HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-29-76 700 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD JANUARY 29, 1976 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned regular session at its regular place of meeting, l2S0 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on January 29, 1976, at 7:30 P.M. President Boneysteele called the meeting to order and requested the District Secretary to call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Hembers: Gibbs, Boneysteele ABSENT: Members: Mitchell, Rustigian and Allan President Boneysteele then recessed the meeting due to lack of a quorum. At 7:36, Member Rustigian arrived and President Boneysteele then called the meeting to order. Member Mitchell arrived at 7:38 P.H. Member Allan arrived at 7:43 P.M. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES After discussion, it was moved by Member Hitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the Minutes from the meeting of January IS, 1976, be approved after making the following corrections: Under "VI. OLD BUSINESS, 2. RENEWAL OF GARBAGE FRANCHISES" in the sixth paragraph, change the wording to read as follows: "Mr. Gordon then conunented on Alternate Paragraph 10 dealing with options for the extension of the contract over a ten-year period. The Board Members suggested that Alternate Paragraph 10 be revised to permit termination of the contract at the expiration of a ten-year period, provided that notice to terminate is given at the end of eight years." Under "VI. OLD BUSINESS, 7. DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. SO (7 PARCELS PROPOSED TO BE ADDED TO THE 16 PARCELS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED FOR PROCESSING- LOGICAL BOUNDARIES AND VIRTUALLY 100% PETITIONED, WITH EXCEPTION OF 3 PARCELS CONSISTING OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES THAT ARE ALREADY CONNECTED BUT HAVE NOT PETITIONED)" in the second sentence of the first paragraph, eliminate the words "Community Development" and insert the word "Corporation" in its stead. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Boneysteele None All an III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES None. IV. HEARINGS None. 01 29 76 701 V. BIDS None. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 76-8, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A SALARY SCHEDULE FOR DISTRICT EMPLOYEES After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Resolution establishing a salary schedule for District employees be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Membe r: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Boneysteele None Allan VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONSENT ITEMS None. " 2. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT AND THE ADOPTION OF RESPECTIVE RESOLUTIONS AND AUTHORIZATION OF RECORDING It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the easement, as listed below, be accepted at no cost to the District and that a respective resolution of acceptance be adopted and that its recordation be authorized. Grantor Job No. Parcel Theo S. Shulgin and Neonila I. Shulgin 262S 1 RESOLUTION NO. 76-14, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT FROM THEO S. SHULGIN AND NEONlLA I. SHULGIN, WALNUT CREEK AREA, (JOB NO. 2625 - PARCEL 1) ~fution carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian and Boneysteele None Allan 3. TV INSPECTION OF SEWER WORK Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, explained to Board Members the advantages and efficiency of using the TV inspection system, which will become effective for 100% of all new ~ork on February 2,1976. He also indicated the increased abilities of our 900 lens camera. Through the use of this camera, we are able to detect previously undetected deficiencies and require the contractor to correct them prior to street paving. Mr. Horstkotte then referred to Mr. Robert H. Hinkson, Manager, Maintenance Department, who gave a presentation to the Board regarding various sewer pipe materials, their installation and maintenance. Mr. Hinkson explained how the TV camera added an important new implement to sewerline inspection. This camera provides the ability to find defects from the inside of the pipe, which are not generally detectable by outside inspection. 01 29 76 702 The District has not changed its specifications, but through the use of TV, we have improved our capability to inspect new pipelines. Contractors are concerned and are questioning our use of TV for inspection. Mr. Hinkson then introduced staff member, Mr. Dallas Hughes, operator of our TV system, who showed a video tape on incorrect and correct pipe installations. After the presentation, Board Members discussed and commented on the subject and thanked Mr. Hinkson and other members of the staff for their presentation. Mr. Horstkotte assured the Board that the TV inspection procedure was not being applied to work which was bid before notice that such procedures could be applied. 4. MEMBERSHIP ROSTER FOR ASSOCIATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS As per Board request, Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, presented to Board Members the membership roster of associations and publications for their review and comment. Board Members acknowledged receipt of same. s. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA None. 6. INFORMATION a. SELF-MONITORING ANNUAL REPORT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, presented the Self- Monitoring Annual Report Wastewater Treatment Plant for 1975 for acceptance by Board Members prior to submission to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. VIII. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte of the proposed contract with the City of Concord, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Allan, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute the Contract between the City of Concord and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District pertaining to the energy recovery prototype pilot plant study. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None b. Mr. Horstkotte submitted to the Board an amendment to the agreement entered into with Brown & Caldwell on January 3, 1974, for Engineering Services for Design and Construction of Stage SB Enlargement of Water Reclamation Plant. The new Federal Regulations require a modification of the contract. We will submit the modification for ratification at the February S, 1976, meeting. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT Mr. Bohn informed the Board that at the February S, 1976, meeting, he will present to the Board the new garbage franchise contract and also the draft for the Employees Deferred Compensation Plan. 01 29 76 703 3. SECRETARY None. 4. COMMITTEES BASSA Member Gibbs reported that ABAG has set up a 40-man task force to direct action on the "208" program. SOLID WASTE Member Mitchell reported that there had been a meeting with the City of Lafayette and he felt it went very well. It was brought out at the meeting that there are three garbage companies operating in the City of Lafayette charging the same rates for the same service but one company, Valley Disposal, is charging higher rates than they have been authorized to charge by District Ordinance. President Boneysteele requested Mr. Bohn to check the Ordinance and determine whether Valley Disposal is charging in accordance with the amount authorized. PERSONNEL Member Allan requested an executive session at the end of the meeting to take up the matter of compensation for District Counsel. Member Allan reported that at the CASA meeting at Indian Wells, Mr. Horstkotte made a significant contribution to the discussion in the Managers' Meeting and that the Attorneys' Committee is working on a draft procedure for the boards to use at their meetings. Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, stated that a good deal of time was spent on the "Conflict of Interest" issue, as it pertains to the personnel of the various public agencies. IX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR a. Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that he met with Mr. Bond of the YMCA regarding their service charge and that there will be another meeting. He also stated that a meeting had been set up between staff and the garbage franchisees regarding the Uniform Accounting System on February 11,1976. At 9:20 P.M., President Boneysteele recessed the meeting. At 9:25 P.M., President Boneysteele reconvened the meeting and called an executive session. At 9:53 P.M., President Boneysteele closed the executive session and reconvened the meeting to open session. President Boneysteele reported that during the executive session the Board discussed Mr. Bohn's near retirement and a proposed retainer agreement covering Stages SA and 5B Phases I and II and the Solid Waste Program. The Board is taking this agreement under consideration for one week. The Personnel Committee was directed to prepare a job description for the position of "District Counsel", reflecting the above mentioned agreement. 01 29 76 01 704 x. ADJOURNMENT At 9:56 P.M., President Boneysteele adjourned the meeting to February S, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. ~-, President of the Boarì of Directors of Central Contra Costa, anitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: , A, i á 41, Yú~ Secret y of the BoardJßf Directors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 29 76