HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-01-90 20 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON FEBRUARY 1, 1990 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 1:30 p.m. on February 1, .1990, for a tour of the District laboratory facilities and a demonstrati on of the Gas Ch romatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS). The Secretary noted the attendance of Board Members Boneysteele, ~ausen, and Rai ney . Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reviewed the operation of the GC/MS which is used to measure very dilute concentrati ons of vari ous organi cs. Mr. Bhupi nder Dhaliwal, Laboratory Superintendent, briefed the Board on recent changes in the environmental field and regulations which have led to the need for advanced instrllTlentation such as the GC/MS. Addition of new compounds which must be monitored, more stringent standards, and increased frequency of monitoring have changed the way in which the laboratory must work and the equipment needed. Ms. Sue Hasselwander, Chemist I, reviewed the procedure for receiving and handling samples prior to analysis. Mr. Pat Fisher, Chan i st II, demonstrated the method for extracti ng a compound to be analyzed and preparing the material for the GC/MS. As much time is spent in sampl e preparati on as in the actual analysis. Ms. Jonal ea Ostl und, Chemi st II, di scussed the procedure for maki ng the concentrate used in the GC/MS. Mr. Tri Nguyen, Chani st I, di spl ayed the cl eanup col umn used to trap impurities and the fraction collector which collects many compounds from one sample. Mr. Phil Snyder, Senior Chemist, showed the Board the GC/MS laboratory and discussed the operation of the GC/MS which is used to analyze priority pollutant samples. Mr. Pete Mendoza, Chani st II, showed an exampl e of the fi ngerpri nt spectrum used as the basis for identification of compounds. Mr. Snyder stated that the GC/MS gives us the flexibility to analyze samples to meet current requirements and allows for modification to meet future requirements as regulations change. In response to a question from Member Rainey, Mr. Charles W. Batts, Plant Operations Department Manager, stated that the District provides GC/MS services to other agencies. The District charges approximately the same as an outsi de 1 aboratory; however, our turnaround time is better because set up time is reduced since we do work for similar agencies with similar samples. The Board commended the laboratory personnel for the interesting and i nformati ve presentati ons. Board and staff returned to the Board Room for the regular meeting. I. ROLL CALL President Carlson called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. PRES EN T: ABSENT: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Clausen, Rainey, Carlson None II. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. John Tulley commended the Board and staff for their leadership and efforts in the solid waste area. President Carlson thanked Mr. Tulley for his comments and stated that very serious issues are facing this District and the County. The Board appreciates the time and comments of members of the public. 02 01' 90 21 III. CONSENT CALENDAR It was IT!°ved by Member, Rai ney and seconded by Member Cl ausen, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of seven items, be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. 1. Resolution No. 90-022 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from California Kosaido, Inc., San Ramon area (Job 4177 - Parcel 2) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 2. Members: Rainey, Clausen, Boneysteele, Dalton, Carlson Members: None Members: None Resol uti on No. 90-023' accepti ng an easement at no cost to the District from California Kosaido, Inc., San Ramon area (Job 4189 - Parcel 5) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: NOES: , ABSENT: 3. Members: Rainey, Clausen, Boneysteele, Dalton, Carlson Members: None Members: None Resolution No. 90-024 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from California Kosaido, Inc., San Ramon area (Job 4189 - Parcel 6) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 4. Members: Rainey, Clausen, Boneysteele, Dalton, Carlson Members: None Members: None Resolution No. 90-025 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Shapell Industries, Inc., San Ramon area (Job 4452 - Parcel 2) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 5. Members: Rainey, Clausen, Boneysteele, Dalton, Carlson Members: None Members: None Quitclaim Deed was approved to David E. Garrett and Randi L. Garrett, Job 1562, the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District were authorized to ,execute and record said Quitclaim Deed, and Resolution No. 90-026 was adopted to that effect. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Rainey, Clausen, Boneysteele, Dalton, Carlson Members: None Members: None . . 02 "01"' 90 22 6. The contract work for the Treatment Plant Landscaping, Phase I Project (District Project 10031A) was accepted and the fil ing of the Notice of Completion was authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Rainey, Clausen, Boneysteele, Dalton, Carlson NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None Presi dent Carl son commented on the compl eti on of Phase I of the Treatment Pl ant Landscapi ng proj ect and the enhanced appearance of the intersection and entrance to the District facilities. 7. The Board was advised of the closeout of the Sulfur Dioxide Facil iti es Improvements proj ect, Di stri ct proj ect 10030, and return of $2,965 to the Treatment Pl ant Budget Program. Th i s item was presented for the information of the Board of Directors. No action was taken. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER None IV. SQID WASTE 1. CONSIDER DRAFT RESPONSE TO COUNTY SOLID WASTE COMMISSION CONCERNING MANDATORY SUBSaUPTION ORDINANCE - SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that since the County Solid Waste Commission requested that the District impose mandatory subscription for solid waste collection service, District Counsel has reviewed the District's present ordinances and regulations and concl uded th at what th e County has req uested is already in effect. Mr. Alm has prepared a draft response to the County Solid Waste Commission. A copy of the District's ordinance has been attached to the proposed letter. Member Rai ney suggested that a copy of the 1 etter be sent to the cities for which the District franchises. Mr. Dolan agreed. Member Boneysteele suggested that the fourth paragraph of the proposed letter be deleted. It was moved by Member Rai ney and seconded by Member Dal ton, that the draft letter to Mr. Roy Hawes, Chair of the County Solid Waste Commission, be approved with the amendments noted above. There being no obj ecti on, the moti on was unanimously approved. 2. VERBAL PROPOSAL FROM SID CORRIE FOR PUBLIC OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPOSED LAND WASTE MANAGEMENT LANDFILL SITE ON KIRKER PASS ROAD Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported on the contact made by Mr. Sid Corrie and his request that his proposal for publ ic ownership of the proposed Land Waste Management landfill site on Kirker Pass Road be calendared for consideration by the full Board of Directors. A copy of Mr. Corrie's proposal was provided with the agenda packet. Mr. Tom Stewart, of Inform Publ ic Rel ati ons, addressed the Board representing Mr. Sid Corrie and Land Waste Management, the owner of the Kirker Pass landfill site. Mr. Stewart stated that a public landfill site offers substantial benefits and enhances considerably the opportunity to site a landfill. Mr. Stewart cited the following benefits to a public landfill. 1. The profit motive woul d be removed and an opportunity woul d exist for investment of additional funds in host community mitigation measures. 02 01 90 23 2. A public landfill would help stabilize costs by providing a benchmark for comparison with other landfills. 3. Full disclosure of all information would be allowed. 4. Responsible operation would be ensured. 5. A public landfill would guarantee a place to dispose of waste including ash and sewage sludge. Mr. Stewart presented a brief slide show and reviewed the advantages of the Kirker Pass landfill site. Mr. J on Cohen, an attorney representi ng Lan~ Waste Management, described the current status of the Kirker Pass landfill site in the 1 andfill approval process. The General Pl an amendment for the Ki rker Pass landfill site has been approved by the Board of Supervisors. Preparation of a revised EIR has been initiated. The County has been requested to consider action on the Kirker Pass site at the same time as the other landfill sites in February 1990. Kirker Pass was the first site proposed. Action was delayed to allow the other landfill sites to compl ete thei r documentati on and be consi dered at the same time. Mr. Cohen suggested that it would be appropriate to allow all the sites to be considered at the same time now. Mr. Cohen described the general terms of a possible transaction with Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as the lead agency in forming a public landfill. In closing, Mr. Cohen urged the Board to direct District staff and Counsel to begin negotiation with Land Waste Management for development of a public landfill. Mr. Steve Mi nton, 3471 Bl ackhawk Road, Lafayette, endorsed the concept of public ownership of a landfill and transfer station, and the role of the District as the lead agency in such an endeavor. Mr. Minton stated that he read the Land Waste Management proposal and can find nothing wrong with it. Ms. Sunne Wright McPeak, 2301 Stanwell Drive, Concord, addressed the Board as an individual. rather than as a member of the Board of Supervi sors. Ms. McPeak di stri buted a 1 etter endorsi ng the concept of public ownership but opposing the Kirker Pass landfill site. Ms. McPeak stated that the Board of Supervisors has not taken a position on this site but she will actively try to persuade the Board of Supervisors to oppose the Kirker Pass site. Ms. McPeak stated that the Kirker Pass site impacts more communi ti es and juri sdi cti ons than any other si te and she urged the Board to decl i ne further consi derati on of the Ki rker Pass landfill 'site. Ms. Nancy Parent, City of Pittsburg Council member, 2020 Railroad Avenue, Pittsburg, strongly opposed the Kirker Pass landfill site because of its impact on the Ci ty of Pi ttsburg. Ms. Parent asked that she be given an opportunity to show a video and address the Board again at a 1 ater date to present the positi on of the City of Pittsburg if the Board is seri ousl y consi deri ng th e Ki rker Pass si tee In cl osi ng, Ms. Pa rent urged the Board to decline the proposal of Land Waste Management. Mr. David Tam, 6014 College Avenue, Oakland, addressed the Board representing the San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club. Mr. Tam stated that the Sierra Club has supported and continues to support public ownership of a landfill which they feel is a regretable necessity because of the lack of recycling. Mr. Tam stated that the Sierra Club has no public position as this time; however, the environmental merits of this site have been set forth previously. Mr. Dolan stated that if the Board wishes to consider this further, it woul d be hel pful for the Board to appoi nt a committee to meet with other public officials and the proponents, and to provide direction to staff. . Board discussion followed wherein President Carlson stated that an opportunity of this kind comes rarely. As members of the public here "'02' '01 90 24 have stated, consideration of a public landfill is timely. President Carlson suggested that staff review the technical issues and possible mitigation measures for the City of Pittsburg. Although the District's funds are committed to capital projects to provide for our primary concern of wastewater treatment, we should review this proposal to determine if it is a viable alternative, and we should determine the level of interest of other public agencies. Member Rainey stated that if a new landfill is sited given today's technology and EIR requirements, it will be a sound iandfill. Additionally, Member Rainey stated that she is in favor of a public landfill; however, she expressed concern about the traffic at the proposed Kirker Pass site as well as the Marsh Canyon site. Member Cl ausen stated that the Board of Supervisors must deci de which landfill(s) will be sited. The question this Board must decide is whether to support a publ ic 1 andfill at the Ki rker Pass site. Member Clausen stated that he has always supported public ownership of a landfill but believes that a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) would be the appropriate lead agency. Member Clausen stated that we should do nothing 'until we determine whether other public agencies are interested in proceedi ng with a publ i c 1 andf ill. Member Dalton expressed support for public ownership of a landfill but stated that the District shoul d not proceed until the Board of Supervisors acts upon the sites currently before them. Member Boneysteele spoke in support of publ ic ownership of sol id waste facilities as opposed to regulation of privately owned facilities. Member Boneysteele stated that the deficiencies of the Kirker Pass site have been poi nted out by members of the audi ence. The envi ronmental concerns must be carefully considered, and the Board of Supervisors must make a decision as to the adequacy of the site. However, the opportunity for public ownership of the Ki rker Pass site proposed by Land Waste Management should be considered. Member Boneysteele recommended that the other franchising agencies in Central County be approached to determine th ei r interest in pub li c ow nersh i p. If th ere i s a consensus to go forward with a publ icly owned landf1ll, the Land Waste Management proposal should be seriously considered and other alternatives i nvesti gated. Member Rai ney stated that both the proposed Central County J PA and the proposed County-wide JPA contemplate the possibility of a public landfill. Either group would be appropriate to proceed with a publicly owned landfill. Mr. Theodore Wooten, West Contra Costa Sanitary District Director, stated that his District has expressed interest in a publicly QoIned landfill, and he believes that we can count on West Contra Costa Sanitary District to support this effort. Members Rai ney and Boney steel e agreed that work shoul d begi n to determine the level of interest of other Central County franchisers in a publicly owned landfill. It was moved by Member Rai ney and seconded by Member Dal ton, that the District approach other Central County cities and agencies to find out if they are interested in pursuing public ownership or public/private owners~ip of a landfill without regard to a particular site. In the discussion that followed, Member Boneysteele stated that this cannot be done in a vacuum. Other agencies should be advised of the Land Waste Management proposal. The Land Waste Management offer and reasonable alternatives should be considered. Member Rainey expressed concern about approaching other public agencies with the Kirker Pass site since they may be opposed to that particular site even though they may be interested in public ownership of a 1 andf ill. ' .02. 01:.. 90 Mr. Dolan stated that it would be helpful if meetings could be set up with other publ ic officials within the County and the proponents of the proj ect to get an ; dea of the nature of the proj ect. Members Rai ney and Dalton agreed but stated that public ownership should not be tied to a specific site. President Carlson called for a vote on the above motion. being no objection, the above motion was unanimously approved. There President Carlson declared a recess at the hour of 5:05 p.rri., reconveni ng at the hour of 5: 10 'p. m. with all parti es present as previously designated. V. CORRESPONDENCE 1. RECEIVE LETTER FROM MR. ROSS G. HUBBARD, MORAGA TONN MANAGER, REQUESTING THE DISTRICT TO ASSIST THE TOWN IN DEVELOPMENT OF A HOJSEHOLD HAZAADOUS WASTE PRCGRAM The Board noted recei pt of the 1 etter from Mr. Ross G. Hubbard, Moraga Town Manager, requesting that the District assist the Town in development of a household hazardous waste program. 2. CONSIDER NOMINATION, OF INDIVIDJAL AND/OR ORGANIZATION RECOGNITION IN THE COUNTY'S RECYCL ING M ARDS PRCGRAM . Follow i ng di scussi on, it was the consensus of the Board that Ms. Harri ette Hei bel, Publ ic Informati on Coordi nator, be nani nated for the individual award; that Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., be nominated for the business or commercial award; and that the community of Clyde be naninated for the community award in the County's recycling awards program. 3. RECEIVE COpy OF LEmR FROM MRS. DAVID JACOBSON CONCERNING THE LEVEL OF SERV ICE PROV IDED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANPbEMENT Foll ow i ng di scussi on, staff was di rected to i nvesti gate the complaint of Mrs. David Jacobson concerning the level of service provided by Valley Waste Management and to draft a response for the President's si gnature. 4. RECEIVE LETTER FROM MR. TOM SINCLAIR. ORINDA CITY MANPGER, ENDORSING THE RECYQ ING GRANT PROPOSAL REQUEST The Board noted receipt of the letter from Mr. Tom Sinclair, Orinda City Manager, endorsing the recycling grant proposal request submitted on behalf of Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. . VI. APPROV AL OF EXPENDITURES 1. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED FEBRUAAY 1, 1990 Member Boney steel e, member of the Budget and Fi nance Committee, stated that he and Member Dalton reviewed the expenditures and found them to be satisfactory. It was moved by Member Boney steel e and seconded by Member Dal ton, that the Expenditure List dated February 1, 1990, including Sel f-Insurance Check Nos. 100423-100424, Runni ng Expense Check Nos. 51149-51249, and Sewer, Construction Check Nos. 7932-7952, be approved as recommended. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. VII. BUDGET AND FINPNCE 1. RECEIVE THE 1989-1990 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET REVIEW FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1989 02 01 25 FOR 90 26 2. RECEIV E DECEfv5ER 1989 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mr. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer, presented a comparison of actual and budgeted O&M revenues and expenses for the si x months ended December 31, 1989, and projected revenues and expenses for the fiscal year endi ng June 30, 1990. Actual O&M revenues were $175,000 less than budget, representi ng a 1.6 percent unfavorabl e vari ance. Actual O&M expenses were $605,000 less than budget, representing a 5.1 percent favorabl e vari ance. Mr. Funasaki stated that based on actual revenues and expenses for the fi rst si x months, proj ecti ons were made for the full year. Revenues are projected to be $222,000 less than budget at June 30, 1990, representing an unfavorable variance of 1.0 percent. Projected O&M expenses are anticipated to be $88,000 less than budget, for a .4 percent favorable variance. Mr. Funasaki reported that as a result of the projected operating deficit of $133,000, O&M reserves at the end of the fiscal year are projected to be $3,284,000. Board discussion foll~/ed concerning employee benefits, spoils removal, and legal services staff. Member Boneysteele requested that the Budget and Finance Committee review the division of legal services between the Running Expense Fund and the Self-Insurance Fund. Mr. Funasaki reported that the District's temporary investments were held in Treasury bills and notes, commercial paper, and the District's Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) account with interest rates rangi ng from 7.73 percent to 9.47 percent. The latest interest rate at December 1989, was 7.695 percent. The average yield of the LAIF account through December 31, 1989, was 8.645 percent. Mr. Jay S. McCoy, Construction Division Manager, reviewed the 1989 capital projects divided into three categories: 1) projects that have been closed out; 2) projects where construction has been completed; and 3) proj ects that are currently under constructi on. Presi dent Carl son thanked Messrs. Funasaki and McCoy for thei r reports and indicated that the December 1989 Financial Statements and the 1989-1990 Operations and Maintenance Budget Review for the Six Months Ended December 31, 1989 were duly received. VIII. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOAAD ACTION None IX. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engi.neer, stated that last year, after the budget process was completed, we began the sewer service charge rate-setting process. The District raised rates for the first time in several years. At the time the Board del i berated the rates, concerns were expressed for cost factors whi ch were i nherent in the budget which had been approved and which had been discussed over the previ ous several months. In an attempt to improve the process and to eliminate the "end of the pipe" surprises, we would like to include in this year's budget process a beginning review of the rate implications of budget cost increments. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer, who reviewed the projected 1990-1,991 O&M revenues, expenses, and reserves and the projections for the five subsequent years. Mr. Funasaki then reviewed the correspondi ng sewer service charge rates and percent increases. The implications of retaining the current $124 sewer service charge rate for 1990-1991 and the effect on sewer service charge for each $100,000 increment of O&M expense were di scussed. The increase requi red i n the annual Sewer Servi,ce Charge for each $100,000 i ncrement in O&M expenses was estimated to be: Pl ant operati ons, 50 cents; Administrative operations, 61 cents; and all other District operations, 72 cents. :02 ,.01 90 27 b. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. John Larson, Collection System Operati ons Department Manager, who reviewed the status of the proposed Danville development and the offer that the District participate in a joint corporation yard with the Town. Mr. Larson reviewed the details of the negotiations to date and requested Board input. Board discussion foll owed concerni ng restri cti ons on constructi on of facll itfes, easements, and compatible uses. Mr. Dolan reported that this matter will be calendared for Board consideration at the next Board meeting. c. Mr. Dol an reported on the meeti ng attended by Board Members Carlson and Rainey and District staff to discuss development plans for the Dougherty Valley with representatives of the City of San Ramon, East Bay Municipal Utility District, and Dublin San Ramon Services District. d. Ideas to celebrate Earth Day, April 22, 1990, were discussed. District activities will be coordinated with other events in the County. Presi dent Carl son w ill work with staff with regard to pl anti ng trees on the plant site as part of Global Releaf. e. Mr. Dolan announced that the first load of paper from the 5A controversy has been recycled. Approximately five tons were recycled and $143 was received. The money will be contributed to the Christmas Party Fund. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None 3. SECRETAAY OF THE DISTRICT None 4. BOAAD MEMBERS a. Member Rainey reported that the Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee will meet on February 21,1990. b. Member Cl ausen reported that there was a Soli d Waste Export Committee meeting on February 5,1990 to discuss an export agreement with the Ci ty of San Jose. X. ANNaJNCEMENTS None XI. CLOSED SESSION None XII. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISQJSSIONS IN QOSED SESSION None XIII. ADJ OJRNMENT There bei ng no further busi nessto come before the Board, Presi dent Carlson adjouned the meeting at the hour of 6:30 p.m. President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COU NTERS IG NE D : C íU Lt. ex, (() LrY':LU'-a~ S c e ry of the Central Contra Co ta Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California . " , . ~'Ô;2 '"dl - " ".' ;, :;, 'gO