HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 04-09-81 1889 ¡, .l'¡ '.. J, ,$" , " MINUTES OF A REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON APRIL 9,1981 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 1250 Springbrook Road. Walnut Creek. County of Contra Costa, State of California, on April 23, 1981. President Campbell called the meeting to order and requested the Secretary to call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: ABSENT: Member: Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton and Campbell Stanley Member Stanley arrived at 7:37 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19,1981 After discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Dalton, that the minutes of February 19,1981 be approved with the following corrections: Under "III. CONSENT CALENDAR:' in the first sentence change "Member Campbell" to read "Member Carlson". Under II X I. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR, c. II , in the second pa ragraph, first line, change "Member Campbell II to read "Member Carlson". Under II IV. ADMINISTRATIVE, 2. REPORT AND DISCUSSION ON 1981 FLOW STUDY", change the first sentence in the sixth paragraph to read as follows: "Member Dalton stated that the District cannot place controls on the City of Concord service because there are no limitations on service stipulated in the City of Concord Contract except under specific order of the Regional Water Quality Control Board." Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele. Dalton and Campbell Members: None Member: Stanley II!. HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING REQUESTED INCREASES FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION Mr. Dolan advised that at the Board's request, staff has recalculated and modified the garbage rate increase analysis prepared by Fox and Company. It is staff's recommendation that the Board hear all the testimony' on the request for rate increases and defer action to the meeting of April 23. He requested Mr. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer, to give his report. Mr. Funasaki explained the two revisions contained in the Fox Report for Orinda/Moraga. (1) Readjustment of the depreciation expense for the leased vehicles which were capitalized for rate setting purposes; (2) The projected revenue, without the increase, for the fiscal year ending March 31, was overstated due to misinterpretation and was adjusted. Mr. Funasaki indicated that Orinda/Moraga has submitted a request rate increase of 17%. As a result of the Fox Company's analysis, staff has calculated a rate increase of 10.1% for Orinda/Moraga. " '", f . ~'" i .~J 1890 On February 1, 1981, the service level for the Town of Moraga was extended to include a weekly clipping pickup and three general clean-up collections during the year. This resulted in a supplemental charge of $1.15 per month to each residential customer. Therefore, the rate adjustment determined under these proceedings will be applied to the preexisting rate exclusive of the $1.15 charge. President Campbell opened the hearing and asked if there was anyone in the audience desiring to address the Board on the issue. Mr. Peter Brethauer, Accountant for Orinda/Moraga Disposal, addressed the Board stating that they are substantially in agreement with the Fox analysis, but they, like Valley Disposal, would favor a modification to the 95% operating ratio concept. Mr. Bill Jasper, representing the Town Council of the Town of Moraga, indicated that upon reviewing the rate analysis, it was the consensus of the Council that a rate increase of 9.9% for the Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service rates in the Town of Moraga would be appropriate. In addition, Mr. Jasper requested that the District try to review the rate differential between Orinda and the Town of Moraga based upon Orinda's different service requirements and terrain. It was the consensus of the Board that the rate differential should be reviewed prior to any rate consideration for the year beginning April 1,1982. The Board then proceeded to consider the rate increase request from Valley Disposal Company and its subsidiaries. Mr. Funasaki indicated that Valley Disposal and subsidiaries have submitted a combined requested rate increase for Valley Disposal and Diablo Disposal of 15% and a requested rate increase for Lafayette Disposal of 15%. As a result of the analysis prepared by Fox and Company, staff has calculated a combined rate increase for Valley Disposal and Diablo Disposal of 9.5% and a rate increase of 8.7% for Lafayette Disposal. Mr. Funasaki provided clarification on general items as requested by the Board regarding the rate increase request for Valley Disposal and its subsidiaries. The issues requiring clarification were: (1) Leasing of trucks from F & F leasing, (2) executive compensation, (3) 95% operating ratio and (4) Acme Fill Dividend. Mr. Skaggs, Attorney for Valley Disposal Comapny and its subsidiaries, gave the following comments to the three issues. (1) On the subject of executive salaries, management salaries have decreased between 1978-81 in spite of customer growth. The reduction in force of three people has been absorbed by Mrs. Fiorentino assuming the supervision of the office and assisting in other matters. Her salary is not a gratuity. Mr. Fiorentino has consolidated truck repairs for Lafayette Disposal with those of Valley Disposal, consolidated the trimmings and garbage pickup. (2) Mr. Skaggs requested that the Board consider lowering the 95% operating ratio to 93%, inasmuch as the 95% ratio allows for only a small ma rj in of profi t. (3) Mr. Skaggs contended that to include the dividend from Acme Fill as an offset to dumping charges would be inappropriate. Acme Fill charges its collectors 87~ per ton for dumping which is a cost lower than anywhere else. The collectors have been providing a benefit to the public. To take the dividend from Acme Fill as an offset against the owners would be wrong. Also, it is the County's responsibility to regulate any of the dumping rates. Member Dalton disagreed with Mr. Skaggs' comment regarding Acme Fill stating that the County does not appear to be doing any regulating of dumping and that a determination of a reasonable rate for dumping could be arrived through a review of Acme's books and performing a complete analysis. 0,:1 , '" (l.9 81 . 1891 04 Board discussion followed. Member Boneysteele suggested that a summary of all the issues discussed be forwarded to the Board for their review prior to the date of ,the next meeting. There being no further discussion, President Campbell closed the Public Hearing. ' It was the consensus of the Board that staff had provided sufficient information, and that action on the matter of requested garbage rate increases will be taken at the next scheduled Board meeting on April 23, 1981. At 9:15 p.m., President Campbell declared a 5 minute recess. At 9:20 p.m., President Campbell reconvened the meeting and proceeded with the agenda. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR After discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Dalton, that Items 1 through 5 be approved and respective resolutions adopted. 1. Acceptance of Grant of Easement at no cost to the District, adoption of respective resolutions and authorize their recording. Grantee Area Res No. Parcel No. Job No. a. Malibu Grand Prix Corp. Pacheco 2729 3 81-60A 2. Acceptance of Grant of Easement from Larry P. Lavine, et ux, DSP 1544, Parcel 12, Lafayette area, at a cost of $1500 to the District. Resolution 81-61A 3. Acceptance of Grant of Easement from Albert C. Wright, DSP 2695, Parcel 7, Walnut Creek area, at a cost of $5,500 to the District. Resolution No. al-62A. 4. Adopt a resolution authorizing President and Secretary to execute Quitclaim of Easement, Job No. 3355, Parcel 3 and authorize their recording. Resolution No. 81-63A. 5. Adopt a resolution authorizing President and Secretary to execute Quitclaim of Easement, Job No. 3355, Parcel 4 and authorize their recording. Resolution No. 81-64A. Motion was unanimously approved. President Campbell asked if there were any requests to take any agenda items out of order. As there were interested citizens in the audience, Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, requested to discuss an item of his report, being the Contra Costa County's proposal regarding tax distribution from newly annexed properties. Board members voiced no objection to the request. Mr. Dolan! GM-CE, advised that he and Jay McCoy had attended a meeting with County personnel, Supervisor McPeak, and EBMUD regarding the issue of distribution of future Ad Valorem tax revenue. After discussion, the County offered a compromise proposal whereby the District would receive an amount of revenue approximately half way between the amounts originally proposed by Central San and the County. It is proposed that this interim division of tax revenue will be applicable to property annexations initiated prior to October 31, 1981. The October 31 date permits processing of the current backlog of annexation requests and provides time to explore other alternatives for sharing the tax revenues from such annexed properties. It is staff's recommendation that the Board accept the compromise proposed by the County. 09 81 1892 Board discussion followed. It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Dalton, that the proposed Ad Valorem tax compromise offered by Contra Costa County in regard to pïoperties initiated for annexation to Central San between this date and October 31, 1981, be approved in principle subject to review of the written proposal from the County with the understanding that the compromise proposal may be subject to change after the October 31 date and that a resolution be adopted to that effect. Resolution No. 81-70. Motion was unanimously approved. . It was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Stanley, that the following pending annexations be approved for inclusion in the next formal annexation to the District, subject to the acceptance of the Ad Valorem tax sharing compromise by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors: PA 80-49, PA 81-1, PA 81-2, PA 81-3, PA 81-5, PA 81-7, PA 81-8 and PA 81-9. Motion was unanimously approved. There being no further requests to consider items out of order, President Campbell reverted to the order of the agenda. v. ENGINEERING 1. CONSIDER REQUEST BY JOHN OLAFSON FOR EASEMENT CONDEMNATION Mr. Carniato, District Counsel, advised that a copy of the April 1, 1981 letter to the Board had been sent to Mr. Olafson. The letter outlined the available options for sewering the Olafson property. Under current District Ordinances, regulation and policies, there is only one course of action open to Mr. Olafson and that is to install a gravity line in public rights of way subject to our rebate ordinances. He outlined three alternative theories that could be utilized in sewering the property: Condemnation of a lot line easement. Installation of a gravity sewer in public thoroughfare with possible District participation. Installation of a pump and a small pressure line to a gravity sewer in the street above Mr. Olafson's property. Board and staff discussion followed wherein it was the consensus that the pump installation would be the most viable of the three options. Present in the audience was Mrs. Olafson, who concurred with the Board and staff's recommendation. 1. 2. 3. After discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Carlson, that authorization for installation of a sewage pumping unit on the Olafson's property be approved subject to certain engineering conditions and with the stipulation that an agreement be executed by the Olafson's and recorded committing the subject property to be connected by gravity to a sewer line at such time as a gravity sewer connection becomes available. Motion was unanimously approved. 2. AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW OFFICE EQUIPMENT (DSP 3000) AND APPROVE ADDITIONAL FUNDING $63,000 FOR DESIGN PROJECT Dr. Weddle, Deputy Chief Engineer, directed the Board's attention to the construction schedule for the District's new Office Building and referred to Mr. Jay McCoy, Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager, to review the itemized cost breakdown for the.' preliminary studies and design of the project and the reasons for the additional funds request. Mr. McCoy mentioned that several changes have been made to the projects since the design development drawings were approved, resulting in an increase to the project design budget. The maximum fees set for MWM have not been exceeded. After Board and staff discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Stanley, that authorization to advertise for bids for the new office building project be approved and that $63,000 in additional funds for project design be authorized. Motion was unanimously approved. ("'1, tJ :, bl 1893 Member Carlson commented that a September 182 completion date appeared to be too long and that staff should try to set a more realistic completion date. Mr. Dolan replied that he would ask the architect if 12 months was a reasonable time for construction. VI. COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL $16,040 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR SLIP LINING 1.8671 OF 12" A.C. PIPE IN THE CLYDE AREA, DSP 1379 After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization to transfer an additional $16,041 from Sewer Construction Funds to Account No. 52.000.1379 for slip lining 1,867' of 12" A. C. Pipe in the Clyde Area be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. VI I. PERSONNEL 1. AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE PERSONS FOR 1981 SEASONAL PROJECTS Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that authorization is being requested to hire 31 persons to work on seasonal projects and fill in for vacationing permanent personnel this summer. It is also requested that the hourly rate for seasonal help be increased from $4.50 per hour to $5.00 and the rate for persons having special qualifications and/or prior experience with the District be increased from $5.50 to $6.00 per hour. Member Boneysteele asked if funds for the seasonal help were budgetted. Mr. Robert Baker, Plant Operations Department Manager, explained that there are sufficient funds in the Plant budget to cover the seasonal help for his Department through July 1. Member Carlson noted that 17 persons are requested for seasonal help at the Treatment Plant. In light of all the construction and remodeling projects underway at the Treatment Plant, would it be advantageous to hire that many people. Mr. Baker replied that 8 of the persons will be taking care of the grounds, which require a lot of work during the warm summer months; 2 will be used by the mechanical crews; with the balance in Special Projects, Maintenance Engineering, Safety and Computer sections. After discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Dalton, to authorize the hiring of 31 seasonal personnel; and to increase the hourly rate for beginning and inexperienced seasonal help' from $4.50 to $5.00 per hour and to increase the hourly rate for experienced or special qualified help from $5.50 to $6.00 per hour. Motion was unanimously approved. 2. AUTHORIZE THE CREATION OF TWO TEMPORARY ENGINEERING ASSISTANT POSITIONS FOR THE SLIDE/TAPE OPERATOR TRAINING PROJECT Mr. Robert Baker, Plant Operations Department Manager, explained the Slide/Tape Training Project and requested authorization to hire two Sanitary Engineering graduate students to work on the project. He indicated that the project is grant fundable. After Board and staff discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Carlson, to authorize two temporary Engineering Assistant positions to administer the Slide/Tape Operator Training Project and that such positions will be filled by Sanitary Engineering graduate students at a salary equal to range 71-A ($11.96/hr.). Motion was unanimously approved. 3. ADOPT A CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR THE POSITION OF SR. ENGINEER (MECHANICAL) RANGE 82 ADOPT A CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR THE POSITION OF ASSOCIATE ENGINEER, (MAINTENANCE), RANGE 77 4. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that subsequent to Board approval on February 5, 1981t the Personnel Officer, Plant Operations Manager, and Attorney met and conferred with the Employees Association and were in agreement with the class descriptions for the new positions. 04 09 tSJ. 1894 It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Dalton, that the Class Description and respective resolutions for the positions of Senior Engineer (Mechanical), Range 82 and Associat~ Engineer (Maintenance), Range 77, be adopted. Resolution No. 81-68 and 81-69. Motion was unanimously approved. VIII. ITEMS LATE FOR THE AGENDA AUTHORIZE $82,500 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT FOR PLANT AND LANDFILL ODOR CONTROL Dr. Weddle, Deputy Chief Engineer, explained that sludge odors become extremely strong during the warm summer months. Upon investigation, it has been determined that the use of lime reduces hydrogen sulfide gas. Implementation of the procedure will require the purchase of additional equipment. Once the furnaces are operating, the equipment installed under this project will continue to be needed for odor control at the Treatment Plant and will also serve as a backup odor control for sludge disposal. The cost savings resulting from employing this system would amount to approximately $45,000 per year. a. After discussion by Board and staff, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Stanley, that authorization of $82,500 from the Sewer Construction Funds for prepurchase of equipment for Plant and landfill odor control be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. b. AWARD CONTRACT FORDSP 3330, SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING REPAIRS, PHASE I Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that as previously mentioned the bids for this project had come in considerably higher than the engineering estimate. Upon re-evaluation by FMC Associates, it was revealed that some of the work scope had been omitted from the original estimate. FMC revised their engineering estimate to $145,000. The bid submitted by Ric Mar is for $170,000 and is considered to be reasonable. After discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Carlson, to award the bid for DSP 3330, Solids Conditioning Building Repairs, Phase I, to Ric Mar Construction in the amount of $170,100 and to include $19,900 for contingencies and construction inspection, total authorization $190,000. Motion was unanimously approved. c. TEMPORARY OFFICE SPACE AT TREATMENT PLANT Dr. Weddle, Deputy Chief Engineer, explained that due to modifications of the existing Plant Administration Building and relocating the Construction Division back to the Treatment Plant, it will be necessary to lease 6 additional tailors. The low bidder (Mobile Modular Management Corp.) has agreed to build new trailers for the District's use but requires a letter of intent that the District will lease them once they are built. The cost of the lease will be $40,000, excluding utilities, hookup, paving, mobilization and demobilization. After discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Carlson, that authorization to approve $40,000 for leasing six 12 x 56 office trailers for use during the remodeling and construction period at the Treatment Plant be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. IX. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dolan advised that Mr. Jay McCoy had contacted Mr.' Stan Davis from the City of Antioch regarding their thoughts on the new City H~ll Building.designed by MWM. Mr Davis stated that they were pleased wlth the quallty of work performed by MWM and any complications resulted from last minute changes made by the City Council. .. '{).l ('1. f)", ,I - 81 1895 b. Mr. Dolan advised that the bids for the blower assembly for the Stage 5B-I Project will be opened on April 21. c. Mr. Dolan requested Board authorization for Mr. Niles, Deputy General Manager, and himself to attend the AMSA Conference on April 25 in San Diego. There will be a lecture on contractor claims, which should prove beneficial. After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Dalton, that Roger J. Dolan and David G. Niles be authorized transportation, registration and lodging to attend the AMSA conference in San Diego. Motion was unanimously approved. d. Mr. Dolan advised that the declorination project will not be advertised for several weeks. e. Mr. Dolan advised that staff is in the process of compiling a Capital Expenditure Budget. He proposes to have a discussion with the Board at a future date as to the degree of authority staff can exercise in the disbursement of funds. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Carniato stated that due to his involvement in another deferred compensation plan, he has been advised by his accountant and tax counsel that he cannot participate in the District's deferred compensation plan. He is therefore, requesting Board authorization to withdraw from the plan. It was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Stanley, that John J. Carniato, District Counsel, be authorized to withdraw all of his funds from the District's Deferred Compensation Plan due to his involvement in another plan. Motion was unanimously approved. b. Mr. Carniato requested a closed session at the end of the meeting to discuss the D. W. Young protest, Employees' Litigation and two personnel matters. 3. SECRETARY None 4. COMMITTEES None X. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR a. Board members discussed the calendar for future agenda items. b. Member Dalton advised that he would be away during the month of May and would also be unable to attend the meeting of June 18. c. President Campbell advised that he would not be present at the meeting of May 21. XI. CLOSED SESSION At 10:38 p.m., President Campbell declared a closed session to discuss the D. W. Young protest, Employees' Association Litigation and two personnel matters. At 11:07 p.m., President Campbell concluded the closed session and reconvened the meeting. XI I. ADJOURNMENT At 11:09 p.m., President Campbell adjourned the meeting. 04 09 81 ~ sident of the District Board of the ntral Contra Costa Sanitary Distr.ict, County of Contra Costa, State of California '- -~.. "', 7 Secre ry of the lstrict Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California