HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-02-73 1)1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD AUGUST 2,1973 The District Board of Central Contra Cos,ta Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at, its regular place of meeting located at l250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa. State of California, on August 2,1973, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Rustigian. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian ABSENT: Member:: ' Allan II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES After comment by Members Mitchell and Gibbs, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the Minutes of the meeting of July 19,1973, be approved after making the following corrections: Under "VII. NEW BUSINESS. 5. REPORT ON TREATMENT PLANT FLOW RATES", lst paragraph, delete last sentence and insert "Average dry weather flow in May, 1973.exceeded 80% of design plant capacity." Under "VIII. REPO~TS. 1. COMMITTEES, a. BAY AREA SEWAGE SERVICES AGENCY". Last paragraph, correct spelling of Member Gibb ' same to read "Gibbs"'. Motion correcting the Minutes of the Meeting of July 19, 1973, carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the expenditures as reviewed by the Expenditure Committee, and as submitted by the General Manager-Chief Engineer. be approved, reference being specifically made to Sewer Construction Vouchers Numbers l844 to l870. inclusive, Running Expense Vouchers Numbers 16709 to l6857, inclusive, Local Improvement District No. 50 Construction Fund Voucher Number 189 and Payroll Vouchers Numbers 3368 to 3511, inclusive. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Membe rs : Members: Member:: ' Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan IV. HEARINGS None. V. BIDS None. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. CONSOLIDATION STUDY - CITY OF CONCORD Board Members, Staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reviewed and discussed financial data prepared by Mr. Dalton, Deputy 08 02 73 ,.L:>¿ General Manager-Chief Engineer. Data presented represented proposed contract cost sharing for both Concord and the District on consolidation of treatment plant facilities. In response to query, Staff reported that financial data presented had been independently reviewed by Bartle Wells and Associates, Finan- cial Consultant to the District. Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer indicated that Mr. Bohn was in the process of preparing a draft contract and that, upon completion, Staff and Mr. Bohn planned to meet with the officials of the City of Concord to refine the contractual agreement and financial data for submission to the Board Members at the Meeting of August 16,1973. After further discussion regarding apparent comparative costs to the City of Concord for annexation to versus contract with the Sanitary District, Board Members scheduled a Board Meeting (Study Session) to review financial data and the draft contract. Staff was requested to present additional financial data based on "present worth". Item continued. 2. COUNTY WATER QUALITY CONTROL STUDY Upon the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, to consider this item in a study session at the meeting of August 9, 1973, item was continued. 3. ANNEXATION OF BRYAN RANCH. DANVILLE AREA Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer. reported that to Staff knowledge, the Bryan Ranch area had been excluded from the County's "Open Space Plan". After discussion by Board Members and Staff regarding Board of Supervisors' action and County Planning 'Commission action, Staff was requested to obtain confirmation from the Board of Supervisors regarding its action on the Bryan Ranch area. Item continued. 4. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 54 RESOLUTION NO. 73-77, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ATTORNEY. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 54 SCHEDULES l, 2.3 AND 4 After comment by Member Boneysteele noting that interest rates have recently been rising, Board Members and Staff discussed the impact such interest costs could have on financing the District's Treatment and Water Reclamation Plant expansion project. Staff indicated that Bartle Wells and Associates, Financial Consultant to the District, did not anticipate any financial problems because of the legal limitation of 7 per cent on municipal debt instruments. After discussion regarding Local Improvement District No. 50 and further explanation by Staff regarding Local Improve- ment District No. 54, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell that Resolution No. 73-77 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member::. . Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 5. WATERSHED 3 (REVISED PLAN AND SULLIVAN RANCH ANNEXATION) Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chi~f Engineer, and Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, utilizing a map. reviewed' for Board Members the current status of the Watershed 3 plan and the proposal for annexation of the Sullivan Ranch to the District. Mr. John A. Wollman. Consulting Engineer for the Sullivan Ranch area, addressed the Board and, in response to query stated that a preliminary plan on the Sullivan Ranch development had been accepted by the County Planning Commission with final plans to be presented in August, 1973. After discussion with Staff indicating that cost to sewer the proposed 74 units of the Sullivan Ranch development was estimated at $275,000.00 to $300,000.00 and that a rebate schedule of 10 years was appropriate, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Staff's concept of the revised Watershed 3 plan wherein trunk lines 08 02 73 153 would be paralleled by stages, that the boundaries of an annexation fees for Watershed 3 as adjusted be approved, and that annexation of Sullivan Ranch to the District be accepted subject to the developer financing the necessary stages of trunk improvements necessary to preclude overload of the sewage system and sàid financing to be under Section 9, Article 4, of the District Code. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Memb ers : Memb ers : Member: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 6. BOLLINGER DETACHMENT (l700 ACRES) Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer and Mr. Dalton, Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer, utilizing a map, reviewed for Board Members the current status of the request for de-annexation of approximately l700 acres north of Bollinger Canyon Road. After discussion, with staff being requested to review action of August 2, 1973,by the Local Agency Formation Commission on the Bollinger Detachment, particularly as it may affect future sewering of adjacent properties, item was continued. 7. TREATMENT PLANT CONTRACT RESOLUTION NO. 73-76. A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR WATER RECLAMATION PLANT, STAGE 5A, PHASE I. Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that the Environmental Protection Agency, the State and the State Division of Highways had completed their review of bids submitted on July 3, 1973, for construction of the District's Water Reclamation Plant, Stage 5A, Phase I. After such review. those agencies recommended award of contract to the lowest bidder, Peterson-Simpson. in the amount of $47,648,000.00 for the total project. ($712,700.00 for Schedule A). Mr. Horstkotte reported that Brown and Caldwell, Engineering Consultant to the District, had formally recommended award of contract to Peterson-Simpson. After reading excerpts of the recommendation, Mr. Horstkotte asked that Brown and Caldwell's formal recommendation be inserted in the Minutes. "August 2,1973 Mr. G. A. Horstkotte, Jr. General Manager-Chief Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District P. O. Box 5266 Walnut Creek, California 94596 WATER RECLAMATION PLANT - STAGE 5A, PHASE ,I AWARD OF CONTRACT "On July 3, 1973, a low bid on the amount of $47,648,000 was received for the above project from Peterson-Simpson, a joint venture. Of this amount $712,700 is the allowance included for Scheduel A, the frontage road under- crossing which is being financed by the State Division of Highways. The þalance of $46,935,300 is eligible for grant participation. "We have reviewed the proposal and are attaching a list of the major equipment manufacturers selected from Peterson-Simpson's bidding schedule. Award of the contract based on these selections does not change the lump sum bid because all selections represent the lowest installed price under each major equipment item. 08 02 73 l54 "The specifications call for each bidder to submit. as part of his pro- posal. information and data on certain major items of equipment. Review of these data showed that under Item 30 Wismer and Becker, the vendor with the lowest installed price for instrumentation and control systems, failed to provide all the information requested in the specifications. A simi- lar statement, however, applies to Taylor instruments, the vendor with the second lowest installed price for instrumentation and control systems; their submitted data was non-responsive, in part, to the specifications. "To obtain missing information not included with the submittal data and to assure ourselves that Wismer and Becker will be able to comply with the specifications and that they are fully aware of the costs of devel- oping the extensive and sophisticated application software that was specified. we had two meetings with engineers of Wismer and Becker and Peterson-Simpson, and a third meeting with management in attendance. Based on the additional information and data supplied at these meetings by Wismer and Becker engineers and our discussions with their management, w:e believe them to be capable of doing the work as specified. They are experienced electrical and mechanical contractors and they believe that they are more competitive on installation work than the average instru- mentation vendor. They currently have two ex-Foxboro programmers in their employ who have worked on software similar to that specified and we are forced to assume that Wismer and Becker's programming department is capable of developing the software in the required time. The analog instruments and telemetry system proposed by Wismer and Becker are acceptab Ie. "We recommend that Wismer and Becker be selected as the vendor for instru- mentation and control systems on this project with the understanding they must establish detailed CPM for their portion of the work. The CPM schedule will be enforced and it will be required that Wismer and Becker's software development be on schedule and to the specifications. Analyses of the Wismer and Becker submittal and minutes of 'our meetings with them are available for review at any time. "Peterson-Simpson is an experienced contractor in this' particular type of construction. They have completed many of our projects including the last enlargement of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District treatment plant in 1967. They list experienced personnel and subcontractors who will be used in the work and they have the knowledge, equipment and ability to do this job. "Based on the above information, we recommend that the contract for con- struction of the Water Reclamation Plant, Stage 5A, Phase I be awarded to Peterson-Simpson with major equipment selections as indicated on the attached sheet. BROWN AND CALDWELL (Signed) D. L. Eisenhauer" Board Members, Staff, Mr. Michael Flanagan, Brown and Caldwell, and Mr. Arnold L. Schindler, Peterson-Simpson, discussed and exchanged com- ments regarding the bid proposal of Peterson-Simpson with particular refer- ence to the qualifications of Wismer and Becker to supply the Instrumentation and Control System, a major item of equipment. Mr. Flanagan assured Board Members that instrumentation and control equipment proposed for installation was in commercial use today and did not represent any "new or untried system". Mr. Horstkotte noted that, of the seven prime contractors submitting bids on the project, six had included Wismer and Becker in their proposals to supply the instrumentation and control system. 08 02 ,73 1.:>:> Mr. Schindler assured Board Members that Wismer and Becker was well qualified and that, in event of non-performance of contract by Wismer and Becker. Peterson-Simpson would be responsible. After further review by the Board of the seven bids received for the Water Reclamation Plant and on the recommendation of Mr. Horstkotte, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Resolution No. 73-76 awarding contract to Peterson-Simpson, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele. Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan Mr. Horstkotte explained that the spur railroad, which is a part of the Holding Basin levee contract, crosses Standard Oil Company of California transmission pipelines and that these pipelines must be pro~ tected by encasement.' . After Mr. Horstkotte requested authorization of $5,000.00 for encasement of Standard Oil transmission pipelines, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authorization of $5,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for encasement of Standard Oil transmission pipelines at the treatment plant be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan Mr. Horstkotte noted that bids on the Holding Basin-Schedule II were to be received August l6, 1973. 8. AUTHORIZE GRANT OF EASEMENT TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY. SACRAMENTO NORTHERN RR. ST. MARY'S JOB NO. l546 After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the President and Secretary be author- ized to execute Grant of Easement to Pacific Gas and Electric, Sacramento Northern RR, St. Mary's Job No. 1546. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: :' Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 9. LIME SLUDGE STUDY Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, explained that the Board had by previous action on October 2, 1972, approved the Lime Sludge Recycling Study. The costs for the Lime Sludge Study ($220,000.00) had been accepted as an eligible engineering design cost for the Water Reclamation Plant and, therefore, he requested formal authorization of $220,000.00 for the study. It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that authorization of $220,000.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the Lime Sludge Recycling Study, be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Memben: ' Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan lO. APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS FOR ORINDA TUNNEL ACCESS ROAD, JOB 2368 After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer. it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Plans and 08 02 73 Db Specifications for Orinda Tunnel, Access Road, Job 2368, be approved and that call for bids be authorized. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONSENT ITEMS: ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT a. It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele that easements from: Grantor Job No. Parcel No. Area Gus Matalas, et ux 2330 2 Danville Lawrence H. Viel.et ux 599 2 R 1 Walnut Creek be accepted and their recording ordered. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member': Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan b. CONFIRM "ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM(S)" AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM(S) : It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization for confirmation of the below "Amended Assessment Diagram(s)"~ and thei~ recording be approved: Original Assmt. No. Amended Assmt. No. Apportioned Amt. 44-7-3-l4 44-7-2-19 44-7-2-10 44-7-2-11 44-7-2-l2 44-7-2-13 44-7-2-14 44-7-2-15 44-7-2-l6 44-7-2-17 .44-7-2-l8 44-7-2-19 44-7-2-20 52-7-2-9 52-7-2-l0 52-7-2-l1 52-7-2-l2 52-7-2-13 52-7-2-l4 52-7-2-l5 52-7-2-16 52-7-2-17 52-7--2-18 $ 653.05 653.05 653.05 653.05 653.05 653.05 653.05 653.05 653.05 653.05 653.05 1,444.29 1,444.29 l,444~29 1,444.29 l,444.29 1,444.29 l,444.29 2,888.58 2,888.58 1,444.29 52-7-2-4 & 5 c. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF QUIT CLAIM DEED TO LAWRENCE H. VIEL. ET UX, JOB NO. 599. PARCEL 2. WALNUT CREEK It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele,' that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute Quit Claim Deed to Lawrence H. Vie~ et ux, Job No. 599, Parcel 2. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 08 :'0,2 :7,:,3 d. l.JI AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF QUIT CLAIM DEED TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC CO.. DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 2032. TREATMENT 'PLANT It was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute Quit Claim Deed to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, District Sewering Project 2032, Treatment Plant. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member~ : Boneystee1e, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None' Allan 2. AUTHORIZE $2.04l.76 FOR OUTFALL STUDY After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, that authorization was necessary to close out a previously authorized account, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that authorization of $2)04l.76 from the Sewer Construction Fund for Outfall Study be approved. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 3. SLIDE REPAIR. 39 MUTH DRIVE. ORINDA Mr. Horstkotte. General Manager~Chief Engineer. explained that slide repair at 39 Muth Drive, Orinda, had been completed. He stated that estimated cost for this repair was $5)500.00 and was borne by the owner, Mr. Yere Yeghoian. As a result of this repair work, it was no longer necessary for the District to install a temporary pumping installation to service the area at an estimated cost of $3,500.00. Accordingly, Mr. Horstkotte recommended that financial participation in the amount of $3,500.00 for the slide repair work at 39 Muth Drive, Orind~be authorized. After discussion, it was moved by Member Mitchell, seconded by Member Gibbs, that authorization of $3,500.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund for slide repair at 39 Muth Drive, Orinda, be approved for payment after receipt of a signed Hold Harmless Agreement relieving the District of future slide responsibility. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members' : Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 4. RESOLUTION NO. 73-78. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING DALE A. OHDA, THOMASA. TRICE. KIMBLE L. BEST. ROBERT E. COLLINS AND LARRY F. BRADLEY. CON- STRUCTION INSPECTOR ASSISTANT. After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, and upon the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Mitchell, that Resolution No. 73-78 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Gibbs. Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 5. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 (BOND SALE) RESOLUTION NO. 73-79) A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SERIAL BONDS PROVIDING A PREPAYMENT PREMIUM TO REPRESENT UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AGAINST PUBLICLY OWNED OPERATIVE PROPERTY. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 50 After report by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, that approximately $350,000.00 in serial bonds will be issued on Local Improve- ment District No. 50, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Resolution No. 73-79 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: 08 02 73 :J:)'tS AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele. Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 6. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT FROM DR. NORMAN A. BALLANTINE, ET UX, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 54-3. PARCEL 1 R-l. AT A COST OF $2.000.00 After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, and noting that funds would be recoverable from Local Improvement District No. 54, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Boneystee1e, that easement from Dr. Norman A. Ballantine, et ux, Local Improvement District No. 54-3, Parcell R-l, be accepted at a cost of $2,000.00. Carried by the following vote: ' AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneystee1e, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 7. CLAIM OF CARLOS A. PEREZ IN THE AMOUNT OF $480.00 After explanation by Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, and Mr. Robert Hinkson, Manager, Maintenance Department, and upon the recommendation of Mr. Hinkson. it was moved by~ember Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that the claim of Carlos A. Perez in the amount of $480.00 be denied, but that a claim in the amount of $440.00 be paid after receipt of a signed Release in Full Settlement and Compromise. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 8. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF PHASE IV ON DISTRICT AND GARBAGE FRANCHISES Board Members, Staff and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, reviewed in general the District's role in solid waste management and discussed the District's possible future role in light of District energy require- ments and the activities of other governmental entities in solid waste management. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 73-80, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ELIGIBLE LIST FOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC It was moved by Member Mîtchel1, seconded by Member Gibbs, that Resolution No. 73-80 be adopted. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan lO. OTHER BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA None. ll. , INFORMATION None. VIII. REPORTS 1. COMMI TTEES a. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE RECYCLING President Rustigian stated that he would attend the Advisory Connnittee meeting on August 15,1973, vice Member Boneysteele whose personal schedule precludes attendance. b. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SANITATION AGENCIES Members Mitchell and Gibbs, Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager~Chief Engineer 0,8:' 0,2,' 7:3.;' 159 and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, each reported on the CASA meeting held July 25-28, 1973, at which Mr. Horstkotte was the recipient of the first Carley V. Porter award for "Distinguished Performance by an Individual in the Field of Collection, Treatment, Reclamation and Protection of the Waters of the State of California". After discussion regarding activities at the CASA meeting, it was moved by Member Gibbs, seconded by Member Mitchell, that a letter expressing the position of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on "revenue'sharinglt be forwarded'to Senator Alan Cranston. Mr. Bohn was requested to prepare the letter for signature by President Rustigian. Carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Gibbs, Mitchell and Rustigian None Allan 2. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Horstkotte reported that work performance by A. P. Pipeline Construction Company on the Rudgear Rqad, District Sewering Project 2100, was not satisfactory. He stated that the Company had been informed twice by the District of unsatisfactory progress on the project. Staff is monitoring the project closely and has requested a new work schedule for completion of the project. ~r. Horstkotte presented a progress report on the construction of the maintenance storage building. He stated that award of proposal ($13,910.00) was made to Delcon Associates, Inc., because its proposal represented the best building in relationship to price, dimensions, appurtenances and guaranteed exterior finish. Discussion followed with Mr. Horstkotte explaining in detail the advantages of the building proposed by Deleon Associates, Inc., and Mr. Bohn, Counsel for the District, explaining administrative requirements for receiving proposals. 3. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT Mr. Bohn reported on current activities of the Contra Costa County Solid Waste Management Policy Committee. He indicated that the Policy Committee planned to recommend to the Board of Supervisors a reorganization of the Policy èommittee to include a total of eighteen voting members, one of which would be a representative from Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. 4. SECRETARY Mr. Davis reported on administrative procedures regarding the election of Directors to the Sanitary District scheduled for November 6,1973. Discussion followed. Mr. Davis presented explanatory information on Resolution 73-81, A Resolution Overruling Protests and Adopting the Report Pursuant to Section 5473, Health and Safety Code, which was adopted by the Board on July 19, 1973. IX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR Member Mitchell commented that information presented in the latest District Financial Statement was more explanatory. Member Mitchell commented on District treatment plant capacity during peak flows. Mr. Horstkotte, General Manager-Chief Engineer, and Mr. Niles, Manage~ Plant Operations, gave assurance that even at peak flows, the District could still meet discharge standards. 08 0,,2 73 160 08 x. ADJOURNMENT At 10:44 o'clock P.M., President Rustigian adjourned the meeting to August 9. 1973. ../~ / ' :> '.~ ~ t-t.// Preside of the Dis Central Contra Costa Contra Costa County, COUNTERSIGNED: E: / (J JJ evu 'L~ Secretary of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California 02 73 rict" oard of the Sanitary District of , State of California