HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 12-04-69 ":J,,-' 27 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD DECEMBER 4, 1969 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Spring- brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on December 4, 1969, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Gibbs. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs ABSENT: Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of November 20,1969, were approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF EXEENDITURES It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the expenditures, as audited by the Auditing Committee and as submitted by the General Manager-Chief Engineer, be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers 713 to 733, inclusive, Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 10400 to 10510, inclusive, Payroll Vouchers Numbers 3762 to 3857, inclusive, and LID 50 Construction Fund Vouchers Numbers 39 to 46, inclusive. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None IV. HEARINGS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 52, SCHEDULES 3,4,5 AND 6, WORK President Gibbs opened the informal Hearing to hear protests relative to the work, and asked Mr. Horstkotte, Engineer for Local Improvement District No. 52, to present the written protests. Mr. Horstkotte presented the following written protests: 52-3-2-2 - Glenn N. Fisher Road condition - drainage - excess dirt around trees - picket fence repair. Mr. Horstkotte stated this was a valid claim and would be taken care of. 52-3-6-4 - M. A. Roloff Settlement for trees removed - 7 almond and 5 Monterey pines - $179.75. Drop box and drain tile. The drop box and drain tile were discussed. Mr. Roloff stated his main concern was that, in the present condition, the earth may be washed away from the now buried pipe and it would be exposed in his front yard. He stated he would be satisfied so long as the now covered pipe continues to stay in its present condition. Mr. Horstkotte stated a settlement is being worked out with Mr. Roloff for loss of trees. Letter signed by the following: 52-3-3-9 - 52-3-3-8 - 52-3-3-18- 52-3-4-3 - 52-3-3-17- Koenig Sawrlev Jacobs Quinton DeBettencourt 12 04 69 ... ".j, ... . ,-,,' ~c~ r~"i.', protesting condition of private road off Rancho View Drive. The possibility of damage to the road, built to handle limited traffic, by heavy equipment. Placement of sewer line at edge of road adjacent to drain ditch and restoration. Mr. Horstkotte stated this was a valid claim and would be taken care of. Mr. Horstkotte stated stated the condition of the roads would be watched over the winter, and a seal coat would be put on in the summer. 52-3-5-1 - Morton General protest against project. Not a valid protest at this time. 52-5-3-1 - Dr. Teverbau~h Restore cyclone fence. Mr. Horstkotte stated this was a valid claim and would be taken care of. 52-4-2-1 - Bajuk General restoration of property, items listed. Mr. Horstkotte stated the protest was not completely valid, but most items would be taken care of. Oral protest: 52-3-5-2 - Webster Mr. Webster protested having to go a considerable distance into Pleasant Hill Road right of way for his service. After discussion, the District Board requested that the staff review the claim of Mr. Webster relative to adequate service. President Gibbs closed the Hearing on Local Improvement District No. 52, Schedules 3, 4, 5 and 6, work. Mr. Horstkotte reported that Certificates of Completion have been filed with the District Secretary for Local Improvement District No. 52, Schedules 3,4,5and6. RESOLUTION NO. 2018, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPLETION AND DIRECTING ENGINEER TO FILE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETIONs LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 52, SCHEDULES 3 AND 5 It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 2018 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None RESOLUTION NO. 2019, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPLETION AND DIRECTING ENGINEER TO FILE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 52, SCHEDULE 4 It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 2019 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneystee1e, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None RESOLUTION NO. 2020, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPLETION AND DIRECTING ENGINEER TO FILE NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 52, SCHEDULE 6 It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 2020 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: 1 2 04 69 , . . 1:'~ c r.-", AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None TRASH AND CUTTINGS DISPOSAL President Gibbs asked Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, to explain what the staff recommendation is relative to the "No Burn" situ- ation after January 1,1970. Mr. Horstkotte stated that, after reviewing the problem, it is the staff recommendation to continue the present routine and rates until July 1,1970. After the experience of six months with the problem, the District would be better informed as to what changes might be indicated. He explained that the District Board is in a regulatory position as to the five franchised refuse collectors, making periodic reviews of the collectors' operations and establishing equitable rates. Mr. Horstkotte explained the present rates for single can pickup, two-can pickup, and occasional pickup. President Gibbs then opened the Hearing for discussion. Member Boneysteele explained the area which the District has under its jurisdiction. There were representatives from El Sobrante and Rodeo in the audience to find out how the District was to handle the problem. Mr. Pederson of Orinda stated he had between 30 and 40 fruit trees and he felt he was being penalized. President Gibbs explained that the "No Burn" ordinance was imposed by the Bay Area Pollution Control Board, not the District. He further stated that the District Board has hired Bechtel, Inc. to make a study for the District of what to do with the growing problem of waste disposal. President Gibbs explained that burning in the dumps was banned about five years ago and disposal is by land fill now. Members in the audience suggested that, with higher volume, rates should come down. Mr. Horstkotte stated that it would be premature to make a judgment without experience to indicate a change. He further stated that, if change is indicated, a change will be made. Member Mitchell stated that the collectors are probably faced with capital expenditures for additional equipment. To a question about the District's taking over the collection of refuse, Mr. Horstkotte stated that the District could not do the job the individual collectors are now doing with very few complaints in a year's time. Board Members Here questioned about a franchise to pick up only lawn cuttings, leaves and tree cuttings, etc. President Gibbs stated that anyone wishing to go into business should contact the District. Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, stated that, traditionally, franchises are exclusive with no competing collectors in an area, and history shows that competition has led to situations almost impossible to police. The refuse collectors in the audience explained that for any size pickup other than regular service if a call is made to the respective office for the area an estimate will be given for pickup and proper containers delivered and refuse picked up where located on the property at the present, established rate of $1.80 ner vard. 12 0 ~~ £~~ );1 V ~- 30 A,< Board Members were questioned about establishing a monthly charge for unlimited pickup. The Board has this type of charge under investigation and intends to investigate further. Upon comclusion of the Hearing, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the present rates for refuse collection shall remain in effect until June 30, 1969, along with changes in the District Code for clarification. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None The Board Members directed that the staff prepare a letter, for President Gibbs' signature, to the Bay Area Pollution Control Board, pointing out the hardship the "No Burn" will have on the larger properties in central Contra Costa County. VI. OLD BUSINESS DISTRICT ANNEXATION 28, CONTINUED FROM MAY 7,1969 RESOLUTION NO. 2021, A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY CONTAINED IN DISTRICT ANNEXATION 30 TO THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT After explanation, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Allan, that Resolution No. 2021 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None VII. NEW BUSINESS NOTICE OF COMPLETION, MAINTENANCE SHOP EXPANSION 1969 Upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Mr. Horstkotte be authorized to file Notice of Completion for Maintenance Shop Expansion 1969 work, and final payment to the contractor after lien period, if no liens have been filed, be authorized. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: l'.i:embers: Boneystee1e, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None NOTICE OF COMPLETION, DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 1715, DIABLO AREA Upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Rustigian, that Mr. Horstkotte be authorized to file Notice of Completion for District Sewering Project 1715, and final payment to the contractor after lien period, if no liens have been filed, be authorized. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None RESOLUTION NO. 2022, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JAMES E. BOYD, UTILITY MAN II After discussion, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 2022 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 12 04 Members: Members: Members: 69 Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None , , 'T..""" 3~ ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Mitchell, that easements from Larry W. Fish, Bernard K. Gilbert and Wallace J. Reid be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None PROGRESS PAYMENT NO.2 ON OUTFALL SEWER REPAIR, $22,546.75 Upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Mitchell, that progress payment No.2 in the sum of $22,546.75 be made to Richard G. Clements for Outfall sewer repair work. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None RESOLUTION NO. 2023, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING APPLICATION WITH HUD FOR GRANT UNDER PL 89-177, INTEREST ON ADVANCE LAND PURCHASE After discussion, it was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Boneystee1e, that Resolution No. 2023 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneystee1e, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None INVOICES FROM J. S. PLOURDE, C. P. A. Invoices for: Conferences and research on change-over to new uniform accounting to 12/1/69 $300.00 Review and preparation of reports and meetings with refuse collectors, Attorney and General Manager to 12/1/69 275.00 Set up and research of HUD to 12/1/69 - LID 50 150.00 It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneystee1e, that the invoices from Mr. J. S. Plourde, C.P.A., for uniform accounting system, $300.00, refuse collectors review, $275.00, and HUD research - LID 50, $150.00, be paid. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None CONSENT TO DEDICATION OF PUBLIC ROADS FOR SUBDIVISION 3833, EAST ALTARINDA DRIVE, ORINDA Mr. Horstkotte stated this was on a standard form which protects the District. It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Consent to Dedication of Public Roads for Subdivision 3833, East Altarinda Drive, Orinda. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 51, PARCEL 2, $900.00 ~1r. Horstkotte stated it was the staff reco~endation to acce~t the easement for a consideration of $900.00. 12 04 69 32 It was moved by Member Rustigian, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the easement from the United States of America for Local Improvement District No. 51, Parcel 2, be accepted, its recording ordered, and payment of $900.00 be authorized and charged to Local Improvement District No. 51. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Hembers: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None SEWER CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATIONS FOR DISTRICT EXPENSE For: Pacheco Syphon, District Sewering Project 1765 North California Blvd., District Sewering Project 1760 Outfall Sewer Repair $4,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 After an explanation from Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, that District Expense in the amounts of $4,000.00 for Pacheco Syphon, District Sewering Project 1765, $4,000.00 for North California Blvd., District Sewering Project 1760, and $1,000.00 for Outfall Sewer Repair be authorized from Sewer Con- struction Funds. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Rustigian, Mitchell, Allan and Gibbs None None VIII. REPORTS COMMITTEES None. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER OUTFALL SEWER REPAIR WORK Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported the Outfall repair work would be completed in the next few days. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None. IX. ADJOURNMENT At 11:10 o'clock P.M., the meeting was adjourned by President Gibbs to December 18,1969. /' L/'; ¡J;/ f)/y (: ,,/2 ~~- œ~ ~~' President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: ~ ,/ /~:" - ;) '? ,:7 ~) ( ¿'-' ¿,~~/ diJ- tary of the District Board of the Central tra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 12 04 69