HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-15-74 406 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD AUGUST 15, 1974 The District Board of Central Contra in a Regular Session at its regular place Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of on August 15,1974, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Costa Sanitary District convened of meeting located at 1250 Contra Costa, State of California, The meeting was called to order by President Mitchell. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian Ta. PRESENTATION OF SAFE DRIVING AWARDS President Mitchell acknowledged safety driving awards presented by Firemans Fund Insurance Company to the following District personnel: Period Name 25 years 25 years 20 years 15 years " " Jack Best Leonard Wald Robert Hinkson John Bennett William Dalton Charles Doran Noble Dorris Antonio Granzotto Mark Ivory Ben Netto William Ramsay Lloyd Smith Gerald Smothers James Stevens Beryl Vanderpool David Niles " " " " " " " " " " II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 25,1974 It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the Minutes of the meeting of July 25,1974, be approved as presented. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 1, 1974 After comments by President Mitchell and Member Gibbs, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the Minutes of the meeting of August 1, 1974, be approved after making the following corrections: Under "II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 13, 1974," delete the fourth paragraph and insert the following: "After preliminary discussion wherein Board Members queried Mr. Pate regarding plans for construction of approximately 150 units per year in a staged development of the Devil Mountain project over a period of five years, 08 15 74 407 Member Allan and President Mitchell discussed alternatives on limitations for annexation. Member Allan stated that the Board could limit annexation to the 650 foot elevation level since the plan for the first year development of the project is not expected to exceed this 650 foot level. President Mitchell noted that an additional alternative is a yearly limitation on annexation based upon actions and conditions imposed yearly by the Board of Supervisors regarding the development." Under "VII. NEW BUSINESS, 4. CORRESPONDENCE DATED JULY 26,1974, FROM JOHN A. BOHN REGARDING DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION," delete the word "selected" in the last paragraph. Motion correcting the Minutes of the meeting of August 1,1974, carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES None. IV. HEARINGS None. V. BIDS 1. DSP 2121 Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that bids for DSP 2121, opened at ø:OO o'clock P.M., this day were as follows: Mission Pipeline Inc. 1265 North Main St. Milpitas, CA 95053 $176,583.00 408-262-6300 Silva's Pipeline, Inc. Box 751 Hayward, CA $210,661.00 537-6747 Ernest E. Pestana, Inc. 2225 Old Oakland Hwy. San Jose, CA $214,834.00 262-4ll0 McGuire & Hester 796 - 66th Avenue Oakland, CA 94609 $235,243.00 632-7676 J. & M., Inc. Box 128 Hayward, CA 94543 $238,239.50 782-3434 W. R. Thomason, Inc. Box 2249 Martinez, CA 94553 $254,560.00 229-2720 Mr. Horstkotte reported that he had been in consultation with Mr. R. A. Grasseschi, President, Mission Pipeline, Inc., this date regarding the apparent low bid of Mission Pipeline in the amount of $176,583.00. Mr. Horstkotte reported that the Management of Mission Pipeline, Inc., had made a substantial error in its calculations in preparing its bid, and that therefore, it wished to withdraw its bid from further consideration for DSP 2121 because of the impossibility of completing the project with this financial handicap. Mr. Horstkotte having looked into the cost figures of the bidder and verifying the error, then recommended that award of bid be made to the next lowest bidder Silva's Pipeline, Inc., which had now become the lowest "responsible" bidder. 08 15 74 408 Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, gave his professional opinion, that in cases of substantial error which may jeopardize a project, the Board may authorize the withdrawal of the lowest bid as not being the lowest "responsible" bid. With Mr. Grasseschi present in the audience, and upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte and concurrence by Mr. Bohn, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that award of bid for DSP 2121 be made to the second lowest bidder, Silva's Pipeline, Inc. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian In response to query, Mr. Horstkotte explained that the Engineer's Estimate of $168,198.00 did not accurately reflect the current volatile costs for labor. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. DISCUSSION OF POLICY FOR GROWTH THROUGH ANNEXATION Mr. Joseph S. Connery, Executive Officer, Local Agency Formation Commission, Contra Costa County, addressed the Board. Utilizing maps and charts, Mr. Connery reviewed the development of local agency formation commissions and their responsibilities as defined by law. Mr. Connery then explained recent actions and the experiences of LAFCO in delineating "sphers of influence" for cities in Contra Costa County. Mr. .Connery related these actions to LAFCO's next task which is to delineate the ultimate boundaries for water and sewer governmental agencies. He indicated that these boundaries would probably extend to and coincide with the ultimate urban designated boundaries. Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, discussed with Mr. Connery various aspects of District policy concerning annex~tion and as to how this may relate to action by LAFCO and to planning by cities and the County. After the discussion, President Mitchell expressed the appreciation of the Board to Mr. Connery for his informative comments. 2. PROPOSED DRAFT CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESSED TO EAST/CENTRAL AGENCY Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, had prepared a second draft of a proposed letter to be forwarded to the Chairman of the East/Central Joint Powers Agency. After Mr. Bohn read this proposed draft, discussion followed between Board Members, staff and Mr. Bohn. After discussion, it was moved by Member Allan, secQnded by Member Gibbs, that the President be authorized to execute and forward to the East/Central Agency the correspondence prepared by Mr. Bohn, as amended. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian 3. CONCORD CONTRACT AGREEMENT President Mitchell reported on a recent meeting between the District's Negotiating Committee and officials of the City of Concord. He indicated that as a result of the negotiations, certain revisions were agreed to by both parties concerninb ~heproposed draft contract with particular reference to the City of Concord financing its proportionate share of District facilities by a general bond issue. After discussion, item was continued: 0'8 15 '14 409 VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONSENT ITEMS a. ACCEPTANCE'OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that easem~nt from Gernanen Brothers, A Partnership, Job No. 2473, Parcel 5, be accepted and its recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AY~S: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian 2. AUTHORIZE FUNDS FOR DSP 2121, LINE E, MORAGA AREA Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that as a result of the bid awarded this date by the Board to Silva's Pipeline Inc., in the amount of $210,661.00, he requested total authorization of $243,000.00 to complete DSP 2121. After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte that cause for failure of Line E, Moraga, a ma~n trunk line, was due to the pressure line generating sulfide gas, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Allan, that authorization of $243,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for DSP 2121, Line E, Moraga, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian 3. CLAIM OF MRS. LUIGI SAVIONI IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,150.26 ($1,000.00) Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, explained that staff had inadvertently referred the claim of Mrs. Savioni to the District's insurance carrier. The insurance carrier had settled the claim in the amount of $2,150.26 and that based upon the deductible provisions of the District's policy, the District is obligated to pay $1,000.00. It was then moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that authorization of $1,000.00 as District payment for claim of Mrs. Savioni be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian 4. CORRESPONDENCE FROM SUB-COMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS AND REVIEW OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS DATED JULY 31,1974 The Board noted the correspondence. 5. CORRESPONDENCE FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATED JULY 29, 1974 Board Members noted the correspondence with President Mitchell requesting that a meeting between two Board Members and the County's Intergovernmental Relations Committee be scheduled. CORRESPONDENCE FROM MT. VIEW SANITARY DISTRICT DATED JULY 26, 01974, AND AUGUST 1, 1974 6. Board Members noted the correspondence. 7. AUTHORIZE STAFF ATTENDANCE AT CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REPRQGRAPHIC SERVICES SEMINAR, OCTOBER 9-12, 1974, LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, and comment by President Mitchell that he considered staff attendance at 08 15 74 410 the Reprographic Services Seminar as unnecessary for District requirements, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization for registration fees, per diem and transportation for Mr. Robert Marple to attend the California Association of Reprographic Services Seminar, October 9-12, 1974-, at' .Lake Tahoe, California, be approved. Carried by the' following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele and Allan Mi tchell Rustigian 8. AUTHORIZAITON FOR GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION, HOLDING BASIN, DSP 2032 II After report by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, that the Holding Basin, DSP 2032 II had been completed, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that authorization for the General Manager- Chief Engineer to file Notice of Completion for Holding Basin, DSP 2032 II, ,be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian 9. AUTHORIZE $25,000.00 FOR STAFF PARTICIPATION, WATER RECLAMATION PLANT, STAGE 5B After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization of $25,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for staff participation for the Water Reclamation Plant, Stage.5B, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian 10. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS, DSP 2519, CROW CANYON ROAD, SAN RAMON a. After review of the Engineer's Estimate and the Preliminary Environmental Assessment and after explanation by Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Mem1Ser.Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Plans and Specifications for DSP 2519 be approved and that call for bids for 'DSP 2519, Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon, be authorized. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian 11. INFORMATION a. BAY AREA SEWAGE SERVICES AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 74-33 Board Members noted BASSA Resolution No. 74-33. VII 1. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Horstkotte reported that construction had recommenced at the District's Treatment Plant. He suggested that the Board consider extend- ing invitations to various governmental officials to tour the District's facilities. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Bohn presented Board Members with a copy of a draft agreement between the District and Mr. Royce Buffington and Mr. Brian H. Jeffcott. Mr. Bohn explained that the agreement related to the slide condition existing at 154 La Espiral, Orinda. .08 15 74 411 After reviewing the conditions of the draft agreement, Mr. Bohn reported that amendments to the agreement had been proposed by the attorney representing Mr. Buffington and Mr. Jeffcott. Further legal consultations will be necessary in order to resolve the questions of degree of liability and grant of deed by the District to portions of Parcel No. 506. Discussion followed with Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, utilizing a map, explaining staff's position on the extent of District property to be deeded to Mr. Buffington and Mr. Jeffcott. Item continued. b. Mr. Bohn reviewed previous Board action concerning District con- demnation proceedings, case of R. A. Bobet, et ux, Job No. 2259, Parcel 8. After Mr. Bohn explained that a settlement had been reached with Mr. Bobet to grant an easement to the District at cost of $500.00, and upon Mr. Bohn's recommendation, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization of $500.00 be paid to Mr. Bobet, et ux, for grant of ease- ment, Job No. 2259, Parcel 8, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Gibbs, Boneysteele, Allan and Mitchell Rustigian c. Mr. Bohn reported on the current status of solid waste management planning at the State level involving the Department of Public Health and the State Solid Waste Management Board. After defining the respective areas of responsibility and authority for ~l(~ organization, Mr. Botn stated that State guidelines on solid waste manag~ment will be forthcominb' 3. SECR!nARY a. Mr. Davis reported that management of Valley Disposal Service, Inc., had instituted a new computerized internal system for allocation of costs. He stated the new method could alter results reported for the year 1973. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that any request for garbage rate increases from Valley Disposal Service, Inc., should be predicated on the new internal computerized cost allocation system with financial data accumulated over a period of time. b. Mr. Davis reported that, in accordance with previous Board action, response had been made to The Orinda Association regarding disclosure of District records related to the Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. c. Mr. Davis reported the untimely death of Mrs. Norma Repetto, wife of Mr. Louis Repetto and sister of Mr. Arthur DiGrazia, management of Lafayette Garbage Disposal Service, Inc., a franchisee of the District. The Board authorized President Mitchell to express condolences of the Board to Mr. Repetto, Mr. DiGrazia and their families. 4. COMMITTEES a. PERSONNEL Member Allan, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, reported that Mr. Jack Case had achieved registration by the State as a Civil Engineer. After discussion regarding change of classification for Mr. Case in recognition of his achievement, item was continued. b. BAY AREA SEWAGE SERVICES AGENCY Member Gibbs, Trustee of BASSA, reported on a recent regional meeting held by BASSA in Dublin, California, with officials from Valley Community Services District, Flood Control District, Zone 7, and other governmental agencies. IX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR 1. President Mitchell reported receipt of correspondence from Daniel W. Wells, dated August 10, 1974, wherein Mr. Wells reported a sewer overflow condition. After discussion, item was continued. ,08 15 74 412 ": ..:'" b ~~ "~" . V C) 2. Member Boneysteele reported that he had attended the Commonwealth Club special group meeting wherein Mr. Horstkotte appeared and discussed wastewater management. Member Boneysteele commended Mr. Horstkotte for his presentation. 3. At 10:30 o'clock P.M., President Mitchell declared an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. At 11:03 o'clock P.M., President Mitchell reconvened the regular meeting. x. ADJOURNMENT At 11:04 o'clock P.M., President Mitchell adjourned the meeting to Thursday, August 29,1974. /Î : / / I' ') } , f~I...L-4.L..l.' ,ÞÍt.l.{,.¿ President Í the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Co' / . \., ~ {<..... L....'- G.<. " 1. ,i- I-,' Secretary of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California .~ ~ .:~, ,..¡.¡",'{j 74