HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-31-79 1520 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT MAY 31, 1979 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned regular session at its regular place of meeting~ 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California on May 31~ 1979, at 7:30 P.M. President Carlson requested the Secretary to call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson Stanley Member Stanley had indicated to President Carlson that he would not be present at the meeting and was therefore excused. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None. III. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES After discussion, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the expenditures paid by SIC Voucher Nos. 585 through 600 and R/E Voucher Nos. 7401 through 7523, be approved. Motion ca rri ed by the fo 11 owi ng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley IV. HEARINGS None. V. BIDS None. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer (GM-CE), introduced Mr. Thomas Briggin, of Warren, McVeigh & Griffin, Risk Management Consultants, (WM&G) to give their evaluation of the proposals submitted by Schroder Insurance Agency and Kaine and McAuliffe. Mr. Briggin stated that the firmls evaluation was made on original proposals submitted by the two brokers. The following criteria were used in preparing the analysis: (1) analyze the response of each broker to the request for the proposal; (2) breadth of coverage, restrictions and any limitation; and (3) analyze the cost of each respective proposal. Based on those criteria and original proposals, the Risk Management Consultants evaluated the proposal submitted by Kaine and McAuliffe as being more suitable to the District's needs. It was indicated by WM&G, that Schroder Insurance Agency was unable to obtain certain requested premium costs within the allowed time frame. Schroder did subsequently obtain the premium quotes and submitted them to the Board as part of his oral presentation on May 10, 1979. Mr. Briggin indicated that with the information now available, he would have to recommend that the District consider the Schroder Insurance proposal rather than the Kaine and McAuliffe proposal. 05 31 79 1521 Discussion followed wherein Board Members reviewed a tabulation of premium quotations, which was followed by questions relating to Directors and Officers Liability, Errors and Omission coverage, Boiler and Machinery insurance, etc. In answer to query from the General Manager-Chief Engineer, "Mr. Briggin discussed the concept and administration procedures connected with the Federal Disaster Relief Act. President Carlson commented that the Districtls present financial exposures, litigation and plant construction corrections, make it imperative to have proper insurance coverage and high deductibles. To minimize premium and suggest lower deductibles would be inappropriate at. this time. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, indicated that he was in general agreement with the self-insurance concept but to provide for the transition between the eventual plan of risk retention and the present situation of risk assignment, he proposed that for the first year the District carry a lower deductibles and after some experience the decisions be made to increase deductibles for future insurance coverage. He recommended that the proposed general liability of $100,000 be reduced to $50,000 and architects E&O be omitted. Mr. Dolan stated that he thought WM&G had conducted a thorough and logical analysis and would like to see the program implemented. However, the complete program will require both safety and claims adjustment programs and should therefore be approached slowly. Upon further review and discussion of the proposal evaluation, it was the consensus of the Board that since Schroder Insurance Agency served the District for several years, is most familiar with its history, and presented a thorough and economical insurance proposal, staff should further negotiate with Schroder in an effort to formulate a program to fit the Districtls present needs. It was then moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Campbell, that the GM-CE, be authorized to negotiate with Schroder Insurance and formulate a final recommendation to the Board regarding a policy on all coverages and deductible limits, including the cost of defense. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Membe r : Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley President Carlson thanked Mr. Briggin for appearing before the Board. 2. APPROVE PLANS AND PROJECT MANUAL AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR DSP 3203, PIPE CONNECTING PORTIONS OF POND A DIVIDED BY FRONTAGE ROAD Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that this item was discussed at the meeting of May 17 at which time the Board found this project to be categorically exempt and directed staff to file a Notice of Exemption. The exemption has been filed and the project is now ready for bid. After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Campbell, that the plans and project manual for DSP 3203 be approved and staff be authorized to solicit bids for said project. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Stanley VI I. NEW BUSINESS 1. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT AND ADOPTION OF RESPECTIVE RESOLUTIONS AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING After discussion, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member 05 31 79 1522 Campbell, that the easements, as listed, be accepted at no cost to the District, respective resolutions adopted and recordation authorized. Grantor Job No. Parcel Resolution M. H. Daniels and Shirley M. Daniels J. H. Blair K&E Const. Inc. Frederick Dyer-Bennet Motion carried by the following vote: 3106 3096 3096 3201 1 1 lA 3 79-93 79-94 79-95 79-96 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley 2. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF QUITCLAIM DEEDS AND THEIR RECORDING After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that authorization to execute Quitclaim Deeds to April Lea Frates, Orinda, Job No. 2549 Ext., and Blackhawk Corp., Danville, Job No. 3160, be approved, and respective resolutions adopted to that effect. Resolution Nos. 79-97 and 79-98. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley 3. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH JOHN E. MIGNOLA, ET UX, JOB NO. 1528, PARCEL 18, LOCATED AT 3301 MORAGA RD., LAFAYETTE Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that in 1963, the Mignola's property was constructed over a portion of the Districtls existing sewer easement. Staff has reviewed the situation and had determined that the proposed agreement adequately protected the District's interests and recommended execution of the agreement. After discussion, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the President and Secretary be authorized to execute an 'IAgreement Relating to Real Property" with John E. Mignola, et ux, Job No. 1528, Parcel No. 18, Lafayette, and that staff be authorized to record said agreement. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT:Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley 4. AUTHORIZATION FOR PA 79-13 ONE PARCEL DANVILLE AREA, PA 79-14 ONE PARCEL WALNUT CREEK AREA, PA 79-15 TWO PARCELS, SAN RAMON AREA, TO BE INcLUDED IN FORTHCOMING DISTRICT ANNEXATION PRUC~~DINGS After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, that authorization for PA 79-13 (1 parcel), Danville area, PA 79-14 (1 parcel), Walnut Creek area, and PA 79-15 (two parcels), San Ramon area, to be included in the forthcoming annexation proceedings to the District be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley AUTHORIZE $7,000 FOR RESTORATION AND PERMANENT MARKING OF ELECTROLYSIS TEST STATIONS ON THE MARTINEZ FORCE MAIN 5. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that marking these test stations is 05 31 79 \. .......... :" 1523 required in order to provide for full operation of our cathodic protection system. Over the years a number of the test stations have been paved over, buried or damaged. This authorization for $7,000 would enable Jay McCoy, Manager-Collection System Engineering and Services Division, and Robert Hinkson, Manager-Collection System Operation, to locate and reestablish lost or damaged test stations on the Martinez Force Mains.the Martinez are In answer to Member Allan's query, Mr. McCoy stated that the District does not have any agreement with Martinez to protect District test station facilities. After discussion, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Allan, that an authorization of $7,000 for restoration and permanent marking of electrolysis test stations on the Martinez Force Mains be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley 6. AUTHORIZE $135 FOR TECHNICAL WRITING PROGRAM FOR DOUGLAS McMILLAN, ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, that Douglas McMillan, Assistant Environmental Engineer, be authorized to attend the four-day Technical Writing Program in San Francisco at a cost of $135. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley 7. DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES - NOTICES OF FILING OF REPORT AND TIME AND PLAcE OF HEARING UNUt~ StCIIUNS b4/U-b4/4, IU, HEALTH SAFETY CODE After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Allan, that a resolution directing the preparation of a written report, the giving of notice and the holding of a hearing on July 5, 1979 with respect to delinquent sewer service charges be adopted. Resolution.No. 79-99. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson Members: None Members: Stanley DETERMINATION OF EQC RATE FOR 1979-80 8. a. RESOLUTION REGARDING APPLICATION TO ALL PROPERTIES PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO COLLECT EQC ON TAX ROLL AND TO CONSIDER RATES FOR SEWER SERVICE b. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that as a procedural requirement of the EQC hearing process, it is necessary to update and revise the EQC rate at this time. Board Members reviewed a chart of projected expenditures and revenues through 1981-82 along with a graph illustrating the O&M cost trends. Mr. Dalton, Deputy GM-CE, advised that considering inflation and growth factors in the O&M Budget, the recommended rate of $7.75 for all residential users is the lowest rate practicable and at this rate the District will have to utilize some of its EQC reserves to meet the anticipated O&M Budget for 1979-80. 05 31 79 1524 Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, pointed out a provision of the proposed resolution which had been added in response to an earlier Board request. This provision stipulated that the Board would reconsider the EQC rates during the hearing on collection of the EQC via the County tax bill. In this way it would be appropriate to receive testimony on the budget and the EQC rate at this hearing. After discussion, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Allan, that: (a) a resolution regarding the application of EQC charges by the CCCSD for all served properties for 1979-80 be adopted, and (b) a hearing date be set for June 21, to consider rates and the intent to collect charges on the County tax roll. Motion carried by the following vote: Resolution 79-101. AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley 9. PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF 1979-80 O&M BUDGET ITEMS At the request of Mr. Dolan, GM&CE, Mr. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer, overviewed some of the items contained in the proposed 1979-80 O&M Budget. Discussion followed, wherein staff indicated that a detailed review will be conducted at the next Board Meeting (June 7, 1979). 10. MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS EMPLOYEE ASSN. REQUESTS Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, introduced Mr. Peter Wiebens, President of the Employees Assn., who gave a presentation containing the following requests: (1) The Board make salary adjustments for all employees in the amount of 9.5%; (2) The District increase its share of the COL contribution 44.37% to 50%; and (3) Modification of the District's extended sick leave program. At the conclusion of Mr. Wiebensl presentation, Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, summarized management1s analysis of the employees requests. The analysis indicated recommendations relating to potential changes in policies and procedures. Items being essentially economic in impact were considered to be subject to negotiation between the Directors and the Employees Association. Management recommendations were summarized as follows: (1) Salary Request - Staff has compiled salary comparison charts using data obtained from five agencies which are offerèd for Board review. Management recommendation - this item should be the subject of negotiation. (2) Increase in Retirement COL Contribution - Management recommendation - subject to negotiation; and (3) Extended Sick Leave Program - the êmployees requested that the Board consider the feasibility of joining Contra Costa Countyls Workers Compensation plan. One feature of this plan would improve the coverage for employees who are injured on the job. The County's plan provides full salary for all permanent employees during any period of compensable temporary disability absence due to a work-connected injury or illness. If a disability is determined permanent, salary payments terminate. It was managements recommendation that since there appeared to be some problems related to joining the County Workers Compensation plan at this time, the Board consider the alternative of adopting a salary continuation program. This program would maintain an income for employees subject to work-related injury or illness, with the duration and percentage of income maintained to be subject to negotiation; that the District use workers compensation guidelines to define work-related illness; and the District be given latitude to use discretion in the selection of a physician to determine the existance. of the disability and the individual's ability to return to work. Board discussion followed. After discussion, President Carlson asked the Board Members to consider the proposed requests and take actions as appropriate. 05 31 7/9 1525 Request 1. - It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Campbell, that the request for a 9.5% salary increase adjustment for all employees, excluding management, be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Boneysteele, Allan and Campbell Member: Carlson Member: Stanley Request 2.- It was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by President Carlson, that the request for the District to increase its retirement COL payments to the County Retirement System from 44.37% to 50% be denied. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Member: Boneysteele, Allan and Carlson Campbell Stanley Request 3. - It was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Campbell, that a salary continuation plan be adopted with the following provisions: (1) Compensation to be 70% of the adjusted gross salary, which would be derived from a combination of workerls compensation and District salary continuation for job related temporary disabilities. (2) Should the employee find it necessary, he/she may draw from their accrued sick leave to bring compensation up to 100% of existing salary. (3) The maximum period for which this plan could be used by an individual would be six-months, or until a stable level of disability was reached. (4) The plan would begin on the first day for incidents that required immediate hospitalization and on the third day after the individual became unable to attend work in the case of temporary job related disabilities not requiring immediate hospitalization. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley Mr. Wiebens and Ms. Terry expressed thanks to the Board Members for their consideration. 11. PROPOSED DEPARTMENTAL STAFFING - 1979-80 Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that this item is being presented for Board review and study prior to action at the meeting of June 7. Mr. Dolan highlighted staffing personnel changes that were indicated on the organization charts in the various departments. Attention was called to the need for additional staffing in the Engineering Department- Construction Division Legal Claims Section. Mr. Robert Hinkson, Manager-Collection System Operations, explained the diffi culti es encountered in getti ng employees to handl e the lion-call" assignments. He is therefore requesting that the compensation rate for on-call standby be modified from 7-hours pay at straight time per a 7- day period to 9-hours pay at time and one-half overtime rate. David Niles, Manager-Plant Operations, is proposing the deletion of 7 Permanent Intermittent plant attendant positions and requesting authorization for the establishment of 5 additional Operator I positions. Of) :il r, ';:) 1526 Board Members will review the proposed personnel budget and discuss it at the meeting of June 7, 1979. 12. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA a. AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF DECHLORINATION FACILITIES AT THE WATER RECLAMATION PLANT After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to negotiate a contract with John Carollo, Engineer, for the design of dechlorination facilities at the water reclamation plant. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley b. ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR JAKI CCTV SYSTEM COMPONENTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $401.10 After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Allan, that the high bid in the amount of $401.10 from Sanitation District No. IV of Santa Clara County for surplus JAKI CCTV System Components be accepted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE ONE ADDITIONAL SEASONAL EMPLOYEE FOR CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING DIVISION c. After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Campbell, that authorization to hire one additional seasonal employee for the Construction Engineering Division, be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Member: Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None Stanley d. LETTER FROM SENATOR ALAN ROBBINS,SAN FERNANDO VALLEY Board Members acknowledged receipt of the letter dated May 24, 1979 from Senator Alan Robbins requesting the District's adoption of a resolution supporting SB 217 "Robbins Anti-Forced Busing Constitutional Amendment and the Gann "Spirit of 13" Spending limit Amendment. VII I. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. Dolan advised that he and District staff members had attended a meeting in Sacramento with Neil Dunham and other staff members of the State Water Resource Control Board to discuss the construction, engineering and grant paÿment delays encountered by the District in completing the Water Reclamation Project. He felt that Mr. Dunham had a good understanding oflthe problem faced by the District. District staff pointed out to the State people that it is now administering the technical services connected with modifying and completing the project and suggested that the District should be eligible to receive full grant funding on all administrative and engineering work. Mr. Dunham replied that the Districtls request will receive consideration. 05 31 79 1527 The Brown & Caldwell billing system was reviewed and the State suggested that a second EPA interim audit be conducted. It is now standard procedure for the State to conduct annual audits on all its 1 arge proj ects. In order to update the District records relating to grant payments, Mr. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer, will go to Sacramento and analyze the Statels records on the grant funding of the SA and 5B projects. Mr. Dolan reported that the State Water Resource Control Board indicated it will try to expedite the processing of the 5B-I contracts and related payments. b. Mr. Dolan distributed a series of photographs showing progress on the temporary steamline installation at the plant. c. In answer to Board query regarding the outfall repair, Mr. Dolan advised that new specifications have been prepared for the new pipe and bids are in the process of being solicited. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Carniato advised that he will be reporting to the Board in the near future on a meeting he had with attorneys for Peterson/Simpson. 3. SECRETARY None. 4. COMMITTEES Member Boneysteele advised that the ABAG meetings have been suspended for the months of June and July. IX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR a. President Carlson advised that he had received a response from Senator Hayakawa in regard to his letter to the Senator concerning continued funding of the grant program. x. ADJOUR~MENT At 11:35 P.M., President Carlson adjourned the meeting. ,¡ .' '", ! ( ,/ / Ii ~ i iLl/' C/':"-Z./{---'; / President of the District toard of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: , Se e ry of the D. rict Board of the Central Contra Co a Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 05 31 79