HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 07-15-82 2104 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON JULY 15, 1982 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanita~y District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meet'n~, 50~9 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal,forn,a, on July 15,1982 at 7:30 p.m. In the absence of President Stanley, President Protem Dalton requested the Secretary to call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton ABSENT: Members: Boneystee1e and Stanley II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF JUNE 3,1982 1. 2. MINUTES OF JUNE 11, 1982 It was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Carlson, that the minutes of June 3 and June 11 be approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES , . .- . . ' LIST DATED JULY 15,1982 1. President Protem Dalton, Member of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that he had reviewed the expenditures and found them to be satisfactory. It was moved by President Protem Dalton, seconded by Member Campbell, that the expenditures on the list dated July 15,1982 covering Running Expense Warrant Nos. 21084-21134; Sewer Construction Fund Warrant Nos. 4111-4124; and Payroll Fund Warrant No. 1813; be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Boneysteele and Stanley IV. HEARINGS 1. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE COLLECTION OF 1982-83 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGE ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL AUTHORIZE COLLECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGES ON TAX ROLL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE COLLECTION OF DELINQ~ 2. 3. 4. ADOPT A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS AND ADOPTING REPORT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 5473, HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, FOR COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT 1981-82 SERVICE CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, (GM-CE) advised that the District is required by law to hold a public hearing each year prior to placing the Environmental Quality Charge (EQC) on the tax roll for co" ecti on. At 7:39 p.m., President Protem Dalton opened a Public Hearing concerning the collection of the EQC and called for comments from anyone in the audience. There being no comments, President Protem Dalton declared the Hearing closed at 7:40 p.m. :~ """, l,). -ii' I - ~ " ~" ' ,"~ .., 2105 Mr. Dolan, then requested the President Protem to conduct a Public Hearing concerning the collection of delinquent sewer service charges on the tax roll. At 7:42 p.m., President Protem Dalton opened a Public Hearing concerning the collection of delinquent sewer service charges and called for comments from the audience. There were no comments. Member Carlson asked if efforts had been made to contact the property owners regarding their delinquent bills. Mr. McCoy, Construction and Services Division Manager, replied that notices had been mailed to the delinquent accounts. Member Carlson commented that a policy should be established whereby delinquent accounts would be notified by registered mail. There being no further discussion, President Protem Dalton closed the Public Hearing at 7:45 p.m. After discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Campbell, to authorize the collection of the 1982-83 Environmental Quality Charges on the County Tax Roll and to adopt a resolution overruling protects and adopting report pursuant to Section 5473, Health and Safety Code for Collection of Delinquent 1981-82 Sewer Service Charges on the County Tax Roll. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton None Boneystee1e and Stanley 1. BIDS & AWARDS REPORT BIDS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO.3636 EX. 30X 1618 - STORM DAMAGE REPAIR LINCOLN AVENUE/CARMEL CT., WALNUT CREEK 2. AWARD CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3636 Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that on July 13, three bids were received and opened for this project with the apparent low bidder being Kenneth Barker, General Equipment Contractor. However, the California Department of Fish and Game has notified the District staff that work may not proceed until its requirements have been satisfied. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that any action concerning the award of this contract be deferred to a future meeting pending receipt of further information from the California Department of Fish and Game. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR After discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Campbell, that Items 1 through 6 be approved, necessary resolutions adopted and their recording authorized where applicable. 1. Acceptance of easements at no cost to the District, adopt respective resolutions and authorize recording. Grantee Area Job No. Pc1 Res. No. a. b. G. A. Filice III, et ux D. C. Hunt, et ux Lafayette Orinda 3677 3578 1 4 82-106 82-107 2. Authorize execution of Common Use Agreement with County for Sewer Easement Encroachment into existing storm drainage easement- Orinda area, Job 3146. (Resolution No. 82-108) 3. Authorize execution of Quitclaim of a portion of sewer easement, Job No. 1883, Parcell, Walnut Creek area. (Resolution No. 82-109) O,1"'o¡",; , i' \t ì " Mo.' 4ÌoV~ 1'" ,,' "W 2106 4. Authorize execution of Agreement Relating to Real Property with Fernando Sacdalan, et ux, Job No. 2781, Parcell, Walnut Creek (Resolution No. 82-110). Authorize PA 82-10 (Walnut Creek area) and PA 82-11 (Martinez area) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. 5. 6. Initiate proceedings to formally annex 10 separate areas under the title of District Annexation 90. (Resolution No. 82-111). Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton None Boneysteele and Stanley President Protem Dalton asked if there were any requests to take items out of order. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, requested that the two items under IIX. SOLID WASTEII be taken out of order. Board Members voiced no objection to the request. x. SOLID WASTE 1. CONSIDER PROPOSAL FROM PRICE-WATERHOUSE FOR MANAGERIAL REVIEW OF VALLEY DISPOSAL SERVICEtIN~ Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, introduced Mr. Funasaki, Finance Officer, to present the Proposal from Price Waterhouse and respond to any questions from the Board. The project would be a joint undertaking by Price Waterhouse and SCS Engineers with an estimated time frame of 10-weeks for completion. Discussion followed, wherein Board Members indicated that they felt the proposed study included work beyond the scope of the original issues involved and that the $50,000 cost would be dnjustifiable.It was also expressed that the major portion of the study (assessment of Refuse Collection Effectiveness and Productivity) was redundant since District staff had performed such an analysis in 1977 and that report could be made readily available to Price Waterhouse and SCS Engineers for their review. Mr. Larry Strauss of Price Waterhouse and Bob Sterns of SCS Engineers explained that in the interviews and discussions with President Stanley and Member Boneysteele and Messrs. Morsen and Funasaki, refuse collection effectiveness and productivity were key elements of concern. In order to make such a determination, it is necessary to obtain a strong data base as to whether the existing system is efficient and the costs appropriate. This type of study requires a great deal. of time and effort. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that this item be deferred to the meeting of August 5 at which time President Stanley and Member Boneysteele will be present to comment on the proposal and that staff should prepare an alternative proposal that would reduce the scope of the workplan. 2. CORRESPONDANCE FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, commented on a recent meeting with the County in regard to the Central County Waste Energy Project and addressed the concepts contained in a letter from the Public Works Department concerning a Joint Exercise Powers Agreement in relation to the project. Private firms have expressed interest in bidding on the project. The Central County Waste to Energy Planning Committee is trying to develop a preliminary informational slide presentation to present to the County and Cities of the Central area in the hopes that it would encourage them to take an official position on the Project. President Protem Dalton thanked Mr. Dolan and reverted to the order of the agenda. E-\ r4I! ~, ~," . '! ,; ~. -". IJ¡ ,> ,;...' ¡'" ill '" ";¡,,. <"",-' ^.. ':- 'i " ',' f~'" 2107 VII. ADMINISTRATIVE 1. APPOINT AUDITORS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF THE 1981-82 FISCAL STATEMENTS After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Campbell, to appoint Laventhol and Horwath as the District's auditors to perform the examination of the 1981-82 Fiscal financial statements. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton None Boneysteele and Stanley VIII. ENGINEERING 1. AUTHORIZE EXECTUION OF CONTRACT WITH WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES NOT TO EXCEED $18,800 Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, advised that the Board had previously authorized funds for design of two District Projects, 3642 - Moraga T~unk Sewer Project and DP 3637 - Outfall Thrust Blocks. It has now been determined that we need a geological study on each of the projects. After discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Campbell, that the GM-CE, be authorized to execute the contracts with Woodward-Clyde Consultants for Geotechnical Engineering Services for DP 3642 and DP 3637 at a total cost not to exceed $18,800. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton None Boneystee1e and Stanley IX. BUDGET AND FINANCE AUTHORIZE $55,226 IN ADDITIONAL CAPITAL FUNDS TO BRING OVEREXPENDED PROJECTS CURRENT AS OF JUNE 30, 1982 1. After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Carlson, to authorize additional funds in the amount of $55,226 for overexpended capital projects as of June 30, 1982. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton None Boneysteele and Stanley X. SOLID WASTE Items 1 and 2 were considered out of agenda order as items of business immediately following VI. Consent Calendar. XI. ITEMS LATE FOR THE AGENDA None. 1. XII. REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Dolan advised the Board as fo1~ows: a. Two projects will be advertised for bids in the near future: (1) Request for Proposals for the telephone system in the new Office Building will be advertised and sent to 12-14 potential suppliers. Members Carlson and Campbell offered references to send proposals. 07 f , -,,' ~' ~$ 'ct~,..¡ 2108 (2) The Lower Orinda and Martinez Pump Station Project 3433 is being advertised. b. The Safety Committee is soliciting safety slogans from District employees. The Board will be requested to judge and select the three most fitting slogans sometime in September. c. The District received some public attention this week: (1) Mike Cleary (KNBR radio personality) discussed his Wednesday Plant tour on his radio program this morning. (2) As a result of the recent North Bay chlorine leak, Channel 7 sent a crew to our Treatment Plant this afternoon to make a televised report on the safety precautions we take and the training we give our personnel in handling of chlorine and the procedures to be taken in the case of a leak. Mr. Bob Baker, Plant Operations Manager, put together and presented a comprehensive presentation for the Channel 7 staff, which was aired earlier this evening. d. Mr. Dolan advised he would be on vacation from July 19-August 3, 1982. Mr. David G. Niles, Deputy General Manager, will be in charge during his absence. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Carniato advised that AMSA is holding a 4-day meeting in Park City, Utah. The last two days of the meeting deal with the subject of "Audit Appeals" and it would be worthwhile if Mr. Curt Swanson, Associate Engineer (Contract Specialist) attended that portion of the meeting. After discussion, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Carlson, that transportation and reasonable expenses be authorized for Curt Swanson, Associate Engineer (Contract Specialist) to attend the AMSA meeting in Park City, Utah, on July 29-30. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton None Boneysteele and Stanley 3. SECRETARY None 4. COMMITTEES None XIII. MATTERS FROM THE BOARD NOT ON THE AGENDA a. Member Carlson inquired as to the status of the District's Quality Circle Program. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, gave a brief overview on the progress of the Quality Circles. b. Member Carlson queried staff on some of the calculations contained in the monthly financial statement. Mr. Funasaki, Finance Officer, clarified the items in question for Member Carlson. c. Member Campbell raised the question as to who would be attending the CASA Conference and whether authorization had been made. After Board and staff discussion, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Carlson, to authorize 3 staff members and 5 Board Members to attend the CAS A Conference on August 19-20 in San Diego. Motion carried by the following vote: () ~l "I po' ,.. ~} d ~-' 2109 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton None Boneysteele and Stanley d. Member Campbell advised that this was his fifth anniversary on the Board of Directors. At 9:10 p.m., President Protem Dalton declared a closed session to discuss litigation and pending litigation matters. At 9:43 p.m., President Protem Dalton concluded the closed session and reconvened into open session. xv. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSION IN CLOSED SESSION 1. APPROVE BILLS FOR LITIGATION SERVICES As a result of discussion in closed session, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Carlson, that the statements from Corbett, Kane, Berk & Barton in the amount of $688.00; Coopers & Lybrand in the amount of $28,080; and John J. Carniato in the amount of $5,581.50; be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton None Boneystee1e and Stanley 2. As a result of discussion in closed session, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Campbell, to authorize $25,000 for settlement of the peak demand claim by PG&E in regard to Treatment Plant electric power consumption. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Carlson, Campbell and Dalton None Boneysteele and Stanley xv. ADJOURNMENT At 9:44 p.m., President Protem Dalton adjourned the meeting. Cu'e~ President P..rõt~m, of the D.istrict Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: ():~ 1, ~,'.'!i , '~i;,~ 'kl,'.',. tr) ':7 "w