HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-01-83 2238 M I talTES OF THE P,EGUlJ;R fW,t..F,D MEET ~ t~r, OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON SEPTEMBER 1, 1983 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District corvenerl in a regular session at its regular place of ~eetinG, 5019 Inhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia, on Septell/lll:r 1, 1983 a'~ 7;30 ¡.:.rr. f'reskent ré11tOIl Cë,lled the meeting to order and reqL:esteci the Secretary Pro Tem céjl1 roll. I. ROLL CALL Pp.,ESEtIT: ABSENT: HEJi:bers: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell and Stanley None II.. t,PP':'J)I//\L Or- /11 tinES MINUTES OF AUGUST 4, 1983 1. It \.',:a~ r,,(we(~ by /1ember GonF-.'jsteele, seccnded by Ne~~bE,r Carlson, that the n,irutE:s of August ~, 1~ 8;; be ar;p¡-(")Veci ë5 presE:nted. There being no objections, the motion was unanimously approved. III. EX?EN[) TU~[S EXPENDITURE LIST DATED SEPTEMBER 1, 1983 1. Fell/bey ßone\'steeie, rrerrber of the Budget and Finance Ccmmittee, stated he haci revit;vled the expenc:¡tures and founc' them tc be satisfactory. It WHS rD\'ed by Me~be( 9cneysteele, seconded by Me~ber Stanley, that t! e ¡::):penditure Lìst dated Sq:tE:n¡Ler 1, Ige3, inclucinç ~!.Inr.ing Expense Warrant Nos. 10183-10323; and Sewer Construction Warrant Nos. 1052-1096 be approved. There being no objections, the motion was unanimously approved. IV" r I [is AND t,\/þ,í'.CS 1. AWARD CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT ¡:'~CJECT t\'O. 2553 - FUJSHKLëEN PUMP STATION CAPACITY IMPROVEMENT, AND AUTHORIZE $299,550 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND tlr, Dc': ¿n, Cene!""? 1 i'è.nélc,sruC:"¡j ef Ens i neer (r;M.-cL), ad\! i see' that the low bid for the Flushkleen Pro~~ct wps su~mitted by \/. n. Thomason at $248,313. The Engineer Estimate was $225,200. Mr. Dolan stated further that this is =:r, i¡1çcrtant rrüject since (Iverflows :..~urin;¡ peak rainy ::eriocs could occur in \3 I^!at=r:.;:..:,-' for San::>;::.,'",lo r,:-.~~ervcir. I\{t~r fu'i:':~,r dis,;;u5si:;n it \J,-::;S move! 'cy Member Cèris(lî, secor.ded by Member Stanley, to award t:.B co~tra~t fer ~onstruction of District Project 2553 - Flushkleen Pump Station Capacity Improvement to W. R. Thomason, Inc. fJer t:-~e:r =.id recI:ivc,.! on l\li:..,lr:;t 2~, 15'~3 êl:-:c' authcrize $29~,~50 from the Sewer Construction Fund for project completicn. Mct¡c~ unanincusly carried on the following polled vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Car.~;IY" Bol1E:ystEele, ['alton, Campbell and Stanley None None þ,I'¡,~,R:' C^Î'JTnß,CT FrR ;IS? 3R1Z.;:, SEí:VI':E AIR COt1PRES:;~R I~ ST¡'\LLATION, AND P,'JT:-:OR¡;:F.. $L:j',ìr;: F~()"I SE'.'Er, cO~.I:-,T;\IJCTiON FUnD L. After explanation by Mr. nUì~r1, GM-'CE, it was movecl by 1ember Carlson, seconded by Member Stanley, to award the contract for DSP No. 3812.2 to Champion Plumbing & Heating, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, per their bid proposal received August 22, 1983 and authorize $47,162 in Sewer Construction Funds for the construction contract, force account and contingencies. Motion unanimously carried on the following polled vote: '",' 09 () 1 .' : 83 2239 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell and Stanley None None v. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Campbell, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of eight items, be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate and recordings duly authorized. 1. 1. A resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Danville-San Ramon Medical Center II, Danville area (Résolution No. 83-108). 2. A resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from D. A. Unini, et ux, Alamo area (Job 3880-Parcel 1) (Resolution No. 83-109) . 3. A resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from T. J. Kenney, et ux, Alamo area (Job 3880-Parcel 2) (Resolution No. 83-110). 4. A resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Contra Costa County, Buchanan Field area (Job 3632-Parcel 1) (Resolution No. 83-111). 5. Quitclaim Sewer Easement, Job 2101, Portion Parcell, Buchanan Field-Sheraton Inn area (Resolution No. 83-112). 6. Authorization for P.A. 83-13 (Danville), P.A. 83-14 (Alamo), P.A. 83-15 (Pleasant Hill), and P.A. 83-16 (Walnut Creek) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. 7. Approve Agreement with Contra Costa County for installation of sewers under Assessment District No. 1981-1 and authorize execution of Agreement. 8. Request for approval of registration differential for Leonard Swanson, Shift Supervisor, effective August 5, 1983. Motion was unanimously approved. VI. ENGINEERING AUTHORIZE $142,825 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 3874, GROUP I, 1983 STORM DAMAGE REPAIRS After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that total additional funds of $142,825 be authorized for expenditure from District's Sewer Construction Fund for District Project 3874, Group I, 1983 Storm Damage Repairs. Motion unani- mously carried on the following polled vote: 1. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell and Stanley None None VII. LEGAL/L IT I GAT I ON DISTRICT ANNEXATION 83-C At the request of Mr. Scott Gordon, legal counsel for Winton Jones, Mr. Carniato asked that consideration of this item be held in abeyance until 8:00 p.m. Board Members voiced no objection to the request and proceeded with the order of the agenda. 09 .;,.¡, U '¡"'r':' 01 i ,~ 8;J ~:, it 'é 11 , "" 2240 VIII. ITE~S LðTE FOR THE AGENDA 1. AUTHORIZE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD TO EX~CUTE THE JOINT EXERCISE CF POWERS AGREEMENT FORMING THE BAY AREA DISCHARGERS ASSOCIATION 'ir. Do1?n, GM-CE, reported th3t the five major bay area dische-rgers ~ave now formed a Joint Exercise ~f Powers Asree~ent (JEFA) establ ishing ar Assoc;3tion w~ose ~rincira1 role would be to react with ard respond to the Aquatic Labitat Institute. It was moved by Member Boneystee1e, seconded by Member Carlson, that the ~res¡dent of the Board be authorized to execute the Joint Exercise of P~wers A~reenent forming the Bay Ar~a Cischargers Assoc¡ation. Motion unanimously carried on the fal1o~in9 ~ollec vote: AYES: ~IOES : ABSEr-.¡T: ~1embe rs ; Merlbers: ~k:mbet-s : Carlson, Eoneysteele, Dalton, Ca~pbe11 znd Stanley None None 2. AUH!Or.IZE Gn,:ŒJ\l. MAW\GEF'--Cli'EF E~:CI~:EER TO EXECUTE.I\1\ EEFPD ENCROAC~MENT PEF'-MIT After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by ~~enber Car1sor that the Genera 1 ~1anager-Ch i ef Eng; neer be author¡zed tc execute an EBRPC Encroachment Permit with East Eay Regional Park District for installation of cathodic protection faci1 ¡ties for the M-6 Force Main in Martinez. There being no objections, the motion was unan¡~ous!y ap~rove¿. IX. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dolan gave a status report of Group I and Group II Storm Damage Repair Projects. b. Mr. 901an rep~rted the furnace project is making excellent progress, despite many unforeseen problems. c. T~e Distr¡ct Safety F¡cnic will be Sunday, Cctober 9, 1983 at 11 ;~O a.~. at Cowell Park. Safety and Service Awards w;11 be preserted. Mr. Dolan extended a special invitation to all ~o¡;;rd fv:e~bcrs. d. The Annua! Report for the two-year period end1nç July 1, 1983 !s nearin~ completion. Copies ~i11 be d¡stribute¿ tc Directors, e~~loyees, the ~ubl ¡c, 1 ibraries an¿ CASA agencies !r this area. Mr. Do1ar requested ~~at if sn~ Ccard Me~bers ~ish tc ~ave extr~ copies printed for their use, t~ advise staf~ so that a11 printing can be dore at the saMe time. e. Paul Morsen and Chuck Batts ~et ~ith employees relation groups and have resolved the shaving requirement of the Respirator Pol icy to the s~t;sfaction of mana~enent ~n¿ personne]. f. Hood & Strong, Auditors, have indicatec the draft audit will be completed and available for review after September 12, 1983. A Budget and rinsnce Committee meeting ¡~ scheduled to review the draft uudit on September 22, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in the Headquarters Office 8ui1din~ confercrce room. g. Mr. Do!an d1rected the Board's attention tc, the roe...' financial statement formats which were produced by the new district computer system and asked if Board Members sti1ì ~~:shed lc continue receiving copies of the monthly financial statements. It was the consensus of the Board that this was a good practice and should be continued. "> ,- . COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT ~'r. Carniato roted thût ~~r. Gerdan had arrived ¿;nçl, requested the Doard to digress to Item VII on the ager¿éJ at this tiIT'.f'.. Bo<:<rd Mcnlbers vciced no objection to the request. 09 01 88 2241 VII. LEGAL/LITIGATION DISTRICT ANNEXATION 83-C 1. Mr. Carniato advised the Board that on August 4, 1983, after hearing objections of Mr. Scott Gordon, Attorney for Winton Jones, the Board voted to approve District Annexation 83-C excluding the Winton Jones parcels. Mr. Carniato advised the Board that they must elect to 1) proceed with the Annexation as approved by Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo), or 2) stop the Annexation. Mr. Scott Gordon, representing Winton Jones, addressed the Board requesting a resolution of exclusion of the parcels in question be adopted and that LAFCo be so notified. Mr. Gordon requested further that this matter be returned to LAFCo for an additional publ ic hearing. If the matter is returned to LAFCo and it is their opinion after the publ ic hearing that they will not certify the Annexation, Mr. Gordon agreed that this Board may proceed with District Annexation 83-C as amended by LAFCo. Following questions by Member Carlson, Mr. Carniato stated that he knew of no immediate urgency on the part of the other property owners. This would not delay other annexations, only District Annexation 83-C. Jay McCoy, Construction and Services Division, stated the recommendation for inclusion of the Winton Jones property in the Annexation was based on the following: 1 ) Impact on Elections, State Board of Equal ization and Assessor's Departments would be minimized; 2) 3) The parcels are in the natural gravity drainage service area; Addition would make an orderly increment to the development boundary; and 4) At the LAFCo hearing Jones made no comments that convinced the LAFCo Board that the property be el iminated from the Annexation. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley to resubmit District Annexation 83-C to LAFCo as originally proposed el iminating the Winton Jones parcels. Following additional discussion, the above motion died for lack of a second. It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Carlson, that an alternative resolution be adopted, to wit: approving District Annexation 83-C if LAFCo removes the Winton Jones parcels from that Annexation or in the alternative disapproving District Annexation 83-C, (Resolution No. 83-113), and further District Counsel was instructed to contact LAFCo to work with them to bring this matter to an amicable settlement. Motion was unanimously carried on the following polled vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell and Stanley None None Mr. Gordon thanked the Board for their consideration and patience in taking this item out of order. President Dalton reverted to the order of the agenda. IX. REPORTS 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Carniato, Counsel for the District, advised the Board that a letter has been received relative to the Edmonston Ranch issue. Mr. Carniato proposed that staff be authorized to respond to said letter stating that if neither the density nor location change, the eight inch sewer 1 ine previously installed as well as the proposed Camino Tassajara sewer will be sufficient to serve the development. Board Members concurred with Counsel's recommendation. 1'" I, . L t) '"~ ti ,,) 2242 b. Mr. Carniato reported that the District's Motion for Summary Judgment against Zurich American Insurance Company (Micro Age Computers) was granted. 3. SECRETARY PRO rEM None 4. BOARD MEMBERS a. Member Campbell reported he attended a Hazardous Waste Management Subcommittee Meeting of the Regional Planning Committee of the Association of Bay Area Governments. The State Department of Health Services has allocated funds for identifying and monitoring hazardous waste storage and disposal sites. Excellent cooperation has been received from industry. Difficulties have been encountered however because 75% of hazardous waste disposal is still being done on the site at which it is produced. The Subcommittee's final report will be available in November. b. Member Carlson advised the Board that Member Boneysteele was elected Director-at-Large and Member Carlson was elected Chairman of the CASA Director's Committee for the coming year. X. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD NOT ON THE AGENDA a. Member Stanley advised the Board that he will be out of town and unable to attend the September IS, 1983 Board Meeting. XI. CLOSED SESSION At 8:42 p.m., President Dalton declared a closed session. At 9:25 p.m., President Dalton concluded the closed session and reconvened the meeting into open session. XII. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSIONS As a result of discussion in closed session, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Carlson, that staff and counsel pursue every legal action to remove hazardous waste material in the outfall area. Motion was unanimously carried on the following polled vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell and Stanley None None XIII. ADJOURNMENT At 9:38 p.m., President Dalton adjourned the meeting. f J (( l ,l 'X' t /~"-' <---- ' President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia COUNTERSIGNED: De ty Secretary, C tral Centra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia 09 01 83