HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-06-75 656 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD NOVEMBER 6, 1975 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on November 6, 1975, at 8:00 P.M. President Boneysteele called the meeting to order and requested the Secretary to call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Membe rs : Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele ABSENT : Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 23, 1975 It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the Minutes of October 23, 1975, be approved with the following correction: Under "VIII. REPORTS, 4. COMMITTEES," in the second sentence of the first paragraph insert the word "travel" before the word "expenses." tfution carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES After discussion, it was moved by Member Mitchell, Chairman of the Expenditure Committee, seconded by Member Rustigian, that the expenditures, including Sewer Construction Vouchers Nos. 2592 to 2609 inclusive, and Running Expense Vouchers Nos. 21286 to 21413 inclusive, LID 54 Vouchers Nos. 37 and 38, and LID 55 Voucher No.6 be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None At this point of the meeting, President Boneysteele requested that the Board depart from the order of the Agenda to take under consideration Item 4, Old Business. 4. CASA - INSURANCE STUDY ON COVERAGE FOR CASA MEMBERS At the request of President Boneysteele, staff wrote to Mr. Walt Garrison for more information regarding the CASA insurance study. Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, discussed the letter with the Board. Present in the audience, at staffs request, was Mr. Robert Schroder, the District's insurance carrier who was there to give further explanation regarding the CASA insurance program. He stated that his office was using the CASA Handbook of Insurance in conjunction with Fireman's Fund Insurance Company to determine the District's insurance rate. He also stated that the District has an excellent reputation with Fireman's Fund Insurance Company. 11 06 75 657 Mr. Schroder went on to say that the CASA proposed rate would likely be a group rate rather than an individual one. This would be advantageous for a district that has had unfavorable experiences, however, a district such as ours, which enjoys a fine reputation, would not profit by a group plan and would be better off to follow the individual rate plan. It was the opinion of Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, that the District now has an adequate insurance program and that this program is reviewed annually. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that President Boneysteele instruct the staff to answer Mr. Garrison's letter stating that the District has decided not to participate in CASA's insurance program. President Boneysteele then thanked Mr. Schroder for his assistance in the discussion of the insurance program. IV. HEARINGS None. V. BIDS None. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. REVIEW OF DISTRICT EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORM After review of the revised District application form by the Personnel Committee, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the revised District employment application form be accepted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None 2. FINAL AUDIT OF HOLDING BASINS PROJECT Mr. W. C. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that he wished the Minutes to reflect that the final audit of the Holding Basins Project had been received. Mr. Dalton stated that this project was originally approved by the State in the amount of $550,000 and that we were able to have the amount changed to $800,000. After further discussion, Board Members noted receipt of Audit. 3. PILOT PLANT PROJECT - SOLID WASTE Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, directed the Board Members' attention to the letter from Larry Walker of the Division of Water Quality wherein his office and the Environmental Protection Agency concurred with the District's request for permission to include the energy recovery system test in the current Step I grant for the solids management study. It was then moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Rustigian, that a resolution be adopted authorizing expenditures under Step I grant for Resource Recovery Project. RESOLUTION NO. 75-127, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES UNDER STEP I GRANT FOR RESOURCE RECOVERY PROJECT Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rus tigian, Allan and Boneysteele NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 11 06 75 658 At the suggestion of Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, the Board directed that the Minutes reflect that the above resolution supercedes any and all previous approvals or authorizations regarding a research grant which would be a duplicate to the Step I grant application. In conjunction with the above, Mr. Dalton informed the Board that on October 29, 1975, the District received the executed State Step I grant contracts for our solid waste management study and for the plant expansion project from the Division of Water Quality. Therefore, Mr. Dalton stated that it is important to establish two construction accounts, the amounts being equal to the approved grant projects, Stage 5B, Phase I, C-06-l000, for $86,000 and Stage 5B, Phase II, C-O6-l269 for $l25,000. Phase II, C-06-l269 will require a supplemental authorization when final approval is received for the proto-type incinerator test program. It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that two resolutions be adopted to establish individual construction accounts for the approved grant project. RESOLUTION NO. 75-128, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN INDIVIDUAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT FOR GRANT PROJECT STAGE 5B, PHASE I, C-06-l000, FOR $86,000 RESOLUTION NO. 75-129, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN INDIVIDUAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT FOR GRANT PROJECT STAGE 5B, PHASE II, C-06-l269, FOR $125,000 Hotion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None Item No.4 was settled earlier in the meeting. VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONSENT ITEMS None. 2. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT & ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AND AUTHORIZATION OF RECORDING FOR ALAN J. STERNBERG AND AMY R. STERNBERG It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Gibbs, that the easement, as listed below, be accepted at no cost to the District and that a respective Resolution of Acceptance be adopted; and that its recording be authorized. Grantor Job No. Parcel No. Alan J. Sternberg and Amy R. Sternberg 2629 2 RESOLUTION NO. 75-126, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT FROM ALAN J. STERNBERG AND AMY R. STERNBERG, LAFAYETTE AREA, JOB NO. 2629, PARCEL 2 Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None 11 06 75 659 3. DISTRICT CODE CHANGES ORDINANCE NO. 109, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RENUMBERING SECTIONS 8-304(B), 8-304(C), REPEALING SECTIONS 8-304, 8-304(A), 8-305,8-306 AND 8-307, RENUMBERING SECTION 8-308, AMENDING SECTIONS 8-304(B), 8-043B(4), 10-105, 11-308 AND 11-715, AND ADDING SECTION 15-303 It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Ordinance No. 109 be adopted and that this Ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be published once in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and shall be effective upon expiration of the week of publication. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None ORDINANCE NO. 110, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AMENDING SECTIONS 4-411,4-412,4-413,4-414,4-415 AND 4-418 After discussion by Board Members and staff, it was the recommendation of the Board that the above Ordinance be redrafted with the necessary corrections and brought back to the next Board Meeting for approval. ORDINANCE NO. Ill, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AMENDING SECTION 12-502, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 12-503,12-504, 12-506,12-507, 12-508 AND 12-509 OF THE DISTRICT CODE After review and discussion by Board Members, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Ordinance No. Ill, together with a resolution providing for continuing effect of prevailing garbage rates pending subsequent Board action be adopted, and that Ordinance III shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be published once in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and shall be effective upon expiration of the week of publication. RESOLUTION NO. 75-130, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR CONTINUING EFFECT OF PREVAILING GARBAGE RATES PENDING SUBSEQUENT BOARD ACTION Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None 4. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA None. 5. INFORMATION a. RESULTS OF DISTRICT ELECTION Clyde Hopkins, District Secretary, reported on the District elections of November 4, 1975, in which the three incumbents, Members Gibbs, Allan and Boneysteele were re-elected. Mr. Hopkins was then requested by the Board to obtain a detailed list of the precincts. b. Board Members noted the letter sent to Senator Nejedly from Paul DeFalco, of the EPA in regard to the District's Solid Waste Project, Phase II, Stage 5B. c. Voters. Board Members noted receipt of correspondence from the League of Women VIII. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, advised the Board Members that the District is sending a letter to the Orinda Country Club requesting them to remove or cut back the three pine trees which were planted 11 06 75 -.--.----- 660 to screen the Orinda Pump Station building since the trees have reached a point where they have become a hazard to the station. b. Mr. Dalton informed the Board Members that he had a request for annexation of a church site on the Larwin property. This site is within the District service area but outside the District boundary. After review and discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that this matter should appear as an Agenda item. c. Mr. Dalton requested authorization in the amount of $430 for install- ation of custom lighting over the boardroom table. It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Allan, that authorization in an amount not to exceed $430 for installation of custom lighting over the boardroom table be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Membe rs : Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None d. Board Members reviewed the various travel expense report forms presented by staff. It was the consensus of the Board to adopt the expense form recommended by staff for use by the District. Also presented to Board Members was a letter from J. S. Plourde, Certified Public Accountant and consultant to the District, wherein he stated that the Internal Revenue Service will allow a per diem allowance not to exceed $44.00. After discussion by Board Members, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the District adopt a $44.00 per diem with a fractional proration for less than a 24-hour period. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None e. Mr. Dalton reported on the progress of the construction at the Treatment Plant. Both contracts are progressing well. The outfall road is being regraded by the Flood Control District. The treated waterline is in. f. Mr. Dalton informed the Board that the District audit has been completed. The audit shows $9,000,000 in the Reserve Fund and earned interest in the amount of $500,000. President Boneysteele requested to have this item placed on the Agenda for the next meeting. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Bohn reported that the contract for the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for the Regional Municipal Wastewater Solids Management Study with East Bay Municipal Utility District is ready for signature. Basically, this is an agreement for a joint study with the five partici- pating agencies. Our share of cost for participation will not exceed $50,000. East Bay Municipal Utility District is to be the lead agency for this contract. The plan calls for a policy committee and for the hiring of a Project Manager who will work under the supervision of EBMUD as the lead agency. The agreement that was sent to the District is a copy and an original will be forthcoming for signature. It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Rustigian, that authorization to execute the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None 11 06 75 661 b. Mr. Bohn reported on the Solid Waste Committee meeting held on November 5,1975. The committee voted on Phase I and Phase II. Phase I has to do with the adoption of a physical facilities program. Phase II has to do with management and finance planning. Both phases passed. .Phase I unanimously and Phase II with a vote of 9 to 6. The District program has been endorsed and it will be presented to the Board Members as soon as the final draft has been corrected. Mr. Bohn also requested from the Board approval of an authorization of $90.00 for dinner for the Solid Waste Committee Members. The Board approved the authorization. 3. SECRETARY Mr. Clyde Hopkins informed the Board Members that he would be absent from the next Board meeting as he would be on vacation. 4. COMMITTEES a. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Gibbs, that John Rosenkranz be appointed to the position of Assistant Plant Operator, salary Range 53-A ($1007-1223) effective November 17, 1975. RESOLUTION NO. 75-131, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JOHN ROSENKRANZ TO THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT PLANT OPERATOR Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Allan LaMar be appointed to the position of Assistant Plant Operator, Range 53-A ($1007-1223) effective November 10, 1975. RESOLUTION NO. 75-132, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ALLAN LAMAR TO THE POSITION OF ASSISTANT PLANT OPERATOR Hotion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None b. BASSA Member Gibbs, Trustee for BASSA, presented to the Board a BASSA publication on water reclamation. c. President Boneysteele stated he had been contacted by Craig Randall, President of the Board of Directors for Contra Costa County Water District. Mr. Randall informed President Boneysteele that the Contra Costa County Water District wishes to renegotiate their contract with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Discussion followed. IX. MATTERS.FROM THE FLOOR a. Member Gibbs requested help from Clyde Hopkins, District Secretary, and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, with regard to Proposition 9. Mr. Bohn stated that he will review in writing the requirements of Proposition 9 as to the District's and candidates' responsibilities. 11 06 75 662 b. CASA MEETING - Member Allan and President Boneysteele advised that they planned to attend the CASA meeting at Quail Lodge in Carmel on November l4-l5, 1975. Also attending the meeting will be a member from the staff management. Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, requested authorization to attend the attorneys' meeting for the day only. It was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that authorization for actual expenses for Member Allan, President Boneysteele and staff management member, to attend the CASA meeting on November 14-15 at Quail Lodge, Carmel, be approved; and that Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, be authorized to attend the attorneys' meeting. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneysteele None None Present in the audience was Mrs. Dorothea Cady who wished to extend her congratulations to the incumbents upon their re-election to the Board. x. ADJOURNMENT At 10:53 P.M., President Boneysteele adjourned the regular Board Meeting. President 0 the District oard of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: =tfi¿ /;;:9/~~ Secret ry of the D~trict Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 11 06 75