYES : Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Saltingere and Roemer Members: None Members: None NOES : ABSENT: 02 24 55 ----~-------- ------- ------- 66 MINER INDA SE.WERS President Roemer read letter trom Mr. Valentine Brookes or the Minerinda Propert7 Owners Association and formal notice from the Association agreeing to pa7 up to a RaX~ ot .SOO.GO tor pr.limina17 plans and co st estima.te for severiDg the Minerinda area. It vas moved 87 Member Spiesl, seconded b,.Me8b.r Fisher. that Mr. lfejedl7, Counael tor the Di.trict, repl7to Mr. Brooke.' letter, stating that ~. agreement is ae~eptable with the stipu- lation that action 1IIU8t b. taken within one ,..ar, or .. r.q~e4 'by the Count,. Health Otficer. Carried: bJ' 'the tollowing vote: I ......... AYES: . Members: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Member.: Mitchell, Fi.her. Spiegl. Saltingere and Roemer None None Mrs. Selback pre.ented to the District Board a letter .ent to the Minerinda propert7 owner. by theM1_r1DdaPropert,. Owner. Association and stated tÞat owners ot large parcels ot propert,. were concerned with what their asa.sa.ms aish.t be. PUBLIC ITY PROGRAM Member Mitchell reported on a meeting held b7 publícit7 comadttee, stating that certain proposals had.caBe trom thi. meeting, and asked Mr. J. McFarland and Mr. Cherles 8osle7 to report on the proposals. Mr. Bosle,. reviewed a proposal he l1ad: ,prepared and presented to the District Board. Mr. J. McFarland presented a cost breakdown for the printiDg and mailing of the proposed pabllcit,.. !hese costs and ~r. Bosle,.'. proposal to be delivered to the Board Members, along with Hr. Buford Feagan'. proposal, for consideration at the next meeting ot the Board. L.. SHILLITO DS Mr. .ej8d17, Çounael tor the District, reported that M:r~ Shi1lito is demanding $l,OOO.OO to settle. With District expense. ot$$OO.OO, the Il,GOO.OO now on deposit is not sufticient. Mr. .ejed17 vas instructed to contact the beneticlarie. and inform them at the .ituation. LETTER TO PLANNING COMMIftBE OF' THE ORINDA ASSOCIATIOB' . . . -}. Mr;<If'jed17, CoUJUIel tor the District. was eC8plimented ón the letter prepared, and instructed to mail it. . . .. .. . . VI. REPORTS _. . . DISTRICT MANAGER DANVILLE AREA SE.WERS . Mr. Horatkotte, District Manager. reported a request troá the Count7 Health Department tor a QOIIDJI.itJiaent trom the Di.trict Board as to its present plan and intent to install a aever line to the DanYille area. "'-' The Kembers ot the Board a~d it vaa their plan and intent to install a line this 7ear. - - 02 . 24 5~) ()7 ~ , ¡ i i MAINTENANCE OF SOUTHImN PUBLIC UTILITY' DISTRICT'S SYSTEM Mr. Horstkotte also stated the Health Department wanted. determ1~ation from the District Board as to a date when'the Di8trict would operate and maintain Southern Public Utility District'. system. ' Atter discussion, it was moved by Member Spiegl, seconded ~ Member Mitchell, that the District will enter into an agreement as ot Maroh 31, 19S5, to taka over the operation ot the Southern Public Utility District's treataent plant and facilities on a temporary basis unti1 a line is built to the area; the Sanitary District to keep a record ot the Charges and bill the UtilitT District accordingly, credit to be given tor their-assessed - valuation ot the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Running Expense tu rate. Carried by the following vote: NOES : ABSENT : Members: MeDlDers: Hi tabell, Fiaher, Spiegl, Saltingere and RoèDl8r Hone Hone AYES : Members: < Mr. Horatkotte, District Mal)ager, was directed to use either Sanitary District personnel or peraonnel ot Southern Public utility District en a tempora!'7 buis, as he -1' determine. Mr. Horstkotte stated that in operating the Utility Di8triot's system every etrort would be Dlade to meet Regional Water Pol1ution Control Beard specitications, but the Sani t&.r7 District could Dot be responsible tor failure. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT Bone. ~ VII. BDi BUS INESS ALLAI FULLER - . It was moved by Member Saltingere, seconded bJ Member- 0 Mi tahell, that easement. from Marchant Development Co. ~ A11an Fuller and Jack R. Eyman, and John P. Day be accepted and th81r recordi11g ordered. Carried by' the following vote: AYES : Meabers: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Sa1.fingere aDd Roemer Ilona None HOES: ABSEft , Members: Members: CREST A~JSNu.tìi-TICE VALLEY SEWERS Letter tram the County Health D.par~ent recommending 8ewers was read. President Roemer read a proposed letter to be sent, over hi. signature, to residents or the area, int"örming them of the Health Department's .findings and recommendation; éopyot thè letter to be sent to the Health Dep8rtment tor it. information. '!he matter to remain on the asenda until concluded. LOCAL IMPROVEMEIT DISTRICT OœSIDE THE BOUNDARIES OF THE SANITAR!' DISTRICT - DAftVILLE AREA Hr. Horstkotte reviewed the problem, stating that the Board of Supervisors would agree if the Planning Consultant and CountT Health Department would give their consent. - 02 24 55 68 He rurther'stated that a 66-inch line was neoes.ary to .erve the entire area, but a 36-inch line would be most logical at the present time. Mr. Horstkotte pointed out that, to serve tho.e pre.ent17 committed and probable commitments, a 27-inch line is possib1~. Mr. Horstkotte was instructed b7 the District Board to 1Df'orm theBoarcl or Supervisors that the Distriot Board -7 wlah to :1'81.7 on their approva1.tor a larger Local Iaprov8Rent District to get a larger size line. UEST FOR COBDEMNATIOW OF BASEMENT BRUZZORE PR OPERft Member'Spieg1 stated that the Distriot 8hould .t~ out or condemnation matters and thatthose requiring easeaents shouJ.d handle the matter themselves, the District oftering to testify or certir7 that eas.ments are oeces8817. . "--.~ EMPLO'!EES' ASSOCIATION The Emp10,.ee.' Association submitted recammendatians tor changes in Vacation and Sick ~aYe. Continued until next meeting t. allow ti8e tor stu~. SUPPI.EM:lftAL AGENDA ~¿~ ~g~~O~~BD I-:CLU8I~W ~. LOCAL IMPROVEMD'l It was moved b7 Member Spies1, seconded ÞT Me8ber Fisher, that the Glenn C. Gibbs property on Tassajara Road, the Rayaand E. Henry property at Green Val1e7 Road and Danville Highway,.Alamo, the Mar;: E. Rose property on Del Amigo Road, the DI-. Louis DeMeo proper~ at Dia~Tas8ajara RQada, the Lonergan property on Diablo Road, and 'the Vargas property on Hart. Avenue be approved tor -annexation; the term. to be the ,normal .term. applicable at the time ot annexation and to be collected at the t-1me. s.rYip. I-. required, pursuant to Ordinance No. 2l¡.. Carried by the rollowing vote:- ""--' AYES: BOES : ABSENT: Members: Mitch.w.I, Fisher, SpiesI,. Salringere and Roe.er Bone None Members: Members: Pm'ITION FROM SOUTHERR ANNEXATION I PROFERT!' OWW:œs Petition from property owners in Southern Annexation I for the formation or a Local Improvement_District to be known as . Local Improvement District No. 30 was presented. . VIII. ADJOURNMENT At 11#30 o'clock P.M.. the meeting was adjourned by P"8ident Roemer to March.', 1955.. . -~8~~~~ ~ff:;,;;~~ Hoard or centr~~ëantra Costa Sanltar;r Ðiatrlet .~ Cent;!'a Costa Count;r, state or Cal1~orn1a ~ COUM'ERSIGNED: --- - 02 24 55