HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-23-81 1896 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON APRIL 23,1981 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on April 23, 1981. President Campbell called the meeting to order and requested the Secretary to call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: ABSENT: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell Stanley President Campbell advised that Member Stanley had indicated he would be unable to attend this meeting and requested that the minutes show him as being excused. II. EXPENDITURES Members Boneysteele and Dalton, members of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that they had reviewed the expenditures and found them to be satisfactory. After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Carlson, that running expense Warrant Nos. 14871-14877, 14984- 15057,15267-15283 and 15292-15416; Sewer Construction Warrant Nos. 1400-1415 and 3807-3822; and Payroll Warrant Nos. 1645-1660 and 8691067- 8691298, be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. III. CONSENT CALENDAR After discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Items 1 and 2 be approved and respective resolutions adopted and Item 3 be approved. 1. Acceptance of Grant of Easements at no cost to the District, adoption of respective resolutions and authorize their recording. , Grantee Area Job No. Parcel No. a. Paige Properties Walnut Crk 3440 1 b. P. F. Santini, etal Walnut Crk 3355 3 R-l c. Carma Dev. Inc. Walnut Crk 3355 4 R-l d. Vista Montanas, Inc. Pacheco 3427 2 e. Vista Montanas, Inc. Pacheco 3427 4 Res. No. 81- 71 81- 72 81-73 81-74 81-75 2. Authorize execution of Consent to Dedication to Contra Costa County Subd 5967 (Job 2081-Parcel 7) Resolution No. 81-76. 3. Authorization for PA 81-10 (Danville area) to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell None Stanley President Campbell then called for any requests to take agenda items out of order. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, requested that after the Board considers the next item on the agenda, (IV ENGINEERING 1 a & 1 b), that they di gress from the order of the agenda to hear item "VI. SOLID WASTE-l. Garbage Rate Increase Application" and item "X. REPORTS, GM-CE - Review of 1980-81 Goals and Objectives". Board members voiced no objections to the General Manager's request. , " ¡' if". , '.,", ",,11 ~, ~" ,y """" .. 8,9 , .I. 1897 IV. ENGINEERING CONSIDER ORINDA ASSOCIATION REQUEST FOR SEWER MORATORIUM FOR PERIOD OF EIGHT MONTHS IN THE EL TOYONAL AREA OF ORINDA 1 a. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that a letter has been received from the Orinda Association requesting an eight-month moratorium on sewer extensions in the El Toyonal area of Orinda, to give the Orinda Association time to propose a specific development plan and for the Orinda Area Planning Commission to consider and adopt such a plan for that area. Member Carlson asked if the moratorium would affect the Board's acceptance of the amended draft EIR. Mr. Dolan replied that the Board action would be to approve the amended draft EIR and the Notice of Completion. The Final EIR would be scheduled for approval at the meeting of June 4. Mr. Voelker, representing the Dos Osos/Alta Vista Association, voiced a complaint that he was not informed of the District Board meeting. He stated that other members of the Association are attending a meeting of the Orinda Planning Commission this evening in an effort to formulate a density plan for the North Orinda area. Board discussion followed, wherein President Campbell expressed concern over delaying the proposed Dos Osos/Alta Vista project for an 8- month period, in light of the fact that extension of sewer lines in this area is not a new issue. The lack of sewers in the area has posed a hardship for those people who want to build homes on their property but cannot do so without a sanitary sewer connection. Member Carlson commented that a public hearing had been held on the proposed project, which was well noticed in the area and received a good attendance. The specific areas of concern contained in the draft EIR have been complied with. Taking those points into consideration, it would be awkward for the Board to declare a moratorium effecting this proj ect. Mr. Carniato, District Counsel, stated that he foresees no complications with accepting the Amended Draft EIR but does have legitimmate concern as to whether the District could legally impose a moratorium. He would like to discuss this matter with the attorney representing the Orinda Association. Member Boneysteele suggested that the matter be held over until the meeting of May 7 at which time the Board could make a decision on the matter. Member Dalton was not in favor of any delay and moved that the District proceed with the project. Motion failed for lack of a second. It was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Dalton, that no action be taken at the present time on the moratorium in the El Toyonal area of Orinda. Motion failed by the following vote: AYES: 'NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Carlson and Dalton Boneysteele and Campbell Stanley Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, indicated that staff will contact the Orinda Association and the Dos Osos/Alta Vista Association requesting clarification of their intentions. Staff will then submit a recommendation to the Board on May 7 to either proceed with the project or place an 8-month moratorium on sewer line extensions in the El Toyonal area. 04 ') {t; I;""!-' " HI 1898 Mr. Carniato felt that the requested May 7th date would not give adequate time to compile the needed information and provide notice to those concerned. Mr. Dolan replied that he requested the May 7 date because of his concern for the property owner. Should the time for a Board decision be extended further, the property owner would be losing some of the building season and encounter more cost. b. RECEIVE AND CONSIDER THE AMENDED DRAFT EIR FOR DOS OSOS/ALTA VISTA SEWER EXTENSION IN THE ORINDA AREA AND ESTABLISH A DATE FOR BOARD REVIEW ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE EXTENSION After discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Carlson, that the staff recommendation in regard to the Amended Draft EIR be approved as follows: (1) accept the Amended Draft EIR for Dos OsosjAlta Vista sewer line extension in Orinda; (2) File a Notice of Completion with the Secretary for Resources; (3) Send a copy of the "Notice of Completion" and the Amended Draft EIR to all concerned public agencies and a copy of the "Notice of Completion" to property owners located contiguous to the proposed project; and (4) establish May 27, 1981 as the last day for submission of written comments on the Amended Draft EIR, and the June 4, 1981 Board Meeting for review and Certification of the Final EIR. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Stanley VI. SOLI D WASTE 1. DECISION REGARDING GARBAGE RATE INCREASE APPLICATIONS Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that a hearing concerning applications for rate increases received from various garbage collection franchisees was held at the meeting of April 9 and the matter is now being returned to the Board to determine the appropriate rate increase for the respective collector applicants. Mr. Frank Brophy of Danville addressed the Board commenting on the Fox Report. and a consolidation of services by Valley Disposal in his area. He stated that cost savings resulting from the operation changes should reflect a rate reduction and not an increase. He requested that the Board restudy the collector's request for a rate increase and give some consideration to the residents. Mr. Skaggs, attorney for Valley Disposal Service, replied that consolidating the garbage pickup and trimmings pickup into one pickup, does not result in a 50% cost decrease. There is a reduction in fuel cost but it is most difficult to project the amount of savings at this time. Discussion followed after which Member Dalton moved to adopt the following rate structure: Valley Disposal Lafayette Disposal Moraga Disposal Orinda $7.50 first can 7.50 first can 7.50 first can 7.25 first can $3.40 second can $3.40 second can $3.25 second can $3.50 second can Motion failed for lack of a second. After further discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that a resolution be adopted establishing the following rates for garbage collection. Resolution No. 81-78. Valley Disposal & Diablo Lafayette Disposal Orinda-Moraga Disposal (Orinda) (Moraga) (combined) $7.50 $7.55 $7.15 $7.60 04 23 . 81 1899 Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Member: ABSENT: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele and Campbell Dalton Stanley The adopted rates are as calculated and reported in the Fox Company analysis as presented to the Board on April 2,1981. The second item requested to be taken out of order was taken up next. X. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that he has requested the Department and Division Managers to review their goals and objectives for 1980-1981 in an effort to serve as a prologue to the District Budget for 1981-82. Each of the managers gave a summation of their department's accomplishments for the past year and explanations regarding on-going projects in the Collection System Operations, Engineering and Plant Operations Departments. At the conclusion of the presentations, Board Members thanked the staff and requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for the second Board meeting in May for further consideration. There being no further items to be taken out of order, President Campbell reverted to the order of the Agenda. IV. ENGINEERING AUTHORIZE FILING OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION ON DISTRICT PROJECT 3399 2. After discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization to file a "Notice of Completion" with Contra Costa County Recorders Office for District Sewering Project 3399 be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell None Stanley 3. AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE LIME STABILIZATION PROJECT Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, requested that this item be deferred to the meeting of May 7. There were no objections. 4. APPROVE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3525 (EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEM) After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Carlson, that the contract documents for District Project No. 3525 be approved and advertising for bids be authorized. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell None Stanley 04 -) i) ~ t.:i 81 1900 5. APPROVE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3516 (RELOCATION OF NATURAL GAS FACILITIES) After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the contract documents for District Project 3516 be approved and advertising for bids authorized. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Stanley 6. AUTHORIZE $60,000 IN ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO COMPLETE TRAILER CITY Mr. Dolan, GM-CE explained that additional funds will be required to complete all the work on the temporary office space, located at the Treatment Plant and known as Trailer City. After discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization for $60,000 in additional funds to complete Trailer City be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Stanley 1. V. BUDGET AND FINANCE APPROVAL OF BILLS FROM DISTRICT COUNSEL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, FEBRUARY 1 - APRIL 10,1981 2. APPROVAL OF BILL FROM CROSBY, HEAFEY, ROACH AND MAY FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1981 APPROVAL OF BILL FROM CORBETT, KANE & BERK FOR LABOR LAW RELATIONS 3. After discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the statement from Carniato and Dodge for professional services rendered from February 1,1981 through April 10,1981 totalling $8,565.0h,thestatement:from Grosby~_Heafey, Roach and r1ay for professional services rendered during March, 1981, and the statement dated March 27, 1981 from Corbett, Kane & Berk in the amount of $9,700 be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Member: Stanley VI. SOLID WASTE 1. DECISION REGARDING GARBAGE RATE INCREASE APPLICATIONS This item was discussed and acted upon earlier in the meeting as ftrst item of business following "IV. Engineering lb." VII. PERSONNEL 1. AUTHORIZE ONE TEMPORARY ENGINEERING ASSISTANT POSITION IN THE SPECIAL PROJECTS DIVISION OF THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that this year there is a backlog of projects in the Special Projects Division which could be undertaken by a temporary employee. However, the level of work is at the Engineering Assistant Classification (Salary Range 71-A, $11.96 per hour). The duration of the temporary position would be for a period of 12 weeks beginning June 22. () ,"",>' '. 4~~~ , f ." J- .. 1901 After discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Carlson, that authorization to create one temporary Engineering Assistant position in the Special Projects Engineering Division for a 12-week period, beginning June 22, 1981 be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, and Campbell None Stanley 2. RESCIND RESOLUTION #81-26 AND ADOPT A NEW RESOLUTION Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that inadvertently Resolution #81-26 (adopted on February 5,1981) included the adoption of the Class Description for Sr. Engineer (Mechanical) and Associate Engineer (Maintenance) prior to meet and confer sessions with the Employees' Association in regard to those descriptions. Therefore, it is necessary to rescind resolution #81-26 and adopt a new resolution to replace resolution #81-26, which does not include the class descriptions for Senior Mechanical Engineer and Maintenance Engineer. After discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Carlson, to adopt a resolution rescinding resolution #81-26. Resolution #81-77. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell None Stanley It was also moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Carlson, to adopt a resolution cancelling the class description for Plant Division Manager and adopting class descriptions for Administrative Department Manager, Deputy General Manager and Plant Operations Department Manager, effective February 5, 1981. Resolution #,8,l':'17A.. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell None Stanley VIII. EMPLOYEE TRAINING 1. AUTHORIZE $750 FOR MICHAEL JOHNSON, CONTROL SYSTEM ENGINEER, TO ATTEND A DIGITAL CONTROL CLASS IN PALO ALTO After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, and Board discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Michael Johnson, Control System Engineer, be authorized $750 to attend a Digital Control Class in Palo Alto on May 4-6, 1981 at a cost not to exceed $750. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Member: None. 1. Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell None Stanley IX. ITEMS LATE FOR THE AGENDA X. REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Dolan reported as follows: a. He requested that the status of the OXICON salary surveys report be presented in closed session. b. He reviewed the District Board calendar for April, May and June with the Board Members. The Personnel Committee is scheduled to meet on May 12 to review the personnel budget. Approval of the Perssonel, O&M and Equipment Budgets are scheduled for May 28, 1981. (Adjourned meeting). 04 81 23 1902 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Carniato requested a closed session at the end of the meeting to discuss matters pertaining to employees' negotiations, meet and confer, and pending litigation. 3. COMMITTEES a. Member Carlson reported that he had been advised by Mr. Ernest LaSell, Director of CCCWD, that the firm of Montgomery Engineers has been retained to perform the Water District's Alum Sludge Study. A committee comprised of three people (of which Mr. Carniato is one) has been formed to select an arbitrator who will render a decision in regard to the issues between the CCCWD and Central San concerning Alum Sludge. 4. SECRETARY None. XI. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR a. As a result of comments made in various Goals and Objectives presentations, Member Carlson stated that funds should alway be made available for any necessary safety programs. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, replied that staff has not made any decisions concerning safety programs that would be impeded by lack of funding. b. Mr. Ken Barker, Construction Division Manager, addressed the requesting clarification of his involvement in the Peterson/Simpson litigation matters now that the Litigation Claims Section has been terminated. Discussion followed wherein it was the consensus that his responsibilities were made quite clear by previous correspondance and Board actions in regard to the Litigation Support Unit. At 10:33 p.m., President Campbell recessed the meeting. Board XI I. CLOSED SESSION At 10:38 p.m., President Campbell reconvened the meeting and declared a closed session to discuss personnel and litigation matters. At 11:27 p.m., President Campbell concluded the closed session and reconvened in open session. a. As a result of discussion in closed session, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Carlson, that a resolution be adopted appointing the law firm of Corbett, Kane and Berk to act as the Board's representatives in meet and confer sessions with the Employees' Association on wages and benefits. Resolution No. 81-79. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell None Stanley b. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, announced that Mr. Nick Bane, Maintenance Superintendent, is leaving Central San to take a position at the Las Vegas Wastewater Treatment Plant as Maintenance Division Manager. XII I. ADJOURNMENT At 11 :29 p.m., President Campbell adjourned the meeting. B esident of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 04 23 81'