HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-03-87 146 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON SEPTEMBER 3,1987 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict convened in å regul ar meeti ng at its regul ar pl ace of meeti ng, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 7: 3S p. m. on Septernbe r 3, 1987. President Clausen called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary Pro Tern call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Carlson, Clausen ABSENT: Members: McNulty Member McNulty had indicated previously she would be unable to attend this meeting and requested that she be excused. II. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Bick Hooper, Vice President of Right-of-Way Trail Advocates (RCWTA> addressed the Board on Item VI. ENGINEERING 2, presenting an updated status report on the Iron Horse Trail which is the official name of the trail along the Southern Pacific Right-of-Way. A master plan to coord.i nate and organ i ze efforts on the tra i 1 has been in i ti ated and a resolution which makes it clear that the $200,000 mitigation contribution covers the enti re 1 ength of the ul timate pi peli ne proj ect from Ensenada Drive in San Ramon to Rudgear Road in Walnut Creek has been adopted by East Bay Regional Park District, Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, Town of Danville, City of San Ramon, County Park District R7-A, and the Alamo Improvement Association. Mr. Hooper voiced ROWTA's concern that after Central Contra Costa Sanitary District finishes its work that the trail be returned to at least its preconstruction condition and urged the Board to approve staff's recommendation for trail restoration in the Alamo 'area. Mr. James Marieiro, 138 Clipper Lane, Martinez, representing Blum Road Alert, addressed the Board on Item VI. ENGINEERING 3, asking the Board what the intended use of the Lagiss property is after acquisition by the District. Blum Road Alert is in favor of using this property for a buffer zone and is concerned that even though that is what the District states as its intention now it may change in the future. He also stated that he would 1 ike the Board to consider a beautification program for this area. Mr. Roger J., Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer stated that the District's present intention is to use this property as a buffer zone, but that the Di strict coul d not commit to 1 imit its use shoul d other future Di strict pl ans devel Ope Mr. James L. Hazard, Counsel for the District, stated that any future change in use of this property would require the District to follow CEQA guidelines which would require either an EIR or a Negative Decl arati on and that the publ ic woul d have the opportunity to be heard at that time. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF AUGUST 20,1987 It was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the minutes of August 20, 1987, be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member McNulty being absent. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Dalton, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of Items 1 through 8, be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. 09 03 87 147 1. Resolution No. 87-I4S accepting an easement at no cost to the District from L. W. SAULAClOi, et ux, Orinda area, Job 3886 - Parcell, was adopted and recording authorized. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Dalton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: McNulty 2. Resolution No. 87-146 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from CLIFF LANE ASSOCIATES, Wal nut Creek area, Job 4381 - Parcell, was adopted and recording authorized. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Ca rl son, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: McNulty 3. Resolution No. 87-147 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from J. P. MORRILL, et ux, Al amo area, Job 4381 - Parcel 3, was adoptéd and recording authorized. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carl son, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: McNulty 4. Quitclaim sewer easement, Job 3227 - Parcel 3~ San Ramon area was approved, executi on and recordi ng were authorized (Resolution No. 87-148). Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carl son, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: McNulty s. Quitcl aim sewer easement, Job ISS2, Wal nut Creek area was approved, execution and recording were authorized (Resolution No. 87-149). Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Ca rl son, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen NOES: Members: None AB SENT: Members: McNul ty 6. Quitclaim sewer easement, Job 309, misc. parcel, Pleasant Hill Bart Station area was approved, execution and recording were authorized (Resolution No. 87-IS0). Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: NOES: Carlson, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen Members: Membe rs: None . ABSENT: McNulty Members: 09 ,03 87 148 7. Authorizati on was given for P. A. 87-28 (Ma rti nez area) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Ca rl son, Dalton, Boneysteele, Cl ausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: McNulty 8. Notification of Management Support/Confidential Group Officers for 1987-1988 was received. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER None V. ADMINISTRATIVE RECEIVE THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADV ISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1986-1987 1. President Clausen questioned the completeness of the disclaimer of District 1 iabil ity in the Deferred Compensation Handbook. Mr. James L. Hazard, Counsel for the District, stated that he will look into this. President Clausen complimented the staff of the handbook. Member Boneysteele commended the outstanding graphic work in the handbook. President Clausen declared that the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee Annual Report for 1986-1987 was duly received. VI. ENGINEERING AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-Q-IIEF ENGINEER TO EXEClITE A JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE T()IN OF DANVILLE, DP 4324' -.. 1. Following explanation by Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Carl son and seconded by Member Dal ton, that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to execute a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with the Town of Danville for District Project 4324. Motion approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Members: ' Carl son, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: McNul ty 2. APPROVE A $49,31S CHANGE ORDER FOR RECREATIONAL TRAIL RESTORATION AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF FOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH EAST BAY. REGIONAL PARKS DISTRICT FOR TRAIL CONSTRUCTION ON THE SAN RAMON VALLEY INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROOECT . , . Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, introduced Mr. Curt Swanson, Principal Engineer, who gave a brief history of the project. Discussion by the Board followed. President Clausen stated that he would not vote to approve this change order on the basis of mitigation. If staff states that the proposed change order is 1 ess expensive than putting the railroad ballast rock back and is the best way to bring this portion of the trail back to its pre-construction condition, then he will vote for it. Staff indicated that it was less expensive. Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager, stated that staff has met with Right-of-Way Trail Advocates and East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) for the past several months preparing a master pl an that will serve all communities al ong the trail. Mr. Morsen also presented a summary of how EBRPD anticipates spending the $200,000 which it will receive from Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and where it anticipates getting further funding. 09 ;~O3. '.87 149 Following Board discussion it was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Dalton, that a $49,31S change order for installation of a 3-inch deep by 10-foot wide gravel surface for trail restoration in the Al amo area be approved. Moti on approved on the foll ow i ng roll call vote: AYES: Members: Ca rl son, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen NOES: Membe rs: None ABSENT: Membe rs: McNulty Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, asked the Board's di recti on to staff for negoti ati on of an agreement with the EBRPD for admini,stering trail construction on the San Ramon Valley Interceptor Sewer Project. Specifically, does the Board want to give direction to EBRPD on where to use our funds or allow EBRPD to appropri ate the funds as they see fit. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that the District transmit the $200,000 to EBRPD and that it be done in a document that states that the'money is intended for upgrading of the entire trail from Rudgear Road in the north to Ensenada Drive in the south. If EBRPD spends the money in a particular area, it is their decision. CCCSD does not intend to prov i de funds to the EBRPD for any other improvements on the Rudgear Road to Ensenada Drive segment of the trail. The document should also state that CCCSD does not assume any liability or responsibility for operating the trails. CCCSD will not release the funds without the condition that EBRPD will assume responsibility for the trails. Mr. Hazard stated that 30 to 60 days after Contra Costa County exami nes CCCSD's work we shoul d prepare an agreement with the County regarding trail responsibility. VI. ENGINEERING 3. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DEQARATION AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF, ENGINEER TO PROCEED WITH THE AOOurSITION OF. . THE LPûISS PROPERTY' . James L. Hazard, Counsel for the District, requested that consideration of this item be delayed pending discussion in closed session. VII. COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO EXEQJTE AN AGREEMENT WITH RODDING-CLEANING SERVICE FOR $128,100 FOR A PIPE BURSTING DEMONSTRATION PROJECT Following explanation by Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, and discussion by the Board, it was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Dal ton, that the General Manager-Chief Engi neer be authorized to execute an agreement with Rodding Cleaning Service, an appropriate sole source provider, for $128,100 for a pipe bursting demonstration project; that the Board of Directors finds that this project is an experimental test project to determine the suitability of this type of no dig technology for future use in accordance with Public Contract Code 3400(b)¡ and that Resolution No. 87-1S1 be adopted to that effect. Motion approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Dalton, Bon~ysteele, Clausen NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: McNulty VIII. APPROV AL OF EXPENDITURES 1. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 Member Dal ton, member of the Budget and Fi nance Committee, stated that he and Member Boneysteele reviewed the expenditures and found them to be satisfactory. 09 03 87 150 It was moved by Member Dalton and seconded by Member Boney steel e, that Expenditure List, dated September 3, 1987, including Self-Insurance Warrant Nos. 100147-100148, Running Expense Warrant Nos. 34322-34597, and Sewer Constructi on Warrant Nos. 4810-4862, be approved as recommended. There bei ng no obj ecti on, the motion was approved with Member McNul ty being absent. IX. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None X. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dol an, General Manager-Chief Engi neer, requested that the Board hold over to a future Board Meeting the report on County Planning Congress. Director Boneysteele, CCCSD's representative to County Planning Congress, and the alternate, Ms. Jacqueline Zayac, will give a status report at that time. b. Mr. Dol an introduced Mr. James Kel ly, Pl anni.ng Division Manager, who gave a report on staff actions concerning septage dumping procedures. All Bay Area wastewater treatment plants have been or are being notified that effective December 4, 1987, the Di strict will accept trucked-in grease interceptor waste only from sources within the District's service area. All other trucked-in waste, primarily residential septic tank and portable toilet waste, will be 1 imited to sources within Contra Costa County. Mr. Dolan stated that as the Board requested, he brought the subject up at CASA's Managers' Meeting where he received a consensus of support for new legislation, if necessary, to regulate unauthorized manhole dumping. Mr. James Hazard, Counsel for the District, stated that the CASA attorneys group will be having a discussion on this issue and he will report back to the Board before the November CASA meeting. ' c. Mr. Dolan gave a brief report on nitrification in the water recl amati on process. CCCSD is negotiati ng with Contra Costa Water District regarding reclaimed water. Unless there is objection by the Board, staff intends to put the treatment plant into the ,nitrification mode for a 60-day test period and assess the increased costs at that time. No Board objection was made. d. Mr. Dolan introduced James Kelly, Planning Division Manager, and Lynne Bunker, Associate Engineer, who gave a report on Solid Waste Plan Revisions. The County Sol id Waste Management Plan (CoSWMP) is now del inquent and must be updated. Without an approved CoSWMPthe County cannot implement any major needed solid waste management programs. The CoSWMP was produced by County staff in a very limited amount of time; and once approved, the CoSWMP can be amended at a later date. Mr. Dol an asked di recti on from the Board as to the degree which CCCSD should get involved and provide leadership on the issue of recycling. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that the District shoul d inqui re of the cities for which we franchise to what degree they would like to have the District involved in developing the cities' recycling plans. Following Board discussion, i.t was the consensus of the Boa rd to send a 1 etter to the citi es of Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga, and Danville with an information copy to all cities in Contra Costa County providing an outline of the District recommendations to the CoSWMP and indicating the cities' responsibil ities and that CCCSD is interested in working with them. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None 3. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT None 09 " 03;-87 " 151 4. BOARD MEMBERS a. Member Dal ton reported on the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors hearing on the East County and. Garaventa landfill sites. , b. Member Dalton reported on the September 2, 1987 Sol id Waste Commission Meeting. XI. ANNOUNCEMENTS None XII. ClOSED SESSION 1. INITIATION OF LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section S49S6.9(c), on the advice of Counsel based on existing facts and circumstances, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has decided to initiate or is deciding whether to initiate litigation. At 10:1S p.m., President Clausen declared the closed session pursuant to Government Code Section S49S6.9(c). At 10:25 p.m. President Clausen concluded the closed session and reconvened the meeting into open session. XIII. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN ClOSED SESSION At this time President Clausen returned to Item VI. ENGINEERING 3. VI. E~INEERING 3. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DEQARATION AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-Q-IIEF ENGINEER TO PROCEED WITH THE ACQUISITION OF THE LAGISS PROPERTY ' It was moved by Member Dalton and seconded by Member Carlson, that this item be continued to October 1,1987. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member McNulty being absent. XIV. ADJ OURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Clausen adjourned the meeting at the hour of 10:26 p.m. P aside of the Board of Directors ntr Contra Costa Sanitary District, y of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: /j ZeIn L(ì/! tU,¡<----..- S~c e' ry of the Central Contra ta Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 09. 03 87