HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-03-55 60 MINUTES OF A REnULAR MEETI1Ð OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL COITRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD FEBRUARY 3, 1955 !he District Board ot Central Contra Costa SanitarT Diltrict convened in a Regular session at its -regular place ot meeting located at 1822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, City ot Walnut Creek, County or Contra Costa, S.tateot Calitornia. on February 3, 1955, at 8:00 o'clock P.M.. . The meeting was called to order by President Roe..r. I. ROLL CALL PRESEI'l': Members:H1tchell, Fisher, Salfingere and Roemer ABSENT: Member: Spiesl II. APPROVAL OF MIlUTES The Minutes of the meeting ot January 27, 1955, vereapproved as pre.ented. III. . . APPROVAL OF BILLS It vas moved by Member Saltingere, seconded Þ7 Member Mitchell, that the bills as audited by the Auditing Committee.and as submitted by the District Manager be approved, retèrence beiDJ lpecitical17 made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbërl 356 to 409, inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 9481 to 9574. inclusive. Carried by the tollowing vote: ADS : HOES: ABBE1ft' : Members: Members: Member: Mitchell, Piaher, Salringere and Roemer Ilone Spiegl , ~.-- M8mb.rSpiegl arrived at 8:10 P.M. OPENING Of BIDS. LOC~L ~S!'RICT !2.:...J.! President Roemer called tor the opening ot bids on Local Iaprovement District Bo. 31. ~e bi48 were aa tollows: Vincent Rodrigues 113,439.80 Mc~r. & Hester 19,229.00 W~stern,ConstructioD Compan,. 19,872.04 ~7. ~aci1"ic Construction OoJllpan7 20,103.80 Pat Barkle,. 21,118.20 Oakland Sewer Construction Company 22,863.04 ~WARD OF C OI'l'RACT, LOCAL I!PRO~' . It-was -mo~ê.d b7 Member Spiegl, seconded by Member Fisher, that Resolution No. 875, awarding contract to Vincent Rodrigue., be adopted. Carried by the toUowing vote: AYES: Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiesl, Saltingere and Ro.er }fOES.: .. . Members: }fene ABSENT: Members: }fone .......... Resolution Bo. 87S on tile in the office of the Secret8.17 1. hereby reterre4 to and by rererence mad. 'a part bereot. 02 03 "5 61 IV. HEARINGS. None. v. am BUS mESS PUBLICITY PROGRAM ,--.., Mr. Nejedl,., Counsel. tor the District, 1ntroducécJ/iMr. Charl.. Bosle,. who .tatedtbat, prior to outlining a publicit,. prpgra., 1 t would be necessary to know in what the Dis trict Board was interested. Mr~ McFarland,. ot the Goverœaental Services CoDll1ittee of the Pleasant Hill Civic Council, tiled with the District Board and explained a suggested tour point public relations program. . . Mr. Bosle,. questioned the Board as to the tunds available tor a publicity program and discussed the probabl& costs ot a part ttme or full t~e protessional pub1!. relations agent. Member Hi tchel1 stated that he thought the program should be a release òr information about the District and suggèsted that cost tigures be obtained for a type of program. Member Spiegl suggested that MemÞer Mitchell work with Mr. Bosle,. and Mr. McFarland on a progrmn. President Roemer suggested that Hr. McFarland select a committee and appointed Member Mitchell to work with the committee on a program. . Pre8ident Roemer 8tate4 the Board would await a report trCla the committee. r~ BROWN AND CALI1IIELL PROPOSAL The Di8trict Board approved Change8 in the contract presented bJ'Mr. Bejedl,., CoUDsel for the District, as follows: Kember Spie81'8 proposal that on Page 4, Line 14,. the word " inc1ud.s" b. changed to "lilll1 ted to" J - . . . . M8BberMitohell's proposal that Page 4, Line 17, be changed to read "sewage trea~ent plant capacit,. additions ot approximatel,. one hundred percent"; and . Member Spiegl's proposal that on Page 6, Liné 17, "tail' esttmateot construction c 08t" be added. . Dr. Caldwell .tated that the cbamge. were agreeable to Brown and Caldwell. - - Member Mitchell asked it tunds were available. Mr. Horstkotte, District Mmager, 8tated that tunds were available tor the proposed contraet and to do, the work planned in Orinde with the anticipation ot tax funds available in 19S5-19S~~ Mr. McFarland, ot the Pleasant Hill Civic Council, asked it this contract included a master plan, and was told that it ~id. It was moved b,. Member SaltiQgere, .econded br Member Spies1, that the President and Secretary be authøriz8d to sign the contract wi th Brown and Caldwell. Carried by the tollowiDg vote: ' AYES : Members: Mitchell, Fisher. Spiesl. Saltlngerè and Ro_er None Bon. BOES : ABSElfl' t Members: Members: 02 03 55 62 VI. REPORTS. DISTRICT MANAGER AUTHORIZATION FOR ADDITIONAL FUBDS FOR PLUSH KLEEN PUMP Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, requested authorization tor the.expenditure ot t263.61 tram Sewer Conatructlon Pund8 tor the P1uah neeD pap in addition to the .1.800.00 previCtU81,.. authorized. - It was moved bJ'Member Spies1. .econded 'bJ' _bel' li'18her. that an expenditure ot .263.61 from S...er CoDBtructl0D lI'und8 be authorized tor the Plu8h neen p~ installation., Carried bJ' the tollowiDg vote: . '"- -~ . . AYES I Member8 s. 1111 tohell, Fish.., Bpiegl, Baltlngere and Ho..er WOES: Members: _ODe ABSEn': He.bers : _one MORGAN EASBMEft. STATE HIG !WAY SJliBR RELOCATIOBIII - Mr. Horstkotte, Distr1ct Manager, expla1œd the d1t1'icult7 in obtaining the easement tor relocating the sewer on the Morgan property on Pleasant Hill Road. . . Mr. Borstkotte was instructed to write a letter to Mrs. Morgan ottering to install the sewer a8 shown on the plans for State Highwa7 Sewer Relocation III. Mr. Horstkotte 1s to determine. date b,. which time the easement is to be signed and in ,the possesaion ot the District, attar whiCh date Mr. Horstkotte is authorized to delete the work and adjust the cont:ract. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT .~',. I. Ow . BUSIlÊšS ;. ¡ ~ ~~~"-::\"'TS. ~ E~-~ST~ ~THA'GRE!:rl~F STW!. 'I':'~1fàs moy... bJ' Member lP1ùer, seconded 1t7.M.",'SaUJ..ltgere, that- eâsémèntsgrànted to the Di8trict .t1'cna B.1IÞ~el"~II~. W..', BerthaGreenleaf Stuart and Arthur H. .-Beede-be" accepted and their recordingord81"tMI. Carried b7 the- tollowing. vote: NOES = AßSEtf'! : Kembel's: iteDlbers: - . Hi tehell. ",sher,.Spies]... Saltingere., and . Roemer None None A1Ea: . - :~Me~s: MINERINDASEWiRs. - ~!~i(l.,~~_~?~mer read letter to -the District BoardtPom- Mr. VaIent1.ne 13r60kes, Seeretar,--Treasurer, MineriDda PropertJ' Owrlers::Association, requesting that the District" spend t8a48 tor a prell~n~y e~g~neer1ng survey- . Mr. ADgelo, ot the Count,.. Health Department, presented'. l.etter-to the ,District Board trom Dr.H. L.Blum, Hauth Otticer, r.oommenc1ing that the appropriate steps be taken toprov1de the Hinerinda 'areawi th aewera. . ,-. . """ . Mr. Brookes stated that, with an .mg1neer1ng surve,. and cost estimate,' the7wouJ.d tr,- to get a Local Improvement District formed on a voluntar,- basis, or would try to take on the installation themselves. W1th;l'aota, they can go toth.. people *0 are oppos1ng sewers at thð present t1JH. . . ~ 02 03 55 t>:3 Mr. Spiegl asked it someone would guarantee 'the District expend! tures it Local Improvement District proceedings did Dot develop. Mr.' Brookes stated that, hav1ng paid taxes to the District, t}le7 felt the7 were not asking for a contribution. Member Mitchell stated that, in 11ght of the HeaJ.th Ofticer's Certificate, the District could prooee4::and., therefore, there JII8l' not be a gamble. I~ Mr. Spookes to take the matter back to his Board. . LETTER FROM PLANNING COMMITTEE. ORINDA: ASSOCIATION Member Spiegl summarized the letter in Vb1oh information was requested relative to sewering proposed expansion at the Orinda Crossroads. . President Roemer stated that the Board is interested in the Planning-Committee's problems, and instructed Mr. Nejedl7, Counsel tor the Di8trict, to prepare an answer to be approved b7 the District Board at its next meeting prior t,o ;mailing. Member Mitchell remarked that he was a member of the Contra Costa Count7 Planning Committee Which had discussed the Moraga -proble. and the many districts try~g to evaluate population densities and he had considered asking the District Board to request tiDe County to do tije over-all job ot evaluating population densities. ,--" Sl1PPL1iMEtrrAL AGE;NDA . ~TENCOURT. TOWNE. ALLEN AJID~ It was moved by Member Saltingere, seconded b,. Member Fisher, that the Bettencourt propert,., consisting ot approx1matel,. .311/2 acres on the west side of Diablo Road, Danville, the Towne propert,., consisting of' approximate:q 33 1/2 acres on the east side ot EJ. Pintado Road, Danville, and the Allen and Webster propert,., consisting of approximatel,.46 1/2 acres l71ng easter~ ot Vista Grande Subdivision, Danville, be approved tor annexation; the terms to be the nO1'JD&1. te1'Dl8 applic8b~e at the time ot annexa1:10n and to be collected at the t1me se:rvice is required pursuant to Ordinance No. 24. Carried by the tollowing vote: AYES : Members: Mitchell, Fisher, Spiegl, Salf'ingere and Roemer None None NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member Spiegl stated that he was deviating trcm his polio7 ot being opposed to annexations until the District's financial problems are settled due to the original health problem ot the Danville area and the need for obtaining a large line to the area. Durh~Mott and Squires request tor annexation held over to next meeting tor further intormation. ;\~ ~~s~:LIC UTILI~ DISTRICT FOR MAINTENANCE Mr. Horstkotte, District Manager, explained that approximatel,. $12,000.00 would be available trom Southern Public Utility District's '300~OOO.OO assessed valuation upon b~ing annexed to the Sanitary District. The Utility District would be billed tor cost of operation over the amount of' taxes derived ~om its assessed valuation. 02 03 55 64 Mr. Carol Horn, or Southem Public Utility Distrlct,asked - for an estimate from the Sanitary District of the probable cost of operation. President Roemer asked if 80me of the Utility District's persoml'e'l- woul.d be needed. Hr. Horstkotte, District Manager, stated they.uuld be. particularly in the operation of the chlorinator.' . Member Spiegl questioned whether others in the District would be asking for the same consideration and stated that a. distinction of problems Should be defined. Member MItchell asked ~ose responsibility it would be to dismantle the present Ut11it7 District plant. . Mr. Horstkotte explained that it was the problem o~ Southern Public Utility District. VIII. ADJOURlߌN'l' At 11:05 o'-clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by Presicbmt Roemer to Februa17 24, 1955. ~ BOBl'd or Central Contra Costa San~~&rT District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: .--l ~' ~~~rJ~:~r1ct of Contra Costa County, stat. of California '""---' 02 03 55