HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-25-90 (2) 18 t----- MINUTES OF lHE ADJ OJRNED REGULAR BOAAD MEETING OF lHE DISTRICT BOAAD OF lHE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON J ANUAAY 25, 1990 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned regular session at the Velvet Turtle, 100 Chllpancingo Parkway, Pleasant Hill, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 6:30 p.m. on January 25, 1990, for a joint meeting of sanitary, sanitation, and water districts in the Contra Costa County. The Secretary of the District noted the attendance of the following Board Members. I. AmNDANCE PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Rainey, Carlson ABSENT: Members: Cl ausen Member Clausen had indicated previously that he would be unable to attend this meeting and requested that he be excused. II. INTROOOCTIONS Ms. Susan McNulty Rainey, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, welcomed everyone to the second Special Districts Meeting. Ms. Rainey reviewed the background leading to the formation of this group. The representatives from each sanitary, sanitation, and water district attending the meeting introduced themselves. III. ELECTION OF OiAIR Ms. Bette Boatmun, of Contra Costa Water Di stri ct, nomi nated Ms. Rainey to serve as Chair of the Special Districts of Contra Costa County. There being no other nominations, Ms. Rainey was elected by acclamation. IV. APPROV AL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 10, 1989 Chairperson Rainey stated that the minutes of the October 10, 1989 meeting have been presented as an informational item. V. UPDATE ON SOL ID WASTE MATTERS BY SARA HOFFMAN, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGER Ms. Sara Hoffman, Contra Costa County Soli d Waste Manager, gave a sl ide presentati on and di scussed the amount and type of waste generated in the County, the remaining life of the three landfills in the County, and the status of the export agreements with Al ameda County and Sol ano County. Ms. Hoffman reviewed the landfill permit process and reported that it takes approximately five years to complete the process providing no obstacles are encountered. The current design standards and requirements for construction of new landfills were discussed. In cl osi ng, Ms. Hoffman provi ded an update of the status of the five landfill sites that have been proposed. On February 13, 1990, the Board of Supervisors will consider certification of the final EIRs, General Pl an Amendments, and 1 and use permits for the Kell er Canyon (Keller-Bailey) Landfill and Marsh Canyon Sanitary Landfill. The General Plan amendment for the Kirker Pass landfill site has been approved by the Board of Supervisors; however, no request to initiate a revised EIR h,as been made. The proponents of. the East Contra Costa Landfill have contacted the Community Development Department and requested initiation of a revised EIR. The Bay Pointe site no longer has a proponent and is considered dead. ' Discussion followed concerning closure and post-closure monitoring and related costs. 01 25 90 V. IMPACT OF COUNTY SOLID WASTE PLANNING ON SPECIAL DISTRICTS Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manger of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, briefly highl ighted AB 939 (Sher) which creates the Integrated Waste Management Board and revises the sol id waste pl anni ng process. Assemblyman Sher is currently drafti ng cleanup 1 egi sl ati on rel ati ng to the impl ementati on of AB 939. Mr. Morsen reported that he will be meeting with Assemblyman Sher in an effort to clarify the voting authority on the County Integrated Waste Management Plan and the responsibilities of Special Districts involved in solid waste f ranch i si ng. Chai rperson Rai ney reported that Speci al Di stri cts address 1 etters to Assemblyman Sher supporting this effort. VI. DISQJSSION OF MAJ OR ISSUES FACING INDIVHXJAL DISTRICTS Representati ves of the Speci al Di stri cts present di scussed maj or issues and problems. Common issues identified most often were sludge disposal, solid waste planning (JPA), and water quality. Ms. Rainey stated that AB 2588 provides for reimbursement of State mandated programs such as the Air Toxics Pooled Emission Estimating Program (Hot Spot) now required of many districts. Ms. Rainey suggested that these items be placed on future agenda for discussion. VII. DEVELOP AGENDA FOR APRIL 26,1990 MEETING Agenda items for the next meeti ng willi ncl ude: AB 2588, sl udge disposal update, and JPA update including the role and authority of Special Districts in solid waste planning. Additional items should be submitted to Joyce W'Millan, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553 by Apri 1 1, 1990. VIII. ADJ OJRNMENT There bei ng no further busi ness, the meeti ng was adj ourned at the hour of 7:50 p.m. Dinner was served immediately following the business meeti ng. /¡~~ President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COu NTERS IG NED: 01. )25 ,. . " ", " ". 19 90