HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-15-79 1623 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD NOVEMBER 15, 1979 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a Regular Session at its regular place of meeting, 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California, on November 15, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. President Carlson called the meeting to order and prior to calling roll, called upon staff to present a film entitled "Interactive Graphics: A Man-Machine Partnershipll. This film concerning sewage treatment processes was produced by District Treatment Plant personnel in conjunction with Diablo Valley College. Board Members and District staff found the film to be most informative and well constructed. President Carlson requested the Secretary to call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Members: Stanley, Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson Members: None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 4, 1979 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 11,1979 It was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Allan, that the minutes of October 4,1979 and the minutes of October 11,1979, be approved as presented. Motion was unanimously approved. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES After discussion and explanation regarding certain bills by Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, (GM-CE), it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that RIE Voucher Nos. 9078 through 9205 inclusive, SIC Voucher Nos. 778 through 808 inclusive, and Payroll Voucher Nos. 882 through 1107 be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. IV. HEARINGS None. V. BIDS REPORT VEHICLE BIDS RECEIVED 11/7179 1. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that bids are for the 10 vehicles authorized in the 1979-80 Budget and bids on certain vehicles were received from the following dealers: Don Young Ford Anderson GMC Oakland Truck Center Sun Valley Ford The low bids for the various vehicles were as follows: 1 ]4 J- > ~",~",i f"\,' ',' , >'J '<;.1 "'"-', 1624 Bidder ~ Net Price Anderson GMC 1- 1/2 ton Pickup $ 5,622.40 Anderson GMC 2- 3/4 ton Pickup 14, 120 . 82 Don Young 2- Small Pickup (4 speed) 11 , 130. 98 Don Young 2- Small Pickup (automatic) 12,210.00 Sun Va 11 ey Ford 1- Sub/Compact 5,308.00 Sun Va 11 ey Ford 1- 1/2 ton CablChassis 14,217.65 Sun Va 11 ey Ford 1- Compact Sedan 6,255.07 Total $68,865.82 Mr. Dolan explained that in an effort to accelerate delivery and to reduce costs, staff has opted to subcontract painting of the vehicles in District colors and reconditioning of the utility beds and to separately purchase a dump box for the 1/2 ton Cab/Chassis. 2. ACCEPT BIDS AND AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF VEHICLES AS INCLUDED IN 1978-79 BUDGET After discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Campbell, to accept the low bids for the various vehicles as received, totalling $68,865.82, authorize purchase from the respective low bidder and approve additional subcontracting costs. Motion was unanimously approved. V1. OLD BUSINESS 1. PROPERTY TAX REVENUES RELATING TO DISTRICT ANNEXATION - 64 Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, advised as a matter of information that the District1s letter to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors regarding D.A. 64 has been remanded to the County Administrator. The letter requested the County, in accordance with AB 8, into an agreement with the District, relating to the negotiated exchange of property tax revenues in newly annexed areas. 2. AUTHORIZE AUGMENTATION OF DISTRICT FUNDS FOR PROJECT 5A-I, (C-06-0696-010-STEP 3) GRANT ADMINISTRATION Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that additional funding is necessary in order to continue grant administration for the 5A-I project. After discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Campbell, to authorize an additional $125,000 for Grant Administration and Emergency Construction Management for Project 5A-I. Motion was unanimously approved. 3. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL PLANNING Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, referred to Mr. Dalton, DGM-DCE, to review the Financial Plan for the Board Members. At the conclusion of Mr. Dalton's presentation, Mr. Dolan stated that the basic recommendations for the District1s Financial Plan are: (1) reduction or elimination of the property tax; (2) increasing the fixture rates; and (3) placing a $6,000,000 ceiling on the "Reserve for Future Trunk Sewers". In answer to Board query regarding the methods the County would employ in showing the tax reduction, Mr. Dalton responded the tax bill would contain a notation advising the property owner of the tax reduction and that amount would then be credited against the total sum. 11 1- te"1 9' J . 1625 Mr. Dolan pointed out that it is imperative that an agreement be established with the County declaring that the property tax could be reimposed should the District find it necessary to do so. While it is true that the District has always been a pay-as-you-go agency, high rates of inflation along with the passage of Propositions 13 and 4 raise major questions concerning the appropriateness of this policy into the future. Mr. Dolan stated that a large amount of data has to be considered prior to any decision. Therefore, staff is suggesting that an outside financial consultant be contacted to expertly advise the District in the development of the Plan and give recommendations for its implementation. He added that most of the actua 1 work on the Financial Plan wi 11 be handled by the District personnel. After discussion and further explanation, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Allan, that the Financial Plan be referred to staff for further investigation, including review by a financial consultant; and subsequently bringing the Plan back to the Board for final approval. Motion was unanimously approved. 4. RECEIVE CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, advised that a letter had been received from Mrs. P. Dietrich, 10 Lawton Court, San Ramon, questioning Valley Disposal's garbage rates as opposed to Livermore-Dublin Disposal Company. Staff commented that some of the cost difference was due to the fact that Valley Disposal provides a garden clipping pickup service, plus three cleanup pickups throughout the year, whereas, Livermore-Dublin Disposal does not offer this type of service. After discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Campbell, that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be instructed to reply to Mrs. Diedrich's letter, explaining the difference in service provided by Valley Disposal and Livermore-Dublin Disposal as it relates to the respective garbage collection rate. Motion was unanimously approved. VIr. NEW BUSINESS ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT AND ADOPTION OF RESPECTIVE RESOLUTIONS AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING 1. After discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Campbell, that the easements as listed be accepted at no cost to the District, respective resolutions adopted and their recordings authorized. Grantors Area Job No. Parcel Res. No. 3166 2 79-255 3297 1 79-256 2814 5&6 79-257 2373 ext. 1 79-258 3290 1 &2 79-259 a. Tibros Corp. Danville b. Emory M. Anderson & Esther Lafayette I. Anderson c. CCC Flood Control & Water Pacheco d. Alta Const. Co., Inc. Lafayette e. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. & Concord M. Belloc, as co-trustees of the Hope B. Belloc "A" & "B" Trusts Motion. was unanimously approved. 11 1 f, 9 ----",,----,------""""'-'--- 1626 2. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF EASEMENT QUITCLAIM, JOB NO. 1565, PARCEL 1, CONCORD After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Allan, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute a Quitclaim Deed to Wells Fargo Bank N.A. & M. Belloc, as co-trustees of the Hope B. Belloc "A" & IIB" Trusts, resolution adopted and its recording authorized. Resolution No. 79-260. Motion was unanimously approved. 3. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CCC, JOB NO. 3226 (SUB 5723), DANVILLE AREA After explanation and discussion, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute a Consent to Dedication to Contra Costa County at no cost to the District, Danville area, Job No. 3226, and a resolution be adopted that effect. Resolution No. 79-261. Motion was unanimously approved. 4. AUTHORIZE DETACHMENT OF .45 ACRE, LOCATED AT THE WESTERN CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF SHELL AVENUE AND HARBOR VIEW DRIVE IN MARTINEZ AREA After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, that the detachment of .45 acres at the western corner of Shell Avenue and Harbor View Drive, Martinez, be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. AUTHORIZATION FOR PA 79-29 (ONE PARCEL), ALAMO AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS 5. After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Campbell, that authorization for PA 79-29 (one parcel), Alamo Area, to be included in forthcoming District Annexation proceedings be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. 6. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF PG&E CO./CCCSD AGREEMENT FOR ALTERNATE ELECTRIC POWER SOURCE, TP GM190196 AND THE ADVANCE PAYMENT OF $17,529 TO PG&E After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, and Board discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Campbell, that the President be authorized to execute the agreement between Pacific Gas & Electricl CCCSD for standby electric power source for the Water Pollution Controll Reclamation Plant, and make the required advance payment of $17,529 to Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Motion was unanimously approved. 7. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH BROWNICALDWELL FOR COMPLETION OF THE STAGE 5B PHASE I PROJECT DESIGN Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, summarized the events leading to Amendment 7 of the original Brown and Caldwell Contract dated January 3,1974. This Amendment was drafted with the intent of covering the completion of the desiryn work that was previously authorized by the Board under Amendment 6. In addition, review and operation of the Project 5A-I Facilities has led to the development of a list of needed improvements which had not been included in the original 5A-I Project. This list has received the approval of the State Water Resources Control Board for grant funding. It is not included in Amendment 7, due to the complications and problems that had arisen in the existing 1974 contract. Therefore, District staff proposes not to continue under that original contract. Rather, a new contract has been drafted with a cost ceiling of $286,156.57 for completion of the added design work for the Stage 5B-Phase I Project. 11 1 i~) f""',.J 9.- j' '- ' ð 1627 In response to Board query regarding the issue of as-built drawings, Mr. Dolan stated that the proposed contracts include the as-builts on a cost plus fixed fee basis. Mr. Dolan stressed that the District had vital concern over the importance of expediting the completion of 5B-I. After discussion~ it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by President Carlson, to authorize execution of Amendment 7 to the January 3, 1974 contract for engineering services with Brown and Caldwell, with a cost ceiling of $55,451.98, and to authorize execution of the new Contract for Engineering services, with a cost ceiling of $286,156.57 for completion of the Stage 5B-Phase I Project Design and Office Engineering Services during construction, subject to approval of the documents by the State Water Resources Control Board. Discussion followed after which Member Boneysteele and President Carlson withdrew their motion. It was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Allan, to authorize the execution of Amendment 7 to the January 3,1974 Brown and Caldwell Cont ract. Discussion followed after which Member Stanley and Member Allan withdrew their motion. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that no action be taken on the staff recommendation at this time, that copies of the proposed new Brown and Caldwell contract be furnished to the Board for review, and that a special meeting be scheduled for Tuesday, November 27,1979 to further discuss the contract and take appropriate action. 8. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH FMC ASSOCIATES FOR REPAIRS TO THE SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE~ it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Stanley, to authorize the execution of a contract with FMC Associates~ having a cost ceiling of $66,000, for design of repairs to the solids conditioning building and to authorize the execution of a contract having a cost ceiling of $10,000, for evaluation and design of a centrate disposal system. Motion was unanimously approved. 9. AUTHORIZE $15,000 FOR SURVEY AND DESIGN OF DSP 3023, A RELOCATION OF SEWERS TO ACCOMMODATE THE MODIFICATION OF THE OAK PARK BLVD. & GEARY ROAD INTERSECTION WITH INTERSTATE 680, STATE UTILITIES AGREEMENT 106.75.0 Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that the State has directed the District to submit plans by December 17, 1979 for relocation of our sewer lines in Oak Park Boulevard and Geary Road at their intersection with Interstate 680, which may have to be relocated or revised as a result of the State's proposed highway modification (U.T. AG. 106.75.0). The cost of the work will be borne by the State, a preliminary estimate being $60,570. After discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley~ seconded by Member Campbell, to authorize $15,000 for survey and design of DSP 3023. Motion was unanimously approved. AUTHORIZE BOARD AND STAFF ATTENDANCE AT CASA FALL QUARTERLY MEETING IN CARMEL VALLEY 10. It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, that five Board Members and two staff members be authorized after the fact to attend the CASA Fall Quarterly Meeting in Carmel Valley on November 8- 10~ 1979. Motion was unanimously approved. 11 1 reo' '9....' .,/ \,>.."," ~ f~' """"-'-- "," ----,-,-------- ---,,------- - --.."'- ",-- 1628 11. AUTHORIZE D. G. NILES AND R. A. BAKER TO ATTEND A ONE-WEEK SEMINAR IN SAN MARCOS,. CA.,. ENTITLED "THE. DESIGN, OPERATIONAL CONTROL AND TROUBLESHOOTING OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE SYSTEMS After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, to authorize registration, travel and expenses up to $1170 for D. G. Niles, Manager-Plant Operations, and R. A. Baker, Plant Operations Division Manager, to attend the seminar entitled liThe Design, Operational Control, and Troubleshooting of Activated Sludge Systems" in San Marcos California, on December 10-15, 1979. Motion was unanimously approved. 12. PERSONNEL Administration a. ADOPT REVISED CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST (RESIDENT ENGINEER/CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION) After discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Allan, that a resolution be adopted cancelling the existing class description for Construction Specialist (Resident EngineerlContract Administration) and adopt a new class description for that position, dated November, 1979. Resolution No. 79-262. Motion was unanimously approved. b. REVIEW OF PERSONNEL ADVANCEMENT PROCEDURES Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, advised that the District's management with cooperation from the Employees Association has developed a procedure for advancing employees in certain classifications. The classifications covered are the entry and one or two subsequent classifications in each Department. The procedure does not cover any supervisory positions. The advancement is based on the demonstration of acquired skills and experience. After discussion, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Stanley, that the Personnel Advancement Procedure, as developed by staff, and dated November 1979, be approved. ~1otion was unanimously approved. 13. APPROVAL OF BILLS FOR LITIGATION SERVICES After explanation by Mr. Carniato, District Counsel, and discussion by the Board, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Stanley, that the statements from John J. Carniato for services rendered in the Acme Fill Corporation, Fred J. Early Jr., Roy Johnson vs. CCCSD, PetersonlSimpson vs. CCCSD matters, totalling $47,474.30, be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. 14. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA a. WITHHOLDING OF OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER 1979 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PAYMENTS Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that due to the modifications of the Deferred Compensation Plan, Hartford Insurance Company has suggested that the funds for the months of October-November be retained in an interest bearing account. It is the Insurance Company's opinion that the modified Deferred Compensation Plan should be implemented in time to accommodate the December payment. Ms. Julie Terry, member of the Employees Deferred Compensation Committee, pointed out that this modification should benefit approximately 62% of the District employees. 11 1 ,f) .r¡ 9- M.1J.J t.".' , Jl ':" ." -! 1629 After discussion, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Stanley, to authorize retaining the October and November 1979 deferred compensation contributions until approved modifications to the Plan can be effected (anticipated in December 1979). Motion was unanimously approved. b. AUTHORIZATION FOR PA 79-30 (ONE PARCEL) CONCORD AREA, TO BE INCLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, that authorization for PA 79-30 (one parcel) Concord Area, to be included in forthcoming District Annexation proceedings be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. VII 1. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dolan summarized the Personnel Summary Sheet, dated November 15, 1979 as follows: Positions Being Advertised Control Systems Engineer, Operator II, and Senior Mechanical Inspector Positions Being Tested Maintenance Technician I, Supervising Clerk-Typist Eligibility Lists Established Maintenance Technician I, Supervising Clerk-Typist Personnel Changes Permanent Appointments ROBERT BAKER, Plant Operations Division Manager, Range 82-A, $2,431, effective 10/18/79, promotion EDGAR CONWAY, Operator III, Range 65-E, $1,960, effective 11/1/79, promotion RANDY COVEY, Maintenance Technician III, Mechanical, Range 65-C, $1,782, effective 11/1/79, promotion GEORGE FOWLER, Operator III, Range 65-C, $1,782, effective 11/1/79, promotion KENNETH HARRISON, Maintenance Technician III, Mechanical, Range 65-A, $1,618, effective 11/1/79, promotion CLYDE L. HOPKINS, Maintenance Crew Member I, Range 53-A, $1,219, effective 10.1/79, new hire PAUL LOUIS, Maintenance Member I, Range 53-A, $1,219, effective 10/22/79, new hi re PHILLIP MEADOWS, Maintenance Crew Member I, Range 53A, $1,219, effective 10/1/79, new hire FRANK SHEA, Maintenance Crew Member I, Range 53-A, $1,219, effective 10/22/79, new hire 1 J~ "1 ~~ eo" t,\ ;;::J 1630 RICHARD SOYCHAK, Maintenance Technician III, Mechanical, Range 65-B, $1,698, effective 11/1/79, promotion Permanent-Intermittent PETER FILIPOVICH, Construction Technician (Claims Analyst), Range 72-B, $2,007, effective 10/15/79, new hire. EUGENE MELLO, Construction Technician (Claims Analyst), Range 72-B, $2,007, effective 12/3/79, new hire G. DONALD RISDEN, Construction Technician (Claims Analyst), Range 72-B, $2,007, effective 10/22/79, new hire RICHARD R. SMITH, Construction Technician (Claims Analyst), Range 72-B, $2,007, effective 1/2/80, new hire b. Mr. Dolan summarized the Managers Report for the month of November. Collection System Engineering and Services (1) The majority of the work was completed on the outfall repair project. The tie-in of the new section was scheduled for November 6, 1979 and was completed on November 9,1979. (2) Design continued on the north Walnut Creek (WS 23) trunk sewer parallel and the Grayson Road bypass. (3) Evaluations are being made on the adequacy of trunk sewer capacities and the need for upgrading existing systems in the various watersheds. (4) The number of new connections for this year is running ahead of last year's total. Collection System Operations (1) A project replacing 1,500 ft. of 6-inch pipeline is underway on Scenic Drive in Orinda. (2) The sewer cleaning section chemically treated 18,194 feet of root lines in the Walnut Creek area. (3) Over 44,000 feet of pipelines were inspected via TV in October, 37,500 of this total was new construction. (4) 2,000 feet of the original 72" Outfall pipe in the vicinity of the repair was inspected while Con co had the line pumped down for tie-ins. The 72" pipe line is in excellent condition. Plant Operations (1) The treatment plant received an average daily flow of 31.07 MGD with a daily maximum flow of 35.3 MGD and a minimum of 27.9 MGD. There was a total of 1.34 inches of rainfall which did not affect the flow into the plant. (2) There were no major failures of plant equipment or treatment processes which affected effluent quality. The final effluent discharged to the receiving water had average characteristics of BOD, 2 mg/l; suspended solids, 3 mgll for an average removal of 99.1 per cent and 99.3 per cent respectively. (3) There were four non-zero chlorine residuals recorded this month. These non-zero readings are attributed to malfunctions in the chlorine residual analytical equipment. (4) The major maintenance activities this month were concentrated on preparation of the plant for wet weather flow, preventive maintenance, and the performance of work orders. The plant operated on the temporary boiler for the full month and repair work on the plant's auxiliary steam system is progressing. c. Mr. Dolan advised that work on the steamline should be completed by the middle of December. d. Mr. Dolan reported on the outfall project. On Tuesday, November 6, effluent flow of the plant was diverted into the Holding Basins to accommodate the tie-in of the new section of outfall pipe. The contractor installed plugs in the line to permit tie-in work, but the plugs failed and as a result he had to pump down the entire line. Tie-in work was not completed until Friday of that week. ]~ J 1 r-: tj'Q , , " ; 1631 Dr. Clark Weddle, Deputy Chief Engineer, noted that we were able to store 30 MG in the clear well and Pond A was completely filled. Mr Dolan pointed out that the Operations Department performed extremely well in responding to the needs. He also complimented Jay McCoy, Manager- Collection System Engineering and Services Division, and his staff, on the excellent performance they displayed on this project. Dr. Weddle commented that Conca Company, the contractor for the project, proved to be most satisfactory and demonstrated methodology that had not been previously applied in that particular soil condition area. e. Mr. Dolan reported that there have been no new developments on the proposed Administration Building. He reported that there have been changes in the proposed building for the Construction Division. In previous discussion, it was mentioned that the building would be constructed with the intention of converting the structure to a maintenance facility at a future date. However, the Construction Division intends to use the proposed building for a minimum of 4-5 years, which would be too long to wait for a maintenance facility. Furthermore, the preferred location for this facility is not a good location for a maintenance building. The District would include this building in its long term space planning. There is a small parcel of land adjacent to the western boundary of the Treatment Plant site, which is owned by the County that would be a suitable site for the proposed building. Since the location of that site is such that it would not interfere with Plant operations, the building could be sold or leased at some point in the future, if the District found no further need for the structure. f. Mr. Dolan advised that the status of completion of 5A-I would be discussed at a special meeting in the future. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Carniato requested that an executive session be called at the end of the meeting. b. Mr. Carniato advised that he would be unable to attend the meeting of December 6,1979 because he would be out of the Country. 3. SECRETARY None 4. COMMITTEES None IX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR a. Member Allan reported that the Local Agency Formation Commission has allotted 82 acres in the Martinez area for annexation and sewer service by the Mt. View Sanitary (42 acres presently within Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the balance from unincorporated County area) b. As senior member of the Board, Member Boneysteele expressed the Board's thanks to Member Allan for the expertise and contributions he has given to the District during his thirteen-and-a-half years of service. In collaboration with staff, President Carlson prepared a resolution commending Member Allan for his service to the District. 11 1 !f::.,.,",",'"" ," ,i ..... ' , ' i"',','1 If"':'"<,:,.,, t ;;:; 1632 President Carlson proceeded to read the resolution after which it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by t1ember Campbell, that a resolution commending Don Allan for his service as a member of the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District be adopted. Resolution No. 79-263. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINING: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Members: Stanley, Boneysteele, Campbell and Carlson None Allan None Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, thanked Member Allan for his support and the expertise he has provided to the District especially in matters relating to personnel. Member Allan expressed his deep thanks to his colleagues on the Board and to staff and stated that the willing and supportive attitude given to him during his years on the Board gave considerable assistance in formulating sound decisions. c. Board Members discussed the meeting dates for the months of December and January. It was agreed that meetings be scheduled for December 6 and 20,1979 and January 10 and 17, 1980. At 11:10 p.m., President Carlson declared an Executive Session to discuss litigation matters. At 11:40 p.m., President Carlson closed the Executive Session and reconvened the meeting. x. ADJOURNMENT At 11:41 p.m., President Carlson adjourned the meeting to Tuesday, November 27, 1979. 'i ,.' /'LI' /,' . lz,d1'Y;. 1/'/1'?--'-"""-'- President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: 11 1""" """, . :J 79