HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-11-88 136 MINUTES OF THE ADJ OURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISlRICT BOARD OF THE CENlRAL CONlRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT HELD ON AUGUST 11, 1988 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned regul ar meeting at its regul ar place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, , at 3:00 p.m. on August 11, 1988. President Rainey called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. I. RQL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Carlson, Clausen, Rainey .ABSENT: Members: Dalton Member Dal ton had prey iously adv ised staff that he woul d be unabl e to attend this meeting and requested that he be excused. II. PUBLIC COMMENTS President Rainey indicated that this meeting is a special study session to review some of the options regarding solid waste. At this time the public is invited to comment. Any discussion that would lead to a formal Board decision will be calendared at a future Board meeting and additional publ ic comment invited at that time. There being no comments from the public, President Rainey proceeded with the agenda. III. SQID WASTE 1. BOARD WORKSHOP ON ALL ISSUES RELATING TO THE Sa. ID WASTE PRœLEMS FACING CONTRA COSTA COUNTY AND CENlRAL CONlRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT Mr. Roger J. Dol an, General Manager-Chief Engineer, indicated that the purpose of this workshop is to consider the options available to the Di strict with in the context of the whol e sol id waste probl em faci ng Contra Costa County and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Mr. Dolan stated that the District, as a franchiser, has acquired a .degree of responsibility for garbage collection and disposal but has delegated that responsibility to the collectors. The collectors have not secured a disposal site pending Acme's closure in early 1989. A disposal solution must be found within the next few months. Mr. Dolan indicated that the District has a degree of responsibility to the voting public and to the public in the franchise areas. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Kent Alm, Associate Counsel for the District, who reviewed the legal responsibility of the District with regard to collection and disposal of solid waste. Mr. Dol an refl ected on the prov isions of the franch ise agreements relating to the sol id waste questions now facing the District and the County. Many parties, including public agencies and members of the private sector, are involved in trying to solve these problems. Contra Costa County, the franchisers, export negotiating groups, and regulatory and permitting agencies are among the public agencies involved. Those in the private sector deal ing with sol id waste probl ems incl ude the sol id waste haul ers, in- and out-of-county 1 andf ill operators, and concerned members of the public. Mr. Dol an highl ighted the authority, responsibility, and elements missing from a complete sol id waste management system capabil ity for several key pl ayers from both the publ ic and private sector. Mr. Dolan stated that to date the parties have fail ed because, no one party has yet identified a waste disposal system over which they have control of all the necessary el ements and no consorti um of invo-I ved parti es has yet been formed with the intent and abil ity to impl ement a comprehensive sol ution~ Mr. Dol an rev iewed the components of short-term (six months to two years), intermedi ate-term (two years to five years), and long-term (five years plus) systems, range of options open to Central San, and decisions which will determine ;;ðs '1'1;.~88 137 District invol vement in the sol ution of the sol id waste probl ems. A packet containing copies of the viewgraphs outlining Mr. Dolan's presentation were distributed to the Board and members of the public. Member Carl son expressed concern about the publ ic perception and indicated that if the public perception could be improved upon perhaps the solid waste problems could be solved. Member Cl ausen stated that when he originally came on the Board of Directors, he expressed concern with the solid waste situation in the County and doubts as to whether the County woul d be abl e to handl e it. The private sector has attempted to sol ve those probl ems but has been stymied. The other groups involved with the solid waste problems have good intentions but it is doubtful whether they will be successful in the short term. It is up to Central San to take acti on. By choosi ng to franchise garbage collection, the District accepted some responsibility. At the very least, the District must enforce the franchise agreements. President Rainey agreed with Member Clausen stating further that as a public agency, the District may stand a better chance of being successful than the private sector. Member Carl son stated that the Di strict coul d take the "wait and see" option and simply enforce the franchise agreements. Under the terms of the franchise agreements, the collectors have the responsibil ity for disposing of the waste. If the District were apprised of the collectors' efforts in this regard, they could be analyzed; and together with the Acme transfer station proposal, they may solve the short-term solid waste probl ems. Then work coul d 'proceed with the greater responsibil ity of finally siting a landfill. Member Carlson suggested that in addition to one large landfill site to serve the whole County, individual disposal sites should be considered. Member Boneysteel e stated that when he proposed th is solid waste workshop, he did it in response to the proposal received from Waste Management at the 1 ast Board meeti ng. It was Member Boneysteel e' s intention that staff evaluate the Waste Management proposal for reasonabl eness and come back with an al ternative, if appropriate. The Board must accept, rej ect, or make a counter offer to Waste Management proposal. President Rainey agreed that consideration of the Waste Management proposal was part of the purpose of this workshop. However, before the Board can accept or r~ect the proposal, the whole range of options must be considered since by accepting the Waste Management proposal, other options may be precluded. Member Carl son stated that other opti ons may be avail abl e. Those other options and thei r economic impact shoul d be considered as part of the discussion and decision making process. Mr. Dolan suggested that the Board appoint a committee to work with staff in eval uati ng the Waste Management proposal. The final course of action would then be acted on by the full Board. Mr. Dolan stated that the Waste Management proposal must be considered in the context of the total sol id waste probl em. To secure an export agreement with Al ameda County, Contra Costa County must have a landfill site and a commitment to build. A public landfill may be ra:¡uired. President Rainey recommended that the District meet with members of the Board of Supervisors regarding a public landfill. President Rainey stated further that if Acme is successful in securing the necessary permits for a transfer stati on, there woul d be no need for ,a transfer station on the Kiewit property. If Acme is not successful, the Kiewit property may be a good 1 ocati on for a transfer station. Member Clausen agreed with President Rainey but stated that he did not want the District to be caught with no options in January 1989 if Acme is unsuccessful. Member Clausen recommended that the Board authorize staff level activity to develop export options including consideration of the Waste Management proposal. Member Carl son agreed. Member Boneysteele recommended that the District proceed with the ~~8 11 8.8 .Þ 138 transfer station pl an with the understanding that the District fully supports Acme's attempts to site an interim transfer station. The District's plan would simply be a back-up plan in the event Acme is not successful. President Rainey requested that staff make a presentation at a meeting in the near future concerning the impl ications of proceeding with the District transfer station option. Mr. Dol an stated that these tentative actions of the Board do have staffing implications. Personnel allocations would be made on a tentative basis pending final Board decisions. In summary, President Rainey requested that staff make a presentation at the next Board meeting concerning the District transfer station option. President Rainey appointed Members Clausen and Rainey to meet with members of the Board of Superv isors concerning a public 1 andf ill . Mr. Dolan thanked the Board for the direction provided. IV. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS R81UIRING BOARD ACTION None V. ANNaJ NCEMENTS None VI. ADJ OJRNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Rainey adjourned the meeting at the hour of 4:47 p.m. to reconvene at 3:00 p.m. on August 25,1988, for an Adjourned Regular Board meeting. '4)./ resident of the Board of D Central Contra Costa Sani County of Contra Costa, COUNTERSIGNED: '1 , '¡ L .f)'ìL(l) ",¡', sec¡~~~;Ÿ of' ~h~ ceh'~~~{'~ntra Co,s~a 'Sanitary Di strict, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia '~()8 1,'1 ,1,8