HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-01-79 1460 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 1,1979 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State of California on February 1, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. President Carlson requested the Secretary to call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Members: Members: Stanley, Boneysteele, Allan, Campbell and Carlson None II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 4, 1979 After discussion, it was moved by Member Campbell, seconded by Member Allan, that the minutes of January 4, 1979 be approved with the following corrections: Under "VII. NEW BUSINESS, 5. PERSONNEL, ENGINEERING a. ADOPT RESOLUTION CANCELLING ELIGIBILITY LIST FOR ASSISTANT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER", in the second sentence of the first paragraph, insert the word "no" before the word "objection". Under "VIII. REPORTS, 4. COMMITTEES", in the third sentence of the first paragraph, within item (3), change the wording "5B-I and 5B-II" to read "5A-I and 5A-II". Motion was unanimously approved. III. EXPENDITURES None. IV. HEARINGS None. V. BIDS None. VI. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer (GM-CE), suggested that the Board consider Item 2 of Old Business prior to receiving the report to be presented under Item 1. There was no objection from the Board. 2. SEMI-ANNUAL COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS REPORT Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, made brief reference to the report and referred to Mr. Hinkson, Manager of the Collection Systems Operations Department. to present an overview of the contents of the Collection System Semi- Annual Report. Mr. Hinkson advised that the report is based on statistical data compiled from the monthly reports. He directed the Board1s attention to maps of the maintenance zones and noted that four additional zones have been added to the collection systems. There has been a decline in 02 01 79 1461 service calls over the same period of a year ago; a 30% decline in plugged sewers and a 38% reduction in root caused stoppages. The 5,591' of pipeline repair through December 1978 exceeds last year1s total by 1,1901. This is a result of the use of slip-lining as a repair technique The TV cameras inspected 212,0171 of pipe line, which represents a 27% increase over the same period a year ago. Board Members noted that the Martinez area had the largest amount of sewer calls. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that the District inherited the Martinez system and at some point in the future, may need to reduce the problem by lowering storm water infiltration into the system. After Board discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Stanley, that the Collection System Operations Semi-Annual Report be accepted. Motion was unanimously approved. President Carlson reverted to the order of the agenda. 1. ENGINEERING REPORT RELATIVE TO POTENTIAL LITIGATION TO BE CONSIDERED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:50 P.M., President Carlson declared an executive session to receive a presentation made by Mr. Bud Benjes of Culp/Wesner/Culp, relative to an engineering study he conducted on a matter concerning potential litigation. At 9:10 P.M., President Carlson closed the executive session and thanked Mr. Benjes for his presentation. 2. SEMI-ANNUAL COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS REPORT This item was taken up as the first item of business under "Old Business". VI I. NEW BUSINESS 1. ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT AND ADOPTION OF RESPECTIVE RESOLUTIONS AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, that the easement from Richard H. Mossman, Lafayette area, Job No. 2834, Parcell, be accepted at no cost to the District and a resolution adopted to that effect. Resolution No. 79-30. Motion was unanimously approved. 2. ACCEPTANCE OF ANNUAL SELF-MONITORING TREATMENT PLANT REPORT Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, referred to David G. Niles, Manager-Plant Operations, to give an overview on some of the high points in the Self-Monitoring Program Annual Report for 1978. Mr. Niles reported that in the 1978 calendar year, the treatment plant received a total flow (including wet weather flows) of 12,435 million gallons, averaging 34.1 million gallons per day. The secondary treatment process was operated throughout the year, even though some sections required modification and repairs which hampered a smooth operation. During the first quarter of 1978, there were violations of the NPDES effluent requirements, but these violations have been substantially reduced due to the stablization of plant startup operations. Upon acceptance of the annual self-monitoring report, it will be submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board- 02 01 79 1462 After discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Allan, that the 1978 Annual Self-Monitoring Program Report be approved and submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Motion was unanimously approved. 3. CLAIM OF $463 FROM WOO-UP KIM, 184 GLEN CT., WALNUT CREEK, FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE After explanation by Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, it was moved by Member Boneysteele, seconded by Member Campbell, that the claim submitted by Mr. Woo-Up Kim in the amount of $463 in property damage be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. 4. PILOT SCALE EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE PHOSPHOR,US REMOVAL PROCESSES Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained that preliminary investig tions have indicated that significant cost savings might be realized through the implementation of an alternative phosphorus removal process. Staff is proposing that the District consider undertaking a grant funded study as an alternative to our present process to evaluate the Phostrip process and one other alternative process. At this point the staff is only asking authorization to complete preliminary engineering studies, put together a plan of study and complete a grant application. Should the District decide to proceed, the overall pilot scale tests would cost approximately $300,000. The State Water Resource Board has indicated that it would consider this work for Clean Water Grant Funding. In response to Member Campbell IS query, John Larson, District Special Project Sr. Engineer, commented that the cost to implement this process throughout the entire plant would be on the order of $6,000,000. Member Allan stated that this estimated cost would in all probability escalate, and that the staff should explore other avenues before any commitment is made by the Board. In response to a query by Member Stanley, Mr. Larson stated that the work contemplated under the original request has been subsequently reduced and if the initial engineering work is performed by in-house personnel, the cost should be approximately $7,000. After discussion, it was moved by Member Stanley, seconded by Member Campbell, that authorization of $7,000 to conduct initial in-house engineering and prepare a detailed Plan of Study, cost estimate and grant application package for grant funding, be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Member: Members: Stanley, Boneysteele, Campbell and Carlson Allan None 5. PERSONNEL Member Allan suggested that both personnel items be acted upon by a single vote: ADMINISTRATION CANCEL ELIGIBILITY LIST FOR THE POSITION OF RECORDS CLERK - ADMINISTRATION CANCEL ELIGIBILITY LIST FOR THE POSITION OF RECORDS CLERK - PLANT OPERATIONS After discussion, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Stanley, that the Eligibility List for Records Clerk- Administration and Records Clerk-Plant Operations, be cancelled, and that advertising and establishment of a new Eligibility List for Records Clerk be authorized. Motion was unanimously approved. 02 01 79 1463 6. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS ADDED BY SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR THE POSITION OF PURCHASING AND MATERIALS SUPERVISOR, R-76 a. Mr. Dolan, GM-CE, explained the request briefly and referred to David Niles, Manager-Plant Operations, for further explanation of this request. Mr. Niles advised that Mr. Walter Fox, Technicia1 Assistant to the Plant Operations Department, plans to retire in mid-March. He has been performing the duties as outlined in the proposed Purchasing and Materials Supervisor class description. This proposed class description will serve to clarify the job requirements and be more definitive for job recruitment. After discussion, it was moved by Member Allan, seconded by Member Stanley that a class description for the position of Purchasing and Materials Supervisor, Range 76, be adopted effective March 1, 1979 and a resolution adopted to that effect (Resolution No. 79-31); and that authorization to cancel the position and class description of Technical Assistant, Range 77, on an appropriate date following the retirement of Walter Fox, be approved. Motion was unanimously approved. VIII. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dolan advised that he has received the noise report from Salter and Associates, Acoustic Consultants. Noise readings taken at key points around the Treatment Plant were found to be in excess of contract specified levels. Salter and Associates propose a series of solutions to reduce noise levels at the Plant and bring them into compliance with the contract specifications. The report has been given to Brown and Caldwell and they have been instructed to pass it on to the contractor. Should the contractor refuse to do the work, the District will have to correct the problem and backcharge the contractor. It was the consensus of the Board to await the contractor's response before initiating any action. b. Mr. Dolan advised that a letter has been received from S. M. Skaggs of Van Voorhis and Skaggs, Attorneys at Law, requesting more time to properly evaluate cost saving methods for Valley Disposal Service. Mr. Skaggs indicated that a consultant would have to be retained to determine any efficiencies resulting from a transfer station. Before proceeding any further, they intend to solicit proposals and discuss cost and benefits from such a study. c. Mr. Dolan advised that for now he is withdrawing the issue of salary disparities resulting from supervisors earning less than their subordinates, but in the future he would be recommending certain meritorious step adjustments that would eliminate some of these disparities. d. Mr. Dolan stated that correspondence has been received from Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service indicating they will be adjusting their rates for service within the City of Lafayete to conform to Lafayette Disposal's rates in compliance with the Board action taken on January 25, 1979. e. Mr. Dolan directed the Board's attention to the Personnel Report for the month of January. In response to Member Allan's query, regarding the position of Manager-Engineering Department, Mr. Dolan commented that the position was readvertised and the application filing date has been extended. 02 01 79 1464 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT a. Mr. Carniato requested a special meeting during the month of March to discuss litigation matters. The Board agreed to hold a special meeting on March 29, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. for this purpose. b. Mr. Carniato advised that he will be providing the Board with copies of reports from the various consultants engaged in connection with litigation matters. 3. SECRETARY None 4. COMMITTEES None. IX. MATTERS FROM THE FLOOR a. The Board designated Saturday morning, February 24, 1979 as the date to meet with City and Local Officials to discuss EPA requirements for an Air Quality Mitigation Program for Central Contra Costa County. Representatives from the EPA will explain the latest requirement. its implications, its relationship with the "208 Plan", and the costs to the public for non compliance. b. Members Boneysteele and Allan advised that they would be unable to attend the Clean Water Grant Administration Workshop on February 16 as previously planned. c. Member Allan advised that CAS A had mailed copies of two bills, AB 170 and AB 287, which might prove of interest to the Board and staff. The Secretary of the District was requested to make copies and distribute them to other Board Members. Member Allan stated that he also had copies of CASA's presentation to the State Water Resource Control Board concerning CASA's position in regard to revision of guidelines for pretreatment of industrial discharge. Mr. Dolan commented that Jay McCoy, Collection System Engineering and Services Division Manager, had also made a presentation to the State on behalf of Central San. d. Member Allan queried Counsel as to the progress on the proposed office site property. Mr. Carniato replied that he has met with current owners and needs verification on certain matters before making a Board presentation. A Hearing has been scheduled concerning Eminent Domain Proceedings for February 15, 1979 at which time he will give a report on his findings. X. ADJOURNMENT At 10:30 P.M., President Carlson adjourned the meeting~ -, 1" .' f / ,./' ,¿, ..", ;' ¿'v/} . (./ ~/,//-,..,_..: , President of the District Bóård of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: ec~ tary of the .strict Board of the Cen ral Contra C ta Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California \J~ V.L ì,' 9