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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAPITAL PROJECTS AGENDA 02-05-08 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 I III 11 off Place Maltlllez CA 94553-4392 19251228-9500 . IVIVIV centlalsan olg CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE Chair Menesini Member Hockett Tuesday, February 5, 2008 3:00 p.m. Third Floor Executive Conference Room Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER *2. FY 2007-08 MID-YEAR CAPITAL PROGRAM FINANCIAL REVIEW - Farrell 3. CURRENT PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS - Pilecki/staff *4. REVIEW OF MAJOR PROJECT LIST FOR FY 2008-09 - Farrell/Pilecki 5. ADJOURNMENT * Attachment A "., Recycled Paper c{ I- 1-11: wO C.9A. Ow ~II: I- coztn ow:) ~~I- ow." 0>....... NOI- >- ~ 'A LL a.. V~ ~II: ....IC <Cw 5:>- <C · OQ - =t ex:> o o N f- c:( ~ - ~ N ~ CO ::J L.. ..c CD LL ~ .. co .- o .~ I ---.. o~ 0'-'" N E >- t! Ll.m "0 G) .. ..a. u_ It J! o .- .. a- Il. ftS U of( - - of( - ~ co - ~ ~ 0 ~ CO N . 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""C CD CD ::J C C U CD CD C 0.. > CD co >< ~ U co CD c ..c - co co CO "C LL ...... ...... () 0 0 CO I-- I-- > en ~ 00 N LC') {;fi- >. Q) ~ co E "x en e Q) ~ c.. co c.. E co +:i - en I'- Q) 0 I'- -- ~ 0 -- 0 I'- N - 00 '- (]) 0 ..0 I I'- E 0 (]) 0 > N 0 >- Z u.. Q) 0> ..c C ~ (]) c en c :::s 0> en Q) ~ ..0 (]) ::::::s 0> U t+= C co (]) co ::::::s c CO (]) u.. > 0 (]) en 0:: -Ie -Ie -Ie CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 MAJOR PROJECT EMPHASIS Although the Capital Improvement Budget is made up of funding estimates for many individual projects, each year there are a several major projects which together account for a majority of total estimated capital expenditures. In FY 2008-09, the emphasis will be on 19 large projects, which account for 77 percent of the total estimated expenditures. Estimated FY 2008-09 expenditures for each of these projects are noted within the parentheses. A-Line Relief Interceptor - phase 2A ($8,125,000) This phase of the interceptor will connect to the existing 1 02-inch A-Line Relief Interceptor in Buchanan Fields golf course and extend to Meridian Park Boulevard and Galaxy Way. To minimize costs and construction impacts on the public and businesses the interceptor will be constructed using tunneling methods. The interceptor will be set at a depth that will allow a gravity connection from the City of Concord pump station. These improvements will provide additional peak wet-weather relief capacity for the existing A-Line interceptor system. Camino Pablo Trunk Sewer and Flush Kleen Forcemain Improvements ($1,850,000) The project involves replacing gravity sewers and two pump station forcemains within Camino Pablo and the Camino Pablo frontage road from Miner Road north to the Flush Kleen pump station. The gravity sewers, approximately 3,000 feet of 8-inch and 10-inch pipe, will be replaced utilizing open-cut and pipebursting methods. The forcemains, one 6-inch and one 1 O-inch, each approximately 1,700 feet long, will be replaced using open- cut methods. Construction and traffic control details will be closely coordinated with the City of Orinda. Piping Renovations and Replacement - phase 4 ($1,800,000) This project will provide reliability in the many piping systems both above and below ground in the treatment plant by renovation and replacement where required. Walnut Creek Renovations - phase 6 ($1,800,000) The Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 6, project will renovate approximately 10,000 feet of 6- through 10-inch sewer pipe at ten sites. Design started in FY 2007-08. Construction will occur in FY 2008-09. Lafayette Renovation - phase 5 ($1,500,000) The Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 project will replace/rehabilitate approximately 11,000 feet of 6-inch through 10-inch sewers at ten different sites throughout the City of Lafayette and neighboring areas. Design will be completed in FY 2007-08 with construction in FY 2008-09. Major Projects FY 2008-09 1 Plant Site Improvements ($1,500,000) The original purpose of the project was to restore and preserve areas of paving throughout the plant site and to add paving to areas that are currently unpaved. While a majority of the project still deals with pavement, the project scope has been expanded to include handicap accessibility, re-grading, housekeeping pads, permeable paving, plant drainage, and fence/gate work. Martinez Sewer Renovation - phase 2 ($1,200,000) The Martinez Sewer Renovation, Phase 2, project will replace/rehabilitate approximately 4,000 - 5,000 feet of 6-and 8-inch sewer pipe located in the public right of way and easements. Construction will occur in FY 2008-2009. South Orinda Renovations - phase 3 ($1,200,000) The South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 3 project will replace/rehabilitate approximately 10,000 feet of 6 and 8-inch sewer pipe at ten different sites. The project is scheduled for construction in FY 2008-09. Standby Power Facility Improvements ($1,200,000) This project will replace two existing diesel generators that will not meet the new regulations of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and which have reached the end of their useful lives. 2007 -08 Development Sewerage ($1,180,000) This project provides for appropriate capitalization of District force account labor and other expenses for planning, design, and construction of developer installed and contributed main sewer facilities. Primary Structures Demolition ($1,100,000) This project will demolish the abandoned primary sedimentation tanks and backfill the area. It will also demolish the lime storage silos, building, and associated piping systems. Additional obsolete facilities may be included in this project based on further evaluations. This work is intended to increase safety around the abandoned primary sedimentation tanks and to allow for future expansion of the Primary Sedimentation tanks and related facilities Solids Handling Improvements ($1,054,000) The purpose of this project is to design and construct improvements recommended in the Solids Handling Facilities Plan Update of September 2005 for emergency and non- routine handling of biosolids. The improvements include a new, more robust, dewatered sludge handling facility. Aeration Air Renovations ($1,000,000) To improve reliability of the above and below ground piping network and the in-tank air delivery system for the aeration process by inspection, renovation, and replacement where required. This project will repair cracking in the air plenum boxes. A future phase of the project may eventually require a complete replacement of the secondary aeration system air delivery system. Major Projects FY 2008-09 2 Alhambra Valley Assessment District ($1,000,000) The goals of the Alhambra Valley Assessment District (AVAD) Program are to assist property owners with septic tanks to finance the cost of extending and connecting to the public sewer; to avoid future use of septic systems and sewage pumping systems in Alhambra Valley; and to facilitate direct and indirect connections to the Alhambra Valley trunk sewer so that CCCSD can be reimbursed more quickly for its planning, design, and construction expenditures associated with the trunk sewer extension. Scrubber Water Mercury/Metals Removal ($1,000,000) This project will modify MHF 1 and MHF 2 in order to increase sustainable solids processing capacity, maximize the use of alternative fuels to minimize GHG emissions, and decrease emissions of mercury, other heavy metals, and cyanide to the environment. Treatment Plant Asset Management ($1,000,000) The Treatment Plant Asset Management Plan documents completed projects and institutional knowledge within the various processes of the treatment plant. In FY 08/09, condition assessments will be conducted on treatment plant processes, systems, equipment, and structures. Vehicles and Equipment Acquisition ($1,000,000) The District annually evaluates its needs for new or replacement vehicles and equipment. This project will provide the District with new or replacement vehicles and equipment. TV Inspection Program ($900,000) The TV Inspection Program is a large scale, multi-year effort to CCTV inspect the entire CCCSD collection system. A publicly bid CCTV inspection contract utilizing digital imaging and database software is awarded for each year. The contractor's data is being integrated with existing CCTV inspection data and existing sewer information databases. Currently sewers in Danville/Diablo are being televised with sewers in Alamo and Moraga to follow. CSOD Facility Improvements ($800,000) The project consists of design and construction of a new CSO administration, crew, and warehouse building. The project also includes site improvements such as new paving and landscaping. Prior to construction, the District must obtain permits from the City of Walnut Creek, and address any City requirements. The project is expected to be completed in spring 2011. Major Projects FY 2008-09 3