HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 10-06-83 2248 MINUTES OF THE R~GULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA cnSTA SANITARY D/ST~lrT HELD ON OCTOBER b, 1983 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session ~t its regular ~lace of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal irornia, on October 6, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. President Dalton called the meeting to order and requested the Deputy Secretary call roll. I I. "(\I, (' ." I I\ULL vnLL.. PRESENT: Members: Carlson, Roneysteele, Dalton, Campbell, Stanley ABSENT: Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ---------- --- ----- --- - _n ---- --,- 1. ~!!'~~"!:~~~_?5~r_EM~ ¿ Rl_~.L_!..98 ~- It was moved by Member Boneysteele, secondeo by Member Carlson, that the minutes of September 15, 1983, be approved as presentea. There b~ing no Gbjections, thp.- motion was unanimously carried. III. EXPENDITURES 1. EXPENDITURE LIST DATE~-9~TOBER 6L_~983 Me~ber Boneysteele~ member of the Budget and Finance Committee, stateo he and Member Stanley have reviewed t~e expenditures an¿ found them to be satisfactory. It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member ~t6n¡ey, that the Expenditure List dated October 6, 1983, including Running Expense Warrant Nos. lû5~2-iOb9¡; PayroiiWarrarlt ì~os. ZCGOlóJLC-2U(j~IE.5.58; and Sewer Construction Warrant Nos. iI62-1L35, ~e ap~rúv~d. lhére being no objections, the motion was urlaninlCJus;y approvE-d. IV. I-iEARiNli~ - ------ 1, PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL AND DROP ~O(~f\K6!-~}~J\~TijJCR[ASES ü't VALÜY-[;¡sr¡)~W': Ct:, I ~!C. President Dalton stated the purpose of this hedri~g is to consider the appl ication of Valley Disposal Service, Inc. for commercial and drop box garbage rate i IICIt:i:lSes. Mr. Paul Morsen, Acting General Manager-Chief Eng¡~~er, briefly summarized the District staff report. It was noted that notice of the f'ubì ic Mear in~~o ~cnsi.jer (.;CJlTlr,1erciaJ ùl~d circp ;:cx 9t.1r<:'él~e ;"atc increases for cusi:omeïs of lié:l]]",,')' Liis¡josai ::;er'v'lce, ;r,c., h;:;.: be~n c;..:1y published in areas in wh i ch rate increases WOL! " d t.:.ke: eÇrecL Fresident ùé:l;tÜII Liec.]ai'é:d to,e ?ubl ic :~ca;-¡¡,g v J~;-. z.:: the :.our of 7:35 J.m. Mr. Sanford Skaggs, attorney for Valley Disposal Service, Inc., real:finneu the irl",:on"ation can.:¿,dÍled i:1 the ¿¡p¡::>1icEJtian =.wj his comments presellCeo ai: tile ;j i sto; ct r,oard ik;et ¡ ny af S~iJ'~~mbe!- 1), ; );)3. Mr. Skaggs stated further he would answer any que3t.:ons of i:!1e ~;Brd, ~~taff or members of the audience. Mr . via; ter ,:-unasa~d, :: Liùn;:e Of'.' i C~!', ;--=J iel.Jcd tile :;i~;¡ff report and attachments stating the requested rates com~are re350nab'~ overall with the rates of other garbage collectors in this area. There being no further comments, President Dalton closed the Pub 1 ic Hearing. 1 Ò' ~O 6~ ~ 8 3' ¡ 2249 It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Campbell i that the proposed rates for commercial and drop box service for Valley Disposal Service, Inc. as set forth on Attachment 7 be adopted effective October I, 1983 and a resolution be adopted to that effect. Resolution No. 83-134. Motion unanimously approved on the following roll call vote: 1. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell, Stanley None None V. BIDS AND AWARDS AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD PURCHASE ORDER FOR FOUR PICKUP TRUCKS Mr. Morsen, Acting General Manager-Chief Engineer, advised the Board that all bids received were below the budget amount. Parker-Robb Chevrolet was considered non-responsive to the technical specifications in the areas of paint, rear axle, size of bed, payload, and tires. It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Carlson, to award the purchase order for three small pickups and one 3/4-ton pickup to Sun Valley Ford-Isuzu, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, for a total cost of $28,563.95. Motion unanimously approved on the following roll ca 11 vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell, Stanley None None VI. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Stanley, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of seventeen items, be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate and recordings duly authorized. 1. Approve medical leave of absence of Roy Marquardt effective July 14, 1983 until determination is made by the Retirement Appeal Office concerning his disabil ity retirement appl ication. 2. Authorization for P.A. 83-18 (Orinda) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. 3. Resolution No. 83-133, a resolution accepting assignment of easement rights from Linda S. Johnson, Danville area (Job 3540, Pa rce 1 1). 4. Resolution No. 83-118, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from L. S. Johnson, Danville area (Job 3450, Parcel 2). 5. Resolution No. 83-119, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Dame I Construction Co., Inc., San Ramon area (Job 3894, Parcell). 6. Resolution No. 83-120, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Dame I Construction Co., Inc., San Ramon area (Job 3894, Parcel 2). 7. Resolution No. 83-121, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Dame I Construction Co., Inc., San Ramon area (Job 3563, Parcel 6). 8. Resolution No. 83-122, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from A. K. Baca, et aI, Pleasant Hill area (Job 3832, Parcell). 1 Q~OEi, ,83, 1. 2250 9. Resolution No. 83-123, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Betty Olsen, Walnut Creek area (Job 3657, Parcel 2). 10. Resolution No. 83-124, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from M. F. Manning, et ux, Alamo area (Job 3896, Parcel 3). 11. Resolution No. 83-125, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from B. D. Thiessen, et ux, Alamo area (Job 3896, Parcel 4). 12. Resolution No. 83-126, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from B. D. Thiessen, et ux, Alamo area (Job 3896, Parcel 5). 13. Resolution No. 83-127, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Church of the Nazarene, San Ramon area (Job 3825, Parcell). 14. Resolution No. 83-128, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from E. Ford, Martinez area (Job 3819, Parcell). 15. Resolution No. 83-129, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Northridge Park Development Co., Lafayette area (Job 3901, Parcell). 16. Resolution No. 83-130, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Desco Investment, Inc., Walnut Creek area (Job 3904, Parcel 2). 17. Resolution No. 83-131, a resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Desco Investment, Inc., Walnut Creek area (Job 3904, Parcel 3). Motion was unanimously carried. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVE RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PHYSICAL SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Mr. Vic Sauer, former General Manager-Chief Engineer of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and former Publ ic Works Director of Contra Costa County, appeared before the Board to request support of the Physical Science Scholarship Program at Diablo Valley College and Los Medanos College by adoption of a resolution. President Dalton expressed his pleasure at endorsing such a resolution and commended Personnel Director Gail Koff for her efforts in this area. It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Carlson, to adopt Resolution No. 83-132, A Resolution Endorsing the Physical Science Scholar- ship Program. Motion was unanimously approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell, Stanley None None President Dalton stated that the Annual Scholarship Dinner to be held October 27, 1983 is the Program1s main fund-raising activity and invited anyone interested to attend. 1. VIII. ENGINEERING ESTABLISH NOVEMBER 3, 1983 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 85, WOODRANCH ANNEXATION After explanation by Mr. Morsen, Acting General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Carlson, to set a Publ ic Hearing for November 3, 1983 to consider the annexation of territory included in District Annexation No. 85, Woodranch Annexation. There being no objections, the motion was unanimously approved. : ;,tt-d"" 8- 1 0'. ~ Ou' .'o'~ 2251 IX. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT 1. AUTHORIZE $625 FOR BILL HAMMETT TO ATTEND "CHANGES IN THE 1984 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODEII SEMINAR IN SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, NOVEMBER 10-11, 1983 Mr. Morsen, Acting General Manager-Chief Engineer, advised the Board that it is necessary for Plant Operations/Maintenance Section to remain apprised of revisions to the National Electric Code since this section is frequently consulted as "experts" in determining code com- pI iance and in many cases acts as the District1s inspection authorities. It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Campbell, to authorize $625 for Bill Hammett to attend "Changes in the 1984 National Electric Code" seminar in Seattle, Washington, on November 10-11, 1983. There being no objections, the motion was unanimously approved. X. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1. AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC NOTICE TO INDICATE AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSITION 4 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT After explanation by Mr. Morsen, Acting General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Carlson, to authorize placement of a Publ ic Notice fifteen days prior to the Board of Directors Meeting to be held on November 3, 1983, at which the appropriations 1 imit for the Sewer Construction Fund for the fiscal year 1983-1984 will be adopted, advising that documentation used in the determination of the appropriation 1 imit shall be available. There being no objections, the motion was unani- mouslyapproved. XI. ITEMS LATE FOR THE AGENDA None XII. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Morsen, Acting General Manager-Chief Engineer, presented the August Financial Statements for review by Board Members. b. Mr. Morsen advised the Board that the District Safety Picnic will be Sunday, October 9, 1983 at 11 :00 a.m. at Cowell Park. All Board Members are invited to attend. c. Mr. Morsen gave a brief status report on the Acme Fill Bridge Construction Project. Concrete was poured October 5, 1983. d. Mr. Morsen brought the Board up-to-date on the status of the incinerator system repair and modifications project. Bed-down is anti- cipated to be completed no later than Friday, October 14, 1983. Next will be a week of continuous sludge burning, followed by pre-emission testing, and finally stack emission tests for the purpose of securing a BAAQMD air permit to operate. e. Caucus Room remodel ing should be completed by the October 20, 1983, District Board Meeting. f. Sl ide project work is proceeding in spite of a one-day work stoppage due to last weekls rain. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Carniato, Counsel for the District, advised the Board that a clerical error was made in the preparation of Resolution No. 83-94 deal ing with annexation of territory contained in District Annexation 83-H. Mr. Carniato reported further that a resolution correcting this error has been prepared and requested Board adoption of said resolution. 1.Ø~~ 06 ~ 8 .~, ,< I¡ tI ~ 2252 It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Carlson, to approve Resolution No. 83-117, A Resolution Ordering Annexation of Territory Contained in District Annexation 83-H to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and Rescinding Resolution No. 83-94. Motion was unanimously approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell, Stanley None None 3. SECRETARY PRO TEM None 4. BOARD MEMBERS a. Member Boneysteele reported the Budget and Finance Committee has reviewed the 1982-1983 audit report and requested a detailed analysis of the Retained Earnings balance. Mr. Funasaki, Finance Officer, is in the process of reviewing all prior audit reports to 1955 to identify the components that make up the Retained Earnings balance through June 30, 1983. b. Member Campbell reported on the recent Regional Planning Committee Meeting of the Association of Bay Area Governments and highl ighted for the Directors' information the areas of discussion. A report using population growth as a means of projecting housing needs was discussed. In 1982 air qual ity in the Bay Area met Federal standards for the first time. AC Transit requested that cities and counties give more consideration to publ ic trans- portation at the time of planning and building. Hazardous Waste Management report stressing community involvement was presented. XIII. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD NOT ON THE AGENDA Member Stanley advised the Board he will be out of town and unable to attend the October 20, 1983 Board Meeting. XIV. CLOSED SESSION At 8:43 p.m., President Dalton declared a closed session to discuss pending I itigation. At 9:45 p.m., President Dalton concluded the closed session and reconvened the meeting into open session. XV. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION None XVI. ADJOURNMENT At 9:45 p.m., President Dalton adjourned the meeting. L~é~\"J^-Ct~ President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia COUNTERSIGNED: ÚAA.--' Dep y ecretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia 1 ,0 ~>\ 0,6,. 8.;3 ¡ " '"