HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-27-75 535 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD MARCH 27,1975 The District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned Regular Session at its regular place of meeting located at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on March 27, 1975, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Boneysteele. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Mitchell, Allan and Boneysteele ABSENT: Members: Gibbs, and Rustigian At 8:02 o'clock P.M., Member Rustigian arrived. At 8:04 o'clock P.M., Member Gibbs arrived. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item continued. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES None. IV. HEARINGS None. V. BIDS None. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. DISCUSSION WITH HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF CONTRA COSTA-SOLANO COUNTIES, INC. On behalf of the Board Members, President Boneysteele welcomed the Review Committee of the Associated Building Industry of Northern California. Mr. Dean P. LaField, Executive Vice-President for the Association, introduced the following members of the Review Committee who were present in the audience: Ronald L. Pardini, Chairman, William J. Black, Richard Braden, Fran Bryan, James D. Graham, Philip F. Kamerer, L. B. "Woody" Pereira, Robert W. Carrau, Randall L. Smith and Rena Clements. Mr. Pardini, Chairman of the Review Committee, expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to discuss with the Board Members matters of mutual interest. After Mr. Pardini's preliminary remarks, Mr. LaField and other Members of the Review Committee explained the history, purpose, scope and organization of the Associated Building Industry of Northern California (A.B.I.). After presentation of such information, Board Members and Members of the Review Committee addressed themselves to the District's Agenda items. 03 27 75 536 la. RESOLUTION NO. , A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING POLICIES OF THE DISTRICT RELATING TO ANNEXATIONS, AND SEWER SERVICE TO NEW DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE OF THE CITY OF WALNUT CREEK Board a proposed related to the sphere Members, staff and Members of the Committee reviewed and discussed resolution for the establishment of policies of the District annexations and sewer service for new developments located within of influence of the City of Walnut Creek. During the discussion, Board Members responded to queries by Committee Members regarding the background and intent of the District for cooperation with City municipalities in the matter of providing sewer service to properties located within City spheres of influence. Such cooperation being subject to the limitations of law and the rules and regulations of the District. After disucssion, it was the consensus of the Board that a group to include Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, Mr. Daniel Curtin, attorney for the City of Walnut Creek, and two members of the Review Committee, review and present to the Board a proposed resolution related to annexations and sewer service for new developments within the sphere of influence in the City of Walnut Creek. Subsequent to review of proposed resolution by the Board, the Board would schedule a public hearing to consider the matter. Item continued. lb. SEWER JURISDICTION SPHERES OF INFLUENCE Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, utilizing a map, reviewed current District boundaries and the District's spheres of influence as proposed by the Local Agency Formation Commission to the year 1980. After comparison of the boundaries, Mr. Dalton stated that staff planning for the provision of sewer service, particularly in the San Ramon Valley area, was predicated on population growth as projected by a Brown and Caldwell Study of 1967 and as projected by the Association of Bay Area Governments. Discussion followed wherein Members of the Review Committee received assurance that staff planning encompassed the District's ultimate service area but that it was not the policy of the District to encourgate annexation of properties located outside the District's sphere of influence as proposed by the Local Agency Formation Commission. lc. ANNEXATION CHARGES Board Members, staff and Members of the Review Committee discussed a memorandum dated March 26,1975, from Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, concerning "Time of Fixing Annexation Charge for Petitioners Seeking Inclusion Within the District." After discussion wherein Mr. LaField urged a continuation of present District policy which designates "date of receipt" of petition for annexation by the District as the effective date for fixing annexation charge, it was the consensus of the Board that current District policy of designating "date of receipt" by the District of petitions for annexation shall determine annexation charges. However, in the event of unjustified delay on the part of the petitioner (in excess of three months) the District Board may in its discretion modify an annexation charge to reflect subsequent prevailing rates. At 9:41 o'clock P.M., President Boneysteele recessed the Adjourned Regular Meeting. At 9:47 o'clock P.M., President Boneysteele reconvened the Adjourned Regular Meeting. 03 27 75 537 DISCUSSION ON GARBAGE RATE INCREASES REQUESTED BY ORINDA/MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. 2. Member Gibbs reported that the Ad-Hoc Committee, composed of himself, representatives of Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., Mr. Geno Banducci representing The Orinda Association, Mr. Mark Pinedo representing the Town of Moraga, and staff, had met March 24,1975. The purpose of the Ad-Hoc Committee meeting was to review and discuss financial and operational information as provided by staff and management of Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., regarding garbage rate increases. After report by Member Gibbs of matters discussed at the March 1975 meeting, discussion followed. Participating in the discussion Board Members, staff, Mr. Pinedo, Mr. George Navone, Vice-President Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Mr. Peter Brethauer, Accountant for Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., and Mr. John Blackburn. 24, were of After review and response by staff and management of Orinda/Moraga Dis- posal Service, Inc., to queries by Board Members, Mr. Pinedo and Mr. Blackburn regarding a revised operational and financial data report prepared by staff, Mr. Davis, Secretary of thè District, and Mr. Brethauer were requested to provide additional information for consideration by the Board. Staff was authorized to publish a Notice of Public Hearing to consider the request for garbage rate increases by Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., for the meeting April 3,1975. Item continued. 3. INTERIM FUNDING EIR-EIS REPORT, PROJECT 5B (URGENCY ITEM APPROVED BY PRESIDENT) After explanation by Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, and review by the Board Members of correspondence dated March 26, 1975, from the District's Consultant, J. B. Gilbert and Associates, wherein authorization of $10,000.00 was requested in order to expedite preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement, Treatment Plant Project, Stage 5B, Phase II, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Allan, that authorization of $lO,OOO.OO from the Sewer Construction Fund for interim preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement, Stage 5B, Phase II, dealing with secondary impacts, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs, Mitchell, Rustigian, Allan and Boneystee1e None None VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONSENT ITEMS None. 2. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA None. 3. INFORMATION None. VIII . REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that employees of the State of California would not be granted three hours absence from work to attend religious services on Good Friday, March 28, 1975. However, employees of Contra Csota County would be granted the three hours. He stated that it had been previous District policy to grant employees of the District three hours off to attend church services. Discussion followed wherein after motion by Member Mitcrealand second by Member Gibbs for authorization to grant three hours off to District employees was withdrawn, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Gibbs, that District employees be granted three hours off on Good Friday, March 28,1975. 03 27 75 538 Motion failed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Gibbs and Allan Mitchell, Rustigian, Boneysteele None b. Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, presented Board Members for review a draft letter dated March 24,1975, which refers to the District's revenue program, particularly Sewer Service Charges. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None. 3. SECRETARY None. 4. COMMITTEES None. IX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR l. At 11:23 o'clock P.M., President Boneysteele declared an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. At 11:28 o'clock P.M., President Boneysteele reconvened the Adjourned Regular Meeting. X. ADJOURNMENT At ll:39 o'clock P.M., President Boneysteele adjourned the Adjourned Regular Meeting. e ~- President a the District ard of the Central Contra Costa Sani ry District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: - ) \ t. I(~,- t.. ,,-<:. Secretary of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California ~ 03 27 75