HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 10-16-80 1797 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD OCTOBER 16,1980 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California on October 16,1980 at 7:30 p.m. President Carlson called the meeting to order and requested the Secretary to call roll 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell and Carlson Stanley Member Stanley arrived at 7:37 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 28,1980 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 4,1980 2. 3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1980 After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneystee1e, seconded by Member Dalton, that the minutes of August 28, 1980, September 4, 1980 be approved as corrected and the minutes of September 11,1980, be approved as presented. In the minutes of August 28, 1980, under IIIX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR, a.1I change the sentence to read as follows: "Member Boneysteele asked for information requiring the restricting of traffi c on Moraga Road. II Under II IX. as follows: MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR", change the last paragraph to read IIAlso as a result of the discussion in Executive Session, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Stanley, that the GM-CE and the Secretary of the District be authorized to execute a settlement with Ising Company (Culligan Soft Water) whereby Ising would be allowed to discharge their brine into the District subject to immediate disconnection if the District so requires it; and subject to Ising Company paying both standard District fees and any costs which may result from the discharge." In the minutes of September 4, 1980, under "IX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR, a.1I in the first sentence, delete the word "he" and insert the words lithe directors" in its stead. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Member: Boneysteele, Dalton, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES Members Boneysteele and Dalton, the Budget and Finance Committee, indicated that they had reviewed the expenditures and found them to be sati sfactory. 10 1 t~ ",,' Fi 'f ~' 1798 After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Dalton, that the Running Expense Warrant Nos. 12605-12615, 12762-12826, 12983-12984 and 12998-13084; Sewer Construction Fund Warrant Nos. 3708-3720 and 1223-1246; and Payroll Warrant Nos. 1612-1627 and 7610626-7610872; be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR After di scuss i on, it wa9-HJoved by Member Campbe~ll, seconded by Member Dalton, that items 1 through 4 and item 7 ,on the Consent Calendar be adopted and items 5 and 6 be approved. . 1. Resolution No. 80-211. Resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from W. G. Helmus, et ux, Orinda area, Job No. 3362, Parcell. 2. Resolution No. 80-212. Resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from J. Silberman, et al, Orinda area, Job No. 3362, Parcel 2. 3. Resolution No. 80-213. Resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from W. F. Ames, et ux, Walnut Creek area, Job No. 3365, Parcel 7. 4. Resolution No. 80-214. Resolution accepting an easement at no cost to the District from The Crow Canyon Group, San Ramon area, Job No. 3257, Parcel 3. Authorize PA 80-36 (Danvi11e area) to be included in the next formal annexation to the District. 5. 6. Confirm eight amended assessment diagrams and authorize their recording. 7. Resolution No. 80-215. Authorize execution of Quitclaim of Easement, Pleasant Hill area, Job 894, Portion of Parcell (ptn. Lots 8 through 19 and Ptn. parcel B Subdiv. 5407) Motion was unanimously approved. V. ADMINISTRATIVE 1. CONSIDER CLAIM BY DAVID EFRON, 727 OLD JONAS HILL ROAD, LAFAYETTE, FOR $50,000 IN PROPERTY DAMAGE Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that Mr. Efron has a Real Property Agreement with the District relating to a redwood deck and a swimming pool deck which are within the District's sewer easement. The basis for the claim is that Mr. Efron alleges the sewer trench was inadequately compacted thereby contributing to the house movement. Staff has been unable to discover conclusive evidence to support this claim. President Carlson asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to speak on the matter. There was no one. After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Dalton, that the claim from David Efron in the amount of $50,000 be denied and referred to District Counsel. Motion was unanimously approved. 2. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR LANDFILL GAS CONSULTING SERVICE Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, advised that Getty Synthetic Fuel, Inc., is developing a project to recover fuel gas from the Acme Fill Disposal Site. It is Getty's intention to submit a proposal to the District wherein they would agree to supply 50% of the Treatment Plant's current .l~, ".'" , ~ 'f ~ (},.' , (" , .~, ~.~ --------,- ----, --- --.. ---------,-.._.,--,.. ,_._------ ------- ---- -----.-..- 1799 fuel gas requirement. In order to properly evaluate the total cost of Getty's proposal, staff will require technical support from a firm that is knowledgeable and experienced in the field of low BTU utilization. Upon review of consultants, it was determined that the firm of John Carrollo Engineers would be most qualified to provide the necessary technical assistance. President Carlson questioned the urgency of initiating the contract with Carrollo Engineers in light of the fact that Getty has not as yet submitted their proposal to the District. It was explained that technical support would be provided on a limited request basis. Should Getty submit a proposal that is totally inappropriate, staff would not request any evaluation from Carrollo Engineers. However, staff would require technical support on any proposal that was determined to be worthwhile. After discussion by Board and staff, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Dalton, that the GM-CE be authorized to negotiate a contract with Carrollo Engineers for technical support on the Landfill Gas Utilization Project; but the contract will not be executed by the Board President until a firm worthwhile proposal is received from Getty Synthetic Fuel Co., and that any interim assistance provided to the District by Carrollo Engineers in regard to a Getty Synthetic Fuel proposal will be paid for on a per diem basis. Motion carried by the fo 11 owi ng vote: AYES: Members: Stanley, Dalton, Campbell and Carlson NOES: Members: None ABSTAINING: Member: Boneysteele ABSENT: Members: None V!. BUDGET AND FINANCE APPROVAL OF BILL FOR LITIGATION SERVICE 1. Mr. Carniato, District Counsel, requested that approval of the statement for litigation services be deferred until after its discussion in executive session. 2. AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF $2,465 TO WILLIAM A. KEEF, ET UX, FOR GRANT OF EASEMENT TO THE DISTRICT (DSP 2695, PARCEL 6, WALNUT CREEK AREA), ACCEPT EASEMENT AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that this is the first of 14 easements the North area of Walnut Creek which will be presented to the Board for their approval and acceptance. After Board and staff discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that approval and acceptance of the easement from William A. Keef, et ux, be deferred pending a staff report on the appropriateness of the proposed formula for determining easement costs. Also, staff was asked to consider presenting all 14 easements to the Board at once. 3. AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF 19 HALON FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AT THE PRICE OF $2,300 After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Stanley, that authorization for the purchase and installation of 19 Halon Fire Extinguishers at a cost of $2,300 be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. VI I. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1. REVIEW AND APPROVE PROPOSED LAYOUT FOR NEW MEETING ROOM (DSP 3000) Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, requested Mr. Jay McCoy, Manager-Collection System Engineering and Services Division, to review for the Board the 10 1 ,;. -"' t- :-~. ') ,~ 'f' <>. 1800 proposed layout of the new meeting room at the Plant as presented by MWM architects. Mr. McCoy explained the proposed layout and furnishings of the room. After discussion, Board Members expressed their general approval of the meeting room configuration and it was the consensus of the Board to approve in general the layout of the proposed meeting room with modifications in furnishing arrangements. VII I. ITEMS LATE FOR THE AGENDA None. IX. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dolan referred to the Training and Conference Summary report in the back of the Board books for their review. b. Mr. Dolan advised that he would be on vacation the following Friday, October 17. c. Mr. Dolan reported that the interviews of consultants for the garbage to energy project (RDF) were completed and staff will be submitting their recommendation to the Board at a future date. d. Mr. Dolan requested an executive session later in the meeting to discuss personnel matters and a matter of pending legislation. e. Mr. Dolan presented the Managers Report for the month of September. ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Accounting Division (1) Draft copies of the 1979-80 audit report by Laventhol & Horwath were submitted to the District on September 22,1980. Copies were forwarded to members of the Board of Directors I Budget and Finance Committee. Committee Member P. L. Boneysteele took exception to the adverse opinion in regard to depreciation of subsurface sewer lines. This opinion will be researched with the intent of a resolution by October 15, 1980. (2) A preliminary draft of a request for quotations for health and accident insurance was prepared and reviewed by staff and the Employees Association. (3) The State Compensation Insurance Fund performed the annual audit of our records to determine actual premium for the year 1979-80. Billing for balance of premium due in addition to estimated premium due in addition to estimated premium already paid should be presented by the end of October. A claim for partial reimbursement of annual premium will be filed with the State under the Legislative Mandated Cost Program. (4) The Town of Moraga submitted a request for the Board of Directors to authorize an increase in the level of garbage collection service to include a weekly garden trimmings pickup and three general cleanup pickups per year. (5) A new Service Agreement was submitted by George Hills Company for their claims reporting and adjusting services for 1980-81. The Agreement is essentially the same as for 1979-80 with exception of the annual charge for claims reporting and rates for claims adjusting services. The Agreement was forwarded to District Counsel for review. 1!- " J(J .. "'. ~ :,,'~,' )' ....' ',";¡," 0 J 1 ' ' 1801 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Collection System Engineering and Services Division (1) Final work on the Outfall Repair Project (DSP 3170) was completed. The haul road for the project was accepted by Acme Fill and becomes their responsibility. (2) The Design Section provided assistance to the Construction Division in regard to change orders on Holding Basin Project (DSP 3058-I). (3) The Survey Section spent 75% of their man hours for the month on the Holding Basin Project (DSP 3058-I). (4) Data is being compiled for presentation to the Regional Water Quality Control Board in regard to new pretreatment regulations. March 1, 1981 has been established as the deadline for compliance with the new regulations. (5) The total of new residential connections for this month were double the total for last year during this period. Construction Division (1) Odor Control System No.3 was placed in operation on September 25,1980. Finishing work is continuing on the system; painting, pavement patching, Panalarm panel and some minor punch list items. (2) The Holding Basin Renovation, Phase II Contract (3338) progressed with work on the alum sludge basins, levees and decant structures being completed. The alum sludge discharge was diverted from Holding Basin C to Alum Sludge Basin I and removal of the 6-inch alum sludge transmission line to Basin C began. Work also progressed on levees and grading of Basin B and the channel connecting it with Basin A. (3) Preliminary or improvement work was accomplished on numerous projects, including public address system, emergency electrical feeder, sealing of M.C.C. room in the Chemical Feed Building, removal of clearance violations along the railroad spur track, steam line modifications and instrumentation. PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT (1) The Treatment Plant received an average flow of 34 million gallons per day. The peak hourly flow was at the rate of 55.8 million gallons per day. (2) The plant was operated under the procedure of adding one-third of the normal lime volume to the primary treatment process for waste activated sludge removal, followed by biological secondary treatment mode. (3) During mid-month there was a period of biological upset in the treatment processes. Special testing and analyses programs were instituted in an effort to identify the upset. Several anomalies were discovered which could have contributed to the problem, but none that could be identified as a direct cause. There were no effluent test results that exceeded the NPDES permit during this period. (4) There were two residual chlorine violations, which were unrelated to the plant upset. (5) A total of 5,767 tons of sludge was disposed of this month, averaging 192 tons per day. The dewatered sludge averaged a total solids of 26.8 percent and met all requirements for disposal at the Acme Fill site. (6) There were no major equipment failures and efforts of the Maintenance Division were on preventive maintenance and repairs under work orders. 10 1 (> MO 1802 COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT (1) There were 13 sewer stoppages this month, bringing the total stoppages for the first quarter of 1980-81 to 37 against 44 for the same period last year. (2) Cleaning of root lines was the major work accomplished by our cleaning crews this month. Last year 75% of these lines showed substantial root regrowth and 82% had similar growth this year. (3) Extensive repaving work was accomplished throughout the District this month, with 6051 of sewer line replacement and completion of a slide repair of La Cuesta Road in Orinda. (4) The television inspection crew viewed over 20,0001 of new' pipeline this month while Hydro-Flush crews flushed 93,000' of pipeline. (5) Operations engineering activities included completion of the Office temporary roof repair project, slide restoration projects in the Hansen Lane and La Cuesta Road areas, a claim from Jonas Hill Road and planning for future pipeline liner installation projects. (6) There were 21 vehicles and one piece of equipment serviced, 53 vehicle and 21 equipment repairs (including one major engine rebuild in #28) and 5080 gallons of fuel were used. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT Mr. Carniato requested that he give his report regarding matters of potential litigation in executive session. 3. SECRETARY None 4. COMMITTEES None X. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR 1. President Carlson reported briefly on a letter from Mr. Ernest Lasell, Director of the Contra Costa County Water District, responding to Central San1s letter regarding the Alum Sludge Agreement. President Carlson said it would be appropriate to discuss it further in executive session. 2. Member Stanley reported on the Reno Treatment Plant tour taken by staff members and himself to inspect their phostrip removal process insta 11 ati on. At 8:30 p.m., President Carlson recessed the meeting. At 8:33 p.m., President Carlson reconvened the meeting. x!. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:34 p.m., President Carlson called an executive session to discuss litigation, statement for litigation services, personnel matters and correspondence from the Contra Costa County Water District regarding the Alum Sludge Agreement. At 9:42 President Carlson closed the executive session and reconvened the meeting. As a result of the discussion in executive session, it was moved by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Dalton, that the statement from Crosby, Heafey, Roach and May for legal services related to the Peterson/ Simpson litigation be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. '1 f 1 ' ~ t¡,~ 1 tt {?:f'\ 1803 Also, as a result of discussion in executive session, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Dalton, that a res'olution regarding the D. W. Young Construction Company, Inc. protest on intent to award Project 3272, Dechlorination Facility Improvement Project, be adopted. Resolution No. 80-210. Motion was unanimously approved. Also, as a result of discussion in executive session, it was moved by Member Dalton, seconded by Member Stanley, that the policy and procedure for cash benefit in lieu of retirement contribution to those District employees having thirty (30) years of service be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. XI!. ADJOURNMENT At 9:48 p.m., President Carlson adjourned the meeting. I . : lí~£~¿tL- President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: trict Board of the ta Sanitary District, Costa, State of California 10 1 f~ .', ,,) k f)