HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-01-84 , ~. r' 11 112 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON NOVEMBER 1, 1984 The Di strict Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict convened in a regul ar session at its regul ar pl ace of meeti ng, 5019 Imhoff Pl ace, Marti nez, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal iforni a, at 7:30 p.m. on November 1, 1984. President Pro Tam Boneysteele called the meeting to order and requested the Secretary call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Carlson, Boneysteele, Stanley, Clausen Members: ABSENT: Members: Dalton President Dalton had previously indicated he would be unable to attend this meeting and requested that he be excused. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18,1984 It was moved by Member Stanley and seconded by Member Carlson, that the minutes of October 18, 1984 be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was approved with President Dalton being absent. III. EXPENDITURES 1. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED NOVEMBER 1,1984 Presi dent Pro Tam Boney steel e, member of the Budget and Fi nance Committee, stated he and Member Stanley have reviewed the Expenditures and found them to be sati sf actory and he woul d entertain a moti on for approval. It was moved by Member Stanley and seconded by Member Clausen, that the Expenditure List dated November 1, 1984, including Running Expense Warrant Nos. 16534-166~4 and Sewer Construction Warrant Nos. 2323-2367, be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was approved with President Dalton being absent. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Clausen, that the Consent Cal endar, consi sti ng of six items, be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. 1. Resolution No. 84-120 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from TRI-SMITH COMPANY, Danv111e area (Job 3899 - Parcel 3). 2. Resolution No. 84-121 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from D. M. RADIN, et ux, Danville area (Job 2050 - Parcel 1). 3. Resolution No. 84-122 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from A.G. BREITWEISER, Danville area (Job 3016 - Parcel 3 >. 4. Resol uti on No. 84-123, execute grant of easement for sewer crossing under the Contra Costa Canal - Pleasant Hill area (Job 3867 - Parcel 4). 5. Approve and execute license agreement with Southern Pacific Transportati on Company for constructi on of Sewer Manhol e Job 3973, Walnut Creek area (Resolution No. 84-124). ¡Iff' 01 84 113 6. Authorization for P.A. 84-24 <Danville) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. There bei ng no obj ecti on, the motion was approved with Presi dent Dalton being absent. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER None V. ENGINEERING CONSIDER INCLUSION OF P.A. 84-21 <DANVILLE MEA) IN A FUTURE FORMAL DISTRICT ANNEXATION 1. Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, advised that in addition to the proposed annexation, consideration of a 1978 Board policy which restricts the annexation and connection of properties in the Tassajara Valley is requested. The District has received requests to connect properties to the system. While the policy was appropriate when adopted, there may be some justification for modification of the policy at thi s time. Staff has been advi sed that install ati on of the 24-i nch pipe will be included in an assessment district which is contemplated by the city of Danville. Mr. Fred A. Sanders, representing Mr. Silvio Quei rol 0, reported that the city of Danville has provided a window period to assist property owners in this area. Mr. Sanders requested that Mr. Queirolo be allowed to connect to the existing trunk sewer located in Camino Tassajara upon completion of his single family residence. It was moved by Member Clausen that: (1) Inclusion of P.A. 84-21 be authorized in a future formal annexation to the District subject to prepayment of watershed trunk charges. (2) The exi sti ng Board policy be modified to permit connections to the District's sewer system in the Tassajara Valley after a contract is awarded for the installation of the downstream trunk sewer improvements. If at any time the Board i s made aware that inadequate progress is being made on the installation of the sewer improvements, the authorization to connect will be rescinded. (3) Staff be directed to investigate the city of Danville resolution and return to the Board with a recommendation for possi bl e modification to District policy based on said resolution. Following discussion, the above motion was withdrawn by Member Clausen. Following discussion by Board and staff, it was moved by Member Cl ausen and seconded by Member Carl son, that i ncl usi on of P. A. 84-21 <Danvil1e area) be authorized in a future formal District annexation. Motion approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Members: Carl son, Boney steel e, Stanley, Cl ausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Dalton Following further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that staff and counsel be directed to investigate the city of Danville action and return to this Board with a recommendation for modification to the existing Board policy if appropriate. 2. CONSIDER REQUEST FOR BOMD COMMITTEE MEETING RELATIVE TO THE PROPOSED SPHERE OF INFLUENCE FOR THE CITY OF SAN RAMON AND DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT . Mr. Dol an, General Manager-Chief Engi neer, presented a letter from Mr. Paul Ryan, General Manager of the Dublin San Ramon Services District, requesting a Board committee meeting relative to a presentation made before Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) concerning that District's proposed sphere of influence. Following a discussion, President Pro Tem Boneysteele appointed Members Carlson and Clausen to serve in this capacity. The committee 11 01 84 114 selected November 6, 1984 at 12 p.m. as the proposed meeting time. The Board endorsed a staff to staff discussion if it would be difficult for the Dublin San Ramon Services District Board Committee to meet at the proposed time. VI. TREATMENT PLANT 1. MJTHORIZE $35,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR REPAIR OF THE AERATION AIR HEADERS AND MJTHORIZE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT BY THE GENERAL MANÞGER-CHIEF ENGINEER WITH MILLER PIPELINE FOR THIS REPAIR Following explanation by Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Stanl ey and seconded by Member Carl son, that $35,000 in Sewer Construction Funds be authorized for repairs of the aeration air headers and that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to execute a contract with Miller Pipel ine Corporation for this repair. Motion approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Members: Carl son, Boneysteele, Stanley, Clausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Dalton VII. REAL PROPERTY ADOPT RESOLUTION WHICH REDECLARES UPPER ORINDA PUMP STATION PROPERTY SURPLUS, AND AUTHORIZE ITS SALE THROUOOH A REAL ESTATE BROKER 1. It was moved by Member Stanley and seconded by Member Clausen, that Resol uti on No. 84-125 be adopted, redecl ari ng the Upper Ori nda Pump Station property, Assessor's No. 262-300-002, surplus and that its sale be authorized by empoweri ng the Admi ni strative Department Manager to execute a contract with Mason-McDuffie to serve as the District's real estate broker in this matter. Motion approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Members: Carl son, Boneysteele, Stanley, Clausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Dalton VIII. ITEMS LATE FOR THE ÞGENDA None IX. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANÞGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that the Annual Physical Science Scholarship Dinner will be held on November 14, 1984 at 6 p.m. All Board Members are invited to attend. b. The pipe for the Moraga slide repair authorized at the last Board meeting is in place and functioning. c. Mr. Dol an reported on the West Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict emergency meeting attended by District staff on October 25 in Pinole. At this meeting a resolution was adopted requesting that Sites I-I and 1-2 be removed from future consideration in the Solid Waste Management Study, that as an alternate the study include expansion of the existing West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill as a site for the di sposal of ash and other residue from the waste-to-energy plant, and that West County cities and sanitary districts cooperate and work together with the waste-to-energy project and landfill study. It was the consensus of the Board that staff be directed to draft a response to the West Contra Costa Sanitary District resolution. d. The Board of Supervisors has sent a letter to the franchising agencies requesting them not to respond to the West Contra Costa Sanitary 11 ,,01 8~4 115 District's request for commitment of the waste completion of the Solid Waste Management Study. stream unti 1 the e. Mr. Dol an requested i nput from the Board rel ative to a meeti ng with recyclers to be held prior to the next landfill project public workshop. President Pro Tam Boneysteele suggested that consideration be given to the extensive report prepared on this subject approximately ten years ago. Since the recyclers have been involved in the current landfill project public participation process, it would be in our best interests to take notice of their views. Member Carl son stated that there are various sites throughout the County available to the public for recycling at this time. Including recycling at this point in the landfill study would unnecessarily complicate the process. Recycling can be implemented when there is some economic gain for either an individual or an organization without impacting the general public by increased collection rates. Member Clausen indicated that recycling should be considered in the operational phase of waste disposal. It should be done within economic reason to lengthen the life of a landfill site. Member Stanley stated that recycling was included in the original resolution and should continue to be a part of the study. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. John J. Carniato, Counsel for the District, reported on the favorabl e rul i ng by the 9th Ci rcuit Court of Appeal s rel ative to the exclusive franchise issue. b. request. Bedford. Mr. Carniato provided a status report of the Bedford annexation Negotiations are continuing between the city of Concord and Mr. 3. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT None 4. BOARD MEMBERS None X. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD NOT ON THE ÞGENDA None XI. CLOSED SESSION At 9:07 p.m. President Pro Tem Boneysteele declared a closed session to discuss pending litigation and/or personnel matters. At 9:35 p.m. President Pro Tem Boneysteele concluded the closed session and reconvened the meeting into open session. XII. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION None XIII. ADJ OURNMENT At 9:36 p.m. President Pro Tem Boneysteele adjourned the meeting. 11 01 84 .}.1 ..,' 116 WLG p Ol------ President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: 01 84 '<,